CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Oct 1912, p. 1

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.-AKE (JOIJNTY INDIEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXI.-NO. 4. PART TWO. LIBERTYVILLE, MLL., OOT OBER 18, 1912. EIGHT PAGES $1.50 PER YEAM IN AIDV AIF~£~1ffTUI'V40MTIER DIED iSLNSTV BREAKS LEG; À - KE UIJIUI WINS AT AURORA, ILL. 1 .- NFEIL MONDAY Dr. L.E. Themas neceived word iast EXPLODES; WUM N Louise, the flve year aid dauguter n1ght ofthe f h uobMther, Mns.fMian r.Gog Ow s, f SECOND PM IEI3 IN W IIOLE D, Toms a brhoua un Anrora, IS BADLY BURNED' ;2 lrs aeutltaiaswn ITuositay aigit, et 7 ociock. lire 'on tue lana of thé Orens home Mon- Thomas ras 73 yeare aid. Sh, léaves day night andl broke ber lt-t leg -a STATE FOR GOUNTY EX bond cnd seen ehiidrni. Thi. chli BURNER.FILLS TANK WITH pnmnx:nedtot set the, loane.TIhe yonng IR ren are Mn BH. T. Clark, Anronat: GASOLINE-EXPLODES Ir uir ffens mach pain, anw It vii i w m.n'y. 7.Wii.y, Aurore; Mns, l. I ________I eke efaoeah, cai set uer relgh' ThoasAuor; J. A. Thomas, J onitheInjuneil 11mb. She l-il about IIB T T ST T.FnsEra. dwrdTripp Everett, Bel 'à- \HURL ABUSE AT FiREEN oit fot._____ D.LB.Thomas, of Weuiegen. Dr. Generally Conceded That it Would HaV Bç#n Given Flrst Place lied W. E. Miller liedTIénc , îo Decorate Mis Dsply-llst of the Indi- viduai Farmers Who Won -Prlzes. Forpaer Superviser W. P. eiller af rations rare not as good am Stevenson lDhslVi11Qw»o tb -purtotq a, l~y tarm produce exhi1bit from 'Lake 1 ta'àVariety, quantity and qai)etï. Mr. coauty 10tiith State fair ai Siffing-, Milers Lake County exhibîl was ft fld broughi gleat honors la hi. aheail of Il others. accordilg to un-. county, amoag nbich ver. the folow 'biaseil persoa.s It created more ln-i les:1 tereet than any other exhibit tront Second pile@ lai "Dlplay of Faim any other caunty in the state and peo- Produett trou Nortiierai l-orticuitur- pie by the score toppeil ta examine a Division," department. the largelst caretuiy thie varlou% prodiice broiight lui thé. stire exhibît. The. prize given fromin Lae county. Nir. Millet lnu hie one exbibit emount- NIr. Millers exhibIt included a car- O to $0 160. Joiad of the finest tarin praducte that Savon fIrt pise on single ehibits. couid h. gathered fta il parts of Pour seconits. the county. Benton and Nergart be- Tiiree tlllnds. Ing the only tmo torushIps that were ln ail big prises vere vorth cat not represeaiteil. The tact thai b. $W00.00. von second prise rhiie lai competi- Th* Prima Winners. lion with tbe counnues lna al paris of Bles eÉWaboi> the laite County tibo Mate IndIcates more eioqueatîy people ivho won tbe varons prizen titan wordia hie nature ot the fine ex. sud tii varons articles of raduce on hibi bc bati. nica they ver. given honora: I addition 10 rntering Il of the Pltls-Ratabaga Turuipe. Daniel produets as a whole, Mr. Miller was lie47o1are. Lbetvfll; lHnlihand allored to 0exhibit theu separatelyj tqueai. obet Mile, lbeityvtlis:-, ad itlaiunderstood thai b. non pMmer Stak. J».. LTiompeon. nauy tiier Prismsln thus manneral- Uiee#vIUe; Pwmla. . M. Suy. thouali the saut numbet of prisos ho daK UTbetyvIIle§; Peppers, Rau. réceived itifll ot be inovu until ho *t". Phi, Sgrnlel IlIstiui; Ril Cabi- arriveS home. Tii. firalprise lu the. b" 1D. l. Hannon, Prairie vienr; bt divisioni vent to JoseoiMoyere of M*èItant, Austin Clouent, lÂberty. Preeport and the tirid pria se et to Ville, W. B. Mille of McNabb. Sbmudd.