WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL1. XX I.-NO. 7. SIXTEEN PAGES LIBERTYVILLE LAKE COUNTY, ILLIM4B FRIDAY NOVEMBER 8, 1912. ONE TO EIGHT $1 .50 PER YEA R iN ADIVANGE K AUTO MyMAN McAL1 î AL TO.BRSAP- MERZON CITY lm NEW ASSW PIEARS SUDbEN1LYRLSf ZION CITY LABORER ON WAY TOLAEC ON OF OU FORMER LEGISLATOR FROM THIS Î WAUKEGAN, RqUN DOWN BYCOUT 0T BE INCLUDED DÎTRC, ?*fè ALMOST ZION CITY RESIDENT. IN PR 09 OUED DISTRICT. A YEARN fR NS. VCTIM REPORTfD TO'HAVE SE- M&sHl OALH8IA AY$, PRESSING CREDITORS COME CONFUOED WHEN HE la E FCOMTTED1V0:MAAY4NTNE dON OENEGEHAFDA. SAW 4tTOýAPPRtOACHINo. POLICE FEAR MAN #8 WILFULLY ON9 NIZATION. INDEPENOENTS ATTACK SIGN TO SETTLE ELSEWHERE. W. G. VOLIVA,JSPRD StJCCtJMBS:TO OiPHTEa t John Adameult, 30 years old, 'au EURNING BUILDiMOS IN BOARDS BUT ARE REPULSED FRANK H. JUST AND 66EO, Itaian section bhand. residing inuZMon WA meeting h. le held in the Hotel HelvdereNov. .-Tnoas S IN SUOOM ATTACK City, was struck a"d quite seriously Sheria ne a week fromnt AMEiTEtRAB urns, former Belvidere buiness BASTIAN DEFENDANTS injured whenhie was struck this morn- Tueday a ZZ t ,89o'clock to organise man and fornerly representing 80 S S T T SR on .uto r . z.. .Ctyo 0 FER RETRD S001 .s. "Cl '°° '" TIFO ENARE INJURED neC.1IlllER IS FOA Mate hbi. The aocident eenpag eligible and a call evening, after having beenn misstit la front of gaperviso Hiram 3 Ty'd hauA w1o CAO, te at- sine the sixteenth day of las;t Feb-, fR.N»ORENtERgERMAO ONETO bonneOuNorth Roa 801d, just E)TRA POLIEROEN MAY BE AD. tIlaniStaa 9. L. BROWN ARREST EDCHARGED ruhoreappearanceoft Mr. Burns after AR C ON.fH ROOMTO tE OWNWHEN 3ir Beewsan& ttoneyWiliam ED TO FORCE-MALt. LOSS ciatin et Nurses. WITH SHOOTING---.EXCITE- his long absence createl something of BAEAR AEDNSU HEIWAS ATTAO«EO fabry of lof Ctt,,..erelvig to SATUROAY BY FInE. Waukegda ke county nurses SMENT REbGNS SUPREME a sensation in ted.c ity, a nd asNVEB Wkakogan nd were ascededingthusol___bave tyln aeinterest Ln thebenarlgetdbyhsfid, oser the 79érry home whean the accid-' formatonp proposed association many of whom haed given himt up for Lake qcounity fpeople mat be attoebed em ait place i tla sin "iebgfr ». n wl hi oert ae Cvlwarfare brekte out in Zion Citydedahilogbsnewtett-EDOSNQ 'Te te r m te de" ttturday evnibg hands-fmZionCity were walking to That's the cry ef Highland Park's it a snee@ss. À seetng of the gradu- amgairidayeight Wh"e.nfal rge tästd þigs, MaI Ma a seely be ex- Ewin whih th Nlev a.&bout Two'lock of Jean HoNg. W*kanta6forhmn rsdet;Who are cf ate aér"j"»kgn waît held linofet indepe §4 tewqPod with hatohets ie d n A w.&Printing en a $4fat6eefäew a n Aceprding -tu reports, Mr. Bellows bended knee, begging the 4;ty qngla the n"here lmast day and haomunrs withWihthety were "btedyIwntaa tsee as nothing haevr te Mgtibstrn akecoutyresdin at ootd hs brn s h apresbedte t t nuneda tep flto binab night ai' time it was voted de"mhinsgn@1»bard onSheridan te, me that 1Ilhad stood aill.hatIprenSuonss7a "ex odeyfellows and allbut One of them gat fiilly Mrni« tr homa uaig toteas o"Ra, werefired UpMn by a number o ,e-ad Ihd tuged Wh" hthe MMti bs HMW death was dom etoub«jiandIlost of the Way. The other fellow seem- Of bumsn". P-"tion, nl,4 urses were pressnt. Vele.s feteru »e aà aresult of whIch agaInst business reverses for no long hislitl 7yea od onno lis n e t beom cnfse an istadof Within the past three months prop An invttMI been sent to gradu' iw mm e injr,&that It did not seem as Il I could stand' pre sent one f te"lot' dgë M condiionwiththesam estepping to one side of the road he ery led eby fir $6,hemeal y ate mnOa Ijt ke Forest to attend Their nammes ae- n oe.Teframytoewscaehepprg an d fears1ar01helàthatoheMay