CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Nov 1912, p. 11

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17,- ~WIS~M ROMCITY AND COUN. 'T-fV,.O1MT'14MSB 8WITM ILAyMEN, May MERE TURSDAV. Co. O"NIZATIONFORME VARiCoUe COMMITTEES APPOINT. RD TO TASKCH CARGE 0F IVAN- àCLI&TIC CAMPAION. Prliinary plans for the. big cana. ty evaeglilstlc camrpit» vb$cb elamtq la Waukegan on .aauaty S,. .et dlscusaed and m1 u .an»Mpes -s4 meetings eid ln the Tempopape Temple Tuesday aftrium SSd gtmm hm. Tee mints sit lait>»M' laiM* vera pissent t !the.meetIng oclock a splendid beligipt vas served bi the meuners of lbh*i 47.T. Final PINU 00MUe. The irat meetiudgrasheld at : 30 o'clock at vnlcb Waukeuan mînitars srransed plana for tus oCUin boe on Ijeceinher fth, of a number of meMR bers of the Vitiiamce cmmittes <« Chicago. This oomunittee l cive et the present dîne la a 55p5M1i o o vice crisaide le CbsSàg». Yruo m ue bers of thte conMttise bave beau a» -signai ta the varionts churches lg Wt%ý kigan and tbey viii occupi Ure puip4s on the ans day. PrellognUiasy rYSuS Manta bave been made bei or e sudta as a resait of the frt Wags sis Tueay everthile -zih novlereadi nue for the bitsiles et metiNgS that vili b. heid boe. uriez tbe at erncm n d eveaing on Snnday. Dece.. ber Stb. Form Cosnty Organislation. At 8:30 o'clock a meeig af the miDetr rm ail part* 0f he otaty vas beld at vbiclhaea tl Orts.15 lion af minlalers vas putctd. The faloieg offlcers vers siecti: Presldent-Rev. Carr. ot Socilefel' ter. Vice Presidet-Rev. Taustier, ai 4iske Bluff. Becs'aaryTrsasurr - Rov, Dlckei. Of Waukeas Chapel Street ebtireil. Tbe plan la te bave Itislaorganisa- tion uot every tirro monthsa. The. tirei meeting vilii e heule Rocke- feler the second Tueedsg'il Deceiti bar. lb. ladiles e.ere, ta mrve dînnor. Itls foit that mucI g800d vilI be sccamplachd by ergani the minîters of the ooufLtyOSetheF cati vork tagether te muel botteras'advaei- 13uppr wvs au-yvdet i7 oaclocis hy the memher, of tae Woms'm ChrWs tisa Tempei'lnoe Uijlo. Arrange RevIval Campaige. TPoiovleg tbe banque a meeting vas bhet i vich pions for ithe bi revival wvesdiacllseIlU 1more dé- tais. ev. GogeMolania o! the inrgt Baptiat durcI Vwu electeil su- @rsi chairmal of lils lvival campaigo. A naminating committes coUzaliiOf one momber of ovey clureil tien vas Noomm teu tsalut thevarions goW: Màttees. Tbelr repart vas aceatod. %ob 'pisum i vaiera voespiaced -Woi the esunittie lie «omittae chairmen arn as foi- -l'mu. Anl -*;bas wqpnt At ts emee110 pta l zeUUive ouiMttee. This <nnunte m"uetsuantbeeil ai Use Meretary. These meetings viii tbe W.1 in the Tsnperatice TI'MPle. It lsSeis$ elde ta appoint a commtiee ne osbuniresi P5o-al voilrAandi ûLs miniture aofescli chm iturb .1 p. ppint certain membera of bis chnrcil le set on the coammttae. The ap owgolt 0ommttees sO the Org- ~laiatiou Of the miniters or the coun- vsds eautihe suggestion of Dr. la t w o iconduct the evan- »5lemeuh The itantes er. toAq osumunicate vitb the valauB OWrii aandi cuiline tbe vont for tain t. do preparatory in the r-a nuiIsut.Thuns vben he arrive$ bers *bthelrnrelipiPsaIT Arranigemients '.11 :ve been mde and thi e MVOt ,011 lî in fNil sviug go ihat ts cat pvoceed vîiton délai. Jamtes J. Néeal, of Mon Ciy, Who for spme itile urne bas conducted a s'y store on Waeblegtan la~ lnger Mlu beiauose.. %seblgtsjcen oves 'today hi ney Wiiaim PFabry of E ixiCty. repiosonts severai -. qOsggesa h eiged Uai enaverai POe oZtr b~nées. He la sali ta have 1-t1 leWIbecan s lw" el!iondi na t Mm tu keeP bsitu e On o businesof the veek. Xiela I own heme. 