CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Oct 1912, p. 3

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FOUftPAG~ETTE ~F N SN CH4fANK'S.-POCKET. .- &IUIIIIIIIONS REPORT OkEp WOUNO N AÔçse VELT8 CHI.B Coonel Rooeevoets hurt leaà deep bullt wound of the Chfft "04 wthout strIkinq an>' vital r efgan ln transit. SThe, point of artrancs was te .h. right of and ons inchi boow* 4w lovai «i t4 riglt it 1101. Th#, outige et thé Itllai Waipvaird- et lAward, à distance of four 111asq on th Wall. Thore "a ns vidsnce of, tisebulet but àgasrious ssound in the. choit,' and quiet le absolutoiy essentiel. 10 o. ct. 16. -Ex-Premideil 7146,d43ïe >Looeveit liens1l1a iey lies- piBl, weliaWire thot he Io sti11 In danger of hii lfe train te w6nad ln Ileted by the Inatas German. lOoi Serapk, ln Miiwaukee. but serene amîî,d ilgh-ipited as eser NoOýersfflon etProsent. fter many 'conultaions foilowaing W-W phoitagrapba ta lacate the bulet, ouargeons beaded by )r. John B. -14ily decidcd that wlilie their dis- thulaibed patienti eby nmeans out omt-angsr, ne prsent gooaf tan te ac'bmplitbod by an OperatlOn. *0 , de eblbnef lloosov#ws dates bave ben cancelled. Th'1e privaeecar la %*cb le a»dbils Party bave been toin S le country was gven up. »" Rocovoît came front Nea yq* on the Twentloth Century Llm- lJt&i.wtb iaMsa Etbiei Rooevelt, T~qdor Jooaset2 Jr.-. and Dr. Aiez- an~eLa~tbor. wo lahe Reose- V4 faIy ehyslcian. Nltrs. Alice il&aeefl ongwrtti, daugbter Ofthffe tom4er;e.-tifdant. u la»selnuiheity. Nt a Mers Flash Wound. f)r. jllut IL Murpby, eho beads tie ,%Md Or the ominenot surgeons eh- t«ael 4o pare for the ex-Preident. &aIed LIait 11/ colonel la net lnnsali doanes, uplésas biood poison sets lu. ?Eordered absolute quiet, aaYlug hW ltjury je sery sertoti-not a mers 9a" woufld. 1 .à aptecauttofl.y Masur@ he basl 1M givun aprophyîactie dose of anti- tétnie seront ta $uard égaantthe de- - ?aiapmoiit or appetrance or lockjaw lier. Colonel Rooseyeit ranis from voi nue$ on isoclalog*t.Lpvoiutlon andi donotmica. lHe la living an a diet of qgsandi breaqi s"d uilk. ,,T«UdiIasODVas ~bgfed by the Epiail army af nevapéper mon ta0 es- t»l&llsbthoinseives lu tenta la tht' boipîtai yardà. Lnemun baie bera i tp51 elegrap.h aires for tior AU 46&.iong tectr i's cf aYniptthy htlnen l l igilujrl(oisoured loto t%5'" oruM L And Colonel ROsIe- Ve 4lïsii teltt'I yo*e but btm- soif anawor 1.5cm, at propped Ur on pnMws anad dltated to Stenographer .ýi -B. utin. the man whboY~vrr»tw- eed bls assaliant before there was gChance for a second ehot. Wound sle elly Sorlous. D)ra. Murphy and Bevan, whose VýbMes have appeared on te bulletins, ~r nclined t ci t the '.unid trey,'butiteth oieduttt mn injuries are really serions, and iat the patient muet bu kept absu- Iely quiet or bis chÉnceee f vecbv- w7 iii net be 50 good. ý'rh Ih sar ot biood posoniuz la lD mtnds et al who are aet'tbe bed- o1 f the Progressive icandidate. and «l.tii opinion of the surgeonis it wili take tame Ilttie tinte to 6ètermmne*just *tiber or net thte cooneil tg oin'g te r ap ths danger. At Progressive headquartcre It eas *%ted tbat If possible the colonel iil ake one more speech itefore lecttin 4y. The Progressive national coin- *Jttoe viliiarrange tu hwre hi- apeak it Madison Square Garden ln Newi Itork an oct. 26 if te recovra ouf- &CIently by that tinte. * Thres *urn 10o eth. New Rchmond, Wlse -(lt. 16.