-Earl.y, W. 0. Millon; It vas thie fire ni tuinthe. btor? UuwatW. E. Miller; Stock Car-lofthte county that Lake ras repre- roti Dr. OvssUuL4 ibertyvile:- sented at a ftate fair lai Sprînghleld WbdtOsofgs Amanu. Uibertrville. and for this reason It feels mors keon- Tirdo.-Display Potatoos. cole& ly the honor ot receivlng seonad bon- tion trolaceveral parties. ors lai the entire state. Aoooding te statements of many t M. Miler dld not have as rnuch the Slte tfair, he vould have brougbltîme as, ho could have desinsd 10 trot pulse or thie viole états 10 Lake make hi& tripe about the couaty 10 cornay lad it l ca-load of exhibits ai- galber hIs exhibita. but wherever lie rivadi et the. <ar i tîme 10 permit rant h. ras met nu th th greateet hieu to decorat. lhis exhibit as dlii12lte- courtey-evenyane aseemeil more veoa eOanty. nieb v on finI prils. than nilIing to help Lake county sin Mr. Mllerls exhibit dut not arrive un- a prise. Neit yoan Itlenheleveit that fl fflali t should have beeun thane il nill b. oven easler to get up a coun- Weiuesday. Tiit prevented hlm bey- ly exhibit as everyono nill be look- ing the. exhIbit trou Laie county dec- Ing torwand ta It andd yul ha saving oati 10 any Ctent ile Stevensoui fine specimena tiiet they may have. ooonty, arrivlng «els. biad mple The. tact that tts ia the frni time tîme te dscorate anit have their dis- that aie county bas beau exhubitéd pl" shlow up lu tins shape. et the. State far ant that Mn. Miller l<ey experts eoclared tirat Mr. brouglit back the. houoe, shows thal MIiirsa Lake county exhililt, fromnt tethie plan le a goo one and, liiely in fesu proituce standpoint, excelled thte future, seeiaig that Lake couaity 8teviieou end ail there yeny notice. hanshaoyai it can compare and coin aUV. Maiiy belleve ho shouit have poes ith ail the stat. taira, plans bau given Onst prime for county ex- viii b. cariedt <lrougli ta have a yoar- blille anyvay eveu thougli hi& deco- ly exhîbit et the fair. SMALL NUMBER THEMARKETS REGUSTERED IIERE Chicago Lrve Stockc.1. Reporte tron the varlous precincts Hog-Recelptu 16,000. Quttions indicate that thore ver. but a very rangoil et $9.30«9.40 heavy %hlpping,i fow who took the. trouble to register 1930@9.40 light chippng, S.9509.151 yêeterday. One precinet reporte that heavy paekina. aand $6.3507.75 goodto but ton men registered. This vas Cattle-Recoîpts 6.500. Quotattous tiSe lu the. main respect ln ail the ranedat $10.40011.00 prime teoge ptcinctt. $6.4007.85 choies to prime ted beet 'the judges however vrote in thel cors, $7.00@7.80 selectai teeder«, ll*ss of many wno dld not appear' $5.1505.90 tair to gaod etok*Ms,30.0O té teglser, this belng traC hincases 010.50 good to choie vel cltes. whare t bey ier that the men hait Sheep-keeeipte 30000. Qutations S« tchaligei thir votiaig places. I iiflZd t $6.76C7.25 cholce te prime Tiers arn many namnes, harever, lamba, 05.0006.60 good bo choue nilli liiflo goint th boks aidYearlings, $4.2504.60 giiod -to oboles wh *C dd o g tt te oksan etiiers. 