'rhs !àrkseà l oauci Usee storeit la SMi. LAIE OOTYNY rte jiveai Pacâipta et matines Doc. 4t1% L. O. *rockway, circuit clerk 10.00 Po.tmtor Charies Watious 25.00 St&Wo 'Attorney Oady -.... 5.00 Couuity Cdont Honde*s..... 5.0 Mms, Henry iOrdie . ...25.00 The Dally S1un... .... 5.00 A Friand .......... .100-00 Supt. goe. selle, of Wlre Worke ............ 20-W Cash . . .. . .. . .. . .. . i Woolworth bc Store ..... 10 Elmeftn&n àA baown, bonof il dance et Armory Saturdoy night Balé nst profitste, re- lef fufld. Ci"igosslnop Clarence Diver 15-WC CaJOI.................. ......1.00 olsieclub, christ churcit B.. 5. llasclub ..........100 .15k. Oietneyer ...... 10-WC C&W . .. . .. . . .. . . . 50 $upt ff. J. éUock, Chicago à Mlwoulcee lotio R. R. - - G5. Np" "SlgOfas Co..... 25-WC RShsft $Bor................2650 PVUUh>WIISIn Yountg Womsn's * uUd, as per c»Mtof net ns- sipitu en "The Parasite", on Des. Sth. Ss.unlty ISavinga Bank 100 O gwsnd W. ftyon ..... 2-W D.. . CDevis ....... 5.w Capt. . g.Oison ....... 5. CowrmPFeduste Co. 10W00 O The Globe Dept. Sto09 25.WC à Friad .. .....0.. . 0 Qes W. Diver ......-- 5.00 A Friand .. .... . 1.W A Frer4 ............ 500 A Friand ......... 1-W À Friand ......... .... 0 CeniaulssoftenOrvîs ...... 5.11 Caesh ............ 4.W J. W. senwell Emplcyes .50.00 A Priena ................. 1.00 pire Dupartment ....... 25.OC Wm Websan & Son ........ 5 E. WhWe......... .. 100 rWaukeasntore . ..... 3 00 Eldielels. G. W ..i ..... t"w. T. F. Quayle ......... OC 0 Chisso. Taîsphone Co... 25 WC Siz Littlirl@1......... . 1 6U jmW COIPANI INCOIPOITED; STOCK $mU COMPANY le TO aE KNOWN *11 THE UNION MAUSOLRUM CO. OF WAUKEGAN. r-EýNANI 13 PRESIDZNI TODIAS JENSELl, C. C. EDWAROS. 4AliES G. WELCH AND C. JEN- $EN STOCKHOLDERS. Articles af Incorporation havs beau Isaqed t be union MuoIeum cam- pay of Wukegxu hy the secrelarY et Mtâte. The lconse vas laa.'ed te James A Tentiput. Tohli Jensen, CIre C. L:d. vak'da. Chritin Jensen andi James CI Woei. , Ih. abject oi the campaey la ta con- struct and huilti mausoisums. and ta »nf or relit crypus. The capital stock of îleoý ompany ls $20000. Racb shiare in valuai si $10000. jas. A Tenuant covas 96 @hars, To' bisa Jensen 95 shpres, C. C. Edvmrds 5 ubahansd Chriatin Jensen 6S araes. VTe maunoleum ai Waulkegan. hulli cm Ovsad avenues, la ovus.d hy the union mansoleum, Comnpany. The presîdent of te neevcoevçanY, Jamtes A. Tmant, la a remident of Chicago. The ev niesusolenu ai Wýaukeg&u vas bult under hie super vision, andi the nev mau0oleu ttia tàke rit &Bdi Ubertyvllie vîit bs erected by hi ibs dempatti. TobMas Jensen la due of Waukegse'a lasing contractgrs. C. C. Edwarde and Janies G. Wslch ara botb veli- keava attorneys. Critle Jensen 10 a swu ut TobîaJensen. AN ANriVfSAIRY lTe 22d anniveraary 0f the 1.O0. T.