CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Oct 1912, p. 12

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cbpla"dsomo gooci gMontgu'-Tùt"rmdt the. support of the inltair shape tâs yus and the good MEMBER BRINOS AN .IMPOR'rANT ehowing made by the. pi y ors Meuns hhat not yYuthey SUIT TO PREV CNT REPER EN- will get even btter attendance and more enthusiastic sup- DUM ON INORtEAOSE. port from local admirers of the game. VOTE ABOUT TO BE UROERED It's strange how ail these straw ballots about Wauke -______ gai usuaily resiini one tblng-Teddy leada. And til we hear much Taft sentimnt. 'The. Idications howevIer, OPPONENT4S OF THE OONAI4UR are such that the regular candidlates of the G. 0. ]P. ticket, OF LOOPHOLE8. Congreasional, etc., must do nomet gfocail attention te the Iact tuat they' are in the runnilng or people wiU forget Cnsttutlofllty of th. Donahu that they are in theOrace. îaw, passed by the Iast Minois le9I8-ý ~~ ~ namde up 01 tba inlu, ul inurece socletlosM iuet ubmit the .A00? o SO @Wf Or tf lly>5 m g é J 0U b6.YU éUf sU tentfdofltS. state tremaurerdiVisIon 0ftb.P lal ié U ti ïoi<ik a tt~Wl mi. m(5 ,.~ = jme superintendent of publit usin0 eim ats a em- ZOtll 11504Wl ajb. Peifld oclSU al boUt'to fig a date for bersllp on the aPPlicaton-Of 10 por 10f John Ghiofths. à Chcago Contâm5 &"n»e fBWM Dlt r l.lO.The Insuirgent Woodmea cent of the Miemberi ater tihe adop- l In derafI Judge i.w<us' COfQe4f lfi o i8de0aU a Ol15~Sth@eincreaso Ilu rates, Ortdlt o!Of W bylaWs On the propoatilon day. mise JIA i'efémd t4 eldstl tier & satloon aseeva ed y Üê bad ampasttbe offr. attlme tsa Ilitwam0101;t r6p- se VW 0,a mu.vsa êdb iaba apatJaafry. 01 a change Ilassessmaeits. Tb*s o-*1 'î tow c ~bY* baseocarrying on a llvely cam.ceya te)agn l h cut oWI r at ihis 1(8e date. a" fowuit ti ,*b on clt, ie agetla00 onti, ii Tbe property wua aold 1a otsS a .1tln btlêa be ruicd and lie beeftary fund & i ma a, o&Ïomta -wb e î1îhlonctioa suit was begun by hausted If the ratas adopted là j»a reoeiver's sali te acula 0 f thse v.- ts iis lm - ia.Dole la em. Adis Joues, a beneficial mombor of uary are aot,milowo4 to remaila 0f- rganitio "omules, oW smiAo,00. poyed At .thes4e erm feiot'y. ICc tisA' aoeiety ince 1889 b ansfe ie111alus cai ia ieJoseph W. liomm.ausattorney wlîo slauu l. $8»,00 l11 inourance un e h court rOmISrain thse exec»tive council Oppoalng confirmation of the agaecos- wiée; Mms. Mary Jones, la beneficlary, 0f these oiety trom ubmaittlflg theitendu that methodi acte usoil tap r.,Tise OSn-YBsW m .t ln regular ses- cOttOilda ta[ he oId rate« nover hmd question of a repeal te a vote On thse vont fair bidding on tise l'préf'tfo5. aloil st t he, <iWClcmti Pool firs basa adezuatc ta meet thse cot of 1 rounid tisatishe new saituts la vold Mr. Grigfth. will> W calledlult', court Wedme*iay. A *"lkàpie dinner w», bWeeflianld carry ouit the accruisi ad uncoanstitutioflal. to temtlfy regardlng hlm Odfer, . gu1 1i t- !clP ', That Round Lake sensation fizuled out, but the stite- carried it far enogh to show that there waa something that needed investigation and ail that ailed other papers wus that the Sun, on Baturdayot ahead of them in printing the statement that an invesigaition wus being zade. REV j A. N T N rector of thse jmmaculate Conception ~ 0FMTNchurch. usa mrig Sound& "Death lnil-" H e uamercltully Centflred thse ci' IS APPOINTEJ TO officIis for their negliteae la net Mi. s CH RCH having conîpeiied the ,Îalroad officiels LOCAL