3.50.26 tu ogo rS for the» thore la seuh another day of £s utt I.Sok gi-s., ii. 9tbo! '~toer.Duanint & Stevens, Liv. Stock Cou- Rlhninmission Merchant:, Esst Buffalo, N,. y. quota au f ow:Cattl-Rc.lptà àturkey 011h Edzgirrd Rcarsn10 pars; market tetity. Ronb-4o- bad bOM sattenU is4app>5gi-. .Fox Ocipte 40 cars: marketlvr;eay thai le itea acave and Richarndsonfl6159.35; Yorkers, $8.5M0.00., pgs, OUt a chare of dynamite, niiic b uew 7.007.25. Sheep-lteceipts »Segr; UIP thO O Camla the reins lhe tound Maket slow; sprlng iamiig, T.o te carcasseosof ait foi*s. TIlela pitt7.10-, yearlig%, 5.0005.50; vetheer, w4reeWorth -80, fer more than a tup $ 4 5001q.75; eues, 13.704.00. Cwal,. bsp-MwokfieM Courtes, 8.00010.00. à4er-nej' BinJengnai armalee ha Have the reerulte 'ýt t. Naval &cu-enpdthte agence>for thse Ntionii Traininig Station the. riet tt te hif L14a*ib a % itu Pir lueiritauc North Chicago The. point eigavalsh coonus,, 5ont of i. trohiget lu ti , yeerd inluthe vilfl g"Ae u8 oo«z7. to aii tebialr8iy este- of which appear inthe NorthieS île Ine. jcolumu today. Thomas viii beave tonlght for Aurora ta attend tb. tuaieral.1 PROPOSED PLANT WOULD MEÂN MUCH -,IF tOCAlfID IIE WAGES 0F SKILLED LABORERS ALONE WOULO AVERAGE $3,500 EVERY WEEK REPRESENTATIVE 15 COMING CI-ARlLES SMEPARD TO SENO REP- RESENTATIVE I-IERE TO MAKE AN INV ESTIGATION Charle W. Shepant of Alton, . ij Who vraie two letters ta Mayor J. F. Bidinger la rhicb ha announcet bis desire ot locaiing a large lace manu- taciuring plant in tuis city. le becou- lig even mare Intereted InlaiWuka-ý gain, no mach no tn tact, tiiat tis reei ho jtants 10 Bnd on. of Ile repre- santatives ber. 10 look ovar tie graund. Tic resoit oeti i n- spection andthtei.entourgennt thet ho receivOs aiithe lands of'Wauke- eau peopl ie nub. reporteil baci ia Mr,. 8tiepand wno wnu thon inake a fins]decislau. Tramn preceni indications the pro- poaed plant rould ha very deirabie. lI addition ta minor hein it nouid eu- ploy one hundret alile lahorers nliose ragea rouît average $35 s week. Ail of these meni rouît maya tlieir familles lier. anid maké thus city hein boue. On. of thé bIggesu advantages of the pant la that it rouid manutac- iun. lu co-openatlon wlîh plants ai. reaiiy estauilied In Engiant ant Gcr- menyu uaitr patents granted, which greatly retuce the cost of production. The plant ronid manufacture al grad es of laces, trimmiaigs, lace curtains embroldenies. veilings, etc. Tue concerai nhich i. knocking al the. doar of Waukegaai le heatet hi Charles W. Shepard. pioneér oft he domestic laeeIndustry, hevine trtei tire. of the langeai eut most prosper- ous tactonies In the states, lnciudinî tho irstInla thus country in 1899, (tri years before <lie establishment ofthel Zban lace plant) the. resuit of hie In. e