CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Nov 1912, p. 10

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5» "59 w-; tÂAKE o UNT'Y INDIEPENDU3NT WVAUi(trGAN WEEKLY S;UN_____ ,VOL. XXI.-NO. 8. TO LOCÂTE NEW PLANT-,IN CITY DiftOTORS QF LARCE COMPANY IN WAUKROA14 TIEDAY TO EMPLOY MMEN. %SPEG TWS SITES TO DAY NAME -wiTHmLD AT rmE iRh- a utST 0F rémo.s.-Du ES-r IMPntmSD wiTI4 SIE. Au ffdustry th intiulemploy 300 mm n di b. octed lu Waukegaa ciii. Sla a' Yesr If the. plAns cf Tbeo. H. DontRail otber diseeiors of the. NOtO -IirIie- llinois lodustrn a ssoclatton e. arry. Toffday directors of eue of ithe lerg- k ,industrie ln the, fiddle cest pald 'Waukegan a secret vist Ai whicbtibm, tb.>'InsPecteS tue sites, bth on the là"4 sbore. The diracior cf ithe cornpany vent latté sabe. properi>', and tli.y cete favorabi>' impreased ciitiith sites of- ferai to tiemx. ThyIi>inspecteS a ait. offered b>' the. 8giu, Joliet & Esaieru Milireci d nd heformer site of the 1 bema Bias àlfrocw orm factory. The. directera clmthat the. Thomnas Brasa & -teou works site ciii meet ail reqoireinents. and If ithe properiy cau h btàebaà et a areasacable 'prie@.. there la ne question buitubsitiihe direcicra clii more ueir plant ta Waukagan At th. eqffusmi ofTbec. H. Deist tbe »Me cof the. newc ompen>' la ciii- bel b>'tiie una. Tise empan>' citiiemplo>' 300 mlen. Siii erectou of their plant lu Wcuke, una cI aiflu o mucfor the commun- »X tê*110d It wnil iean addItionsI- large flMMe, and Viti lhc thi es 91 bl4tog a Bomber ef amaller li> dostrha te Waukog*u. Thes copeny di eêupêy treu vot- eM., arPenten ansd de$Wgu..Tii. Thomas property in nowc ual Up iniii- 111tie.,obotthe ii.drector of the Northtii *ip 1111101 -induatrial cadoeitiou fs-el confident ibai tisey Vcii b.sucesfai la oetling possession cf itie proper- ty. à fec mntis &go J. P. Arhur, Precid.Bi of tiie Cyclone PRAY. caà given a prie@ oS itheprop- est>, sud it ln expcsi tbat the direetoeaof the Industrial associa- Une. camprchae.tiie pperiy ai ithe Mme, price.. The Sn hbasprocuredithe narne of theI nduits, .and couliS b. plessd to Si'. &Ili mats, but Mi. Duvei points out the tact tuai Waukegau let ne laduair>'because of itaomclineca. paper netaor'.if suob la the. case, tic UBon le destiwof et sitMr. lliuanda tbmest lidagias mmecnlu- 'is6d*e" to Waskesu* Upiflce ta s»Y, if tie newCcompany loosis lu Wcukcssuu$80%,0wO lii ln apeut la building c factor". LAIE COIJNTY jgNOW BIAS À DEER PARK lEssait Whtae!of Miimru Eturus Prm Montes wth Tea. Oaci. Jknast Whte, brther of Lloyd White of Wanhegsu, sud cite , have lut rturned froni ornera, Mont,, irrstise>'bave beeu living fort.e luai fac y.arcsud cliinov mae fiekrberne on tii.,Wbte tarznat Mil- buin. Mr. White's parents cull speul thl i lter la thes out. Il Io au n lt*raatng tact tiit Mr. White brouight boenwcih hlm tire dcci as pets. ge fer as Inevu tii.