LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT -WAUKEGAN W-EEKLY SUN VOL. XXI.-NO. 6. TWELVE PÂQEzs LIBERTYVILLE LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS KRII)AY NOVEM BER 1, 191-2. ON1E TO EIGHT $1.7)0 PER YEAR iN ADVANC.E. Sa ing Nine Fans Juat 1 P£ S4 zz InN FAmouMGatanSock nj<Iuatjn T11 ofOvera au coult Nieyiiue. Oct 25Joa.pM.ouh of basbu aillark f tie.0fth uti Imora u Miare tla mud.viitock heW mIn suth0fUbrtyile ne oatalîlofît hl. eraNEGRO- & MLAONE A ELERI, Ae calltjHARGE s valuabIN udOURTiable c bs a ha the fîMsra&to cOnle outnMndy ornugwi ha or llusa is, uh O c.s ena o be of' he n b as Be lggut F r.akamsGforb ai emna (m Po hea e-o- ucas !th rbaias re- immedia -FIR t tITN& al. NCS ttrs o t he osimportaaas nto entlr. Mc. hInsul a s acuirard bta o eviiiecldfrtil O L atoutataesbbanda tbroilwauke daenue theWet an cr e ly of an> ie counm TueNIay. Tvacivil HCAse GvObe q' ar i a aid o M Cuth a cyluo g Tesfarinalubaid t ai aley et orril an bscse ii atre - wo ka dtes lm d o g ohe!, lre pae , b rînge a hiatur ol r e ag hm aItN til ui DIr Grifit ofLak Foent lathemo t laysova 250. a ha. DO nate ller S pencek a s . b o u er in crg. 9u i mtatme Inck ens f 20oe sfart, o tc ,, plan tha n ceiy blg e m a b oys gadryta copain o soue tere owne f E. ar. bF. E a utf l onty plae Ja. nY.Am Jamtessae . Juie Wbltad dba d r of Jombs, wh sar e of te .t8ire s. m- n la seau, the fur ermipe l utbso'erlslHemointacu am to te ai t b s asse t o a . nss! u siai î on eha s lu uiiie r th f n I dite t al s s . acre, tIse ubandethfgr e.oc thebeno glu- acre e. Wf n -a e y H alt r c ha , hi e li don su il n t e forl e goldto r . CdUsyIn an ,. fS uasMn et for urialadybisvase llu.5dtDh o toude: l mislahrsg e otce, n s e ttal i se me e .nus p o n he tr ie c om m ndaio o Tsu An!.Ilalodeelputat dmlgtoolae o!00.s e b I pas ntfmle rbtou Oficaritlmnb.Cl1ra re @ Grie o Setokeveral y, ofumuDacres, m ul ncte pansitn l hlt, Avsin Bnsl edo leN aid acnr e. IL te hlm besaU u C leme nty pl ace.J.ub e a n sim- va malteibosaiee cobis ovu bond. rea p l c v hlcb yU SI) e. oaot u r, notrLakeihe Foesttu, kaout eir Siney ell pla Wie uy tas u-ofn lahn Il. ie as or 0acqu r es.rn sehrgen, ti se Ibe nul éc s grm and iareumtin ch arg b t va on l s d lin » e r earougdsye &bu pMiace: vnam i asnsitr n b pt batoe . dthe goosnhicb ho laV sthera ti , et 10s ntr aies. I acr e l ncnfsa ebvesoa ae anisa ms'ont w taMM Ot 1ares i MeLdm of Sve Lon. athoyer IILhud oan 'ndflir ou Pelet er.lui@eas. 9 cr. Thl ersa eo th eea thamd anformentre us!Iern-aes i vee n ha T AndItet o Mî ller place et 10 sra i e as1aibsbauo o- ogProbation eoffhearercommendesit er<'1 Grtît uythr811 re lutethe nteai mgportat ambaes roaiea on Oa per ma l ar. g. Z Amei.eJohn riffIh. ays Sa ruet pur- i»as!ofth, .e haonerHhv aâaad Io lrgefais fr bmecf, atualui sch lg rlcs I laun- as priug dmagesin" cf bond.