CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Oct 1912, p. 6

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~II I~EPUTÂT1ONELéERT E. MWIN IJWTJjJIIfI 0F WATR KEEP Roomve ---PrIva. Siior-'ry, FOR IIoeA'*TELII 111E PEOPLE AWAY Wlt Balet Punetured 4p0ot pg>tWJ GNE MAN DECLARES THAT CHI- CAGO EXCURSIONISTS FEAR- EO TO DRINK WATER. BROUGHT BOUTLES ALONGF OF THIS IS THE CASE Il' AC- COIJNTS FOR SMALL NIJMBER 0F EXCURSIONISTS. ai,. : ase voudered wby theie 55 few e'xc o on a on the dftiîî boati-ilii frein10 iago to VWau- kegall. 'IO ascritied i atehe tact * filet tlie 'iilîar,îcdisasrhad inadee Mnls eojejafraid te trus,ýt thein- selvsao<n the walter. tlers hav e ad- viautd ifI reIiî solutions but- noe c)f thein seeintd Io le-Véry probable. Noa ue l ocal inan who made a- Illuaiber Of trilns on the boat lest OMi mner eûmes forward witis wbat lie Over thse pile O! sIotes Iat need hafit 2claima ib flie solution of thse whole 5]ig. Inater. H-e SOI s Ihat the Chicago peo- pied ha es in uci about-t-he ai- A QUESTION. leged condiflun of the laite waier here.Th odwspseari tth tilat they wer, afraid that tisey wouî ia TueWrdinisa Statinsed arrd aytfie get sick if they came ilqre and vere NilTrnng tain etrdya obligea fa drink thse water. 'fie Pffecft that flie salors would hive E-e eaiil ihat for sine fume if m'as t1 ii> it al t se ai the- (aming elri- quite a mystery Tii li wiiy many (of ,onsiaja i an pTw tbe tîjicago exirianiets tai'ied regi'.tered, TIi5rerruilma are fno* in- large bottins with ihen. hAt lasf he learfled tlaîtiese bttles contaiuod cluded in t-e wbisuer for the law aaya water and tha thie excîrsioflsts an enlited moan who resides on goy irossbf itliher, se that tbey woutd flt rument territ-ory cani flt have a vlie bave te drink any af tise local water. tsaitiene mattei'a. The questioni was lie no uted one case in particular. itstldytea b thlol A lady and a littie boy had meBt ii eted yaedybyt1ia corne ln on a boatf. Tise boy was 'iery Jidzes as ta whtiser the petty of thirlty and wanted ta gt a drink at li,rnecisnics, etc.,WIîu are enLia - thse wafer works. H-is mother looked1 eu~ men and vîbo registpred have the isoror striciten and toid hM that beliiilg ~,Must flt drink any water isre-that1 It wouîd niake hum terrily ick. Advice has been sauight fro ni If Wsmamu zaerbs uc a d sources biguer up and tue decsisba reputation lns Chicago it seema nowon-swailed wth Iinterest. '0r tbat thse number of excuraioliist-s ~-'w4o ame bre wasa 50 mail. W k- M. -.-.Mile vas in thie cify Wauke- MrJ A NiLie Mi eerfminly does nlt deserve thie kpfltation for aac thisig la sure-tise *star lns Wauklegan la mt as pure as àt 1 l isChicago. S North Chicago. 0 LIURSELLER FINW ~INlCOURT Isaa.c Hiblera lWu3or dealer at W&Usgan, vas fined $100 sud costs -b> .ladge Nealsaus yeterdav atter nOon for peddling within tise City lins- r#al wit-bout a lucense. He vas ar- rilteil ou tise ourtis o! this mont-b iy .Offtfer Harvey Hyde who had ordere trOm tise chier tîowatcis for hlm. lie was isiten init-be act ut deivering -b*ër Ia a fiise on Cousm)unweaitri avue us' :u h, iw agon cantalued at tisef-- a -,,uiit-tis supîly o! beer and wisiske\l Tii, re visaabout sixteen 1gallon 3iguu oI wuislsey and several bal! Ijîî, ,as mus11 as saîîîsîîîlly o! iseer. UoigieskitnaPose spolite 1sfevon-ý Ina te a large audience ln thse Audi- the Progrese Club banquet. Tva a! tise Sistors ufthtle Pohisis <atboiic sehool are very iII of lyP"oîd lever and several at-ers tt-e mat- r- covering froin the ff ects of the saine 'read disease. Tisere