The Celebration of Our l5th Birthday, Fifteen years have elapsed since the birth of the Globe, and each succeeding year has witnessed a marked develop- ment in its progress. From a small, humble be- ginning it has steadily grown into afu11 fiedged dept. store, having occupied its own mod- ernly equipped building for the past six years, and daily rendering service to its patrons in a thoroughly metropolitan manner. ý% ItIjoItiIf voiUlit itittratitlm andi iat rtii;ue îîiîîîw i tTîtris Nttî1 lhave beveîî tititles. W' l iittt ak i tis îpîît I ()yti ti iîai ii fst otili s i nitile alîltiec at ittil and hla I IkS. THE GLODBE Waukegan's Best aid; Biggest Sttre Thursday, Nov. l4th, and SContinuing i Week * Anniversary Week is the one occasion of the year when we feel almost obligated to share our profit with our cus- tomers. Wedo flot do it re- luctantly, either, for we con- sider them fully entitled to it, as a fitting reward for their loyalty to> us.. Conforming to Jii; YJJÂ~, we have planned a -Wonderful bargain feast trom which ahl may equally participate. Wvarc going to share Nwitli vou miore 4til(1ItI1silv than (*vtr. W'e have made Illit iihs onF earefffl reparatioI1 for the oeea- slttH, aN ailill- of tIcs<Jspeeial pr1WC cliI- lt i * titîiii mantfaetuîrers., wlîici bas re- sutitl ini the greatest bargaiti sîread in Dur lt! irl il* tteîî( i -vs of il ilies. THE GLOBE Xaukegaîî'î Best andi Biggestt Stmre Mfl i