ý vas beld inleCastle RaillTuesday evenlag. Perry Lu Persoas, jusige ofthie cane. iy court, officlatîni as mnster of Cere- The Pr.grsm. Rem ka-P. L. Persons. Pisiso Ul-Cbazles 'SittU. Readlas-Mr. TousPou Addrie-Rev. CMr .1 liekef elles'. Refrebnstl ose servesi. t George Lyon. th@ ttle »n ar Mr. t and MlIra W. 1. Lyati la nov r4ported i u " é«o< of tdanger. Tise isugi s Ifo 1 Mr ad Mi i ! V I. vras repoteSooçing dql!n *,th =pl thons but It sevel'" ttoiuiteat Se seron, but & lad cas..! ear trouble. DI3ADLY ASSAULT THE LAD l8 le VEAJIS 0 DEFENDANT DENIES CHARGE AND $AY$ THOMAS WAS FRIENO- LY WITH IS AUNT. Charged witb bavlng made a mur-i deroua attack on George Thomas Tuesdsy night about 6:310 'clack. Par. cak Tokelan. 18 years oid, living ai 428 Oak treet, was placsd under ar sest by the local police. He vas glv- sn a hesrieg this morning betare Po- lice Ma~strate Walter Taylor and up. on the recommenda.tion of Stste's At. torney R. J. Dady vas bound over to the grand jury ln bonda of $500. ln- cidsntally Tokslan cbarUsd that Thomas had been toc friendly vlth i3 aut and that be bail warned hlm to keep svay tram the houa@. This tate- ment vas branded as an utrt'ttb by Thomas. Mfr. Thomas la onseofthlie most promîneet members of the Ar mefian coloiiy le Waukegae. le bis testlmony he sald Ihat be haitc been valtlng tor a triend at the cor- ner of Lberty and Oakt streeta, Tues- day »igbt, and flnally stautsd ta valk aoutb. He bail zone oeiy a blockr. he sald, iten Tokslan stepped trom a shadov and vitit an aath declared thal ho vauld "get hlm.' A keifs flaabed and aithet asme moment Thamas leap- ed backvard. Tiie keen blded veap- on lasahed througb bi& coat snd grazeit bis lef t armn. Then ensued a band ta bsed battis and Thomas says ho fie- aly managfed ta vrest the knIte from Tokelans aead. Dlaaruaed. lhe aya. the le w 0vtoak tn bis beela. Ho did flt attempita follov hlm but burry. log ta the eearest telepbanee alled the police Tokalan dened tbc stary tram he-t ginele; ta end. H deeied that the hait. belaeged ta hlm or thai ie kneev who it dld belong to. lHe sald tbat he and Thomas vers the but offtrleads sa tas' as bo ka.v. Upon belag Ques- tionesiclossi. bowever. hlie ated that Thomsabai been tioa tendiy ta bis sent aud ibat upan the advice ot bis uncie h iel« varited hlm ta keep avsy. The oncle appeared ie court a short time ister and madie a bitter, attack upon Thoamas. thresteelag toa siool hlm le case be ever eetered bis house Igaie. Thomas says that a year ago he vas bold ep and rabbed of five dollars andt ubat ho nav bas reaa ot belleve thi Tkeln as the an wl hs.stor> ped snd robbed hlm. Tbs huile viib vblicb tbe alIeged Bt- teck took place la a dauble biaded vespon aeven ar elgbt inchea long. Il la lu the iorm of a dagger and appears ta bave bsec fashlansd tram a large file. MS JEIL is I3LECTED 2ND VICE PRES. 0FASSNO SespOs'ntsndont of Waukegan'a Mo- Allster Hospital Honored This Week. District Associatiou Ne. 1 of the Illinois Saiessociatioe of Graduais Nurse. vas organisait formally ai a meeting of the nurses tram Cook. Dut Page, Will and Lakes couetes lnte Itotel fiberman. Chicago. Tuesitai -uught. The feus' coaties vili comprise the district and nurses living in thesa counnues vho are graduates of regular achools for nurses are elîgitia ta mem- berébip. lbe officers chosee for the firat dis- trict are: President-NIrs W. E. Bache. lirai Vice Ps'eIdeei-Mlas Minnie H. Abrefla. Coo coqnty. second Vice Preidet-MIas M. Hell, Laits caunti. Thlri Vice Premident-To te choseli tram Du Page oounty. Pourth Vine Psesdent-To ta ctoe en tram WilIiconuy Corysipondnt Scretary - Mise Rocording Secretay-Misa Mss'- gari M. Biler. Treasurei-Mrs. M. P. Ringland. 