CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Oct 1912, p. 7

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+ FOR SALE FOR SALE-4lood young Hol E. J. WEjSKoP'y. Etaciostêiier, Il 289Wa. FOR SALE OR RENT-ltnpro o 1O5, acres, hall way between and 1 adsworth. Isiquirê, BOvEs. Llbertville. Pý 0. Ili). FOR SALE OR RENT-IMy 220 acrfs, % [mile sotut 0itay good condition. gîood Iinpro Addrene or phone 79)J. Jow Grayslake, lit. FOR SALE-I bave one of sitiated arnail farine in Lake wicb 1 will seIl cbaap If tak Have 18 acres of exceptioni land. a nine roarn bouse, nesi running well, on place. Lace hile from stores and gond im mile trom stores and good& for somebody. Enquir . SJ Wadsworth, Ii.V FOR SALE-Dard noal bestinq base hurner,aarly ew. la &. Nvm, Kasi Park Ave.. Lltw 'l. FOR SALE-25 ton of hats Mad carots for stock hsdlng; botest 05-00 Mad oerr ite at $10.00 par ton; alec quaatiti of Talow Globe outoas et @oc pariJ busael. FRANK B HLVS, PrairlO VIv,f IIL Pions 28UW2. P-22 1 VIEONE REOEîVEOF5 Ra !tteTel t O LES$ TI4AN I B*%~u.sFuase y± 25 CENTS Lake Lounty Title &l'ruitCo tisitraitsol Tie. Tities Gujýanted .l . . . the Hlectmlc depot. Watcr and sewerM iasoni,-TemjpleBidg. staulwgan. ii. + mains laid. R. E.HonaNtE, Llt.amtvllpe O-.î Am15S. (iISIMi + + + 0t EunKrtxan.dlesIoMr lstelin bull. FOR SALE--$tcote Co> 'llie 'uW dog. garet i.. Getty. W --Mu ft N 142 ft Lot GFOEo11.ckphone t, Bik 12, Illghiand Park, W D. Ml. Phone 277L1. iRockefeller,0 c-B-I ~Jahn Magnuîaâon and w i ta A. E. oeîamFOR SALE-Horces fuor ait purilosee; <intafean and %ir, lot 18. lîelinhai, roe a lsnIo twa 'rns. a uiuisal 55Mone nu Milîburnu ...Lm iri.Ltetvit,Sub. \Vaiîkegan. W' 1),$130 ,0 ot E,w. c-32-tiI John Dora n and wi to J. F. iluran, -~----~~~-E tOufit W 225 fi S 125 fit131k 1, Plat taferin af . ..+..+..+.. .. .....'," Htgbwood. W D, $1000. bjsiale. in + 0(RNT',Ot. 2,Iji?,-CarotinE floherg ta UN Wits .... .* .. .. __. lraud Raberti, et ai, eouttî 175 feetl N_- ++ + + + + + + " r " "West 50j teet. ea,.t i00 teet of iîlock c-2 FOR fENT-Eighty acre farm; aiso 14, plat D Higbwood. Q. C., $1. Ethe best have for sale, farming Imîlements, b. H. W. Speldel and wife uo John se County stock, sale cropsa. if taken witin next Griffith, lot 6. Williams sulu, Lake Lken sSn., threa weeks. Apîly or address H.C. Foreet, W. D, $10. naily fine Beckman. R. F.D, Waukegan, Ilii H. L. Taylor and wife ta B A. Ham- u'iy new; nois. WNk,-2t+ i iMon, soutit 100 feet of lot 7, block 2(1, ,ateti hait Highliandi Park, W. D., $10. schooi; 4 FOR RENT OR SALE-8 roain bouse. Martin DeTanîble snd vite to J. L. scitool; j viait ail modern lmprovements. Roc-*- Metien. lot .1, block 3 and lots 3, block P.hone, sr 284l. 4.ure BR orEt,,RIdgewood park, Highland Park, Wkly.2t+ W. D., 11, . seFOR RENT-Flue Offices lu the schanck MNry E. Brand and husband to C. ng etova. building. Sca tiin. H. GrIffths andi vite, lot 4, block 20, uqîe01c.5êt.f ELIZARETS SRAI. IHtgbland Park, W. D., $5,6317. ..........