1Ai~E CouNTiU INDEPENDENT WAUKE GM WEELmY SUN NEW UME1 TWO STUIAIOIR AND TWO nesLA. TIVES SIIMIT -muRIE 500 TO PYÇM'NF ot. mnu m it 0FORMm ISUNDAlf. wu skaossftUhiy .z.ted 090MI fi mmwlg et tic 90MeAletrositu* vIec Dm..Jo~trmmi Vais> MtIné 1 Mka Boulms, h tflselabs burnei lotc« S4'esioli orcîe lhaeuh m ai.sn et Mr. a&i Mn. . LDuenas et Nort Clis0 Thèse arm. the mm wt. mbitîci their bdils. duthe cliteéai thir Ut h tle relative an asighaor lit beà "yod e H. Deamns, faser of tie victi..p lie. Ibeammam opr. John Braisuder. Ham yUneuthas. i Tie skia vu a en tram Uic legsV of Il bt Libontial. uho anboitte4d hle am Wstai. la ail 100 squaret Inclues voe removed and grafted ta l thc boys@ body.0 The tour mon veut ta theb optal ami bard tbecirlime and tic doeoru iloed *0e skancithlicupper Portions cr ticir legs, belveéstbe thigi Mai1 tihes. tm nebar»s n tiCboy vers @0 gea ua iaIwul viemeceey ta taisa a aqu ouihie @bhstrose the mi- iâe»wUim uiý, b> *boit" - i~vdymai - alisé1 doav aien, lilupini sigbtl>' bt busano serions offe"t.fram th@c aperain.. Tic decors carefaly placci teic skis e. the buraui portion of the boys@ leg ani tic>' bave vacici the ns-1 sute carefull>'. Their bellef le liat ' the vouai yul lual up suOeftl>' nov se a Tenait of tic sklu gralt- lotg- A pathelic part of thc operatian le tiat ticeagi>' tier chili lu the faml>'.1 a boy, b.i îl@legeu ct oft someUmei Npo b>'a te a g*, 04 lt sce euUc an- il>' la amtlei more tli e &cTee.1 S"e.1 Llx"Physiciens yl v aici lic ont- Caine of tic operetioni1vli muc cm-. Crabecauiste c Mount 0a tehitrous- tsrred trou the metatec boy vmm Q miel Esaw s.tin le rimee>a -i.ulytvU divn IfYpa iec Tic tour mcm ers al ivec hina. dormimes ie icsin vas rovei tram thsir iodles amiticy tood tic arical ami morc lien tic U Icé« of otile vouli bave beeu taen trv cai bai amate utic *e vatie" amiavu sncb v«àeekuetiat ths datars i*l tu abandon theucitairt and ma>' have tu bave anom opratlon 152r ta finish coveingthc boys borne. Tic little vktlm aitaitic borne vhicb acarl>' obahshm lte sain weeka &goa ieoi.vaspla>flg vti matches andhie ls lties Mugit tire. VALUATION IN Co.. MIAS D!CRÉAS!D TOTAL VALUATIONS IN STATE RE- PORTES) Dy STATI COMMIS- sION GUVES FIGURES. LAKE M ONE 0F THOSE UN THE i LST-M'HINRY COUNTY ALSO HAD BIG DROP. f Au Inci-ee f $17,942,501 oves- tic 1911 assasnent vas made b>' localt -assedona lirougliaut Illinois lu liey praperty assuent for 1912. accord-( linglac figures maie public ln Sprnu-1 field Wednedar y b>tle state boardc of equalhuaa. ,Oulis local amses ara nsurthme tlotal Illinos proerctYE ulvaitom, exclusive ofI galroami.aidà the capital toocrt'tathic ycei- neehea isi1042.4 Tic ogficoW- owmtmelfrima pau ne1d o sia tho4at u Lc*s cas%tic 2111loi sueu0,0v102b'lwom l is-4 derasiNvr -2 t1 s.. acàl l1 *ROUJLA* SCHEDULIE SEING NAIN- to&INRD ON WAUICOUN, POOKPORO £5ELIN LINE. MANY'FARMUS WMO 0tILY PROVE A tqOMBEANP SUioY poarait RAILIRUAO NOW. Aitbi4ogElie wrAter le lmt gscfhiy ksevn ir>Ul* m bsli tUE . th* MWs «L tii Vasisili.Reckhr 4 Mille TE-t" =,,mm, yen a regeler Mh.tâffe t ýa sig Over I&Q k.