Sft~RLDOLO RENIDENT ILO?ÂKCS j oei Miles B. Warren 0f West Washlng UNC" OOEG SLAIS OSON, ) jIý V *Uo"day REPORTED AT LAKE 8W..JFF T14AT .iOith ifflovai0atoi I*A OI aSmeEs *w5oei ai PARK PLANS ARE 1M1CKEO - sae M5IeL mmie . i SIIý VICKERS AND MUNRO. e t the *YCIAGA.-IMrl'ei _______ mg et ~due to _____Mm n id là** returned te bks ______horne li today atter a tv tuberculoals. Ms. -Hughes had been dIsl visit *il ber parents, Mr. snd M SHUR1,11TLEFF'S DEFEAT an lnuld for Ofifiu years. Pie leaves PLAN A B16 CHAtOIE THERE M.JhnLmr. a uhaad ddaugiter. Mmjohn OK eef a o iemi CT Mns. Hughes vas boru ln Marquette Jert Oi% la ow hta are onri ý81«L tU NT ow INTSRESTEO IN OoulutY, WE... and for a number Of IG PARK TO DE CREATED AT fer the aiqt HarareMlk o.?D. *10 M M E OAT ONS 0F HE years re ided lu W aukf gn. S xteen SU SW AY F TH E ILECTRIC ic il iy di evi Io cne ba vOTERS' LEAQUL lisSE' ago aie moyed te Antloci aud AND NORqTHW<ST<RN. decided te etiste cote inklng traie ba reslded there, ever aine.lntefU& pat This eVOMU he iBuda O o! i file Leglalave Votera Idagie 0ft I n lconnection ylth extensIve Park viii give a Very euloyale Ohttala5 "às , b'Wedn.adai'made public itts e-1CHAUFFELUR TELLS ALL Plans ln the village, of Lake Bluff ment ln the piws etthse Métiodist wkfta nominnes for the Ilinuois loir- overiookiig the ?orthwetern railroad oburc to wilui the pqbllo ia cordisili MW" ' klesnThell isrOict ntD- WlimSaioCn SWostation aud the electrc Pari aubvay Invitl Tagt'afinltalutS jéo Ook eonnty. rercmnn ila hpr ofssWi on the maiu road, il la stated on god nature et,&a EaugeWqen ceratiOn sait ara intended fer the guidanlce Wore ln Ris Murder Car.' authorlty that Stanley field of Chi- a gond urogriesebubaseosa WQ5tU, on Nov. 5. cage, one of the wealtliy sommer Po- TIse (hhmof tbctm wbvich la mait- art the leagl'es references to pie living ai Lakte Bluff, has agreed luti quit@ a bit -verever heard vill MW enatorial district, which ImPilctes Ail Four Qunmen New te stand one-haif the expense of the furulsi the Instrumental metteo. laie. Bonne and McHenry Hold for KiiIIng Gamber propoaed Improveiuents. Rosenthai. The ent051Of thé Park pala nent TRUCK< FOR FLYINQ SOUADMON. Mare d by thse league tol_____ nove but lit viii mun Into the thon-- bltsfor Albert 3. Oisobn Yk< 0 iî sudi.. No. thse fiue mew auto truck that NewYor, Ot. 0-illanaShai. In caunty court thii. eek bas beeu paascdtbwOagehm .yetsrday vas Bol fer suad to give one and one- rO, drivw et the car whicb brouit e«Ch te Jamen, H. Viciera Boeîbtals mrderers te te 1heard the coudemeation case vhereby luteuded 1fat Us oity but for the Citl B.te SMenro fr represn- Me«tromels, igued anusihdavit lu thb.1lte village la seilng te coudemu for of Chicago. us qildîeY. néw aPPses 411atsct attorney's conie saying that Pari use, the property at tie Soutb. suce woulidllait tise bear et anl ~gse.RepublIcafl the men in is car on fis ait of the east corner of the main road and the fireman but as mt the klnd of a Mt- ~Aj~rJ.OIsn, oodtoC, d illling vere "Date, Frani," "Gyp the village business street. or, in cisarer chine fiat voold anaver, tie peipoté um&7. o,edsetec, ru lt Blnd "WhIter Lewis" sud "Lelty vords. thSe north-et corer of tie for Nortbr ObChies. Ths appati Louis.'Tm i is*Balttwliii rnaktbillI te vt Tes l eh.o-d vau bM it luMiraulscc for tihefie'tj a« idetled ii the bet Shapiro the principal vltn.