CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Oct 1912, p. 15

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FRmÂAY, OCTOBER 18, 1912. AUCTION SALESI Ravig dclde taquît fnrming the. uudeciged lllsllau Public auction ou in E.MI MIsin arin *iiuated au Prairie Vian', on iouday, Octotber 21, 1912. Comumiung ai 10 ocloci absif> tbtoi ownng propertyto.wit: 10 cosa, 1 opringeri, balance givlug mutk; 8 god n'k onn ae, 1 colt cuming 5 montha nid, 2 aos csud 10 shunts. 5 Polsudi China bonis, 5 montha nid, 50 chicitens, 20 acres of good bill corn cnt witb bluder, 18 tor, ilmotby hsy luobea, 300 bushels of good mammotb cluster eed ont., 50 hushela n'beat, 2 truck Wagons 8In icb, hay rackt, et gravaI ' anke, top buggy. klcCormick tum binder, Piano grain binder, Broadeasi sueder, 14 dise pulverizer, fil hovel cultlvator, Deering muser. i-esction drag, 14 inch walking pion', Dsnlng bay rate, cutis' Ignnd asn en'. hovel pion', 2 sts heavy barnemos, 1 as good as neu, :3 montha old; ingle harnes, 4 tnilki cane. mutk cooler sud tnougbs sud1 inany oth.r articles îoo numierous tu mention. Uenal terme. Fise lunch at ARTH. C,îaP th-esi Proua. Ipuivenlcer, mSeder, shavel p Ion, poitas [diggen, igiindstoue, Ife cutter, ga engfins 2Zlh. p.. ciee Iansd frame, pnmplng jaîut, 2 truckt suaouà,2 narrosu tire wagons. mîlit wagon, open buggy, clamp boards, double box, cari, set of bsnîy alelgina.aut ut ighi leighs, 2 se hsnvy bar»«s, set cigle harass, 75 chiekeons, 7 dochnud rnany other articlesj too nuleronaSut'Omention. I USaltennms n'ish 6 monsha. ll'eje4cb ai Doon. ArUîîU@ SToURPi, Piop. WI. PETrIL, AUCtilonear GoîiRgE QL71aueî<, Clent. I wIl sell ai Public Auctlon on the OId Raught Farmn, une mile east uf Vola, on baturday, Octuher 26, 1912 The tollosulur prnpenly îo-wlm: 22 Con , 15 holisteln heifens, 12 head grade cosus, durham; 10 hoit- steine, i béliers. 2 yeaîc old, 7 beitens 1 yeaî old. 1 full bloaded.a.i K.,. ,,11i. Jou, Hic, Auiioner. ood Paul Korudyke, No. 77255. A<.MAETIIEI, Clien. 5 boises, 3 geidings, 1150 pounde, 1220 pounide, 1270 poundo; 1 drfvlng Baviug sold my fan I1 wiil ssii ai borse, 900 pounds; 1 bnood mare, 900 pubic -auction 1!4 mile uorth of Liberty. pounds:1!ore i 0 ons ville on Milwaukee avenue on Wedses- , hos,10pune day, October 23, 1912, ai 10:80 sharp, 1 mare, 1350 pounde. wlth colt, boru the followiugc proporir: 20 head catis, Sept. 17. 1912.E 4 new militiecaires bysaide, 2spritgers 1 colt born June 27, 1911, balance tresil cows; bar boras. 0 yre old- os oadCia uo Janeavîlle coin planter, MCormick b 6swsayoaa hn, uo ra uceemoiser, Deeriuxgcor Jersey; 20 pige, Duroc Jerseys. borue bideDeriggrain inder, waiking May 7, 1912; 10 plgs, Duroc Jerseys,c losulky plots, pulverier. Prairie born May 27. 1912. it;sdir 2 section ding, sulky 1ganbnè,D .Cbr;1cr cutivator, walking cultlvaltor. shovel 1ganbneO .Obr;1cr piow, fanning Miii. Ceint>masure binder, Deeng; 1 moweî, Deeriug; mpisader, pair truck& sw, milk wagon 1 bayrack. McCormlek; 1 se.d drill. Dow, bob sed, corn sheller, 2M0 Ibo 1 pulveriser, 1 sulky ploy. .Iansrville;s oca"s, La umower, grindstoue, tank 2cr utvtr;1bn utvt heater, St double bains. sngi ou uivtrs adcutvtr harassa borns blakets, fil nes, sdde 2 1 bob sied, 2 Iuber wagons,. addie, Engilab caddie oser, rldin1 2 bayracks, 1 net gravel planks, 2 i bciddls, addis cloth. 