% Muri. At tic Pressai Urne l rond beasbon cm~hhibetves LAUs Sur"chand Palatine MaiIM trains rua betvees m e twe tevia tw-. Mae m M oo ie popola l ise tva levras s won me thosliving la the vld9wi. Il te @Wam e e.mg t resuse vat Lt Mens tebaesa rail- mmd nier tbflI« amd rgis - -5 theDo nond qulte, *s. Maay oh thon ride av« er u Mvdrsimesly tor thc movelty of the tiawhile 009. «rs do n beoma"sLtle' mnena.- lent for <lien tu do Mo. Famems,w"* tb le@t ii"yoars bave beau1te ti habit of driing a borea"i buggy be- tv.e e titsvo palets, mev mey be ssci meklng tie trip bly rail. The greâtestt nthusassmle belug asbwa by poople living la tbc viciaitty and aisa by thoasvoialiv. along lbe course that the nellrOed vien cou-1 pletod viii extend.1 E'vOntn*llY ilte .intenied ta ruat gecoline UIotor-propeiled cmrsove? lhe lino baut lite pissent tins the motive Paver ileàa mail locomotive vich vae r.ccntly purcbaed lntie ce" b>'At- torney J. K<. Orvitwvi a e of thle leadiug prouicters of the rnad. To th". engins a slugle car le attacisi. At tic present time tirtcen miles of track bave becs lid but alelay the vert of sitenimi the lns front Laits Zurich ta Wauoad"a bas ien ftartcd. Mr. Orvis essrte 111.1 as soon, me ralse bave. bees ld ta Wau- candi la t b i. iiextend tic rond te >v« lIsW. VVé oxeùuaor -the liase ta Wauheaa the* yul b.but tie question ef a short tliue'ami thcevige caumty vill have becs tappei. Tb meafi ft liiWhvianarepromotiug ti tbernd la tabadle f reiht *m Weil sa pessengersami alrcai>'tle formner fature la pnovidlag consiersile rev- enus. Ausoean as thc lin. bis heca 'omp~e aWauhcem lhe ainana af businesyl ho doublei m»Y> limes aid Waukcsn As VeilIas tie euh-s cdanyl>'vib ave binn benefit- ted. -Thie fllowlns tram lis Palatise paper shows liat, caci ef the dam Ibat bave been aecured hms becs given a naine maiaa liaI helens mre chamnce liat lie naine of lha road ima> be ciangci: Ail nc cmarsliIarrive for tie nosd nov arc laholci FPalatine, Lak" Zur. IWh sui Waucna. anmnow people ai-e MaIllas n tie P., 11. Z. & WaWUWa ilue. 'Fions la a eteug feeling la favor of cbangiag the remUaime aetlb. couas>' lavsg out tiec uaie WMI- kegan & C.-lt viii be recalsi ttI Vatauesool i iiiDot accu ta ohe crsi tiere-thougi oVerse psr emt oftlils people igi poIlIons te bave ilt cmote ie c vi> iertio lovue tbat keep us ava>' trm themI, Ws cas eicvlp aur avi traie vlti- out malin tiraug the bardiblp at building ta tovus that vaut tibute or thal dan't kaav vist lie>' do vent-juet valdi us grov ver. dolin il aircai>'. TBREE TO ASYLIJI Waukegau, Nov. 18- Supt. Appia>' o! lia Lake County Paon Penn. bas petilioned Judge Pern sana la adjudga tii-auofibils paupero Insane andi la eau tiens 10 Elgin. Tha tires vomen allagai ta ha feuila miuded ara Amande Gualafson. Adallue SImcsandi Susan Slines AiltisaTe bave been inaklng thaîr home et lie poor fi tarn olie put six years. Judge Persane aid Sieniff Green left Waukegeu aI 3 'clodk