CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Oct 1912, p. 9

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~TN~ IL)PE Wl.ÀUK EGAN WEEKLY SUN XlL'xTmý !7f~T ~ - - -- . PART TWO. LT:BERTYVILLIZ. ILL., -0'0deR 25, 1912. il .5 RYEAR IN &DV»U 0FITEECITY ARE T FINSMIcED PROSICUTI IN CASES WIMERE VlOLATIION& ARE POUND. UATU!RE UL ÏSEINS MSO TIIS TATgMENT MADE REPRAT RDLY aV THI9 *UN WIU esE I4VROTÉiàATSD DY Hi&% Hehl*InsP$OtaiAes Crainon starfei out toiateb aUpeaet ii uteh. or shom tee ti c H. Wini pmy * pecimi atteition 10 the dm8. et Vaal UÏM ls bains porciiased and MWli sd la any instances uberoe a nde tiie1 .lmmtur, anImais are -bals« offerei i for sale b. Wini Miigate proeoedlna. a ie actIvity amag tii.. ues la la lime Vtba ugestion th"t hmaberna Made Dequentiy by the Bon for the. lust »V Osëai Yomrsand mecLa wth Uthe arty tpwoval of cAUisens lu geceral. Tua. &Jter Umne the. Bun bas pointai tu, the tact tbat at lamat oue ofthéi butcheri * of thiicty vere seling veal tat vast liot fit In b. oateni, but Mr. Cusmond's taIvostgation Io the, firit tint bas beenà Otated.1 ait. e hmosi ntends te make bis la- 94011800Mmst tlioreugh. lie bas ~ete modaIwttii vicb b. bas b011à Nlei Veal bearing the. UMd eta MW Osinwlloct b. botal- ouS4vm1wa laI.Dot vitkun the Citys Ju~Iaq,~L~ma, btelierWho mslls "Mua pni~ks d vinl b. #y à. bïI"sd many scit mt ~ vinibbe fl tube Slie e trme.r Wh. ali lit Iht lamore tiac foo 'Wlifer violaioloa sve -W &Mounattua aonei tiomanidllar flue. one yaar la Jan or ISMlh a th iff lortlon af the mort Butciiers ame ot the.only ailes Who mes t. o elood ter by the. clty bealth Inspecter sas b.Intends te learn froi. sat source the. vomi 1a secnr.d. no wlfl tiiet atclà the venlt tiat la hfouglu l a amY farimereekig tu Sbpmo t o lAmmature ment viii b. PqModatgd Uihesain, as n offendlng buteher wald b,. Waýàkqga popgi. bave wondred 2or a ).og Umne vby the. city made no eflIort td#%un icwn the, publlabed se- 0 aof 'slUnk" mnd "deao"va bOMis ollu the clty, but =UAt'Vbas boasa do". up te the, present. Il la hopol 1h51 Mr.Crmmond msa viii Me0 te It hbat butcers esacis a lit- tio mare Cam. ln the mannor In vblch tbOy drawMst tbmougih the oty. Thii1 àà anotier roforin tbat bas long bue ' atutel iii'the.Boan MUST DECIDE ITt Ti'IIS INTERESTING QU'ESflONt COMES UP IN WINTIIROP HAR- BOR IMPROVEMENT CASE. 1 OBJETIONS ARE UNIQUE: OBJECTOR& MAINTAIN VILLAGE ' DOIS NOT OWN STREETS AT THE PRESENT TIME. Doses a ovu w isestreets? This ln a question that the. village l of Wlnthrop Harbaor muet prove ta lie satisfaction of Uie Supreme court -of the. state. The. case promisso tab., one of the. most lnterostlng ever caIled to, tbe attention of the. ilghest tribunal la the, 5tate. The. trouble ail arase because cer-« ta" people lu Wnthrop Hmrbor ob-p -jeOato 10pylng their assesâments onui cernent ldewahku whlch the. village virnicitu put ln. The unique argu-t Ment vas ralaed tint the, village dldE a« etowa Its streets beause af a de-J f£*M t. eplat. It vas palnted ont t»t tiie landio aie lh the. village nov la Igoeatil vas ortgaged a long tUme mâs-tà o vllge grev up and