muatE =d gen *utrated nc --it usespei l.e ed pCO Auh 44for*a ài. Preda -I -I p Me Myrtie Mulien eait fried 09 ___________ rystal Lake, calleit ou filiede lnouar. vllage 8uudai. D .Y .1 Mr. ad Mre D. B. Murphy returnsit A home Sonr0<al ster a tan deys trip wt Foidnts.They report a verY lamusan BBJR lm . Unme. Mises Mdge gehendort, who la tech.à lug echool at Roges Park @est fatur- dueto WiC 4a sat Snd.y boe.Thé notice of aubscrbes la again eau sytem-the EL a. lman hait hie mtore vlred for cale ta thes fact tha1 the rate for this mot be Purified- eltrl ghta Bras of the Veut. ppri 15 a sri dec.AP Quie aavberofou un P-ieglanme t th. label whU show j» how lielrai heaith ,evpmma. ll YOia nd W* w rs hae t ae s t« xoviesj. Job. G.ldleg. vho lai lie peadlng usw iWit1 y 13 testify that #Mji orvagean ix e lefts 1). &Dd«malR«O5 ju. % r aion ride thle for bhs home laBute-a.F%',, Tueey w X)j0Cý& M Orà nla.e vwu ceo.pealed by sa, Canaa..epat mo" e yrl s ehmr.P OUI0U DavidMaaBla vio hlise eu pendtrg lant the niî*er th saimerobothevlth reltives -sait anite on-' rinsin ar i ad nit caiy. AWr . .Fry snd daughter Rllet. o ui Cbl=g.*vistait overgundy itsy Mr. k, i s WlalIWd icheadouf loft for LsPorte, &dMmj .D:Prio«tnui - ld Mondâj wer h m e . t-ur d Are1 W . oreoe to red b64od ffloQyfishit la slarge Pars Impie- John Holcomb of! HopM N. D., l in oeVa wbich drive -Os o- "'tu a sui t dvleting vlth hie fatber, J. B. ilolcouli. ÜLN hlm eucocesl a l uaV ork. Mmr. J. Scott Cary aitditughier, Mré. P.1 ciliy valuabie The msrlsge of John Daein. meoad B. L. Newton epeut Tueuday itbi Mmir. A.1 son of John o! Fremoul Win. Newton. 0., elo.eeblp. sait MieClava flear, eldeal T. and inaiat en dsabta oOse. Doue, vaw lu iseit Mr. aitd Mm.Wm. Nehliiebwant H. et TMBgPr&"CatbOe ehutb inHiks. Wl., th Brt of the voek t 10i I paur wvillaged W et.i ai loi i 10 M. Nehrlleh's parents... ~~ n'ock. Rov. T. à. Mu=labe Bodiplisud partyiet tw th brIde'. home ait Bera nifUbertyvîlle. spent Bunitay L partook of asu amptous vedilg break- tasi. Only the lmmedlibtomemabere of bas ~~II D Ah.bcfaSum ebing sttenancs. liolli h. . O.P. Heldenisuof Elmhurei. wa& brieusait go nom dae elusit Rteg of her reatives ia thia vieity à accepteit a position saogot h om it v s l oin lait week. i dse dreua. vth thoîr usaifriande ila ihg themi a happy sait prosersoue jonraez irongli Neit Sunday morninu 1ev. Carr yl "2 1cruahetoas ver hiei.. peali on "The Word@a of thia Lifs." Hiof so. be neai on Main evsuîug eubjeet viii b. "Wbat Jasas Boq Clrit sait of Rimsel." Un o C. Seip Vere Chicago Mrs. Briitget Garlant Tr Dt sstlier home in Waconds, lina- Ar. Bertha Cortez of San Diego, Vh wo vas opersteil ds moraîpg, Octoben 20, 1912, Mmran