Houlihan, anotber of the. attorneys ûrfo r F SLïe ïs Klr-4,-I wI~.and the rest 01 t 'fl Qtfloui.oàd tu UOiO.Lbe'V ~I<S SeLUSIO 'the awven uodded tMeir heRadein as- __1 ~~~~Lue 7 3ffèÏtU 'or Lake Fore«. &6suuiU4 Wa6,~I Mit Latry, becaue 1w 1. OatoneelB. V. Or>74WINNBAOO CC st.ni. la ~~vas t Pgire<a HtOne.a)e inarasng'a&VOLIVA-COOKE CASE TO DE t7.1Z. eIB 098101104e siinet t BSIWmm b=.lit,.au W~ ef doctort tiat the basî ais cg.ndtug woanother attorney nasocIated witb us, Tis U EFROST. lautheo B O! Sil&WW*P e - 141. JOOPUWd'*mtsathat ber h>et î 4Lvg4egul,*Iom.lUn ~ dvotonto aufeer1 Wel,'eut ln Judge Lnds.ALLEN DIVORCE CASE CALLEO baud wa# sibwat tp tito lb ilmo f4r tm les looeiM , .VM -J;~I* ~hfr~orito,. r Krbyconraeed *'lewbat you ae gong te tel! FOR TRIAL EEPORE JURY .&hl* teMpo nd t11t at thoeft ime, MW, 'EI3SIoIf"" idvvuuqu 150.bu" nfetu wbich aftected bis hesaine thing that yen advlsed your OFb. 011EN'011 UU9t«tc11,11WU andS ebokael bfo*. hi n hcrtMl. CI= Ua!tt1» fub"--u12--4 bstt ~ ~ ý 11ac neNetta h o u, lMra. Kirby, holtaetel?"'On on. oewM& qie ays b. kpocked vot0qeQ plymkW1 I.a.,.,.o to Llbety. of ils condition for the nitddle ber doawb VI, MW .Sýr. 11IIooI1, ln .Mi gg1912 emddockée sl meu robn. far.~t uîd Y~ eplled 1the attorney. ,ne eintprjdie m h.pat ! sud el. eie reuar Mortr,. aptt fîîtdi4 imtA4UiadiAmmee *a laIlan'stafethare.cfil-;Circit Jud1eCharles DonnelY, lattor- tb aa htlpb.nmade te. mrp. Wal erniSaniS a~ > S 'the fiane ?Ivilage of USIMYvi oLot*A Conov.Bola 't oci, cnt ak tatele&attidi oUuldm OaniSon Ilmit favorable repot full 1"J10 "O p»a bis mind outil tbe day hieadc I ii av a aeO i- ruity erentn rn .CokPr 10 n lopay nIin. ,. igti ,.sùeoriao esl niapoein jj ~j* ~~,ggi .1b« a"i.cIal ractice impossible, andioaSpesnigFan .CoePr e il0 ry a nue vt epe e oii o oensae tfm on tli&Md 4111 utheM -k i b éw* it as iei'1~' u erl t1m the wit'es.' rerdlia Ii.president of the, Cooke EIactrical Clan llu Od&iai t 11maY fBut duraOWslaud ar Wh"ch aied. SOgmmd,.l Tr.ours 01Yàid -iage01 ateordint lace "a'mmd iemP tbel>14tsnking fon theun, Mis. Klrby Ordorod Hold. 1company, againat whom Wilbur 0eu of rai mtate. Tus Sultu lls MU es rend»d bSiOkd. cpyefor kh la ieil ffLoe ûIOI' O g adsto rdrdMs i-0K'd by the inanceiioê cmittee anid fabdt 414t ono aiSVISI i vlaeof LbWv.e4 bîokas .' laiSc njct îùdg ludis honVoliva and is ha ollowers bave been $OtILt4IA2,R'8S$ALE. .