started to get Out of the way and Orb. In no case was the origin of the but for sMe~iao they failed to put JOHN AUDRqEY, 23 years oid, ahot a serious lose to m.rdtr Thus, thedfedthith am sqIrVive. T'he fact that the little leaped bock directly in the path of the fire discovered. in anS appearanc. lit Js believed, through the large muscle of th@ lfot ed for a settlement. On that day 1Ie onofd*uq eng at william Bue, cm a farc ear machine. Thé fire department, In al save one however, tha whein the time comes to am paid to a representative of a Chicago Lake County PublIIIIihieiM I€ni Da hasdipthera ad tht te Thre as nt tme eoug to topinstance, arrived on the scens of the organiza:bat ýthey will wish to bie rep. WILLIAM GRAFT. 18 years old, but.- house $500. I got to thinking the mat.opn te ut Mb Mr V&bger lad visited hiast twekthermainetndthe nxgt sondlthe t id mme blhngfonev- resented. let graxed cheek, inflicting a fteshi ter over; I was in a despairing condi- Cany aactye w$aotemdr " le th ileeacncisi that the HOre- fellow was knocked down. One of Saturday night the department was Several meetings already have been wound. tinon;; id notlofeer; asuf I coudeputla named aM a deflandIiteil bangesboth father and son, likly the wheels Iran over his body before called out three times to extinguish held in ChIeRgo and although thel Dr. Billmeyer was summoned e p Ibhtayoogr;Isudn y - yditor and Mr. Bsaan enotrtmed the dangemous aihoent at the car could bie topped. The start-e. Ig a h ya arerowdonf nurses tn Will and larpage counties dresas the injuries of the two men. Hie 'ded to go away and 'fet my creditors :y city editor of the u ttte Buck place. Ing crank was bent considerably, In- opinion, "It/s the work of a 'lire bugn,"Iu to the present time hbave evinced stated today that the Injuries were " dretl o hiag, lea-voue ownership. We mossaia ion edi om dicating that It muât have dealt the shouted une man, and In a very few no Interest· In becoming members of not serious. ing Beli ere on the car out of here ment In order teOshwvtism The death of Mr. Horenbierger was fellow a terrific blow. seconde every person present had tak- the assocition they may. decided to Zion City has not been in such a ait 3 o'clock in the afternoon. 1 did "nt ownIers had ne a i de . io re -I an The two men leaped fromt their en up taheorte udy feno come in before the organization is per- flur of excitement since the recetntrmninCcaolavg there the pubication of the arttq M y.. He had tbeen up nd abotdiscar immediately and lifting the Injur- taepoiceen woud beatinon. eteholy war in which several heads werewithin a few hours and going to St. tin ndte ac ha t4 plise during the afternoonL of Saturf- ed Man Inside started with himi for ed about the city for a few days. Mis$ Hell, superintendent of the Me- brah aimpend g andthata ytan ope iwthenI rein o nay niy, an lishing and Printingl Coaoq .He bagan to feei badly tn the the Mc.Alister hospital. A physician About 7:30 Baturday evening a fire Alister hospital of Wauikegan hias been arrivai or .\r. Voliva tisilafternon thence to Texas, where 1 have been all ready passed qut of, t evwenongland henument op ost ar was u mond and he madea mtebroe outin. tharge hbrn of proeeat these conferences and was will hold his followers in restraint.1 the time mince I went away. I intend- the Sun diinterested in etM nro crefl eamiatin. prent &Wlyoams Woeh n. h hbeen storedselected as one of the committee of Many arrests are threatened as the! ed to look up a location ,establish my- action. 