day clebratlns their lth onniversary In thie cît,'. Thay hâe habd the merve te go ahsad; they have ksp abreait ef the times, they have show,, e con- fidencesIn Wu lgs' uture blch has served as aestimulua te ther me*r- ebsets, They are succeedlng, they cuVai la succeed fer îhey deserve lt. t~5esé ~ RI ~W. V. Aster, son et JO hn Jacob Ast- ~~illlt lItes*1lh vn glasdr n Frlday of this weelc han $75,0M. Mln cash, bonde, rsit,', etc,. turaed ________________ vtrts hlm se e remuit of hlafsths' death on the Titallic- Whai an et- i~ qmuasafeâda 5a-iuro1yfé Mo) ltion that han corne on the Young the epfIrit fî DdoSo ME-itnan. ,botter te be boras 90crthon htg oîlme fistIIc1irlow'(W dan'i thinIr). BSrnephilo*- ej;ëi»« p&vlfl iittw làire-115opher would daimtht a terrible cf. * e lsi~dterminé bai i.W fiflction bas bsec he5ps on Younsg Ibs risai, tSe,' iM'eetltldte Astor' ihrough thé*s eqornffle wssIth. L W eil, w . do.Vifot .» s. Wre gld hem about le lIai w coud" ibs cffllted 0se a Ws&ukiigan boy hua tari- te thse sifent of aboutthi ernme Ise. rrIe to sisquelItbstrou - _ __ _ _ Wsr If ny breaiktout la %uilleh **Os asW opsiýIzsd', WaulCe-Wer.eld to note that another 6 Illvsys bau-I faom ln blq ihinge. ractery has bec obtalnsd et Norths ta flomahon le tls YOMII5l 'fOU Chieco. WaIre net a bit sors be- bas. gens un on* of tle gOvOIII cause It 1* goIng thora, for, anIsa ex- l5iai5l9s.lstingeoltlone, h appeeres»e If tii t a ptcdlctth t «ib orlyc ,the su of thse pisei Saî8*kan ýAs yut as. Wtsm bIen rmedu 00VA uflîlposlas lon Ciy I. hwe. w.uffle'ilsurpu-leol te uvel a déim put forth very »Oon. slasgle'sPsdts1battms rtspefi l. f acoey boom end iithoret Nortb Chi- cae ieawlîo-y lis assai boet thlfsg.ý And tlsy r$@am te -be Ogettlm tIers. -But, ascue muai fougai ihsi ne motter how masy ftoiale North Chis- cageornay gai. Waukogan sel elways continue to get its sabesof tise beu-- fit,e ahare which cannot boe etm sted dIu-ctly. *.- te depeeioay of? tde The siatemeni et the watsu- sorise b6dodrtigpolglftfp110- sqglneeu- ibsitheîle cy muei take atpe 1 te h- Sbut, WtulCegan's te provide for addiîonal watef pump- u-sep Wolebiand the on- Ing taclilei« tihe local plant, should dd Met dead a PO"al met bo Idiy casi nId.. TIsere ie a Ilmît li 11e u*sethse OMO Ilm te agilhuman naseiun asngine P*- eu ltewevsa, - a. lO.g ducilons, andIf ils pumpe ai ihe tI5f. o~ irpejnf**' uscare nccv ist about dolrgmeihlu- mtd UneIt.Ba bockit nelatMit, eomoting muet b. proidel feo- ils future bocause thoeciy Ia ueleg ____________ mors cud more uster aIlils urnie. it la wel nt to lot sacb thinga rne aong Inl Wmoalgn doeeroountil île cty ha ighi egalnesi emenne- Mim of agga-eisne. «ng condition. Bolier gci Ihinge abaped lm 4 gtuida5o lU slitho asealof til..iban JUsi e It5 lae m er«a fi th. luIs toc tate te avold a serleus situa- f'.esu Stom* Who.are te- tien, otusi,'ectemplatàng the nanilng ot a ton representative huai- ç 40 4 u fa ý po n hCity cte, conter vlth ~ the 9>uciI relatie to the ordinasue.. 