LAKE (OtTNTY NI'WIET, FMAY, NOVEMBEII-8, 1912-. AUCTIONSALES Doifgs and Sayings of Grayslake Tb@ uadueguebv dcdd1 utwtrtank 7x2 ffiet aud otiter arudes P J.D ce, Edtor E?____________il _ aeing llsl t ul uinwîtb t o arons toimention. Frpeslunch là$ uakMe aajocaaiil88 mlesuoru,. IL W. spXonk: Proe Ot-der* Teken for Job Work Advertieing RftAO pplicaLtion 46n 01 Libe:rtyvîle %ml.suhweui WttPr-vrMiAuctineer.a ____ .# Waet ce statiou, eomuîenclng ei;f. F. Pline. clérk.____ __________________________ 19 fa.USatsrdeî. Noir.«., 1912, theWien aalyto n u IiPome smto utu s 10iSwiag roperty t-wIt: 12 boad;1.0.Wieadaml okatitu MnForceart f ma w -tête. 4 10*11. grY mare fil Iraid. w t vlng id au fatan, wîlli i tut hoir auto ralong tbe Lake Shore Suaday. a gatt Sthelb. *lwfcottage Str 3-89bal mare. 4 Vabid,. f ortopublic Mailnu on Sb@erenîife. 4 Mles lioe Mar, 1INrsoiW t 1450; mar;tche o f Lbertyvllhe, mles uer-fb if ClarsleeRittu sd Party of frInd. day-id Sunud&y.'" J ,sota 4 moulin nid, 4 £uod mllhng con.teHalDaî, oin Mlaukeavenue en drovs tu, Cr7àtal Lake Suday. Ciff Mr@ i-. Frid Knebk« toi!iter, Juea Jl-yN>ld botter, 2 2.yr.old beufre, 21.yr Turaday, Nlov. 14.,iommsunciug 5 I home tihe car turued turtla, but little Wbitehead, Ybi.ted af>Mégo laseywook. old hiliera. 2 «Prtllag yorod 'SOCik ch flIw tPropircy dmie a ue bulit 8 lurkeys. 100 elekene. ueary Dow te-wll: Pair grey gidlngm,a. n u dewdoue. liMra. Erueil WW deLeke Vlus; viatid domlle work aber, old double worâ old, wl 820; birtlack marre., 6 asd 8 Kelly Ximbail of Fox Lake, trsai.ted frienda boire Tueedey sd Wededa,. bavaese, 2 single barueasi, pair leatber y. olal, et 100; Psir raY maie,, 10 bulus.berse Tueiday. ssae, ingles leather fil net, Xl borne maid Il Ire nid. wt 8000; roan mare, 12 a sWaeanvttr i.Ppi-î,wl'b eewoku blaak.ti, alrgie top carrnage, doubil m- old, wt 1450; grsvay îr, Ilirya old, fEdRIolliné a akgnintr Mr @Dtie e okn wiIPags. rond wagnmli agn, 30,geageidlug. 10 ire nid, ivtisaturday. thes John Boeck fariisMai reuted. the C. fa~ onu uddouble bux complete, choitntetar, Il yeold. d 1400 Mis F-otaet 40!np ceàrt, «et dump boards t05w, bob torl mae, 7--re oid, net 18.50; brocaCo idModya taltfra ew1lgà. 2 bores cltivator nearly new, boreei8 yr old. wt 1250; bay mars, ber home ueser lrucea Lake, Biter Amoug tbs uteraeeo sftere$1'ueoduy etuigulirtoaoripowpveig r Dit]~, 11250; bitkmare, l10 vrs nid, 1seversi monthc sivineom..The luerai were Thoa IBouchan o! Round flskqand bai-ide, cornn marier. ouïr Landie 1100; bai cult, 4 yras old fot 1000; 91si eld Wednesday afternoon at the (eu. Etî o! Lake Villf6, hoth 'partine. amather, wheelarrîê. :X2 ILextensionî blak bore- 12 lre old, w tset 900; lia Itoan trrtank, cooden blrea. 10 yîru o uet 100; bar mars 12 bîîtiennSnt 1:30, conducted bt i 1 lisolp Toit beiug bhild sud unabileif rsak Jail but tak,.barilchoiraiorouellergrlud. Ira nid; pair'bay colt. 2 vrs old. blai-k of Ilie-aio, 3.lro. Clowbas - gpent mont atildid mit filou tb&if4uteret I or-iàd atome, hay rak. bot rack, ba ilsk colt 2 yre nid. 2 lai colte 1 y r old, gray voi botfi!,. iu thia ri-iuty and esà. a tfiei'fity whom kééâatflia, DeerluG utower cniarl p eur. 3 ho?. colt 1 îr oid, bleci colt 1 îroid, leuck bighlbl reopected wouusn, admired by ail ' ' ! avinler, 14-inlihpliewýl, e museer. 4oilt,hay citi yr ntd, 4 .1 -rau 'D bo e r. ACieabb eheAd iwq»g a22 ponette log ibains,wcon Olanter, hay fori sied bIlfier». Holse.ipn I. 80 ebosta 7r, to u"l"I sr ud grown by S. Hamilton at Rolliue, i1, rop., 20 ton bail, barn, 7 augS, 25 Ibo. 12 eioewa euhpige. 