sdidre. Belle WlIcr o! Chicago. r ,a ins Chicago hoepilal Briitge& tarîait. âeagiegtr-uue eas. vlieitag this veek vitbIre. I.P lasow. Bridgtet Flaegan vraborn in 1Ielaud Wlloi. W ait came ta Amneia lineuly hie. Ou i la s busImestrip 10 the twelith ofi .il 1848. aie vas nnîtad The camera club took a bits arouuit ve in marrIage vlîb Frankt3alrla u-d laeErsSna strou at s .. .. n after .t.tésiamo e et takminpLk a udy ueno n f appedmwrlkft~ la siglit. Tb* moet levme 1 'l eobtaueit vii onei01 rue rd et P, our Oak&. A movem.sut la sle$ft to orgaise a idhiv uay.ocslpurp-1me me-Iamoeted aiis,ffluqned to, idÏM b àlorlie'bal neit Wecoeeiai rmiag w bep orgsulze. Polloving les briet enmnmary of tbe itiDit reorde of Ahi playere of ah. ae bail club for Abes emmba juet eJoosi. et of Aveasy.Ihree ames playet oir nr vers e ls a it lh gonit luclithe ya@ hope w bitter that record otx Boume King ... seller ... Davie <lame A. B. ..20 54 ...22 89 1..6 64 n .28 79 2..1 60 ..23 86 ....14 56 ..21 80 ....16 .52 415 842 279 277 250 211 170 ['bougilinl andithudepeuitent voter, Ili have.& ebame 10place sadCinahoue u an inthe legilltmres ie esnuteadi 1itipaaing en Bepreseutabivas froin GOne ait mofluri can le. F. B. inro. via ha. pnrciaeit be Francis ripp farm ln Vernon in a candidate oni le Progrueive Parti tictet asuinisa auD, uprWuh uan.- A crois ptacuit oère île naine on the regulaàr ballot ,lb give hlm three voues ait viii b. ery umuch ta yaur intereet reaiees fparty ties. DON'T FORCI ET. It c"sn eDorM d saitiagliten Ferb i515 The LadiaiAid IOcéIJ i lime st. Paul lgv&agIliWlthumcl. blaI thoir bausar et Aadetio m hall Thuraitay eveng. A Umaubir sltecideitamlgata front oi of tovu voespressnt. AtuilMlbetb Kalemrticher bas n- om ii&tar epaintl Ao veits la the botital for apponditits aidtel tohag nicel.y. Stersopslco aleture. are baiug helit at the Pyeebtarlsn cbarch ery Suuitsy ev.uing as aigit o'clock. Evenîbody velcoello. * sit.Mi' Floyd it tigr havine e Mr. aidAre. Rd. Kaaksuidtamils. verse osai saitgacesof T. Kusa"* The 39681nariyocSioiy 05- h. Pneu- 171,10 Curimmtaithe hom a m J. Vslesr, Bn.Tiriay. The auheél Aorsoiil. Ur Mnsatr. Boy Bfaiînduitils, leshel Siedeatvers thewvesi aid Uas"tao! rsi" Ileretai., Qba siiunbir ohpeople btombe.. ai- Asaiteit he basa bsur teLutIee ombe as Slieoeerrlble Sstudayevéelag. Ur. Uniefbas rturueito aRay'e ta aven»ea.l Eafyrbau. 0. Joeau f cy, iLe. vieltoit Ars. Ziaml Knieiedmochsv Tbureitay. WIllIm Carolla le îlovly reoverlng traiu a vry haitsttat ofiatle rbeu- matlsat Miesse06uinaditLena peae o! mi- nier, Ill., sas vlsttng Rer. F. Baoutl. = UI.L. .Snnett oh Ravenavooti, in vlatlng Ara. Bout. Fred Belg bais oIt bis arin toasu Ersueton Party. Mre.Lyde Bagt celebrateit ber uat>'- eeambait biday Wednssiy. Octoher 30. Sh. le s repankabta voman foron baaai 48us 0!e ~ Iai! beru. iutieê,talon eern- of ber ovu garteu. idosal uer ovu visitar at the Herbet Davis home. M' hI pi ho Ais Tu du Jl .