far ibertyville. Tic isanungW vili b. conidce tthle paon taim. Amande Gustaton vas adJuisc fil-. asoand comiintted te tie ai>lulu at Elin ftlcen years go. . Sic v> dlsciarged tram tiatI Instutian tva >'ers lalci- &M rMetunucit lispon f am. ThisIolehliffl lime la thILb ster>' 0£th 0f la ty isttution thet 9wS peglpeaimn hue s beli q4si LIBIRTYVILLN LAIK OUIYTY, ILLMep$, FRIDAY NOVEMBER 22, 1912. REPORTS 0V THE ASSOCIATION MO WTHAT MEXPENSES Em. 011010 RUOW" S U S 3. CoIEumm!in A111D LIT 0F THE 0omATioNSe NE. CRIIVED AiD 141 THIN0S BONI AT HOSPITAL Deauto e c aret wark oc lie vessa af theic M W xmte Ha ta >s *«iUeo% the amoclaianrua bMM ffl5i? dut ti jo ui lai sed le tier varie, the vom ub ta ta» Ibet nm out of ticir buildinag tuai 4 eider ta meet lie curr«espes...*a a meult of tisir recoietamt coal up ta their expegees The hospital hampe thrce "cuaet bocke, tich euerUM~.,thc superinten- dent%. Mai Uicfinance cornites. Tis ycar lhb.> blanced te a cent. IMis, W. B. Blovuey's repart as e cairman aof inane, shows ticeffolaw- Ing Int.restlu g feuesfer tice>'ar endlng Nov. 12, 1912. Hospta assacationftram Nov. 12, 1911, ta Nov. 12. 1912, total callectiane tram ai sources ........ 117,960.39 Cuitent expeenes......... 18384.06 Curent expeniees exoeed- mag receipte ............. 4367 Cool or remadings &W tmr- lsblnig nurses' bomea..3,93011 Total expeume for rear .... 22,316-27 Total eepame exceedlng ne- emlpts .................4358 Teh*'calniage of tic bas- pilifor tis year-------..19,2u.61 Uncalleels bille fer Yeur., 4,001-28 Tihe Dnation@ ftelcved. Comulîle oadno»tlUs reportai the tollavins dontione [or Ysaeu ni. Iag Nov. 12, 1913:. The St. Mrvet Guand frnh&abs room, licesaMneta be kuavu as tic St. Mararels CQu iRoon. Mrs. pdward Spring funisial a i-ou, tiecane to b. huwavu atli Eivari Sprng Boom. Tic Presirterisan curci gave $60. ta bo usei tan the Jane MAinter Raom. For lie Hayne Roam: Mm. Rayas gave 2 dosai uapklne. 2 pair curtalus 3 ruge. 3 dresser sear3. Prom lie Needlewavrk Guili, 60 ai-h-tl cdes. etouing year, ait tel- . S. Blwne, .mrm ir. :T. Sergent ., gré. J. W. Tovuni. LMISS M. J. Heul. *umwaY, . Ir.. .C. SJones. Dvis, G. 8. Farner. 9. Hart, J. B. me- épring, J. C. Mer- P fr Nurse: Mme îleý DonmeiyMs. iS Bodgtt MWIesL 4, Mesdames . C, .es. Eellovs. Jm3 Srown. E. L. Clark, ~.C. E. Damicie. J. C. F. L. Gourley. J. T. Lae.E.Estit, 3.J.. 1. lýyon, J. B.aie. Inir,.L.Maman. NtE. spriusc. k lI.th C. E. Sayler, W. biard R Wlard, Mime PrIGURES F@RtWARDED TO STATE EQUAUZATION BOARD SHOWS * COUNTV STANDS HIGH. Il PROPBRTY VALUATION SHOWS £ONCUSIVELY IT 1S ONE 09 RICHEST COUNTIES IN TIII SECTION 0F STATE. Lahecocunt>', viti a tatal aiesmec valuation of $17,111,470, le tic seventi ricîet count>' lu the state. exclusive at Cook counîr. accardlng tu complet. fiuarestram ever>' <unI>' lutice tate ase orvarded ta the state board of oqu&ilstiountaISpringield for tinal adjustâment. The total lcres..ln valuations la tie, satire clate le $17,942,501. Ex elusiveo f raiiroads and 'tie capital stock of corporations, via are ames. Mdi directi>'b>' the satlsboard, tic tot4l property valuation of the clate Tic valuations lu tic counties viexczeed thal in Lake are: Cook ................ $930,472,142 Molpean ................. 87,797,634 Uassann ......... 7,537.0u LARGE STABLE SUANEO TO THE GROUNO SATURDAV NIGHT- TWO MULESII PERISHED. le CLUB TO THE CULPRII POLICE REDOUBLE EFFORTS TO LOCATE INCENDIARV BUT HAVE NO CLEW WHATEVIR. Tie tire bu g ain appears ta bel rampant ln Highland Park. Tberc bas beft a resité ofabout two Veeka vhilcicaussi fearsta b. lulici sou.. viat. aulx teaiavmlhom reavakmeds on Saturde>' nigitwhen tire iroke out ,la Uic Goidberg stables an Secoand Street, camplctely destraylug the structure and causlag tva mule. ta Perlsb ln thc Damnes. Tie tire biche out about 1030 Wedock ani vas veli under va>' viena Il vas diecaveréd. Tic vlunteer tireu departinent rescpndcd and did it atu Ils paver ta quenci Uic flames but et- torts te Save tic stables vamsunavail- ing and for a Uimi t iod as If tic greeler part af tic business district vould be comPletal>' destroyci. Buru- lng embeis set tire ta Mr. Goldierg .&e fine large dcpartment store as vaîl as ta lie Geany baker>' and hati bild-t ings en' u rdarnagcd considerably ha-. fare Uic department succeedcd in ex.c tlngulshlng tlicnaines. Mn. Haak, manager for Cudai>' Brothers' Packing compauy, savei theur hanses ani cov whlch vere in tic burnlug building but aauld do no- tblsg wlt't mules vili obstimae.- 1>' retusecita ho led te cafel>'.1 A ver>' conservaUive figure places1 thc las. et about$1,.000 aithoughiti l3 beiicvcd liat e clamer Investigation1 vilI show Iltetabe seveael limes ýaIP 1 ainaunt. Tiecacuse of lia lireil etal knOwn but tiere ia net a resideut oai tic cty but liaI le willing ta concfe1 l le tic wark af thc Incendier>' via has hecu dcsroYing n nuci propert>' vithln thectlst fev menthe. Fo10llawns a Partial lest nf tic tires lu Highiland Park tint have been attnibuci ta lie tire Sug: August 15-Ice honse and barn, ha- i0Oang ta Galleiher Brothers, de- àtroYed hy fire-appraximale lae $10.000. Auguet 16-William mille tce house idestrayed b>' tire-lama $10,000. ONE TO EIGHT $1 50 PER YEAR iN ADVÂi WAIJKEIAN IÀNKgS TO USE MINER SYSTER DIFFICULTY 0P IDENTIFYING MANY FOREIGNERS la REA- SON PLAN 18 CONSIDERED. IN SOME CITIES BANK&S LOSE MONRY BEICAUSE 0F INABIL ITV TO IDENTIFY MEN. Accordlng ta report, local banhe amc comnedrg vcry senlousl>' theinstalla- lion of lie finger print as a meane of ldeaUlficatiOn ln cames of depostmr Who cen neither read nor write. Tii sysem in used mostly ln citie werc thc banks have a saving departuent largely patroulaed b>' foreigners Wia are unable to read or writé, Ungli. Thc finger print a. a meane af identification bas becs appraved b>' thc savinge departuent seotion af tic American Bankersna aeocation and la belng used In msny ot the large dcils ai Uie prement tixue. Tb* procesof citainlg thc finger 'prints ela Iry simple, a speclal bnand of senàltf*e tlck