~T. F1~ÀT.OCTOBER 18, 1912. 4. FOR SLEà ............ FOR iSALE-Saisit lmpryed ist il acre., witbln hammie of IMlli IIii.(ood builin on preim. SViBNpPIY tO NELUE dCDOvUG FUR SALE-B.d W.'atherfi.id on' Joux &. oSuMM, oliner. Phone 2891 p-4- FOR SALE OR RENT-lnsproved f. of 1105%macen, bal way botween Mliii abd Wadgwortb. Inquire of!91 DOTEs, Lihertyville. P. 0. 1W9 c-31 FOR SALE ORRENT-IMy farc 220 acres, , mile sonth o! Grayaske. good condition. good lmprovemer Addrein or phone 71.0.. JouN Wic 6 rayaiake. 1IL .C-8l FOR SALE-I bave one of the ituated emali farta ln Lake Coi which 1 wlii seil cheap If talen ao Hav.e 19 acres of exceptlouaily1 land, a aine room bouse, neariy ne runnIng weii. on place. Locatedh mile front stores sud good achool mile froni rallroad. a snap for soi body. InquIre S. J. lAvoy, Wa worth, 11. Wkiy.2 FOR SALE-Firmt prize witnnirig H stela bull-ailf. Linrt,% Vils-l'w.te Reet bru Jan . 30,1912. Sir. Pi Ybma Spofford lith 4740'i.),ilani Pý B bn lvnc G(;3:731 'a11in-ii ~hte udweil glrivn. l'rî,v t7: '_gitered sud trsumfprrud. ' CÀrzEIîr. lb.-ýrtv<-iIIe. Ptone2-7m%%Il FOR SALE-ilisit *sarriag" ,or heu teans, 4 snd !5 Yeari.('id. 1 I iband@ Iih t*t 2»0<1 lie <&-Tlle and eoundI lplaîk fausl,'hoirse est. forr hlld J. FOR SAL-Lalîs a.iiiity i _________________ iil'aM.i iteridec sd ud isiand f0etYIJ.Ea] D FORSAL- ,âý e isc ainm, iaîd 4 .... .4..4 . .. . r 1 . r- i4h afoflt- lcl tEÀ IlT BY S ln Mtontana, Teus., and Filds .+ LOST and POUND 4. 1 lai add North Sîdi- iVaukegari. W i) DYI), à A AUSTiN ...44444.....44 ttî RESUROtD IN sut. . . il. .. L. . Alîrî-:adsîo1 irlî:î OWN O SHEDSIOERNS FOR SALE-SM on, hou-adlt i OST-lted heier witl, white tr1i'il n îî1dal wcs 12D ee:EDSlii:i., llon modem iluiroveet. lo>t 1<0,.on budr. wuîlh Vo.i-Ointg tSi: 31.-ra Rigalmet1,fP fltC d, DI AKG IdIsante.. avenu, anti, of!l-itu*ii', ... rîî n ai nîsî o.rd1 hclu ak 453E NWU deoinn'y nin)iosîr. . lio itd. 17.lilKhandP rk, %" D,$2t50 rvl li ,E (M") N .iîîý,fy lau Si H noigii.uI. .1) 1Lweciy - iPeter Peiges aud sifete : lh:: i akea u ak 011 ii -r suie....... ke-2 honueaaiîî rt iles n ls nid (ay, night s'as atruck hy ci i. iof the FOR SALE-Soi-bI ow 0Wdog .bc a ne )lerncll u lt sdiaîd(,' t oan l ts h .10 I lhc CGoss.ka ioud;tierEiiPh Kw. ase'. al .irTn-l. sXin am eil lu sheets aud the g, i , in îd 27 -JLi. î'4 4 RCELLA2iEOU +.$20 hihe'uîroe cr ~,~a . .... .... I . .Kaiowssir ad w if,- lu John atbe upoidsrc FOR SALE livras. iîr aIl pur ioe Ois; ho. o 9blc 7Nrt hce tare igus tram their tast,miu ,i.oc aigu Ivo e-'oo)d baud buajules sud in. ir", i=neue.lbouse r..tng.r ieciN osltIili:,k1 ot hcc ertirncd sujalibuildings. t ;i , îg s harnses. L.i,i,'m i aaLibertvlle tos.han .eiiît by DjI,,iiou & XW DSI- ru. ~-3:2 -tf t-Js -i1 .ohn 'sTelol., to Gîja: Kuicutis lot aaeu huanau ii- _______________________________________________________19, block 7, North Chicago, w r) $1. he country the severity ofi'.'..toro ADJUICAIONNOTIE. nta Fl ari, bs wie, arolue OCTOBER 12, 1912. usas marked as several indîiiansd ADJUDCATIO NOTIE. Erina B Earl, hiswifeCarolne Stte DalhsiloLakeareesrep CrteSslta abancprts, n bav iowuw PUBLIC NOTICE la bereby gîven XX caser, George H.XVeaver. ber loi~s-iase Haot 94o.f Bay Foreat e' o wn' Sthat tise Subecriber.Eecutor of tisehanS. 