voctigations rhié U. S. Cnul to Calais, France, one of tb. largeat lace contera lai theé rnd. It le nepotét that Irovitine Wau- kegan la aucceata ln landing iis plant <bat local Investors rhlu hé et- fondet on excellent opprtuaity <a ac- qumae stock. providiaig tbey are au Incliaied, as tue establishment of lthe big plant nul enteilisncb a big ex- pentitune of money hat the promot. et reuit preter that hé be given sou.e assistance. Then 100, ha say§ ho rouit feel <liai Waukegen neuit shiow more lai his cancera Iif some ofthie stock rere tu ho boit by local people. This rîlI b. optional, horeven, 1< le reportait. Wcuiegan nil kon mci net concessions Mn. Shepent teainas afien is represeata- tive lias ha.n lione. Clever Plan of Fair. Mut Bt. Louis, Ill., Oct. 16.-A beg- gar, via hat poset as a vitIu of a bolier explosion et East St. Louis, conasset ta Isaac Howard tuat ho and bils Ii allonedt trse or four po- tata bugs te bita <hein on the a-m causng rater blstes iiar tu tuaI protuced by scalde. WIsn Canai-yCame fou WEboe. Thecanari vas latoivUd i tM »W"o » a e cage un ta tke lit., oru th$l fliotnlioe..umir, net 1 dit. eutsmhh tuny bai MW e Wrqrliov, m 2*fIiLwoI RESDENS0F BULL FROG liSPASTOR M'RjNNIS LAND AND PIREMEN WATCH BUILDING BUOIN. TELLS SUN REAI)ERS naevoan ras badiy lurued. pr P-1OF BAPTIST MEETINGi et a e et approxunuiteiy Ill_ : vas destrayed by tire. Tu esnay atter- INJURIES TO TWO iyOUTHIS Me PRACTICALLY ý At 5 o'ctack this eveaiifg -1kJ 0F SAME NATURE,- &iec rti.mrig t~ls iuBohare rell mcm lunWiltg- RECLLE THT IJUV T 00iga. hehb ride la the danîghter 0! aî RECALLE THAT NJURnuT G 'Rins (,bas. Hytecîo. The 4 DON FRALIEON WA8 SAME AS jà Mt .îtvs m frflei- COLONEL ROOSEVELT'S ieiavteela tiv.en e ! i» SHOT IN THE SAME PLACEIpRNSBTL ýWAUKEGAN PEOPLE STILI. MUCI4 INTERESTED IN CONDITION 0F EXPRESIOENT Becatije te atte.,p: to assaffli- ete Theodorc Ioosevelt has attracte4 and heid the ancerest of the whole coauatrs. uany are recaiiing the tactn Dono Wai . rien a 50Ufl ie n, t» AL NITER, AT fTATS MtP- f <at is iajury je, sIir pu J4in£!l hOnbo Cas [e~prt L~wtcind1LOALTIS OVNTOGIE aye wiib liai receifh~l ey-cItoeI chigan avb»' #enue oxp l ew adt.ui ONNIN , wS () PrFveh, a Waukegan ,.joîang man, Mr$. Leppert Burneil. NW OnT.o ras shah when h. was ceoglit lira <a rlx e ns La per< i Ma . llia a rohbîng a ho use et L ke Bluff lest!1 tank, with gasOline, when a d rop of the' "Inter. combustible tluid <al auto a hot burn.- ATTENDANCE IS VERY FAIR? lIbath cases the bhîtiet entered the er an explosion fllOwing body mast below the righ rai a lI the Xctement shi- droppedth<te iiiecase of rlt.iegh t1 hlltvn gasoline can and tiie tunnel wiicli haulCONVENTION 18 SEING HELO ATIjal ibhe way thnougi lis body, pene-ý been hait tilleit nitir gasoline. Tii. QUINCY-MR. MOGINNIS TAI<ES 1 tratiaig one of his lungs and Ceusinga a clothing about ber right -aris) and erm STRAw voTE ON TRAIN. cevere whicfi for a urne ras caturated nimh gasoline. Her il va eared wouid be fatal, lu the. clothes 7son caught (on tire, and but Editor Sun:- Case Of Colonel tOOSeeVelt the. bullet