îl.wc U tOtt,, lie[pétitionW aniS village.i ea 'A, »qt i i0c<u tge o oi lIotoài n " village ofabt1 v T, l..ne r. y hi-Id icr.o.pacuîîlir bndwagiag a vigorous -campalguhave I»olad b* ae tt -qvn. 0le en '»me o sexs ouW $2i fld raefra htieofvnu.J. L. T*y lot, prof. smrvie..... I 16 théC ait 1:Couaty Court 01 ILae 0 Lw lun org ___ r*# tide 011 iimelito li1i ..' un mittera Strayeo forIa0tshaOrinto!ovenue. MIevelaodtth Cn al lat-le ....2 di 0iqt,,MiIWO*ed iiOteàd u __". nb th ~ ~ Afitc uu1vi lil rs of about The prayer oins grafited by tate o!Illnot, C2n2.0 10e12a: unittanit rpunilb leI o t :cosi, and a. it iwnt untit Uic BRIO a JuiSw lu Ch Mrs Kirby- was read ou bonde onneliy Tuesday atternoon. The mat-l teCircut èurt of Lake Caunty, 8. Wriht. ....240 dSOaty, iln #i our ne î.br 2, 102 uiS i le ag Naeluai Bank BCOdg.)O» 3 day mm brns làmed o heieeyhan aýguei by ber moiher, 'Mnrs.Mary 3. t er wil be argued before Judge Prost 0tbrC.m A .192 40Ir.li u ai Cuea Ih.îyll Cut NtoalDD1 lg Llvy Di1200of ,%aiîpgn, îdeswaidiiea fto ko1, Il.Amadn . Mar, dtedatat x f 200Mid>laldk tu4 atsrobedProos.mut OUmde di, oos "he kmevfnet mahat he did." Tt le tib i ki tWî.gnwoneri' o okod I.Voive seeka te en- C. B ~~ lrnra, cernent vonk.........19 60 dseotog'o plan@ aniS epertcatlona blan,,ts fumbhd et th, aboie a.eêd lueraiu l. I tat11etomntd m v-wd i u$50,000,. i 1kh i. jounCoche from bolding a plant ln teett fJmsL lrdcud R. Boyo., poliles.................. 400 Dw no afle l9 tbo,oflce ofuthebaPreuildenîtpasanS1edreed oCh Paue djjMot le ac. th e trersi ctdloterilnorth of Waukegasi Zion Cty by an injanntion. The case las n Willar .",Ruîth Hawkina, 0. Llnbîrry, firemu alars ....1000 < a!tIi. Boado! of li wIiproterents uof<l Ci' ar Loal movhéete et fille living q':estianed by .ludge ail becalîrd for trial duiunug 1ecem- Rmn .ClrHr aro.En . W.lmithysalary......6500>slSgIig tLîet.llg nSOPPIfl olsliS v10 a, ndo eti "Pmwuel fom l .geatrale. - - iï'Brdbuy Ioas@Dne eau b. Obtsalsd iopenausalnbiewl"ai .scmuuns >eat Chicago Nov. -12-(Spoclal te Une laugliter n tIi.'court room hby saying Allen Divorce Case. Jerreil; Lydta' ClrkEd Hwklns, Na- Co. prattag .....P............ 1845Id"e sadpremtent s!ruttb'i bq mS t> r uilebeo p.ya Iod tiem, ca.-Teose agmorsDr. ltîrby in il'at asie had bought the propenty, or Charging deaeenton, Ford J. llen,'thonordlon, CasPgr'C.Campbelli, Har., PubI61krk*soetret light«. 