2 omeila covere single buggies. 1 double buggy. 1 ni!lk cannage,' square box cutisr. 6 milk cana. 15 acres corn la @bock, 500 buhells nuswagon. 1 express wagon, 1 sillit cari. la i, millet bey, bon.shold funniturs 1I Sêgalion DU1 tank; 1 60-gallon gazs and many other article too numerons tank. 1 5".gg lucubaton, 1 net double tO metion. Tanuai terme-. Free luncb ligbt driving barness, 2 setse double ai oo. JOHNs CATIÈ, Prop. ene« c mt ingle harnees, 1ingle H. J. POILE, AuctIOneser. baruess, 25 tous bay, 25 acres corn, ________________ 300 huche! s oats, 300 barley, 1 fanulng miii, 1 barn aprayer, 12 milk cane, 1I HavlUg old my fan. 1 .ill soi ai ar los pubilic auction ai *v fiai, 1 mils west piatform ceaIes, 3 bar poe of Onaeand i% mile soutb of Dilley'sa rludetone. 1 wheefharrow, 1 washing corner on Thureday, ()ciober 24, 11)12.1 machina, 1 3-horse evener, 2 5-galion Commpenig at1 oclock sharp, the I caa stvs2-3 et 1cna follo w ig property: 20 headblgbgroa aeIcna 23&et:Icna Hoistelu cattie eonisîing of 13 cows. 19x12 feet: bousehold furultuve, forks, new inîliere aud sprilues. 2 heifera 1, boez. chuvele. etc. yr oild, 3 beýifers 8 monthis old. 1 bull M Termeofsl:$0(iaduert m i i. eaid, lbifer raîf. on rel mare 13 1ofai calsrier$1 hâ sudunderati vie i-id, wt 1404) Ibe. iblackliîorme 131cashalcnsoe ta mut in yr ,.(à0, at 14501 lie, grey mare ) yre afble notes at 6 per cent, Interest .Id, %,& 2400 ibs, 2 hoge. bay rai.l, 1CIARIEP ýA.RAI'GHT, MeCorick corn binder, (;aie cornu rpitr planter, Case sulkyîlow. walkiîng plow, Ceo. Vogei. Autloneer. Prrior 3-geriîon drag. ti galion barrel rhurn, ,-9W*lî- fruit lare, seeder, pulverizer, Champiîon mç)wer, silli cultii'aiîîî, 1horse mculii- HavinR eoli mn', fartnu1I wîll seilI td raton, ;; inch wagoîn wîtlî toi, box1,, pubalic auction on the Mark Rose farm.e eteel truck wagon. nuIt wagon %% itil 4 mile aui o!flirays lake, --pmiles nurti- pole aud itiles, 'angle bingr, pair bol, weî Of l,îhsrîyt-ille and three mile', meileig, setdouble barrie", ingrle e,îuthwect of (;Iîînai'n forda v. 'IcI baues,~ nî an. talbioat, tar s.712 îîanaeîfn i 10 ilalock water tank. fcalvaiized tauk. 1il il ' hmrj>,, lite ioliowinir pr,lsriv 34 cawct, Fairbanke-liarse gacmiîa cumule~, grit iwo wsudrailb v smie, 6 heavy eprinimrs. Mill, auantit v good imnoîliivbay lit barn, halanmi maîer.oanemfulblood Durliana feed cooker, tank beator, 70>0 busteel bull 15 uaontiles ail, 4 fO i ,ilbood Holnen osis. stack oat trasu, 22 acres coin 'a rows matc'h tmam oîf black mares, h; and shocte., 12 fi aOak extension table alei 7 yvare old. wt 2600;, bay homse 1) trs nesu. latnîecus cabinet Aewinir machin@e old. gray horsne 12 yrc aad. st 1400; gond asn w, mentuile8 day claîck neai-iy gras- borne, î yns old, sut 130, 4 dozenr nosu. ilwaukeeteipplione nearly nesu. ecijctene. sod plow, mstubile 1low, sulky 2,, ydo ail -woi ingrain caris-t goal