LÀARE CnOýU'NTY IN.)EýPI- IN WAUKEGANWEEKLY SUN VOL. XXI.-NO. 7. PART TWO. LIBERTYVILLE, ELL., NO\V EMB1iBR 8, 1912. EIGHT PAGES $1.50 PIR Y EAI< IN AT)VANOE. STITRUS Semi Officiai Vote in Lake Counity in ~AWI Election Tuesday Nov. 5. 1912 T ý0 G WI -. __LCTION VOT ADJU TED B7) -1v...., wl1 (il!)5 VOTE4N.LÀKE CO. Ail Records Broken Tuesday W heit *sprted Seml4Offlcliahy Thet 3lti 2 q 0 ) 435 Crowds W hich Blocked Street Car Former City Collecter Nas Newpoi-t ....1 )I 541 1031 77 638 86 114 106 243 244TrfcliI Fot in rnt fth date rGeei te RlS Antioch 1 ..... $0 48 127 90) 57 107 121 123 213 30 D RD OR AS N It B lti ns-Fotin r nt oas V Ail 2 7 48 '> _49 46 76 97 101 181) : 209 À D OR AON H ~AvOil ..... 1 i15 13 1'27 158' 76 107 11 71 il ERLV439îET Keen-Method of Getting and Pôst- r ~ îseo Atich2...1 6 1 E19A5 5RLY . 82VOTE WAS THE HSun ery THEREFORE CASE WILL DROP Warren ....... 71 48 128 94 4; 107 105 117 ' 211) 28S BUT IT TOOK A SLUMP igR trsb u sPasd Watikegaîi 1.! 98 66 1751 149 64 133 27 7 1276 6 2 3:1 DURING THE DAY.igR tr s ySu P a ed SleêGflglt fulWalikegani 2.. 76 28 146 108 :35 103 103 118 1,7) 25 ineGtiglt imlWaukegan 3_1. 107 6:3 215 143 75 153 210 229 10:, 374 Nte o i otr atTifOto ierofc tdd' Stelfens Hua Tolied Day Waukcgan 4.. 46 72j 116 67 !Xi 89 67 65 1 16; 1:32 BALLOT WAS HARO TO VOTE kegai> and L aTkî îonîtr Tha., dore bile long.,lioweer, for the crowd ta Si an ih o a o aikg . .i 84 88 63 lis 1'29 107 26 21 31 32sac ntcrest nian if, scd tin an cl et t on ontnhich pater in the City was Ibow Watkega 6.. 1 45,5 88 612 -4 <>i) 69 84 43 119a wt1 loanon To> 'îdiiv eeiîTig l inz the' real retorns. The lbaîhU mits Deicit 138.. 107. -MANY PERSONS GOT TWISTEO- nesr eore s eta \\'atean nt Tot yteohrlclpprwi 4_____Wauikegau 7.., 81 134191i Ili11)15 1il07 98 i25S 231 FLASHES 0F THE ELECTION paerbreît' rsi eedrî l i sgît tee anlian bteeflocl apte em*t Th od !jsIehv enbo.Waîikegan 8..ý 55 24 143 63 30 128 67 67 94; 144 AS HEARD ON STREETS. îng such comîiîeheosive election re-, iisiotîs the crowd wau compi i TebnoofJsiehvIIbk.Waukegan 9..- 37 32 59 3 1 40 51Si 49 46 1Ili 4If;tuirne as acre gl'eiî ont b:î th., Son. listen 10 the raspng ennui et a en, AshIel G. Stevei wil nDot be sent Wauikegati 10. 99 34 78 11.) 5 110 -15 169 j1 S 300) This b l is tuiîtîal opinion of lin- îlioîîograph andl look at etemptoDq 1prsna uihetormS hields 1... 61 13 1 . is 87 117 67 94 112 4 2 8 sVer>Titiiikîeegal Tnd 1Oe alidreils o lave coniliieinted ie Son adîertilîng lsllodesand decîdedly m- lrUPriating fund. of the city of Wau- Shilds 2.... 3 4 87 188 5 1 30 8'2 t 1 71 3 .4!) onty iieda stiWatîkelgîtantichliske tintherviîc55 of , e ffîîrlthtontescrton Wh idcoinsdr kegn hild 3 2 7 9 1 6 9 8 8 1< .210 rmrai onsideri lg that ilt aa tIlere le no questiontr accordig ftotoo oklriat plctures-we Wt' Oiver a year ago Ashiel G. Stevens Shcd ...114 150 110 -6 2 2 16 17I2: ¶ 1471 Ireéidentlal eleetion. in most other , urus was the way a number ezproý w55 indicteil on an embeziement ,iI)ertvvilh' 1 . 96 Ge) 17-7 117 70 158 141 154 3-21 413 ye)-ara this fact has brought ont a ree ced tlieniselves and then they tOOk, t charge bY a circuit court grand Jury. Libertv-i1Iî' 2. <il 101 158 73 Ill- 133 95 il 95 V )5 :,6.- ordCvote b 'A atîkegan but thîs V.îi not stand in front of the Sun office. He was charged with having misappro-Freniont 49 49 , 81)5 152 54 74 71 74 19<) -206 te tlw~ar uimani of thepreare aTicnthe orfat stre oftîcon lI funa bloting the City, Waliieonda . 