CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Nov 1912, p. 5

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Thmais n" P' ýwwbàlw 'e turk.y fom J. mi Tolqu,: OI oure We golng 10 MYayt ho ob. eotilIuithave bouel poultry morne ph éle., but We 4oBY th.At1 ÂLWÂYS get It from Us. ryea a Woen à& d» h.umfle«th* bd om in avMs bel ilt We ar eà,on ail d. im.wo . b u* ie etTuéheis, Dwadu Mai Cee.Md ao i vUbUev j1 e buet b-et -r.1se Je ELITRG Juat .ýrevd oui' inter tupi>]* of BUCK WHEAT Direct. fromthe - nîAt at Ma Wis. the uame kind we havi wm.ys Caried. CORLErT & FREDIcIC phom 30 LIBERTYVILLE, IlU For Fire anid Lite Insura suE Charle D. Proctor, AGENT FOR New Hlampshire Fre Inurance Coml Michig~an Mutual LAt Insurance Comw LUBERTY VUJZ ILL THE QUESTION, -WHAT TO GI 18 WELL ANSWERERD ET ý'Something in theFurniture I We show snch a vide range af articles aI nioderale prices vbich, .1 ie ai prscticai niity, serve a.sarnamonlalia: as vel, 115.1 jon couid net do bettes than ta p rsent som ai these valnabie gis ta those of jour hinnda who voul appreciate thm.. We Urgently SuSgeat a Visit of Inîspe TREPTOW & TAYL L 1B E R TYV1 L L E Everybody Trying t flud corne solution to the Bard Coal ehortage and thing tta te.ite place. Compressed Egg Coal is the bet thing we know ot for Stove andI Hat wate -Sootiesa, Ashlem, Clinkerleus and a good slow burail Try it. Sold only by Libertgvifle Lumber Con"u 7Phono 47-R@4. 72' 0ev,,Ig i T, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1912. ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___SCIIOOL NOTES IBB TýYV-ILI#JI IEFSI minesowley, Webb, Cran. ot -. Wilfime and liong attended a matinee lu Chicago Saturday aiternoon. ____________________________________________________ Mr@. Litchfield vi@ited tbe sebool Ist t»bO^L AND PÈRtONAL IME TON ROflTHE WEEK week. A--c----a-, ho ha. beau elck for tei#boum publication I he i.Indepen- John Dohoumebu ..purchaied oaigeaotaiot .bc ncolaau muet he In the office o n ter brothar bis tingmumimgut fit. Lyma Gurney le a new pupil la the *han Tuesdey of ach week. Adver- John gumoke voie ont ohredding corn Themsophomore cam. beld a clame tièe..eaplecally. are. ..ed te tke ooahr ahouTuea. meting t'rlday ta plan for a dance 10 partculr ntic 10hieeffct. ThurMdy of luti week Paul o. Ray hé giron Fr1 ay evening, Nov. 22, at partcula notce t thi affct. delivered tb Dr. 6ella'ray a fine uew the town hall. Oboninger player piano. Thé hlgb achool boys played a hambet lits Com luandne hé nv dlléai ire W.B. Crs ntetaled ~ baillgaine fet Saturday night with the got Cmil n etenwdlea m .0.Q netie da Ormymike team at Grayelake. The a»e not, rlgg & Wilson'@. Cottreil ai Mlvaulme, a cou pie ai dayuscmore va. 28 to 12 In favor or the htgoi On Nov. 26, the W. C. T. U. wiii ineet the fore part af lest veel. Orayolake teaui. one of the player@ on nt th hm hthe Grayalake team muade six of the h. CM ttéhm 0 ie ec Mr.. H . Weilevislfrd the latter part baskets hijuseif. W.dneedny W. P. Stevens oi Solon of luet week and thé flr8î çpart plftibia Lottue Bulkley @peut Saturday a tei.. ii.,, trausactod buoinees lnaur edy. with ber @an, Worden and farnily at noon la Waukegan. Louis