2 l>eslrig Mn@. Henri Kuebksr sud son Vaut, fthi best apecimten we baveeenf hieysar. nom in sboctu,ý 150 labshea potItelee grain bluder, Dii,-iug corn binder. returued homie thetilrerat hi week front aime. elvry won making bet, honukfeieth la-rau, lie t-#-1n.lJmr7tov, ber ey b ad uer. JaiMtlq ~gang pouf, John Longabaugb bai bison a&kRotst,, attge 25bubea budpiceddo arlvitie ul nky Pane. a wedinlg plowi. patiet week but in uoc albite, hi out Mr@-Les aislesandotterartcle 10 nmern.2 Prairie iy emedern. Hoooier aspidr, 10 SttIlilÂlo frtforret. 2 puiverizere. S ae-@M drage, :3 eulkya1 gunn. Anjone havlug aity clothe tu ha T'sufi *rf»ý oitjstus, W&Iuot uitiato an'. o ted @in Luie @ptiteansed, dy*d or bteu*aguy leeaa mn J. litf1tmAN, P.op. weeder, corn planter, potato piauter . SUO auso Lue.ef-n t drug store.Talor Fi. eet.Autioneser, ila LiteuihtI:,cso . ~~Seiidat Wauîk<âu Wt4B ,,4iJiNv Taflor _________________ ren cheel wagon, 2 broakilug carta. il1 Biarker and Nias hi-ah badIte were ulng 1Wt.. -. llght bus@, buggy, runclbout, 2 bav Wu~t Peter Neehonai. ediI(,r o!flihe Times Tife, uuderalgu-d belug bout Lo go to racksti. 2 W auboksebg ac, tnrevistors6ud. h praadtiMasbulngo Wt.ouam ailiiel Stpulicaucionou pnede, 2dum bosa,5Ua OUble John Bennett and famiiy of Ourse, Willlie (jrdinier 6";, wil neuove bis lbe C b. Caeey farue 2% mile, nortb o! baruas. aIL itlgbt double harrase 3 hu,,e mod iuto the routineabove the family juta the rouin* ahovi- He wdli tt.ertyville, 4 mile, otheait Mo!; finsyinlgle haras..,. 2 pair bob) abieshc oudenae-lng ta-tory office. lMr. Bennett uot move hie office ihtil spring aud laie, Tueaday, Novembeir 12, 19a12 coe- cutter. fanulng miii. cor-n eller andI mondait ait 12;30. tb.efolloiîg pomonal eood cet, 2 stock tauk@, 75 toue bai be nigbt watichanat the- fatory tisebakery that Do*.îcccupbee the propertyT5 bond îof boruia, hit" imars in barn..-,taike -prairie bav. 4 ct-si-i.(Jeu. Su - anfi f Mihbgnbuilding will titen tuoireltotahi-build- Myrq o, c ai1200; sortel bornes11Ia yre mor, 75 arre, bbilcor-n in abock,, h-nouîrntiig olId, ct 1200; hbelrais comlng 4 jrt cîit buder. bay flor op@ sud puf eys, and Nii,. Ellas Hall of Habnesville, cire aug flot occnpied hy thbe Toile office. Wev oid. 2-îyr-cad coit, 1-rr-oltt cot, Ji bea ihapour. Longe ua and ce. 2M0) bushielo marrled St Waukegan, lait Weduesday a, e glad to bout, o! thitransaection for ,f o"$. 1 apinlger. 5 comm; lu during 0ate. 200 hushelabarley. housshold Il e.Fncno h .E hrit aindicatea that Edîtr er ,oalouse, choC winter. 2 botfer%,met double bai-noms, lurulture sud nother articlfescou, nu h ou cul il aettirhm i porale on a i eet oingb haras~..luinhir =aon. surrésy,oui ta Mention. fllnal tere.Luncb he on opewl âecorhm eaPorsieYugmne ee top buggy, mal wagon, udpIe W. omilibc union. at Hainiet-blie. for the presut. gray.L jubler. 2 sulky cultltore. calking W. J. W V.i ,p rop. TmGn !Ctcgsetasoa tabadm.igNua vnn culilstr, Deeng mu wer.Depring raie, Gt-o. ViivK. .Auctioue.r. TmGn fCiao in oea tabadmeigMna vDn tvsuapottto plainter. Champion poteiil G . ro i. (7Wr.