~-.- --- -.__________in__th.@__________ .1e nanr of vaur-ýndoallaent Muneay G 1111411111 seaager service on Suuitsy. rdxucein tic te orn t . vfll ith Gias nule, V l)ntzlPr snd famlly. M sinm omla toeru regular service lsonuandione danger bor 0em ir_____________ Aia e ivich vin b. grestiy in u neiagtratreo hm IVAHHerbart Devis @peut Fnlday lu ~g*tdby aIL, survive thui parents,.l'ho" deceasd IVA14HOEDLAMOND I1A"E LIbprt:vvile. c vero iohn, Jaunsanuit ary, and the M B Bumon hait hem snffeieng irom I raralnington wWvinl~e an ucton lvng amre hrnard of Denver, irado; Thene vas a goond crowd in attend- Mesdames Auna Bouse and Win. an attack of erymi peint;e 51s Uv. 4. Fank of Tautegasaanit Chari@@s01t liisuDe St the Rapublicau rally RearditEusunvrWukg slrsue nsdMiUo.Bo ilitr- 'UPhea"n ent seiet lu mici- pace, the latter oalvaye ivlgleveit sveiug. The apeakîug ait muaiewva neay ln ver@Wueet.let n r n %r o.Fnono ,hrv8 Sb. viid is brother Otto, vitbhis parents, giving theut, sotecba~rsion. vylillek.Huo.sptBnda 1h.omni. W~4ar h lbigt a carlosit oftisba coulit. ai@rotber'î letevorde gMo.t.n sd Ire. eo. Geslke have retuned lire. Florene Lusk of (, n Mcib vl e e.aIvr a sbleealng lbstoweit londly the Mile Agnes Payue viseitdRockefeller rmte oumonoedigafw ek itiMo.Bf W* ho ai c aris ait iov evenlng biture ehielfin in the leep that relatives lait veek. tr0 u oamo.sedugslvvesvt i.bei uris.Piaiteabaoeil.dIntékilo as Do vaktiig. Fila- EdMitchell ait iaully vre ot from Smilth. Th fassntawonabelitToiettamorning Grnt Luat ait family vereGry votas bn pato ceibcîîn mae U lie hoor atevistor Beita. , Chicago vith tberato. LUellaMitchell Nis Aouasrumboy ohf Gravslake. a sai ud iepuetvtrbepuircltrtnmoInbrbnat*iead.ui ___ aD. ent test eet vicieber mothen. tire DI z a=hsucs»mtgphaaralm hume luthe cch whivh el d l eh. Kuber@on heweked uA, J. Braver. hillr bayesr, Iaasitied atiitei vuwes na" tudo se, sIter B Ketr sea heveteitI acma li Hhokmoe. a etrde :RIZ = on eprellaisativelle mm wOrsaitercalaitmaaoraliai aneruvaWedkeg»M a. Ms d Conversaistevl s vgingnrereativee b o. Dpesestaivistro vhlli ateueat as sitela grae Wntign. al le atr apeaiIng nome lime vit InluChicago Ibis viet. pouts. . hosbte tieat o1bon tata huabait. A large itelegatio'i troun bore attendsitàber daugliter. Mre.Sopbia To wir ait M. and M ne. A. J. Braver etntail là - Ai" a, rncite Buaitaýv èschodcon vention t lNorth taully. sateaiaimets at dinnern ainlahonor PO 1eltamll a@Oo* .Cook Chcago lait