for the, timeiy arrivai of assistance En route ta QuincY ho attend th id n otpase ail the wey tbrough tbe she uigbt have been huirued alive. The Beptiat State Convention 1 took ae Vdy and et present la lotreti the, flash about ber band and wrist ras straw vote (vitii the asistance of e cheat cavity. Tins ilnOuid' eappear batiy buriie. Bihe ras taken ta the~ frieaid> on the Denver flYer roM Chi that bis Injury la hY no meeea home or a neighbor where she apient cea. Resuit: Rocoeveit, 52; Wilson, serions as ras <bat recelvet hy Erea- the nigliL. &thaugh ber haras are 33; Taft, 21; Deba, 4; Chatin, 1; uaide- leub. exceedingly palataul, ber condition las cided, 14. Thue suffragettes on tho Tiie reason thet the. ballet dld nat nat egardet as criticai 'train demnanded. that ne lo taie a pesa ail the ray tlirough the formez NtEfough Muse. poil ofthie roman. itenuît: itoone. preidentsa body lsaiielleved to have Wben- the. ire departateat reacbed veit, 19; Wison, 14; Taft, 12; Chafln, beaeu thert. Iet psi ft t ouhi the *icone fiani.. rere beichiag trou 1; uudecide.,12. heeiovand at. atuli pet 0f 'eu-. Te cntrai depaBobeni raponletCasning it to ho someviiet fiatteaia. 10The cnalaru. rTusmn pnd iai W. eee de-tnscked tor an hour si At the. prent Uthe ii.physlelag to he lam. hi copân dt! o'Burlington On the way douai Forar radolokj Ith06Di bavrn n uling so asp o ec t11 ealpastitue ve hunted up the. former loa- the. Colonel andth 0pi-avnt tua theY tunnbulaing<o atheoil2-11de te- tion of the Burlîngton Hawieye visai have uset anti-ttsnus seru. He vas seat i oteSut ied-Bob Bartette ras tiie grand mogulOfi !lugbî et thein fears and deciares I artunent. Tii. motor hoce ragon Itht le netan at lust ia . sailngt siponited. It to t u iv minutos tha eharasi...- îh-nd ae hbis I,that i itrn- 1,ational chThe in t.enosthienebis conditio----- to mais the.ruai Wbeai <is cou-jý1a ý-LrLýa 'ý - pany neaciied the scene the. rails of j IM anthie dry humor andl treehaii thie building vere faluine sayiaige gave the Hawkéye a rnd- A leai of base rspaeda wh ide feue. Tii. building i. non 00- ruine fer neaniy h at a mur. th cupied by Burt Zaiser Co., niabesalo grocers. Nigiibars .z.rried th turnitureCovni. fromthe uildng.Thene le a good aitendanc.etftele- j Tiie neereiit h:,draut <o the Lep- jgetes.* Qulicy people havq<ipped the pert home la four blocks aray. f orecasten and ha la glvME un a fine The. neereet hydrants ane ai the birand of reauber. lantan tiraia your cornr of Grand avenue and Lenwis .,aders mey know that a religious avenue and on Glen Flora avenue, convention doe nt coneistinla the pro- "We pay rater taxes, but are nat mulgation ot pans patitudes aid @hop given ire protection,' said on. anger- wrm creets. 