- rs hmc de er e to hbavlug Uicfre dleenisuithet mrnrifih, hy courol- 0Sidney A.l Ppeae uitr ftba b Plce1i e i piake 11e &bpurc 2-se 0nitIl lb., i isb. atu tion fu oro ie ofain a gan attts of E harg.We e cebut d, bas ,,,je < ser ea l] S Holige b aquid fr urgech ept isditthfaisrns tbe decisait brgt utlthcrutcort auau the put »VMI dry@ thepthal a f ls u efges onmaroati. son.ue, su d o realer for abu emeloalt s b aoa is.l a o e sobu"theJonGnthe cf» hi a ve & Mîlvaukee aEled r cu Pote nClom of 10 pl a se 10are, h o veaolb . eteve $1ys6bs m. W s ls u ar s aI ToP Te . o famsf15argdosn a uqeution.lle cOu teg. vite mrai-nd u c R ol a d a rr ne Flette. Gfform 0 bt1aif riesfront- nu ndebreqst 1 tbthea10 s acr e Buf Bios Bciaii b&Jn1 ' ur. arnlandnbu bt-se avefursudlon.-Probat.ibaud h. ae. turnes!, Tht. deesut Griver, co orSef. tn ut the tnn b. lchabuself u d ve iae r optl2iy le eag And. Jon injurae orn, u- es!. oUaberdiinetgi ond. c i- 1500 lusubteuu.ehe 5dolaf ia e- bc au slamtaiaiaIa lgprfi.mîasashaveisln trabouthtci' fhamed ao a rge f Lbe foryvlIle aggre a it-n d s c i rc s I a u - A k n a a e I h u f$ 5 - r the de4ar e. ve cangth fe es! hada ha,, Mr GrN iffU~ith ycn rol-00esetnry A, Pop, ans! to ofthe i ni e4s of holdng t e a ntu e r f utr et i it m n Cdei e a baarS h itng, heu cirsu Jit ou r ere- Du M r.Griih r h b d t e e c os tiftt b ig r s n m . Os bot e l r n a the re el e s or ba ac, enc, ele... c WcoeferIn luh e L INOWN r tunDeNT MAS A b casenoe,Mlwed e ltrie o neT1 Mmes oait "bet 4 M ae lu T hora in. pg tnu t I JohIInOS i islge ba rlqe WblmvaantY.o Cl it y Aiýoui, e 321) &oee.MMhudsri a tt puoou. aTerai jury basm T alle Ptw oer e S eau1, O n n n a q e to .bel r dt d w t a - ere o! L a elff rsi aen ai h av e e n " . s»M r Griffith 0» e! hl, Mi@fot tgcyeeffloulu5CONDTIONOGEauALL reGAR d f. Ilinoasis.wlte des uib, e ou T Mte 91ien off e t oa dy. ed otsig thenaihet. lu otharttre ysr Cookusa Pope andthastandlu a nrd.. uoboetyLnboenna le a ivg Piad o ousJ.Guue u rhohese Henr A.Pope, a cu Atme ! C&, udal h 'a Pn s.grvemtri@Mtasedrlg t hee v erss ie hl a & lakaEe- am at ubaor t3r, Iu;a mg'a .pand aa astseera is>' Osd T A A ii j The ase uscai. 1ertiaebf r fl concdai hutbla amll laMucb ipay e a tonThe ury o W" o Aant u n u pl o rt001&ber filke lbat ha esiabve atea81 fatoo plannIn 1Deyru À YUetahm00,00r ith'aeccc rs t ira ss tarc the std In ab«Lu dee u dacntr h e a re t It sevemalt, a van I la st BeaYt- ieMra Westa. ai luf1ii, n te te Ile a@ sacqulred. Hovever, ha la building a boine*at Laie Forest mat non &nil saine people den>' plans for huldng at Libertyvilo,. Howver,' It la '-eneraîl>' fait that ha yull maie big fmnprovemettts an the place andi t may lie that ho aa 10 establtsh a great s tock ami. on viricli ta raies. stock for iis pacttinî bouises or else just tirougir- br,'i stock and bie a counutry gentleman fre.Gets Famous Place. T",e sale of tire Oatton stock fanin la perbaps tire muet Important farin saletire canînt>' bas bad In yesns. This tarm ýs tire one vben-e Baron Gattan, tl-e famous tallon, bacs madebils home 'for yeana. a prîvata harn helng matlntainod iryM. %Marsh foc bim all ttitrIe. one ubere attendants uatcb tire sta'iiou cosély andi rive hlm ever>' atention. T5re tbc bas sired @saise Of "b-aL trottera lu tha vorld ans! tb. 00i , l91.. 