bas boon quite s severe epidemiethfruugs tise nortis eiid of tise city. Mr. Wm. Field uf Ciicago is bore on a short visit vit-b bis daugister, Mrs. tA. Mller. Tise well on tise cty parkway la naw tniahed, isaving ieen driven toas deptis c! 176 teet. - A gogd flow o! water lias been secUreil and a purnit, îlaed lis posit ion, A cernent plat- torm wiii put t-be fiiahiig touches to tise vomt. A large interest is being taken ln fhe land sale at the Auditorumt sud desîrahie lota were purcisa3ed îat nigit cf very reasonable figures. Que REAL ESTATE MEN.- SAY mHAT SUCH AN APARTMKENT HOIJSE WOULD PAV MER£. FEW I4OUSES ARE BUIIT AS A RESULT MANY PEOPLE HAVE BEEN OSLIGED TO MOVE TO OTHER CITIES. According ta preseut indicationsa there îievi viaq a biggei demand for emalli noderateiy pri(lidfltstor (,ot ages lut Wsukegami than-et tise pros- ent time. The demsud for emaîl flata3 seems tolie exoeeuingiy large anid greatly exceedi tise sliajly. "I amn firmly convinod tht I some onie vere f0 ei'ect a modern finitbud. ing Ilote wltb four room fta ai&0 intailed a ietIng plant-, placing t-be rert st say $15 or $18 a ilofitis wiicb hc coîîld do very readily," said a lo- cal real eafate man todai, "-tt wonid titi a long toit need bore and he would lie able f0 keep tisei renfed thse year round." Samuel Schwartz a tew montils ago wase considei'ing the plan o! erettng suith a building bore baut afttr he aald bis tract o! land nt tise .ike street and Sheridan road t6 thse cify, fie abandoned the -plan. 0f lafe ho dlrected bis attention fa the erection or his new building on Souths Geneaee street and tlise remodelling of tise Dodgo buildings whic bchopurcliased saine littie tinte ago. It le aaid that the novi owner e! tise Berntein building on Prospect Drive la remadeiiing tise building tbrougisout snd Intends ta malte Il aver lto ftour and five room fiats but it le doubt!ui If tbe fleta ever wili be very popular because ufthtie odinin tuaI alvisys baa attacbed Iteel! to tise building. At tise fresentf1 timetere are vory fevi moderateîy prIced fiat buildings lu tise city and tise 1mw that are bore are ront-ed aIl tise tipse, and thore la ueualiy a big wating lust visn a family f inaliy daes move ouf. Tisose who have looked loto tise matter say tisat it ahould ho no trou- ble to bsc able te refit a beatoi l fat for $15 s montis. altisougis there are noise n the city wiic refit as CbeaP ase Iisnow. 'rhis demand for email boses and flats isaflot now bre-if bas; existed for many mothsanad la du<- largely te tise tact that few toit- ing bouses or fiat buildngs have bden bulit bere lately, and as a reault many people viso would bave moed hero have gone elsewbere. OFFIAL LMSTRMAL ESTAÂrE TRANSYEE C ~ Fusmshod by very u npleasant feature. bowevE r, Lake Co. Titis à Trust Co., wiîci madle It-slf. anilteet last o- Ahtraciat Title. Ttien Q"orante*&. ut t-be yuung men who evidently rieed a tew pointera on havi ta behave at a public gathering. esîseciisily vusere Ihere are la¶ies preseut. The heavîest troaf o! t-he season oc- correct Ist niglit and thuse viho le! t fiseir plants out are regrefuing tue lact. Roufs. idewalius. etc, eere whi4t fis nioruiuug aI 4I oaisand folage W 5î crisp. OCTOBER 15, 1912. J. A. McL.sno t- J. L. Metzeii, lot i. fox. S. 27 f.) Colrys Add., Watskegau, W. L)., $1, J. b. Metzen t-o E. W. Beemon, lot 1 fex S. 27 ft.) Corys Add.. Wauitegan, W. D., $1. josephs Delbaye sud wife ta John Strattord, part lot 19, Pearse's Sais., Hcigiswuad, Q. C., $150. R. L. Waabnrn to C. F. Wasbburn, tOrlain and asec gave a muet