CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Nov 1912, p. 10

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e"tension S IN MO R WIDDATE KEPT Thl'i re X've b N r Vl SECRET BYFRIENDS rn' t r:d~m r o ueiafg otrchaa etenfud that white sadipsmynot leN, Notaebss tbenfud1 $~N8 INT&fESEITED IN POLITICS" ie for somne citles, tirat the condi \rs AntonieOtra.vo haer c ANO I WOULD NOT SE tione are uifferent here tian tiiey are Pd trom Kenoaha on last Rrtur4a ANDIT TOULDTA T BE i ~ nr.rtrluyitrea and that everythirg nornijia and tua atfternoon Fak RIGHTTO SATE FCT& seems te indicate that the plan woud; omerta, the son, vent te Waukegan -work ont successfully here, to secure tie aid of the police there. ffl$ FRIENOS SHIELO HlM tnipp teciy ol t iaite '* bsrelatives Llin I' the _______ nercý or a big ire wich m nigit break of liese cities and it is thougirt that oiit at sonre tirie ahen tire intake was i he nisi ng womnan may have goret 016WRT WHEN CONFRONTED aayas that the tanrîltîre 01ild Ie Ue BY FRIENOS >VEoNESOAY. w esupy thre ct! at ttrtts viren il waa neeesenry ici alit down the watarà v.orks irumîra for a tew liolirra. Tt wotld Tira one et UÀbertirville a imaio alun Irore usefrîl ln luslrlng out the pg minent resîdenîs Is soon 10 lead,1 Intake %,iren it Ireçme r'oked vitir -.bele et Chicago o the marriage ire. AIl tlrere argumnents are iavitcg ,weIg'lt antd thte eorrticl dorrbtless wili ttmi, de thre report tirai vaa spread 1gve te hiater ta enarderalion i rr *bM the court iiouse Wednesrlay ait tire er futrure. 'li burtyvilla resident refured 1 nMlwuee Omeydw,&Ufirme the reprort, wiren cu- Edwitr J. Wý'iring, Highwoorl. III., and ,,ýqetby hf riends. '1i . lur,30 t'lyborurn rret. -gI5 tie ml n quetiour asai R uhP Yn, 'u.19uIn reporter. "Oh Tt worrid net Ste cive Jim away et thins ' A URiEN I $XS1é, he's iterestèd iflpl)iltlCs. He ' ýM Waulîegan business vsiorte q'but he kejt weil Oout iirt-,Il ý.sW. eeraly understood tirat irewli ý slt I tire latter îpar t e f N o s a - It$' ÀttOrue) ftalPh -1- adir ~pWaukegan tire seventir o! No for Texaa. Ha bas confitd t-I' rienda the rname-ot the britie o e. but ta data lie hate fot madle pmonelcment. Ha haas one or tt* 4eson tire trial dockiet, and %« tay ln Waukegan tire balance .feweek. ULSst expececla te rawhIi "e 0 1 Éwo&-iWukfflu iegre tire firsi Sufflisbe. He hee byemur- InIMfor trioil during tirat montir. &~fW ASTANOPIPE .#8 cfiU*#MY FOR ICE TROUBLES i4* @ad trum Page One.) " e inucir more eonomical eed to get away from the ifeeayi tiret water experte »A~nimons lu daclaring tirat efthtie Intake bers viii pure Wsier for tire city and ~Utthing itcoeuld do would4 ~ete prevut tee tgoubtieE. a « eenppe.tiat wQuld i lioome of one of these relative,. Il ras adnatted by tire son lratI iris ruolir au i is iife haît not been friani sicc tire arrivaI o! thee mother frolu Austria on lait Wednesday Tire po- lice bave made a careful 'cearcir o! the clty and fotrnd nothlng of tiresomlaîr. -Kenosaia Newa. SISHOP TO ORDAIN DOWIE. (Continued troim Page One.)r sid 1h-' farnib passeil ent of contrelin Zion,. hey drifted as atrad fin:rll:,. AOVNTISIMENT Xi. he's good enough for Teddy, he's good ennugh for us A vote for Funk is a vote for a new deal % hfr uk wm Why flot vote thec stiraiglIt Bull Moosc ticket? kid the State of fake reformers and crooked bosses Both old parties are Boss ýRidden 'i Fli SM.E S kti ouandl wIU cùn nue ail next week. The blggest mercaâtile eveo &h .çeroct Uçed'in L*e;to. if you have not Aalea dy o your share ()0'i W l*. Men's good heavy 0 OM'ecat, $13 vl'.GGi Mecnts Suits, 13.50 values.