CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Nov 1912, p. 4

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v1 "v LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENTI Olice Telephone No. t 'y Editora Reidence Telephone No. 145-L ,1l.l.rt% ville Exchange Esfrpre Te in l-lîîîhetaIi)fryvile, IMI. as second Cleas Mail Natter 1SSU.4 Wrekir Adrtisinir IRates Made Known on Appication. UIBSCRIPTION PRICE, SI.60 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE W ..4. SM ITH .. ........................ P. G. SMITH,. ...... ...........Manager , W*Y L. NUBBARO . ............. City Edtor FRIDI)A' NOVEMBER 1, 1912. 0f course every democrat in Lake county will give Yom Graham bis vote for representative. Tom is making a quit axpaign but he 's getting there as the vote will ~*He proved himself a good supervîsor, he's conscien- tiolus, honest and wil surely represent his con8tituentý and coimty well. + As a cross-examiner, State's Attorney Dady is al !ig*t-whefl in the court room and he's doing the cross-ex- toIing. As the defendant, whenbeing cress-exammned ,byla reporter, he isn't up to snuff, or, possibly, he wanted ta 11ge his foot in it" and admit bis marriage plans, but JuM didn't want to corne out and say 80. At any rate he Ilféll just as if he wasn't use to cross-examination pro- PRIDAY. FRAISE FOR WAÀUK!IAN TENT CioLONY! WA1kON TRtIS YEAI' MISS NICHOLS 18 LAVISII IN HER POORMABYEU EOWARD CONRAD PRAISE 0F LOCAL INSTITU-i FAVORI PLAN 0F ORGANIZ- TION AND WILL AID. ING CENTRAL CI4ARITV. MIss Nichols of the Champign anti-J tubercalosis work, fls more than îleased wJtth the work that ts helng donc ai the Lake Breeze Sanitarlumn juat west of Waukegan on Grand ave nu1e and ris tîhe esult of a thorougli inspiectian bshe made liera tic middle of lasi mea( annoîinces that in future i-he will send 'ail cases tîal las tht oîîglh er liandi- to the local inshititu- "'ThetPostuent gis eîî ta tubairul losis patients ar cie Lake tireeze San; taciium îu efect and lcoud n0i te imlroved upon and theternics are very reasonable, wthln the reach of al."I 3he sîd. 'rhis a quta lfferent 10 tha conditions toui ii vipleor the o1ýicî institutions of a similar nature ia the itata 1 arn moreanîaîde liîgited w ch the ioniiioii as I have fî,îîîd theni Mliss Nie-bols s ail aîîthocity on tlie subject and hier statement waî îlot made ntii she bad imade a lery (are- fuI inîvestigation of tlre Waiigaîî ln slltutiaîî Shceen weni into 'the kitellen to sea how the food i pre- One ut the î'onditionaste fouzid ai + tte local colon> îmteretcd ber con- .Anyhickoan wh no deire'tb et fam bewee Siacal> This macathat the major. AnC ionwoow fr bewen of the enaplo>cs ai t1e sanitarium i Day and Libertyville will havets *ait a long tuf. or!au-e people y-ho bave been cured of the tacSt pi-ce yet pf.ld for that vQuible lad. Per- disease Ihere sud hpne are formser pa- &4f11 etont'ii ontyh~ ruhtpi e te. In al Ihere are fourteen Cm- à-hfarinaisec~tininte count, a bt i t rfimes sIo)cs at 11e saanîlaium snd witb bbc Xilwnar Lke av enue etwAnL ertvall te ad aif exception of Iwa nurses and the <in- « Mwùke avnuebeteen ibetyvUe nd alfing coom force ail arc former patients, vobeen gobbled up by men who will net ïsel them Il was' etplaifled te ber Iliat wie in other wordil, tas. erdinary or old-time tannera tilesa patients aere taklng treatment %paued out ot the farming lite of the cemmunity dur- for bbe disease that îliey wcre gven Mlait few days. some igbI work about the place and Ibat ahens bles- complctely rerovened - -+ - tJsclr bealtb tbey wisbed ta remans-i .,l êoltif,. rryu, Ihonu~irinînn~v rnt.rl1there riglit along. ;bNlass Nichais SUo whnfl Mfiz VS f ravioth ionlDrtv ., --ithouzht w s-cvry aleccomidi- Ïat