M.tuCIRCIî place men et the crosainesdan gounded what bis parîshioners contend ta ho thse death knell" of the com- mission ferna of govrament la Wau- MINISTER ASSIGNED TO WAUKE- kegan. GAN PULPIT WHOM NONE tà,sfohisemn ARE ACQUAINTED WJTH. Four Mon Were Kilod. _______________ Today I arn ,irongly remiiuded of th' ftuneral we bainlathis churcis OTHER LAKE CO. APPOINTERS about tbirty yearo, ago an thse ac- ___________cident tben, if sncb itrnay ho0 calie4l. was ia a groat ruany respecta sîmilari 4NNUAL CONFERENCE 0F METH- te thse one toda>." ODIETS AT EVANSTON Worm Not ta Biamm. BRINGS CHANCES. "i can remember distinctly wbon lI ____________ weat ta see thse ralroad officiaIs of thse Nortbxetern ratîroal, on bohalf1 Tiseliev. J. A. Pimton a t ihe no of tise widows or the four mon who minîsier appointed te thse Waukegaa were killed. 1 enu remember welI the Metbodst ciurcis ai the Rock River anmwer 1 goltfrom the ralway officiais conference held ai lvaistofl, thse ap wbo stated tisaitisere Caa beho0 Iolatmeats being given ou late Tues- aima on account of this accident." day nîglit. Raps tihe Big Trues. OthOS Lake couaty ad neigihoring "Corporations and truste are dotai- I appointmeats include these: neerias thse country and wisat tbey dld Ântloch-A. 0. Silrude ireappoint- thoni tie>' do 00W." ed.)"Put the bame la thîs came wisro It belonga both on yeu commission Barriagtoa-O. F. mathîson. forte of govenmeni and on your rail- Diamond Lake--C. P. Steiner. roai officiaIs, il belongs on bots." l)osPlalneo' and Rverviow-T. H. Foira for Own Sut ty.I Jorgenson. 'Lasi nigisi 1 was called ta tise tant Gago' Lako-C. W. lI.oaard. colony and bsai ta pas by thse place Glenco--ii. G. Smith. wbere tbsen men wre killeai. and Grayslak-To hoe supplied. wben 1 came back frot thse tant Col- Hickor ld on>' 1 felt vol>' anîlous untîl 1 got over plied. ry<bat traciad 1 bave crosied Otha pliod.)track a good miany timnsinathe pami; IfIgliln Park-Vern A picker. six weeks.y Làake Bluff-J. C. Yaaier îreap- poluted.) Mmd Sigfled Petition. Laie Villa-J. B. Lowrie treaP-. "Tisem two mon two years ago. polnted) slgned a petition for a croealng guard North Prairle-Tisotasa Hart. at that crossiag. And hIs leurne for Palatine-J. B. Robenaen. - our autborties to wake up. This rail- Wauconda and Vol-lt. C. Haliock. road in your servant net your malter. Yonrk ouie-O. 11. Jones. Tise> have to bot a rîgisi of way ta go Z0 icCtY-L H. Swoetland. through your terrltor>', and ses thse lit- WaUkegan peope do nt know Mr, Ile they p>'for IL Thot railroad Cet Fimaton personally but a nuaiber 01 about wayfire million. and tise>'gel people bave ieard that bo la an es. that ralroad for about thre and a oeptionaUy bigis classed man hence haif million." hlm Arrivai bore wlllb. watcised for with linerot. Ho no doubi will ho Ought to Protect Lite. bore te tie charge of bis pulpit Sun- ",Your autharities oughito proteet day morning nei. ît la net yet even your Ille, After thse iroquois fire peo- kliown where MIr. Fimstons prer ionusie wcre golng te do sa mucis, but dia&rge bas been îocatod.I the>' dida't. 1 have ta pay $1,60 tales Most of the pulpits la tthe Coqnni>'on thee osmetery on Marion sauget ad V'ere unehaaged la thse appottonts Iif thai mois>' was givear ta the, tIll- ibis year. lut clama and thse reid mastel tbiey - would put thse City officiai. taiame." The Guity ShotAd Suffer. PRiEST, OVER THE BIER OF "You cammet coavînco me tisat tise DEAO SNOTNEtRS BLAUE$ men who two yaare ago foi tish"need- MAYOR, COMMISIONERS ed a guard tisre were net ttimid and AND RAILROAO OFFICIALS careful. 