bcbg sprftd on a metal plate t*ouwhiici UicImpresirotm IN thice Midil. fingere of the rigil band la transterred to a plece af card board. No ictialte decision witi regard ta, iust&alng Uic sY@tein la lb. local batiks althaugi tic meritsa ofthc plan are belng causidered. go fer lie 5ev- Ings departuent af the local banka have been able tw kacp track of ail af thsir depacitora lu lie department but with the cil>' increaslrg ln population tic adoption of some other plan will have lo be made and Iflelnquitc like- 1>' that thc fluger print will be uîad be- fore ver>' long. One af the strongeat arguments for Uic tinger pilt systexu lu Waukc. gan le a ta re are few if any ciices ofti ite ialn tic country vilci have sncb a largi forcign population. New forelgnere ira arrIvIng aimait dail>' and lt la vsrY dîtticuit for Uic banka ta kesp track af them. It wauld h. quît. an eaa>'tblng for tie beake ta lace caneieraile uoncy lirouo anm ilI' il>' ta Ideutify sne cf ticir impasi- tors amaug the tornt"elemeut. In a sear>' oit>' ont>' a 1ev icy ea a bank vras ietrauded ont af Quit. a large ambunt of moue>' b>'e doen ev inile. Mes via bail e- coau l he cbamk gave tliîr bank books tu friands via wcre aile ta vltlidrav tie moue>' becaume tie bank I officiais dld nat know then person il- [y. Tien tic ruai depositori came ang, provc bils identlt>' anidcaim- Ing liaI he iad ]estils bauk book, conipOlied lie iank la relmbaree hlm TO TEST SMOKE LAW RICHARD A. BIHAINS, FINED FOR SMOKING, APPEALS MIS CASE, Tii THE imCIRCIT<COURiT. Tic RionaDaugitsrs aofte Plriet -0M7 ........... 0,00,11V- -Nvember 2-7:80 ip. m.-Barn b Uha- - nui8Ç.0jn1 flaptist clunrolu, a fruit elowar. - lPelae .................29»1.366 iongiag ta Jamles Sbeabcu, containe Vecabc ta lereucaa>'li . .... ...... 8,787,688 $00 ortofetbar isctnro>'d-Iosuap- LAKE OOINTY JUIIORS WILL gardons........3 #I,0 ~ 83 AVE OPPO«IUNL1UV 1rO PA»S Tva urne tillai viti plants tm rai i.IM .................... 27-079,751 November 2-10 p. m-Boi car ho. ON LEGALITY OF ORDINANCE Thon. Moers. Valuatians lu uciri>' cusatice siM: lsging la Chicago & Worth. Western FothArtis.0glc onCy A large fruit cakc troam tic Norh .. ..- . . $7,5,04raitroad îe.tno>'ci b>'tirePrle.na ismni inCl> ~~ Dekali~~~.................. 16,544.735 Nowun32a .-Iedpst a founici b>' lie lat. John Ai- 7%,ôs blonds:.7...u.r.s fruit, 78 rnt Tved ah ewuestram 1tebousesander D6vl4 "dar kuosaioeted Claome felicands: 7 2 quarts vte 15Keali................6.198.327 l in flas laprsveat a ver>' serions ai Iaperulwüfoay 51*0e eu' ud3a, 2 uatsvia.Menry............... 14.424,213 fire. porson ta une tobacca vithin tic con- tal 7quarts p aéls oesu2pe ie 5 i ii ece I.e cust' . Navember 3-Box car on C. & N. Wv. al54A îtiunqcpatya bY fr oe o th w«t%» c0ntls rilrod o Bldget, ne ilevos ofLmkecoaualy jury la ta have tkiv~l. euaots cklhesca n ,1at > a n flevalctcutesrIscia liet n ievs ilogs e siéýn th le leçaVI t h&li ages tuub a lo r u rt m pe l lis section of tic ate, autaide f Higland Parkh, destrayd b>' tire . s an d am k o i a ce syrttp, 1 batile cataup. 