'VWiliam, IL.Esnie. Jawesa Shea. Frest, lIceS, $10. - l:ledobtlui If Wuukezaii enerhbail Lait Wiii and Testament of }Iatl.le guardian. Pannie B. Earie. William Oie okadwf t Ens .moesvere wîunJ storan. At tbe Koeppen deceaaied. wiii attend the Carman. Naomil Lambi, Nîlte 10111 Janenscb sud %sIte, lots 7 sud 9, b. .t, harbor l whipped the suîrfacof the County Court o!fIalîe Couaty, at rous sud Mary Hefferan, Hook sud Neilies ii'ug Lake sub, mater into a wild fury andîi hrestened termtbntereofto 10 ho haden at t.he Court Petitlon'for leave tu sdes ealetate IW . . ,00. btsar hoasu frous theîr iToinnga. House.Iu Waukeganl, in saiS County. :t ay debtu t The blggeat daumage îîuîed lu the on tue tirst Monday of Deceinher Sstlstactory affidavit haviug been Jsp oi 0i.C uepr business districts l in îthe usrecked next, 1912. vben sud where ail per- Ilusd in the office of the Cierk of thîsS.W -D .. 450 . 1,epotlectrir signa. lu son ersi instances sona bavlng claIms agist»d s Court, that Wiiaim A. Earie anS Ern- twp,,W . 42.W- 5ybvebe onotiltl os ma Earie ceide ouI of tbe state of H. C. Anses and wife tu Anthony tey aeba o îailti os tale aie notifieS and requested t Ilios 1 htprcs ano eLeablse part W. ofR, R of S. . -,' from tbetr fatenînga.banglîîg mereiy preaci the crne ta saliS Court for, ilsl.£ htpoeacna b ,sc Nwottp- 1 by their chaîna In sumne places the sdsuervton.upon thernior sither of them. NE$1-40 ,sIgca 1eiNeeport ettors Wt t.e .iu adJudibatio. i14oticea la therefherefeoetsofgthenwto THEODORE KOEPPfl, Ntie si liam A Esmi eesud iemts OCTOBER 14, 1912. and wilie tbey wcrc î,u: torn ioose Ezecutor. Il treînaDeTambielaan. wlfe 1andMyrmaelthey vere lsadiy bent. Farle. that tise above named pelition - Mri eabeadwf oMr M.ARTIN C. DECKER. er ieretofore fUinet Ibtis Court bis'B Bennett, lot 5, bik. 4, Ridgewood Iu severaI places the heavy tali of Attorney for Executor. Pak,1iindPa ,8 ., wter causeSl waaBhuîs scbi'h are be- petition for leave to sel rei est arkingHegalandasParkasWo.si.,, $1. Wakg&,Iluoskegan, lo dîlntt aydit n ta n m noigonad StoW . n epieda as sposbeiMn 1912. jo ecdn t s dhsan ht n lm lmt3tnsute ' ~ People repart that their basements liyt ~ua s ummons bas issueS out of Ibis Huson, lots 4, 5 sud 6, Wiimington sbv ee ildwibwtr Court against the stase named Sefen- 2nd snb. Round Lake, W. D., $1,700. v0be lewth aer ADJUDICATION NOTICE. 4nsreuiaieo i ltdyof iE, J. Kennedy sud wf oRcad The aproottus of uiauy large trees PUBLIC NOTICE lis Iereby gîvren tihe term of the Couuty Court of Lake Kennedy, lot 3, Mllers sub. of lot 49, causeS conisidorable trouble lu differ, that thse Suhecriber, Ix.cutcix of theCounty to be bolS at the Court Hause Lake Forest, W. t)., $10 eut partis af tbe City. Iu rame lu- lAfft WIil aud Testament of Hugo 'H, In Waukegan. lu saiS! Lake County ou Sarah A. McEntile, et' ai.. to T.K. stances It waz uecessary to ciear'tbemn Pegelow deceaeed. wiii attend the tel Monday o! October. A. D. 1912. Scott, 18 lots North Chicago; deediaway befet'e teamn trafflc contalu r- CtrthCot of Lake holdnty, aas fs by lav required aud vhich pe- $261. ceeS ou thse streeta In question. ConnU Ceourt o!: La ConteCout t o aail e nAlstSaUsfY the heavy tal of vster in i Couty.LEW.A. ENDE ashed considerable nuud dovu the Mog aWuoan. a IS ount. LW . HNDE, IIITRCE DEATIIS IN VEAR Wasbtngtonstreet