1aRIU~J.VU He prebabi,' viii name thlîs commift- tee la the Osear future. ,'e J w CENTS1sahv o e xrmdtm !spelves concernlng thie aew ordi- eàà*uw pte P%. (u&) sauce, but train vbut Coumlselanre ______________________Orviesud Atterber,' have &Md In the É -ï âo là"th"et.tîO.Ies .pasi thore ilacorne reten tethlnk ibat the,' viii bold out for $50,000I t 7d" of earth. hrinig t rou ihe compen,. Othervise the,' tte grade, »«Me.In think that the ordinance ina bxt pave is test of aireets a psedld co. Ver,' ijttle eau b. darne h ce tuav Ibtis to exteud oe w novttuIt la found vhat tbe cem. a*@ alffee ouaidethertis--P 1an,' lateads hido vltb the ardlrnance. qie luit fe t ulsidetjin thee-- han beaubov -for nmre ime ti M resov ts r l' lthat the mayer sud corporatilon cous- i'C t XP uns mg I seLJt'@M ere ork ng os a new ord i aae &te liPrscbua C>SSligabut tbb la ihs Am tdofinhte luforai- oppeaite difectionseme,not pae ion » .o hatkSeeutaiia. resiug, tIns laeealag dangersal pedestrias. MRS.-KIRIT flIVEN TIME. mue eoiss c i ve adequate, ow'iU$'lt"b alec lacludes a bat- (culuusd tram page One.) kiwi baiisdulse- - earsymut feucse stow aglust MrS. Margaret Durklrn KIl,' î'ù&i laimât suad epriakie Inlsbstian~e au folow:That Mr*. 1I la eniY 1ith raugbt dr aft oftho t OrreM'WbY @he ebould net be bld âueia e have subrnited and la uemipt t court for not campl,'- MiY tire. us,' haa tevllght Ing vItà the ourts erder cf Nov. 12. se Meayor flldinger ,declared, Thse rder refsrred hi vas ose com-1 ve viii mae. Do bit concessions manding ber to praduce i court the *flU 0aud «Waion thce rdiauce au SICO me la alleaed hInbave vitI- î.ol. ýbecaute Uete le noitlzin rm e utad' &k a 0 bt wat téefaycnarePIVt t or en lod 4If. dravaywibs odoýth r KIberaane tbdak aa 9 tâi ad'teriareman thn" or Part Ot the aternocu. RHrhu&- >b saleguad the public. The band wse. aleco Gatheesta"anded ti Car OSfciaIs uay stick for a oo-friands toit thet bde @tory of 1ev the franchis, but 1 ar n ot tooalimh moe,' vas turned oser te vire tap- us, t tdupfor sucb a long Pers lu baves Of belping bina cut of Ù*em vi1lanow estbe peo hie troubles vouid aidbila la aettllng w ec, ould net acceptI h. WIth doposire, might rosuit In bis i* aschise tlist lasted for ttty vite belng cleared. eýpffl ealaud considerably bho. liaver, the latter order ot the 1 Mge cf ail of'the courn court sboved b. vas positive i hi, 1i do flot think thai any of desire ta force Mns. Klrhy hi liarD .tW% Le, b. the case. Unf haak the depoultars' mono,'. p, 60year franchise ia Chicugo, Nov. 3.-t te O'Clock. -tbâcluses that appeai t o At the cOtinued hesnlng ar Dr. Klrby $$4u* vhlcb aya ihat sud bis vite lIbotheacsational bani< il. te treet car caupsny case, Il vas expected that the detalia; t=portitiF Is track bore of Dr Kirbya s@tory' au te ow bu last booom * Me.. groperty cf thc bis $20,000 meney ibrougl i dckerlng 0» tIems l»etrang vitb vire lappers, vere te divulgema.- *41sublé protidesfor teriai whieh vouit lead ta the release . lb oeefstue of tie Iran- of the vite. Who, daring the pasi &À4à s * *» ay 49dose t couple of dasa. las been tbe central . V15tere Aatber good figure In the case because e w us *t« je u My'cas vhme etbe charged vlth bavlng iaken the $20,00s Mal la71stuia sci.spqqa&_tseet trou the bank juet priar tu Its clos- Ok, d u bui, e bues p*ss.d tIhei. wi, aunie.So, iai smuremunet lD"15isof vbat Kirby daims vitb WOWOO&- ' ' refere e Wgttug ibe aucuer'te vire Êa"w amfusilier cf ilsmâtes' 1ailPers appétir Os page onetfpart wî"M it t<b i«cp-.tue f thes Sua ioda,' Llimom»mu 1Vmý DECLAIES IT WAS FORTUNES 0F WÀR ACCEPTS Hill DEPRAT ORACEPUL. LV AND I'HANKO PRIENIS IN LAKE COUNTV.