CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Oct 1912, p. 6

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENJ)ENT. ÊRMA.Y. OCTOBEIR I 1912.Mas withdesrtio. B theters etthepromlaed the Sun te vritle a short bas used a coniblnation of the leeve SUGGEST PLAN Of LEVEE PEOPLE SWAR14 VOLIVA WANTS PRIVACY; tt er~. yte~RUSH D110< CTIN oyaotbseprelcswt h ileadpoptvle h] oM A IHOSPITAL BOARD1 TO WAUKEEIAN SIJNDÀY?l IETS IT WITH INTEREST Cro'ser tea te recel' e $25.000 ln fui] TO CHICAOO 110S1ITÀL Red Men. nation la not new, but Il bas been ,ap- ____ Iset tiemtent or ber rîglits. Theze tire men, no far au known are Plied tu a new way, remulting lu more O.HRCLDRSY THSFiFTY WOMEN. SAID TO HAE EPR REACHES ZION TO EF-' 3rs. Brower flied a suit for seliar- OI ILRTNT H- the ouly umen living bere wbo eaw power et the higher speeds. DR. ERSHLEER SVS HIS BEEN DRIVEN OUT 0F CHI- FECT THAT IS PRIVATE CAR ýaie maintenance F'eb 21, 1911. Sul> LUS ILE AKN TO ~~ real service againat the Indiana. WOL OVEKOT CAGO WEONESDAV NIGH-T WOL OV NTYCAGO. ARE IN CITY. Ai IERAKE aiequeutly Brower filet an ansver tei TAKE TREATMENT. idore and btter news lu INDEPEN- PROBLEM. bis wife's bil, ln whicha lie alieged OSL SENN!wekyf W iii rL.î ut01of Cie îti i n Reports are filtering Ibrougli var-.Ilat ber Intense desîr e t aCeud 10 DECLARES U14DERI PRESENT SYS '"-d h'.1i. t of (Xjiiciuo.ý ions s:1urcer- iliat %,cliva did nut have: the toPmost rung of thre social iadder Local Man Invente '"Phantom" And TEM COUNTY PHYSICIAN IS rameir ro Waiikiig!n in lho res Sa'r î- e best limes at Minneapols and ' is-1 liaylng hostess tli their tonme ai Louis NI iller, of L.amb s Corners. wau May Make Fortune If Greater NOT GETTING ENOUGH. l'saut, ard tirat la Irevent a rint and! itgld Park taiSa inipoverislîeel rîshed lun(Chicago W~ednesday nighltu Speed la Deveinped. . b I U W iii " il cii'treakitîr. the meeting liad to beaum- him. tale treatinent ai the Pasteur Insi-I A nolsetesa motorcy-cie! This Ideal noni l' -'a ff ir ir i wfinart r riosed. Judge Gibbons ln bis decree finds tute. tnb o atwill bec eacliet If the "Pliantom" me, MNFCTRRo Accordîî2 '"r' ruîui î W aîiie -rr i ti ileh w, have leard tro-m reltalile Ilat the Browers were marriet] Oct. i Milter was badly bitenya 0lst torcycie, invented ty E. S. PaImbla, MNVCTRRC s3iciani,'ile on!,r Wit: on tir uc rtllie', " " - a yrdi nighb' roces IrlaI althougli Volîsa mas' 4. 1897, andlitved togethor tti Oct. Sunday The due was alot and litai a North Chicago business man wliu difcuti-oieiila hll iee lt 'l i r 1i ierattiis ik lhe cati ci its own people lunI1, 110, wheu flrower dese rt4eil lier. lient was taken fte hicago for exam- ices lu Waukegan, provee as success. dilctî rori-ntra n-1ie--tI ed nd orcred ru Wr srlen 'plin 1oieorwparts of ion City lie l tg ie hecourt foutaitthaît tcowe.'tg nmrth Intatton. The chiet chemist at thie ruitg1 expected. The rew englue wa, M arbie ana Grirnte ltsetf ;as a ces'Irof tic Ters Iiitn- idiii pi r il eraaie1 a u u lerîroad o!- $200,000. An order w as also enteced Pasteur Institute reported that the nameéd the Phantom becanse of ifs (li iosittt h iiii-iirls îiis Sut iiset deithui the'o icl ismssngthe cross bilt ited bylrgiNwas suffering troin liydrruhoblta quiet runnlng qualîties M n me t gurne opn h oleotatdwil ýtýe asdi n g inaolsadSt. l'tciwer. -and suggested that SIr. PMiller take Thle englue recelvedLifs firaf testM o u e s by their talents. s to estabisbr ha ho- off IlorratinaîI lc tirednng car vAas attarlied. as Mrs. Brower aeparated front tber reatmuent sithte instituts. Nr. Miller lest Latror day wlth very aattsfaclory pilaI tosrd ssnu r c i l n Ar froc i r ,ne liii cý,o.lha-streen Wieua nîboard