Thenaty stennoou ait Quite s iav atteadeit the nally at of thpir port John'o hinthdhay. Th~s MaIs.auA. rgirbaltu i hm orho Ii veaiag. Ailreporta n unllylarge Ivaahoe lutA Steritsî aiglit. prppis ents-M e and Mise. rank Cremin ItWrThe IW&shitnommrtkoofteis villAssoIa siteilitren of Avon (>Pet@. Mn rrdr *e vleW. v ,beMoli s.eeiaa, Ot. 21, 1912. Aorle convention. UoheviI aet v Lakb I re.. Aslsoc ieUe. <%à, Drumeer andmi 111.fsou and bh hoîOt ntrOfre ClaeO". 7 letr 7mondes ait 2 Boy Chamberlain ait Mies Dlla S&h. octetehlen,T tiraitsya moteno. Nov. 7.MiJshn liravrfR ofnd ysakes.i lu&.DONIT FbROUT. dao'$. a ils boraslanSisaiord, nieevr ani : h oeo b vroTh &rtlly Iniate a~ onB.vno on ao Vermont. uongebs ,th day oh Matc abl eemrida h oeo tereybd brilyldt tend. iesLues Gilîbert fipent ilatunday and 1888, tho second asof oiAndrsv ait bride@ parentsetSA Ubertyvihle luait- Mies Lailla Mitcell apent Suni tsy o nudaby vîihanermotbersuit aitai aet fI L ~5 I ar Cook vho camh e vsAta Illinolna rdSy stternoon. Tbein mauy triemite home. Mllbura. N< bIe thés ieson vatte ee« Yeaseoh am, blie.extanit cougratulatlonae. ArtabhutMe asiatati aICnese h a ineadu hie tather having humecntoWamnodseaM eb n ieRu tedi at ovne fi a euiedarn forpeoiaal n bèb bTle w i iet evrâl front bar. nclnte h.Junior the Suablây sehol eouvemtion St ?North thenommerin laMontasa, hasreturnesi m ~tyvià"lie Aeaouneat No. 10 hy ths p-eas0o9o!thirteanebilbren, tour Choir stteoddit eihcetaiFotHill Sau- Chicago rceutl. bina, an -only or vhom esuive lthir lote brother. dey afterntoou. Irea(Ot iaviAiltlg lier itsughtan Uie. Matile Convernahall the ,uiinrtune tn ua Ther are Rouer Cok 1 ai Weaga. Àbl 'netralmn n a.Kuhl lu 1h. cty. have ti-fce oBinlernthils lat hautha hheeb" cvsstu, il persns oou of the lilesi ait oremot faAbilov'enatlmu ai a.tfàkon off hv a Porra hinsier Tuoaiau b oar01TrAstm Ofai0f tiisatat; r. A. J. Ravuwod fint ~e euWviii h. giveu by the lvsaboe John liariti seit iamily adBarman Viant llahm alto htenh ieband hurt ln De Voii, m mu loaitofan. "Albipcbtstendiauilly @peut Sadesevith th maime vay ou.a v laitwveut. vuLake Coaty, Vole, t!»L Wood- halolaacoid Ur. and Wom4El.hall Frlita ihai a local sait Mre.Mary A. Posten o! Belette, amilip« lt.. sDecoeaMn.sitPrar.telmuer. Iseutbviéo ubt thbmer aufant ug cd aoW vronatiteNot meoe Rumor myje thaât aucotier of our boy. of W Obhack Ine ele snc.t.a pnttinuu ciuios h ob<~v.ausao csieiie4godfii.L~P5 bg l tuq wbicorne a biaMit Ris s fins natv moiterD a isiailee ReaI. r t hogiait action. To bnhlmtils hodu iet vîttenchfor celu. Du=era iilendare *e u b 1 ave hleu d ni lraeako. .tre diong the carpeuten la miietieo <d iee:e ie h omuniy but wiv leulmerte. 