CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Oct 1912, p. 2

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TetflieAbout ~Z Suprêmuis atif lot 4 'Poput in Blikans Ac- nesRanbmtacff Plcn té «spted as Inevitable. r. anse em PgIIet fer *unlai- - ,psl ,Jude U1 Im mIEI8y hlIamhAprtnglleld. lut. Oct. 17. - The au- f __ _gare m u n"ieiJouit I4opnhs hi roquent ta file n petitiob tgr Mais- 9*àilut hofta*l b>' a leoompci the ChicoatoMetègl 1.1'- MeeiCei~ ins iipilnston te place hlsm m* on the osq jffrq »ndry inoballot a. canidat* fer' Municipal tasTroope Fie judge te suoeoed lMax lhrhardt, de- The court bldO laiteagrant Ibe wu)I voulid n>' to-lb, politisai par- Or Sur.s- . liforani' l iet$Iltir ::iitth pubéns. "tm vs>àrcOt*irey. Declaratlia tsotbera e e t Weald*oà mere Saidr lieco are etts«d .lr hnUli Ui a pUn i..'discretion e he utetuconsiier et -s inel>' abandbfld soh a soopiluer. 4*eitiig peace Ilisthew- 7The appeilà of Anthony Cuireckil. su qnswaait lthe outeffle SheifZimuier and thens. vilo vers as * Ar. Tb »Ouma- e-pli e efued mach11600 b>' luire e ilulnl>fe *«pl >rmtai incvtable and ettiei conez* git f ecirlu ts lobeitbis " te vait vtu unetlon agaînst the holding ôf the be. ellee th fil» tletI euuty Dcmoceratlc convention lu is lub. - (It Cicago, vas continued ta tie next tiitiiu»t k*n Parner Chicago Ju.'it PassesAwmy the e ultvnt>'-four heure.* ^filer Long Ilun. le"tullin ar mttîsi for the bgu'ie *tomsa ivsuiPt 0l17 Chiecago ct. 17-Egbert Jamiesen. acuvit in ommk 19 A 1im trpl udge0f the supror court cf cek-pui>'. 41t4» ti i*t&tw4 eoi regaria tic note trou th. £ hbot n ile brgtboi-l#.iPv . lin.Wllt » E. saals.ffl Gro" un "lnso- Soalzs Tm it IhOt bi »bIirgali, 1208Hat ThtR-t-lld treét ut l bd imadc laIai le bai been Il séveral '"Othe. 'Mu apintoa te i Lysilaig p M.,%r. Jprleson vas born lu Castle- TIla a"J ilvlI nt b. forth _____,__te . J, April 29. I140. Fie iearued War- proclamtiona ara ex- h raii rdei h ilso h IBai.r'Te Turklsh uMW&s' hIob.W et g-Preldet qit bexice b. nai ri uIeelsc hure teie ebeo Agles lb ~u RietCount>' Democral. »A. later ir 1..q.uBalen claes Y ed feosAons h à- engaged ln edttrial von e« the Mlli- pditllotratAiei wsdo*Govemmenl. vat4kee Daly Newa, lu 1 Si e ecame0 atta açlgaet Oeec teb ta icagu and otudiei lav la lie of- tuI& bUuofGecel c ot.S. Balth. As luise b. pis-. ti dptîetel e Mcco City'. Oct. 17. - Tie ru>'. stded et the, notable trial ofthle onn--: POUSMii.t are>thi~0 e police and the marine corps sta- t>' board bcoers. and bsard the t ,5I*0Un athtat t *M0t- tlonod at Vera triaz, bave enlislei un- Leslie Carter divorce casaelu 1886. He O#qlaaISt theeimm dortie rebellionus banner raisci b>' rslired from the beuch ta b'coéson- va" bé eli la inrkbaliGenèra elis DO«ia, a uephew of %-« ouse o breoT ais Pruellet Poufinle Dias. * ________fr ________.Tokes f ~~ri tg lure pigus t iol;nsla the barbler 86TSDYY L WlVëM Cuehave been taie. by i TS'Y IL &"'t- , ffl Men Uant The plan, wich le bas been p.