169 21 PapI MaOnfili. attorney. . Lee oudir loprovmat enunome nooet11hha t#4 rAgowood çourt charging himm inusofo! t, front JudeSgO andis, agent for the St. Paul ralway ai Bar- retdtyeriéJerl.Aana akga lOsu lis..... 7f)90 NIona akllgLIetIltrasnoa qa o e e mS varbà ýny acniec ,:'ington, Ill., bas ask.d t 1 e En ' .ai týÜlkownhen astb.r 2890, < îinoa ~thearTaopa u~eleIh, aony y onidnc t vy- kîed that aire had piurchased t rathl dvrelve smf, !Jne.vqrdeai...o.Pli..' tromwd niaibulade oUt Upou te q basEn geQ ai as t6daY cOntiiuuOe cNOyers.il ka srecelvers' sale or the î'roiserti v LAln h aewahaadb-Pbi e l eai. ivn- ht81 "adb ded&,tOFia,0 . î -110 16- ln the matter Of h. hearlng î.î-.red ln andS abolrt ZIan tity ahen.J77 0 à.B ae iot't»gvamto l e1 jl*mô@~ -o Mmr. Krhy beforo Jugge tendie. ji-dge bondi. wasasettllng rip 1he19.13es-&mouChaht ....nI . . -j *ti IbVC.5là le>5s WWMdhgWa"donec hIa mornifo, te taie cf Coth ate ,Jobn Aeandert a go andS Judge Whitney dis- of thi' Butter 1sl0«o! ii.tuunyhoaveblatdu.obdnod ______ bt* mjoedetl2ie ç we issed the bilI for want of equlty. Lake.lnhie. ei'iîuî ntèell ra5 esijcElais hlm baud do a d I r atome@ýpY* te 0101CSmii of Uhv ellapi >s 'iniagbshA patpod util2 oc ce ~ ii.casevasappal ppei-. on thse Teuttalatii 5ay of Ociober. -dupte . 1 lIIRMortl b> Bogoeand g, preei"eeîjfin oufafio nit,-t Ipa *tente h losotion i. mportant devol- fdan'saiS tho court, "if 1 saliS1 late court aber. the decîston vss r. A. 1). 1P12 la Cèso sove entîtled caubna. -ndth tereueib. gralled. iniprov"te Bi cm ot.reponeble boU rîItpyss h mg015l *eraOxpOceiS. te u1 eOi videIltly tuid teIBlake YOU.Ith. undemo&nlnad nda y-Clark- The Viat NagoalBa" for n ekf>I'anaI 1$teem oev uat dg, eb l agapatDr.televeit sa alu)sI îsel.î iope versed aniS sent hack te, th ii.Crunît L. >Ch u 'ein0ea- -f a bdctoaenfs iup a r innorley t touaont no," andS ho accourt for a nov trial. Tiiheal dl eue-k d.ett o a~ 3.,a. omlas082prboupmd bW.lis....,.orefad-i.do 1oao WUM. lV Kiby. onser of the de- cepteiS thre bid 1b.lng henniSby a jury lit the Circuit t. Clahrkd yofcemmi, 1 l on Tueida>&Matera silS te I. Nisiodli Loce,l p M. J14140= 4. mlo #Mer Ehbt Snv*1gs bau. bis vIte bod.court oday. Mles T. L&mey, "dt«rti Tîdda !Oeeuer .t> 92 tMontIiou lb. rcheut h. to .Pe bus .h61 la" DVllag Wr ttr ib.B osby May Face ConC.nmpt Charge. o! the Ban-lngton nevitispor. waseuait te.bur 0 o *eb icoi luntaoa tr- tbe urde the.atoImm@, UIg Ulrsune reite fr onay IlIra Kirby ahIleltbpr bave totaell prernaed a no ce n i. ae. nomof Mid saliS 5,aOle Efloor Of à eommulcatne hfm.0em. Andterson Oonmfraat, vl! bu pal orasla ¶,~ ~ - ibi he44r ,Idnt Mnda mte ecourt thîs Morir$lg viere tîhe *d Amka fer NewTrial. th. Court Hoo Ilâtbté City o aakUmIw tbibm. î11 0fi M onboude fa iaesme.