8 or Wb," til*ar t. ne v t Tw aucuns ine labie uev vork. .Tb lvamhoe Junior Choir eassisait hy g, a ,"" ar go tr.4ab m rak -l'."nr.Pot m eWsa, touabshein hm W@sregati eo frt fUls Umlsvprrfine eelactlnas ait the Fort Bill 6d W*manai vIdeait iigl6s4o«111,oa1 lohna elulin eud ChrsRasier vers 1, it» as"Cok ise j mm et vide a churclietausanalaon. hu fWi c.nait k Wbs'iaequa anssa i onvam -- < Presebi~a hos1à,ir. and Mm 13.A. KoW auteraineil WaSdSSitSVoralng Ottnhpr 80 Mn. - ~ l« <nnat tend »Naîkht §m Volm I « M Ç <> i fie Iiecousi, dm e. itch 01i c'. Dwn nla nMofniJohn Datin ad te lle ou- îrZiand Iis L - he» ' "Ma oa ai0~Uo. l, m, w vai. hnsess i ie i ievca The Uessoaesla Lai. *Ub mua o FOIIITn Phip Bud4e ot Mamato, Mina., or. bride leaesolitseidaughlsr ni (tffl .0 e R t oeur nd mm i ha - Wouasmlod by hiesitaugtir, Ira.JO-ePb rd mer allstein nd a tsnipea af 0* etou w 4 1* e simoit;al Ais paeopbalieait lm Wbelig- Mies NimesAmtiMrtel qelov0- Su- nmtof geeviev, alnt ls.. Rchsrdi o!fArsud UAine e notier or thie place. -berim s1s lt ai be . tv§M t M. desaitîvssti.Avth" i let atie A. VQ RIcharde W «*0eed MtThntim. shit bInai 18. la aehclm ___babaLIdren r. Md atmSeuiyaner " biel b-Ire. .8.s o"" a. eo Wrrn 0 a<rtb 9. etbi'RIoitor ui . nohWs etmm aoil c,ademme a" so saihmtor Asre vi giséaude ehb mIls&, tasern wsu WvAli0lieuMcH5UP24.ait Mis Jeselsdeavelof s 411815 id a *MdAsIami 0ïiilhei apeihsMdt*ê D. Wgnber. V Rmrin Iudbin uu sehribo Mr a Emua stli ur sadtmmie an.m »"Ia"d danghêeMri lied. ILg. ie Norsque Part. Tibeêride lea aliter unt 01s1118 Oum ce flle ube. ub emalse of Ubertyil&senit Sonder wviiibar _ Op ~ -i lorme Dauvell sud.ail allaberI W c a g r , IU ia o I 2 < o r sm_ _â b M d_ o A i5 u s . l rd. K~ r e e s r i i" t A is - s f i e t u a i l g o o n t h é v o u l e f e r aitv e u t a i 0 - s dâiS et ;7,7 9-11111011»q tpe Absuse Cd LbuteAyrls goh b.m Rrylu *0Ighboi e; :Uf i tS 1rv. 1Thaler Monsde bore wvthaïb..evrYv :-M# 4bum nidO samr, tbehm Rte wflmuaI (hva mote be, Ul: ~"'~ miesAuna Amiela g iena ady at Ur. *sidb . I.W., pblradme nGog alnadtid r tbis#eo v o b ailt o.ttic i lue akm thof ta bouebsat as'i. Tht quqa uday vlth relatives at sptaallngthie veeu t villi lveua dmpelboeuor A.D 21 o a aom W@toeri asbld lu the M. . Binbèlid Park. tobleeg. 'Iuster m the biusl 7à o~the court chatoei, DRateflallaci ioa e Ire. Fraak Ut" etrtalned ber Jla MmrJohn DoIlsusend Susn Jack ire JaeeConverseit@Wo va.takea ta vamit louneraltitreae Au s go)diy àRrintesr ai nd shsnitjr. sud Iire. UlnlebofvWto-lett elle bhuo er hnparentsM. the Westslsle hosatal ie Chceo, as InCpm esote @sidag dy ied bjetos hteneiglid e bsay wman"eo6Aimaand Ire Frank iMisehl»41 nd attendait ber bandablau off Pis a. a hsir h sait curtbehoe slit ay sit sy ieceositsaitlishoit ye l ssarr ithe frvaugelclchuintéh-on lutvillesacancar n uber bandl soin oIboe henug ait mais bir boueilleathe duloitfiMber h ed lirt Fred lDiia lecoin osour t *rate Fridây onillt, ile. sRh. setnd tha penétîom Wall suit lIlc.i .toe2m¶1. n foras itI sra, tl aWcoda quit. trqnamty. W. vonitr vhy? kir. ud Ins. 8. 