++ + 4 WANTECD + WANTE pra mst ogneral faf. work. Appiy to J. m. BAmzIC. Piie View or taisphos 285RI Ubon"ylie. 1 .2li FOR SALE OR TUA0E-FP»r etUl, i____________-___p 6 rol Appipton buner la goodela, WA94TEO--4pam- of 80 ta, 100 aCres. vP-22 vîthia i mi;«s of Waukegam for cash _______________________ ustomar. state price aid vheu Pou- FOR SALE-Tva ota o to d4ffsr, session cma ha bai. Robert J. Erg Woodndeasnev. pr70. IL W.kUne, TelepitousBuilding, Waukegan. OvArvMUD, Ub&rtyvTls. 0.2-19 Ili.Wkly3t FOR SALE-Flret prises wInNIN Boi- elsla buil at, Uberty-VDi-Pluatrje 8Sut, boni Ja. 30, 1912. lime, Priam Thna Spord Il th 47409, Dam Pearl (lerten Boskyn 66878. COumitmotly whitesumai eit grova. Prims $75. Pmsgltered a"d raaisrmed. N. E. <lziAmE, Lbertyvillia. Pitane27fiWl. O-1-tf FOR SALE-Stick arnage Or isare tom, 4 »d 5 erecil.,1«6 bauds bigt>, vt 2400 lb.., gUmti, sud sonnd,. Alsa blick tamlly borme ifor chlld. J. H. NdcCuRDY, Libertyvis. Pions ISL. FOR SALE- Lait. county larme, land la Notans, Taxas and Florida. DymoR» &A AufTiN. FOR &ALE-@ room bouse and lot aIl modern Improvemi., lot 1001150, on ldtivmuma veamae outh of Emeculc depo. luuireof I 9.OsnOmis, UbeM2-t& FOR -SALE-Lots te Osbone 5mb. dviom on Nilvae avenee omth cil YOUCHOM2 Tb@ maPgIDC & loua fi" au théie horeb. Ile b bdg vesed ai a basemate tuk> hapaetudr It Nme.Amble Murphy tIou itvaeks.1 t. vielting ber la"l. ,Whilleid lama. Nies Dora Moen of aiCheeo, vlited ber parants sud brother goury ovet Fred Teseman t. spendlnga alev days lu ichiffla. Ser"tBluchard, Who hau issu qeite clck te abls tu attend ochool egatu. orge Teesia, Who blise tad foverwv aton 10 the boebitial Ilt Tlaredai. The commaflt vaagreatl ysaddensd snt Saturday aigu by the demiliof Arthur am Ncha NArs. vho vwr. ilsdby sumectrie eau. Thsy vere aId &aid etesed alghboresud the many tmondse ymspashise vîththe titaater. lu thair astibereavemnent. La Chartes ankins *ad taunly entarimin- ed »BTv*W friade rom Racina Sanday. M.Coma Obaupue:tram (On-e, vlslteid ber eater, Mm. Belle Worth revently. Ira Hoidridie sud Jo. Brackhia"v Mbougitti tnt&au engluneansd cutter sud are fitSug altos. "cagoAA7 PiaiCernent eWANTED-To eXchange: A portable 1posiltry bouse. sccommodates aeventY 1bird, in vinter; adaptable for brood- Plog la Sprtug. FIbr tarin horse. cows. or tar Im iplements. Addrees Ott & OU. Wauksgan, Illinois. o4t-WkIv WANTED-Oood girl for generai bouse- work ALIY N11s. VLE1<UhIÉ CLARK. Libertvff .c-52-tt WANTED-To vent tarin80 te 160 aces. Cash rent. 01lieefull parucnlare tu ltter tb N. IXDEPENISENT. c-5M-tf WANTED-8 or 4 morne for ight houe- keepinc, tnrDisevd, or 2 rorne vith board. lnqire st ttblsofflcs. ++++++ + + ire lusurauo. bouse rmaug, colslet dous, loaas ngolltsd by Dvssoon & Mte¶ia. -. .a c-2-Ui I __________________________________________________________________________ AGED RMSDPtNT IS DERD lm WAUKEGAN MIR&. ELZABRTH BURNI14 7 YUANS OLO, DIEO AT HER HOME ON SUNDAY EVENING. Nus. RElzabetht Hurne,87 .'sare old, ome ci the fimt poneer res.dents of the city, passed avay et ber home