'd Uo auonthe eust sue urda>' nigut Mr. tiurnee nao a oa ' tti day of Auguat, 1910. The execut-1 apeil sud sInce that time bas been un -Ion or tire estate bas brougirt suit foc conaclous, or sleeping mOat Of the' danmages binre suiiof $25,0W. 1 lima. Il baa been necessarY to causei Spcaguo testifiad that the car vas hlm lu orier to give bin nourlsbment, and, aften takîna it, ire again lapses Int uncoflsclotjiriess. Tt vas a yean ago asat May' tiat Mn. Gurnee sufferai a stroke of paralyas so ibla be maie saine improvement tc iras nover maie an>' inatenial gain aitirougb ire vas abne 10 ho out occa- sionaiiy, bis full tnengtr, irovever, nat baving ceturned. Mr. Gurnee vas secretan> o! thse Laire Cotut>' Tille andl Trust compsny and l riitire position ever sînce tbe 1compan>' opened au office irereutil ;he vas strîcian. He bas sînce been 1 bi is borne on North GenaseStreet i hreabis man>' friands bava vatchail with conceru developmnts lu bis con- dition. Mn. Gurnea je about 60 yeans old sud le oue of the ctys hast mnu men. cunninz bolveen 40 and 45 miles au bouc viren ire final sav Mrs. Westl and hber lady campanion on tho Iraci.1 He saya ira dii not throw on tire1 emergercv braie until ire vas ultin1 300o leedof thea vomon. Tire InJuned, nomnan vas llfted onto the car andi irrougir t b Waukegan vire she dieu] lu tire Jane McAlster bospitai Ino davs laler. Tire tietimouv af Tonerman Stîlii van vas rosi ta the jury. Sullivan is vorkitug ln Manitoba, Canada, soi was unabua- to attend the trial. 9everal expert vituosses bave been aîuibpoenaed. Tbnee mounviii ho sent tb the vitoass chair ta prove that thie molorman In chrage of the car could bare tanped bis car hefore ha struci the wnan. At thie tîma o! bar deatb Mmm, West aeMploie! Mesupr-rtntendeut of imiaary ln 1North Dakota. Sire ieft mouru ber dUife a boy of 11 yeara. emad. ber hone in Lulake tBluff dur- îlte suramer montrs. argaret M, Rielhards. of Highlanid rk, ba buee cted toappear before *uit Juttge CharIot Whitney on No- mber the folll* ta show cause wby estould Sot bu flued foc contauapt court. Ob@ bas been citedI nto rt ait tbu leqfusî of Fradeclck ehlr', t»19 lbM the was grautai v0"* o% ctbér the aievautb. b.e iverëba duclUegave the father cusetcsliet the nhldren on ilutur- c f ee,ý UiILS&.Laît Suturday, i.bdlL, ka Xrgaret Richarde sel the. UIaand 100k then &y Dom Lbo e. lies daims that doue tif m tuty be vauli flot ha r to aujéY ltcomnpsuy iurlng Sday, de took the fltter op aitb bis at- rey. Klmur V. Ol'vis, early Mfonday wnias. and'a putition vas files! ta ae ber cJtd lalo court to, show Ise vby aà» gbOuM u nbe f iued for 2empt oc iput. LIV ?s1fSAT TII CMNY'S EXPENSE DEPENDRNTS MURL ABUSE AT VOLIVA AND A CERTAIN FEW 0F MIS FOLLOWERS. >ERVISORS MAY INVESTIGATE CONDITIONS IN ZION AT THIEIR NEX'T SITTING. bhat a number of Valva's foliawers glvlng their vages ta tihe oversear dare dependent upron L.ake canty food lad raliuent ls tbe assertion not one but hundrada oI the Inde- ndeuta u ofn di. "Volva la tourlug the Uited Statea meney wnhb bu beau given hlm bis foll0eiae-s.s-Not one but scores blps folloners are receivlng food! iratinant trom the poorater of nton tonahip. Every cent tbey r, It la allegel, goe. luto the over- r's coftes. 