9. KaBtier nd aitiily l-gtig&ognS i.urivbb.~ceuetary. AMr. Kieley lspentt Randay st Albert I aeni téTuusitày evenuu as NurAbIWeit. Mn andl Uvb, CharlPe a st Imm noter Fiaceappolt.., relomîoh A-ea.yw55o bne onwawa auBallans. .M. suit Ir. J. A Malon vlsiteal vl'h Inrentse,ait Ms@ D V Wslt aven lil Diaoritoh Local in.uuemet oh the amtit of m»--b thaleWW tI- MissesLucy Hertel suit Lillisu Gâtauin relaveslui ilicssuo lieut sKait &110eundt tg plate said s aaenu. TURESTED IN TUE FEOBRTT ver, Woukagn viellponeune asséBo p ltattettet ebay nqA S Mat 'sClint Rende.- oi Round tLaks 0-5-2 MnOMTONS DI TM SÇIT, nd 1veut. Temple lest ThuweitsMes.venîng A large nuber fronthèbe a ttsided Beuîveýli. tbhe publlesia 1al>' autfHallt>ay Mun _________ jrn j -v wg -A Noble Lits. GROVETpIboi.- lertia41sd by ile ilai--e.f tbIl, 'riehe le le athe ite or largo Tbngbtnl uriimîlepndmit Otes reco cenrih F, 15 vn'iolfg fl'aile-sac-nd sPicicua alma, tbe li. vhlci le TuE CIUiZEN ~ B/~NKwilli have a ebaresto paceie u hmée wetm nd ,aal*.$ -tgî.ip',l ROCKÈf ELLER. ILL.. 'n iapesdinit on RspPne.nîsulv.frotte Vhsp plr 1ut Proieile Vl'ýv. aeind dg- It l the atmosphèbre whlch a lif* loat I-ci aitrycîonimeP aI. intivmaaetli.g aeia.t tle 1Mon0 ii». makee arounit IL. slife vblch lfves MOnRs", vh. bas pun l,-ed the Frauezt ei v ti.,sok~.rsicti, thabituallytiheupra, ih Tnivl p arai lu Vernasa lea àsacandidatesi leu lin rg.'t soi vw»vliiiilaie brtbnto y ilu the peahi, wîof A Pald Check lsa aQood Receipt, ontlot Prnuignaem aivunt 11-t e md je6, b.en ii aitm elà publie i- etî ~.% fI.ivbereeyl ie upu Aoheokini AoSunt in a Sale and Convenient Wsy of ,beIll. mbi~sneon th. r.'ular CiaI.t p.nty o he tuv"s s-.r ws ibiet u euluttaa-Llkn Tiin actl g B sine s. lîl gise hli.iese vsîle sitd vii te. T.tadgbî lii suai de1sad ist vol4rc Ttncltn Bslel.var enjnbta, >onrt r.fet nizasdl-somau IIaea., i 0 ila eè .clili bisai.-P %L LAý. u4aFI-, la.y. 1cr Altmre No0ney in the.HOM lBank wSll enetit you, your prils. b.< flITusa i Jei.msltr-iite~.ii-alAj oi 41..ut pi, lpndli iot lt epr-mtsil et hi-ui the 0an.k, the .whole cm uiyJaes "Tîens.. ivlser, llb. '..- v'ot-ties' .5, P. F4.Pubik 1- no I leeiiy s#eutistithe Sub., Iugbor. 