6.5i (A60 74 si (6<) 56 106 107 '2:',!) 47 lca a ioullanltaearaîe po eaueo!ete prt ated v a iycolco. tb .... 7 1 17 54 (l 10 )1 i - oarly Ilii the mornt g the haletment in this enllgbîened age, thee Sun 1 whomha as ervig a ciy colecor.Cuba........4 5~ 12 54 4)1 1<) b9 6 li 2<.) tetewas polled and then Itdroppell bail made arrangements ta give s.a~ Tedsralc n i accounte wus Ela. .. .. .. .. ...i4 68 112-1 fil 71 105 92 113 '292 22) ff greatl The officiais in the poil. lng picutre show IncIdentai tethe, r found by the Arthur Young Auditing Il irî>f............ 5 81 24A4 174 ing Places exiieeteil to gel bn a big tuos Twelve thousand teet ai.nu compaiy of Chicago.W.Dcfld. 57 3'21 34 vote To the afternoon toward the tîme lng pictitre film bad been escul Md lienthe oilswerr to lose Thi didil woutd have been Impossible to, oui The auditoire reported a dlscrep. Deerfield i.. . 24 -2 16 54 95 159 51 67 '231 596 WhnheplswrtoTse hsdiitefeshwpnedb e &= f112Z1.3o h t fJn,2 ont develop however. In many of h h rl so!lnelb the Sus « 1911 8. O .l n the 7hof June, 1,Deerfield '2. 114 120 22: 19-2 84) 181 132 170 -7>!4l 822 precincesln the.î'îty the vote was flot unfortunately the distance aCtO8U -i au*11. tof $3l.34Ibdayo!neD1911, Deîield 3.. 1- 56 160 247Î i 7fi 171 '226 (X) f<>1: 119 7 S -las large as the number who register-. atreet was go great that the pLtlpý anamn o 30.3 vsfouadt is. cd and aIttIs a hirge liercentage of would not show disttnctly and th*aio.. n.le.otldsracybtea... i( - u> -î >p-those Who did vote fieal to have their tutreball to be abandoned. Hool0 t~ couRtsva« flixed a $2.51047 by the roas.. 09 2184) d02 i '.i -s>' ' z'>teSlohdstbakdmc auditore and Clarence w. Diver, coin- I1rne oigShw 1nov scur hwprto ta nisolbtier of accounits andl finances. Ignrne detigSow.mvoîe tituetf80so usaryoflu Os. the lth day or June, Commis- Bt was reîiarkfahle Io noie the ignor e olte et surus tha àl sioaaer Dii made a domait on 81ev- . dMdJe! C 111 U~E CM CTCIE AA ance in totitng shotin ty salnmeo!teanah aldfrtertr nsfor the ncoleyHe vaa informed 31IEjY ILEÀDERJ YILL TIII E L fIUIROTO UL L v~ oters The fottowing are a few 0f the snc omtely or thesficd. that the Cty would be reibre y.ssq1t~aju in s1~~¶8'~r1TfClmistakes ltat acre noted. j elt asts doilie <Vfl. h SteYens' relatives. Two ~~~~~~~~~montha later. O b ,AfU N II4<IILiII~>U On one of the ballots in aîich th~esentit eegrapbcI5I~ Il! t-a ' ~~~~~~~questions of!pulmnclepollcy are-stilîtait îrile h t Stevns sp nd i t. a n vas i nv f PIk " ' *' IA eti oe ai rte O0eedLEWIS 0. BRoCKWA . o'r ta riae Ire which an ~ mbJolae ie, by ord rao! tedourt. AT NICVEODQ S PSTÀIIR E I?? ONi LEtiISLAT i.iI1I.1 'Noto aIT onless we get decent men staTTe(jin ti he Stn office, had Stevens suent nealn the monîba in >e.. howa rected circuit cierk and SnPPOlt and he vas liberatl from On another ballot of!the saine klnd reorl of Lake county et Tuesdsyeabltrube______i efe cstody vhen Chas. Bairstow and ARE TO SE SEEN THERE ALmOST FACT THAT DEMOCDATIC CANDI- LAKE COUNTY PEOPLE SEEMEO the voter hadl written lte word *"No" lection. Mr. Brockway was practical- .Arthur signed i bs bond, NIGHTLV; CUSTOM UNUS DATES HAVE BEEN RE-ELECT- AS MUCH INTERESTED IN ail over the face of iel,, aTTot aitîl 'y Uropposed in the lection, and, like