the. mort- w» vasforeclosoi Thie lty boldo fellUo e eteoould flot ha taken «as NUMER LLIE PLANNEFORLA1TEI PART 0f CAMPAION COIJNTV CANDIDATES AND PROM. iMENTi SPEAK1ES .PAN [oiUeDS ATTEND CATIOLIC BAZAAR ON OPENINO NIORIT HALL MASSREN MOST SEAUTI. BIr-RMIU MKErLAN hULv iJC.,AKMElV-.5'ATHER POR THE COUNTY C AVIN IN ATTIt4DANCE ITO INCREASE GE. INTEREST,BOOTII ARE VERY P RETTYý MEETINOS ANNOUNCED FOR AN. TIOCII, RUSSELL AND IVAN- MOI NEXT WEEK. itepubllcassof Lake counnu promn- lie ta keep thingu bummiig durlqg the remainder of the prenant atm,- Plailaai1 arrangements are nov be- Ina niade for holding a number cr rai- le, lu dierent parts or the county. Among the dates already arranged " he b folowlng: Frlday eveang, Oct. 25, Antioei opera boune, Hou. H. H. Walte. Prophetatown, a i£bllty, wîli speak on national lunces. County candidates and Cangressman Fous wii ia l e present. Ttiere viii b. @Peel&[ mutle and a big ime la ex- pected.'. Baturday nlght, Oct. 26, liail. Iv4ania, when Hou. Ninlau H. Welcb a former judge lu Chicago mcd a Lake county native, wiii be the speaker as veil as tie colinty Aw- didates. Tuesday nlght, Oct. 29, at Russell, ln Kelly's hall, a prominent sppaker yet ta b, selected. as veil an the colin- ty candidates will b. lu attendance. The. varions local candidates have bau tomtag tiie county quletly for nom. Ume but have nov planped ta mMii.àa Utte more noise lu varions Parts d lim e eonty durlng the bal anc. of the. cmpalgalusttaumie sur, i e m.±lagenah* laloa' e that the. viole vote can b. counted an on election day. TO ATTEND DIAMOND JUBILE 0FPAENTS Parents of J. W. Bergeron WiliICe- brute Thoîr Fîve Soma In Chicago. -Slxty years ago the, qualnt andi 1 quadrille vas danced al, the wvedil of on, of Illinois'eu aly ettions. Suc- day evestng i F1rontenac bail. miJota- lng the church of Notre Dame, Oregon avenu, and Sibley street, Chicago, the @ame quadrille yull b. danced ain the. aged bridai coupviAi il ad and 10v la naany af the . me friends to viitciitiey voie baved wben tuey etomied ln the original weddlcg dance 60 yers uno. Antone and Lucy Bergeron, parents of tire. prominent Chicago physlolsas and a Ciilcmga prient, will celolrate the dimmand wedding at hilgh mass ln thie Cburcb of Notre Dame Bundar mcrnhng. Offlclo±lng et the. mas, vîlI be the, Rev, Fatiier Achille U. Berger-1 on, psstor of the, Church of Notre Dame sud son of the sged couple. Dra. V.XA Bergeron, E. D. Bergeron aid J Z. Bergeron, Chicago physiclans, and J. W. Bergeron, a former aofLiii- ertYville, Ill, vîlI bo present. Beau.,s the» . ive sanso ter. viii b, six grand- chldren mcdtire. gieat-grandicildron at the services. The couple were marrled ln Kanit.. kee, II, tiielr preseut home. Bath hiavec llved ln the. tate mont of thir liges:1 Many friends vita ver, gueits aIthe mariatg. vili attend the, dlamond jub- Polloving blgb mass a banquet vili be given lu Prontenac bail. Ater thus1 vîli coaethe reception and dance sudj then an entertalncient by the matera of the abuici. A fmmlly reunlon viii comple tiiheevenn. pectors maintaîn that the village iiolda 9 no tite ta thie