1 hope whoevor la- reapon- cible ilîl suffer for IL" - "Yeu have got aisother Belvidere 1-E.W. avin retor mmau. troot; thore la no guard or aisy pro loe. W. Gavn, hrcrimescu-tection. Ase on the Bt. Paul rosnd 1t ocpinciucbuasifrtiser oui, aiWarreaton, ibere la no mayor mand commimaonrs for the -ar bt-vey ya hr aa c deth of Arthsur and Michael Mc- :.idnt ar erthr aa Arec. ,len 2--Sounds "dath kisu"hie Urges Immediate Action. parisiiontes daim, of the commis- "Tiese things ougisi to ho attended Mion torm ot govrtimeft IWass ta.People la>'Il la non. of my hbail- kegan. 1 nous, but It ie; i am a Citizenad a 4--Ciaima corporations and ti payer This tiing oughit t ho at- trusts are aabitrriiy ruing thse teaded ta and this accident oult toi country. make you have sometblng done. Don't 4-Ciîams raiiroade are thse &er- iet thora promise you. but mai,. thiem vont& of the people of Wukgan do ht." and not their mater.. "It isn't tseralrcâd aloe, his I-Sams authoritles Of Wouke- ou utorte., If tise> woald Insiat &In are negigent and ,a-e "&jeep. and say we muai ho proiecited we ing e th job" would he. Take Laie Forent ansi S-11leeommends tsait the rail- Highand fPark, tse>' are protected." s'e .iyis bchocompeled to et&. - ive hundrosi fri-nda ansi relatives 14M ame at thse crossings on of the McAree brothers attondesi the *110ilbvga e treet, Washington funeral'service. Oast end 050Ud avenue. "I apealt freoly, but 1 speai tise tésili w.te Pope. truth," aid Father <lavn at the clame "Wb« 1. *y Ote i mayor and of bits sermon. gCU15510051 istcI Waukegan are As thse funerai cortege wended lit dirsedy 'raem"ble or thse deatis of way btaite cemetor>' hundressof tii. tac bofhsrs bo lie deas! before friends o! the deceaiod lok off tisoir ttIsatar, yib~.155 iexpress thse hat& la respect. Tise fanera wau one sentimentg of tise.555 peole wiso hav- of tise largest Ini Waukêgaa lu man>' <uagregated Ille," OMm B. W. <lana, years. Il W* Of the Autuaùn 01 Tb-ere -is Tl o Lové th Our Beai Ehave been literaily showered '4 wlth compliments these last few W days. Hardly a w'Oman who bas atteAddIL is png Exhibit as failld to, exprss ,,i dnii:zn f t h e attractivenes i our showing--.the beauty of our garments. Wblïve dld not anticipate such a, profus- ion <f tbmpm.aits, we "Ouust admit WC expccted a part of tItis pi-aise, for we had made unusual Made Free. of Cos Long Kimonas-Wo- niîen 's fulil length kinionas, nmade ut good quality dîîckling fleeee, heatîtiful floral 1atte-ns,.speC nuiWho lp' itiful New Fait 343 efforts in ass.mbling our fines and exerclsed Abe most exacting care in the sclection, of our styles. Uncomnîonly heavy buying lbas resutted at th;s Opening, which fi only an Indication that the Ladies havc beeià keent to, remogize the excep- tional values offîted. Thcse who, as yet have flot been able to attend t" exhibit, may conidet this another personal invitation. These NXobby Suits at $15.00 Are Without An Equ ai Nowhcre wifl vou filid garinents at $15.00 tlîat ineasire npi)in every partieular to these oui ts. W'hen vo tu to examine the tailoring youî'l fiîîd thal theqe garinents have hecît given the most exacting care in that regard andu the stvles are as eharming as voit will find in the highest priced suits. Made of inoveltyt mixtures and plain ail wool serges; inatchless values at the pice .......................... Sp..ial Offer in SueritDroesesNebbv