1The naxi meting viile 4la j sary. Makl en oo pl lus "fnueria L Mwk" unj Uara'sà pbe *eI, g~'<ag.toMo! nergi t« R- b nusfrs R. M. Tes. 3W. iesreu Drulst«o. A!eTHVP tN-Wcomjp WEDS N dicAflO According to a message tram Chi- cago today a mariam lcense was le- oued Ibere to AàfthUi W. Newcomb and Mra. Catherin.e lackford, te lai- DÂNFOTII CASE UP ON MONDAY The case of lÀemon Danforth. co ýored. charged wth bsving rnurdered 1bis commun iav vif., la tir>!t on the criminai docket and viii bê the i rat te be calepd neit àNanday no, ning % hen court couveneg t IR sRaid thnt i anforth viii plead emotinnu' asgan ity. This case viii be faiiowéd by bhe Edward0. Abres cae. the latter belng cbarged vii bigamny. The cLse promises ta h. one of ttie iosi interesting aver tried bers. The tird case on tse dacket la that of William Caolle, calored, charged wîitb burglary. -Coli la cbarged wlth havlng buvgigo'sed the T. E. Gray bat store. State's Attorney Dady titis atter- noce atated that thopse are the only erimînai cases wbic> be ham on bis caillait te present Urne. OFIWIA L "AEL FUm410hs1 by Lake Co. Tille fi Trust Co., fbetoet sf tIS. MlsaGuara~ee Mesonis Tonl WtsBiePhone4 NOVEMBER 24, 1912. I.. B. Phelpe mm, vue to C. Pbeips lot 12 Smltb's St, la Sac. Il' West Antlach twp. Q C $1. F. Lh Thomn t A la B. Pollitz W. 66 fit. E. 1132 fi. Iota 7, 8 and 9 block 1 Harden'a Add. Anttach W D $1. Union Berylng Orounit Association ta Uion Mauseisum Co, tract at land at Spauldians Corners W 0 $200. G. M4. Stephene and vite ta T. J. O'Nell lots 8 ta, 13 blockt 75 Higbland Park W D 110. Chicago TItls & Trust Co. ta C. S. Woifolk 18.66 acres lu Sec. 28 l.ake Forent deed $1. C. A. Newcomb. Jr.. ta IL D. H. Ev- ans lots 2 snd 3 blockt 4 Wasbbure Park Narth Chicago deed $425. 193 NOIT OCOGO RICHARD LAMBON MARRI ED. The frienda af Ms'. Richard Lason were taken by erpTine vhee they learues tisai h. vas marrled yeuerday le Cbicago te, a Laite Zytich grl. vbom be mei anme time &go whbll taacblag achool ln Ibsi village. Ms'. Lanison jusi retentai tram Wahngton. La., but It vas te im. pression Usai he came back te speasi Tbaisgivtng vîit the tolsataiborne. and marriage wva scomplet@s urprlae ta bis mny friand» i le Cieto. lTbe 0un andi North Chiticeblonreu Join band, lu viablug the poipi &il *Inde i oth.ppineas la their veSsieS litso. Mr. attd Mrs. William Butide viii biulid a beautitul elghi ritomra .rme remideece ai the soutiteasi çorner of Elgteeth and Lincoln streets at )AT. NOfV'Ea<R 29.1912. jurindictlon vas pendiez befarelte! federai jaesghlmself. .ludgs. Oweno'j action nilfiles thia motion. This tura Indicates that Judge Lac- dis Io determieed ta go to te' bottom of the entire scandai. Suit Aoainaet Mrn. Durkin. Suit tor $12.000 againat Aira. Mary Duritin 0f Waukegan. mother ot lIra. Kirby,, vas flled la circuit court duriez the day. The suit vas tarted hy Jo- seph P. Trisaa head of the Slavic- American itaek, vito Is out $10.000 on a check ,given hlm by Dr. Klrby. Tbe petition sets forth taRt Mra. Durkln promised to maire Dr. Rlrby'a lasses good snd that ahe nov refuses ta do su. Judge Landis ardered subpoenas la oued for Nellie P. Klrby, a relative of the banker-physictan, at 3637 Michigan name appears an a number of checkrs aiiexed ta have bsec slg-ned by Mrs. Klrby neder other namea; also a aub- paonsa duces tecum tor Edvard ErIcit- son, hesti ot the Elckaae bsnk. The court annaunedthett posipone- ment ot is decision lu the contempi order against Mr. Kirby uetll next Monday. Ber bond vas tlxed at $20.