streets.1 These smre objections ver. made t4 the confirmation of thie wese- ment on the sîdewaiks but Ceunty1 Judge Persoa ruled that thegaseeS- ment vas vali. tre obJectais tbiteJ appeled the. castýre ta the Saprét c court and Attorney Nugene Eaýyqi for the, Village of Wlatiirop ,m* asluted by Attorney Elam L bave gone t10 Sprlngno.ldtua a4ut 1 mater buiore the. suprome court. HAVE SEEN AANDSOMELY DICO. RATID WITI- OAK LEAVES AND FRUIT BLOSSOMS. Decked ln gorgeons array the. nom- erous bootus St thé Catiiolie bazaar presentedl a moat beautAful spectacle Tuoaday ulgbt. - Tii. banaiarpened at &'clock vti a supper, servoi under the directioni of Mns. Mary Durkin. At 8 aoclock lte dom o f the Armory vwere tirovu OPen. mcd St B O'clock iuhly 400 peo- ple imi msembled. Tiie hal vas mont rtlstlcmily deco- ratad. Tii. firet bootli te the. riait froni the main outrance An lb. frappe mni fruit bootU. Docked as h iÎl i Sod mndiwvilte treamers t certaluly attracti anes eye. The, fancy work bati, trlmnmed viti ,Oak andinmapte l.avem. la the second both. The, tlii'd boti, the le@ cm-am bootb. la trlmmei wlth white chrysan- themums. Tiie doi booti lu trimmed vith Pink and wite. The lunch roff oWe the nrth-veet cMZISOg Spaclans mni clews é't* 14l Moait lnvltAng. DinmvIlI hSUé* betveen the. hours 0ai&S894 y t qeli at the lunch booth. The. ilah pond booth occupA.,g It lu the aouti-vest corner of the. op%* lous building. This booti ltetilimaed sîti reodsanmd rushes. This Aooi vas rePopaisble for aunai af 1% imiigbter sud good cheer 4it pesaS.k ed on opeuianIit. Tii. confort baotb, known as o- fort Inn, As theie ut boot lu lin@ an <Contnei on Page TiwO.I SUES 'WIFE TO REOAIN'TITLE TO BIi TRACT 0Ff LAND MRS. REE:CCA C. lIOLCOMIS, LIF ERTYVILLE, MADE DEFEN- DANT IN BILL FILED TODAY. PROPERTY GIVEV TO WIFE JAS. HOLCOMO GAVE PROPERTY1 TO WIFE WHEN HI WAS SICK A FEW VEARS AGO. James E. Hoicomb, a weaitiiy rosi- dent oi Lbertyvle,. bas brougbt suit In the Crcuit court agalet bis vIf. ta i'egaii titi, toa avaluabi, tract af land he ieeiei ta bher ln 1906, viien h. vent ta New Mexico ta recuperate ils health. On the, 24tb day a! December, 1906, ýHoicomb vas lu poor iiealtii, euffering fram a disease ai lhe tiroat mnid longs and vas veak boti physicaily "cd Mentally. At that tîme ho vas threatened witii consumptlon. Hi. doctar advlsed him ta go tu Arizon or New Meexico for the. purpaee of pro- longlng-bis 1fe, If posible. Befare lie ieft for New Mexica he executei a convoyance of an undlvld.d oue-bal part cf ail land, reai etate and premi- ses Ouned by him lu L«ke county. Upon bil. rturn !rom New Mexico a fov nanthis later. h. revokd tuis gift, but ta date ie bas beaitusu.u .esmiuilun is attempt la procure thé ieidswvilch io bai given itebecca C. Holcomb,is vife. Charte@ Witney, judge of the Ci. cuit court, bas been amed as one af the, dofondanta la the bIll. . oUhJoIcqipb mcd bis vife mii swlI aovn residents o!fIsbtyvlle. Hepi- boc ovas on, cf the. iuget fueait Lake. couaty. oTesuit vasfli by Attormay Béa- jainit l.a!Ubertrrvllle, it vii do Icglm Me'e Docimber terza of NEGROO0~!IAL UN OUIYCOURT The eaui of tha Fepble ofthlie State vs. aiger slouhhm, Ianegro resldeit Of Laie Porernt «M1 la afleged to be Uie fat' cofS&égi boro o.t of ved. bdC, vas Ce1t0elà Utrial In 1he County court Wedmnediy. NOrnlng Son a!