-rtdaye at thsebhrme o!flMr. and Mrs. Wnt. the welter wonks question w"s ssttiedS diaggr, ileart 4 ruw potatuo prayer. ________ Elhlaitu weet-. and the town wclii ooi have aun zw Prire' City audit, plverhir. plânèter. aia tel lever drage, 2-hrt Hauing decîtted tu, nove a,, Montana. i ent seversi day. îu('bieago )PPOrauuitytb vote outil-,question aud L fflru planuer.wcer, ha.v rack. fais1aili aP-lbnt Publ- ic 'itn othfeslast ceek. we <sel surs now taath[le board bas cegn elrina, 0 s-rieo! ura 15ton1,rl'euffknoocua titiold Wei. Brooks waglnt, line t-unifyl a u d i -)tn s rm 1 u- eto acd nte (;et a itaudéfoîie est of te-aioats emby:tcuit- this Bf su that tileres euougb ether articles aliviuaiiîerîmni tiimention. aicue ut! Siocume Laie on ilFridav h8-flirevaig-d tasRxi Ju rgsav iieitccraiii it o Ail the akeovic tool. are pracaii-alîy nîw Novemta-er 15, 1912,îcmmurencln a t 10 ttir-Drue Drg C,. thie mucb ueeded ineproveinu-t. f and in difta.lai" conditîin oclock a tni oharp, the folîilg_____________________si_________ beftaI terme. properti ta wtt. 20 cîîiii(uilli e,e.10 1)_______________ K W. SiuiisKt-, l' r.p, uillkng. 1 i ctitrai!, baance epringere. I TAYLOR GROVE Li fI e. uaonur 5 3-yir-oid heih-er., 5 2 yr-vlutbeifoers. 1GURNR 4.â, (i Esi.N»i-, lerk. (;10l-mouitse old -aine, sud 1 2 îoontfîe - * Fnieide uuf Eleis Devine are glail tu __________________ olîl 1I ili. lark outri-4; are ilil ,! a B K. EMille entp.rtainMisditebrother hiarn Itie he la doîug iii i iv ai- ilcli de4.dî- tolui !aînîîg lr150W), lu foel, black umare 10 y rs oi, wat froui Mic higan thietiret of thîe cee-k eoutefie afble to leave thbc biirtal. kIi,iug d d-It ut aiii 1100, lu fou]; gray uîar 9 ,re oId. sa utider*ignaed l el a pufilii autioiii120ifiou ftl, andîlcot,bliai-k stalli iii IMie Evelin Haniord o! Waukegan, lites Loretta Doyle spfent Sulîday sudb .lu tire fili Aynely laran. 2 mnil;es -t o' -,yrsmold, et 1204); hay fins.- 10ivre e;-iut Siliday wfth frieudste.1e j onday avtthlier parents.C tL)LmouilLake and 1 % miles nertlw#aat old, filt 1300,;siirrî-f hors,-l10 rs W c aîufdad hawiih-hiisleNv oif Oiier u Tiesilt> .Noir.12. 1912.1 el t 1:910.roaeut l 10anonalthil. î1îîsc - st-clu-rîîrriay ofKenosha. aa~ trir fiaaiihv r. aeNa cOuneing nt 1lit orbe-k a. nu, h1h-Cult ]m înîoatfîe ihalo , hrioîi heowm lvieitir hi-ne ýtiiduy. eîiîlrr141 iîîiolnig îînvpeît y Illuiailof owsii a vF4)tiîarr v g.IiMi ~g.2 l 9 niiik ose. i cith -;i-ff Iv ide. -3 pins et-une- -rcî far, il itI tle l.- f ..f-at. aatIMrnd oi ,f i. . i I>cîiruuui pi-ut 'rb- psprnugere. 2 liifcrs rii ng 2 3ns lii i.ilI- i iii fari. Ilie i ,îîc v luiiilu u i n;Siiis atlu liv r j)îareîî Idr]ay i n Keioeha L 'l fanrai liorseî., 1 drîvuîug hle. iniroo(barîu. 1.7,îîton- ench ilif fiarlev leuilia rt ci, f cn,acif îtta-ndeii the litical Mc.. Weudt bai a sale i-i Wednecday t actas ctth 9 pics.e. Ie-r W lite. G f', caw ii iltara. stairliciahetMta ()4!i - l cuhonte 150 ti, 1 77,flic. CI îieca li t-. uelc vlu ic.4oo Ii IMiîaîla iarli 1 i t1119 >~,ci t ilj-dt.bu it l rentaislein hec saine îîld borne i IL PLaffli grain Lit li-r. -, f a iv 2010 t.u.helc a, li i i e itchelc l.iick f r I,1 't lt-nu-tftras agreetîll buru-.I anoaer, 10 IL bav raki- "Ifeluulîi. ae li-nt. 1Iiiebél niiIL.- eI !rvi- friotefouIiri, iced kb-rida i-,-uiig bybl in-gfi- T. .Hogan ïii uiiliiiiii îî ew woid r MrC-ttrntl.-k ioru bînuier. le.-rlig cou fte. ei-. fifiiar- latie ;fiiw, bic- uiu.-v-iýedfs cafiîîîg ouber. sed ul t tise Biddlecouii e., planter milde dropi cith waire. Huaiiîer mollecn. M-Curnict r..iinid ici sfulky plîta. 2 John ll>eerewaIlkiiig !indenî.h fi allne. 2 coîrn jlana.-i-c.2 lIce Cc-ia Nelcuun la vîeting frii-uuîsin, ThteSienebildren C lui lai e been very f plowla, ulovei l pos 2 sulky r-iltvatiehis- rai-te. 2 wakiîig pliia-. 2 trui-tck uag;sbrt a-e botter. 2 ac-tion bharrot. uorn ielier. 