ou the corner et MoAliter avenus aud UÀbsrty treet ai fies c'clock Sunday QvOnUlg after a rather liugérlug lIt- iame. B"a. had lved la this saine bouse for the. lait tifty-seven 7aars. MUn. Burns came ta Waukegan si,- ty-tvo yaars ago ant iebd ltved bars aven inoe. Hftr abant id& bout tveuty years Mgo aid Rince that time aid Dp to raceutty site had lîveti prae- ticalty alona. Site leavas tva daigb. tirs, Nus. J. D. Dillon, of Atania. Gi, and Mr-tai, of Ut.ah. Up to &awvesk go Mns. Dillon, reai- lhiE that hem motiter coulti fot live long lad coma ber. to stay vitit ber. A veak L90g mie vas calied ta New York aid It #0 bappaned that ber motber passedaay du ring ber ab> Sence. A telegrain receiveti froin ber ioday deciareti that abe voulti leava at once for beresud wyl arriva ln plenty of tlme for thte funeral. lin. Burns burieti several daugiters anti Bons. lira. Bures vas one of the hast knowoniod ladites in the city anti ber deatit brings sorrai ta many homes, b Obituary. ' ~ Chtam. J. Fnedrick vas born in Frisont Itheb«tMay 2s. 188(7 anti dieti Septý 28, 11912 bis death beiitg caused ti a gun sbct. Ct. 7, 9)08 ha waUnitedl iu marriage &at Sn lto Bertha Moyer aieaot Fremant. Je leaves ta osurn is lomo, bemides bem dé»mother, our brothers, tour isters anti aged grandisarentm, bemides a hast ut n lIatlves anti friands. The tuneral was teld lrom St. Marve ,matPs 'Mie Brand Cîtbuli, Church at Fremonti 'iuesday murning Oct. 1, 1912 unuier the anspicicu W e 1-andle aI St Jussph'm Court, vitit Rev. Fathar 5v Baye uitoiatieg. Card af Tisanks ýoncete fence post May be iMade We eih ta exteuti Our incere thanke forI 2 ~ iec. I..eve ourna o ahsinei trs ricuda anti relative@, for 2c apiem Lme ow » e wh @o ilY assioted nu; dnriag aur wi&h us foi r i-.e i ùK' boohiet.recetbereremetit. IBer ba lredtlek HOME LUmBER CO., Lbertyvitle,- 11 anti famity CHAS. HARBAIJGH LUMH ER CO. lugledeII SotnethIng wbIcb you NEED, but v. . LD, auegn î~,settt en n no tessuelaitu NORTHI CHICAGO LUMBER & COAL 1 wue w," Ymay headsvertisestiaiy day CO, Noth Chicago. nov lu tae "FOR SALE" columa. OCT. 3, 1912. Christapher Derby aud i!e, ta Helen L. Derby, lot 87, Itavinta, W. D.. s1.00. W, Wamer an sd vite k> H. A« weg- Dei, tract of )and lu N. E. 1-4 sec. 3, Ayou tvp.. W. D.. $600.00. Win. Waber and vite, la Fredk. Schmoedar, trbatf anad ila N. E. 1-4, sec. a. Avon tvp.. W. D, $50000. A, &. Shannn u d vite, et ai., ta W, 9. Bletmcitaid vite, lot 1, sud W, 13lot 2, bWok 38, Highltandi Park, deede. 83.00. utiNa E ' elter and itusband la L.aura A, and BEa M. L.UI, 10 acre@ lu S. E. 1-4 sec. 14, Newport tvp., W. D,. $M5. 