Bormüan0Io going ta vorj rin Elgin, About twenty-fonr young people went dm x h brick yard near Gienviov asengineer. F. G. Bales 0f Chicago. @peut a fev from hé an h.bse ail gait 1Culés..,4 F. P. Locke af Chicago, apents couple days lbe fore part oi the week at thé Grayalake faut Saturday uight. foe s-. o! days thé firet of th. week in our city. ofishi danghter, \lrs. Ray L. Considerable competîtion ham been r Hubbard. aroneed amonget the different mreofa tharles ibley of Ântioch, Wva lr.A.L ag datedd b thée chool. Ou. pupîl af each room has bn.iuemvielor in ourclty Wodeday. lr.A tfadatne a box been chosen to tete charge ai the sale i1 Mie Map Fodeich rsurnd Sn-party at th. Auditorium, Chîa",gaenertainmeng tieketefor thairoom.eAt 'tu adgeFredrick retrned Sun aturdey night glt,n lulianor ofi lre, che end af thé course apresent W héli Sda, fr0. a wveki vîit with relative@ Dr. J. F. Kolovsor aieiago. given ta the roam making tbe argeat and frlends i Chicago. sale. The preneut vili consiet ai a work Calin . Slesai hîcgo,,i~kd The vaung people of ther Epwarth of art ai same desciption on which the navn .Blgh t Chicr.ago, i ie.1League'wiii go la a hody tu Waukegan date will show lu plain fi gures. l'le over Monday gtwtM.adM8 on Saturday ta tair, part in the ont- Pret will lie a part a0th rc Boy__L._____ bbhard .nd- fanlly. convention at thm M. E. vlurch. decoration. Resut of ths tr.0sale. _________ Da L.7th aBd Sîh grade sld 12, (fth and 7th W. ha,. a complet. now lile of ladies' C. Stat Tumda, moved fromn thé grade il, 5th grad 14, 4th grade 20.L andchlldrs'sepron. anod childreu's B. C.lason houm on Lake street ta nlgh schaol 81. savllaundrwm. GiowA; ilsn. thé houéeononmd street whlch hé Thé entertalment Mondai svmnlng John NichaIs. r6tnrned ta bis home at rsutly porehmemd ai . E. Churchill. - Wam a comploesBuccsme. Every 5matInI Devid, Iova, Wednuesday'alter a week'a thé houe.. va old, or theltiret tins. Ylst tt he ouin Fan NchI. ~Bni Jute e rpo<>" qui'Wfi etai Dthéehlstory oaithebigh shoal lyoeui - hihbi od, rn icoe ie honm, m Wr_"t Court. i. dauib- cour..Thé hlgh scisool la very gral..: hos er, Mmr. W. X. spsckman 0ai 5 1.luifor thse h so~pport aof1155 publie 1% The Adro club viigte a Tbankogivlug Ohioases op hfflvek tu ho i an > mi g. tam "Sthé epe danes lu 1. thvfihal Thveudt luth .éhiesflnsmt.etcharater ai 1h das ateteahalTuea ahdurlng hefue.entsrtalnment and ilh. refln e~ipople g1,. Nov. 28. Von are ivt.d. Agood huiS Mms.A. B. Cook 1. improving bar vbo patranised the». clamfe ntertelfr la prarnlmsd. prop.rty Iiy harlog a ne w picket iou.n t. Thé ladi.. of the Proshyterlan cireh blit on Sb@ Cook avenue and liebanieu Boy nxany people In Ibis tovn vauld viiisere Ileirmeiuel hice. inne ItOmu. rod H J Pile - . iterssw la in a nbt Sboo? Vo. thé sevechuripel=rs hkkrsdsvnegte UncaîrndusIdo wrk. c-4etionai coures. onld lhé offsred a»d thechueb arlre harda «ei«,Unela uiti.e-ding 1hew. aId as vel as young coudld have an Lion. 5, from 5 ta 8 O'clack. A dues, Mad soe ime viliiehé njojrnd o priunty ta aIm Courses. could ho uurd laay lins for whieh thene vas Mr@. D. D. Herrick, Mms. John Welcn iolovin thm exIà regular meeting 01 eufficsnt dsnad. Il