- ter the nfomtiios as lied by States Atty. MIWPb J. Iiadyv Sioqgh- ter married anotbor yaung creole bel- le. The Se la being tried -b6fore County Juige POMr L. Persona. Damages la the suit of $200 were allowed iy a jury la the assumpeit case iinougbt by Loutt Wememan vE. Samueil lvin. The. casie wae trled Tuesiiay before Judge Persona. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR O1BSERVE EVENT Tuesday nIigt vas past command- ers' igit for the Waulcegaii KngbUi Templar and about 50 meîb<-ro turned out lu their hall ta vitwess work of conferrlng the. orier of temple on the candidates by pyae Minandero of the, local commanier. FtftY guefta Ver. Pregettand tltey partook o! mc exoellent banquet pi-ev- loua ta their vromi, served l'y the 0. ADMONITION TO lIEL? PRESS1 19»VARD J 15T OTT TOLD MINMUS 0V ESAME CLUB3 TMEV CAN MAKE PAPER 'DON'T CONDÉUN TOO QUICK"9 ALSO TOLD T1EM TO COMMEND ARTICLES 0F PRAISE AS WELI. AS THE OTHER KINO. -elp the ucyspaiers lii yaur clty geltheb nevi," vas one of the admont- Auof f alAmberst Ott luea 4tb delivered'belore the Sename club 'on Monday esftnoon. Mr. Ott vent on ta explain tiat iev people nmtille -the, effort requirei ta get ont a tifily paper. Hecai thnt people enu assist materilly by -glv- ing the, papers items wbiicb tiiy mmy liappen ta know. Thtis, he, mii, re- quinez ittie effort upon their part and the, concerted effort le sure ta bave lniafefect lni mmklng the, papers greater publie meilani. ~'*Ieamtt praise articles as veil me ta 'kuocW them," ho fsali. "Mmny tire«, attor a paper has 'roasted' name Individuel, the reporters vili be stop- ped on the street who commllend tiie article and tell them ta 'glvo It to themn again.' We sbauld b, liant as quick to comineni an article lauvilci pralse la glven ta sona one for it Inspire@ the, reporter ta write more of tuis kini oi articles sas soon as b. sees tint tltey are appneclated mit amerauchi as tics, ln vhlcb derogatory remsrke su- mie." Tii. tait vas one o! the beat ever beard lu the city and Mr. Ott vas per- fectiy i-hla n hie stateMents regard- ing tue press. His statemeut tint ou. 3hould flot be 100 qulck ta, censure a reporter for an article mina, because the siterm- ay have doue bis best ta get tue tacts straigbt, shos tiiat Mr. Ott unierstands the muner vorkings of a novapaper qulte tiioughly. The vamen via beard thiI.tait gay tbat It vas quit, a revelatîan ta tiemn and tiiy aseert tltat lu future tiey vîli b. oniy too glad ta cooperate viienever t la vithilutbelr bltty ta do no. De Oi lalespaoh. if la oui- speech ve voqtl_ Bned -cO"mdur 10v oui veds vjii affect oqc eoam they are sPon--i vc *ýw»i try tla bear Uicm vith 11.1w eas onconsiier iov ther accPI -la thilr hUil erne vo emt b. mbutPans. UIihor unmdvlsei sPffl1k ceatala- cimbtterol br tue i. cf 01he.W . Border. UMUh mw 51Ïv. II o mooi e 11111y boelut b obtO ZIONITES TAXE , C. E. BANNER 10 