1 baIlle 'W, con Noveiniar 16-aoiiierg stables s-ai~"uk'oiune sac.1bx8 Mo ue,94Mbrnnai, tva mules pensiiug-otiiar Racontl>' Richard Beircas, a roi. cgs,8 packages gi-tPe nuts, 6 sieste, VERNON DITON CASE usai>' buildings more orngsad&m- dcnt aifZMon Cit>' vas arrested and 16 pillow lips, 1 plliav, 1 pair blau et.., le buck tavela. 2 disi tovels, 14 Ini douaI>' court beglnulug Tuesday agusftd 83.00 and coela tor smoking ln bath lovels, 10 vasi clatis, vsw u ardth odmai eel As a resull af Salai-day nigi', fi-c Mon Cilty. Ha has appeaici île casei A lDitunc of tic laie MoAlletcicondîonle-odetheoncaelu Highlmnd Park police have ne- ta thc Circuit court of Lake Cout, Home for lie Reception Rau tram ts v uletvia ess midoublai their efforts taeseurs lie aniisato ,sdi ta ie>' Il Mn. Mura>' 0f Wadowati. brvoInci tle la drai n o,00a icesideulit>' af tic lucendiar>' but lit acenisa appeaathc case teth le apisme court Fror thse Nurses Home, munie ca.b. 1awic lat an Labut G ,aveacreAs>-like a hopeless task uvoe« Ihe>' catch If uacegaary ta provoe I'msoke- tw f-an Sirpbuets im0fCicaotltkisic, souti-Test of Prairie Vîav. bhle railbanda<l. Thora le quit@a arelir a rdinanca Illegal. Tvahavr bskes foinL. atts- Out oi lie aboya acreage, thera ara of terror in the 1111e cil>' as Dooaons Behrens vas arraced and flood ou &Sous, but 100 adi-es represaulcdin lu e lia t ni kua e he > icfie flond vil1 strike October 26. T. W. Rader and Hai-iel Mini-ar, 8 tavel racha. saap disi, tix- enn a beti-.ratDeau en u lie te oul i>vtuecsecalîiet lui-s fn laba oa ai .. Tic coat o! Ibis drainage diti lae 1 revend ai $50 for lie appruhoen. beforu Justice of tie Pence E. R. MDnuhetlmatad fet $11,000 b>' Mr, M. R. Miil- itou of lia fira bug vas offured ne- Chilaianeon. Prom friands: Tableandsi ontcra, e eenglneer, via mae tice;urve>' ceutlY but l la Ibougit tiat tlits nl Repeatedy sinca the ordînauca vas place, pîctssos, mirai-, $3. if viii ha a dîlci about fîve miles long. ha iucreased gaverai limes b>' popular adopteil by tie Zian Cty aldermen, Te lie pliaotuai tiec oros don- R. J. Dady and Martin Docker ap suiccription if licra are anii r' n men bave beau Ouned for uslug tabac- ated $110 and lic nurses anud super- pear fon tic commilsonore and A1t' ies. Co. Fi-equenti>' lt bas been stated tint Inedn 8.trI yBabe o te betr.certain resîdents ai lie White Dove inenan 15.tan>'Usubentu icobecon. O. LYON, JR, VERV 810K. dIty lireateued ta test tie legalit>' of rirougi tbia kindneu o M.M.-George Quentin ta ebaiTin a!ticteodnncbtBhen ateAe Mnr 17.60 -slia ectil tuJ«c e0 butm Buirena WSlaohllacthOsec ucrein 370afrtiltecteta sa>' or nnsondOMINIer s m ud.is l Uey l a- GeorgeReed Lyon, Jr., son ai Mn. mai la laka an appeel froulie jus- secnho m ie. rumithiceosi o i caiilan naltoiMseLae' and Mr»,. W. L. Lyonu,and a graudsoxi lice court ai Zion Cilty la the Circuit Tic ug home, , Th l e imaenaima clsbordh. a0f Hon. G. R Lyon, le suffering tram court of Lake