jon are lnt.rsted oliMre. O. E. Churchill attmnd.d a thé local My*e Worker Lodge at thoir i ti make your desire knavu ta luing of thé cnunty W. C. T. U. lu hall To..ay sv.nlng, Nor. 26. Ail Principal 01 Islgh scisoo l ltilng fim Weulegan, Tueeday aiternoon. Mlystlc urgsd ta came and bave a gond know vhat jais vould lie to ate up. W. viilb. able to upply the beé# Tiiere vii hé e lebration ai thé holy lime. Intructare lu thé caunty. l)an'I you Romm lbcomunin ettheEpionpl eureh A bske soialwilibe eldat hevahlto toitasoup some kiud ni art. coiujusonat ho pisope chrch A bske moal iiiho eidat hé liu..ratiug or deelgnsuug, paiut ai Sunday marning, Nov. 24 at 11:50 Wrght .cbaal Wedneeday eveuiusc. charcoal,? Boy about uiauuai training? !Ince o'clock, Suaday uchool at 10:80. Nov. 27, for the hénefit of the echool. The public sehoul id &adj sbouid hée the T M@. pgota, f Wlire. W.iP. ria, A flood progran bas b-u prepurel lndciur ol the pivgreý. ui a corn- ta t i %.WB arr th, Wi...vmEverybodylunvited. freae hiuuuity. Itlesour purpose ta mal.ou luLeli ~i. ebot)l serre k. purpome. We have found ç and on Saturday @seentertalned lire aci u iv,.by pent experienue that vo cau do Dir. Biekerdyke and Mlm . Rom af i Tneday Barry M. kaiser moved big thinge and w. enjoying daing theni. I eréd. houshald efects ta Waucouda vhre W. aiseaknow tathaeil.people ai ipanhéliecontepain eig aeu@o.Lihérty ville enoy having ns profitons. r~~ . . Churchillibha. sold hie six raam tult.oeigabresso.Nov thé public sebool ha. a task héfore lae uSeods ave.lsdWe vih hlm»5uccSsu Inhi, new venture, i, vhlis is ta agreatexlsut, responeibi. lu th. ISiDEPENDITvaut coînusu ta at thé same tisue regretting hie reinoval for a laek ai interest in ths institution. Conrd 8Stnt. vo taqk possession. auytblng ta attrack the older ipupi. Tuesday, "It pays ta advertised." Are yau golng? Whbere? To the basket (a-d they form 'thie of a thée chool ) fat___rihtchu_____ wst o ther echooleo OSer lb... necesary ftephén Taylor aud daughter, Mime soc .1W~h eho, olveîa induceusenté and nec's.arily get oui. Fannie Taylor. loftI Tuesday nugist for Llbertyvlle. Wheu! Wedncsday aeuo- studentem as@Don as they gel 10 a ot jEngelwood, Cal. They vili epend the log, Nov. 27. WhY . Oood Pragfrans, ai advaucemeut vbere t hey can LFp0. vinter lu California; viaiting st Entgel- pienty of basket, with gond lunch, W. the bigb school subsuit Ibis plan for wood, LosAngeles,Ln Beachan Surel'il lie thére. the earnest cansideration ai ail patron. of the scboui. Survey and ievel the ather poiiteo. Au additiouai foroo of brick layers ha.s ahool greunde, drain and sud the saine' NIsUU'llbeen put on the new M. E. chnrch inetal a race course of cindereo arouud tio oftl itrc il Ledate -building vbicb wil ciiake Ik go forward courte whicb eau lhe used separately for eirt M. E. churtb, Waukean, onu more rapidi,. Aiuong the nov men tennis aud basket bail and collectlvely gatudJ Nov. 28. Fret sesion oi the making up theadditiuual force le John for footbell and soccer. We want, il metig il cuen a 30 es ai orWaukegan. , possible. ta do chie this fmli and meetig vii conene t 8:8. flpperevetuailytlaenclose themsme so that viii hé served