> ia ethi.eni>' doer ila Lake eount>'. I cas naceasar>' ton ir. White te get a "Mel permit fro. tiese tate ganme cvetaes et Montana ictore uiiey couliS lie rmoved treou hststate. Tii>' wet. sent b>' express. Betii of ihem ---arc ttier youg andS ver.paced'lu cjtlvty miietly mter tic>' car. bore me tbat the> are almoat a& geule as * oic anmale sud ufIl eat oui oi oui9o bansd. t, r. WIilte bas evected a ten foot -Vwlgefonce at'oanS a portion of tiie - an h"fs c adebasm deleur Park ton th MA? aduleWite eIntanla toean- - If. Ph. dur ciiruan cilS ail tk*oh1.sai~eboin5 a ieh- bau ste machs. Seat %M . aosau Wc i raiste sac PART TWO. SCIIOL CIIILDREN WILL RIDE FOR TIIREE CENTS -IFELECTRIC RAILROAD ACCEPTS CITY'S DEMAND Rough Draft of Ordinance SentN*Company-1 Cao Not Extend Over Perlod of Thirty Years-Must Pay City $35.000- Mhekr Claseus nt Knnwn. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL, NOVEMBER 15, 1912. ___________________________________________________________s- i - LETTER TO YOUNGi WOMAN I3XPLINS SUICIDE MYSTERY E. A. DAWSON WH4O KILLEO HlM. SELF, SAYS UNREQUITED LOVE WAS CAUSE. E ARS. KIRBY TODAI 61IVEN MORE TIME INQUEST WEDNESDAY NIGHTj T iVEP$2A GIRL FOR WHOM SOLDIER EKILLEO MIMSELF, SAYt 9ME THREAT. ENEP TO KILL MER. - t'nrcqulted love togetter willi a brain probabxy' samneciat disorderexi Boulle 1i1e uie ago tue Chicago & of the beisi that couixibayve bei-n by a twa ceek' Ilîness, causexi E. A. Milwaukee Eleciric. railroaxi officiais irawnl Noibing bas been omittédx Dawson, a private at Fart sheridan, sbmitte ta he Wauken comm;e- aniS ibere are any oxanier of lause' te commit suicide on a street of alonera the draft of un ordinance tint safeguard tbc public. , ert>-viile on Wednesday, siortlir after whieb theyakexi the ciîy afficais ta Following are a few of the clauses '12 ai-lock. 'hese fMets andi hi4 i dent- cousider sud palsa. Several secret whu-i heiptu t makp it an cxîttIelir or- ty ver. brouglit oui aithi- . oroliersl mneetings cere hlcîi tetween the, ctv dinance r ltîxîuesi h4id ln Llbertysîl- Wî-ýdnes- ofEfiils andi the raitranxi ieauls viti 1. The franchise cutendux xer t day eventng. Tii, inquesxi cas resixi- te^uIt tai the ordînance 15.î perîuxl of thlcty yeare- cd axer by Coroner J. i. Ta> ]or. pîchtex I miasireds and repudiated a 2: Tte comlhaxîy mue have a trc The following verdict w. returnexi a chat.. Tuesday afternoon the CAty Ou Nüri avenue inuide otfî-jghbîer-îi btue jury: officiaIs submitted ta the raliroad off moniba. "E. A. Dawson came ta bisic iat b:' dlais, au ordinance whicb bas beau . Tiere muost 11< a loop takIngIn a gun abat WOUnd, self inflictex iwttt irawn up and wchl meeta the appro- the couIre city insixie of fii'e years. suicidai intent. We the jury find t un val of the local officiais. Il now ri- 4. The camliaxî tuat pay $20,06l0 i d E. A. Dawon mxi jut ee dis- mains ta bc seen wibh what grace thec toward ttc cost of a e bridge. chari from the bospital ut Fart officiais cull aùcept lie roiîgh diraft ut 4. The campany must liau$:3-l>Sheridan cher. b. baxi beeni l. tic ordinauce. as titeir sîxari- of larion streel lii Letier ResvernIs Mystery. The. ordînance was prepared afier itrg. In a pockei of Dawsons i-ont a !et layon Bidinuier and Corporation' G. Schaot ciilidrisn imier 16 yeurx' ter cas found directexi ta Misa Agnxis Counsel Bulley croiete o cilsqi ta ride for 31 cents-chiidren iuder 1 Bodbead, ans enpicyce of the Iaxiè- over the country. securlng copies of 6 ycarz ta ride f ree. rani facio"Y ai Libertyvîlte. With the raiiread ordinancea. Wi these ordI- 