wh.iever w. lwiv 7~ ~~ ip:s 111L9ON T IS Ch icagobut ln that time ah: autlinenjI W O Tr z :ý.1M T~~LFt __ -Ilrving Park.'- Sit salit that ther. the -tknt>,k'" socîey mees onc a w.~ wîii a on- rpt~IiSIu*. UL, Oct. 1.-Ato e PROMOTERS 0F NEW CHARITV ribadetcaiiaidvreaIOWA COURT MOLOS CHANGlE Dt1" 0F Wer4t nc we wt acu *P~i , reerelilflvote <rZINjST SAYS MEN ARIELEAO SYmet FEAR CLASH WITH ISIMILAR cse o cartyar du ssd. l' RATE$ ANDO0F PLANS 0F v et i ,n te reI1îýn%1m WOMEN4 APnom STRINGS. Prîl ORGANIZATION lIBRE. ti 1y i eem aiie îb INSURANCE ILLEGAL Ucree$d liN0WAOAY9. ho. pie who are deserving oftbelli. Thiibill!uitye. na1 u plan wouib e llowe<l tu Waukegani. Tiie pgetiiu.jpment was due tote Min WILL MEET MAIN *GNDAY oniy the new boclety wouId met 'wt i CONTRACT MUST BE ýKgP!T1 acttbolt teoiporarY InJunh tien liait tHEATRES ARE CONDEUNEU & the fferatig Instad of te th con-i Juge McKIT!ey et _______ th F.drattm netad c wih ti, e?'-citsse rqtralng the band of of- - ATTHT IM WLL1~KEA~trai board ef charitýea. leeol» t& ,rgenizattei F'w male- A TION; WN ILT T A E A- TERMS MAY NOT BE, MODIFIEO fDg UIiy M 1 1 toard tiE, reier..ndum HAIRPULL4NO WOULD FOLLOW Pu TIN HTTEFDR-WITU-OUT CONSENT 0F TWO- vt CONFESSION AT NOME, HE Y TIOlHRE18DOINO. E EA lD-THIRDS 0F _______ ECLRE No dtiuie ationtowrd ti, UIIL84J4~8~RULES ARE, C1TED MeaDipfhbtc8n audfn aci ath e rg-j MONEY IN FUTURE Des Moines, la., Oct. 22-Judge AnglDaea, oTe us aukatin ofaas it tII. metilng wsbw qut wmIoè'fAa i-4PLaa YAad .tiionnand men, women and eidren Waukgan as atte et heýeotie 1tictcourt. tod«y held that tle piu- ' hl usdyatrotinteSesamelN14.«lIsu>.e ofGoernment Billa tu e pom , C oa in.>the --a- g------..-.-laulud, llateted atttitivel7 O ci a heid TuEmloaeslaludadtterneen decara thai club cmoins at the publie îîbrary. A- Sent te Banka Wlt$hln s Few Wk. *go'<ea 4, lBOct. 22. w plaudell tii. vaig cre nil Ac-, liýte Modern Woedmen sot'Amerità, la of 1yealeny ild Woice i e itidnuictreto t!oii was deferred tu a meeting wblcb ___ aearaBe otice ~Positive itis of the Rev. Wilbori wii lieheid in the seffie créns - vtIefon etftthe vegted cotraet vltii s-fýuetau or etic (ie nVol.eteao'&ereL llouday morniug. Thi tatement thai Iankers expect te o be lattug an' rlghts ot membersanad la nuit andtvodleOChon,-b banit byti.poChîlnCtoicAotccasi visios pl~hworen he prfton errtZin Ct, IIat emle chdtoh the Po"eration et Wome'a Club' la '.ntireiy uew klud ot paper money: gs er as it -attempta ta -baa- ratas f Z airaCity, Ill., tetfTeepaeiLit.: 4olg aaimlarcbiriy wrk u he iann !eilB* Otè j Attte aibeymu by tii a diy wa sitbe ranfr et ening thuiwihI ashort tif>,. Secretary of tii. itbout the. consent eofLthe meuubera. ,etile é elaidty dayâ prier tu, the bm last niaiit. < ure meeting as more of tbnae wbe are pJ0 r eo uyMVai a etya- Te eluon'auluacae rtibt.pia-aLlgm aftthecaiendar yqar. wiicb la aecootpaiylng thi.e vara.q melig ti. ew rgaizaionwls t1no ilcdthat tiiere le tu 1ie fi radical by the. insurgent wing eortth.orgailit- ,;Tb&-$ latâe Étt o an opinion by iee'a sslnee ee iu change ln t-le greenbiacit" cOtTncy_ tien te ennui certsa.chaases- ha arl.