bil sud depoalted P ne.ilt.2, vIson 5and5vier. &Hl par- Waukegan. III., Sept. 23, A. D. 1912. lit at tIse bottom so that tIese treet sons bavlng dlaims e aulat sid enMate Elain U Clarke, Attorney for Peti- MRS. J. J. STAFFORD, OTH cc A ot ifciyt otu are notifieS and requeateid to prOSlt tioner, Wkly4t UTICA STREET, MAS 'PAS8ED lrgh Ïthes ure to nid Court for adjudica- _______TMROUGM TRVINQ ORDEALtU. -tion. ADJUDICATION NOTICE. -CIDAVCI ANNIE A. PIIGF3LOW, FJecutrlx.t PAUL -MAC GUFIN,1 Attoruey for Executrtx. Waukegsu Ilîlinois, September 30. 1912. Wkly-St ADJUDICATION NOTICE. PUBLIC NOIICE la hereby given that tise Subscrîber ,Executor ai the Laat WIII and Testament of Pbillp Siegele deceased. wili attend the Counti' Court af Lake CaTnty, at a term thereof to be boiden at the .Court Housesln Waubegsu. ln calS Couuty, ou the first Monday utfDe- cember next, 1912, when anS whcrc ail persans baving cdaIms againat saiS sase are notifieS aud requested ta preseut the saute t saIS Court for adjutdication. JOSEPH SIEGELE. Executor. E.V. ORVIS, Attorney for Executor. ~'aîkegan. lilinois, September 301h. ýn1912. wkly 3t Stateof ot liluis, Counîy utft.abe,ss: r.'l tise County Court of Lake County, .Milton P. Iiddleconu, sdministrator De Boisis Non, with the will annexeS of thse estâte utf"dose8 L., Earlc, de- ceased, vs. Jane F. PartriS.ge, Mtic, O. Payne, Fraink B. Fanle, Etizabeth Harle, bis ucfe. Willlam A. Esche. Emmi Earle, bIs wife, Fred L. Earl, Public notice ls herebi' given that the Snhscriisor Admininstrator of the !Estais of Anus Peterkart, deceaaed, viii attend the County Court of Lake. Couuty aI a terni thereof. to be boiden at the Court Houas lu Waukegan. lu saiS Counly, on the firat Mondas of December next, 1912, wben anS wbere aIl perauus baviug cdaims againat saiSesate are notifIeS anS requesied 10 present the saine 10 calS Court for adjuidication. LOUtIS Il . Il('IITFD, Administrator. Waukegan, Ilinois, Oct. 7th, l9t2ý wklyît Thie Way It Happened. A ladys bat wss set on ire aue day asat veek ln the cily, apparentiy by a match tbovn trom the top o! an omnibus, sud compieteiy destroyed. Some ides of tbe vastness of the struc- ture may ha gathered frum a report to tbe effect that the ire rageS for some tinte ln the uorth enS of ber beadgear betora the lady waa aware that ani'- thlug vasaioulas.-Punch. Si.ca . JuChur'iichill, !)0 Wal kt. Auburn. N. Y..lam heen ittthered s-itIu serous kiduet sud ladd..r troubilsesce mine lusie lîthle sriu. ,anSdsys: "I decided 1<. trc Foley Kîdney pille as thepy baS cureds 80 rusuvpeople aud 1 seau foisaS Iheyv s're îuut the ithig. lv kiducys aud] luiddec tie asein luna beiilv ,iiton. 1 giadly cecouulend thetu." For gais by all Druggiste. Mra, J, J. Stafford, veil known resl- Sent or 310 North Utica street. sees ta bave baS more than ber ahane of Iii fortune durlng Oie paet year. In the tiret place, ou Auguat 16, 1911, ber buabaud, a veil known painter, passesi away at Ibeir home foloving a prolonges Ines, Then, bast îbree weelca laler, ber aniy sou, George Bcogden, o! Liberty- Ville, succumbed followlng a slcknes whlcb directiy dsted froinInjuries he received in a ruîuawsv a roupie or years previoualy. And tîuw couses the deaîh of ber brother-lu law, Fred Stafford, under mysterioixa rircintances lu Chicago Xedneaday, The