2004 et Ratt Day, a budding Iwhich man was not Injured severely and un- tn the barn. Total loue. Cause of fire eight which will organize the associa result of Priday night's encounter.J self, and send for my family. I ta ibrGenV tattrested ne" attentionthrough less interna] Injuries develop he will unknow. tion. Floes1fMVoiahdbenwrko h ra.Ibuidmsefi io iy asphH itg attractive blue ppeint W 1hich nAdesomn recove. Internali njurIes, If A 0.m auda twsdso-"We have not decided just what gtnghe ciyand eadnessfr thire- My work, and intended to find some-IVollv'aslieutenantb, t tistv-peenpoal wl o n ered tta larg e epty C. & S. W. teproeo h rnansal r m n mnimne thing in which Ithought that I could former editor «Ildel tk themselves for a flew dayla. on fire. Cause of fire un own. The bie," Misas Heil said today'Whon ques boa?«.da is9 o'ebe prayer beitbel---etablsa mself, to iac to dotl e m 802ty bqeotployer thereso0long ad a-It le understood that Mr. Bellow@ box car wus ruined.t&e bu h ffi,"u ewl o W nganmeadere( and here I am. My family «i made defemamatw$Wa' rdin toonereprtwhe heshoed as adea sttlmen wih Aam-At 2 a m. S c h areowas tu n decide this at Our firet regular rmeet- Iaen athetsdeseddupntebg o nwI a oin oettti g 9Mthle do~, IL Opened hard and he culto whereby be pays for medical at-irakSjetmws r.Dm- Ing. Similar organizations have been aign board, north of Beebe's store on last evening when a message was ment Cir Qyrt jOfflMr o asgr yn d"O tendance and hospital bills. age small as the foern arrived In formed in differenit parts of the coun. North Sheridan Road. They were J. themro, thho e en yysterday F ifor ofMmo> the foor aned the conclusion of friends time to check the blaze. Cause Of. try nand they always have proed to be sured that they could work uno -afeno Under the ON M&rlaie msthtX. (ebar the fire unknown.y lcefu. ed for two minutes am every member •teno Ste Wife oft Me goa bmiate d wta a °,kn BOY ShOOTS mis alarly Sunday morning a box car "' "**e" "of Voliva's following muât paume two ce w , sùed l had started fer te dor to p ITRI H Y owned by the C. & N. W. was burned Mine Hell said that In the tirst place minutes In prayer when this evenigSMP O PE CTSnontedhdro anI rechingNtfhdlchoed afin thle yards at Blodgett, FIL., one mile It had been thought fthat fitwould be bell rings. c C.$unoC.he MiBe d r 6sodwth hbis hande on the door, West of Highland Park- posible to organize one of the asso- Scarcely had the bell ceased rn- TEXTr BOOK RULee w"e&dmd two yo.ng ne fgnn glinst it in sucheaaway that FIFTEEN YEAR OLD BOY FA LLS IN i'Ires at Highland Park since ciations In each county In the state Ing when several shOts rangou.hy paragraph of the artele bdhe &Uy b&arrI in desth and GRIEF OVER BRLEEDING BODY A :t1-cehueadbr but opon consideration it was decidedpatcar tfmandret tsLS OFT4EW N TD Tet toshrete od sie n OF THREE YEAR OLD GIRL. belonging to Gallagher Bros., destroy- that in many counties there are not whistling about their beads served to CHANGES SCHOOL 18 NOW A thratZMon City bu oe ene oned by fire. Approxkinte Fous $10,0011- enough nurses to, makte such an org. disperse the Independents. Several THING OF THE PAST. comte to iht, the behd Azohé reorit that the victiM Waukegan. Nov. 1. August 16--Wm. Mille lce house de- maisation a success.. POr this reason holes haed been made through the aign raged húsoband W eA Vaf nther reportTeten o er1 ea ai o stroyed by fire. Lots fixed at $10,00, board many legans or wa erl tig nth lorwhm Th or f e 1 ea ldsn November 2--7:30 p. m.--Eu-ble' the ate was divided bnto, districts and A I.ttle later in the evening accord. HAS ABSOUT COMN%~TD HIS AN- Panama, to, orand '111 be handfalion after making a VainO- bending over the bleeding body of hiert longing to 8eahe, containing $M00 ech of these, districts will organiz e Ing to the statement of the Zion City NUAL INBP¶4iON TOUR OP gr ofthiléhbuneMas fort to reach the door land co 3 er ybr old daughter, la what Mrsm.'worth of hay, destroyed. Iomm $1,0M. an .amsociation of itsaon-.Police, three or four Voiva men came BcHMOOLS N COUNTY. -orld and to toi] bl At M rate wasJghaon, g3nMay tree Noveoaber 2--10 p. m.