7 Iti! wagons,. fîglît ai-dl iear * mut c- agarn iluekeye eider, narria tire aaiiwn, tuilumîic-a wagionundtiil i ox, fi-uitî.i uld[(. iciîci l ve i--lîeluiefor In lîcthis -ur Lewin 01e-iitîtSlnay'wltiî bie asnd oeprîngsi routarri n fcI eagiaie 2 rutoia. 1-hors.h,-wl-.alking cultia-ator. a ieu Faidac- tiglit. brother cho icisi-ery iuk t mili wagon*.. iay rack,.*2 as-t-ifl imir2i i%, iu,ol fioura- fi-er sud jit, 1If t onrfNept.wsa JmsBtlttoki atefoteC mit of bobo. 12 IL planken. -i - i l iA n- 1fi. sf- liaifi-nianuri- epneai]Fei , l I.MIliur fSauir.aSaJnt stettuitn-tefra boards, 2 aSt i ditulie lutine- .liuîw ln.-mu.ntle-i-i. an-isd n ni uii.rv ,i1iiilieueP une daY lafit wee rbers Satnîda.v. Mil, 80) Ihale@ýé. juft1ur ii- .1 ii - -h a, l.. .].f iiit men ule.îoieciiilir i ttvîîden las lin-hbicei a ne w i riends o!ftec. t.l Tin k lli hi@ giadr bey. large straie stit eu - r,-,ilii--il f -iei ein. i-t lit b huder, riî. I felii iiirilit l. \IAl\,rI l,î r îC,, il -tut know hbe esc îînted in tuarriage au a-ans, 500 buabel of -,tbi, il. i iii, liii tii-i iiucer surieliaiii nuitig. i0thhiere wdllits liahel Irwin of latzary. Alta, Osu.. f heibel o! Velvet Châl i.u-leeii 1u W 'e . Pow F R, (herk-. s.- .- - - -- .>etié; . h. l-,- -h. - -i SPECIAL M E'!R Ordinance No. 233 TO f:ARMERS, Ai;" Theuh peia cub>,,g1t.ii-rr-fiîel i ahe fre@jdnt and Tcreug spectl clubi;cg rrang . îaili TrIAt.'--i îf the Village vof mînts made wifh The Prairie Fermer, 1,Ief.V e iiIÇllo e a fatm magazine of lte highe si order, ' iuT'4)N 1 i tpàat itue siîfevvalk grade .ublished fwice i month in Chicago, on tbéc uwteit eîde ofvif gb éstreet lintie we are enabied te offer to te farmers villsge O! lîibrtyvili I hf-. aik)lfows: of Lake and * onn cute he The top of the' iueid, -ioof fiihed MIDPEDITad Prair enarer f8 rwILk M te ioutiealct corner o!f11gb INClPENENT d Paire Faine eteet and Milwaukee aveuue, -hall hi both one yeîr for the price of one, 120.2 fet above village datu in (a@ eaid 91.50. TIiS applieteath@ old iub- datunt bai been etahfleed by orinnce scribîrs payÔflE up al aroirs and onehertOfore); t a point one haiidred yea inadvnceandto ew ubsribrs.twentY-llve feet eaeaetrlyfry rn i d yeîrnîdîreîidto ewabscibeî. outhesal cornuer, or the nrotieamt Better lîke advantage of il now. for corner of lot la,. fiiork 1, Stowell@ Be donft know how long wea tut b. Addition to Lfberayçil le, thi gradii ibal abletmakethisoffe. Dont d hiy. le 1).2 feet abovp village dattim. oit a abie e mîe Iha ofer. ont eiîpoinît 21fi 5 frlet easterly frouîi afiîrfflad DO IT NOMI southeat corneror the northeaat corner ________ _________ olt 9 lu block 1in adlu wl' - Addition the grade ohal I be 11h 2 fe,t I)R. I Il ré-k! CCLbIaboie village daturu; t a point 28 DR. L. M . U L3S.Iî1eetitaeaerly front eaid eoutfî,aat iorner v ETERNARIAN or the nortiteat corner of lut 8 iu block VÉTE INARAN 1in u aid Stu)wello Addiion tle- qrade Office at Gardinier Hotel ie la Ifetabiîvi village datuiji Phone 53R tîeTentoNgr.deieounîîech ii GRAYSLAKE ILLINOIS!fire ,.rîn B nortapeiaen EH. COîLETTr, Village Clerk. lasaed Niv 4, 191J. K~p d anApprosi-d Nov. 4, 191i2, Kee de n PbfishFidii o. M, 1112ý b.- a iliver rue ccl uunteaa lu the,. unoe .'v. 16. He âinascouintry cuarge anc il chuircfi at 10o s i i wîîsi-yen î-îutect-i oi eat home scttevasonatto at Lang- ailia. The manie evening et 7.30 the don, Aitaà. Hie a inayriénda' e;%,enu camle ila i tbout the-a-tuner a-iI congratulatioue§. cir ie8t agaîn in the Mîfîburu churcit. A lierie of themeerouta-cas are i: bei d fiel tfiroughout the vounty on NOV. lOth, in GAE S I..AK r-lebration of National Temperance Sun]yi -b1 mdy îloîMiessi l7ansWolsýie andl FIGrs Kocb .undy inthe iinay shooo!01Chicago, apent Sîînaucvat. the home o r -wADswoRTH .