î vauo . eu-@t 01a.m ade !51..m Cap ~ ~ ~ edoe omLbcn o 00 awtc asgva e- n5015IJutige Donnelly honniS argument*S", l n the. CouMC>o!tLake ai C a re îina-a'tNo. i. ht vr. Cet ilo rg i1i55 W.,P O .Ii ptnâikti#esm fCm ut" bwUo11.eriI0.000 oacb on two occasions 117 for B nov trial i1 h@ .case o! Heury of Illinois, efliet for ae at ialcd.uîI11.13 u 9...Nma cUmlNvumrIIl h BSioard a! tomai îpssma ý4udc e th lIt vu aSot tPbi h rd n onj s tanel Krby. theo 17 nar oldecambler Pope, enctor o! tir. estate ofEh vendue tu thé Iluièct and bout bdder i b»au-rc.-l :pC.bood. »oaaTisSE oal.rvmrt 006M____________ et t.;i$MOU o! wkch. he bauk la ut the instItution, or asire niay bcenet West Geebasod, versus Osborne, re- to, uh in f t1 o ta hlowing deacritind top lb lnthetsrm. etari a&l atlag morve Ch. plo tae it luamia"inl luarl g av ea lot5 nte jotali 1for coatenrpt e cur. elro! the C. & M. E. ralfroad. Thi iastate.&M od n theCouNICy or pulii oarput ur ale. à o S -> ont. ýttw 1ýhvas îen cteg Jlie-. Mouu'iay pfferneoouwarrant vas1 case w"p taken trou> th uy atLeke siSand e &of lilnola, to-vit: ABetiion of ami t onh aepe ovas 5 mWeitO idl.gicif r. I7iuRSTO g 10< emn-ei an Dr. li-by ciarglng hidi wit il ;veek, sud a verdict In favor o! the lot fwetty foui (24) ln Block Six-roundand rdrr'sd ta th. tre.ect .eopoug Ithecompas> or dru vlli fr lp of polute< ruetionà toumet Jadige lanir> adaiued on thre ~nrOnry b,' ureans n! s cou- deferdant rendered, by (rdro!tr y one (61), la Secttion Taenty on.eiitts. Carr.rsvedua svUa i AUATAR0 -'~f*o. Un 11 Jidg lmit tist ft.r--ârme.Thre 'warrant was lei .court. An Appoal hes been tken ta <21). anti Lot Bevan (7) lu Block 8ev- ,.mt lleothadRY.s t'n u sa %M aaof btus . t. Wm~Loreettt hdisî .;ci . ~ri'ueî b5 Mîrielp l, o-J.l'd.c If. P. the sypelît Cut..enty five (75) la S"ICon Tventy tvoa teni.îi.al oriu oa npasae. ~ ~ e ia~ de bri tevart Tt vas sa-unr nr hv.10roerir t22). ln ZIon City, Lake County. Ilii- N..reeth>- tIerelanti andi Ttlags tiat -8c.3.~e ES I~0 ) l1c~li- Iniyk Ioia1ud . i .411 ooîitr or tie Slave -Amer . noie. E. W. Prrw,r, H faibli-v.0. 1.trIe0 ba.ldnaPiano o Wokf a lt D i912thé alain t*front o! 'hait pnoiperty on Proposât fo Ioa mprovanents eu.uuuu u*o~lnrewlUsiSmawn frqur-e> aurhbvehr. r panso D.192 Oi ayo!OcobroArW Wlmd .rîifid 00.r.paît.IBadnt Locl lEmmo aow od Tit fi Confidence. I tie placte a- îu iaosn ,AMANDA E.CLRK, Thubieon tao pairof rbbr bouts, lfice o! Ch.BoMdin..Lcal m».p1912- -1 viIIl! ï:f ' a ucaifideuc»,e o ar-el- .rî-in'~irial iî-i i. r'pBlirg. r-âoiui.hlug, nev action, Ptc d lltanxa h t-u ae f jM InomÉ .. Par parto.! 