~ Proscie fer Chicgo% Puer Chldres 4 a udliput 69901l"u fecttng for mani dor's,.basebeen w-r*Ms>'r Iéncf105000. lIed eut amootiiy. fVAn MDli>' Ditas relurnucite Vers Cruiranad en- chtcago. Ocet. 17.-Pmeecs sal- cïQét. &i ù 1155t bnedtee cIl>' iictl'. Wtb a lieu- cunit ýol. $".0" oote $«,0» ver * 5kllfl i t" lenant mai a %mon i lle-#lng, bl e ai- dse ihe vseut eltble egeforts -sOdIi ic'rW&afdants erest e r t tlie asenal asac ot9,600girls and vosu. e he dis, Uniar TohesbuTi he lt msîausr of the ggrrison, ietrfibus,,tags fr centribuUo»a lor- 10 J l list s T t ralsoss iU -IBtei'Ma Pont ed Othq IkUoCt ut Ibe Chicago Cltîîdrena te ~ Unb atu. ies " o eer tUn sOveMel t-&Beff t i.loe. Ulishi b.rdr. accp wtlboul oppositiOn. comploté figures wili net be cou 4 L-4~er~JVaiOt AUi&411mln».baiasand bueinesa pilsifer acterai da>',. butasceoritu o'ià ioinoert- boullea b4ve closi udor doors. a4dileIbmue.repalb receivei trou île ci-- he aete q g 1. ifire Ihe cîistinaof Vers Crus are ça. qusa ~thle rfemilt vihi e about tue#tOlIboli làïu1- tiuisslcall>' accePtlfn the Dilascon- th e aMassuget iout ya-pî.- 'Vwm e.snraen16ua.70-iul*a aPeecbllty et «0009"ls Diu meterei VieCrus utthe hé1mi t ua emt o lgtiy. tlestaeltcii developgl a et ashoot 500 mon. - Pva kl la Mngg SLSRAiTCcUEUSIMNOFFIGER - ~omatur Negro alow Policeman Wh" Wlda efMurdredQamien elleai sy ln Boe a r. Uer tery op tand. Dcatur. IIl.. Oct. 17-Andrew Roc. Mev York. Oct. i.-Tbere va. an*a1, & ucgro. coufesacdin iiicrcuit opsede te the triai uf Liete»nsI CO haet s ti e fired the abat tbaI'9 leflyl A-Bkcir liI t il hardi>'bcleforgotten îll PiSiemas carl Bosmil. St r g nu rui AsaJIut. b>' thame vIe iecked snd lisleaedinVi hi ueuesei atarder. ThtI vs vieMis. IIItan Rose. bem» Mha isvi.the.Polceman lia, tUn vldov et tUn urnreMW ,emahei lta atutala ehtel lhe lyit Deutivé lq 5- hierlcis e itdtlî et IBecr iai MissiUgvto toetpulets vorl ii- svore ale vas prematt et, oorksr. tlu& Ail caSpei. bl ut e uer. cal- *iiiei0étu the &I b U aclub a fois mote h.- lerçdIbfe fo»llpvsgay. toa h~5i'5 I~sititon. 'ors the munder, putbils ara ms-osa »boU la lis Aiiiiifl ber husian's aleulder and Igii ?.e, & ir.ispeeteu .j, "Cheer up, ever"'itg wu] WSPPE le anITE 0<laePoSt tie liight. -ITE *bu c*9 ewv ert daso- The Jurora. ubo but! becu nfntg U. S.rand larmes Charge lIsk- sonli saI ort e"er' yrd of lira. . I tnhulcou-wîi *niaa e ivujia. mm .U * t u-posed but carnest to51ry. «vers on U 1pu.ithè tee a. ists>' leaned laasthi