-Bex car be. along. As they.arrivebd In front of the As It is,111wri death wasabSeking. for, when he had ofund Emaday afterneon who MeC &N.W rilnddstoy S esa ndpol a County Superintendet of Behools T. 0" e t i om eddntap rshdit e e omfloig November 3--2 a. m.-Fire depart- ot. Hamaners wers brought into play Arthur 8n fa tr sm» MMil e tu oW vgu@many so, in fant wasn ot seltthe report of a Pistol and a grlig t arrived at SilJestram ice honne U H 6F Nand one of the TheoeraUtaissaid to pmasthas been IMM i ka "It is the sare -na o case ay alrn mong sc 11fembelp Ao vent serious fire have received a reslunding thwack on sath il t -ose htook a frinhid 1t ftnr. A'#+-Bodet o sB cux car oun C. & N. W. ·bis head. Whereqpa, according to th cunty and at the pþmdtée'h â Unole g.Bam'sII Mr. Herenberger was@0yar l ya tstation, one miles RAYIAOND W. STgVEN$, WfNS the tatement of several witnesses, e nay coPleted SOI & d Lb- frided élal, «Idleamves awife and two childre4 ainga1re 1111lvrinbis rialt ban&stèO id t of Highland Park, destroyed by civil...OASE ON TIE OMaCUIT drew a revolver and opened lire with He is mens,.than pluesd m'th t"re- fisad's int tw» bonys. The 7.nm.M has nDt yM et rr the forint et hie béby tinter, begV fire the result that two ot the bullets took suite that hie in findiUam a , ShOw d e sawwth the alouent but ilsa ig e tapektoh . oCOURT WEDNESDAY. efc.H hnwsaoe og nthat the sçbools th - ied-te t f sne-h. uAed . ,,»e bois eine er a » tte aO TTO M ERCH E Wi.on Carey, a wealay, ranr"dA. e r cnvresaq r. filileytbat any tim's boe, i * .ste.'" Beaneof. das e b itW quipment manufacturer, Was fOund whfte co er inat Cash. utwoM.r ble M. Itermberers---- guikty pf.ualwfully ytbdgg re - dby't1ban l thess-ta certain Thom ..nOnal visite by the,*Munty 49%e NÏX0@ het loUg and burliltook rplacé Sun- penetrated the eartileage of th ObTTO MUERHKE, FORMERILY OP isp' belonging to Ray10Md Sev mmbr1f olvasfoloin hd4il- r day aternoonet NOrthfild cm-of the » The biflet t AE 8AVR LV the lhooting, he suggeted that the: tety• w1 the A," ERSY -.OE w eýa ty real cestate. gene of go before a fuetdee Of the Peace and1 wfleome bs3ifl M. aormbererr hadlived at 1 §*É q -Chieso,:y a Jury ln the cirenit court swear ut a *ia#raàt for his arrent. to mis lit 1fni'san.as h DMy manyyearm aned ws n oIhecntr o .F H19EPORT WAS PRINT Wednesday afternoonJ tcmuchBlow a ae akfr.e ,posn n h linmg m«enla thatlo1006tybeing-a lna lefytiéarai eu A» bT DENIED S8EEM. -oh fiead fe erlgtei tecols it, n t. Eer Ori man hom raryodylike. Mu afsethhedaaise bab 3e ED Y8TEiOU8. Son after Stevens gained tite to taeim lonaod. theten sugjges ålihy s n oe .inetï pant He was a fuginer upers ty adrew th foss toiherssothe premises in April, -1911, in com- that they wait until today asd thon t intooflaes ee Teetr s vigor mua orme f erfed a oentute h o ,t u-Otto Muerchke is not dead! pany with his son he went to the farm totsthD ae i h t»A t ef ge cy o hethis lpa t mOber Dr. . J.alowsky wasd ist - heesaothe Su*n ar oeec ae ndohrteat fdid and they are expected here somnelto the physical conditions ln the buld-IVoliva gaive the dt DIVORCE A EPhysicien to rach the Johnson boule. °"" °ther papers in this locanity the ,romises. tme this afternonIng. as to cleanlines., water supplY. nastian, thé, Oyur ne Hedi ntawitteErrv I e » rinted the statement that Otto Muiter. ewsdie ro h rmssa ventilation, condition of the outbniDd- who In turnt printed It tn IN CIRCUIT COURT ambulance, bUt took