Iters desth voulS 001 hase been go close t:0 Sîrs. Staftord bad 11. ual been for the tact that, for the Past yeac. h, baS becu maklng bis borne witb hec on t tics street. Cii 1,iLA\X Fuir 'titis sud Feu er. PAUIL MCOLFINi, At5y for Ade.in.tretsr Adjudication Notice. Publie iut 1l.bc 9",nc- - u thle Suuh- seib,, Au Iuiîaiîî .. tue Esisie o nina May Titiis Iuic e jie i i iciIthe ' o'nI Couirtni Laie ot'in,stai.a ecoitheresi lo be hoidentu Cii it Hou-eIiui'ukm tuai uit.u h,' ofi.uanniiecembiur cdaIm« .-t isi ali sIe s- notuleS said ,,IJueted to res-i use -aine t., îauiCourt for AOA)ýM 1il TITUS.,AdsaInItrgtOr. 1ane 1-. ii 'tolier 7 19u2. pn-3I 0F MOTRER Uns MIRS. HELEN JANKOWSKI, VICTIM OF LAMP EXPLOSION, LOBES MER NEW BORN BABE. Msc. Helen Jaitko% ut1 ot McAister avenue, the Snn ouii, w as go 8ter- ribly humneS Thursdal nlght vhen ber Ciothels cauîght tirs t!iruugh the ex- plOsIon ofa! s ls,i- îîei.uîîîu.gave blrtb to a sonu is euulr:iiii' ,aI 3 o'ciock lu the bospitai. The chitl sas SeaS when Il arriveS sudo litis death sas due lu the t ui îiiî the mother had gustalned i i luaî rrîlbi-hock the previolîs nlgbît The vornus'a iio'n is sablil n ry tritlcil andl it is :111: lil)ed auy as s resuit of the L irti of tue chuSd. Local Soctors sho irav,.e simieS ber dc- MUIN ONE "L" OR TWO "L's" ALJCTION NeOTICE 1 iININ AN AE LAIMING THAT TE Ti~lfiPSfed__aiîg ot l j Prolessional Cards FORMER WAY 18 THE WAV aY uts-11 a: pna tic aucii,ou o .ONNEC- TO SPELL THE NAME. the prenioýes ou T. i-trapuI rosd, 1 MARTIN C. DECKER ESDAY iile ijoli ilîi.î crdepota,î.sd &TU;Y&T _E. There lbas heen consldersbie contre- tuuhilca OOr 1tsî,'îOftLake Pores:, oUfIce l.)pp. iStIl St Electrie station very r lte" o te ropr ay o cr.29, 1912, comme nclng ai ton itticePhous e84M- feeé. Phone 1360a 0 crWyka, M.,teesuoitow thepproper sH IC ul of irs. 0f SPeillung '*.XcAlibter" sud because OlOcka ,Tuttusu îhte:. NO:tTHCHICGO. ILLINOIS veing,Ji different peOPIe are e0uaiy sure that to wit rs:estele :lieir ssy of spelling is correct au h1h:anback iîr"s,dvigobht y fi-r rima îuterestlng condition bas arisen Tiiers 1Ibo;15 aes- se imtb aIDR. GOLDING % ilIed are two buildings, the SicAlister boa.-n ar;2aoîbaies îîressed oat atraws DENTIST ts'oses pitl and the MecAlister schooi, sud a In barn; 500 Ijuàheis white Qats, 22u ' oucs 8 to 12 .mn.-1 ta 5 p.ns. a(,,,er, street, MeAllaiter aveue, wbicb bear iushels tlmotby seed - 13 acres good J. Kil! Tigg Building thenaie ad fr tis easn te qes.coru lu shock. cut wiîh binder, i Deer witb Dr J. L. T1aylor-Phone 19 loue oei ersin ha oud1iug grain blaSer; 1 lfcormlclî corn 1. Pbone 1092 tinl m ore thre se thn fso i nder, 1 %IcCorinick mas er. sen irai Libertyvilie, Illinois o belseen ta b ihecase îjîln Tia ssiîg Piows 2 grain craile; i steel i rm lane.tank; 1200 pound scales; 2 Rock Is DR. E. H. SMITH. id the For years sud lears the iwo bud. s]ad liar loaders; 1 Keystone side de-IINIT i, and Ingsansd the streýet \% ere sî.lIed Iiisry- hay rsie, 1 rlding Shou cornuETIT %I ,cr'cAlister," that is, w tii iuiS'"1".citî tr.Ise eerdagR is,~ LAIS COVNTT SNATIONAL BASE. SNons ibere are sci erai slioîorne foîr-iiculivter; Ist ev toe r rag;n1te: aua-S te 12 a. um. nd 1 ta 5 p. nm- ri ciard and assert thst it shiuid belie , veck atl Kîtoetic olae r: DIT bc he ieied