ivt- usaseOl. e. bSerat tuiucd tbefr'heLsa am sçg. c.1.IlculKnzl Poice kt71abuhacamtefront Watced Beciers face slire. Ramci. a we.lty Mlwaukee poiltiera- gin lae Ilisait>' va. fre- ent pron villa 1r testîmen>' about em tle oiiNea.a l- llght>' he tIc d Ihat the Ileuteual madeon O OCeemes U tslbav ~ca.qal>.m.Tâ the gaublîng hout..e. 111,UM er. wvoeu tidkcld la ____________te Mimai qf~ l*ru ' egauaae et ai- or the eath cfhils sunt >4f l OUT MO m ilsou. dde4g ithe pan e -m ,'t hé duelS of a girl ____ireI a'b atilet W, "erite ln tr etee vrs cliarq vifli Iisvlg or m tbUn leIJS shows that '>,CuesO'awIglee. tri a tl onry wBenranresu Bfalwin. Meh.. Oct. 17.-Onw M. livthm nIe.1..t« i.-Sait Peru- - eb l li. cuttr>'vIe ohe iar Areitach. the Chicage hutimmsss Oeo etif the ihr M«.roioly &a. d~ 111 u bOts.lieinli P am- atatins triai on a cage et munIe,- restai on suspicion cf lavtng cou" '.f. iae aa l > oefring lis paraier. Unr>' W. Plbet thle xpWLeoe O"Ai OliaI EsetadommeE Checsge. urise 1iffl000bail M maima bouta e ' livi la, senfeueitin 060W e sliWta have uiered rlonoitrou custoi.A Mii. leandJtldi tu'rsoo cauoedIl.r bMiW , and bis grand- bunker acted asaboudaman.1 àatsti, Ilavarian brever, Aroheeh. Il la saile uida tgo te Clvi-Wsr Vtmrnnbolie .1lilunsouueae tmîdWashington,.1). (.ani reusIn Ilire tsnimg. lt, Oct. i.--Vaptslp An>- ~IAM"P sbecarne saoon viii relaliVes untîl the triai of bism eviHershey'. sifutauet olb.heff- où tlo ess ald and case.î» chichi bas been *et for tbe DV& teenth Illinois durlng thés Ci i a. mo ot h 111e ed t omler term bhere., ai "Psutlrobeas colleeer 104. 'hio*eUtile fotulle iiin-trou )875 la lots, unie, re *4 t4 0at. pn 1c clPotflcec ps. Nyer iwlag, ia dugé. *pihwctY vent ta Srhrani. %li. Vernon, fil., Oct. 1.-The Dx-_ _____ ,-bo3.0tm nare boiding a posltoffice iu the north part of jter. iîel 1"Voerens uaOt. l' itsM and oaller paper. 50 ncoint), was robbad. The Mife CIAMPalsai. IM,.oct. 17.--Vlneau.e i.fem nks oor lu th- wascreckei sud tie building va. lieUt P ihlrl ad oinptreloeU ii * 'e nature of lies- badly damagted by lie heavy charge 'tue, redttuMngAtaer ôttî lr ero o' bouea eveaimi. of explosie The rolibers tecrci iee. ocre 1&lien mcialaise i- ikeoo iseerd tla lis about $6M0 ln stampisud $100 lu nersit'Ofet llieis convocation. mnoue). Bloodhouds vers put os tbs _________ rai. C4#oiflt W 0o I. . . V-fmmel. [0 &.urgé#. pe4mvt. I. Oct. 17-TIe 0«ne j EFFEICT An 11» W été un itot datimial SOflassi Falte te sho.w AuyP Genteal Aê...iont .o" Prob. 111 New York, Q1 7.-Tic Sun. la nc irder to flnd .01 soastia o1 tbc et-cc fect on th@ c4.JNIll of t15P .oo#ifl< t of Colonel lwciiit. liruCteo litIof corresponeuu âât and west. lu lu- t14 tervlov RtepuUlmus, Progressives and wa Demecratis alle. Rere are nsone th@ replies: t Oolumbus, 0., Oet. 17.