1 heewlth enclose <lie ed citisén. Not a hydrani nithiai four dessert ofthe intellectuel menu ssrv- blocka. It lh a d- ehaie," sait he. et up ta us hy Prof. Batten et Des The firemen were the. laugiing Moines coliege lest niglit. Be spoke stock of ithe neighhoniiood. Al <bey Ion lti. social prahiem. couit to asai bsit dorai and raidi Prof. Batte.. tue building bumn. One on tro resi- Tsu hnieea naee dentshisrrlea cater laiapailsn ogtiif building. Their efforts avalled themn ougit. VIKINGS' DEAL NOT YET CLOSED A mémber of the Lady Vliking aa in Chicago Tueaday avening ai a meeting ofth<le diractors of thé na- tional arder of Vikings and today sei statedt tlat the teal for the Bidier place et Gurneetc a le usai as an aid peopies home, baas nat lien coasuu- matait. fibe tates thet the Viigs have of- feret $21,000 cash cndt teir 110000 tract of ilad on eeap Lai. lai pay- usait for tbe Beidiar place and Mn. Beldien le non cansiderng thie bld. The direclors have tii. maiter en- tirely li baud andl are non naitin4 dr .Bedlers decision. Fan Munie, 28, Nortu Cicago. Jeainié Jenuz, 26, Notth Chicago. Harod Mclztosb, 21, Chicago. Meilel Moon, 21, Chicag<o. fFet. sc4iultm, 24, ilva»ukes. Marlon P. Mar-tin, 20, Milwaukee. Rimwant D. Biliau,, 24, Cieego. là«. J. N, Hantici, U4. Chicago. OersGeinkse8, Dlahm ILaie. lAtaraTonner, 21, nlamomd Lak.. stîli greet andtuhe Sun neceivet calte ai turing tue day trou people lanithe be la getting alone. Trou pressait In- dicatIons he nul recover If complica- tuons do not set li SUPREMECOURT ROtÉS Makes Important Dêcisian in Contost Regarding Primarles. JoeI F. Lengenekor ot Chicago File$ Pehii:on tu Secune Place on Balot. FOR CIIILDREN. ÀAPLLÂTI3 C» ýMRS. ANNA PEARSON iB.GLVmPI Cu STODY 0F lmnIEr ivaVKAU- 1 &1) AkOI4tlElR. ý-z INEEDSLOVE AND APPELATE JUDO Et CIVE II PEARSON THE CUSTODV OP -- TI-REE CILOREN. lu bu t ti great probiems. Pnogees menainalu-Springfild, fli. Oct. 1.-tin an al lion of prahiems, end the rlalng o! opinion announet trou <the be-ch the supreme court boidsta lat a can- uer prohiema." lI speakiaig of tue îy cour, lias na Jurtiuiction lI sens-i mighly creation of pnoper<y ln moiteratal primany ection contens. Ilte b tctar deciaret, "As mucli The decIsion ras the contesied property ras createt laithie fltty yea case ai Robent W. Hill ait Edrard -1800 ha 1850-as in the pnecadin.g Parker, rival Republican candidates 1800 ysars. A large part ofthei lin- ton thileel esEmbiY la the FittI- man race are compelladtha live undar, Furt sentorîs district. flarkanr. misérable conditions. Witlu sociaiy as eivet mors voies, but tlhe countY li l. onganized <er. le no fair chance court decidet ln fat or of Hill. BY for fttae of ail. There la ploaty eudthle tenus ofthe ii.oun ofth<e an- proue court Paniers g aice wnl go on ta spara lai the Patlier'slions., but thoe elecîloar ballat. many do net get tuein share. Millionis Oral arguments wre heard lai the look Into thé future withoni hope or isupreme court lu the maidamus pro. courage. eatdings hroaght by the. Progressives We nene drawm together liiiie la Chicago ta compel the elechion bandié of ilfe. There la no saft for commissianens tai place the names of us nithout safaty for ail. Tii. chaci certain candidates on Inn dilteenat boîta the iey hoatlie situation sui th<e tickets. Joel r. Longeaiechier filet a motion solution ta thé social problémna maYIin lthe office ofthe lb.enk of thie court ha touait la thé social application