è»s49-a1111n111Wlemers place'a analîIMgar store aquaison et Cicigo, a uew 6,11d11110 suet. votlug sud vorklng for the. four gunmén at thoir trial, nov Operates tioe. This Place of t th lie ndqpàrtmat of fiat citý ln thse Intereet of thSe Pub- Trouthse four came a stateint property ie needed by the village tu White oernu9ag,.ro&dway, the dit5r tu me ocrcmtne ol car out thse plans of parking the vil. camne very -userggttinLg stuck la tit iC. tlsey plead guir ansd a furtier pro lage underti. las dpesuotsaiov teevrdtba Dsr on r., Woodstock. tetation of ther comblued inno c t aothepantruls o rtsn, noh a 10 oi otheose fr c n Member of the bouse ln the cence.e tl bandtrog h ors alinh&ot1 o re aembily Consldeied a The mot Important developmeut tiat section. Of the clty wlll tae con- Tie auto la but ta holi about 12 c Si ia d te b e v O "ry ldl y of te day, t h e ident ficat ion by t hse' verted i to a s fine a park éa su r c y 16 m ms sud i " l b . ufat oned at so m ettUt g r on the n i ht of he m urder, cam e T he village, v ien it co uuldered plans poltialy.about alitar three heurs' couferefl0< for thse park, did not feontiaht It eoild $KIN GFIAPIV4O POSTPONED. 311:- b.ProhibitIon: betveen Siapiro sud Mr. WlstDsai. sito to stand tie enite exPea]ae R.lobinson, Woodstoci, tout- Mr. Whitman viii move- on Thurs- wherenpafl, accordlng to'reporta, Mr. Tbe operatl<Rs of aaftitg skun the Blota la Minnesota, 1868. Ma113r dey, fiat lie cases of the gunmeu i eldcm 0tefotsdofrdvst aeba efre n00 asnerve ield publie office. traissferred fromt apeclal sessions teaMl aet h rn n fee a ehv,>apromdo sr lht- odait: the extraordinamy session of the érm, to P&y a hal lnl case thse plans ver. Deum»s today hliabpu iipis4teo4 oies, waaieggau. Mein oftuIai brsuch of the supreme courtasud carried thrOugh. AccordlnglY ilIPlans a couple of veeka. Âfthr accli 'douanew- % tat s spechal jury he cailed for tbe have beu carried through vlth tiat tien of thie PhralclansiW MOfigU t1 ebila: trial. nnderattai4iit, accordinz te Lake Bluff vws decded no$te10 mise opte puthh report&. 'tenountll~ Iater, erliaer -D. sburéliff, Marengo, 15v- WARSHIP MAIING READY Thie ftie of h0e oondemflatlon case Deuman, tate et Il nite . of the chiettSins oIfiehe-ffl - le "Viil4,ae cftaie iBluff vs. Ida M. vas te hav!f 1als$b *klnece fthât ade the 8lllOi@ 1$9- Crulsor BatmorseaetPPhiladelpieîPro Cardy asud Arthbur Cady." fary for feialw~s ound By meaa of the esdbti A se balot i bas esu ale ~ pared for Call to Cuba.case ylepinsi eat pt fia~Washington, O c0.-u prepara. BABY U SII.E 110 FEET T c mo vlit j lu, 09- a'ii IL Vlces, H arvard, mer. lan Intervention lu Cuba, tie <cruser Intsntty KIlIWei by Fea it t Top cf at5 mt Wii.. ti il; ;= 4~80 au Srvci01eu il luIntic Baltimore of the reserve fiset, ln thse mbnum4o.f. aWen s *kgrason 14 le. CI"si timitHe siould thlo m PbuWladihla uavy yard, la bin& made -tebaeiisU~9tIT-l four boura. greva, acd tiree,,f111 ftom a vlndov star sigolcm tt ép an amd L aa f.<ieamingiesîde, reaort Tilatmr a eu er adylutie soiîre. and saslora' moniument, ment place of tISaI, sort ou a Pa"~ for service lu case of a cai, because 110 test frai tic gtound. 