00. OCT. 4, 1912. Edti P. Kinanid itibaud, to Liv- enta Mt. Sydyester, 73 ft. W, front on ickory et.. luit N. of 4tli et., Waulie- gan, W. D.. 83600.00. P P. Hawkins and vite, ta C. H. Poster, E. part lo 14, Higbwood, W. D.., $4,050.00 Estate of Fcrancis Calvert (dec'di ta -C. Belden, part lot 242 Forest, duels,8.o00. Henriatta Croakbit. sud husbaid. ta E. E. Cronkisita, et al.. lots 8 sud 10, blk. 1, Rockefeller, W. D., 81.00. A. D Wtnu aid vite, tas Hînle j. Keannedy, 41 sactes lu 8. W. sesc. 24 N. Anticci twtp., W. D., $100. Henry Itudigar and vite, ta James Kolndlatei lots 41 aud 42, bîl. 5, Nortit Chicago. Q. C.. 81.2o.00. OCT. 5, 1612. Pmny . Watts aad husbaid, ta t.L N. flambe, pat bik. 24, Muea plat,' Htghvood, W. tD., $1,300.00. Adrev lrapf and if, ta j. y OlVIt, lot 21. bik. 2, Oocîas uit., Wa,* kegan. W. D., 1»0.0 OCT. 7 1912. W. S, W«aeanad vite, ta J. P. Bovtes, tract of tend ln sec, 13, West Autioch tvp., W. D.,, 81.00. Msatitav Riomaibaus and vifs, ta, Hanna T. Croit, Part lot 341, bake F'orest, W. D., $10.00, Margaret Lttie, ta C. A. Bowles, lot 3, aid Part lots 1 aid 2, blk. 1, Chionns Addt., Antioct. w. tD., 1.80.00. -, H. fleadict and vite, ta Ada T. Busick, N. W. part lot 16, blih 1. Smuith aid Adamse North Atid.. Wau- kegan, W. tD., $1.,0. J. b, Metscu ta J. A. McbAne, lot 3, btk[ 3 sud lot 3, bik. 4, Ridgeeood Park, Highland Ph. W. D., 41.00. LOSES 4,000 MILE RACE AGMINST DLATti MRS. THOMAS GLEAVE OF WAU- 9CEGAN ARRIVES&1IN ENGLAND TO FIND FATHER DEAD. ni. Thomnas Gleave of Waukegsu loat bar 4.000 mile race aerons thea OCean, planai hastily ln a desire to osae ber aged father bafore bis deatit. Wednesday marning a message ln a cabiegram n tutrmuti Waukegan rel- atives cf the arrivai un Hngland of lire. Gleave and her nstier-in-lav, tirs. T. B. (fleuve, u Inte late after- noon anuuher mallegram arrl'eea vitichit iformed theun of t1he deatit of Ars. Gleaves father, Faiied ta Reach Hmrn The two messages wauld thus indi- cale that irs. Gleasu, did not arrive hefore hi-r fat hers deat, for it took ber fromntîitree umu four haturs 10 get ta lis home frou te Place the irst message van sent. Mrs. illeave cotise ays ago rreeved word from England uhat her tather vas vers' ill aîd Largneg ber ta hasten ta Eîîgiamd. Shitepfu te foiiowlng day, acconunimi-d hnY her lie son anti her mother, The Lake Couîîty Sunday scitool convention willi bc helti ln the Audit. torium ln Northt Chicago on Octaber 22 and 23. Afleals wilîl bu serveti ln the Presby~terian church, corner of Sixteentit and State streeta. itlai beliaved tat te National secretary, Marion Lawrence, vîli lue prasent an lte fIrst day of the session. L Publia notice laeiteraby givan titat s fIllinois, Conuty cf Lake, s-: ________ thte Subscrihar Adminilntro f tite Iýn Courty Court 0f Lake County. Egtate of Auna Petierkort, dec5Sid, Septimber T«,ru A. D. 1912. WIU. EEFEND JM ENSON vilI attend the Counîty CoUrt aofLLake luate matter of the. application of County at a tenui thereot. to ha boldenan 'mk lrtart, Guardian of Etivard c. JORQENSON MA$ EMAPLOYED nt the Court Hous" lu Waukegan, la Dobiier and ElizabetbhDaliner, minora, ATTORNEY GEORGE FIELD As said Couaty. on the tirt Monday af ta sîl reat estate. December nazi, 1912, -heu anti DY virtue of a decreal order matie UNELNO QILTY. viere aiî perians tsaving ctaîme and enterai of record ln thes aboya an- titlati cause in sad Court on tae Nintit George FilId bas beau retalued as againsi eald estate are notifiai and Day of Septaînher, A. 1). 