- INVITNIIO*& *et SENT TO AL, ATTS it 11MEETING. NOW IN ST. JOSEPNI, M.1G MAKE PLAk ,FOR REVIVlyt la VISITING iS PATN.fgi THERLF AT fMSEiT" 70"88 MILOMIX? AND 1S TAKINQ MRDICAL TuilA4NW1.JUAL OPPICER& BATH$ AT, PRSENT. WIL i. b1EIECYED. ConroastisuGeorge Edmound Vasa, defested candidagte fer ceaugreeem tram ibis district bas siown. t e 1 ln a pend ler. He bau boee te ils viii cf the people sud acceptik.11i3de- test gracefull,. l latmn i vtIPet aumer Veroqs, ho sxt.nded bis ibsuke te thae people. ot Lae - eun,' for île fine vote giron blia At the present Uime Mrm el vlsltb4 n aSt. JOSepa. Miabigu. A diepaidir trou ibat it,'te tlbO Bun credîte Mr. bose yul declariug lIai lis deteat vas ueralY île fortune Of van. The dîspaich filous Congrassmau George E. Terne cf the tenilÇ Milote dstict la batster guest Of a! heatber-lt-lav. ascite 'F. i'nltzie, Lake Vlev avenue. He vfiA prohabl,' romainbei-a fer SOMOe m hi take the bottin ai the Hotel Wbit- ccmh, -It la ail la the fortunes et var. declsred , Mr. repu, tîle mernlng speaking et the élection and bis de- fteat. -The people cbose te tara thie Republcan party out o! vourer. The,' badl tiat ri-lat. Pereonai'IY 1do net. aga-qs ilibhe verdict." be cOncluded MAN 0F 87 DIDNMOT FAIL TO VOTE AT RECENT LECTION li leuli ti uentio.asfou facts ne- gardig the mnut eiectiou te show1 tihe pride Of tbe yaut vhbu ls eai his tirai scie te tihe ectaisuarlan vibas \.ýn uichiry sud defeai for big part,', for lu thre latter case i vial to roter te .John Gari,'. n, ho le vontis,'Of spéeclal prtbloo. Mn,,Gar- rit,', *bena aboy. lefi hle dea" cld boucelai île "Emored lie" sud made hie va,'for Amenico uloe .ho teck Op a benrestesd lu the YesRfOff'47 tour mles netbeest Of DeOflcd. lie regu- Iar votins preciel.He bas taed aPOS tle Desotecmate pisoa*tosaine.bitsai, v'outtl. tver hogllaiiug hi mal. s clona. cear vote for lic PartY. «aslld- tmg aphite. pijaking ile x la the cîrcle, holesiti ail Democrts amrendODe- acrats, thon mas s. îe a,'te bie homne te avait Mrstnes. This baIn" bis 87th Ysear le mado îlefour mlles n bis oid-faahlonedja-uanscart. ceai hie vote for the peoocr arsty' Sud la nov rejclcig oser tIe grom vic, Mn, Gari,' does nMt forget teagsTe netcîl bs Whot.av v u asa red bot Progresase. soue var' imuet- Aag pointe ocf au ilat enswsoU Wale tei,île Deaecnailc prouls. --Con tributsd, @100»ST AD &VER PRINTIED As PART OF LOCAL PAPEN lCnisaodPromPas.Oné,) ss Men, Meure.Morriansd Rob- la. te eslablleb a anet enviable bouI- Bnsshore, Mach ,'oar bas sesnu ibIsstOre lta leap forvard uni nov tIc, are ecce aalaed as ihe mon vIe set. tIc pace lu ibis commuit, asud base lntiled aetropoliian ideas la ileir buasiess. But, île four pae aiserilamti lu the $ua ioda,' I-wuattrsoi el rendors oye ioda,'. hitle a beanMIfil, srmaged hais,' 0 f bagains, tshe' coaplilebeniot Willilam Dolson, ils advcrtlslug man for th*c tir. The front page of tb< UAdvsiftmoeltirhe eue vitir