7- Comnpany must icîl boos con- perrissiffn cf Miss Broxieat, Cloroner natices as worltIng material the offi. taining 253rifes for $1.00, maklng a' Taylor opened. and rend tuis letter ah claie were able la pick out the most 4 cent fare. the lnquest. It solvOxi the choIe mys- gutabie Maiues and Inser.tti-m ln àt. MuM MIl n We-s>Washlngtoti tery because ih sbaccd tat îîrel te oe odl noce. As e T-e- - - l1ed love for the youeg isaman had suit iliey consider tie ordînauce on, <Costnued lon Page 01g0 ' PI lete WDawsontai01eîitt o. Tnd ORDRU1rwiONNi SAÏS AURORA PIYSICIAN BIO6EST AD EVER> PR-NTED AS PART 0F LOCAL PAPER WEREEME BRUTUS NOT A STONE THE SUN TODAV ESTABLISHES WOULD HE LEAVE UNTURNED AN ADVERTISING RECORD BY IN SEARCM FOR MAN. PRINTINO GLOBE AD, RELATIVE 0F FISHERNAN 15TH ANNIVERSARY 0F STORE MIS COUSIN, CHAS. ESENMANN,11 DISAPPEARED FROM WAUKE- GAN TWO WEEKS AGO. "Were 1 BrutusanoS Brutus Anthony not e atone lu Rame couliS 1 leave un- turneS in tbe sean-c f.tibomryteîy." cltes e man cbo signa bis narne "Dr. Williamn Joues, M. D." ln an np- peel ta Carl Ateibery, police chief. ta reauennthle search for Charlese Hi-1 emmeonn, ebo diseppearexi frani Wau- kegan tco ceeka ago. "Hie fambiy la bu dire neexi sud venti up ln Beloit, sud 1 bave been esked to Intereede for tieni. Wl you hin- iy loch Into ibis meiter for me and i l- form me as I niny belp you oui sane time," cuites the doctoi ln bis eppeal tc, Mr. Atierber>'. As cas steied lunith. Sun, Eisen- mn idîappeared tram Wauhegan tee veeks ega. Since thant ime the bar- bon bas been dragged aniS a seat-ci made for the fls.erman. The letter cbbcb Mr. Aiterber>' ne- ceived la thse mail Weduesday mo-s ing rmiaeas follova: Aurore, Ill., Nov. 13, 1912. Sirei, Attention: Tour ce-operion la kiniSly requîmeS lu e moat luitetprobleni, nemel>', i ask yeur co-operation lu findiug, il stili alive, oeeCharles Ejiennisun. He cas supposeS i, have coiked for the. IMck SmithiiFUi Cornpansy of ye-nr cit>' sud leti Beloit. Wls., about thie lest veeh in Octaier, 1912, te enter tic empiey cf ithe above stcted corm- an>'.-z Prom tint Urne li amrnly bas bai aill trace cf hlm. H. bas, as I amn bnfonnied, corked for tiesame eornpassy befone ounithe tmg "NelIUe. Tbey unloaSeS ueir catch docu an Water street lu Chicago, Ill., soe. cher., 1 arn informeS thnt Cigrley got hie pa>' on the, nigit of Nov. 2niS. 1912. This Information cornes front Diek Smithi direct as 1 bave III before me lier. cas given te Char laya cwif. by Dlch sud mcci- .jng bis bat (Charlev'sb vau found PRINTIVIG 0F FOUR PAGE ADVER- -TIBEMENT 0F 7THE GLOB3E lB AN IMPORTANT THING. Tbe Indepeudest todny prilotatihe targesi iispiay edvertbsernt ever printeil as part of n Lake cOunty weeli- ly e 4-page advertlsement farnthe Globe Depertmeot store. In past as rmny as four pages of adveritig nitier bave been ruo n stppleînenta citis the Sun but neyer beforer bua four page adi. as e part of the regular paper beco orderexi by any storej The big ad. speaka for Itself. ht tells of tii. lu eanniversar>' of Uhe i foundlng cf Waukegen's big store, vilc, ordinnrily starting an a mnil scale on Wabbontou street, nov bias tbe beautiful location an Genes.. andS Madiso streeis. Tii. Globe 'vas leunched 