entertain-re lot 13, blk. 1, and lot-s 3, blk. 2, Bat-t-or- Iig lecture on tise navy sbawing views rIIr¶jL Dstalls Sui., Grayalaite, W. D., $200. o! ail tise battleshipsansd explaiuing PR GR SS CL B rak rart, guardian. fo Michael tise dltferent types. Hie speech and Dobner, 160 acre, In Seca 16 and 21, ee ure s epre isteued mu by bundredi IiAININU' MEMBERS Freinant twp., deed, $340. - of NerfnI Chirago people, t-be largo Clara R. Smith te Frances H. Koyne, hall being paclued ta ifs tuîlest es- ots i and 2, blk. $3, Highwoi Park, lacity.1TePorisCu.o or £h-W a,$0 Mis Xaherný,Seiueierannla n-cagoeviuicis yul give thoîr annîmal .1 .1 Webser and wife ta A. L. Bri-- able ta attend to ber dulies athtie banquet amnd entertainmnt- tousorrow mud. undivided 1-2 E. 60 It. lot- 5 but. cBldy factory on accounit of a verv ev,enliat the Auditorium building 40, original Waukegarý. W. D ., $5.000. lamse arm has been steadiiy galniug lnuember- A eliortage a! ougar bas made Il > )until tisey nov bave .aut 80. 39 000000 0 000 0 nece'ears for the <oliîr candy fsct- îîsvîng joined the organîzation during 0 Dr or l issoff is atids for tiselres- the-, t-et threo veeks. MARftIAGE LICENSE&. le enit. as th, 5-hEr i.. À e nmain ngredi-,rpe -ent Is tisenmanuacure of candv. Il t Ever>- îîîdustry in the cd'y le rori Ioj said Ihaf il,,ehicat trop intise seitled lui the club tbat "a ding su ýWvest Is obl,itg op ail o! the cars. much for fhe advaticemleîi.of!tise Frankt Peitarik. 29, Lakte Forest. wli er umda ot sietrir îvsefadfs-irnii Mary Frances B. Domn, 20, Lakse For- ~g r riv(if iiev., facluries lere. The aemnbers est ~akaotharul liti , on -ismain ci- li he-n d<lie saisie iwilsing faely Percy Nlonblow, 22, -MlwaukeeO. ae man il ba s me bis. On q Suuii un mie%% ieoiîer., lriiuam ung t ie I y Bla in, 19, Milwaute. ài#ueno o! drink antd is; novily S n.iiatt'uirusc tuî . an. l» the Jane McAliste o iati l, i C lw 4rtiS tC hleveut st._________ F fgeus condition and Iaf nigt fi- - u> club bas eser atteîîuîted sud ail Sevon-WIgoty lgbt onvicta Dow beliaiu ,oq ,tlisg iappeîed ta the ciller i ii'. u ininers iu, wr,> as lite aid the bars t tise Illinois alate pauliten- 'j»éker o! bestaaff. The injuries suis - -1' t(.ii ta be îr-onat-i 7 aore fÈ iary are seekiug tiseir freedop t*tftd isy the latter are tva iscolen," l"iii-i rty uili tue eterlained liy a thromîgh pardon or parole frolnsthe ;'rtb* aid a spraiised ankle isci Ii cm, ii îofl iinatssii,uiaie e-amesboard uf pardons, visicis offed lit liay- bita up for sois.lttle ime. n t 'ifuuu<îand miii, u pii tureirsnsi fwo-day session aithtie pententiari la~~t notiown whetber se gt homo--- Ouit i ll-ing v I , ci il sfuanire Tueday morning. Forty-nias cf t-hé à4~aei te sec his partier and tisuughf iil long. eeveisly-eight euesa ta be ieard tblî If lie gof laid -up be woud ho taken aession are trom Cookui nfyione Up te tise isspit-al or WbMee!tise trram Wamkegai. Tise large majority *tonrsweme not et- gtwMb&u kiossisf Mns. Jay Brewster bas lett for Lea are five-jar ermera, ailythmbe. agee ~IIAewore--pa-obably fthe latter. In t-be Ancies Cal. vibomellie viii spend Irsg treedom wvis are serving isoavier »»eeatme ltr, Sciram la worrying a few v ueis vitislber daugistor. tisan twenty-year torma. liRASL~I3 AN' A. T. White of rayalake Writes This Paper Exalismg acte ln Town- aMip Motter'. Mcr Editor:- There have been nom, tingq print- ed ln tise cointy pap"crs tisai; fa aay th,- Jasi, are very missleadins$. If yuu wllJ givoeisce is yaur paperi, 1 i Wi try and make the main tacts ln5 regard ta tise new