* S Men's Work Shi3t j Men's Fleece LinedUdrer...D Men's Sweater sihile they last 25c Wool Sox, this sale *.. Men's Overalis and Jaciets Men's 50ç Suspenders Men's Trouser. this sale. * .1111 .1, .lSii Coats, $3.00 values Zioi*f»r tn mg lRed slgn loue ,woflh5< se.tI u SpiiDSwIwm tht atig Dowle lad doclded 10 pitet the C"*g. wliose personnel hMs tâkher LA~ attaeked go vlgeroust)y nt varjoos times. He lias attendedr the semitrar3' in Chbicago aimes then aud. is now ; eady 1tulie ordîined 1) > LIe former Waukegaae,ectlar.vWho la 00w ab£it. ant bisirop of the Chicago doceset When One stops to thilnk of thte retro.1 ti4ect or the. Dowle moi erer', the at-e tar ks on clergymen, etc., t In very iutrtin un&ur at n t..r. ,...j. ,., h.. ietpled au the Z.. héwoalesbsli a man of power; he Who enter.aa bouse uninvited aend unweicomed; he Who gves orders In a bouse-aot hie own; he Who takres as eat above hie position; lie Wbo speaks te onrA iro does bot listen tu hlm; lie vWto4n. tf'udea on tire convearetion of otirers«: be Whro seeke favors from tira ungen- recs; AndI lie Who expecta love .1som hie enemles.-From a Peraian Saying. case r lli8ter's R. Ml. Tasndis lit»e dec- To'Uti'11 Cieîrn Wtmp. trilty; rmachos e'.ory noolk and corner Clstern vater tan lie tiorougbly 1 wyur astq hafrde- y ti wttli li a eterilized.-by thesddItIon o!fn-eftreneras': yn o 'ku sd'tialt of!P t gtho! ir»fielue Of lime e enslur. Peerce's Drug Store tire galion. This dosnot Injure tire water for lauildry and batilng pur Does. Plty. Chm~igÀ Agirl who han a steady beauteell Chiillou uet.the tane Ido pity tor th ire- who "Yuare fI love witb a blonde,' re site ld* aiglit after flihlt thsatUb mnarked thre fortune taller, "but attet boy *ho caen asthe ithreonue Who you marry lierlieware of a brunette l.a atmiâ te vide in "above i knme." Wbo-'" "Ne danger,' remarkted the________ patron;"It's the lame wonr."-Thoi Ladies' Worid. tirusiesi tihe crlr wob, fron thtie birais, lears tho eaie, cler, Ibot liePta-tiiere," -Illoads tre stOnàacJTcekatil r, tîlatea tire beee. clears thre head; I Hy(tisttr*s II.Tea earl e')rgy yotu feel it every',ire-HoItister'5 -HliIr .'ITa er'sTrr Nt Tes. 35C. Pea rcea Drrg Sore. stpre. Vote f«r x.W.MYé M-omnest and Capable ,CalndkWtt ieiral. Assembly 8Ui *enatorial District Lake, filefenay and Boone CouRfles Namc ln Thirfi Columa Election Day Tues., Nov. 5 Mr. Meyer je '48 years old was reared in this diFtrict, has beaen in thie genera mercantile buminesm in Barrington. Lake Co. for 26 yeas. He is bontest and capable and will apîrreci- aie ypur amsitance. If electe will be inriependent anri con- scentione in reptesenting the interests of al the people. l'ti an X in front of hiK naine in thre thirri rcoltinai Electrit Lights ____for____ fârm flou ses Can be operated'with mny plan of Individ- ual Lightiig -PIants at practically 1 canfrnià~b .a ,cQmplete outfit consiat- ing of Dy namo to *rage Battery, Gas En-. gifle. and everythinâg necessary for thdir. operation at .a moderate cost. Almost impossible ta get out of order. Ateronce installed your Electric light will cost you uotbing. There i's enough power to run any smnall mnachne, triaddi- tion. Le t mefigure with you for onie of these outtits. * *D6. G. MALTIT Conpeamian George dinund Fois,l in ans*er tÔ a query from the Evanston News has made a reply eiplati- ing whY he is out for the nationial republican ticket and the coflgeusman's explanation in flot only sound and logical, but nêiuble and argamentative as to why ,wry1otM rOPUbIÎCanl should stand by the ticket. lIT. -'eu' letter to the -News aya:, ""IR "Ply to, your qeustiosi wbyl 4m; for *0aq4ll cia Ucketfroai top toe bottom, I wSdd state tbzttidbé- cause I believe that the republicau party. bMÉeip. t fe admiilstatîon -ci tie, affaira of our national goyeirp meut, and under it wehaveattainecioUa4tWê iewbich we are enjoying today. In ail its history, it hu od'toria am and rational progressiviamn, acdav keeping tp with the progresaive spirit of our couutzy. Yours very traly, GEORGE EDMIJND POSS. VOTE FOR Thos.E.Grahm, Deioet'cCandidate for Rp~ufÈf' Eighth Senatorial District For lumainty's Fight Against Organized Oreed =PRamANK LINCOLN POWLB1R OF WILMETTE Deoicr~ic aadidate for 'Congfren T13NTIDISTRICT 01

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