ay that the times are not prosperous enough; farm- ,,#mot say they do het get, enough for thoir produce; '1boring man cannot deny but that ho ws getting the Iae n history-so, what's this talk about giving tocrats a chance to recali to our minds the panics democratic rule has brought te us Evorybody who s l working; farmers do flot have to hold their pro- e1 or sales; the dinner pails are overflowing. Mt more can be asked for? tdan- When she lefI OlîsaB Nichais as serted that silie nl be abîle ta send mac> patients here. Miss Nichais is heail of th issitling nulrse association lu Vrilana atnd ltîarpairrn 011 Tbîrsdas niglit of lui-i 'aeek 1therîec a in lie a linefîr mcrd larty ,or the sanitaritiîm an Parcn i Iali ndar thle auspihc, of 'i rs Bars al andMi rs. Stîilig.Headi- of tiiieitiition iSy it wii l e naiessar' ta hoid tiseri banefits if tii big lefil it haai ( fi bt a ci bE th ci do ce ai in tit Pl lji 51 vig ai or sa en a tir ail n c4 cînia is tii1-i iii- ei1 11 There -! FROM MACHINE CRAZY MAN REPORT ha, e eiae'i 3-3 i'ass s at th(- -aniitariîîiîcijj » MJNI40 MILES AN IIOUR' PROVES À "HIOA X"thu t ir anîd the revenuie halia ul'en :ni Hufceta toii-et ltie' ci- icti -ai-\Vauia kagari fraI- ihai thîs iq on,,-of ! un. 01,1.1pi UUER !NGER AND WALLY INFORMATION WAS GIVEN BV IR ias r - arirîcs ani ireIl illittit 'e n, ONEBURG SUFFER INJURIIES RESPONSIBLE INTOXICATEO reli *ARLY THURSDAY MORNING. MAN À'LOON LAKE. lr% weI known >aumig men hlla' miSHERIFF GREEN MADE A FAST WOODM)NN RATE a Myrow escape froni deatb Tliîîsday: TRIP TUIRE BUT HAD MIS 1 AlbeI IS id t wbcn the îuoîorcYcle whicb tbaY TROUBLE FOR NOTHIN *nes rdlng i-rion a i-ola, ibruwing, COMMISSIONER EKERN 0F WIS te, 1>bot the brick pavcemenrt. The nia- te iid i-alcmiet ovar the tele- waz cllpîîîîg offia-ilme in aIL oe frýom Looxi lake Satîîrday sf1-ý CONSIN DISCUSSES COURT tros over 60 sec'onds aben it alcuck arîsoon thal a crazy man a.rmed with a' ACTION ON RATES. the "liSe. Thai the cao meni wcre Dot' siiolunu had taken a station la the ýbj insantly la regacdied as a mir-,iddie oftttra road and wouid flot ai- dit.\ (c reiiar s-ie by au eyc witness. loy- an' ona 10 tîssa, caused SherIf!ý palier dîspatches train lDes Moities, ia.. The two mei who res-iveti in jar- U;recti 10 leal iIncanmiiautomohile adsu tatlflg tIsai the istrict cort ic bra In' lles, 1 drive t 10 on Lake ac file fasiest lhart daided agaînstthe ) (oilurn \Wood n MLMER 1l'MEltI baiyî brursed. posible siiaed. Wban ha aried tharp ' an adjustiient of rnies bas moused wl glgb5X leg hurt. Saiol of intrator 'e fOinîl that ha had gona îîîoîî tiior- conilidarabieîîîî nsai irfratacoal Vager. li s tha owner of the motor_ or tais f a wiid goose chai-e ranks in iitii- stute. ltuîiiiry at thefi cylITheuail had bacîî sent in b%' Adam isSuracpSflei iiulImeni evelaPs tibe WÀLLY STONEiiIl"IC re-ecil ed a \\off ad upiçn gaing tuthe laters tai c (at tlisi, o.]\utonie iofsa,,îî1îî fa U,ýmJi>r o! body bruiseF. Was inahie bonie Shecîft Creati faund bini 50o i-table nimnier of cuts iiroiiuit Lu> tit te go tu work Friday. much under the influence o!fliruor so-<talled insuregent,. The. machine sla a mrci. The men thRt il sas w tii dîfficuitýth iat hi- Imiiinie 'omInmuis1-otsc Ilecinati Lt wafr, bttlng the higl. spots on Me- coîld alk. le final led the aber- Eke-rn made th,- foliowing itatementn r Miter avenue yhan they met Inluri - l!t t the home o! une of is meigh- 'The decision whlch bas Jusi. been e 0» .eoye 'wtnes lalîna îley ssere bars and said that hi- wuiid fînd th,. announced at Des Moines undoubbedly trAtSiing over 45 miles an baur. An- icazy uan thece. 