- 000. "Were la Nellie F. Klrby?" asked Judge tandis viten court opensd. "1I neyer heard of ber until ber name vas mentionsti la ths proceedlnz." laaid Attorney Patrickt H. 0'Donnelli. I knav ibat there la an unfartunate le lte tanlly snd ihat Mrs. Klrby and Dr. Kirby have been supporting that unfortenate.' Mra. DurkIn Tstifesa on Note. Nira. Duriîn vas recailed ta teatlfy concernlng the. $5.000 promlssory note "Are you sure titis note la flot a targery' Judge Landia asked. 'Yes, air, 1 am,' LaId Mrs. Duriîn "The note vas made on Dec. 4, 1909, kegan ca ell you f drev a $5.000 check t ai iat time." NIra. Kirhy, recalisi tou tse stand, admitted openiez a taus'ib batik ac- couet under a fictitioua name. She ldeetlfled a carit of the Franklin Trust & Savinga battit earlng the signature 'Mise E. Walsh" snd admitted mak- lng h oui. Upan tite card appears the atidres 3637 Michigan avenus and the tels- phtons number Aldîne 3310. Do you knav anybody at that addrems?" At- torney Heaiy asked. 'Tea, Mien Nello Icrby." lIra. Kis'by opened thé scoouat on Juli là, 1912. DoOsn't Know John O'Mals@Y. %Ils'. Klrby vas above a checkt sign ed "E. Wals' for $1.500. payable ta John 0'Maflley. She laid abs drev te checkt an instruction tram bar busbaed and recslvsd cash for I. ' e e e: Hlenry C Giraf, Summet, wls 21 Fannie Tiomer. ZMon tity ._2o Edward teili.Racine .. 23 Blannait 1. Kit,. Ra(ii s 24 SAYS JUDiE OWI3NS; NOW TO TIÂIL JUDGE LANDIS AND JUOGE OWEN HAVE CONFERENCE. FORMER 18 GIVEN LEEWAY. MRS. DURKIN SUED, $12000. Judge Landis Tuesday stepped down fram the bench and made a cal on1 County Judge Owens regardlng the Kirby bank scandai. The Ivo judges beld a roaerene iu Judge Ow8n's Chambers. and the meeting resuited ln absolute jurisdictIon being given the tederai court ln the Klrby case. .ludge Ovena of hlm awn motion Bet aside the adjudication ot insanitY a gaînut Dr. irbY. This makes Dr. Kirby iegaliy sans and anwnabie to tederai lankruptey lava. PIECE 0F FLYING METAL !STRUCK HIM IN CHEST AND IN- FLICTED INJURY. George W. Flood, 2.1 yvara aId. son1 of Mrs JulilaFlaod of 18 Ciaytoni atreet, dled ai 5:46 oclocit Tuesday nigbt. It la deciared that bis deail! 1> the reauit ot an accident wbicb be autalned le Burtingion, Wis., a Ilttia- over a year aga viten be vas atruck le the cheat hy a flYlng Plece at metat 'ehile tollawing bis trade as brase but- lie never regalned hie heaitb Pby- sicians vere of the opinion that an op- eratlon mlgbî reileve hlm but besitat- ed ta operate for a long time becauge tite lnjury vas go close to bis heurt. An operatron vas p5êrformed six or seven veeksagaxabut Ih dit fot Boom ta relieve hlmt much. lie bad been le bed nearly ever mince. Mr'. Floocdvas boru le Ciicago but bad reaiited ln Waukegae for the laa' 12 yesrs. Hia tathes' dled 17 yetrs ago. At one tUme lis vas empioyed bers as brase buffer. Bealdez bie moter te lbaves tva brethers andi tva ulster@: William E., May, Ii]an and Richard A. The lutterai viil t e sd Friday mornlng aiithe Cburch of the Immaculate Conception. 