île bandeome out lu vblcb ile Globe building las eld alafi lu a ommandiug mamuer, Wundravu sape. clali,' for Ibi as 4b,'Jobs Brink, tIc local ani. hitla a credht b hIlm, a credît te is empic,'euasd la crodit te thecit,'. I lascaïd tebsîtheflni tiane ibai a local store bas lad a ful pae eut sapeclsly d-tesld for thein onu aimnsd for a siiweln.. An ad. etfilie characlor canuoble overiccked b,' Bun eader-la tact St s mif-eidenltirai Wauktfsa psOpie cannot afford te ovelook incb anuma- Votilsemeut of baugains, In orerote priai he ibg ad a! the oGiloe hidi,' île Stun bah tarua a eps- ciel four poie additiou te lUe rogaar pent.This à» "poing oas"-ven the advsatlilng of s sitgle storseascs- itate. th@ munig 0f a apeelalpor- uin et ils paper jmet that lis bagalas me,' le preseuisd te readea. The WadkeQa1, ?dlnlterlal uaseqa-: tilc bas c91jldAMeting for Tueda, Nosembr 4 4.earperauce Temlupe. aiet ac twultb* mlnlaters tram ail the clarc là Ibe couni,' yul ho ;"tie lbepssitauaemija fera- las a Caua9r ilébtenial aeaSocatiern Tbree 04à,ein,"-u& f inte bbeld durins th*' ftsfne 1.-eseni. supuio VlIt leho V laufIe hall ai 6 o'cloek. Itl oi. peted ilstbere vîlI ho a seneral ndepouse trou thee ululsiere trom ail parts cf the. count,'.. This lino cf action wusedecided aveu ai a meeting of tihe Waakegan Min- lisera on Tued"afaternoon. The meqing vas a Iengiby one and irnsny mctsrs ver. dlamsse. Local mît- lIers are devlgug meanset attractîng Iterenatila té big soerles ot reyval meetings ibai are te ho held shcriiy sfic,- the tiret et the yearan sd because It la ceuni,' vide lu lis scape ht la de- sired te mnllet the services or oser,' paster lu thé cenSÉ,'. Neat Tu"s a fterneon ai 1 o'cieckc ai the = oae f theCoi-mOu lRe- tormed clarnha the Waukogan MIrnia- toila ssocilatioen ulîlblId a meeting ai ubich thee arqal élection otoftlcf- ors wll tale place, EITiIR IVIIRDER ORDROWNINIi (Contlitued trom Page One-) Ilcating la the laite. Whai can you tell me about ihat ??? Tire 1off'l that port base beeu dragged. as 1 ander- stand h., but viihôut resait as i hear. i vauld kindlyit' lyoiut o lknlot tâia Maiter au4 Intr. me as hi the outceme. IÇ feznliy le In dire ueed and vaut up ln Raidi sud 1 hase heen eaked ta, Intercede for ibem. What tatereet i ma,' hase la seleer bore or thera. ih as a persemaI maîter. Wil yen kindlyj bllaoit ibis uatter for mean sudinfoma me caus,' aybelp yoa out nme urne. Aurore. Kane Couniv, Ilinois. itespectual,' William Jones. M. -.. 142 Main Street. Chanle,' la a direct blood relative «~ Mlae-4 Couein. P. B.-A feu dslss go a tellov sD- pcared ai my *home -sud rspreneted blasait ce a relativetofmine. MY uctber vasai b oue aime, but uben b. vas amked 10 givae -mares et the rut ef the fainil,,-Who are ail ceusine et Chasr'. le usa anahie. D youted a plaie, CI&OSammi dora herm? This tellov boa beaut e- teresd te Detoeetve Adolpia Weiitz. of tbe departmeni ef Police bore. VilesVifis gels bomne i sbah vant te kaev vbat le knousabout thîs telcu. ise. tise Commoetion DOv. I jmat got aMY cite tram Belaît thlh momnlne, sud depenid upon hIt 1viii D«t Isae. auytilng tited tafilud eut about ibis, h u tg bter aurder or drowuahng. Vihell«aurceeRW Or in- iande. 