- IU oisn18iag attor-I antagontzo sny oher erjanizatoni Paper billa are te lbe made mocb î mtinlmo'lbr e.Th letçeta uinefgt whuit rtnay lc doiug tiesafine kind of les oftht-e apoecitton by-lawU sde%' y r à iuîure' te. To berta yent adiiene Igotie. work. Ietween now and next Iionday analer ndli teie lisait cbly* aut mp'vi Rsa theaa begn iyempaszlg tn ir Lienatte w U ie uvat an4d ,am be diffuient. t present a $5 1b11-ais h iba apo i.Wetbna tieq . tiep once resfateu-ed 1csit qfrtalth ln'tiiBible. 'willie bdecided deliuitelY ft t-ai n vo ita ehiier bili-Is 3 by17 1.2 ln Chicago lunJfinoary, 1912. rmait et ont i eithdrawu I)ytic wliaae" liesaaict. If tihe j incliea. IL tlpanredl te eut itis down The court beid, tiret, that under a. rom , - tSrl, ing log.1 time. said hat .tenah swalewed t-he weti Asa ainatter of tact t-er, lBa a ten.. to about 2 1-2 byfi 1-8 luches, certificats.oet titis earacter the hised- Oidil eau. viero employeas; oe1w oudbilv h-adproecii nintdearmntetth Fdra-lt n uview of the tact t-at tiere la er eceuples teward tii. aclean a dual ven omeus (tubeni f Feaieî a:l r uisWardiheiiieyt dhaopra ' Ll.-hei ie tlt8 huodiiet heif elveyt!'c ?ofte doue netCubsinga îithopea IL-11de currency, It a-enmai ikeiy t-at therO ion hé la iiound by ail lt-a reasenable, ln, I18 LK,i9Ar y Il fiotiece te uhat- Danieol l belnsdu i etry ci dorenotingas et L hpesil o budlietib.nothng te stand lu the, waY îy-iawa, .'ehetiier t-bey corne lut0 o et I nfàtrinticir emnpleye-lnteio' cadevrj1 couaiderable ciiarity wrk thia wlter. o tei word hng.Tht uh sn l efr o atrisuaceoible. Thet*à,1»ftote xirtin0 od n h Bbt.Tri !ifta liescpelsccoaperaslaw nefitc tas bilaithane.,iatauc f ltecebefreet atsr func.etbissltYuJ4the Btitbelelra t e fall l tc ibl te s dys new alzed bill for ail deneminationa certitîcate. Asa a person holding-a cou- amy cèse, Ar'ýeàr. _____ jl B Cra tliat panuCd for the new organizatiÔu. wou I idé srable la the opinion of tract wilh the society ho tauds ou tihe-initLasa Woil lt-a lwncliîsila le lke ni' ilh liereferrlux te conditIon u .,A tUpinia tla te tkeni)wi temal] y tesides the aecretary or thecsafine fooling asianhy Otlibr periton l(i-' iLOyO O(RVIS gReu bu saaid: tioaho birnads.ta iytreasury,-anud, lu tact, tie reelfirat-lon iuig a cotract with ILt R A SE If esery man lu lhis ,City Wouid are provlded wth proper cîothing. T t lelte oeslseyu het eod iecnmte usrueF5 Acontes, te hie wl!. and çvery wlfel la bard te seiiow a confilet coutld sIt-et a7itatIon ofbukers and cousinsa ofthte certificate etfipplica- - contes, te lier lusbèyad t-lasre w..id atria. ietweeu t'eo organisainz fétsItmalona eetell tetetfrmet r , teatilsofa- Loyd Osvis, wiio 'as able, te gelhP lbe auch a hailt-pullig match that the question. aociatbu, by-lawa ot the society aud a ew dps - go altert a twe hir lu acatydlffeS-et aft.re and I - three1wmuwudhveeog arl i.1~~$btii tStftDeamtig erOBs lu cola t> ! ie îeaim tayet the tatutes ofthe tii ste et Illinois re- WOÏv e lUs asl aareuar- at îiîY-e wlh a it-cuhfar iii, it 'llib. eelesl the i suggestion tiat paper mouey bu lftitng titerete. lapeseand Il9 condItion la regarded as,,nextt? er. lat agte o- e n_ , efett_ s-.or-madle amalier antd ]cas cinbersomii. Rate Pa"t Ot Contract. eitical. à abckaChicago R51>41 lowed thia rcmark. lîr.te new iaw