Stevens procured a position in 0ne UAL ONE BN CITY, ED CAUSES MEN TO TALK. STATE JOB AS CONGRESS. aniturit ilhe otargiti as, cI.Mr. Dady, won the Republican nomi of the big factorles in atikega, sonon lu a tt ni ier of i sec ir. ttiu natton after a hard battle aest sprîng.: aftar bis mreneand sûIcl tha ime - ftirexîns-inîoranî,I uittmai, He bas% Iledone of the most effic- 1e bas toiled day and nlhtin an eiemrkov bllo.leritd nd hafces akeaot atntionas effort to procure funds to, reimburse EXERTING THEIR INFLUENCE DEMOCRATS EXPECT CHANGE TrOM GRAHAM îS ELECTED 'ni' a "igl mrkena had nd !bause o! ltedmantenion bo ud erai_____ > i eu ' a st raigli Tt u k li fi, ilacei î-'de f e a s o h ar n r o C . J. Jou es, c aui er o ! th e P r tC osFn f onif tnî.s ( c i t i i *a l ut H a ang t h ee b f sL aess o u f s o r m er National banik, and J. C. Biddlecom. FOLLOWS ACTION 0F SESAME CLARENCE DIVER s CREDBTED EVEN NOW FRIENOS 0F CANDI- dcos, fronT o! Itie. ruile, iittlctirfr el aieo aecuifre- CM fle !the directoaso! the banit, vene CLUB TO IMPROVE TONE TO BY SOMEDEMOCRATS WBTH DTSDCA IAS or tit' tiiti l n case'fth itakittil lulivingbear a igo ea her e Il Stevens' bondamen. Thonsemon vere MOTION PICTURES. SEING BN LINE. MAY CHANGE RESULTS. fle ;ie,îtewa, î'îîited nmroiyfuir l> nthùýue to ernmenotevcer.atWasg. forced ta reimburse the City <o the t01W- îîan.integvrmtsricetWhn. exteat o!fBthe shotage. lit oîte tase>, aiii ,l t l(i T i- t onerkfor atmany ywas uder Counol Fromt a secret source the Sun learns The moving pîclure theaters o! the The otne question oblat confuîses the VOTE ON LEGSLATURE. il I oewtillb one for thark ene nar ner d lts that Stevens bas procured sufficlent City have been doing an unusul large victoriona i)eoocrats is: Who will Shttrt el! Grahami. lu-luof the ticket andîl 1ait ai(itOti race for circuit dlent, defeatirng Wm. rurena lu oreimburse is bondenn.and busineeesao! late andl there it§a areason eucceed ('harles Xatrotia as Post- Viekere. Ni urîo.10tTahcg a cross lii front îof til>' - l Ranwhhahd hofcean that these Men vill I nt uton is for t-scores o! vomen Who, up to a master. cerut88 27425uîtTa aîlaiatateIu uaei yars.Mr.Wocway lis tesonickoray hlgrido anembezaiement short tîme ao, neyer tboîght about 'Clarpenci' \V.l>ver, conimissloner Of Boone.......77 2932 1341 -Cf' itiTe arrîtw îiîitlng i)thni 'nne, île street, la a prominent ladge man and, charge. golng 10 one o! these cheap amuse- accoonits andl finances, le the one man Lakte ..... 4:1711 :3923 7813t 17 ;'i as r ak igdoui, Tu' li i un t eeal hgB eade h Ralh J. Daellsates attorney, l lo ment theatene. are saliotnlghlly pa' howIlh2emre, ayli5bi itslea Bttuncsttiitiaeila'andcly. Il regetein nowheane - Baild. la villing 10 nolle prosequl the trons noi, malter Ihan anybody else.' sald o00Il eroabfrtto iie-ilnlTi td ou Y.eaBogro'iseicnta. caga If te bondsmen raceive thelr This increase In attendance daled big Democrat, Totals..27 13042 13401 18438 daeacr heosresth t'trsu iitato fcunyafis moee. bcitto he ctio o!theSesme lub Among the Democrata who are spok- der another catîdidateas tiame. Juîstt Since Stevens vas reieaaed from in seeklng la improve the tanle o! the en of as aspirants for the office are LATEST KFacty re1orteshowed a bat tbey figui~l i.