-lft limaw»v QI rnny boomn for the staiumnt Mi, *a 0ew ve.les ap irTaft Isodfts ta Ohio, lu cMr4m viti tbOse lu Otiiur tues. tb4t a 4Iatit tr*" d ava 'rom ltoot.velt sud Ilifavor of Taft's aleci ion vas flotieeable, Il la t4rn opin- ton of obuelvers hort lat telUIc MUtIn te. sbooting vW14 serve te chsci lt. N I>-mDathY. it là ichred. wl1 roitore tb to Roosevelt that Wb"ci M ed »as SpIn.u a" ro bie. t Indianapolis. Cet. 17. - 710,. la o mucb spéculation bor.e bt 11du * feu t hi-drop9»iaI t49 tli e ' paing b>' 1fr, itafdo' wl vii iVe 03 thé resuit aud epwnlegla VU7ranmchtI Ivled. Thêleievoélt 1900 thiaki t tO wil1 be injiMus tate, thèm. fer beyos- il feltéd gst al ottsfreu ie is il. T'he euppfttmuet Pflvdent Tatt Begin te, lti liai lie,.viVi b.e» WX41*e1. i.. 1.17.- Iiuh there ta vldeape4 wmme» lm Wl. Rosevelt, arpâie tb iF, leo go change ln the'po f,lblnupthat exitffl one weWek o fau iioeeVelt al came loto this comawt*t". fi W4terbury. Con,, Oct 17-Tht 01 shootint of Coiquel iSoofflitbho. Sted runci sympathy for Rioyt la quartera where be *oaa y e>' o. The Republteans ber. tluItik la 'Burchavd" fer their hoe..tir .trane garS. ¶<saniaiCity, Mo., Oct. 171ThoDo-E isle bim lunKauma elt>bave M W lnduhg*j la aus>' subie uuomnWa -Il te wWbablo effeuet 0 h WhfUM l eo quetrô D iaw .4 n e et di ie le le të dvii*e~ vheo ow terotiZ.edpi 4aahiId politieul leader ainceMllea. 1 1 Boston, Ct. 17.-Tbela- à&nBDvisi- t, lei Indication that the attempt4a- 1#s2luatiou or 1 dec*q01evdi44 sdded t io atreU tsf tif wbech" Lhio<iu.Neb., Oot. 17,-"» eral =?1 . -,àne«rg pofkiibas li t ÏCthter tg of Colonel Roosevelt vIli aid him in Nebraska. dir u t.Checicgo 6àéraiPeetoffles oblumo Ot. 17.-A dedilfbOf discovered In a sack of mail mafe, b>' a sortl" clrai-84t* sA go4i-t,.pu OUI" as rpvoa1 t n "»»9»4eOQI o(uilit i v' tht oel*Wvoti qt o The btdttDmI vicitheAkat Thie tIsa ftme vl Ooteatvtwb te pugi illaid te't6avim sa ta.m tw ln transit dt. s " &cWeLt. h*à". atlracted thé attention 01 the cleru, tc intended cieliÏÏrehbbIy ares hie Ufevlw f #*if'i ue cVrhutmK4t PIIC Louisville, Ky,,. Oct. 1.-M5~ 01 auditers Seuster $hi'.# lige revlewed itc f.e or0fkoçâby. Uoovelt. The Manir sld It utatUno l Ie vhetheir Uncolp'eol ewWrW r' tt the cause wa.ooM, Ç$ U ey"ent 01t eeou 4s~ he D vIits' n. I t Ir the Toug f Yi, ~ ~it>', . 111 a. 1 tied et lb. Une,*a plp eot,'bsWnu 006.the )fesnofité aMd fLas. To ail peroiss nteftoffl ai ,dPt> la tleMathg î"h 7 mlcbol igg. Zrfi. ui11 aldimn C. Taillé>'. Auna Locied4L>' Facob Llekam sandiMichael KiaUs. t iglhway- Cormw»nm «ae, <thbe afi af Vernon, Laie Oouealy, lImols. t Taite- no't aiie coisintaslon- mn of Drainage District Nomber Tvo à > the 1'oiru of veinea, lie Ceu»- ty, lluObU, have fué 0e4 11.1 cee- mlueloslb bu et 01 êumieats0ft tubme Mad banIase"vth thé 010k It eeut>' cour"et the CouI>m t I aisw mmlUll " e o mis. 