'ome, of the Volivaitea are bleedlng ke couslty. The ovenseer la slght- Rg on monay Ibat sbould be usai pay for food for bis eppe,' muid elnde0eaident, bhe cry that certain people of MIon Ly are living off the couuty sud ara rg nsoney ta, Voliva nul bing out an Investigation. Oua noman dent of Zlon Cily ibreatens te lg the matter before the super- wra at thaîr cext slttlng. Durtng the pazt year the couuly "beon compelled tepsy lan euorm- "sain to keep paupars of Zion L1. The Independents dlaim that there :a yamount of nork lu Zion, and that iPerson x'ah. nutete wOrk ma. 'he trouble wltIl a ceainAi fen ltu fd City la tbat thej gop Ebourt look- for womi, but prajing aIllbthetme tW they viii net filuiit. IMCK T WINTRW 149 'Ov GOAL CAR$ LgAYE THE TRACK AT WtNTNll»P h^N. &OR, BUT NOBODY 15 MURT. iuiisuy mornlug at 10 O'clock tua où car left thie Northuestbru tracks Wlutbrop Harbor m sandameuît. flic vas tiail up on the division for unt four bours. 'brougli trains baîen Chicago aud naubea venre sent around on thie rw nest line. Passengera for lu- rmadiatp points vere trauaterred tn ca trains at Sokie station south of <ae Bluîff.'rire vrecker vas cailed' Wintirup lHarbor sud îftec fouri boura' vorli traffir' was reatoneil. No-! body was hurt w hen the Cars left tbe traci. Car off Track Here. Saturriay es r'trg about 6 o'ciock a frelgiri car uf the Nrtiruesteru ieft tire tracl w beci the rails apread at tire tracafer track goit-g to the 'J near Madison. Nolroiy wua burt but tire vrecker irairu ir e raiied toi replace bire car. NEW LAKE FOREST RECTOR. Thi- iev..Johnc Herbent Edwarris. for 17 r cars rer'tnnr of tire Cburrh out O)ur Savior i Fulierten avenue, Ch!- caîro, Sincray prerachd his fareve'ii sermon iefore ieaviug ta accapt a raili ta the Cirurcir ot the Hoiy Spirit, Iake PoreFt. By yeans of consiatent vonk tire Rer. n ivdards succeedediln bilding ut) iis churcb froin a amati congregation tb more Iban 600 nom- municants. 4 -98 'o~~~rId llem be waato b aridsonp g but that was as mur h asr thyk ST T ' A T!Thus. while th. naine oPLANhoOUNTs peeiîe .bride ra flot kîrown hf TO EiEDDO orantmpotnt t kcowth aothe WIi)EREM I, mi.mber of the famous Bachelors' club han cast tbeir raies to the four wlnds PROSECUTOR SOON TO BECOME and us te embark in matrimonial a"* TH#S WAS OEFINITELY oEC#Ogn A *ENEDFCT BUT WON'T perlence. AT MIN&STERS' MEETING DIVULGE PLANS. Few men are better known intb HELD AT WAUKEGAN..2 rouflty tho.n Ralph J. DaUy Who ba9 'erved one terni and la the Republan nominee fer r-lcinwith a,.Ur- BRIDE