1usd vasbus of tbc laci o! ansail veasels vhieb Instanty kllled. e~progesive. epteS« Maurt> Highlanid Prk could ho used lu West Inilan waters, The cida mother, Mr@. James OR. AGEMAN LOCATES Doa u e.Toi,184.Ma.TisYsuiton Is belua beld et Nev Polagrove of thi ii. id bileft hlm 1d CQLORAI Boie a Nw ork 174.Me- orkready for a sîmlar catil, atth iisae of tihemonumentwville VI. h YOM ien luthe district., Bs se vomI to the top lu the eicvator Dr. ILB. laguff, 'lonrly ofIth bsei twontennis ane lrcadent o o y * Dse nig Ossoline Tank. viti a fleud.tty, bas lust op"neli an office1 10 bau. VrY &aile, 1h19b lan Hankilson, N. D., Oct. 80-Charles The child, it in ielleved. slipped lma Antimit, COloe,s90 VIpI r I"c god CItlacua of ticdistict rovar oi 'Blgeton, foUrtcen iests put tie monumient keeper aud atarI- Nos iMedcnlu l ite . çboMa5 e bit fiat he la elected. aId. ltoil hie lu ina gasollpc tank ad tu ascend tfie tailtwaY. 1h ta Be aold ont is p»IMe here 3guePrblltO0bers. Te boy, via vaaslUtng lu flougit b. beaume tied vie lie Dr. fluide about s ye , Mgo, sud alm r 7' SPECIMEN BALLOT Questions of Pu.blic POlicy For the Several Election- Districts of LaIc*COUntY 1111no01 Election Noveunher 5, 1912 COUNTY CLERI<. PROPOSED QUESTION 0P PUBLIC POLICY NO. 1. Shall the next Gerseral Assembly (in order that the people may be relieved of a system o f taxation which places a comparatively heavier burden upon the poor YE marn than upon his wealthy neighbor, which is unjust toalal who fali under the ful force of ita operation and which places a premium upon dishonesty), &ubpsit ta the votera of the State of Illinois at the next followling state election au emend- NO ment ta the State Constitution providing for the classification of property for pur- poses of taxation with taxes uuiform as t0 each clas witýin the jurisdictiau levy- ing the same? Shall the ued General Assembly revise the prinlary election Act ta abolish the YI scandals and disorder naw incident to thse fiing of pettions. to increase the aecrecy of the ballot and the paitical freedom of thse voter, ta simplify the system and te'- duce the expense of electiaus and ta encourage a grater popular participation in Nd) primary electiona ta the end that nominations may represent more trury tihe judg- IPROPOSE» 5QU'IION 0P PUBLIC POLICY NO. 8. IYESI Silalithse iieit Geiseral Asaaubly create a legislative comimission ta investi- report te the Forty-uinth General Assembly ifs recommnendationa? the lsa luk Di- ir ie. Ide a'e ii 04 glin th- r1 - Do. tii tat lo. m lit ;uel Swx ees, dé lever laviola lie titi Veilbgu msbr et fer .'ouam~Bev l'h ~ <ieremoatl>Turks vbo lma .iel~ -Awmd e t fie turu tluil~ a4 29' ltigir mt»'Mla gui io SJ~lowie te taie Port lu lie*rI*~ "audthsim Tola . un lie ft thc von- lia W« et sea of the coutrOtorI ba s cn ouB i rppi lu bia dIV se~ ~ M a sltoteMe lag but thc ilattof t elp la beelnbg t1 vor- r>' seýh oltbp 9l effirators sud bal» las luSerai:Outais vwon lu Par- ticuler la big -tnbed lua &ticipe. gou 0fthe dlivether and a siOrt or cfiaboti viiisemioualy ibterfers 'lFfa t m iagaof o!w, 1 iaabuiefdifflult ,ta obtain qpougbmenite mon lic ilffcrent joie tbelot lieWU, lu Turi.>' bepa a 0 i Si t O'; 55 i i i i 1- v >' c,) GI> las o àa am &Pt, owaàd puty xiaaTozmm tins,, thc o.udliti vifi b. ratier brdho.4,atjé,a ee1 1117,b1'se 1fa t e S teo rsr. ll5wsdm4i1mer M&rlpi t a e l m w OtW 1 arat eUr cf ie gIsI=un aedte Mea7d." p vseddagatdos ~.rtb &MW'* t tot I&svis aus eotogVsd"olr" twblr »é it Ot*bn- a 0e-% Imil .0 ïur17 EJEJEà lCI EU EI~L I l__ i -,as EQ~ La i EDE1 I ElO Iii Il cc~ v i , 1 aumàmmmm m 1 1 1 ;.ýjàd