1912, 1 shall counsalI by C. Jorgéadut. 1%be requeatad to present the same ta aiti on Menday, thea Fourteentit Day of bsen itl Int the grang~t 1y dfftr Court for adjudication. Octahar, A. D. 1912, 51 Cite -heur of- der charge. LOUIS H LICHTMELD. oua o'ciock la the afternoon af laid Attorney FPld epent teo "h a r Atiministrator. day, st th@tE ast Boor of the Court cnutto ihh&cin nh*cl HouastaIn<lie Cty of Waukegan, t n ulaonvttbscItluheet Waukegan, Illinois, Oct. 7tb, 112.theCouaty of Lake anti State of 111-In thte Lake cauuty lau Tbursday att- Whly3t nots, ci-ar for sais Lt public vendue OrOu ta thte higitest sud hast bitider for As viii ha reunambered Jorgenson ADJUDICATION NOTICE, cash, al of tae igttitli ant Iinter- vas arrestiat at Fox Lake tvo monthe PUBLIC NO'IIICE lsaitareby givan est of the aboya named minore In andi aza for the murder of hie coinrade. tat the Suberiher ýExecutor of t tiith folloving describati real estate. Th@ village authorities allege titat Ituatedti u the County of Lake anti Jorgenson sitot bts partuar lu coid Luit W111 and Testament af Pitilis :tete of Illinois, to-vit: bicod. Ha wae arresteti the night of1 Siegale daceased. viii attend thte The nortit est cquarter of thea soutiha nra niwsbogt aWn County Court or Lake County, at a wesi quarter of section twenty-ane. In temre n a ruh oW terin tiereof ta be itoiden ai theto twnship farty-four North, of Range kegan. Thea murter, the police aliage, Court Hanse In Wuukegan, Iu saiti ten Hast of thte Third Principal Merld- County, ou the firet Mouday cf De- Ian, contailng forty acres; sieonte- cember next, 1912. vben anti where riartit wes't quarter of the soutit veat ,,E sm t ehE al esn aigcam gie adquarter of section txsentî'.one , In Ontms e ai prsnshain caiisagint atiTownshilp forty-fouir North, ai Range iness, a transpoc estute are notitied and requested ta ueo Hast ni the Third Principaal Merîi- Isesent the saune to Rali Court for Ian, eontaining forîy acres; also the unusual event put a p] adjudiication. soulth nest quarter outuhe forth veat IOSEPIT si MELE. quarter of section ta enty-one u Ii T e Bl g Dsa Exacutar. Township andi Range aforesaid; Th-elLo g Dsa H. V. ORVIS, lalsa the saut hait of the north easu not onlY Puts 75,000O ,%iiorney for Exacutar. 1 qurmiofthe soîîth w'est quarter (ex- Waukegan, Illinois, September 3Otb ceint oi,'cre on tlie north sîde theve towns on the map,E 1912.Wluy îà of ,i.n si-ntio n'it n in Townsnhipi * ncto anuitRange atoresatd: aiea the north infter-comm niato hall of tthe soujth eust quarter of th. vry yocurne Contrasta In Dormestic erwvice. i socih tsist quarter of sectioun slxteeTî, eey a curne Americans who cao keep anly One lio ToNnship farty-fouir North,. ci servant, and who often cannaI keep Range T'en Eest oftuhe Thirîl Prin h tre m n t tuat one very long. sametimea sigtl for liaili-eriiauîT e the mn t tae suppueedly domnestlo trauquilllty etf Dnicl Ibis Tweift day orltr- cm