- -71 1 aIs. llotter tif Watîkezan, bas leen visitiug friende ere. 1 W. T.Wadell cbipped IL tarlîîad îof catsrerent v. Fatiier FI,-y i-erniertaiîiing bic bbrother front Alamka. 1 eo. Itartb,-ata ni-w huîîewilI eooîî be ,coiiupleted. tMies 'Jabel Lux :m cpeidiiug a fi-w 1weeke lu Waukegan. LPat Ke-liey sud elater Ainnie callî-d on pfriendi 'ruem-da.viof tube week. Mr. G 'arei-c -vîimitg lue dauglio-r lu Waukegan. Frib[idc of Mica Eloeevinîte wthb be glad ti. hi-r clie iîc gitting along uicely St the fihl,aitur lînapital and wili coon be boitt ugiti. Ethl et inele e bo noviii l Voi t-ait afford to kt-ep extraý dayi8 clea witsticmoalbargaiius A nanil8hmeat Note.%f Mr HrûmetTimdyn Gît-Rai witlj sîîch tioAptested trcatîîîî-îît [hia,. bas heen faiiî.(ieutcitiînayn asa tlet:- founi] excellent for rididng a bouse Chieago. of beeties ansd cockroRches iîtamae1s 2- 10) venat bars of Castile Foapi !olow: -Procure bal a pound o? Science snd Deth. 1.5e Iîîdian rmeai and lhalt a pootîd of borax TEven In [ha face of the Inexorable 1 bar nf gly-erine Foa 10 sand pound tba.-ou acl together tntil Law of deathi enys the Lancet, "Bel- ba .t-bey ane weii mlxed. Place a'bandfui enoe stîli has a ronsoling miessage.lit 1 a ,fMatipe Eliiot 10 on iaper hno cot'vrr!rO pa-t iahere eau holci ont the hope5 that oui eday A il fuit- à a c the beiticssawilisootu lnd It. te ravages.o? diceasmay Bo, For QDW04 at The Rxaj Druce tJI TWO STCo GaysI.k, - ýek ouy Adjudication Notice. Lu Stores Puliehthc lmhi-elny Rtivetthat thii.Sut- Uff Slde at te Q0urt Hanse iu causeesu. lmlaui&id Ount on the ires Mouday oe! lpbruj next, 1913. chen nul chers aiH nertani hatug >R5S caims Meintitait.? gEfateasntitid as- quselite turefthe eaute su said] <ouas er adludlcadon. Rounc,1.8âe J&BOIXE l. DAMES, Admnstrtir Roun Lae Caiega. tll.Moyenmber 4 19M2 e-7-3 elmlnated that death w-il ha net-bIng more than a quiet sud painiese phe- namenon. It wlll cesse to, be feared. sud come even fo ha desîrad ai a-flt- tlng close ta a weary day." LUtile Satisaetioti. À mummy geta bismeal Hutise itl faction froua ctnning thse endurance piso.-Atchmous Globe. Mir. sud Mi-@. Burtoîu Hleton of Wauke- gsn, were vleltorem at the home of fibro. James rece tiry Cbater Croker of Cancaiter, Wia., ealled on frieude ac re titis wsei. The funerai o!flire. Coc cas bîhd at ber home Wi#da]a. Burial lu the Warren cemetery. Henry Almonul and Chai. Abbott cens Caicago visitatre Sunday. LAKE VILLA Mn. and Mn.,,Jatmec Rogan sud dsugbter o! likeilleu, Wlki., cere the gueeseof Mrn.dvîlMnc. Bert Galiger Ilaturdai night ail Sunniay. Stanley Cafdmeluiof (.raNiste. w-as cailiug on frl,.îîutalien Ise@t Thunsday. Sintion fIaIiger and i@ bccousin GeoKrgt. Corkbll left foîr luwA aset Frlday. Bert Galigen i Iitedi-inglecide oni uci- nese lin Miiday aftcasoon. At ait report Mr@. Falîx 0tfoyle esc flot ex peetcd tii1 i ve. Mililhrn Ingunance A1aFlessment Thc bsestif trI feja I iv tcie Io. , fiai ilg aminiiiv d Ir h6 -. Si),.théfieictore bas-vesld-i tî ~îoeiîtr l1912 ioi une dllar nurîf Lwent -llve culita ou esciton,. thousaui dollarcs i@iitî-PeThis aisemsiueit wîlf the due sud eslci] fuir fiý l. H. Griotin, I treaqurer or bis agent@) in thirty daye. Mfibîru, 1l1., Nov. 2, 1912. JoeN A. Tuiaa,.Secretary. c-7-2 KILL POIS For Bad Blood. acopaniel hy ber eister, Mlira. Mt LAtwiler. IRvSSmL Tbe Ladies ciii haves a aaar mn the Mr@. Euiea Mater, 827 N. 7tb 8t, hrbbatstNv 6 aiyu