1aye ecriber Adesitnitr to thse L'ste of Anna. ~ ~. j~~g2ohFoiry's floisy sad Tor lOmp:ou.dd Mn.rO o lii.. lî ir.htý h m ts-l is Faîcis MaititusI. deceacmtw vtiii hess ia u, my IWOpay mo t, aaeton mvifngand Cortifiat«s Tîsio vînher 1bath , ni shldtte nal I 'llo hu' ia Výrieîssîlm m sa ttiiiiat aie lOiurt ni Lake tlnuntY. e.a atente.iherof ver- rocelsi-a lilibit congbs Veil.Petuecveu:î îsietass a obebaduityes on t ion. -t M 5su u"atF.,W.aeyioiseysisalTî Caîmsounirid len . ipîsia l me.îîsas A si p s e tpinsu.iltlateen ad ihrm .1 I Is vlnr q t.TrileR F. Roues Irvng E. Payae, fl tan= tr*Idet. Ice roaldait.Osahet. ud lf pr.sulj us-buso. 'i u lebt,'b- home ut'O the.goinl s dlaese ala Esibi sI'-se-e.tovtei r ansOputât»a. For bsles y ail ver% mach tato Iur iî,t-se"st rdmils's <t ADAM B. TLTUU. Asimlasut c. '~tg..* e. r.. Dse h 'T hll>itiIT. le Woubnifp . Ill.. Piiulwn 7. 1-12 s4 w MIK PRIêES. -Miut aaltby formera fon Chicago aot oasrby markets, brîngs LE88 MO#41Y !n companleon wlth the ratait prîcé FI4AN IN ANY OTIIR PART 0F THsE UNITED STATES. Tisa lamany lItance* meana lésamorey Ihan 1< cost te, producolt. Sucb à contioa las sheolutoly unroso.rAs auj1 unjuat. snd mi wsnt t0 tnow, Mr. Rosaer fpie' uvylle 555s'dery fermer .la ),.ateOgusiyand 1T IRANS VOU. Lot usabéerfromycu etont@. The Flrst National B3ank LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Kit Dastermnus, vill vou'img at l. lothe AsseeINo. 9 t. pome painmogftos1A-y, lplqcts à rWgImAbauéd satbloud it <ri nsOted noticele bir= e, 0aul pereas ls la recoverins. intaeetai thai bi ofTrubs et A taroveli surprise Parsy Na. gîven ai bs»vi lIoft.ibertyville, Lst. Coeusy. scIa&vnsoritareit'u àlc the houe of Mn. ait ire. O. ILR. ont. împrovemeqmCosleug of a couenne man, Fnitsy evesnlng for htbrdalggbwr, cerent osldoweibc Suthe mst, side OW Mm. Ber"baLSt. Claeb vjas played. Secondt Street lu front uof she sortis gra. Loct vinntng tiret,.MmBgueeavety (7O) lest oh lot inait 12 in' C. Frank Wzlght'a addition t Liberty- coud auit lirs. DeVoe booby priail. ville. ascorir tl the plat tliaeen We unitenetauitthal alItlougli. Henry raoidet lu IBook C of Pias. poses-5 suit 67, in the vUlagah ofLlbartvillSe. J.Harts Le an ardent Wilson [Dan sud Late Cauuty llinoisle. b. nsa uo. pradent oh tha local De'uocatkc club, the mmre bing ou die lu th@ a0s oh the ah.havug Ie aut mi oeveringvillage cdent -bavin«appliei tetase bo u hvig he and fli onertngCochty Court o!fsaIt Lake Couuty. lae 3 sad aithl l oitson fromtItoonevla. llinel. for sun smameat of the com eof Tuie Ilttie lellov in a "Bluill &ouas" and sait lamprovemnaibtccorng 1 tubefite domtu otaiet u ay o tu vîibona os0 uit un isisemeat thoefora haviug him lther.beau mate sud netunnei tuto saitcourt, ai tabben.tliefinal bearlnu. tbenisu ytiluliho bd se trs . T Catlov oh Evanatoc ud ait nahle ltti deys0! Nsvernber. A. 1) 1912. revu Of Châtugu, wenia 5uet. ut Mnrsian as Or amm009,tiareWsteans the Istie ta nrs. J. IH. $&bsrdîug the p eutwe. the. court ailPermit. Ali penons dminnc may file objsctit>ae Mire. TayIor, an sunt oh Miss elmtie 1lan snd court t i-ion.