- fbree persans were tri itud te death. .M~e fire destroyed the residence of tious Winkile, a prosparousfermzer, jgtMiles wkk. ot tIlâîulU, ý It ad: *enr3?. thirtediWyafI ad, àaid- 1,lbrt. wiC'eE M>,M I~ lei and Mra. Mlizitbth Sboop, qIt er d, tbior .xan4b*r, PLE4 qp kUILTY veitfs #aQ1ant for Trial. This Action Taksn to Awat Outcome of Colonels lijtJry Bulet te b0 Eaamined fQr Poison. Milwaukee, Win., Oct i iJohn Schratnik, Colonel ltoo@s it's assali &nt. î ii-aded gulIty tu a ofc nIat. teortit d murder when n ria lire- liniiary artalgnneit b0uli auge M. B. Si-an ln the 1litriet hidg.- Neelen bcld li rhhthe týriitilnu i court for tilli i ,ifîon bonds. Tentâtlvely the : tifr trial vasi set for the Noveinl i. rni ut the crim Inai currt. Schrank thon vas place ,i îstodY of' iherif WilllÉ mA. Arnol of \Il]- wanihee county and wa, mfiirison"fd la te county jlil. H. -11 ile held there untl hl$ trial la îflýd in the luinai eourt. Schranks peo, ofgulli ., sitered as scion à# Districi Atr 'r Zale bad reaul the formai 1-yî rot at tenpteui nitrder. What la5 your anr i r tri this charg-?" Judge Necleir a,ý cd of Sctrank. r Schrank Piaade Gulty. r iit"repliod S lri. without *apîparent nervoilaness or t crt urbatiofl. Sergeant Abert tIirrar anid Louis l-trtmann of the citv 4.ici tise bu- reau. delvered Setrail, tu, Sheriff Arnold of àMlvatikpe ai a sîiuad of depnty stertfb. Sheriff Arnold totil.thi rîrsinec ta the couatti jail. direcii ,a, cosasthe street fromi centrai tr1îrci- tation., *where tie prisoner had i it-isd te iighi, anti Schrarik wa-. cri n a cel near the detruties* rooi.i I.. i.- close watcb could be i.cpt on Ilins In my survoy of r r i isofer, said Sherif Arnoui, "Irrni înprenzed with the probability tjLrýt lis act was that of a broodiiîg r e r-ie and not titi crime nf a mail sîitaied by fel- Ioa lni s6letiés or iaisuof an an- archistic or senti anarchistie charar- ter.-_ leu SCHRANI(1 Man Who Attempted le Assasinate RoosiL it waq irit ili t Scitrank -ould flot be takenici1 r - crîntinai court Io baveaseritnii noun-ced upon hint foir a nie. ý- his decisian, Judge Neeien m . r ettitig triai for thc November r. r in, uas îrontted lry the poe;sibIliit ,fa terttts citige la Colo- nel corîrrr ndition. AvNait Oitcome of Injuries. nl orli iitiisoabtu basai tîre out-nîîi, lnorr iRoosevets Itjiry bu-fr i tr rtheitiurisonpr on triat,' eird thitimrtgi N, 1it-i n tiintitdiateiy after the narrrrî ru, ii udProtessor E. V r Somr.titailr tthae emical depart mnt -trtJ i mrqut te eun iversl ty, tb ri-al i n tr ultlets iemalalng lu th, 1 1 i oiw,ii r lver. Jutîge Nvpcii iiiîîîounced titat tis actionî as taiI i r rudetérmitie Initne- dlitc]irif thi riilet whIeh entcred Cirilri irinirliblody h5.d teen Tht,, irif d hîs action was trrritrrttrIl tiy tacmories cfrte pur sirtid irtllet ,h ilcth iilied PreGideai McKifflev ard aise tty a petebtai de- rire to gir.- te sirgeoii al UCicago t,.-r icSli-uil in treatitîg ('010. net itooses vIte wolind. LJL - 100 IÂb.ftvile P%ÀWleG To ChiciQfrom To Treg WIIYI There Is Ne"ul Rhafp tor Doiagibisà, Wbea carry the same Unes of gopw Chicgo Stoes -»d in mw cases &t MUýCI LOWiER# Lîbertlie people. th.rtyvme peop1~ie*t e-, w ~oÎr uoney with .uil' hgbi ýwith a -new -Rste lution TRADE _____AT HiONME Tlwre are many oth«r~~sI whi Yoii should tr4e 'home. f - 's s- F i.- "r o t -'s -r r r * i u-asl i-r ~* i- logii a-,-,.' iii ai a- o~'..ttt5~) î'1.: 'bto@E i. s,4~ 'r - . *5v, i Il 4

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