15 yeeis ago by Charles Mosrison, bead of the. preseut campeoy, te location becbg 115 Washington Bineet, choie business grec uniil Ih cas necesser>' te ent adjolnlng stores and Inter the ovnera acqubrexi the olxi Pre buildings, tare ibini dovu end erected tie fine store ubey nov 1>055055. Honcat dealing, strict adiierence to business principles aniS a desire te ec- conirodate the, publc-tbeme have belped ithe ggreve youug buai. tcotlnued on PigeLiglit) MIAYOR'S SISTER WFDS TOMORROW The mat-nage et Miss Buat, M. Bld. luger, sister of Mayor J. F. Bîdînger, te Edward Treynon cf Cincinnati, Ohio, l aites place lu Wnuitegen te. moroe, The "bans for tte marris:. eteW enlieS at St. Joaeph's cbui'ei SunfanY mrnrung lest. Detaila of tise cedding plana, o! nhete the couple dili live, etc., ae-eot madSe public. Misa Tes- aie'Jgctson la to b. anceaofiihe ai- tenans- cas filled vlth endeariîîg ternis. The fohlcing e ewethe mostiImportant parts: DAitLINtI-- bave alwnys thougini yon lovai me. Yotî sai lest niglit tinttinga looked back ta you. For seveo long, long years thînga have looted bleck te, me. For yenrs i1lbave irayexi e tru. coanns love anoftw ai last 1 bave ta be cheated ont of l. *'De5i'eatif you tnec alil Jhaxi to put np ciii 1 knoîx you couliS love i. l tiie more. If t couixi aul.% stand up under thiri actul burden. il in becaus. i love -iou go uni h an, galng to commîtt1lt terrible crime rigbt isefore yonr c>i-s, dear. I vaut youit e heuestnaie ta tisa me, dear. est Te>bave aiways reatexi me as a irue roman ahoulxi sud b bave beco dog tn tient you as 1 have. Deereet, do't grleve for me for J am not cortby cf e truc vomans grief. No, deeresi. yoo ciii nol sec me Tboraday nlgbt. We wili tiever dance togetier egein In ibis world. -Tny te tbbnk klndty 0f nie alter1 Goodbye, EDDIE. At ithe bquest Il cas sbocn bhat Mr. Dacson hai boeil a soldier et l'ori Shieridan for stîghtty over e yenr. Foi the tat tva ceeke be baiS been 111 lit the Fort Sheridian, haspital. On Tues- day nlght be cent ta Uhonetyville ta vlit Miss Brodiead wbam he bail met tuo enoheaega ai e dance beixi ln FNOrt Shseidan, Since tisat time be haiS been mediy nfatuiated i clii er, Sev- erel Urnes in persan viien b. cellexi and la letiers be askexi ber ta manry hlm, tineeteniîig to shoot bei aniS then blmiself lu case uic dlxi noi cousent. SLaut Tucsas>night ho pleaded agegnn clihbei iternarry hlm but aie saixi tiatilh couixi îlt be. Tien bhoiSiec bis revolver aoit sabd tbat h. cas go- ing te shoot ber andi tien hinaelf as hoe couliS nt bear to live cithout ber. At ibis aie bei-arn, fnlgteued aoiS ran nvay f rom i, staring tocard thse dOor of her boardlug houa.. He cailei ta ber andoxisefînally returnexi. Tien tc>' sai dowu o uthe steps and isîked util 1 ai-loch ln the mornînge wnen ah, cent mIa othe bous, aniS xp-i (For further detalis of the Kirby ..e eeoc oeo Pr wxi. o $1.50 PER YEAR IN AV>U. HIOSPITAL ASSN. !FORMER RESIDENT. JIELD ITS ANNUAL 0F LAKE COUNTYI N EETINi TIJESDAY IS DEA» IN M WA' REPORT ON PROGRES O0F J. BERTELSEN WHO FORMIERLY NUR69gB TRAINING SCMOOL LIVED 1iN LIBERTYVILLE MOST INTERESTING. OIES VERV SUDOENLV. IN FLOURIS'HING CONDITI 1ON. RAS RELATIVES-INWAUKEGAR- OTHER INTERESTING REPORfSý