IcAllister," ta:s, %iC île.i 1caii:ass, -,,) feet l'y 24 teet; lbectyvlle llilroi- doubl "L"- 4 miîî i r îcwagons, 1 2-loch lîîmbeî r] The SicAiiister achool w ai îed TIf,15u a:afe te ae;idg Scllsershg' oi ii î bhsted t 1 :e4ted car P BIIA C INERN 'un spfelethe lnamue thteAdilîi e %h' iag, t hauttili1i ,iay rake. ~st attenio'n paid tolrrainping i i 'ele h@ am w1hth dube akl,'liccposta. I1li.'5N. Api î'.action sale. and beat reenite in handi- Detpieît, thia fact there baccei cen J . lt:îit l : i"'o n ame t r iay sh hoîgt ht 0e"" ui Ail kintidof hore, wagons and , , er . n ýoIc' ugt th t eer"I, luis pwelwt s bin arnese foc oui, or exchange aI ail times. J on p: pIt, One,îofîthe tmilîs, iaioahisit ie t ; chool tisd the tuatter esiied to' ber saI s.it haningi til fi-or I-Ossi.tl.HENRY SINE ONE RECEIVED 7 A eIEtt rnlu I ULIUJOJf OR LESS THAN ,'eihdB.UorJT TAE OM 25 CENTS L&akeCounty Titis&l'rut CO. TOUCHINQ INCIDENT IN C( Ab.iract ofTl4tle. Title.GnurantOed TION WITH OEATN TUES + .1FOR SALE-LoI&t' u &Obrne ub- Ma.onic Temple Bldg. V< sukegan, III. 0F mR$. N. A. STEELE 1dîiiion on Mtlwauken lavenue south of Locul J OussaNE. + h.e gtric Sepot. Watur and serer + . an ad R. E.0,onn sux,UbortyviDe.. Oct. 9, 1912-H-enry Janssen and in connection wttb thse death n o 02-t! viîte to John Phannenstilli, lot 21 WI]. Nelson A. Steei. Tueladay eve bure ------oo- mingtonm înd aub at Round Lake W la intereaîîng ta know that lits Forl4. . . . . .. . . . . D $2,000. vas congesciu u 1taortiy afl JALL,'+UNT H. Edwards and wfe tua Matheinhofthat dyanS that Provideni 4- + 7 19R N Blomanhaus lot 47 Green Bay add ta If that ehe should have ber futi . I Lake Forest W D $10. up ta such a time as se had "M FOR RENT-Dsltry farm of 215 acres, E A Cummlagsasnd wffsto SoPhia communion froni Rector W.4.1 knoVn au the page feai, ituated one Wojtalewlcs lot 70 Cumminge 5ub of christ chiulch. ..miewest of Ruasell, Ill., pienty 01 North Chicsgo $150. About noan Mr. Love wen' arm water, barns, etc. Addreuss J. 1Pae, OCTOUER 10, 1912. bouse snd held the EpIscot.; suru Waukegan 11.kiy1t W, J. MDonald to Eliza K. Red- eow.' * munion service at ber bedsîi(, FOR SuTEgtyar ar;a is, iots 5 sud 6, bIb. 71, Highland good woman ws.s wbolly con, REN-Eght are ar; araPark, W, D., $9200. able to take part In the beau't, iof have for sale. farmiog implements, Geoeglsuna C. James to Emma M. vice, resuîondlng et the 'vario, m. i stock. aien crope. If taken wtbln next White, part lot 8, bib. 29, Highland snd repeatlng the Lords a mts- three weeks. Appiy or address H. C. Park. W. D., $1. at the beglnuing sud endIan IcE., Edltb .FýDWakgn li 32 BekaR.FD a kaliii. EdthH. Schiîmacher aud husband sers Ice. 1. notiel. t Emma M. White, part lot 8, blk. Then. it fla reported. stur benty ORRN FueoicslthSbsk 29, Highland Park, W. D., $1. been able la take part in tb;1 MD building. Se.. themu C. C. Gaa ta A. R. Huit, iots 34 sud ramental service, she lalysel ..-SOtf Eti.tîtr SmsAM(K. 35, ilarbie aud Converse sub. Fox consciousneavbo.IiSe or a fine Laike, W. D. $450. minutes followlug the prie' haw; . ..... . A. Cummînngs and wlfe to F .,X'tare and ah.. neyer re9n, hoit 4 W M +Churchill, iots 2, ? sud 4, bib. .,',,.'a- Bc ionsuess before death car- <me- ~ ~kegan Hilghlands, North tChlc ,Wococ k ada- . . $25.Aildiiring the service. Xlt 'at+ WANTEO-l4ood girl for zonerai houas- Oct, il, 1912-State IlSnk ofTea Ithough reallzing that her > vr,îrk. Addreme P 4) i*nx 244, Lberty-. Forpht to Fauuy -L. Qua9 le, lt2iwas allilug fast. wassinter, T.. ille.j-4lt Green Bay sdd 10 Lako Forest, deed. . eeerhiîi. 