't, a i Eloeoaiealenr, befl et Amambte )fmufs a Eimih»4 a ftiote-or- er> biâe aI i e t land 6mlalned à »M DraInae .District, a eceoraà- awn épRoubld a" mai.ttlg e r »i~a &et .êtlto ,An itte b*$rt" for nb ceonobuba. rogaPutoàsudpro- c ttima < m ddtits, mii visre korsa the land& et eOtidIa tersiOd%~ tuai, maiaery MMrlbag peryes à td ta Ironie fer' the qrppl.atjoo 0 Draina" ,~Lvýscwi.»am, "M à" ixa tee mair 0.1879, aan*Il acts *meudelory thsoof. Sali DPRMM*ag. l ct Moiser 'lwo taplt hte èbath Ans of Section 81, Township 48 North, litgo leven SEat of the. TUrd l'rti- ciPRI btuelan luln aksCouaty, t111- t noie, 350toot lant et thé Southt Westl corner or smat i sction; thenco NorthG tthe South lin.oeoftthe Nortihllii t the Soutb Est Quarter of sstid Ber, don: tisse. Wes oa enlt Us fotac 'est Of the osât lino ot section 29 ln E ald Towusbip 43 North; tbonce North t i lu the lino oeth1e MNrthbai? Qf tlie moth mt qarer r teC North Ebat Quarter oet se bction ( M thence le the West lins ofc te North BMit Quarter of sadd Soc, tOu 29; themcu North 166 tet;tffl 1. Weat inth le lai ll* of 'ïectlos3A lu said Townsip 43 North; ticace1 North toth tic ut1h BFut oorner et1 te Northgmait Qurter o et cNoth Eut QUarr9MMsagisqtion se; ,bas o te th1 le U861MWest mmer 'f the North West quarser ofthle Northi Eat Quartsr# of " Sc- ti- 30; tfl..Noqhhte th. North lino0et ali bull. 8; Io, sse Uim t o h N" ~ueî ermfr et lt he ev Oqet Qumtmof0thUN orth Mut Iarto' 0« aliSeties s; thèe. forth te the North West sores, de the Noîki Est Quarer et lie South, 1 Vaut 9liarir « #MW& oa19 lanasin r.wousp 43 >Nrtbi: tioo mm tet th. No* BDutCorner et the North W'est Qua>'loret U* Boum West quivte r u et toa 0tasali Town, *1»p 43 Nw»~;; thee North 214.5 bel; theuce East 472.2 fest; titaes dorth 137,3 be iettc aZut te 00 WWit Une *of thc North t tQuarter. «t octioq 20 lua 84141Towuailp 43; thanCe North tet.eUn Motb wsot co-, mer o ethi e tio mgq< lihe baill Wet « Ut. SentiBat qarer' efton .17 la sali Tovn. ilip U Noith; 1hpff »uMio theEomm lise Of laid Sec"loa17; thhoacoggot to th. North I WUae maur a i"Unet- *No20jk got %Z e *. Plot le 'a<« t re 1.NoçtiWout Quater ef seetOS3; llaIn u sfW*bip *Çrti; thuic e uli l*ie IlutI 'Ws ecruer «qi n 10,111Pmot Rer tft of th* Noth, Wb« Quarerof su& ýtioa 21; th.oisePla te the mmrt Fu ouni ofteetsaliQuarter gong., Secio b.; lo 0o u us.eit e pret s.ld Section 21; l*»... eet 1IM fept, tbeqp. o qet p horl mn" of " -0" ', liés . iqhi 110eff Hasti t ge 'llPat eur of tii. Northi W.4& QWIcr t saof " &Wor ft; thiipS 101h te. fi. eoutpe ofa$a section 28; vnp ut t.etsNom Buta effleof etWe o«I West Qur- 'ilUnt « i the 8UlWet MWi Seciff 9t.ort0< um Qunter th ate ettu-; t4oe.S0 lo 1m o :ise 0sb Set ea 830u *00 fofleu. cti U a& *Mees » aluimes iuot te the bath . t $oW mi« Un Néro. MW f uerter ut thu e tb m stQuarter ofthle South %w mîm roei f ads etion 28; tbl soue ote aa votât 66àe .