frosu 5:30 0 to6:l). Irving HHoler transacted busineme lu conteste vith other scbool ise fi eld. Everybody cordially Invited. Chicago a le q days ago and purchamed This lask viii requis-o the moving ai cousiderable diri s vel a.consîderable His many finonde hére viii hé leam a fin. Ford touriug car. He bt Chicago othér vork. We already have a great ta learu oi thé igh position î oi.ai5:80 audgot bouseat 8 o'clock and doal ai support ira. people intereotod lu olybas atlaluod on tbe Houston ho sa@ thero was n ater neariy a foot the proet. ve nu a me more, We (Txs Coihy heeleh be epondfeet lcso tera. have money enaugb ta go quite a long (Tex.) hroicl, wei. héha.bee dop o dulerut lacs o Ib rod. ay toward fiziug the grounde and we employed for the peut tva years. We J. T. Robertson, proprleter ai the vaut the belip ai those wba viii assisi have recded word ta the offect bat ho Lyrlo Theatre, announco.lhe bas declded us lu the proposition. We vonld hée plea.ed ta hear ira. auy and alilpersoa ha. beau made managiur edtor, on@ of ta discontinue the useofa souvenir. aI vba wlll donate vark vltb a teamn or thé blgbSet positions obtuinable an a Ils Ibsatre, and ha, made arragements vho viii donate mouoy tovard Ibis paner af that standing, and we vish to to distribute more valuable premiums cause. Rteport your donation. ta the offr pr cngrtultio@. hrough the use of a coupon system. hiab sebool principal. We are auziaus oSeroui conratlatinsta have thé vos-k dons Ibis fait so chat Thé Bayde, the fi.teutoi.tainei.s of th Toumde J. E, Meredith lonod a deal tbe ground ean ho used for sprlng 'IVEL bltyvllle 11gbiSool Entertalu»ment vhereby the Libertyvilo Lumber Ca. atbietles. Belp ns moike oui. sehool VE0 Course, appeared at the tovu bail become ownef ai the Woiidge Planingz attractive. Manday evenlng and presented thir Mlii property just norîla ai the St. Paul TATTOOING Diogram ta a large and extrsmely rlgbt-of-way. .iust that the new Tatagre v,,asttolg ,ine!, epprecialive audience. Eacb number ovners plan doing with the propert aton eoeaé aton va. reudered lu an efficient manner hy ve Mre Dt at lberty toastate. rt doue by tb. latet metbod by es, othMr. nd dre.Boy andjudingPiop. HàRDY Bacts, Liberlyville. M3 bauntheMn.oand@ f aanjdlg Mr. and 1Mr..George Follette resunced c.g-tf nse ira h nea pplause which Fiddey mornlug iromn a ton days trip ta nid groetod eacb resdition be audienace De.nver aud oCher points lu Color-ado. $80.00 paren auîhstraigbt salary and enjayod the evening ta the f ulleet oxtent. Whil. théra George purchased a 820 el pousee, ta mon vîîb i.lg, ta lutradueo Betion Iii Ie vllb deep regret vo chronicle th. acme mproved ranch vllh a viev ta aur Poultry Romedies. Dan't ansver dspartars ra. aour midst aof1ev. W. J.. eventualiy iocatiug there. ae viii bow- unlees you menbusiness.Euax * Kinsela, for the ponItva j ears pastar Ovr, loasothe property for tbm preent. POULTRY FOD MFO. CO. (Iucoi.poraled,) ofa St. Joseph's Cathalic cburcb bers. W. nov have on band a nice stock oai tS.Lus fl -. IlI athor KinseU&alha. been callei od ta ticnunenls and markers at aur @hop an Piano Tuning g Chicago ho villi t*kecharge <of Milwaukee Ave. and