'iii bc appîeaied lu the suliremne courtm otber persan cdaims the>- acre îrav- The- sbeclff startcd 10 ii, ciatie of lowa, and lb-cc la notliing final obia 60 miles an hour. BOtb admt but b lefoce be hadl atcpped op ta 1the about l. b In vewo! the fart that Ibis tbst tiey were traveling over 30 miles don, the felloW imnself put itn an ap- question ln bein-.i litigated in severai ms bour. îeacaari-asud gae hisclf î11) willing- states and may he darîded dlfferanbly Wben the mschne trck the rock 1 le ttiedtu 1 explaiuî thei- atai ini dîfferenb ita-es, itlai an Interesting ln the mddle o! the road, Stonelsurg tu0 the sherif f but Wolfs maudlil question as ta what the effert might vu. was riding on the ear sest, wa; sbouts made Il impossible to hear be as ta conflictlrug final decîsions ln tbrwn six feet inthe air. lie lsiided The i-bouts sounded more like the moac- bbe sulremu. courts af différent sates. near the carb tone. llnger fei along Ing of an encaged bull. He dems-nd- The Modern Woodnsen of Amerira ts aide o! the machine. ed that bbe young feliow shouid be Incorporated and bas Is home office -Scorcbing on MeAlister avepe iateked ni) inlalC or five yeara declar- in Illinois, and an> deeision would must lstop' eald 0one f Waukegau's po- lng that 1e aia a kiler. lie inally have ta ha enfarced In bbc courts o! lice chie s oday. shut ni) -lien tldtbat if he vs more that taW te. would seem, therefore, Of laIe the police cbiefsa have ce- quiet.tiat lie aouid aigu ha brongb t tu'11151 the mont that would resaIt froni cjved a nmimbec of comîlainbs tram Waukegan and barised np. an avredecision lu bbc blgbaai ýY10Wdctâ o! NICAtster avenue, and 'Flen the young fei6w toid bis cuirt$o! ther states vould le th, 'fwsm bU lme on a poloe officer ilîl tary. Belsald he hsd been ln Wolf,$ codtpalsbry wthdrawal of tbis gaciety cttnd is the v,'Inity tuararest reor, ben the latter entered and be-I1 froni that tate.'* gan ta cali hlile--lnamsnd e.ded by brwin abotîle aI 110. As 1e MABEL SARRISON DVING. THEI VOTE IN 190. dodged It be laid i hsnd eraahed Myueimhave licou direced tu anogb a pane of glass lnflicblug sev- rsbiHrrsn i egtrs,.la nosr -ouIn for figuresaon th. era euts. He s-s-d that Wolf chamed deatllinl Toronto, Canada. Her hus- élection In 1908 hence tihe hum out and laid Ibat Iýè vould -IUII band. .oe HOvaRdN, la rushing tao ber t9«0 la I, canaItyst that tIme hlm. bedaide. Mr. Howard caicteled is au b« l shows Wbercupon lie laya he reterned Nebraskai dàtea. ~ *.whome and secured his sh6t gun anud Miss Barrisos ms-de ber home ln ,Moitrturnlng sodt frM oot ol, Waukegaui for several years while off lkmitiSu 8. Pace snd tbld hlm that If be vantsé the rod. Sbe and ber hushend .Reoilbt 26s-aythlng ta coule outside. Wolf de. lUUnched the Barrisoas Ibeater and 15- @ u 01111iC 1Labor, 19. cared that t-he Young fellow hall er to0k over the Schwartz for a- lime. 1ayapmdaI 1o0. tblesteisad bi& whole familIy. Bbebs relativep bers. thse Yoqshgo VU" mdChrietlan, 6. Wofo condition vas aais-t- atm.oaithb.Northi Bide. Umss Se-ison w&s rom el9.and t. he 1rif! vWs inclined le belave a pdedtlar itreaila ber lIma, lu tact. ~ g* the -toiy of bhc younger mais. Heallmd.0ou. !the mitpopîlar thse stagebas ~ ~< snOasb.*d Lm to keep s-vs- froni the evor bad. 4--bad bac sisck a- long Meins mbe.a O mbe ggWolf place la future, aayng Ibat iflime and varons limes reporta bave im»t * .t h gu g Ger U W «a s-Y More troublea t a eb.coma thEa .it as1Mhem. user daath. Il ifi ,IN 1T" p pM WOU b eu b.obligeS tu bring hlm le the T -111rin Mr. 1,-g coeaty lauII. For renisU30 si. oUr columas. EXTEf ~IIII P!U~F~Y bact." èlided ore tx tmsse-vor th. profit -orthe itms *wmn olis pffk»« t th *»DMtIO '- Theraaolutton crawllaa opa'obihIt LAE TO BE AFFCED îi. te ntoppeoi1 cmn fore»ea tme lng-tba oIuagtcr of ml$sIttie udb wben tiser. viii hapr-sctlcUy noboa! 