'rtje WANTED-Married rnnut,, do general W$h1îr(ain)te.iî ,,, fa.-l o k App)ly t', J. E itAoiTr. R.F. ousp snd MsIt bIL A \Vat 0f ber ttc 1%vas the 9 ' ""'i Prîsîrie Vssw îor tel,1hoDe 2S.5111 on, lots 18 sud 19. <)w:ers sut,, Ar-a, Kemlier hall. Kenosba. usho ,i au».Q -tY ll.c2i W P it' u ion wîîb Miss Bertha 5' E.. Staie iBank of lake Forest to Jolitilhe chîll thsd been aummolt- .1 , WANTED-To r-u.t tarin NO t1,,Il()Grlf!lth lot 4:; (iriei tBay sdd Lsaki. The Niother Stiperior was ow-. i so..Cah o-uit (,î e flili'fil iForcýît, deed. $10. !Sîeet.'8 c losest frlendsLa,.I lu ilttêr 1t,, S. ixii <CulS T i F t . I_ fter',san sd ws te t luf211,MStsonatîn lookpd after ber a areo Thoras, lo t 24, Lake Fore-tci. W $1.îi),ýsa s c id golng ta Kpner io 4gjb, WANTED-3 uor 4 roiomefor ligitioume- 1I-.(. bigavrtbpcuc iý AIR(, L-pin , riil, or 2 roorîs iiH i 1A. F, Shî'don andîl sie to FG<a ilgaurtbecue . .H t,î,rd. Inq,,ire St thia iîlic.. lîple lot 4 block 1 Shoure Acres 'lliîage 'her w ith the dlouble -l".Tlîîîs il woîîld accin that the' malteris no ucarer a settienet tha0 betore sud there are niai,, uho wouid likete :0know jîîat nîWhich la the poe a fseln 1 the usine. s vu ~ein MAY CHANCiE LAW ILLINOIS FEDERATION 0F.LABOR WILL URGE TH-IS AT THEIR CONVENTION Conlpuiaory education ountil the age o! 16 years, Instead of 14 yesrs asaai Preseut, siil be urged by the Illinois Federation of Labor aIlils annual convention to be heid in Danclile Ibis montb. Recomusendatlons 10 Ibis effect with the alus o!flsvlng them in- corporated into amendmestt 1thie school iaws wlll be sent to the uexî session of thse general assembly. Edwin Wright, prealdent of the state federation of labor, bas secured sîs- tfistica froun the office of the state su- perluteudent of public Instruction ou wblch be vîli base hikr pies lu behait of a new compuiaory scbool iaw, Wnuld Greatiy Aid Boy. Labor leaders are advocating keep- lng tIse boy lu sehool utIl such time as he bas become sufficienîiy engross- eS In sny partîcular lune o! endeavor 10 Impel hlm ta, foilow it shen he qults the school rootu. They contend that to mny youngstera iesve the school sud pick uçu tbe firat employ- ment lbey can finS vithout auj cou- sîderation as ta their ovu particular qualfications. Accordiug to the atatiaica v hich Mr. Wright ban gathered, the lad who quitasehool 3.114 jears of age, In mak- Ing oniy $12 per week when 25 yeara of age, wheroas the boy wba remaina In school aud finiabes tIse Iigi s chool laiknîie notes Ptai gper c-nb in ucresit JOHINJ. ('ONN.EiL., 1I,ýrv ine Aurioner. Praprîctor Luînch s: Noon. DAIRY FARMERS' CHARTER ASSOCIATION At a mîeeting o! the Dairy Farmers' l'ruict'is'e Association heid Saturday, i Oct. 12, 1912, the certificseof charter' was igned l'y the hoard of dicectare sud se soon ae returned l'y the Secretau-y of State viii bc tiled witI tise cousuti' recorder. The naine originaliy aélopteS l'y Ibis association, Milk Producera' Prolective A@sociatlon, con not b. used as thece le sirssdy s cbscrterpd association by that