as; plow , Sudei>ak(er narrosu tire wagoîn, nies. large beatîug tove coal or wood. lght' wagon, curry nearly ne', tnon 3 bunier keosene cmove suth ovea, Iron trul -wagon. rinahout, plaiforuî elring lied, wooden lied, pairme. s 2 siofa suazon, toi,î iggy nearly new, milk pfliows, 2 rocting i-htàr.. ,iiiu4 uchair,..wagoin,. P-riug mower, t)eering iay 4 kitcheu chairs, 25 gail) , jar sud 11111Y aynk,. ,ul, erazer. Janegville rultivator, other armAi e too uuas me mu.rut'an draiz. con,,îplanter, waiking cultîvaton I suaI ternis. A ppilm,î, -a, pair o! bob Ieighc, bay JAMI isi 'ii i' ' rirI.. 1 4I hit i -over gasoline englue, (iKa. XOiEL, AUCtiaîUc,". Brîttiller teann in l, c22a17 pum piosI Ls.o F.i Clerk. lic. iav lorl, 20 blarrel catie tank, 2 _______________ caîilriàns, -1il) gallon ail tanks, trenk poîwer. fariim arnieue. heavy teatm Thp. undercigned wil!! -il St jîîdi hrne-s . ingle harneas, coin sheller, auc-tion on tuetariun, kuc a u.c mltinJaîlîn fîf,îaend butter sorker, 20 milk cane, Barken place I1îr miles ..r ofaî .Hall w-alec d,î'ie wagon box, Thonne Day snd 4 miles eoilest oiLake Wiidcîîr lîcatiijiz siove-. srougbi trou Firent on Thurpday. i 0, I,.r 24 191i2 rang-., au,idrv eétove, 17, tons ta ne hay Couînencing aitI10 elari mli- t îîîg iirî. M tins«îîpiand hay il.,barri, property to-suit Roait borse,.--, ri eaiîfctraw,.acres of rn lu @hockt old. sft 130; gray nmare, h1 yns aid. sutjand nther i Î lseLoo numerous to 1250; gray niais, 4 yrs oli, wt 1100; metion. ileusi terme@. Free lunch at borne, 7 yre oid, st 1100:bay mare 1 yr noon. old. sucking cut, 5(10 busheeioata, 20 AvvTiio'î Ijilvo. Prop. bushels sueni, 12 acres4 corn, sinet of Il. B. Johnemou, .Auioneer. grain bnder, coin binder, hay loaderp bay rate, lai rack, Derlng mosuen Aà-eaders becorne home-owuern au nearly nesu, 2 sets o! barrosue, corn a matie? or course-for tbey GUT 5IN- planter, sulky plosu, 3 walkiug plosus, TERESTRO 1IN THE PROPERTY sulky cultivator, walting cultivator,1 PROPOSITIONS IN< THIS CITY, snd STOP Get a Permit and have your Threshing meat delivered at your door any time you want it. Thisjis all done by C.a H. BARNSTABLE .Gurneefmineis Doiugs and Sayîing9 of Uraysiake Y. J. Druce, Edtor j + E Phone 11 Orders Taken for Job Werk Advrtislng Rates On Application Air. aud Mis. SarI Thonînn d eou, nccompned by Mir. Thomson'@ mother aud @luter, 1.1 t Wedne)say on an auto trip ibrougb southeru Wisconsin bu b. gone about a n'est. John Longabîaugh la able ta> Le ont agaln. - WVord received thai LAn Burge subo re- cently undersueut an operation ai the MeAiister hospital that i he âgetiîng a, long verntuioely. Fiant Riley o! the lamenon Tîbbeis Lunaber Co. o! Riound Lake, suas a caller bere Tuesday. Ilon*t firgel the Repulican raîfy ai the Laibersvville tosun bail Friday iniglît (iouigii> <Jood imuait and speatiug. Tbe progressive îaiiy Ainnday eveuing suas not very Iangely aîtended s ews seemued to tuosu about IL. Special services for Intercessiion Sun- day at the Episcopal Mission ai 2:10, Erery une invited. -Io» Marcia Weler @pont Saturday erening sud Bnnday with ber sieter St Chicago. Air. Parks