Chicago is 25 cents. the. aId woriu-and yu hure la a para' hi-r, A D. 1912. graphIn l the Londton Times saylng FR1ANK Ettiî 5. titat a certain maruisu as summoneti Cuardi'in of said minore. XMh Cail "Long Distance" ta a London police court fer "leepting tour maie servants wibaut baving Il- Thuti elusîxe hoardlng bouse atuti phone Company's tir, cenase." ant i lned forty shillings viti you bave determunedti finti SONIE cnta. Lita ta not witiiont 115 trou- DAT may bu advertfised taday. bien aven for marquises witt sveral Manager's Tele'. servants. K1IiNEý Vbu Silphoue 9903 _______________For K imuey andil Badder. DlseaSrs, PAUL MAC OUPMI. ATiORUhT A? LAW. lÀhervls,Ulot vas the resnît af a drunkeft brvi. Attornay FIeld admitffi that bua clleDý wouid plead "fot.E*Ultr." That t ho alleged inurderer viii an- deavor te, show that ha kilied bhiecouw- rade tu self def«ns le the baet c« a nuiter of the loca offlcIai,. Jorgeason'a case vilI flot ha caltai for trial during the. October tarm et court. lis case viii be the frirt case caW) ai dnring the December terin af the circuit court. Aititougit Jorgenson did flot have suffielent hindi to ernpioy coui»bS i friendis iu Chicago have raised tàq mouey. ear that a certain bus- ortation lime or some )ace "on the ma>." nce Telephone Service American cities and but it makes instant ibetween them an conversation rate to 'over Chicago Tele- nes. A. ANDREWS- Local NManager p2-9Ule Ili ere J.Il. m o ibche aiid 1 l ai e Lî I Cîh NOe T IC le ol ena i thby ie- n ii -îp î î tre Stto lis rlain hemke riy il, niii t iit-augh il'i..e VII n d\\akesanifIi n 'o illi >.f i v CAin I. C . , CANDIDATE, ens t-i ihue18 0 Il., r ch 12, i 1b841?.ttijîtt Ir n th iet \on.y 0f ecmri..' t ,, . . . FOR .I H HC I<. L I t ateued[nd ro pitd a , ,1 xi 1h11 . e d IIatendilte iC0r14Gi. SSi IN - 1 .' DISTRITMA TI . I ffnîsîingtiC-r , e paio t. 2 .al. 9tdrî ('0slrlty Court ofiLakeilfi ntyao], atea I SSUES OPEN LETTE . % TOn t1 aei , l oaran i;e r flot tii-l nd -Itojeuitthe Cres t 1 tir n..l.h . . DR. Station lin epeu (ber1872, 5fie S .in ili il i. t ine la iis ait .in lîîraf ljîîdi.a taie1s". 'flo e 13 011 ofo ur is sber. ITi) m- I -e e trtii.' nf nem n ai iiif f i -! f, 7,lIl N'L T H s C HIC 12 Arn-I LL INpIS. atei\dan ori i i 12, % e l Und -XIe IOal , D r im. i i ti t l Iii , v .îT ig tud bora thn r e cbida, a lrcIlsl :ýncansitrs. (ira Sniîini, f h . i uti i 1 .T ylî-bue1 aID Lueiaud.182,Fr ank E i saine Io ,îtI ( oii; i for tdudIcta - baisat Ie.,, Ea hNe 109 Cartkiîag itbldon Il vtetfi Eecitrx1-0Hlt aîî.eai llîîui, eem er \î anii leptimi ii i 12 aD . . - . pIT .un A o ive m e r . g o th auis iii m .illn 1h2 l y 2t Ilfar ,an ki i n i i 'c rui mlias fn. I eJ.EiT g ,B ldn tr tii I eil dreu, Mta Coi ra , a , e. nut'x i-, lu,'î frin MtirsiiJ.EI., To -. e1 of Lre iuite wFr a E.1îkle i te atiTeîh astADJUDICATION ii a -NRmTIPoE.109 Pitntbuomu,îtteus hand %fin rhiraeIla-»'01)aaillAbtv a ai d J.Illi ois a tutii lreta oms x aii uBLIC n llzis, . eeber z'. 