1 iulil net. nlaI cannêt, 55,'. go viii have la appl,' te yot!for furtber tuformalian, aud au a "finai la110 Were 1 Brýuu, ne.d Bruie,. Aniben,, Noai siaone la Rame voutd 1 jease un. turued la the semmlfor thIrs abuter,'. E«eptfll,'-Wm. .,.M. 1). giseer id"s e? Uue à& qp4dste toethsd a mselbsifDo. Me la Mges.d là t" osmMbl POpe T» Yomasanm« ediet q aPPdP-P &&mares mosin s bog 0«2m«i. 5w' hW eÉt 00 lest b.telà la labidlu boa,' f8eLA. Mssdiseuree« Oseg. p* ofuie eos a mi emedoies tau o esaithrs misl or thm tInla tàs dnulrg vos% wmfle b. s oupes. à a muàaids tâlwvoi rui b à *l f u pet WlsssL Vga,'Mfeupoui" hmase mmsaet Os. dn t AIet BAC, pi lge Wis cf -éà à>M azz 1- te toale-I"i ae.-s ho Fancy Suiger Cure4 He ........ 14w' N,.\lO paiu Kettie Re...12 Native ~..Oc andSo0 Sirloja Steak--------------...12à rancy Native steer R oaat8c 41,00; S ou tportroniesteak .....12me .... .... .... .. .. ... Balmburgsr Ste 3 pounda. 25ô EZd Steak---------------...12c, SMOKP1D METS. Siù~okëd Spire Ibbo----------...10o Sugar Cursd ialuc tams .......12lu@ lcd onelm Haos ....321/ c F a k o ... ..................... Pouah Sausage .......... Oc »I'ver sausaa-..---............lec Impote simmer sausae- ----1 5c Bo0logna Baliage.......... r..i Oc Pugar Cured Breakfast Bacon. 180 iniportsd Salami Sausage.......19Oc 3odSausae--------------.....Oc ....................----2221 $pare Mt bIsoi cul, I.----O Pork Iau ................1 Fre*lU~P,1r---------94Mf Port.' PenJ:::.:.- 8wo~ Ploled......--.--- ... ..... La.......... L~amb Ohopu. -.......----....... Fore Quarter---------------..... S Veut KI4@y Bout---------.i... 2%Îo Oalf'aUnBri m .........-, --.... S.. cautiv ....e.-....-.- .......... 0e Bumiliine . 2Ibn.. Fascy Dnsu ehelUke» ntaillhosêeepmms .38e- «Wsreat you cfrcM to go dova- A rcmarkablo . .eplersmtlos TbSî wim.s s saeseroo& 1 "lmir la the dak lus ulgia sked aàvau carrisd ont in ieelapd durins ils Oer va a MW," theilspoils. E-ý »mms of ber reIcectl,'. yeerr 1910 snd 1911 b,' a Sles iravI- cer lu a somali,' ebe e afpre "Tes. 1 wuas tle afrcld, aaevwered allw er. w. 81*11, vho eovered a dis.vailas. *Wbci bu h oser *'.Hew the bey. »,But vbi et s y» afrald taxes cf oser lise tboueand kilomete ome t t apSi Up I-eladsystend ofr cebsi the moIber. 'E'.." said <uDvard of iliree tboucaad orne hua. of ;:stelltàm ie'Shm Md bis gang the -boy, «I vwu ahthra er oulda't dred mi«lesn the courseof lIe tue sud tIs e Zd lIe saviage bock ube au, daugbnat" IdoleWh1 et MrPUt a.» The Elquiprnent of Your House For Elec r ie Sevie *Chrîstmis ,Presený" will lie'appeIàte by the m'ember of ,the, domestic fiM who runs it and enjoyed by ail the family, for a, WJIE JIUSE is a more comfortable and convenient hçqis. It. enables you to use best: of ail- Artificial Lîght and Appliances that assum e ail the househoki È âggery. 4f Any houlw0wner can take advantage of our plan of wiring houoes at cost, payable a littie each month for 2 years SAfelephonecali- on Our, occor . a pà,s card wil umanimmediae respqnae wlth partluICrC ~t~'tUc Inbceut boule case le Chcago §e have à décldedî,' bad ttet 's aPect and detuil. evu , tMugb thç bennenu aiette" fwiW truaIed u0der Ji mm Wibd 4 mm iwmuul&eajw