COMES FR01 SOUTH once ofbeinir re-elected. Hlm friande FIRST TNE SUOH VIDE SOXPC Ing of bis marriage plans aven though PUBLIC PROSECUTOR 18 MEMBER h ait ol crs ibail, .,e t SIET A&10£ CHILD WELF^IAR J" OF TE FAOUSWAUKGANANTI-SALOON SUNDAVO BACHELORS' CLUB. JOBS, THEN PRAYS F~O S«ERVAfCc. TO BE RELEASED Aseîuveypeit l 1h St.Dtes Attorney Ralpb. J. Dady,1A xlsvl' rde nte Prominent member of the oid Wauke SUD, the Waukemga 3f $due. tien Bachelors' club ln son te becoine On of the boldeat and mont unumual ClStion at its meeting i%ièedj ags2 a benedict. in tact, ho 1latetlt@ a adaylight robbarieo that bas avec- DOMI, OOlaiouly vcffrto ha» olle- trip In the matrimonial bark Int 'rcerd In Waukegan, look place ai 1 vival campalgn lti ts dty. At pm vPfr fear future altbougb be won't I 'lock Saîurday aflernoon when a the minuisters ara aw4 un tell details of bis plaes.youfg man about tweaty-alght yealm t'Om KV3ngellsntrusi 'ns!D=~ To a faw frienda, bwvr h s> fe age, entered the millnery he eau arrange isdate. -th.e iiW* lie proseci- jr has admltted that he je store of mr. J. W. Swan- -111 atout Jaauary sa. @non t e marrled but oniy a few of brought, Ganesea street. looted the fitla te bc mucta Wider lIne"ope m thain know the name of the young monev drawer and stolaeue or!theire It Pla»an d wviiiJu£lude et wonaan he la ta wed. The proaecutoir balpers' mesb bag. And, later, ahen tire Cobinty. The chuseh« .«cfWr» lo maintalnlng a silence about bis detected by Mrs. Swsubrougb 5 fe re- kagan, Nlorth ki z, ak »M plans wbich would make a Sberlock lurued the moneyl taken f ronbthie Lake P'rast, Uhbert-yillle <3,. Ulm Hoimes look aick se o lr as Ireeplng il drawer. get down on bis bauds and' Clty and ail tho.e IDa onul towlafl to lmslf oaskinees, and ,with bis eyes turnad to clty lu the couuty Wfll b.o UgI' But, that tbe states attorne v l heaved andl bis bandaslasped in pray- JOIn ln the big moemot t i& soon to wed is sbown by bis "forced erire begged ber ta let hlm gr, and way It wîlI ho the biggeegibtd admissions" when *'croas-examlned' she dld se. ulvoe ever lauucbed in thigl by the Sun today. Later. when sire lad found that Misa At the meeting it wa' a~ lie was lntarviewed, and, for a piros- Hansens bandbag contalnlu.g about rastasd ~seod5 i l~ uh pecUve bridogroom, be aubmitted tu $15 was gone, Mca. Swanbrough re- camber for ild DaY. This moun s tbe ordeal in a very xueek, conde- ported the matter te Chief Tyrral ao 'as One that Wa3 mIlites! by tJl iIr sceadlng and really beilersa manner. started a searcb for the fallow. Beatton of Women'. clubu n The following crose-examlnatlon The culprît was medium lu belgbt. Eanuho wil bilgnu look place al. noon wlth the prosecuto:- amooib shavan. 