irtitttao~-cisr ---u itae nrîial ro the rear o! the traîin. Votvas hisbaud after fthey tad qrarreled over witl spild a weekr or teu daya l ln htresults. The engne las one cylinder C mtr soko vr membes Tiilui i r r-once r inmu n in ru se -ited ~tirs car beiîu the last. ut corrse bla t thethearchitecture or îheîir îew hoine lucage.'plie dog was the operîy ofa ndIRraedalu erso e Nrlecito membrs Tus pan i siigesid pliceord, and(il'ciriindîner attached liehiud hlm. Hightand Park. Attorney' rower dd' tara) haut] enîrtroyed is'George Mar- ago MchIt n teS fte Ny ort DComplo Dr II, lers,r llier. a 1ni r- ciii ithrsiri1lue 0 \e endrtfisrl t ir- -etcoe eoaýfno une hcg ahn opn nCc OffcesIn aukgnandNorh Cirarsing ibroir rirhe userýeers priv-. 'ions deslgned by bits wtfe for ftiecdin- iSîmuday the dog sturted ou a ram- monwealtli aveue. rs. Paimbla cage. cgiirr-i îîîrcouninurc 10 Waikegan. licar hich lie rgete.d sud i0ng roim, sud uhen she refused 10 page, aud afler ktlttug a nurmber 'otth scrtacf h company.'plie "I iac seu tis îtai srk nrse*ree Tîre dirderly boueai lisetI1rire storv coer-, tocked the door snd -chan9e the decorallous, Mr. llrower rats, tuvaded ftireyard o!fMr.Miller. pi)Sent lias been applled. for. There IC repfdfC olle siucceaafutly lu ollier citier-ar -etenoree]nWaeaiuand p situ!aI- eoeMilrcni saeiew reowrkgprtexsabt, nu reason wutil wffil orttd rur o t 'flr don \Washingtounrtrr-et lunth, bitsi- îreiented rasenzers troum gettine tett lier. Bfre-the rildecaeli asae nco worlugarts exosed, Illi ruea dst Intues-izatiori hoedt t edîe plslrought \Mr. bladts' hîtten onthe rîglit baud. lnerisdudlmreluo liedsauie mar- retrrurtero ire.eiahaeea"es fouditi-rron t>îe scene fu argue the TNTC LO YlISEveyra uheutlhrio T hl'le englue la equilq~ed *Wîi 1 e es eS mentioued rhe ptant o tee as ot'in t. i< 1Voliva said bl iinderarod ie lit ba-oresrndon MdAS-WeBosch magna-to aud lias' sPîrafgears 116 G n s e t thb holital aud tIrer% lt-ukit suld îîî rioits and lie saliîld lusist on AN W NA ENW doflot propose lu laite ans chances," te lusure quiet runlng. The Inventer Wankffan be au excellent one -and lailt- nra AUTO RUNS MAN DOWN iria r of t.îr- car being lr-ept. IlMr. ýsaId one farmer.___________________________________ out of Ilie jrel-entr dilcilîr tir .Frank \V. Btatrliford, Ci (onduicir frted li,- aýRseul th Ie CHANGE INi NAME WAS MADE I 'ple doe rît a nutmîer r-f rats, and, 'Tplpaniisi-t ersiliîleafIn r ias' riow n ptuli-tian, sou inl aisutnîro i fa'crIme. tbut at the rtrst wav FRIDAY MORNING-TWENTV. we cannot tellirist wlileh ores v.ere * 0 1b b heen exîlained ru one hIlwuîl d msurit -iil 'trs \'r'aIter t' Larnît]. aciNtIse'rt,'(j, sation thaltrîastel a srlrch SEVEN PATIENTS NOW. Iteo p4v-dre ontuý ouf like t au- itrral thre ltrîsicians iraniiment iiit1-riteForeirst iii ia s irlirr -usrr-uieshirtg oten1fierra WHraYinNOT BIJY Aod. bad lieer. mare ie ucrrers uf the boa V\'r-dnerda% sprioisy. if nol faîtî IIlin eo ie'""" ,'.1Eev rtwr stIbsmnng1C>WH NO BU A pitlIbard. thev would t- Ire îrledin-, injured in îhe mainî strpeerof liî rli%-îarîr-car suit attendantssiadtracli tii-rotter the Lahe Uouîiy ~Tulercu-an t i laerpected ttiiat as uraus' more1@ ' to classes accurdiîîg 10 their epeciai- ilt-mitPark ien rin cdowni ly- ir omit E cri 'hlv tear*i t doltrstris'-iurnttiife wfit lie Ilînoin s te"ewi l e, lIed itetore sun-down I II.n ~ i o 7 tles-fbe surgeonis woîld tie divideillIautomnotirte %%ile lie was crainlring il. ~ i li e diuer 1 Lake Breuze Sauîtarîîîîîî 'ple i0 tataone clas. cliose isiose sirecial'. 