sud Dr. MaeFarlaud of Chicago. n'sre bers on business. The Grayelat, Woman's Club n'111 ametibsn'st*th Air. Perry. Ailes Ad& Sturgise, a young lady froin Chicago, n'as lu unr towu n su 'et eke- iagaboui stnring a dancing sciool. ira. DeVo. of Hslnetlie, le speudlng the n'est n'th frlends bers. A lettei addreeesd to Prof. V. W. Bu rris on Docker & Bond, LIb.nuyffln, encloelng a reitnluce of $1.75 vili ecure a reirved season ticket, good for ths entire entenualumeni courue of fit-e numbers tw Le put ou ibis n'lnteî by the Libertyville liigb sehool. It promises ta be anuespecially pleasanitisrat sud you sbaîuld reeerve your ticket sarly. Ticket@ for individal numbers may be procured lu tbe same mauner by rsmittlng 50t. GJ. W. HogIe sud famlly have moved ta, Kenosi's shoesM5r. Hogle rOas actepi- ad a lîceition suith the Siimulones ilg. Co. i'Fred Doolitie *nd famîally bave uioved rInto tb. Keller bouse receuatî[y vacaied Dby Jus Schloueer sud famly. We unden- Sstand that b. bas aoeep ted a position at the F. D). Baiteranali @tore. t Messrs. John Lougabonèli, Jese Long- abougb. Wm.Ucion and Ma 'in Itankin n'ere amoug the»ns subi, fiot bauds n'itb Ex-Preeldent Roiaseîelî a' fie pas&- uiirougb Waukegsu juet lî0f re lie suas @bot. Mr. and AMrs. L. H. l'reiati,- if Third rLate, have cloaed ibeir uniriiiei homeî sud reeurued to their suiiier home ai tWaukegan. tMrn.d MliaSimon llnaimiandiaugb- t.,r o! Chîago, »pent Sunl.îi aîwta reia- tOves bler-. Misses Nellie sud Jenlu-Bei k anud Mies Eva Tucter of Evausuon, atteniled the funeral of the young son of Mfr sud Mis. Walter Becit bers last SundaY, Aia. T. A. lisynoîda wîil la-ave in the future for Caiornia n'heve lise epecte pta @pend thse ninter uilli lier daugb- tn Air ra. Claude Crippîn. Jndge Ntilan B. Welcb, a forvmer Lakte feounty boy, wlil sPeakt aitue ton b al], Liberbyvilis, Fridny uight f io-night.) Come sud hoanbbm. Dr. J. I. PalnIend son John visited the. frmiers dcngnter Isabel Palmer ai 1Prairie du Chein, Wis. n'here elas attends sebool. Fred DesJardin w'a a Ch scago vicitor th iri 0rsofthe n'est. B. Coombs a»d family sul loe ibeir sntamer borne his et sund returu to their bonis at On&tPark. (leo. Adamn had his fotit quite badl, huiS n'hll scbroddlng corn ai C. Aines rocently. A. Ding sund farnily of [ta evnport, la., bave moved to thes rear roormsof the Rosm block., Mi. Dinig reeently bougbu the Jochhelnà bakery amîd restaurant 1business. The fniende of Mise Orhlaidii ilitot suii be pleneed to Isara that .sie s geting along nioely after a paînful , ieration ai a bolital in Chicago. Frank Hutîhineon and wife of lie- There wasa Bepubli invaiN St the bruin, Ne)r ., are ependîng a few daye O)pera bouse Thureda> e,îi< ait th îe family of F. A. Hutchinson here. Seeral of our staun, L h d.-n,,cratic V. IL. Kuebker and wife spent ceverali riendm were ont iourmWi the country da 'vs thu. seek witb MNI. and %Ir@. M'il- with Mir. Ilunne, detmouriLtife candidate .On ofi Zenda, Vie, for governor Isel Thuredi. JUDGE FOR YOURSELF WADSWORTH. Which c s etier-Try an Experiment James Perkineon ,f i hiaco, @peut or Profit by a Libentyilie Ctzen&r Sunday here. Experience1 Mie@ Elsie Devine visiî.