ALSO LI8TENED TO FAOU ONE 0F MOST PROMINENT CàTIZ. ENS IN HOLLSTEIN, IOWA,4 :s, sepaeon c pr %u. z- DIFFERENT OFFIGERS. WIILEE 'E LIVEL> d y.) BULLETIN. Mrs. Mlary Durkin was seen ta ent- The Jave ilcAlister Hospital asa-i lir. J. Bertelsen, Jr.. of HollâtisU er and ]cave the First National bank, cainht i nulmeigTe-iw u Waukegan. this noon andx catch theMtoiedls nuleigTes- ow, i very suddenly at bie boqu, 12 r tr'~~ Ch fI bihday afterneon lI the hospiltal and litt- Friday, Nov. 1, at about 1:30 o 0 the. report came ouît ihat abe had wilth- d nx ta the annual reports of the of-1 Mr, Bertelsen lied been out ln bl; drao 2000 ncas J lketO ives.Oe of the most lnteresting: country on Thursday assisting etOu dran $0.00 i csh a tke a C'-rep&ts waa that regarllng the Train-, cludmili work' and was' iaken I~ cage ta have ready lu case Jx%4geI1 i.andls ot neveri- action ln denxand-1?Sawihia eotx ytecaiael ~e~ lng thal hber daughter, Nre Nargarettrnlg xholcmnt.eoteho-eop eiV#u. ,_ïpiai. The repart shawed the school proteste af ibase corklng cIii 5W Kiry, rodce hatskii a 2 'clckta be ln excellent condition, perbapa The nexi morning he cas fee.i, tu- todaYv the be2t ln Ia hiubtory and alisetaixi of andS consulted a physicien, Who I& The Sun made Irqairy and found' the fine repaire that havé been made visex i hm ta take gooxi cnse of h1109011 ihat î're-w-otat the report. e the building.j as hie head was affected and the end tional butrtiiii bananot the Fort a y The report whlch is very compre- rnight corne eny dîne. Jmii belloire tina bt hedxi lo xra at n~hensive, folloca: fone b.retiirned home and mté? kM. auch suîix andthie general bilief bndne ett h oc ort" Wnukegan ia that ehe will flot have ta rlning Schoci Report. xlno er.ntetontbe coucii ta ram produlce soi big aurn ta itragten A more encouraglng outiook co be hi hr i.edcm ib - - reixortexi for the Trainin School than warniog. Chlvago, Nov. 14. iSte-ctal ta tie cas gîvcen a year ag. Ai that time H. la survivexi by is cIfe, one à9% Siiii.> At 3:30o bila afternoon Juxige ther. cere seven Itupîla ln training, Arthur N.. and tco daughtera..Mas.4 iAndis exîerd( an order in the cuei- i sanme umber as the preceding '.aura Genny and Marthea- .two M#W __________-year. Now there are f5v. seniors, one ters, Mra. A, M. Ittetina of CIIICUw.. çContinxxed on Pag r.5xbt? I lîtermediabe and four Juniors, ten la and Mis. Sophie Hauser of Omahia. - - I ~alil bxsidea two stilil on probation. ?i.Bresnvsbr p~1~~ Twa young cornen have received tbeir 1852, at Hardeaben, Bcherl Iii ~dilelomnas xuring the vear. On. cf tiiem, tein, Germeny. At tiihe et ! contiues her work in the.bospitai arn oAeie etlsk r raxixate nurse, Durlng the firsti Plaines, Ill., golng from there ta - CLILbLU THEIR DIEAL flîie menthe of the year, ce depend- ertyville. lii 1880 lie 'Miarrie& 1MOr ofHnIAnna M. Brenton and lnta 188< FOR BEIDLER PLACEneddl or fwyer bétmb _______Nov with a large nuînber ln Our l'tS btt là ihlla achoolhIliasufnot be u evesaSry te (lTuciia s ldxIIl8m THE SUN LEARNS THAT SWEDISM engage outsîde belp. Orlpoq tm n nae uthe L ORDER MAS CLOSED DETAILS nurses home adds greatly to the. cote. business. Ding the. put 17 r TO ACQUIRE HOME, fort and pleasure of the