11s-j1 en aaîta Pakl oino" iti Pu, l-rhDlR. F .S I H Ple% e ad, agithy .e n1, 12rtht..' u- -i - x 'u.atorUt t farîae denîcxri u wca dia sr olrý- e leryli lltl deoin Iltinoislu thaIaAI tIir.d n i adl ai lsd Tesamenf0f aîh itl eca M r.n utc Tnth congr in isLov dd hedtt lndai inpende1aed ai ttndih unaldersto hs itamg PBLCACINERN iret. " County nd.1 AD UCo T O N ak îN T aIah , i-ai , hr lfmv rsîitilzty VE Atteý)ntn jmaid tarris u Saite Ciws a ons an .t, - nrý teu hee t ai, PU hC O IE j Id retb l enurt ( aine ofi Fa nk Lit ol n a seres,laita a-sadietrais ( iat tude bisou idasuron eb re ilr, at id at the.t5 f (ri Mon ay ax Dctor Ii he i ,nocai adi aef rco g rsj L i,, mcl lore II waI îî an dýIigh wâo i the l w of Ijý Iý J ý and Lest ili 'andpaes amentof lietheied taIntenth pr ngnc s 1-ia - irHm trut w in ohm 'wbi diietvi aI nKet, 112, we n sd here atil liern , lýo n I I areefu al recthee althn thine vli"shaeomlaîrnlrioCourt5fl5 ofvng ae againt,,aaid ýlu(a istico th and ilve.n ake HENRY SCACIONEER eaSb s ua ctlyaant ëuthe sumuhausix terri the Mma e hIt.aiaîd court fo e . e nîeetiut attnoion eeteitoias earlgi thinge btongsd to at pa tiadIo H me n 'aeaisalisExCountor. 1eptiug Sundar>.ai- uadtiesr le i odt tude ben o ha etphîsica str angib peit. . E KE . c a e sl n th eIssal egeoftthe 1i F abl S L S 01E P R C K mlta, bsgaa thel t tioe utset mey for I)cýexetor opeing o lie hcampaiu 50 prascta l l givedhop, ao n vbhmtrst ientdully a jdar th ail j nu t , 1912,n. tîlnoland pteer ail mllierar-niy or rragig ttefortyrvlllaneAt i i mes thatru elld Ob@ G Pai 1912, W ointet inatas e die t ri tand teraldetailv.P O E e borlorndot lovisE conuslaim id ber j Ws i c prooe thandthe entLafe___HENRY_____SINE___ useft a d ehavomm adat l e migrs dt tatsa ae il ais onty of l.,ak tcs le dYl. Piseeq1uarf8ly. CTY beart h@ queltiy kwaiu the s mmons prenan the aTee p aold Court or.ThaleBmttiursto he eldda Sa.l tocm note r eeer.,n t fbesLrd aJuIatiCoutCor fk Cunt,. th Kiay rna our ibe e ndton beese ee 00 ttWt Sb@d Ilon uos oo grothuln@nd raaitlNttn PEBDleoni, edmNisîar ane or cvary truiy datesU(ex-r avPe fia rae a mmlng d tuaobe deiae n utt s satte fMy .H rle ,e C ngeSundaC.osmte fa hu d"Auct ionSER tu ht.f.ul bier dness as flot t caad p ar.e,.E PartC.dgc, Mary C aree u. iveribischalrenae ak te Elwe Ae.Wuemat miated b gpo" hemmultttolikatt@Asmy ctic Oniy 'onnte maio a tossnd." e. SAES ONEPERat. darknoses tis a dorae ibtheIll e ro fni Hare i oi, William A.e rle0t, aml fPruiy or rr gl teL b t vl ,M the a Eci-le. bisfwifd.Fred Ly lHart s iE COUtYian tDR. ale.O N D E RF LJ. bieelsg ad etf li«u oteradtear W@proosetha teB.penarit. bis111100 lot ands bcer . cnmandmbuta.s a ger GUl e o rge H vi Cany fe, (arolina -fledeqaly. Vep T Mas.a Y sIetr rON. ornoau athoislaft t b al rnut e- MitnW.Bid e ,admer b er v u, e- * t UCCE S W STnÂs l IrviUngAN paîturreve bro he . J. Hd . A ndle Deai B outs William H hr le, a e Sit a. I -.Caim n o lM G a e thl fail bimd hm no benicfg har tatPae B. H« -arle.William FrANI< UTTERiee D of LT ER d'ý UCaTyl.I tNoEE itaksalst s d