usame, aitbougis it la Dot 51 promunt active. Ii l believed tisat there lse1no charter foc the usmeno1w adopted, thel Daîry Farmera' Protective Association. tise incorpocatar@ of lbheassocIation are: C. M. Wilecou . <attese. Win. J. Schreck, E. J. Huffunan, Chas. Stols. in, F. I!ordhGret aud (ieo. Bergeron. Iu order 10 promote thse growtis o! thlsa asociation an ocganiziug cous- milles vas appoinled by President Willco. is tisedut, oftissconiuiîteei 10 go about the county saS heiçu organize hcsuch or loaca.l saolatons ta affiliaIs vlth tbin, tise parent organiza- tion. Tise members o! tihe aisove cous- mlttee are: N4. E. Ouf srt, chirmen; Wmý J. Scisce, AI Schwandt, Rai' V. Moss, R. E. Thomas and 0. C. GrdSley, sast. caaier o! tise Firat National Bqnk of Libertysîlie, vas appoinled on tise icommittee as an bonory menuier. Mir. Grldley bas taken a great deal of intereet lin thîs aasociation ansd siould vecslve dàsaka Iroinsail tbise mmere. à regular meeting of this association course la generaily able to elamu about lviil e n sute second Baturaro 'la esci $30 wbeu b. reacb that ago. 1 montis.1 To Ask Ottuer Change*. The state tedersîlon aiea vl ssk oîber changes lu the achooi iaws. Tbey wiilaak for the merger of lbhe grade and hlgb scboal courses especliy for a sufficlent ieugtb of lIme 10 arouse the licreat of the youtb in the slnd- les lie willi ercounter in the bicher lu- alita lion. .Mure nanual trainint slong modI- lied lires w iii be another recommenda- lion, ni hue the uîtîîtorni texi book viii coiuleeit for the muet seriomîs consl cc.tîi. The texttuook quietion bas beci, i.,fore e, cry state meeting lu receni leu-rs mud laibor lcaders deciare ut lia., rnacliiciitue stage whlure So:ue acio ucn îuust hL, taten. Thiîs lhey s iii ileniatul'uîilse : tassembly. MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1h itîui (raîik.\N*rth Chicana .. ...-; lare thei hai e l,,îîu sn a tperscn- îi:ui.,runil.X'iegi ao terrills-b uriwul a, she. There Isla tiream.o P.X'oc: Milwasuikee... bardly, s spt o tu Icr ,Ai ' hich wsas 1Pîle'in St:' '1,r, Xiliba"tee nol atteiteul t,:tietifl'aswhlch coun- ,i ltiaruît, NMilwsaukee. sained lier ulothei-sundtransformed1 j in Fiiîýsu, Xtiw'aiibec ber luto airitahl, iii i :g borccbutil ,tohnîî W' (aI ither, XVsuubogan .. belp arrincd.i i i iris -r, X'aîîegsn ...... Mal, 1' I-seP .% plieu uî, ilfg, anS Paîrk Thrcc s:uuuilcliidrýiaacre drîvîng i Xptla tsun, IigliliiuPark four aw mip unnue lies: Rondouit lsat . -l M ee. , Chiiescu night s hena a :r sîî trîîrb aud kblueS 1'1a:t Ian Hntil:îgtatu, aaus. onc of the tnimas. Ates- minute- ister atmther ut the animais saFEIu S; Iil 1 dros-ned ln a uearhy creek, o.inysdBsdcllecs Something New In Dams Lews. A propoeed nov game lsv ln Nev Tork state vIll mske tihe open esson for desc-huntiug istor tn tihe yesr. vîtis the isurpose. lu part, o! proveut- log lIse accidentai ahoathug of hun.s beings. It la Ihougbt that vben the trees are Si-rusSeS soflenves tIse man affecteS vith 'bock tever" viii ho lese hikeli' '. hoot bis guide or co.'uanlon. Phone4: 148 or 48 ZION CITY,' IL W. M. APPLEY Auctioneer PARu SALES ONE PER ÇENT LibertyviIe.li. PHONE i43J. r,-l~.h.l~ 4, il i u ter î'eerred thau y P ieuîw ner 4W di, r use.