otsaeklng ton leaeéta file e petition un Chrstian tsith." manderons ta comnPel the eiectîca The speaker presétedthtei social cominissloners of Chicago la Place ils Christian creet. as thie riglit for av- name on lb. ticket as the candidate eny chidtaho lie rli bora, to pay and ofithte Pragr-essive Party ton assocais hé e child. Tii. rialit ta auci environ- justice of the. municipal court 10 11 ment ena bline <lie child ta gnon hall, thé yacancy causat by tie tasth of stiegt antd ces. The. nlght for Mai Eberhaerdt.- standing room on the earth; a place lai WILSON CANCELS HIS DATE socioty; tha ight ta a fair opportnhi- lty in lite; tlie tigilt t an educcilon Says e Hu-s No Dos1 10 Be léOaly that shali fit il for litsansd usefainéss. Candidate Maklng Canvaes. The resources of tie earthb elonglutg ta ail. siionli not b. monopolisaI for Prlicetonl, N. J., Oct. 16.-Govairor the fer ho <hoe uffening of the uany, Wilson cunouaiced is bts ltentionof for eveny voi-ker reamnable time for csuc.liiiievery ciup*3 lu, mirage- receatonandres oe dy i svon-,ment train nblciihe acn utsbiy racrdhlo an res on daylaisavo: rthdrawnantif Mr. Roosevelt ceiu laie that the locome necelved and hanelti thetiCstump aMain. enJayat should be commteiurate rîth "Mn. Taft hes et no hume talion an thes service renderd. active part lai the campean and I bae. Yonrs lruly, no, isu-e to ha the single candidtei IXHO. M4fflNIS. naied ln the. cavas," b. sait. Mrs. Anna Pesrson bas bCUl gINq te custoty of on. o!fiber chUhlIUS Whoien a.uasgrantsi a M... nom ber humbanal. Peter PeajeOS., lmp alimouy lu the aura ut J busban4 wu OVOUe' fur ebultrýmeii.court.. wus the, naturel nlt5.- Mr@e. Pearson, fhreugi lmer V. Gi-vis, tokan .ppelats court. TCdec~ alyý a1 mtus b ase"i &sy," The. Pearson divorce cau e s& of the mont setaionaIy et, ivorce-case ven beard la I11 auit court. Chargtgcrfl.lty,m brought suit for dIV«MO. J3" fougitthe ie ls, ta the but finall iy e cr.Crau that tino Pearson raWuepm el b) worh maey tirousands ofdollair his rite ras given allmony tal Oum o! 8,000. - 1Pearson ras givot h.M the ebhdren. -i1 He hasneyer head th ue WWtO cidren. Whoêuie. Feston appuil 0tu heappetat.e omet ly she retaaied posueson et *îe dran. Whetien ah. nil taie a the saprems court Ilua tfOfl' cure th ua neody of the,*be~ la e malter .1111 unier lo M of hle otis i- iiîhtse Io 1 and aille 10 taire care0 et Ii~ ailier tro are a boy. 8 ymn os ôW girl, 12 755i-i 01. FROST LOSESI XJ Demurres ta pleas luaiga g that have b.aai 'nding Jla the, ka ]and traud lnuictn" 1, Albert C. Frocist dotetw 8 gantieCconsplrncy, weu'e Federal Joulge laudin Tussut Thé court diteuded i tM i gavernuant susatanns tbt rulig thopla no depnls8e e? ciierged a conspiraoy et aimaUdw alieitho have cevei aob detrthid the. goveriameut ouI t t$i acret of valuabis coal iands la AIS Wroithii 10,00,00. WHAT ISCARE ASSAULI fWItI- 'DEADLY' WEAMo Mira. Mary J. Fleaingi oui a narrant for the. soii Bravai, e 14 yUl charges the. boy atrueR wiiii a deait elciMa je h.oardl a vsei *m: i --.7' 1 . ýt 1

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