the bab. to 1*,frelyonro h M leBonMae ttmn* inige, etc. Then, to, he muet criticise of November.4 heepital In his automobile *1hotýe t Iox Lake, had died in Chicago the point of a double barret shot gun E. L. Brown, station agent in the, themtho of instruction, howin r atini e MRS TNA9.ATINON WN.mother accompanied the doctor to the and had been buried at McHenry. by Carey, It is said. Chicago & Milwaukee Electric depot perhaps where some little change rre h THROP MARBOR, TESTlFlED ficultakopertioneoattemnt d it-death and everybody felt badly over Se n a ae retdadteIndependents with having fired the sults;lhe rmust also criticize the ton- . huIneshos i FOR LEE HAGOPIAN. kegan was performed. Thie son was twelown aman'sadeath. csea er yajsleo theS 1 shots which injured the two men, ducting of classes and pay particular fedanae. alwl a insrute tosed orhisfahe, ho ut tdaya ancae itlte 1unpeace In Itghhland Park. when quiestioned by the Sun tmade the attention to the d1cipline in the school gan.- PHen the Hagopian divorce case was 1was at is work at the wire mil]. as dhimto comne he e andue Yp1e d sAifewomont srsteesinstio.folintheattnt: I'Ie ' l ours an durig theintLerm uissonsJA IM NZ called for trial Monday morning, Tena' Two hours after the shooting oe-ti"vely that he was dead eIsli, inposesin f hn\\y.thtsal tmmro.whn heconty chol i Iak cuny AMS1AM;OID A B Atkinson, wife of Burt Atkinson, curred the infant child was removed "Tell those pe-ople up in Lakle coun.1 premise thes nwn ataked meuwith h ailammrstday a re 2r3iffear gemsttuon divorcewaslla dk the wit ess chthitoAter h'le k a Sunt reporter found t ht1 nve uh Vad a n19 vo esd h roet . Irtitbt sywr o er1g rd1WSPOIETINCUT N Hagopian's wife In lher husbands' arms The news that the doctor would save be upt an,i ýcee themi before long."' in avne h npas miy lhead 1 drew my guin s(chon w%ýh,,- lteter has paid at- O ONYTESRR on the night of the 7th of July last. , the child's life brought tears to the Hlow the story got started and how IIe,',was Ito hav. :hjeluse of aill thet h r i a tn I to the gratiing IandIclassinIg, hishoe aolhhaspadaeWaukegn man's eythson i eesifun hetwas generally a<epted as trueisoltilIdinlg on the farmn, lhewas too' m v s o.!oi the.yt , 1% y olnd en, tudents James Jamieson. 77 years old, eue of managrer of a coffee house and bar- pistol in a bureau drawer In is fath- Lake, a resident of that flace having ht ttaplsad ri, n pr h injuisat tof he sign -or<, tuding the same Thixtbooksthand entheoletresid ent ofte ournt n bershp n ouh tia tret.Heers edrom.Hi bbysiserwa satd ha h hd eceived word tlIon of tý f"unl to Il. when dthe fuiaeIf shots we1rore he aa essn.Thhi alokwth toae oe ime thaeicounty rasurer oom was3 formnerly a resident of Winthrop playing on the floor of the bed room. dirx<t from Chicago that Muiierhke haed Several times durinig theý trial> , lt iu warantdfothenyirrst 1 il r ht ahoearydwtheirwrih-Ikaonypseywy thshm ondab Jddio alwahitant d ib ye red.tHi fathier,th Istbo d erk asfryer roreoro ourt was lcompelled to insîtruct Carey swear oit i warrant for their arr at This as bimadle Possible by the In Millhorn Monday fternonet OS 1d oewh nte7t a fen English, said: " Pistol explode." ' what is~-now the Illinois hotel, Fox to an-wer the questions ptoitby coui n il b itrgUs nd sauignre witl1 faý that Mri. Simpson has Outlined o'clock. %Ir. Jamieson was taefth June, while In the employ of Elisha No mratter how the accident happen- Lake, and was, the originator of the set liesemt to do his best to . .'the-worký for :he month for a partIen- best known re-sidents of the ea IVan evrlyijuedbAteex Ile.. place-. famous. -that,-1,rown fciasmoeyhe ninh, y.Ahoghthere i __ i -tat-n-ormf t- m-icofee .eh--h