0 rub,&Wrbti nae.U oty le -11. î.1 h rco 1012.wt W r 0 E « 1Ir, bie fstraut1ix of the n.tgrtW. k0f a es ý-wp!W tir JuiSsr-L.arrîli- "vbere the ijuta .andti iim al: %, i. hey i l the 14bati.ne iann and 1I >Clarke, eeo d 0.. W <, Tla.,ani , arel.J t a sl I 1ro ceve t b> init wortir rg t. Ii-tuai-y S ipin 114 North Sheridanu Roadi verst ýj;*opunetiandi rend. Mrd h vilgas»ofLbertyvit, lilluole, onl4il8 D dz p o 4Vtotuaatnl" ellleS bèJu7.1rr-alaiem.-s. bifs J tsinp. nereorxnsss W Iy 4tClI.elaniS andS Royp. tharthe iii. l nt ,, a "nN ,vn,ee 'r21 12. aith*i.- M,11t% C ake Clmngs la confidence." n 1ru -ai A ~ d irSl.-ur.i.-e.- $80.00) per ainutlî sur niightiselary andiS r.Ili, Cb, w t gI-iha, là, il Ltae otirer t-, ton uiui i'a.tiritivp. 'l'bpi faillitt onpCsrit Itoin thed mt<n rgir etngIî aoti o oio i PaIntanS crnn lsvl a acretutd nS l - rn nlCine.You tue-ai lbsinpss, EmIRau TIlm'nu,,ssoltbe lest neglar meet- Noved b> Ellsworth and al iadtauou&ai etdo 10k lMdiSof, * vest re- ~ ~ habit luli r.ng drige. Fîr gale 1Y aIl POtULvarFOnDM,-m.. Cn (Incarpo îd,) lI. ver:ýZ -411il udapprovemi ns roiSd. atjoatu CNovm. 7. Ütid. aqdeaofscond .1w.; àujleu*omb ljo$. - or u ap 4JI.*loapstin Fnae I)rggistsfaitBt.Louf, II. e6-5 a B. B.Iýger vsprap IlmCp .. B ComwIzn, Cbeçb . inbioet 10 »math. sorti healo! lot. 4.WUOt3 u- allai as os liel i UB cIlpzrcaeulyaçnd i& Sron, hwvr rLIai ig om, MOu ollndand BULbB Qaeen YeIo PineObd. rme-tc y1lw tention. Order eanlyas now iotme ime yaunee4 tlhex4 fw,,,Mpter blaom. Cash - flU 11 he lreêI bsejuK - La Reinae-white, rose o"de ____ . -- -- -Gan ofêe 1rchbssihk . Rose Grisdelin-white. rae edg.d, «zcelent -Lh.çaepu vt.lretrees forcer SINGLE NARCiSSUS CROCUS, Grand Merviile-rffle white - Golden Crown-yellow, edgvil *<h ed Golden Spur-goldlen yeliow, very eau>, e,- 23 Vari" bo ixed-sprinig Flowering Gertrude- - -rose piin&. extra large. speda -Macrospcfl..aarlet, cellence for forcig ALLIUM - Picotee, Mlaiden Blush-white margiaqkd, DUL ACSU or~ io Grand 14arte- CC a 5 a - ~ rmo r'oseDube1on - - - .... .&..j~Quee f thedise-extra large ope"al mm7 Cawledni-briglitorange e.-ns.'s au Fax5I pn loabelle-Blusing Bride, York & LaSoter, JONQUILS RgmcaAiaota eetmeltlm -n.14 cm. reach [r - Sharon Relis creamy white with carmine Single.rich yellow, sweillemented GALANTIEUS Piper Whlte Nardaum Gr.- 14 cm. J roeCas perudik-Marcisus O m elo id iShepl.xmàgle etra el.ted cmaMW Sobel DOrr"lffj 4 Primroses and Cyclamans in -Blo-omW MereitFlr J. E. 'XE XEDiTPsod t