WHIITE DOVE CITY CHRISTIAN ENDEAVORERS 0F LAKE COUN TY HOLD RALLV ATr PRMSYTER IAN CHURCH. LAKE FOREST PASTOR TAKES ASI SUBJECT: "THE IATEST NE£D-AS 1I8CEE IT.» SOCMETES SEND DELEGATES THE COMMEENCE CLOES DELEGATES FROM EVERY SEC. 42aid ANNUAL CONVENTION &UN- TION 0F LAItE COUNTV PRES- DAY SCHOOLS CLOSED WED- ENT-GATES MAKES ADDRESS NESOAY-ELECT OFFICERS. E. P. Gales, a supreme officer of the Young Peopies Chistimc Enieav-i or Society af the. State. gave mc ai- ires, at tie Lake CountY C. E. Union maly held n lie Flrst Prembyterlan churci tant nlgbt. Delegates tron i mt the big socîcUies In the county ver. present. Highland Park, Lake For-1 est, North Chicago, Oraysiake, Wau- canin and Antloch sent delegates ta the~ raiiy. The "Banner' vas presented ta thei, Voan City sactetY. This oclely ha. 35 members and 22 nltended the raily last niait. Tii. Presbyterlan eceety iad tbe iargest number pi-sent ln m-j cardance wltb thelr membersiiip. Out of 25 members, thie local soctety bai 22 present. The "b'ore" wsuclety eau- nat receive the, banner unier a nev roi. adopted by one of the, local of- ficers. The Pi-ogram. Praise Service-J. Herbert M.%oan. Devotlanal-Rev. B. W. Chidester. SelectAn-Gilia Choir. Rail Cmii and Announcemeats. Ofieling. Song-"Chiinstian Eudeavor'-Male Quartee Addreaî--Mr. E. P. Gtes. A lai-go numier ai Lake eounty fEn-1 déavorers plan ta attend lie Obicago union rally wbAcii viii be held ait]ti Central Y. M. C. A. on Tuesday, N~li vember the, twelftb. Delegates vîi1 be sent fram ail the churcita af Wau- kegan. ATTACK ON WELL INOWN' GIRL STIRS ORAYSLAKE PEOPLE BERT WILLIAMS, WHO CLAIMS NEW YORK AS HIS HOME, 9 HELO TO GRAND JURY. 1 BOND IS FIXED AT $1,000 I 18 CH-ARGED WITH HAVING AT. TACKED THE YOUNG LADY- iN JAIL AT WAUKEGAN. A sensation irak, out lu Grayslake Tuesday niait vien t became kuovn tint a young mmm m ai hd asauît- ed the daugbter ai an, oi tie wealti- lest residente of the city. For a Urne it vas feared tisat ic mIle vauli take possession oa!heliicty, and tint mn attempt at lyachlng vauli be mad,. Bert Willams, via dlaimts New York City as iA home, vas arrestei by lie city manihai and Weinesday1 morntng be vas bound over to thei, grand Jury ai the December terni oi the, Circuit court under bonds of $1.000 Sieriff Green vas caliei ta Grays- lake Wedneeday nmma. WiiIams vas brougit ta Waukogan and tirova in a celilu the county bastlie. Relatives cintin the youag lady vas the victîtn ofai rcumutances, and Ibal ber am. siauld be vîtibeli muid thii paper la o! lie sain. opinion. liii la not euffering gremt bodily ln- Jury as lhe result ai the attacit but the. resiients o! lie dlty are crying for reveuge. [Avreuce Raciner, North Chicago. .291 Mamie Riciers. NomtiiChicago-.211 John B. Levis. lombard.........24. [aura A. Dunlmp, Mnyvoe...19 Tuesiays session at North Chicago Of the, I1'rtY-Second Aunuai caone. tion eft te Lake County Sliniay schools opened vit thteidevotional iead by County Pi-enîdent F. 1). Ever- ett. Reporta irani elimentary super- Intendente, cr0411, roil and general vork follovei. The New Oficera Offieeand tiepartment superinlen- dents, year 1912-1913, eliltei Tueday. Presd.nt-P. W. Cook, North Chi- cago. Vice Presldent-L, J. Yager, Wau- kegan. Secretary-Tr.nsurer-Henry Knob.