tawn1aisIP o! LiQte Viii. plin, ansi On the square, Our nighbaro ta tise naît-b laAt Miarcb presented a petitisin to tise March tarin of thse ,upervisors, "a2t- isg fer a ne* townsbip. Tise super- Visors ýppùInted a coMniitf ue witb power ta nct. Thiis committee leld a numuber o o (th- llre Iisi>) witl tise petft1qiers "ad abject orp *cd finally decided tisat the pi'iitifîutt did not hiave t-be reqired thrse- foul'ths cf tàýe votera ln tise district and tleis11,qd tt4 petItion. Thli 1W111 ln the moitis ot Marcis, 1912. Tise erf moye that we ieard of Our good."Iinil neiZisbora ta thse norfi waa, t-bat veiey sortly after tise turiaig down cftiltU-hir iret peitlih. oalled a meeting et Lýabo Villa aud vor n tli t- invlted evory one to att end. Tbey 08pocialty ,Iuii*ed ne of tise abject- ors ta their pqtition la meet wlth then. i amrn ot- positive as 10 fithe date1 O! tilo le eeiug, but it was very s00K etter the turinlg duwn o! iheir pcti- tien. 1 was flot at their meeting and ran not aay exaotly wbat was done. But jNe. 30 very ahortly after that meeting the ad other petition in circulation get- 2l p tiug signatures. Tbey had : 1~l~ metin& during the apring and mer for the purpose of ent4i)si&he 0 people, And ta 50t igners ta the ti- tion. Ftnally on thse l<th of lune thoy filed their .etitigo with the June Board of Supervisare, igned by 234, namnes; and before the board adiouirn-~ ed tbey filed ait edditloeiai f wo namnes. The board appoMfted a committee to congider the petIon and to report to the board. That cammitee wau Brooke, Ki - and Nieyer. Aftr @pouding, 1 think,,Lak e three daysaui rthe petîtion and the number of iniiabîtants. the cammttee triai toamakis a verbal repbrt ta the' aupervisore. but the board requIred a written report. The cisairmaij, Mr. Brooke, belng aeked toainake a Witten report eaid, -Oh, tt ln mch a long miatter" lie W oouid flot tell how long It would WiII thein ta nase IL. So tlnally the board adjourned for one week requiringi thein ta make a written report. When the committea finally« made ils re- port it was "that they found 292 vot- era In the propooed Dow town, and tisat the petition baid 234 legal vote"' No 1.1 naines on it; tisat tiser. were 29 namnes TIEd withdrawn trom saad petIon, fiat wC do that there were aixteen naine, witb- and le drawn froin the 29, and three names withdrawn from the 16. But they aaid that 19 ofthtie n-mea on the firet with- 1 drawals signed, or might bave igned wihdrawale fram the last apriflg peti- tion ànd threw out 19 of thse 29., Tise reai tacts about tisose 29 with- Ldrawaie are, that there waa flot one of Iboin igsied until &fier they blid: signai tbe laat petitton, and that noue of them were siffed until about the lat a! Jufle. andl were aduitted ta be bad been In circulation gluce April, and they had several Saturdty nlght meef.ngs on tise matterand ta get sinr. SoiflenparfectIs- absurd ta aay tisaftiseir withdrawaia were from thse aprtng petit-ion. Tou wtiu uder- stand that wisen tisoy fiied tiseir peli- tion tbe ltb of june, It put a stop to any more signatures anJIl; but that wthdrawalsanad ro.witbdrnwala vere ia order and iewful unjIl the final hearing of thse board. Besidea tise aisove there wore tbree votera thet coUld. or diii vote lait spring and can vote tht. tati, tisat the. comultttee wouIld fot allow as legal, althougis there was an affudavit pi'ie aented ta theIn; aworn tao hefore a notary public In Calitornta, that ho was a reident of Auttech luit apriitg and scbeduled over $10,000 et ParaaUl property. In tbe case o! nnother mans *ibre woe tbree affIdavits t-bt lie wAs a citizen. and aisotiser mai voted 553l7x ln Antioch iaat aprins. and aaya If be e > Ilveaunililfai ho lAteM.