1year snd female animale '»dc« 3 NEW RULIN O0F GOVE RNMENT for coesumjstiosa. The dairymnen ar m arS&M.Itltio ika tise removal Of the mont at fauit.- Many of thoam liiCalves tsriff on aitlilve stock. WILI. AFFECT SEVERAL TOWNS IN LAKE COUNTY. ml0 OMMENTS UPON THE CONDITION oWithill the next few days Pont. 0F THE POOR HIRE AT master Genecal Hitchcock will begin the establishment of expert ela PRISENT AND IN PA8T. carrier deiivery ln the amallerm cilles. towns and villages of the country, b Supserviser Igdward (Conrad, pour- 1551r o Wakegn, v bartly a patronîs of which now muet go tu the A pe maser f Wukeail isheatil lapost office ta get t:îeir mail. The pi à lvoir of the plan advancad hy a num om tatrgnrlanlne itcnu e ber of Waukegan womni ta orarC z inauguration of this n1e% service la atetral charities h.,re and thinko Imminent tha suh al ogaýizaioj wold ie No more than $1,800 can ha spent N W P L :bic ta do a vast amsolit of gond lit l rE ie clt3 I-le declared iai lie would ln any tawn. Congress approprlated AP.~ C rllY10 gsdtac, riertesctbi$100.000ii ta expeiment wiih carrier AUl hand 1c milu the glai t peap ihdeliveryati polit offices of the second Éhui i te tlîird classes, whicl la <bnat now iler Barri "Tlîc condition of lit, îni'i'la tl" hveic :,iv pps a b Ilih iti)re al0f lie 17? pusi offices or the first. Place yo1 c-v iresent lime; '%Ir î âîî,laId.secoînd and tisird classes inIillloOis, o isaiiunhiser y-ho e are, r'" tetng - 116:1 bas e carrier service anîl 370 have Car wii ba inLiberty rit lime is consiîîeralirisiîailer thai' no1tll s believad delivery service eîîsîîallv the caseat tblunie cf Nvear.i aycmutes fcuse Ilsere wili i.î'marc a Cse'nmîî a~unti iou The îîoslmaster general argued the- liea rosi cold weather sets ini but 1I atrbfr.cnrn. le*si I olokfor nu many requests ' a: 5,0 bfOn reensofgrbas6Hees lTve benmallrln ouithoe sio ae re nowenjov free deiivery of the mail "hen asItnceoaithe' li rai eu. tlroîîgh b tfîrat and second clantSUE ,eiwidowasssancehe aI îîîam y-lIts larttirees slii- the 42,000 rural carriers ire idos, oin ofthe wlh lrgesectea 25.040,000 people living on the 1aidiýs.Nerlyai ofthin reýor,-rorlltes.- Thisleaves hctween 25,000.- iaînd maiing a litlemnîney, la, 00 uît .*000000 without delivery Basie Bur beva ca-es the grocerles and coal ne(ri ce. It waa ta fi11 ln this big gap îrnlshed bh thQ Count-jijýsufficient that \Ir Iiitchcock recommended a io rov Ide tu ttheir l" ffw apprutiîtion for experîmental dcliv- SelR -'Ou casionally we find a famiby des-e nFnl]cmuits tute ai a reniait of deserUi on the ______pe ia of the buahaild but these cases ie not as common as *,bey uaed t10 TO CIJT COST 0f- LIVING A la g e. There wasé a Urne whcn abveral1A la g iuabanda deserted their familles iA81 CONGRISS TO PAU L.AW& iarly every wlnter ln order that the> REGULATING BLAUGUTER C M night ýbirk the responsîbilîty of plu- 0F YOUNG ANIMALS. ding tor them."r Fedeîiâl aud lste lez71ilittion ta re- Mr. Conrad then declared that thereý duce the rost of ment and encourage ie mnany ways ln wisich bihe Propoed the caille inilastry hy forbldding the nganizatlon coutl do gaod bere. Hie ag rn ftosad fcle FI uid ihat thelr plan of glving out lugtrn !tosad fcie FI othlg wuldreleve onsderbloyiiarly y-ilhe aeked of ronugress by 1otin wul rllve onidrale ithe United States flutchers' associa- FROM lfferng althoug b 1the ceuntir as tâ tiu A r s l to a thlt e fc a I m care f this in good shapeian the ton AreolSontotCtafet a iadoptad ait che convention of the ansi sCo i ai le sounded a waruing, haselver,; cnation ln Detroit recantly and wili be lout giving boans, as he aias case ýI Ibis aks lederal and tate laws governingin D îoroiighly