- ker,. Grayelake. '. AD. Everett ai HighlandiPark, vas Presideut lant yoar. Mr. Kuobier sas r-edte. Meuars. Caok and Yager [are new mon lu their offices. District Superntendents: FIret, C. W. Hudson, R. P. DI. Waukegmc; sec- ond.,t. J. Wllmoî. Waukegnn; Thlri. George Brainard. Rockefeller; fourti. Wm. Noerenberg, Higiland Park. SDepartment Superlntendents, Sec- Oniary: Mm-s. G. M. Billmeyer. ZMon City; aduit iepartment, N. W. Lurniy, Waukegan; haime depaitinent, Mma Wm. Noei-ceber&g, l" iPark: ter- penaftd dePartment, Mia. SM. 0. Pen- sons, Wukefan; mlaslonary dopft- ment, Misa Ale Sith, Oraysiake; Ellmntary departmeat, Mies ions Rachenbsch, DAIerfield; teacier train- Ina départment, no appoîntment. Addltloal members ai the exoeu- tive commîttie,: P. D. Everett. Hlgii- "d P ark; J. F. Itooner, Waukoga- ROY. J. C. Youcier, Lake Bluff: Y, V. Btaines, Zian City; H. B. Moore, Deer- field; Mis. E. J. Trlpp. LIbityvllle; Rov. George MoGinnis, Wankegmn. Hlugh Cark gave tie heat metiai of increaslng the. attendance lu both pri- mary mnd Bible sciiools. Lako connty. shows but faurte.n per cent et at- tendance. finyder County. Pa., shows thei.- est pencenlmge of any county ln the Unitei States. The percentage o! at- tendance lu tint county ianlitai at 63 Par cent. Tii, percentage of lhe efi- cradie roll lu Lake county la 70. "The influence o! thie craie rail on the schools la very great on accaunt of lintereiit of parents mcd frlends,'" sali Hugh Cok. 'The. Influence of a cbuld upon the. famlly la beond estimate. A kles fromn a bobo mmy cave a soul. ln speaklng of thie Gree Cathollce h. sald they are ln aympmtby vith the. protestant movomont and belleve the, Bible from Genesees ta Revelatlons, and vion tiiey become Amerlcanlzei viii aaiopt our ways." Speaklng on teacher training Jus sai: Dally Bible study ina.cousu for the growth o! every Christima. T%» home department le very Important, oti ho, as i4n many cases lli tbey need la îmcouýagement ta conue Into tho sciioois. "A sciioiar must bave confidence In the, toucher. Brlng, do net eend, your chliren te Sunday school." Win. H. Stripe of North Chicago, es- tablileed the, first Sunday schoal lu La ke county and waa îreent et ail sessions o! the caunty convention. A resolution of confidence ad en- couragement vas given ta tie men vio plantedl botter tiian be gathered. Dr. Boyle gave a very fine talk lu regard ta the, generai vork of posters, touchers, parents and l adulte. H. sai: "Ail preachers sbould attend conventions lu order ta get ln toucli viti the vork. Oblîdren ln the "teenal should recelve more attention because tbey are ln the. formative age. TOaCIÉ- er and pastor sbauid wvan togethor." Then h. apake of a system a0i car* work for general use la the Smuiimt sobool. Dr. Barclay madeeaik lIn regard to the. study af the lSW a true venuse, and waraei the teameers not to dogmatise. H. sai W. should flot be gulei by tbe experlem of the, toucher& af the. Dm51. but siiould