-I at Bristol a Soiénîthing new in an experiment.i couplie of days. Mguet 4, proverd io Le as repre8euted. Itev. J. B. F,lev enî,ertainei eompany Thé siateruent of a manufaturer îe ironi Chicago the rI il ibte o eek. flot eonvîcnîg prooof iimenit.E edeoWaignwsarlr But the endoreeneni of friende ene ! lm.a.wa cle Nîîw iiipoeýng you had a bad iîack, Tueoday. A lame, weak or aching one. Mesdames %I E, ux and (1 1). iait- Would vunexperîment on it. eécî relitTns You v. h read of rîany eo-called cuie. lt eect lt)sls hrd Endoreed Ly cirangers frou far away A4. Ditcbiield van n Wadsworth Mon- places.dn ie« different when the endorneent comee from bomne. eo. Caehmîîre and iamlly wîll soon Easy to prove lot-al tefitlmotiy. mtco h jrytrnna îun Head ibis case. IoeonteGrv en er iluD John Faust. machinist. (irchard St., Ar. and lire Th,e Strang entertaîn. Liberiyville, Ii, §aym:. Doane Kiduey ed company o, r S4nîîda.v. Puis bave don@enie more good iban lire. Wm. Ruf îpnt a few days lunMil- anything elce I have ever ueed for my kidueys. 1 got so bad 1 couid not lift, wankee. and ni, Lack was weak and painful. 1 Fred Wendî hýiti,îally 111 wiih pneu- did not clsep well and tilt stffi wbau 1 moula. sat in a chair for any iengtb of ie. Four hoxes ofl Doans& Kidney Pille made Don't forget the lance ai Browea hal). me well.' ___________ For sale by ail dealers. Piuce 50cents Foetsr-illburu Co , Buffalo. New York lir@. T. A. Towan, 107 (;th i., Waierý sole agenis for the Uied States. towo, S. tD., writ-, -y four childreî Bememnber the uame-Dans@-and are subWeci o liard coldesud I aiways take no other. 4-2 ns. Foley's Honev and Tar Compound Cleansansd purifies the blood; fresh- ,as the eiomach; bilide up the appe- tute; you feel like nesu Hollitere R.L M. Tea. 35c. Pearces Drug Store. DR. L. IM. COULSON VÊTERINARIAN Office et Cardinier Hotel Phone 53R GRAYSLAKE ILLINOIS We bave the very boit Uln town at the vory be8t price. Our Special is the Cascade Linn-a box which contains 48 envolopes and 48 shoota of witlng paper. W. are Belling this big value whlle it laits for only 25e THE REXALL STORES Druce Drug CO. TWO STOMI ~Itraysako - ound Lake n'Ith oplendid recuits. Boine time ago 1 bad a eevere attack of lagnipe sud the ductor pieecribed Fooy'sHloney and Tar Compound and it soom overcamae the ingrlppe. eau alieys depeud upon Foieys Houe, sud Tar Compud aud amn sure o! good resuli.'mF or sale by ail Drugisis. For reculte, use our colunins. STEER STRAIGHT to Wnî. Laycuct & Co. If yon bave any auto need, repslring or utbarn'Ia. We cam to kuon' our %nb sinsssd lu at- tiend lu lt--a dlaIm made good by evsry job ienvlng Oui bands. Even Il you don 't nsdounr ervices ladny, drap lu anbon'. Welcomet Wm. Laycock CO. Ag""taFer MOUINE MOTOR CARS UibetyvilIî IiD. PHOtOS-RseaeSIUL Sb"p 4M5 J- - IU. -1 Graaidma Towsr spent se',erai dayo; with Unr. C. E. Denman the past week. MIs@ John Diawson and daugrhter re- turned from Columbus Juriction, Iowa, accompanied by ber @inter, Mies Boniff, who will visil ber for sortie time. Mies Margart