a elte, es Hi eor Car a aN e- mi Lg Carben oji eLW 0F I S S C CESS IN _Lke _144 _____________________Man tou plete of a , bliv ing ter e ro an ay efra H W E T FIL Tondieoothe evawerd of sband 0. Paynebrnk Pre. HlgII tt 121years agteeo frak Butrfed Se -b - màgWa" bi»" an adolodg ober tu eni Emaiacîre, idait havedL.g bertvas rlvin a mtY wagon i.nP. Wauke- chudin udgrndcllme, heEr ia lu.tPeaoleof b wlerol tiaane Tda iem smanmu tEfmf otf~ii108sdOS .a poandy a Bi s ommnlt hgient. valuable ferrne Hn.tite famaberitua Amayig dcaslgef <o min he de ailCorttWilliam A. Harle, ans fcîiofCnaa Ueth't15 lluoe parsure ora sudcit or t.H A, nîl, ser0 i'RAcNKptof a lter froIN bi brThER D R A. H . CIJit Brown lof tustaud livigkeatber u n Mryhe or ettr ftei.til fTHE finAntaFILS.aevttPylcs n u nid ometesd towbie plce te b y Ntice for iesseo selrey i entaDRC. . A L W Y wt aken fo5 vr tcvrmta ett-istheat dellia . ailat E m ht ehars ame Frankce t e riasd rOlover dt W fo6 nD ieu Stor anc vho sth ies. srli aves, uad.le altatthe aaffed sin ai peitlon wumt riing a antagnin 00aukeiSpcaaaeuuo8e s, usajTee aviin abs nd rtilado a, th lses fiet! nbere ofe fi eintitis ourt hi, 0 iat. a harvnstoe o7.the muobt GLAE S P 1 oPRLMd FSte P pasbyof te com enit la gven. Court tha Wiliam A Pare and Em- eluaLe bamsr n thella. w.ea UbeV-Die llIalle Majr he bkWng*of Go, law of dail adreut t tof ete ant at an ils o a aa. ar A r Rsl ,IAGE Ln il. MaEHS 8llasnous, noas as 15uesd oanot titis Bertaie piji tsd 0auresofla I. firs haeudien fo thm, ntCo srt egtuothe tth e aboya namai defa-l ofarlester 3.756 bssarohl DLR. . CVURCILL wMrai H.tMustr Cdiao.211 dabNtielaturlefor ie et day of ta tiy5ohuhâai i PysenERand rgon Margar v tet rivea r t u anile.25 iethe strn i amtPa Cut rt odtEmaW i vorth m buitabeai anutsopn ..? Cine Who ebb, CIvs tiagoves......26 ( le, at t .h abd a m ed CourtHose a trenr ed" et F.Oe o ai e Beo ds rac Otor sJatn hu hictgo......2 nWu en.ledaIndibis.Court hi& Fas in buttar l oves 8MOre e 1aeto t ,flNo dTrn Patd terecmsa Waukegaa-26 l fo eaveooeil br A.eD.ime1o, wempat.H aented 17,0bas SE6 inaioPER IOTE f Laura E. Soit, Wankeof.88 as enttul a Y equir a d vticit anels hoard ai get ealoxt sî '94ce h pr ________________ Al WdTasa. i^ ELIINkea . 34aittle itit n d asinsud. utoftiila aedlteare, idno teteee FraryciakaMir Ciaukoe........42L.EWA. tlngHetrte 3.7bis riand In aukegam DR. E. V. haaietWEt riod. Raie .. 25 Cthe. dvlsnofhathte Iveatther Coauy siiN OK . L P iseLi. Claenc WebusC hiaine..........261Couilkagan. l i ept. ourt AlD. 1912.b $2C.n0dan laid, n thaop n ie- a 0a. .Slo mait. Fraue CJ. Hopihu io. .L.. a.. s. c 21 In t. lak, I ttoray for ti-on i B te Id a o Frik utrfaiS . Aiete eboer, Waukegan......Lag 26Methoner. Wkyor4to vasA 1.dr12vlrn g amea 2v8on or DtiLedae-t Alre Tetea Mlwuke ......34tiio l eil pnd.- ode uni. f.,-.,, 10 ..e h a purCtA- t t s lio Mary Lutzko .Mt Ou. . ........AR42AN' A L E. -000 a th ay. adnwh l ed U 1 A L R -il , 1 , ý 1 1 . ti c y 1

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