oetthe aoriet> - dalli, bas g4argeor!lils case and lai -,IetbW tell1 you card-piaying. îlauc. UcU.,i.e and D.ath. proposes te change bath Lic rat-e and not- aIe to ,gdinit that INIr. Orvia iaj-ing,peleoLsAn '«. Mft wlsh te tabe any decided Um nte aeofte traieplno iiustc adbthrteadveyIl.wàol îr peoleie 'stisan- stM<i4 untIl we kncw just 'elere w. ..faye te Lta ne 1 amle plan ae taur !aî ht aefndvr I-gelezw5 rilyaî1eve DOrNtlu, ula.4." ci. eb.promotera explaltî.f law et deali" aaleLact C iinaeapart of Lthe meineri? cou- Mr. Orvla' Tirtt- lit<ss wfis cauacd thtat you are au offense lu the ns oelmatilibas Ia conuoling m taage. trc euaacunude iam oan-îabie.IfIWeamnstru 440t146,"If the. Féderation bas 1r0" Mbot tthe, hpe eht o ract hnaybesudrbs r f1wr iitri - h~-lirlaba eprtmutwewil >0- b. asau. t tieae at (m de .,Foîirtithere tg no ditfereqe ln cd bis eutire asyaem. Ho recovered that"to"'u ad 1 liait one of Yaeuclére- * @ly ton glad te sde ail we canaufinlu elUmgatei tbat de&*h sf11lbe îotblng prineiple between ri3eUcng the, ameunt quite rapidly /a-eut tua but new IL luaîlayng wemeu lu my flock, l'dldumpi 4ildnais. If tiey have ne snch de-' mos-e tbaaa quit and Valaient pS.es ofbenefit antd lncreasing the. price saIsithat b. la.-auferlng trom a leak- yen over Ltheoegseoqulck it would p%,14nent se 'lli preeeed t-oorgauieolainon.. t 5111 - cesse b 5.lea'déertfo b.beeît Ifge er tihe tsrt- Waîtkegfi trieuda mihe your beond awlm. Yuelvl - Woitty ansi tiien affilate otîrsels-es and coe Oes-n tu b. deireit as a At llllt, the ameudimenta to the arti- o e iti Dieu willWlieb.sorry te hear saintasrent yen. playlng cards w Pe r-. wibL th ederat-ion. ,W. bas-e ne de- tmg clos ta seaury day." cles af Incorporationi areIlléegal andtII tntbis coniltion la se sortous. yeu ought te bu tendug tie sick. Pqanute witbou*t aklg i- th etu ~'W~# 'Tii. sld-tauhioied, »'o lW t*seutre but tJwrve ýgo ta,0«et - [ethodialae end, the bluf4Okfl geI k.1i-'a54w4>*'hal wlt' ïb resbytuiens are ii th In yOu wnaMR to.do 1- 1 oýntlo rà~ bSgIW of, 'Qittade "the chirçb of «" e, e ome the divini e 00éptiOfi et .tl" alastry bu beenleslt. et lnt&0 ka and big eompsws OI yoi Sd auâ- "' 1 tiIty-,4511 aucou. luOIS 'i.tiity par cent of, theAmerical téS US OIiI 4 m. romt mple do notbgotooiwchub. - 14NO*- ork not 5 Per cent attend 15. c çI 'Cari eoprate . .. . .. I cari furnish a CO 1inP4 '-'ott cosist- ing of 'Dynamïo'Sa ra~t~ G. En- gine. and eve yhrg e*p>V£r ther operation at a moderatc cos$tAlmost impossible to get 'Out of par. Alter once insta.14 youf EIç4trc ghtt wilI cost Vou nothini-. There a powe r to rut> ariy-mali macbin.< ii adZ . tion. Let me figure with qyôu foi:one o!I these outfits. Do DGoMALT 81 P.. o. lo 13 »kM 7= vY A FIRE SALE, such as. this hu been. and wiII be until 10 o'clock p. mn. URDAY, OCTOBIER, THE 2Gth, has inci beeru equalled ln thIs state. - 4. Fer CThe Sale of the Rosemblum Stock wUtPosvely be slashed for 'the Iowes tak,ed Io ast time Saturday. Mlany .of the Unes are's Ltréken and thousands of, peopli havt p4ý q j aFire Adjusters Sale suha hshsbci IeetepIe r lsed aglh to the Iowest luilt frStrauo the 26th, has neyer been equalled ln this State. THE INUJfi~P4P~ tcc= 8 IRgA T SALE lJ' ,mai 1