nurses. The. Mr. Berteisen buili ut one remadellng of the old home la the nmuet mont profitable Impleêxent but notewcrthy work cf the association ln Noribvestern owaov INVENTORY TAKEN SUND)AY the past yeaî. The partitions ver. re- Mr. Beatelsen vas cOrn o.M9 movxifro te ecod lOr c >i oatpraproms and phieSuu bouse andIinsteed of the. five aWches citisens 1He cas peeidcat ALL TMAT REMAINS TO BE DONE Inconvnent roorna, ter. are nov Il oard f education and servae - 18 THE FORMAL TRANSFER single rooma, on. double and two bath ternms on the. towcconSeil. go 3# 0F TITLE 0F LAND. rooma. Tiie siairway vas cheourd, senior mernier cf the. lmpIiOUBat the lover hall eniarged and twa rwo'Oî f Bertie & leiiny andSpeê nimade loto on. large attractive living of the Finit State bank of 4I e Tue Sun recelvea a positive state- rooni for the nurses. A riec l.eabsDt igte etfveyaa kg ment tiat tie Swedish Order of Vik- plant vas lnstalied, electrie vlirrg, a tEd doubled Its capital and ftoO'. ings have clasexi their deal for the porcli addexi ln front andS the bouse re- increasex lie deposita. aporchase of ithe David BleldIer bomne kt anted. AIl the iimprovernents lOust The funeral services cere ldu«-, aOurnee ta be used as an l ad peoples about $4,000. -the. M. E. cburcb andS lfteriue0tU *home for members of the ariSer. The secretary of the Illinois Stete rnade in Hostein cemieteiT. MlImm Tih. prîce finally settlexi upon by Board of Registerexi Nurses andInils- erai cas the lergest ave? bell cf 13- * Mr. Beidler and tiie dîrectora cf tiie specior of Training Stliaols vîsited item inwIici portrayed tii. biBis"481w y national order la nat known but It la our hospitel Noveniber lai on ber tour ln vbich the. deceassd wusA bl b sonewhere between $35.000 aniS $45, of inspection. Sh. bad iitning bot entire cotmnhiuty. 000. The property represented about praton for the borne aniS ai a récent $125.000 ta Mr. Beldier conslderitg the meeting cf the graduate nurses of this Improveents be made do ht district ar lie Shernian Houe, Chii- REXALI &AGENTS Toot nventry Suday. caga, ste complirnentexi aur associe- INC NV N If TOok 1nventry Suday. tion upon lie borne statIng ihat It bexINC 14 E TIK Lt It Io Jearnexi that representati e i h furmnso h tt iii of theViking we. ,out ta,,,,x i burd of regisiered nurses Tii. of- Tii. biggst tat. convention biii8 tram Chicago Buoday aond took a cern- t Irera f.thi. traninng achool are tIie Chicago ibis seeson cas thsf . llete invcntory of the properiy îo Saine as lest year. Dr. Kuight, preai- Tîtesday eveulng lu the SbWIMsa O mate a formai record of ther nec dent; Dr. Tornbitgb1, vice preRidnt1; teb. heldiy st5te rffeentAtl*.E 4 possession. md Miss Heu,. secietar>'. TheC imal the Rexali compan>'. J. N. .U$ýj Nir. Belders care-tendera have lectures bave ben given. zie of Wukegen mtendedln ta ic il mavxi ui ti poneba u>ent-e I Muh Credlt Due. etnn nhis dlent, George A. XQa - . I 2.