îon galiîxit la tb. oflultlon of scores îThiy slitwed off n custodY bis earnlngs were ailent for pîcture theatere ln the City. Wauke. Clarence W. Diven. Peter Meflermot. that Thomnas Graham, the ,aite county bard to, aay I to eilaîadvaittai- aheicnrai lrb. nasite of lece gtei anve ng itr baesawy aII.Gayai m .Mld.candidate for the legilature bailbeIn In several instances ahen weîî wlsb. c ît hefelT'Tfilfotir "Tebndmnviirciv hiohv en a mîîeb higbar plane 'One tilngli certain, if Diver twanta f iote leto fmnl before the civil and crimînai thaq thonse in other Citles and ocu wnt de!eated andtI hat Munro, Shurilef! c dto vote a traiglît ticket tbey did utl iuititTfatohrecttt case __________________îot place a cross in the circle bol put et-en altractc-l tucb tiie nteregt lun rea eortia nDecem- bhasnfot been so difficult to wonk tise (C&ël Teon l ~o and Viciters bail won. Later reptorts ln a cross in front o! the t irst electos atîegan as -asa cIetrlý ahowfl lîy RALPI4 J. DADY. . ber" slda fîen o Mr Seves, efrm.~. durlng the day ebowed that Graham Dame. For thîs reason lie would hael thoiiis of cager sîtectators Stevnsndastndeal d $ h,00 riend h th tea etafmte cu i n t e lv eor ahuit defeated Vickers o! McHenry the oly man on thle ballot Who ouli w ich gattere lnTofront of the Sun of- lcWda e sa ttorney of LA" l 5ý Staens an earyv2e00 i ndLaeoui crent ! thepcue ie PUfECAU ' " ad that th, succesefl men are. get a vote. fîce. Thueaiewalits on both aides of ty5etTuesdays el.Baion, havl ~" "- baanc. la ere atat y a W"NG 'ESSI AN M Setlflraa. alaoea kppd ini-the street for haîf a block were souposto noi l ï.D4'uaU wil aic p h blnc. laudable deaire to set a gond example ~Munro, Sutefand Gaa. Mai. n îermabu ids-co-edwt epl htilwswt opst. Thi si ltiMr.o! G5Tfl, 0 at "*Tua much vont pIled on une man,'*for the chîîdren outhe etoîy. rbey *Àî D T I Abiveare shown the comptete re- coîmns.tely lcgcosssld n îislîydifflcIITt1 ht u cuilpsHaon- 1 dt BofunelWUksgnk se a Saes t u eotrwe OntdoIt h pitone lse toma ln Lake, Boone, McHenry coun- have ben seeklng to vote fortbebest lutt(bis was tint al, the roatî for ha! achool and, aliter being admitte Io The Young man Insiste aven today er cass o! pictures wouid bis appre- . eiihcmrieteditit enbtsmpymredterb llos1 frotil cîîrh 10 cîrb.Andl the best ar am arnro that he did nul ambezie tbe !unds. C a uta uhadwudh os VOTE ON CONGESMN While Lake county people vere dun. n ths manner 10 exercse theirprliteTa tiof t vas that til came eily haBesWhtney o icutJd H liceia errfothshr-ltdugasmhan ol emr GEMA.îrogative. ChI-laesa mad Ysnowiruiv tste'5 almeslrclerrsfrtesotinstructive lu the Young. They prom- Alderman Charles Thompeon of Chi. <Conllued on Page Two.) I a oîebefc e oeandst m ir ie irtab. spiv n ing pen"0maesn asrd saf guI. Dug teIvstgtolI a sed that If shattnaeform voie.made cago, Progressive candidate, vas elai- t ati a toti cressve atIet votefilebtiern.onyadwnthnmntontte Durltng Stveite i nl , Ivesatigaltelon Illed vas morlbat d obey oan furldnrlendn ithilire amoral lntasfil ,,ntconilgreesman icinto!er ustCongressmdy a l day huoi. Hia receipte and e*pendi' ela fnnil upr.Foie and candidate Foi lierthe I)eo- FS'B O HE no! cases they voted for the heail of îany of ttient stoni In the ral foi'1 Texas where he la 10 be mrrnid, haw. bura vre eplonsmal s .pso!And they are keeplng thir word cnatin candidate. The eturns are ln- WAS REg.ELECç:TEDthe ticket and then akiipDeilacrosa anid hîîTf ai hotîr Then nîy o! thena1 Illleft Waukegan Tuesday morfilAS