28 ta 30 jours nispaer .méo la dfendnt sd te Bu repaseta- ivoire a Davy bine suit wîth a gray bat, al the Wankemagqsue, tlve as counsel for the publie: Hae poke a gond clear llngllsh and jus. TbesubJOct l usj~ Reporter: la it true. bMr. Dady. that aemed lîke a gentleman. the oef vbt e 1 You ara &non to ahnounkce your an- Pae ethgGrl nes vb b *ci-wea gagerânt? PlSanrgb aeeiguaGir.i*j ****th de Mfr. Dady: 1 decline te anavar. Nr. wnbe *e je 1oc frstagebe sudlb.the 4 ,g Reprte: Wy lot To ae pacol eard somehody enter tbe store and!, ho a big mas. meeting lla bw* e, lu a Pouition of denylng or afflirml!,gstepn uIosbrwr-omwe ory. .- ' the rport :ixyouug nomen vere at wos'k, sbe The test Srcay ltgf4O>rha i Ibe report.asked hlm if skhe could watt ou blU let amide au AntI-Ual...fluIMM Mfr. Dady: It isut Uup t0 me te and ha asked: Seiesylh maka such an anuouncement. sekr iih Reporter: Weil, Who lo the youag t tto Dt e! eu Who yul f11 in '& j~ lady, thiat wgl may sai ber for the a-- . Har reply uts: *Yes,, il la just 1 tAlk upon the subjeutc'euor nouncement? o'clock." The Chli WoNiPe eUÉiaffl6 Mfr. DaslY: 1 don't know ber Dame. He continuai: "Well, 1 vas to meel the second auaiay--l.-DueM bftuS Reporter: On jour oath, do you iS Young voulunere atli1ciOck- be generally obçervef bure make that tatement? bazunt she corne jet!" Fedemtion or WaIoa ' L Mfr. Dady: 1 bavent tan anyÔest Wheu told that site haît not arrives! askesl that it bc .w« *@W* jetý haecontnuuad: Douuei thait bey vI hl>Iul Reporter: When la iltet happan? 'I bave not bail my lunch yet, I hope gila B rodkia, tubYodi~ .Mr. Dady- i don't knov. se uîlaieboeo t unhani."tti i Reporter: Williit b *ohbohoe g oluc si! e e uéma Mr. Dady: I nouldn't ho aurpriseoi, when abe. arrives, 1 wlll teàkber tu lng. nlat egspeoff Iat If If Wag. ivaît,' said Mrs. Swanbrougb. GI', vli bha pakd e, The fellow lnalstud ha bietter hoar Mis zNia Reporter: Wall, if thats the case, .naîtL boom wby cant va bave the snougc * i, oever, and, ai] the tigne bu ment? nuz valking about the store. petîln*. Mfr.Dady: There lsn't any &n- the amaldog ad a i itumiaif t t here af.mi n lit WaaN «ho nouncensent val for tbe newopapero.1 e hoe tioug oh a a b. tinbemed tesabaw s w u e ie Reporter: Wheream yo going ta hwbnsetWb agu04f, J ~ i1 ia e », Ilve, ln Wanakegau or Ourneea! ipeout oroý oeni. IM*et Oum ?b'i4 31r. Dady: tu CChlcago, nityba. of ra. storeIntougthewoloro !t>iouI'U"10~ oe And nlth chat ha Iualsted that the ou b tr uotevrro.t ed4 l~4lit~ > reporter vas oversteplug bis rlgbts et vork te ber yo gtW.POIe she * bqIi,<$ y<oe ln croa-examlnt*.. abdba ppea. eil u there but a wDi1hent,' sud, Wlb" 1 to the alteoeqatLve offered any defosd- leturulug ta the so bo hehard FPlib e*n ait belig qulzaed ubeai ho s!oee't click of ber mOnuvtdrs*, Wbeai ~ le W m -. u. cane teo seer quetions--ha deelaei o notet . al ouj4 AI*.d~~ te taiki furtber bb auglug up the. e-atranger tandiug 5w the eù4.»ll*ta l"es1asgI t th. nonj rawar la lomffleI lut :l e li 81 Keepe Plans Secret. cuner oai long 4wbel !f ilec Buit, Who la the young woman wiiom Mrs. Swaubraugb al one, suspect-.einla b. placebea te lu tire states attorney la ta ved? 1ing somatblng uben &ae earld th:e1see.fftbey badii au nlia Oniy 1Mr, Dsdy, bis famlly aud a