1'irs Blatchiord. viho war- in.Ire ,car! lier. 1he., urne eV for tilleen il an ,ne lu namne mas made F'iday O n e S MEDALSfOR 15v lu treating typtid feter itot an-land feît tlie joli as thie iheels r-au hors. pendît-g the arriv-ai of rercri e mrîing. r*r-ÉD L O ether ciass. aid sr-oun down fthe liâI. i over lier hiistand's liod,. tept hec which îltturatetv w as %ecured lis-cliar- At thie preeut tîme tîrere are tweu- f IGIITING INDIANS "Thts dit talon imb casses wouldi preseuce o! mtîîd sud sprang ontu em s-lt enlue,0couses" Ir secven patients aithfle saultacîum __________________________ revent auy hitfle jealouRys thaf mîglil the machbine-te Dr. Blîaîdliord's as- l- nierJîre' nId- Of this number comparaîlcels' few are JO HN BETSKE 19 TODAY MADE cre n ne Ifeetricmtnc itnc.Wtese a t h cteten uter ore.-lnI e1WtIkgnts.i POD HNRCONTO cre u ne dfeeu tcusaCiaatue WlessrutlteAi pendent.wîxgue.i ~ WE EONTO Any aime delîired, set up coenplete, i es.O Then wbeu a chaits' case rame garage nearliy and sec-tret] a bihi___________r. Kad&uio, of Jaîran. Ia uow as-ý CAME TO HIM. aiong Il woutd lie urued over teothIre îowered automobile. sîstlug lu the work at tlie saultarlurn. __ above foundation, andi us the new O r' physcians Iu whose cafegory fi came.!'pi ysca watledufîe GRANfdTED A DIVORCE - lite i conducting a number of expert- John litfke of Waukegan, wlio was lit would net take a great deal of Iheir car and wlith stren slrlektug sud.lt1 meuts wlfb rablilfe sud gulene pigs a piael h rtItnr nteipoe orfa eta snta te tthe counts' for paymeul. mJý[ees f0 fthe Evanstun hospîtal lln NO PAKMRNTD E- JUL(leIAbrc F.sgeni sd hefoasRwsOFd bppIsd rodLmea d behcut sliianimabIisee o, ecravere Ie sclv JLI F BOWR F TG- hee nIaI bveben ufctd arthe Ir Souioduxslu1I0ndnianaen o telarerpae r the poaition of counfy physicien, but f ween litesu d deafli. whIle %ira. ltIr rCREEcre Ib niaNDimeal whcb l letg en .m mbr le used for the specific purpose for' had speuf (lie afternoon aith(le golf Dnu club womau o Highland Park, vas suffering fron. the diseane, but aud men wbo are recelvliug (hem are0 Wbkoblit vas approprate4. club near Highland Park sud vers on yesterday vas grnued a derse of dl.1 tdyh aavi a.blghly pleased over the recognition 0 "'eprovient salary' gven thse (belr was' bome wheu fthe englue erVrce tron ber busbaud. Joie FI. Brou.fua h t wfl(ey bave been gIven. » :rphyscien la flt aearty enougb topped. Dr. Blatchtord got out o! er, by Judg eGIbblion uthe circuit oHe poos"o te ccnducf laborstan> H. B Thomais IR sno'ler Wsnhigan bn I .. 0i b court, o Cook cSty. tentcolony, and Il reu 10teJape pan nWhio was une outhile Indian figlil-o ,e fli o 16 'oV4*e fr Il the cbarity patents close the throtf le. Wltb the tiret furu Mr, Brower la au attorney and mei-w benuhlie I conkvlnced that ho cari ors wbeu ho belonged te the Seventh 0 11at mlry sbould ho at least $5000 of thie crauk the car darted sbead, ber of the Chilcago Athletlc and Ex- cure others. cavalry as corporal. Hi% ludian modalIlu, 6,~anad If cbarlty patients are toithrowlug hlm (oe(lie grouud sud rtu- nuor Country clubs, le enroute here aniuhobea "t ng' 1 '4 cafel for au lb.y hould hli il yl 1nng over hlm, The. divore vas granted ona_ p.Potantly for it toearrive. 'wsaemoo net1 tmr rlete.Ir ________ -pleinetal blîlfilod by Mn avitower. 1,re and btter neb*s lu INîDEPEN- ,'His regiment la sald to ô 'ave been* urs eet tbeplan 'I bave asgue." adepndeut ads-read by 25,000. lu whlcb elle cbargod ber bus ad DE"T (ban-a-,-o- - - - - - lu -b- -bl- -a-ian-ba- -s-i- - -o-ba bo, t & aioh -- e'i uthe bgInin atest- ob - - -r---@MIN B'U L7BS B U LBS BULBS INow Is the Time to Buy DULUS 3 ____ 1 Watch This Space Next Week Meredith Flower é Ve getable Co. J. E. MEREDITH]a'P re si d e nt Greenhouses on First Street, near the old depot

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