ýo 48 ietbçro .Csmeu &gain. w u Very reîipectfOlY, ilA. T. WIÎITI. asuen I_ raylake. Ill., Oct. 15, 1912. 0 Cecil Lowe returned toe fie I'val à Training Scisoal at lAis.Bluff .thâ ymarning, afloer a short visil tatié & 0 ibre efbis aenots.Dr. And MM 4rU.P, *s Lowe. Clyde.Nokes whoias aa ±tise ae achool, rettsrned Priday atrer a sort ,y visit boe. Bath yoUng %1911*xpê0 t. ta lieatt 10 tie P-MOUcC. 8,~ ir November 16-ta begin a lon0 9 eO. Kewanee Star. Wbeui Fou Ca. hS provisions et MOI ::K OR 0 ILLSaturity, OGe 1 c ,N. la ^NE SPECIAL.--Faucy Leg of Sprlng Lamb, with a buqch of mint FREE.IlC Na1ve Bef Pot R&st ....9c and 6c 'fly Native Steer Rib Roast BcS& 10oc almîb qteak .. .1................10ec Short O.ut Porter House Steak. ...1 2%c »eef Staw .............6e Xamburger Steak, 3 pounds .....2be Roui;d Steak ....... ....12 61= l f. .. . .. .. . .. lo to 9c Seat Toaque . . . ... . .. ......l1C »Upr cilrd am...........i 5Jc Bmoked Spare Ribs .........100 Sagar Çured PicloNoIms ........12%c -<a r bred Bone1es Ra=m.....12/2c Ftrankf'uiUt ..... .........V Poush Sausage ...........9e Live, Sausage----------------...S9 Iported Siwuer sausae ..... -i5C Impored 8aam.....age . .19e Bloo.d 8ur.......9 PORK. PorkOboide........... 180 6 Ib 8>aRibs,ashortceut .......25o Pork S -.<10c Kettle eLîrd1V'0 Pork RoLsat.................. 130 Pork Chops ....................lic0 Sweet Pickled Pork ....... 14o Pork Tenderloin ..........25e LAMB Fancy Log Bpring Lamb ......lic Fore Qurtr Spring Lamb .....80 lamüb tsW........... .. f Lamb Chopo .................1l1,1 Log Mutton,.............. .. VEAL Fore Quarte................... Oc- Hinà Quarter ................120 VeI l fw ............ ....... 9. Veal Chopoai........... ....... lm~ Veal Kidney Roa8t ......... 2,e QiwalfmEi" ............90 Calf Liver . ...........10e Pull Couupouad Lard, per pound.................... 10e ads LIoareb Bullerlne ...... .............. Fancy Drumed Spring Chicken8 at Wholoese Prieu TH-E UNDEPENDENI County's Foremost Newspaper s ~Wu AP INTIERESI YOU? mg rau mi aIutumenla, no I l t h ie IRONTIER "doesa no wer 8E pies, we'i gitvle y..ý- a new ore. cam cbetter? Counpare ltmese Drices wllh limose et ether make. euber FONTER TIR are eaiumteeul 3500 mies. m jw GET THESE PRICES leo petches. es .15 VuiCflltlg Cement, 4pt cou. la Tire covera, @Il ixe ...1.00 a patchea. dê Ciiecher aide.rungs, ai l aies *73 Top Cevers, ait i aiea...3.50 Leck Rings ............... '0 FIe.tIng Fies or rlm ai rips .74 *e petchea. esmorted Vulceuizer fer tubes, com-. Perfeten Reileera, 26 p.c. dia. ... ... 23 1 ploee..... ...............1.50 j ieterl«o irlre, 25 p. c.dis. 1346-48 Mkla.iln Avenue, ChieaGo Li I i n I w i I. i I PI t i -'I w I Eu 7 f * Pronier Tubia R- Làwn 2 S-<3 $ 9.25 $ 2. -t' $1.90 30x3 10.00 2,65 2.00 32x3 10.75 2.85 2.10 29x3'AL 14.'25 3.40 2.90 30x31/o 14.75 3.60 2.95 3 1x 31/2 15.30 3.70 3.00 32x3/ 15.75 3.75 3.10 34x3V/, 17.25 4,00 3.20 36x3½ 18.75 4.25 3..30 30x4 21.25 4.65 3.40 31x4 22.25 4.80 3.50 32x4 22.40 4.90 3.65 33x4 23.90 5.00 3.75 34x4 24.00 5.10 3.90 35x4 24.90 5.25 4.00 36x4 25.90 5.40 4.10 34x4l/2 30.75 6.40 4.20 35x4¼ý 32.00 6.50 4.30 36x4'/2 33.00 6.75 4.40 37x4½/ý 33.90 7.00 4.50 35x5 39.50 7.50 4.75 36x5 40.50 8.00 4.90 37x5 41.00 8.50 5.00 caRIl Attention te Ibis cd. Whom askn parchass ai~ p 3~et04s dmpoa 22 Cue <u!h 1y v il 1 1

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