Gilbert, teacher at the [lodge ochool. gave a very irtereeting eu- tertainnient ['ridey alternoon entitled -Cloumbus Day." C. E. Denman transacted business ln Zion City ibis week. Paul (irittin @peut Sunday with bis parens in Waukegan. Unr. Jessie Thom epent Tuetida.v wibh Mmre.Thomi of Liberty ville. Mms. Eiiza Wedge e i akîng a vacati on. She bail taken care of Mnr. l-obt Niran< Sr., for the past three years wthout missîng a night. lire. Pirkl,-cofi An- tloeh, i. filling ber place. Mir. aud Sire. IL. BTwer Ie-nt Si. day wlth Mir. and Nfra. Joe Sy1v~emter if Warren. Nlia@ Bertha White returnedl rini lo- chester, Wis.. where @bc vieîted friends cêveral daye. Several delegates of the 8nuday school !'ave been named as delegatès to the Connty Suuday achool convention. Rev. Geo. Safford flid the puipit Sun- day. The Miliburu Ladies Aid socistY Wili boid their bazaar Thursday, !livember the 7th. Mr. and Mrn, C. E. Deninan sutertain- ed company fron C hicago Saturday and Bunday. Afred Roberte of Chicago, spent Mon- day and Tuesday wlth bis grandparente Mr. andAIdrs. Jamee Jamiesn. RUSHL The ladies are making preparatiotro for a bamasi to b. held November 26. Air. Chas. ba soid bi@ faim to a Mir. Howard of Milwaukee. Inez aud Ailie Suer returned Sunday froni a two weeks vacation. Airs. L. M. Bonner lse pending la few days witb Mis. John Bonner ai %fil- burn. David Murrie aud lirs. Bonner epent Stunday with John Bonner and familv. Zoe Cliase cs eniertaining coîuipany from &Milwaukee. Mire, W. K. Wilby @peut Iaet Tliureday with lire. J. K. Ciîrris. J. K. Cornie mclit&aulaY in the iY recently. (66 For Itheumatism and (uni. TAYLOR GROVÊ Mv. sud Srm. Hýeiet sUea are reloic- RN iug cicr Ithe arrial id a litile daughier Dont forges the Bepublîcan rui$y1E, born l)eîolien tii-s-th. the Libertyvilse tosun hail Fniday Fred Vend t iàiin a serionsio onditiiîu, îtonight.î Good music sud pemkfng ou@ aide beîug iunalî,-eî. Judge Ni nlan H. Welch. a formerlakslw MisesLotis Doyle sper Sî4uday sith nounty boy, wil sPeakt St the1OWuIL ber parents. Lihertyville, Frlday night (t~a~Ut Ailes Edna Sisty elent Stijdar sith Corne sud bear hlm. fnIeudo thère. A latter addrssd to Prof. V. W. bqnW ~ Mmr. Archie Webb c sîîendlng thuet ekor lecker & Bond, Lf>etyvise,eneOiI with ber faîben here. a rernittauce of $1.75 wlA SscSgi. e Basuins pen Snniîyreseived season ticket, gond for jÎl. lire. Mary akn pn dy entîre ententainnient courues or ilé wiîbber on i ihs plce.numbers to, be put ou ibis wlnter brids Si. and MAirs,(. A. Osbornne sucre Vai- L.îheityville higb echool. fi proAiIiSal0 tegan viitora Tbursday. Le au empecially pleasaut tresa las7 1) Mf. Young sud fbmilIy are iiely shculd neserve youn ticket sarly. leku seIted in ibeir uew home. fon indi%-idual numbens may b. procura Frank Yetiesepeni Sunîiay sit ii in tbe sanie initner by remitting Sc bvîîtben ai Pleasanit Prairie. Wai. Dickerson trnacced business in YORK HOUSE Chicago Saturda There suas a azuiîdly number ont su>t E. S. Faulktuer and family epent Sun- day to seleome oui former pastor, Set., ila a 'Rosecrains."