* ba :of the South lino ofrsaId bectien M tlnence West t' a »Vint ta test due South ofthlie place et benng; illefto Morti tte lace of heginètl la LAie Coat>', Ihîna. &TUt 111et Icueribol a4 eittd 1'kirO poelwork, 'exiepit iat paçt t «ï4 puipcm"d Io hé denla 1%« u ,m#ot ai iemcJjIb u là» ttiCUnilSelO- 1 Report filMci lu tiik Cunty Cr.It Eet i I* t qâww r e0f t «béb$ -j*IV i Eeslnnina ata point 09.7 fteo Xort1 eft lshe ul n n d 944 oit Ilî saut o e bWou sali section W atoïmî a un. s rvta te i r8t.. 00-es 'U Wuii4rl, h*tg radiua et 478.83lb s.$ for a 41tu or47. eet tga ni angt e int; a 2 * Iti ? - 16 #uos le inate %&et 81$ft ta gci tangent peint; titane. N 4q#l L in . curling te the. am e v i ieaterly, baving a radiné et 678.1 ftestila for a di$Unoh f* ittea tlst point. tiui Reli lone.2Ilmà Utes usai téejw mueora omouie cuIrent ltq* %it» ecutoir Pt tiw la pubic Ilo*. rn aglW 00,1 d tbroDait%«d 0006b e 01 thence lMonb*tâ.tiy aoi, "-*, ima 0 au'*« b tbele, oeqhrN Mstqý AMY,. bqvfiug *a d = <ll.2 .IUpgo18841et# aUt voinl; théno. NOutSi5ldoir..el4 tbk t4 Qtee# Womî lh a peint lte Mmllmea Séïd Quàrt$r eUtbqm. . oalaie &M91 e- more or le"o, owqed by Mthl Partcfr11the Souh Met Quarteor 0 ecotIon Twmtaltahl ou a srip et là fdèl * t i.IInô rhi le Ofëtlbïo iW tutiv B*tglI4a' pelislt il, o Sç4b Msor et IoRllahait ocf 1h. ý Wsellto flsS tisa Qie~ eet Sual oftheI*West Une cf $Ai lufrter Section; tIlieo oi-b 51 de- grec 14 ilu14. West. 48U tefst to a0 P4sln th ueWest linoe ai * Quai- ter Section. lilch point 1 4 lteom Soull or lie cuot lino eofsa&i Soa. tcà ho1tlI .e t N n are." 01 land 80ot"vietlb. otor lineo ot ahilc là iq.ortbe$ A& 30lovo: lwetuiau At a ppI l inte oup lite or neNorthWet Qqos$er ci sal Section v"tr-eit 4m1.9ftWest of the coiter of eaun section; thipoa North Si dopre..14 'miisWeit 40.8 fe# lte a langet point. lh.mou Nortir &Jaoug A liasnemvingt teUnhe flbt couve% Southueet.ry. barbu a radiuos et838M8foot fer as isêmmÇ al 140.1 tfoote à. a tet petit thoceS>lti 837 dem 24 H inUtu Wnt 188*M tet a tunt palo; Liu.abaeutmo » r Oma a ime coa e tla loiCft «MesNootkaeti suli' baving a ra"Ieset 1U3.1 kMUfor a& à distance 049181J tomt t a tagsnt point, thome North47 iopum 14 mailtutes Woët 809.8 fot te a Muset point; tisau eftbivegleriysienà a lie curlingw lie lW^t, oans North.1 sterl>', bavna a stua et9USA fts for a disteaceoet 