feu click of the drawar, steppieiltg) theil, son found tht b personal frlends know-sud tbey uon't naoney drawer, openadili, saw ber mcm.about Ii11.00 bai been etqbM tell Yet. ey was gone and at once tumn.: ta r. earcuter. - .. i Tire repart la tiratirhe bride-to-be la the feilou uli a steru commanud of: Sand Word taofiCe. a yotong voman from tha south who '"Uive me my mouey biack." We hyfuit. b a' bars iately been vislting in Waukieun With Ibat the min dropped bis baud1 pentance vas flotwa1.0 felgae@, t»_ irrt wiro la now at bar home. t,)iis rockel, pulled ont the money, sYmpathy sud kIndneea of the ve~ 1'hat the marriage plans are iring aborut $26;, snd bandedIl It vec te the was chauged-te m. frteupo' kept 5rite secret and thal few lier- ;rorcrretre6ir. sud Omcer TyrreU at once sot to sons licou the bride*ta be. vas evident Drops 1teIteses, bl eu1 ok elcl h bd toa) wahaen the Suu saugbt ta deler W libhtat lie dropped ta bis hue. The fellon overboeked Mi'a. Syme- mine the naine of the youg womanlirfied brs bauds as if In prayer and, hroughB sbsudbag vblcb contaluai C'loire orqraiiitaiiceaof the satle rOt dilretinra u aîreal t10%Mra. Swan- coDsiderabe mnoey vblcb Che pianai torrrey îrr tbe number of a dozen were rrrîrl.salit banklug this afternoou, Ibere belag a i'(d-- rrt none knew ber naine. Mirs t-r,;reare let nie go. let me go for over 1200 lui maney and checkis lu tbe rîrsorrai friendir knew, burt l'rr'y thr, sarbe of miy vifo anid famIIyý l'ni, purse. This lsy alougside wbere de. rmidn't tril. sorry, 1liesse let me go"1 fellow %as standing as ho, pattas!the 'talpir lady taeiro marrie-J' tlrîmt Mrs, Swanbrougir, aithorîirh no doubt aimait dog helonzing te bhe millUe« rrrrr kiririrg,' said ane arqrinrtnre. mrîch frrgbtened, did nlot luire ber self That hp. iun rrt get the more valaM -italpir gaina ta bet married' Wh, ., r rmposrrurre. purse seenias srange, provlding hbe n 1t i-rer knrewlire vent vitir a girl in 'Witit," shhe said andl then called te adept af bis work. 'The tact that t» t s sie"iait] anottier (ru,' of lier girls, Miss M, ran. Iesc.ared biis e , irdIcates ha wu Mf , lalprh l}ady going te desert the Miss Maran rîîsied te tire store from amateur.j ii:sr-iretorir' Club? 1 dont believe t.""lire rear room aud. wbiie Mrs.' Swan- - -_ 1r:îil one lovai]iracb. brougb kept ber eye ou the telle-w, MARRIED IN JOUIET 1 ' Ral;îir tady nover looked ntt-t girl Ni las Moraîr stuntai the money wbirb h irtri-rif ta qav fno a 0g f asting the feliow bail returned ta the ouner. Af JoVIalMonday oceurmu l b. - u ne ta mari-y hlm," sali a close a<'- It vas ail there. , lgee ofNIe. iFiances iqriaintance. Mca. Swanirrough then stepîred1 that clty ta Arthur Kmauscd 1 Surelv not Ralpb, possirlv fBoir, mbutnckte aee If ber ownu andbag uhirih 1akeconaty. Th.e w i~ neot Ralpb." saaîd a Ournee man. bail been lylng on a table near the cfr the meut ala.t Seerlfriands admîtteil tbat ihe bld doorwaj betwen the tua rooma nan North Bide of VOSet b MI11- ,- 1 i