count>'. Teir h ou te ld % 1 Ticonvhducoela ça Nortisard b>' a ad.U -hoè, .iý li' 4li.NOTIEg Of, XAUIN4AT<M oil R oad bas bsea quarantiuud, b>' teIcLIBERTYVULLI COM- TEACHIRI' 3 NI'tPICATES.Ciltyhealli physiciani. PAY_____ RAES i Io bathTva SPeeiieshave beau calcid 6 AR 18a e& MthI S' ertifi-trou Chicago 10 attcnd lie boy wvi a le Spnantild Incorporation: Home estss.vIi wwWi îWia rdd &7a>'reporfl ita bo ver>' *tck. Tva traiiedI Lssbor compay ai Ubertyvllle. Chil. ýK " à ail SIm scs forc a lgitsamioed 1*o atl,820.000: ganenal Ian- erg fltu atlendaao., ber busineca: lucrporars, Robent C. ty- 4. epuit IRl8i.,s1*ia ve ho& i Bguine, Egbert Roberteon. Biai- U - UPI Ie fo s io18 iy.a r, BLIIO DAMAGE TO BUILDING AND, TERIOR ROUGHLY ESTIMAi ED AT ABOUT I&MOO IAY BE iN ISCORteS orCHURCU H MB, BER? CLOTIiES, FOUN A BUCKET BRIGADE. Pire af mysterlous orari u maY attribut* ta grcatly iamagei m ra teliai Imci ta completl dearo'ticý latralion building lua inCt tween-12 mi cand1 k ud' noon. Tb* damng e luW about 13,000. Oui>' ticeff 1 j of Voliva's OIfoltr*1. f5j bucket brigade.,savoetM i lag troa deatrudlion. Tisse dressealuUir ibut ciotk«iC. of ticu being au tbe vay tu Thc Adininstration buldigi anc lu vhich Volive's alliesle 1 It la thc largest building la Z"54 next la the Zion Hospice wvic acrosa the street frit .AUl ficers an Vollva'sestaff aIeo AY offices ln this building. "ic %'as unoccuýpiceltheliclme éd girls lu lie telepione eleianta. Thc tiré broke out lu lie ruo# building vh'ch la-es on au cIh#ý vas nigit nDar lieheeiese changc. Oue tico" le tel e 71rc ina>'bave caummi tii lion but lb. majarty wodvesi 11ev. tit u e» orYnf N penpetrat.d the dcci, Tic tire bail sec=ri aC va>' be=.reil t sdsevWt laokci as il uotiing cOuMi pW big t'tru.t Qulil>' ti partuent respanL o.Vh4"' sponded trountIan Idesand t« à lier, a scoo" af tie grsmUot meutmen rusblng up trais SI' lions. Sachets vers secoursi aid it vas but a ver>'1ev mu fane thons vers bing paes lin. lu rapid arien. In is ay'tle bisse vu, ani final> lnglii htu grcat damage; ai becs 4oM i. ZMon Cil>'office aad srgi> vas anceif hiebiggtls5 arable damagebeig oi 80 ô vaten. Mas>et.ct» i W sponddci riUni Im>'Po eloting. GIRL IAT~~ L.ITTLE LI%,VC1S Antioci Village vas gresi> Wceda"y cvesiag'"McuA via later maie ibis pegi, moue an atiack ou G5BivtSi4J aid dausiter a of c~ oBut for ltesi> el rr#9val Hochas>', wviaisard' lb. sorsama, thc attack uld*flut mare seilons tien Iltu"S Hockney' vu drtving bos Mulet ta Park avenuviaIle chili'a scruase.HastepUlsi a li,ý rectIan, be arrIfod at tie ir!vcW tic G. D. Timyci' iiace wvis>'hé b. a mai and a oli. Tbi"bufusi hast>' retretandamihle. hili, 5M frigîtensi, vu taken haine b>' 90 ne>' and ber ftlhar, viti HaoOkO starteil la seardli for the culpelt-I wère unaile ta locate hlm. 0»MSi vas rouudad up but ha PrOvefd alibi. Stuffed Handkorchief lni Tiec bld explalusi tiat i had attacked ici and bail save a haudkcrcitlu beý ipreveut berecreains bl timel>' arrivai ciet~ U B ht camng O bi itao h u lv ti à tq