Springfield. Ili., umys berkildusi troubl ebr asmnNo.1.Sv resulted frotaua operaaiou: "prom money for X mm presen te. tbeu natif 1 stsd Folei Klduei PilB I dld The Chicien dînuer glven by the Oak- not iuoc chat a ciii day cai. Tian my baciache loft me, that ti-s.ed ..,,5 da" cemeter> societv woos cli attunlail cowcn feeling wae gone, 1 ésiept evundly coueittering the itormy uight. A rery ad acale r,.! n-sh.d i bai no mors race dinner cai airvett. iteattache or dizzy eielis. Sae and cure. Tri dhei.aFor sali- hi ail TitiChimes <mily haro ieft fuir their l)ruggictaI homne in Oregon. Eugeue, Barbai-s sud Alice Chas, POSTMASTER GENERAL H-ITCH.M etStra ih n udywt COCK MAS ARRANGED FOR -cin auta ib u udywt ENGRAVING OF STAMPS. the A.C. Corneia amily. Titiy ieft for - Milwaukee Monday moranug tu loin the The nea- parce]& post etamps are to famify. fie unique lu alze san oditinctive lui color that any confusion wlth etamps 1M r*. L. M. Honnir speuh a couple of now Ilus 0e wcliibe averted. days cwitît frieude in Waukegau - Potmaster tieuerai Hitchcock hasevssetahr fli already arraoged for the eugravlug of,1MlneRee pn apr fls a serlea o! twelve stantps ta fie used w.ek aib er bume hbe- escluaiveiy lu forwardbng packages Dr. Lewvin dosa not improve ai rapiiffy by the- 0.w parcels post syctemt Of am hie friends coul] wieb. the new Issue four etampe wilii h ad,- slgned t[n lustrate modernotethotta Chai-lie Pameut cent deet cli i e of mail transportation. of thege, one Chasseürn leavîug Russeif Sunday lîoru- stamp wil show the mailu car onuas -g nilicay train, oue an orean mail n steaotbhip, eue an automobile noc used fus Postal saice and another HICKORY thei diepatch of mail by acropiane. ' The secoud serbes ciii show postali1F i-if Geibnge and family of! (uruee, employes at work and the thid series 1 iciteil Satnrday and Sunday at thei w-lu repreaint four Industriliscenes.,îîîlen and SIavage hmes. ebawing the principal sources of pro- ducte llkeIY to be forwardeil most Mn. an]dture. H. tilin %-alere Kenosiîa exciusively by the nec Parceis Post.-i-altt-re SaturdaN. The new etampe dili be dltrlhuted I- Dec. 1inl order that the 60000 pOest- Iun.t" Mr. and lIre C(hai-iriffln. a offices of the country otay have their en, Saturday. Nov. 2, supplies hefore the law becoutes ef- NLes[oic Smith viite] over Saturday fectIve, Jan. 1. 1'nder the lac recentlY enacted hy attd Sundn5î at Siaion Anse of Pikevif hi. congreus nrdiusary stampa cannot be lu epîte of the bail cestber Satunday oaci] for the parcele post service. thîe sale o! J. Stewant cai largely li Hrîi bai-e 68N i~ q attended. M- tce.. ativhave Mr.Hirni teee, 28 . ýthM.,soid titeir fartiansd seli ove to Zicîmi Terre Fiaute, Imd.. critea -'lcame down with a aien,. case o! kidue y Rev. Pitmau wai ifitertairsi] at thîe trouble. i bail 1 get up toA olten et Tfiotson home Sundar. nlgbt. therd s as pains asud nmach mesii ment, puSf under mi sye, back pahue] Thte Halloween eutertaînîenî gi-n terrihi> snd i cas dîna>. Foley Kidney by the Hîekrivri scoil Friday evenlinq Pille rured me qnickly sud 1I teei100 pc-r,- as seenjoyeci 'iy tboai ii-eaint. ceut btter. For sle by aIl f)ruggbstq. 