con- duot the classes on twentleth con- (c@itluoe. SPage TWO) CLAIM SALOONS 09 WAUK ARE A MENACE TO MELA?1' OF TH-E 100 CAOWTIS PROORESS 18 KEYNU STATI, AND INTERNATIONAL 0V- FICERS ATTEND &UNDAY OCHOOI. CONVENTION. Pie [AmieCoaiity aigSsl*é ewiin u sendired the ~ot~ce Mevw rather IL W. Gavin, emling p the~ authorities ta extend thi e pot - dry moue of!manmd one elghth mile ta rive mlles. tQus eliminattng the sloons cf Waukegan and mam»iab. North Shor~eaif[Lake Mîchlgai 'te fain Chicago 10 Kenoaba. I%. remlutionadoptait: *"Wbereas. Tii. Great Lames Ml4 - Trainnga cicai la Iocatal iteW" - short distanc, ai the 60 saIoume Waukegm.tosnsiilp mai. "Wbensa Tie uahd saecs o efiiency (* thie bumiruiM9 ln training at s"ldseq , defence c fiua a". the t*ke Oouaty clation lin.caentm Norti Clilcagoi , I. hereby besrtly endors of Rev. 7atiier a. W. lammculate Conception iv petition la signed yb -e oen livnglasmd tvuha, pioSSt dry "a. etcgmaid miles tô tive mh1e.a tus theId sal i S cs aM North a Siôe'Le line. Andi-s. furtuer acmii liai afinators and reprsrnotatIvé%i, ,, sate n1 d national mli ttis ment viti volaMd an b;M ii, Laie cou.*. soqiatice vs wu et, day mormImg byPamot- Everett cf Highland ParI. vas led iii'PiO-ci MetON et City. Th, openlig prayer wmo mmii tg Mný Cari. At, 11:30 i.llo> Mý diesa, by Hugi Cork, the gmoqees110 retary o! the Smbbatb sebffl A dion. "Pragress la keyuote." hl ie îStý "Borne Ui., 1 set dlsaougsid;O se ail get hlasedIf va mlel tee oiNs ly ta oui osu deas. but by traved eé« Î, seolca the vormieti otuers .5e iilos bramio vies. ProgNeos la tâte y- note. W. ment eb, titer cla«a ahi .eh Bouton and be galmels luvjo tani, ci- se am ]«oor&aluilles Uhouaht la to ecilst thi e t wueio noue too big or toe hua«. bte b . tereat la tue gabiietltaçbdmoot. Wannmmaker DÉi pbiiadelpktpe.,I*4 capable, sas met. too Içi14,lu Ie nime 10 the, munît uoveammt. WIM askei ta taie thie poultica n m aies,A "hq-, 'If ion mueai huÉa ezf v..u.u.'lu bln idolphla, a 1ev Es" es4 h»kternatlonai Jubiles oovemUi*4 tvutP'eveI t uoumami mon MaI"s in proeetson. It tack t lieut Io ib" ta u pasaa iven point.1% Tie tac hall la Philadelphiela he ,03.51 w Ors aud thoumande ver. ttigsi «ab Mr. Pmsiey. pm-.dant of tue Phila & Reading railmd, a nb !M the meu's movcmeat. vas lattuSa cession. man m sIt paya l i moral liîfè q«lts ffloaMd h u Uhe roam.Goct thi.e ot toselg et BU tlime.,la Our aali. Do e at al% Ns ranch i Ue 1taise. M* lbthe «d book, for Goâ himctt asys. p, vea Cbl otrtmle e 10& ".By prmme 1. t atnaS ar tue Mooy acboci t Audao. sas l. creased bon m397 te14,920 lnumec Yser. Tho lariest number braught la sec M00 ii'on. toaciioî 'la orelmtotiithesimplet am l-ine lmpllclty of partu la viat maies for efficiency. Chiudren aie thé- ' boeto1 sari viii, because, yoU 0an their ,nthuslaasm If YcU stIck « 10teBibi, the vonk la aiso, 'riait" Mnr. Ebert Beemân, essLt# tary of Cook County aIoni' Association. bâti oiof e tsi'>. dcpsrtmesat. Mm. tcoathme -'c REVIVALS ARE ÀA SUNDA SCIWL NECESSITY SAUS WORKERAi«,. RE. WRAY BOYLE~ DRY ZONE Wl i sil

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