Invite ail vha are Laeodr tHysuntrSos St Mark's paiih catod on 14sd io! auything in aur ine ta ala erde y lRay'@Alden tur tas tb. eoutb side. Hs vilI preach bié lare. andessu s. M. Colline, wvboi l charge_______________ Weil1 sermon bore soxiSunday morning. ciatheb bueinese bore will ho ioulsd aI tbe beencacn a Fathe te l fKChicago,'hsbhp every Saturday or any other day liachen asFthiK-'@b ppoiutient. e -- REM NANT SALE sueccecor hore. Father Kiasela hma aOLLIN______&__________Co._ hoat ai friends bore, bath emong i.OLN OZEC. . . . . - parishionere and amnong thoe af thé Martin Tboien a "rouhader froin Round In order ta move them quickly othér denominatians vho despiyregrt;Laie" va. 'rounded" uts on aur etreets la moite room for new and d ore bis departure, but reallsed lthehbai Bunday marniug by Marebal Limborry sa.onabl gods, vs have conienred open hlm through Iis &p. lu a higbiy intoxieated state, vhlch msi.ked away down the foi- ponmnand théir sineere vises go condition of bealth hoebal bien enjaylng loving Remnante vithblu inte his ewo Iid. for the paînt sevîrai daye and Iodged lu Worsted Plaids, ( _________________the village lockup vbere Ilt developod ai............................... o loto a case ai "enakes". Mouday Moro. Several patterns of Aron 5 LIFE INSURANCE fng ho vas talon héfore Justice Davis ighame ......p..1.o........5 ar ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . pl-t .,.I .-1-si. vi. flui-m _afcot. Bo1-g Shirt Waisîiug Ad The STLEADY- GROWTHi IN THE VOLUME 0F BU~SINESS DONE BY TIS 13ANK AND THE CONSTANT IN- CREASE IN THE NUMBER OF ITS CUS- TOMERS HAS BEEN LARGELY DUE TO THE GIVINGO0F INTRODUCTIONS TO THE BANK, BY ITS DEPOSITORS, TO TIIEIR BUISINESS FRIENDS. WE IIEART- ILI" APPRECIATE THIEIR KlND.NESS.::::: Lake County National. Bank LIBERTYVILLE, ILL Capital Surplus and Undivided Profite, $90.000,00 Table Linens" for Thanksgmg One of de mmV .eoewsarg wffl for diS hoidag smmsoswM !be iew TA18LIE LJINEN. We hameexcellet valusln dits Ue. PURE LINEN, faul bl.ached, clotbs tva yards vido, ln a vie1al apelsu.Pretty eîripeu and ali).ver dsmlgss. *Ef morvllextrat deep borgers. ppr yard ............... P&eVV0 EIALF BLEACHEI? SCOTCH LINENS. g'<'d boavr t'.c n elunt IW terne. Thon came lh sevoral widtbs ......................................-........5 k TIWE LINOS 100. yon',l neod. W. bave the unblecd maReu" * a gaod héavy pure lincou,,~ 0 >. at .........................................Ik & 12 1.2t lma soane ne o ot tiibed bleecbed craa. bbth plin and 1v.. vitb neat bordera, per yard .................. .......... Stamped fancy work in in big deznand. We have Pillow Tops, Table Runners, Center- piece, PilIow Cases, Towels and inany othe, articles. W. W. CARROILI & SONS CO.1 NORTHl STORE PHIONE 29 SOUTH STORE PHONE 38 One nf the Msny Style. te Selec Fr..., We have Just Beoeived a Carload of the Yaixoew Electric Welded, Ingot Iron Stoves andR GUARANTEED 25 YEARS Againat Destruction f rom Rust or Corrosion. IINSP!CT OUR LIP4E BEIFORIE BUYIMG. Buying in larme quantities enables us te selU at pria.. lovrer titan aur competitoms Hl. B. EGER i -ý> LIBERTY VILLE e e

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