15lot tet a tasa peint; lieus baril71 i 9 , m mlntes Wet m806mmutea apoista il the. Wet UMeetth1e Butlbait et lie Mu" orithc e Imati West Quartier1 ait the North WulQuarter et msa Si1 tion Tvoati'eftslWb"lcpoint le l01i? f cet North « thUnout nti ie oethle1 N.orth West quarter of MMidSection1 Twemti.eIalt, cw'tlnig 9.04 ace.f Ume or tls, owffl b>' jacolUelitn. Part oftbU e tl"Wéat Qu« rert Setlit Twiaty.olatrt, bois« a MriIp et lad si e t mous, fle conter lis* or v>lteh la dedbrieiAs telihuit Eegtlang aI à point lu the mut lUn. ot the BSenth Wut Qnartèr et Section,-oih .4 0tet enti eft le 40.1er et sali beettes; ligie Moëth ;I dogmes, 14 mtl*tàe Wcet663-t teet 4a a point tu lie lffethIle eOfsali Qparter Section wblcb point la 4U0 (4tw .e V em or t couler of ssiidos tiou, contalalis 1.08 siera sacre or tees. owned bý Canelié. Busch. Part oft tq West 7.17 plIR oq f tle lPutb 43.25 chlaluo f the 8iat balf itthewst hait et section TvepU. e sliat£p et land la09fot vl4e, tk* 1ceiter ismeetof vial la d.acihiiein ,Beginning tat npoint 473.2 tost Bout et the W e t lino and 118.7 l ,à iN l et ýthe South liiubQf t ïn et 1»li Section; tiie lqsweel Along a ll$ Ourviug tlthle 1<1,os.- res Netimsr, 140101a5V4W et0'l".9 1"s, fer asai. o ?w iLÉeC 14tmutea talifett point; t"e lo eti '71 dIo- ti-ea 34 mb.utei WçOpl 18U fseltet a tanaclil point; theuce ecitbwtiti ateug q Itp a CU7 te itot tc"., vox lIoiibotply iýàvln a or 307.9 $t<qiW fi i&4àJqe q lI pý r laa wt sMpels; tbaueoïm ila51 li@eess 4 'Mtes the Lit 430 ~thWrI, baylqg a radius et i4tj oîfor A ltAaoc QI100.1 fnét'to~ 1-mm6t po1t olee MNth I, I 4- fi m stn lu 5.01testtea tanient tnme West 10e8 4.'tit;; t roith 37 demrosé m iiti *0 là"9 baht, bide, lie ..,tit* thé ire'é et thersib u â 0 ftcvilé e, Iaconter l12o et ld là deoCflod p fllovs: othe UntQatr âLI1 ifo pan ofenthé vine t>îlauIt àb&ki* N"uut 9 et cen -tm tL4bi el oaly. Iip e Ibo p v> ite RIgw meor whsee- tcl54#4 vWvs Tee w arc t w ra ptil t2 1 ~oof e st og i ofrtet vt lnoorbo. hoUn 14urte of Sa cion TV.3ies ti &ce mQur te e t a *q W* ffBlis i ci eqW4I I ceun>'cout ioem111»b e C05 1er f0 gopu et um A*wfla mio mLae auetim WQiiimW rIo. et Io m lote la i not lnthe City toru*-ot e' S1 1 Poreof axe Md10ma89oc*4El -- "Ailt tecoum e ona*s4Il lâ a of tiheet Un iof ntm dplé y&di Prévu &Pm I5uo5eM2 * uto i5ua1. IMedtefl ha~vwUotef ifgu u' ' le iaam WMWeàres "duin ue alcih et 1955MW $Op pxelk b t t 'ée mi dqu4W op paped iat nOf "d 1111tt * i«Mpote théamua tub &bu& * étue i he aawf «a' te datvx o tu AaudtlprnaY o tl*L -*prlt n tq là"btudw 4 lb.% a vne ats P8 mpbb.temI vel mi bt iom i. but '1i e te e i the un se ddote a 1r l4~IX d you ti t 44 'o C1q

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