- J. M. Ùraves AULCT ION E ER 144 Elm.iood!Avc., Waukegmu, Iflimosa see:me before nski»g your'date DR, 0. F. BUTTE ËFIELD. VETERINARY SURGEON4. &58ISTÂNT STATU VETIUNAEI.. Llhertyvlile. lilînnia. DR, C. R. GALLOWAY, OFFICE OVES LOVIELL'5 113.170 TOIE. mouas-froni 1 ta 8sud 6 ta 8 p. m Libertyile. Illinois. DR. A. H. CHURCHILL Physiciaen and Surgeon Office oer I3ecker & Boud'a Drus StoSW Hoar» 8tu 10OA. M. 1ltu 3. 7tu &i. . 8peolai attentlon tu Eye. Ear, Nome aed Ttuest GLASSES PROPERLY FITTED Libertyvlle. - - . - flikisai DR. E. V. SIMT GENERAL PRACTICE rieurg 8 tô -Ioa. m. 2 to 4 à tù.,U,.I OUrs over "Y 'Fornitur. dto.' HIIECIAL ATTENTION TO THE "m' LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS DR. 1. L TAYLOR, OFFICE OVs J. E". TU!005 BL". BOUUa:-7 ta 10 1a. M. 2 to 4 and O6. 8SP.. gouldoi.e '<n Broadway. oppotit. luth Lloertyviie. &sio. PAUL. MAC OUFFI. ATTOMUT AT LAW.. libe rqtyvel, IDU"o PmUol Dr. Victor O. Itoener OSTrEOPAT«HIC PHYSICIAU Âsomlated Wlth DR. FRED 818CHOFF Qffce and Residence 215 Madison et,. à Waukegau. Phone 226. Two lnt.retne patetta. Ansong recnt patenta whlcb attrema attention by reamon of their aovuIW art one for amani sagu swUhbm camings (a searing proums) »4 @» for an illuuiinated tat irou. The I- Ster contrivance la ds.crbeqj»as m .talnng Incandescent light bulbe 0~ Lmsrve attbOe saute Urne tu bout au strou sud 10 illurnInate thé work whl la being troueS. T HE maximum speed at which a rapid-fire gun can be discbarged is 600 shots per minute. Over the Bell Long Distance fines of the Chicage Telephone Company a rapid taiker cani fire 200 words per minute to ChicaLo-600 words in three minu'tes at a cost of 25 cents. Get that business niatter well in mmnd, then cal1 "Long Distance." Managet's Tele- phone 9M0 AANDREWSý Local Manage, s. attention sud dci ideS that she wouid sud îi.aJiri: jack acre%*,,-. sîe e- ctle It hy seclng how the usine v. a i ar li, l 'v ait ,ad tackie blocks w'ith rilgtlh speîle auonttîe schcoil.building itself --ï'î t riw; pî' osutaligers, crossa1lars. i î a I t bspîîened that thîs had beeti do' 1an. liiIlai,5101co l overgrown wvith i Ics s and It waslilcks. axes, I le.liîaiiiii. r, i1iia'n- lir, nciessar, tu les, far olît uf the s lu II,îi inclîer,, I lAuî os, r ' f do w i' th a rate and 111,11 the inca drlt, % i r o ,u:retîicî . grti ook ornetfl toe' one stih,'whîiî- anotiîer leacher graiu haga. :îlk caîlus tsd:ie i i:climiî,-iia tadder ia order it it le . iarne0, sacond l and, :s l sîsingle liigniht get a licIterlook ut the naure. liarncas, siecoind haîîî l,lr '.ing liar Ir e fuctulînîlha:t i %as aîelled s.11h th ess S:. Louis ranc-e, i1 i-ai ,, 11-r -t-rdoule "I t;i.diuîng room ,chairs,. 2 wTu mlTi -î :iiî. In tahe case- oftTh, i .lsî:hua rocing (lîsîrs. t1'aanit.ra co l d 1, 1ltal1 lbt bas heen cimcd lnuay enter tables, i semlsiii ach ini'. i1, ia gtsoîld 1), salied witiî 00 ea"1' eu ;Ings: i extenlsion table. i b, 1r- I lecaiisc ilnus- namied after the Daie. sitaili1uhoiatercd div an, I1itiflîolsitered Sîrs. Jano îclsTr It laa Pcilcd IchniT, 1 dozen laiaîng lîena, 1 teaiher o Rm ibis msavou the. buîilding tself, lut in i T,,asd une iiuisund and <une otier rcaîoîîsc to thîs ilieri'are iiiher., ul,, î-îi',:11oîîîucrous :u îîîîn:îîn. aser: that w hen Mlras i cAlîster T,,riiîi. oi slale: l miisîduidei. TORN nlgncd ber înainîe Iliaishe ,scîîed it .(,> i] sins er a .oui e 1