- '- , ,O ey. attendeS in the evml.g. tiing ia been dane cxceptbug ta file4 tic tItI. for record.1 A Moersn Home for Them. The reabdence la an Ideal oeefor tic pîlîpase Intended. Tic bouses ara rcomy enough se tiat precticali>' no changea or Imptovemeuts ilîl b. necesîary ta mate ht usable for the agexi memiers of the strong Scedish soi-ici>', ticeltrnates ta corne bere tramn ail parts of the couni>'. The bead aider wibI mreely have ta Inatall furnn. turc in lie variotis rooma, eeci the superisicoileni andSfinish th, deinile. Itlëb net kaonn wbacsen tic>' intend essuînxg formel possession ofthte propeni>' but it la statedit lIl hoin of the Training Si-bool la due pimarlly ta the efficient work of isesNM. J.. Heul, aupeintendent of the. hospitai aniS ta the various physîclans af the clty. Mliss M. E. Lyon vioalays bas been i-birman of thii comniltiee also cornes ln for a large emounî of ptaxa. as the, fine progreas ina been made un- dei ici dIrection andi supervision. At tic meeting on Tuesae> aftci- noon MislilsLon cas re-electexi chair- mlan tof the comnitice. The ai ici members of ber commutte. foliow: M1149 Belle DOnnelhy, Ais. P. J,. Per- sans andxiAira, W. iG. Strang. TiltIs coittie ill bave charge cf thil hlghIy important braucb of the boa- .n---- for- --he ctarrxlThe for thse guesis for tic>' licrd excellent inuits,s mou e b ltegi~ siereoptîccu vieva anS guin4 ogq ideas ou aleemansahip ilrougl"M tiens tenderel ilien. One ofte main speakeras "ý>'ý Toiles, one cf t.e baS1od the. Sheidon Coreipoudeace neen UÀb.ttyviile. He spo» M5 rnshhp and hlm edres p rov4 inieresting., On. Mon bIkse to e n a- a I» over, anetii e is tele i»t1 l and a tkobsihi@ ai *Vq0 Eu ecb5 suait-s ta ber bexroani. Afien sbcehid thc ver>' ocar future. menîhors of the hoalîial associatiotn got ia b er rooni ahe henniS bu try -_______y_____ofthefin____in lng the front door axaidBe bearne feit hs l> p ade of thle tshocg S R EN TC deatbly afraixi. Afier avhilie be cent and firexi tic fatal abat. Miss BraiS- bitbshe mcb h nx gS R E N TC ana>', tend cas tîli lu the factor>' andiS dxisihool. 0ON JOHN GOUL Ou Wednesday about 20 minutes afi- flot came 0o'uit ntll she board of the - or 12, Dawson vaîhexidacu nthe street tiagcdy.- Evîl of lnslnerity. in tic direction of the Macaroni fiact- A lelici axdressed to Irene Oc'n f ail the evil sprti aunod et titi j John Gourle>'. pneideni of tii. or>' cher. ttc empîoyees alreai>' cere bland( Terne Haute, iSd., vas fourni t ii our l in.ecarIS, lumincert-I 'la the nGourue>' Lumber & Coe.I cou siartîng to corne out. His cap e as tue deax mans pachet buti h cas oct ni<>t Saiges.-lIPr>"*vhlch operates a coal dock AcfIN colli cs trne op MecalceSale- sampit.îî as euld Wdnedaygan, ras natifled to vacaletahebs- polaidam an ven hie cyea aniS hlieont opened because lu vas sealexi ad euSisp nte v eurseif. Ity nov hing useS for coelIlê coler as urnd o. H wakedslo- sampd. t ws mlle Wenesay Wet-ry ycntelf, If you ocnnot bl 1>' euh boeex beed. As he arîvexi afiernoon. Tic axdresce la ielieved hiappy otherclse,btcl>auavnt poses. b>' CcmrlmslOli.r5mw5 lu front ef the factor>' ho steppeS and ta bave been an relative cf the dead «U»s other people tD voi-y rhbau1îla ioda>'. The notice e dnavlng the gun front bis pocket man. Misa Braxibead us muci broken tisr. la notblng tu bu voirieS about? Mr. (but-let Zi i i5tgi5t placeS the barreil agalosi hle temple up aven the. trageSy. fice ai ooaccu Pfl A EIGHT PAGES [ u pIau l ou Pge a

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