1i1- State of Illinoisa, (iounay of Laqke, sce Peter te Great made the Rusalan9 Circuit Court of Lake ('ount1, D-f HeIfslukod tseDut-cb 80 muai cember Tenm A. D, 1912. th e b. t turued thebr colera Otto R. Hansuen, vs. Eliza.beth T. -oud Cottreli, -Unkuocu beirs or Devisees. _____ of Elizabeth T. Cottrehl, D)eceae§ed,' and "Uuknocn ocnere o? Lot 9 lu Block 36 Highland Park. Lake 'ottnty, Illi nois." In Chancery. No. 6007. The 1equlste affidavbt bsviug been LO O K! mST fied ln the office of ttie (teck of sald, otice .1 l therefore hereby given to These Specials for Fnidayà tlir ual] aboie nantei andl nnknocni 18 Iba. sugar defendantg that the above usma-ul Gm- A eia aîyaa 0 llaiant her-tofore fied his lI Ioi A eia a iysa 0 tompfaiîtin l sai] Court, on the Chan- ý Lenox îoap 100 bars i-i-y ide thereof. and that a cammouel Best Round Steak thereupon iscued out of sai] Court Fne ofe fal2Ie agaînsi [fie aboie named defeuiiants,i netcfeofal2bs retiîrn-ablc ou the firet day of the terma' Beat 60c a lb. tea you ever of thue lrctilt Court of Lake Ceu.nty. 10 be hcfd at the- Court Houseeln WnaiTeuet- kegat intasai] Lake tCointy. on tItihe- - i n Firnit oci]ay of Deceuiher A. D.f912., as la hi law reqîîfned, an] ahlch suit iý stii pening.lrq None Suchl nu.II 0.îll pendl\g. EI.A\f 1, C1,VItKE Yourz at the bigs i e Ce omplainant sSoliior, SptigSusF... C. HeI BARI The &*tý,t. - ho eradicates thétt meflsgricîli not fis regarded aisu a frlend bylhë boy cho wonld rather G m e b. an luteresthug hpvalld thaus go to mhbol. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ LENIENT ON MEN POLICE OPPICIALS TO ADOPT A NEW AND RADICAL METHOD 0F PROCEDIJRE. I.enieucy in t-ha cases of men whe degert their familles and wbose *lve begin posecutîon and then dealvo e rdro[i the case in blameal by Wsnke> gatie assistant chie? of pollce foer ,grocth of cife abendoument. -ei r lv increaslug In Waulaegan. e lu mauy cass the elfe asks for freedota of ber deserting épouse uudn 1pretex that bi s wages are ueeded at the home luInmany came., thite lu»M f0 hi- trite, but lu etberu Iftla due là [nie womans love for ber husbaud. b this mnanner the lac bai been lea" in the paat aud bas webcomed thee se- union of huahand and elfe, lus a n-M be fcases thug amlcably ieetled la bourt without proiecutlou, thuabeai i agaîn de erted bis famlly, throclar hfmaeff upon the mercy of bla elfe. Elimi nation ef wl?. abandoulif wlll mean a iavlug to, te counti. It la argued bY officiaIs, asin several çca where the huzband bai loft bie Wff. Sud cbldren, the county bai bMis cailed upon to aId them. Wftblu the pait few monthe titan have been nearly a dozen case» q< wife abandoument. Only Monday Gai mtan wae granted lmmunlty ounceit* tien that hoe return te bis tamily. fla Sun refraiued front printlng anu a-* cie telling how the angered mia be emaohet the furniture ins the home The Sun refrainel frou i rlitlDg 06 article on the pies of the wlfe. lu the future, It J'ald, Wauk-gefr police chiefs ell cçhpiimon whM- desel't thelr wlves and labile iti" a $1000O bond that they Wll1 eup"* their familles, or wll hbe ld te, * grand Jury. 666 For Rheumatiom sud Gout. )P! LOOK! & Saturday olT- $1 )0bars i4 3 -r had 1.00 4.00 3.00 18 -.55 .50 ione too good iBrand goods and sdore at Gurnee tNSTABLE ,Mlinois, RONMAK ILLBUkN MR Thbe wsddîug daume giveuat Amanno The National 'Teanîarance Sunday wîll L. PIPPOW, AGENT FOR MO? hall on Wededay sienn g o! ah a week be held Sunday in Lalo- couuty. There CLE COMPANY AT MILWAUe Wa a agrand euce. Ail thon@ attend w il be liv@i n Waukegau, two in North KEE 18 INJURED. log report au aiitoyabie time. Chicago, woi lrtvll, n a ur - orn.taoMr. andlMm. John Phan,îîiehl, ie aud one st Mliburr. A ciage o! six a son, sonday evecing, Oct. 2;,. cOftetatgilbe at Mdillhum Suuhja3 RUNAWAY HORSE WAS MAXIM& Thelliarvard garage lu whkeb Chas. eveUing. November 7. inatead of the ove- SNAK<E TRAIL UP STRIEET Brainerd of Round Lake, etored bis fllflgservi"e. 