[C. F. Joues back. AUl sere glad tu Ses h. I.essch gave a dinuer panty ai his him return. humieeset of here Saîurday. Twsntv. The Ladies' Aid suil meet n'ith Mmrs fiiur sebool teachers attended, lins. T. Omar Carman ou moranag. Vandersuall 4pent the day wiîh ibem. Oct. 24. Beverai from boe are expectiug to HICKORY attend the convention ai North Cicgo Mrs.McGlreandgransonGeo Ha nexi Tueeday sud Wednasdy. Mmc lcOurean gnndou eo Hr- Thes Misses Ain and Jan@ Erwin and mer vislted in Zion City over Saturday Dora Mortanson vlnltsd et the J. U. snd Sunday. Barris bomne Sundny. Leon- la a0» Mr@ Achen o! Kenosha, aud Mms. Ev. speudlng a few days wih thon. Marsin of Milîbunu, are spendlug a flAe . rwtBrrs ui u is deys ai the home of their fathen, George Mwho ha Bearis'itlng erand reu Kennedy. to home. Tb@ cemetery socletY banina bîSn POSt- AMr. and AirsLswrence Miller vtcl poned, n'lll mut aithe Hickory cbureh Bunday ai G. W. Wells. Otober 24. Dinner will b. ssrved b7 ______ Mmr. Grimm and Mmre Boyîsu. Ladies are requeated %o brlug thimble sud BEVIERLEY 0F GRAU8TARK nede Beverley Caihoun, of Wasiclaeo , . Mmira yrs Aioody of Caiforula, la n npt ranstut i 0Vtw apendig a fa' day ai0tbehome ! e ide, Y.tivs, wbo lea rtmsau et apenIng fe day aitthehome f e"donîni-on ber way tu50 a ns cd a Daniel Webb. maiook the cooab le oversarasd'« - Mir. aud Aira. Wilson King viitei their ah. aaad ber colorid "nd axe iI10 s ~ daughter et Bpnluw4qa sud iook l In . the mountanl, wbers abssnouWg Brate fair there lent wesk. the army o! Priam. Dens., knowu 60 Bnldoe, a moeutuians.Aher a mies Smith speut Saturday sud Sue- vicissitudes she arrives as Ganloo,b day wiih Air. SiumonAies Of Pîkeville. Baldos iustalled as a guard nM1is- Miss Rdyibe Pickles ssnt the n'est palace.Suheeq-enly & --abrua» us1 sud lu Waukegan, the guesi of friands. sud tbrough the etratsly o! Beadus Mi tory cornus t has Who iMost d»«##t A plesaut famliy reunion n'as beid h. Baldue isaumade rulir and D.veslê - Sunday ai the home of Mfr. sud M r@, dose nos return u aWnabngtoa. . Henry Grifflu. They ententalned their This pla is D'l bave thensot bsnut#s' Plght children sud ibeir famills sud ful moin ting eter offsred as Ibis tisa. fhnede Dr* W. ., Lewuin of Russell was ter, the motnutaini pauses and lb.ecsiit gueci o! honni. Afier dinuer Clarence at Edelweissbeing eupseially en. Tis. Boldoîf took a niumber ni snap shais of costumes oft he mounitaleere, iii tue, gronpý guards. the officersanad the royaltly as. paîticulariy bandeome aud the en" stagiug suilI b. superh. GAGE'S Ù K tIionu ereBr icucen oe Louis [lîhmman and sieten Dorothy 1@lte i.millions. Mmcii succfele4pu.-: were Chicago viiions Saiturday and dicted for the play ber. heecae tw Siinday. a tremendous favorite on tour. ARE YOU SICK? For Poison Bod theos i.BJOOd, than e hLiver, SoroifulaSoofio Humr,, Ulcers, Umem md Pp. oieFceCnnjocHeadache, Chs & Foyer -.Lutny mr., sàfo,'#Mhannicsto m a st j, yet gxtremely fatal te the malaoa . bela mu e, les -the poison codny ouel ~mwmla 3 deyL AMilIamily Laxative IIEMATSM md GOUT. deep- Che Tour KIduv mutimeptd Unpownu

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