beforeassiace of ti the kîlllng of ral'.es ea iricb. lroper dn hlidb gîgatztî n f ie t- 'n ea r legislation, it is deciared. wauld resaIti n- mugriatonof 111e - irdatinrt11e ln a redrîicîan of 10 cents a î,ound on ilîlti ha' Flood la the tialinot tha, ,r i.'i. li 'uti' 'hes to shirk t, iii rasl>îî I l *i-the natton killîtue of îalves - isi. bat becaitse îîaoî la Who rc iai' iscue he ii iieo r'i a ssance front lii centrcal ,t liscue th iuinîe t i mtotld îlot Irave 10 a plîal ta j, jiqlîti .Waukeganiieî er lias lîad i liai y-ho filleil itle 1ositîllî C-f e )irîtratqter better fian Mr. Conrad- le t iper refusas to --ive aid ahëre Il bif1 ut lie dOes ih l' a Safla In i idînia l i'riJ lits alle ,O:V.n rl t wa i eu Llins deaa lent, it 1 'i(5dl'asi-'lImach te fini lth l'in- pr ing ihhý condîition (of te OY's loori er the randitron(i-blas l'e-n bet-I er than ai tOw estiunie A< îording ta M r f'onrsd lhr- (ona '(me riat teast 'ahîeh wili maki cton- possible to re:unve ail charnte cases hire an (btat 15 hat many familles are obliged ta nie frott haud ta '(outh, \lany imen with large familles rise k( il ((i e (1 et- w~îelv dollars a week and tis n. arely enoulgh ta 6111- aort them. 'u n for many ceaFonsl he earnlng calî;iiitý of the nuisnand ta cut off, even for a short time, ihe family la plai cd lntdire v.ant Aurtion sale notices pnbItshed la the Independevi skili rescIlàfar more saders tISsa50ai otr PaPer in the tounty. We bavpe .cireffla.tiof: you s1i met the busivess. The art of m.ig watches On. been inarchina abesd stsadlp orre.Watcbes have mors brune nu011putinto ther uaklntOAd. than evar. &ad'atiil tbev lr pttinr cbeaper aitw1awhseh I.ratlur streuxe. Il io -ould 0~14 bl* ttt>wtb k wt bat te ?I.T. 5his Pet a O COUSto, i rwlsb ta Sud ont bonc1~ v ,,t~ Zésllabwateh ceueh t là 5more. Our wateb stock contbi»a AL thalst e t af wateb maig bui Su Anad wa willlugiy piseepqr *tImé% JEWÜI Ê' ureet frmthe igrowo e wthe S, at a prioe minus the. middle- man'ulaprofit LES. BALDWIN APPLES. ICING SPIE APPLIS. SMEULS RfD d picked and at the prios of Tel $2MOO Per Barrel ir order at once.' Phone 178J C. F. MERIEDITH, Shelby,, ich. 1ARTSTOVIESi mers anges miot Blast Cast Rangés lerection 011 rleaters 1stock to, select f rom IN AND LOOK TIIEM OVER The price I. Right SCIIAN(K BR8sé Pr Any Other Busines Can Better Afford To Wait Life lnsîîraîwe îîoteo ~cnly thing the puiblie gels at cîut. Il t i01onethes econ- omic ieceseitiet; of life. Just aou neeessary as food, mlielter antI cl4huîîg, only tiley are a littie farther aw1îy. jlimt liow far iiis ot knowîî. Nobody knows what M-ie future holds in store. t is a sealed book that only tiuie eau open. Ant i jut because a rnatî's breath is-î±ot elhniîied to his inostrils, lie is in the mnarket for tife insuranee. We, do not question the valne of lite insurance afly more: the only question@ are -flIow mtichi" and -lu what eompany!"' The clasB of men who buy $,ffO now, N iii buy $20,000 tweuty years from now. As to choice of company, donotforget that there ar,3 two elasses.of compaflies: participating and noîîparticipatlg- one payé back a "divideud" (which is in reality simply a fîîud of the overcharge) the other selis at a lower premium rate. Now the former ought to returunas mach mouey as the latter, together'wth the. ditterence in premium, with interest, but the history of the business proves that thisbas not been done. lu eelectiug a nuparticipating compauy, take care to, buy your lueurauce of one that bas stood the test o! time The Oldflchlgau Mutual [ife. Vours truly. JOHN HODGE Phone 264LI DIS11UCT MNLAGER THR, OLD MIOHIGAN MUTUÂLIIWIIS CO. 0E&ANIZM D1867, HfAs AIJ1-.T~1ÂN DARD POITOT FORe). -Cod

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