'he i-hoir wfifl pro !de --STOPS ENGINE. automobile. wad burued to the ground muniec. ai»t Tneday. Tbti longla e.timiated Bt Mim. Eruas Si ang attended the funera L IP.Ppow, agent for IÙie Meriai. #50.000. o! ber ilater-in-law, Mrs. L.M. Hugh,torrcyle cOmPany at Milwsukoe Mie Kate Frot tif Vol0, vlited ber o! AutiOcb. SaturdaY. ieriousiy injured tait nlgbt wv1ý aliter, Mmi. Emma Houston o! Round Mmi. J. C. Cdtier of Zion Ci'ty, i. t nnaway horse colIided wltb hl« Lake. recsutly. tag Mmi. C. E. Deunian. hn in North Chicago. ý,County Clark Hendie, Sherif! Green The eblidren of Mr. aud Mns. f larenre neadPOylfor Milauokee a roile 'aud P. 0. Smlth of the Lakel couuty Wedge are selck wilh severe coldi \esay er hio.t b Hoe 6 oclu Publshin and PritingCo. CT8 MiiiClara Foute fatedded the Mission- had Ilnner in Waukegan them cm vi4ltori birtsat Wedusiday. àr, coveutitO at Eednston laet weeýk I ed on hie tripi aouthward WI7vea John Hat, Who bai for the pait four' sud aloo eiaited relatiïact Whbet.î re- reached F'ourteénth 'freet. Nort, mouthe ben iufferug from e@riatle turuing home Monday. cago, fie ci .la g orsh rheçmaflam, Rbo WBa littifeirnpro vemen t. Vi.torStraug eut threé of hi@ flugere 10 a balîery wagon tearuug u Onu muea>c evoaiux, Nov. 28, lr. Wednemoday lua arn binder. street in his direction. Thý AÙMaanwill igift-ouother o! his povular11 8everal from thie viciity attended the wiis makiug ,anake tUall fr îm e» da1Sâ Everyboely cordially invited. the funeraf o! Mim. Leola Hlughes at Au . 'idi- of the dri-et to the other-P Chartei Maaou âpent Sunday at home. tiocit. [0w efnpped his machine an.! wae àp 6 rnd > bil t Run Lae oeraboue m. . P. Iaviouis oitrtanIn anirîg to one aide of the roadway wke* SGuroanbil at, oir.ud Lakecoerhe iât Me. J. P. tharWes.. uetanng~ the h0rse aruc k film.He w.,i qthro aupdsy ibNo.of, l le îte ottei t*tn thle grouind a deep ga-b cu lin uîisft.Joeeph Catholie cburch. W. (,. Thom and !smily lett' riday forehead ami hie rfght leg Lai The lot donated iu Rosiug Heîgbai wwîll for thoir new home in <>Rgou. 1rue3ed. Fis machine was 'ekB be rsffled St,,Lhie dançe. Tbis commuuity wae ecbocked to hear F'e was îlaced on an electife cai'-tm4 Cisu Juge ad futîy suf Crneof the efldden deafli of James Jamieeon brought to WanuIegazn. Tle I'hmà a' Vont ipent fiuaday in Chicago. Moflday eveufug &fter asu illnu..or but a -adviied hi -n -so to the Jane McUIW. ' Mire. Ed Luby vlîited at ber homne in lew dayâ. Hi heavie to moura his fou, ter hospltaf. itoffie lnsleted ont b.lag c Fremont Ouater. Tueeday and Wsduneo- a wilfî, two sono, Robert and George, allowed to tati,. an electrie crac,;t day. sud thmi daugbâtse, Mma MagIle Dun. Mllwauki--. lie was talcen to the âIj- John ltcmung sud lire Peter Flarjy eau o! Dakota, Mmi. Llbbie Paddeggt of son court ýtatlcn of the Chicago u> .vtalted t in clsury Tueiday ulteruonu. Charlestou, III..and Mhumeion. The Milwaukeý- <lcctrfc and plâe"d ot a,- J. C. itsilly Iron Libertc'ville, wae aunrai wai beld Wedue.d.y. Novemer Iiiite d traýii st the cburch with lutertuiot iI fic horive rw a aoppee . â Teati gueit o! hie brother Frank, Tue8day. bt eeer..mriw eehl i~i<twe at b a ft Elma sui Ada White wsrcc Chicago the G. A. R. o! Wankegan. î;ght pole' viitr Teda.Mmi. Etta Wieke ro! Sycmorp, 1 Ii. in ' 1Ppow 0:ak the io"orecf ahi'9, Eitlter Foi-Ion retuned tu ber borne lu visitlng ber brother, Scott LeVoy, Lo-at( for dacages. Chicago a!ter îoeudiug two wieki bers, ic vïa- a ci b mu ll.Î 1