-ssd day us, onitomu su invalait. l'eucofanr rcovermd ilp.- theus lic uarnamg said iate tir baut ebe retui nerftbu bar lborne lu Aunuý rasmens. wlth tien danbts-r, tra. %urthsaun, Lilenty ivil, Iliasiiâ, t-tsmn r251. 1912. s, urdsuy. WiLILiàM H , DM,LIK Fr-dBarelsbanmove hi fajil to Pmrein appointer] by ibe Pre*ident s,I Fr-d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~tr RaI-elasmo-dbsfnit'b l. ard oh Local lliproveunnta rd iheaun ilsne me s mul.oyn. la1,e j5&ts e village ohlPlsJiiwryville,, [a t' ourt Wheb ciscs k-retr. lilunas.t', mte sait memss ne ,y, M in@ Pe-ail Smith vas teadnd a _________ pover eatheb.-hs,îe uo rer.(hormt.! Dnhfy lait Sabiirday aitenuou. Tiel SPECIAL 0FrE e,5 iod. bu be was the nocipieut oh laaUDY î A M beanttun uncnl articles. O r M R Mr. sandit ra.Mass@ ntentaiavd rela. ires aven Bundiay.1 Thnougm apecil ciubblng arrange- Mr@: Peerce le rery eict at pressit. mente mats with The PlraIrie Fsrmr. Mn. sud tire. Brockvway eubertamuad a farm magazine of the highest enter. relatives ait friands over ȧuuitay lu oubliaheit iWC* a maimth lu ChiCege. bonon of ber birthis. vs are enebledt10o oier ta th. farmova, of Like and &tjainlag cauritlslthe tIra. Emmas Mster, 627 N 7h Bt, INOILPENOENT eut Prairie Frmer Sprînglelid 111 , myie ber tldney trou3ble bothan. yesr for the priceof amer .nlIsaitfrout su operation: "Front $1.50. This appies la thé aI euh tbau util i[nrdFoliy KiitnevPliI 1 <it sot tnov vlit a veil day va.. Th.u acnibena pevlng up ail irrenreand ts iv baetache letu, thas tirait tnsggesl y«r n acatvnce at ndov wsubéciburs- Gova feeling va. goure, 1 i alpg wLndilyBotter ltaireaenhage of Il nov. for tu svote reinshait t1balno moi " " Itant know hoW long vs vill hi aitoch. or iliy plie."', aisnait aa hsofr Ontdl Orm Try titeut.eFor male by a ll s b1 ts kthaofn On' tiy )ruggiota. DO IT NOWI Large rugs now in stock lu resp0050 to the popuilar demand for tho...larger iz.d vrus vo amenow carnig a ab& f rom which pyou may make yenrséslections. W. baliav. t"ayou viii be betier satisfdi minchooslns direct titanm catalg sdlections. W. bave thum in Body Brusclia, Tap. estry BrussIlaý Axminister and Velvet i bandsomne designa and rich colora. Eacb rug is flnely made of aelected' yarns and will give tLaC maximum of service. The prices are mrranged to give you the greateat value possible. We will be plemed to hbave yeu coine i and ex- amine them. The.9Ray ,f1Pirniture -and Paffit.Store d doua bla busiom 1