styles in Ceeu Owlingto a speial prie oncession w are enDabled teo ffer YOU these eses at thi'-g. mr. Smartly tailored in at- trac-tive tyles o serges and. satin iharînieùse, -Robespierre . O Bain. Coa - Woîn- én's raim coats, nmade of rubberized poplin, in tan, navy and gray, speeially priced f1r this Opening 49 sale--------.4.9 Dreas Skrts - A t wuul serge drcss skirts ini blai'k and navy, plain tailored styles. Remarkable values at the. 1.,98 Style in DressIDemapdS a; Pèrfect Fit in lderwear l isda%- ut' tighit-tittitîg dresse, undeî-w'enr inDust ise soîniethiing motre thaîî n roupId bag witlî a pair of 8;î1lier hags at eitheî eul. A roonîy lit is what we wvnnt apd what.we get iii Closed-Combi nations5 witb Patenied Bide Opeini., Freukch Series 42-Inch ail wool French serge, firj weave, elegauit fln- ish, new f ail shad- ings, 89e quality at, per 8 yard....78 -orsted. ,jat mo&s pleaty o f mrc and elasttcity. Thse garusenta s6e Ogre e yshapeaio tise yo n, uSa ttlS.Ole aOre"a Shossider s&rpu prseflnt tis aggiag cothtie ?*l.eves. WitIont tisse Bîipa tise atretch of »e .gods s dowlae woula soon spoil tihe nt othe gement. .. The fabric id wabed and scýientiilcally reabrunk. Thse Ipteaied ctlosdfMaiure prevents chat' 'igor cuine, und i vem anosinal warrnih am' omfort.-.samthilq you have nover ifore experienoed In j'le tisesaine way. Cottont Fleece, $1. CJotton and Wosè $ P OOe the leadng styles of the seaon, Maie f reversihie novelty mixtures in brown, navv and grey hinchillas. Values that are w oriy of our atten- _ .in........... 10.95 Winter Coats $4.98-1 Womneiî's heavy shak- er flannel sweater <'t ats, made fromn the1 fiiest ut pure wor-sted yi all culot 9 roll <41 )il...49 Most Convenient ly lJoderwe-arFor Girls1 CI.eied C.mblrnai@ns --WotOsPateishd 91<1.Op-o, An>' child cm reacis the one button. GarmentB, wbeIL opea, cannt sang dawn unt-Idily -I thse drop-seatunion soit»sdo. t.ame weive am 'Mrnchtyle for womoa Beit goode made ia the United States Fleced cotton, 50e, 75e and 510.Finesiý pure worsted, $1OS 1.50 and $2.00. C ild's Cg Smart f ail styles in sizes for children of 2 to 6 years, muade of chinchilla i de- Isired col- ilOR I ors ...... Swveater Cots-AIi wool sweater coats for women, knit from a fine grade o! wool yarn, corne in red, ist-hite & gray, j LI special -. . ..l " Sheets, PU1lowûCaube, Et'c. PILLOW CASE S c-42 by 36 'inch full bleached pillow calevimade of sot t flnlsbed malin,; the klad tàat you're useiBe bpayiag 1214e for. tomorrow. oach ................9 fine lîsea n tmbed 1,1w caseclame gave, ed iisroad, i4 b> U Ins. sqplendid t9c value,_ amleuS Bket-72 by Cotton ChaUl-A' large inch full bleached new seleetion of pat- ets, free of starch, terns, espèciàlly « lesîra- kind at, bic for qtiilti,~ h .......... 10(- grado, y4 d . DuokilDE leec-Ugndsotne nw jetter.4 in floral and PIudn desinga some w-tii o waists nd ki oap, 15rdeyrd.'12C GERMAN ROBE V9L0u'R-,A SiLIOLINES --New patterais double ,taced Imaterlal for bath and colorlituS ln 16 lacisaliao- robes and boune wrape. gray, lino, oipectallYBualt&ble 41r com- cadet and tan, per 35 forter coveringl . 12 Think af he'rlu5 a man tailored saiý Wt. 6~ ayur measure for sucis a 1jdlculOUiIY 10W prIcee 't,4 at's al we mii provldiit you bu>'tise maieiil t Tof.u"re la a good geleciion or tise vol'lat-est styles * aeiis front ansid a'o gnarantee tise wonkmiIasip ta ho of tise ery higis- est class. aui 90 "Je 75e

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