'Tse body viii then be taken ta Mi. Olivet cemnetery ln Chicago for leterment. Ms'. Floodi vas one of tbe popular young men ai the clty and bie deatit la regretted by &Il. SIIOT BECAUSE HE SAW WIFE IN THE ARES 0F ANOTiIER Isaac Etnyre tooli the viiness stand Tueaday ie Jnudge Wlndea' court, Chi- cago, vbere ho la ou trial tas' the mur- don of bi& vifo. Mrs. ioea RinYre. andi related to a jury the sios'y of loy bis vile baî! yiolded to tue vooing of Rai- fopi EDarlTo'., a corporellea ànegi- ment stationed ai Fort Shenian This vas the. reason be advaecod fer sboot. luE hia vife la thelr home ai 3013 Wasahington boulevard, Chicago, an Oct. 14. 1911. I savtem slttilng on te sofa, em- bracieg eacb other, *hen 1 locked titrourita vindav." hs, sait. "Some- one. Work un the foundatIotia for "Who la John--O'Mgilley? Attorney tbi.... eedst"sea le-- trin. ths nev hanse vas commenceS on Healy asked. lait my rsaaoa. Is'ae lttto te hous Tlles5AJ.Ay Contracter Dieta. Mr. "I itatit knov ibis one, ihoutgh 1and goi a revolver and itlseil.' ansi lrs. Buddie are the Pareeta Ot knov a mani by that came'" said Mrs. Sodier Dents Charges. Dr. A. E. Budite. Klrby. Accordlng to reporta W. Jobroe of Miss Nellie F. Klrby tai, occupi One bulisi sirudli Mrs. Etnyre la tite Norsth Chicago vilI builti a garade ailuuosaarmns i3tIMc- abdomen andt anoiher lodgedIn l Bar- State sud Eighteetb sirsets next gan avenue tas' the îaat ten ear iov'ns fortahuer. li5rland waa a vt-e aprleg. Thte garage yl be rua la îng alone titere aîîended by a colored chaneas foade atthe, anit edeeleit t connectian vltb the garage nov ova- malt. ln May, 1911, asit reporteiltut tre uaeb h ccsdhsad aid andt aperateit by bis brother le thte police that jevelry vortit $6.300 Thes soutier salit ha vent to the Eiflyre4 Lake lioreat. vbich site hat hîiden behind a rom. home to meet ils fiance. Mliss Elsie of bocks In the library tat hssn Bonle of Elgin Ha aleu, toIt ot boy OVER $500 RAISED. staien vbîîe site vas at a bail aoutthe vas isiot vhlle ais'uggllng taottain1 Thepata ad emss' a te ol Friendahip club la company vith John posBesalon ut the veapon usait by1 FTmeli chur tard e slaersofvter ube suc. aliet', Jr.. son ot a veatthy retirait Etnys'e oas lyc he aeieltaemoni hedela. paciter, living ai 2912 Michigan ave- At thetilme of the shooting lIra.1 oesaof te enertanmet hed lat nu. inyre vas cotemplatiig Intitutlng night lente Auditorium. brseeue.anenne rcednl Over $500 vas ralbed t iîleventure 1118e Kir'by aaid ste dîscovereitbr aate anen cacsetprocet t oa seven itouri; after site arrivedaan at inye on h atrgesnotheat whlct viii tari ithe futisifUr a en ber home tromt the bal in compauiymdhatpaettc ais' n ua churcit. Other efforts yl te put forth viih Mr. OMelle andi le bis automo- banda of a lavysr. The tate atiempi- soon b avweu the funsi. bile. Ha did nfot enter ber aparimeet ed ta prove tis the motiva for the1 Thte affair of lent evenilitEpnoved a cite ceclareit Qthss' jewels ofthte val- crime. dllghttrl ana la everyvai snd tbose neofa aitoast $4500 bat iteen ttle!nTe iefense letroduceit loto avi- vito tail charge recelvod ' oo ratuls- ber bidlng place, dence a posicard phtograph of Mrs. tiotts of ait vbo ttended. As the doors andt vindov tastenlngs FEtnyre andt a matt le saîdier attire. The sum cleareit heit churcit peo- of the apartmeni shoveit no signa ot Thea latter vas not Barlow. pie la a migity goal fot egn for the har-lag been tampereit vith, andi as Etnyre vas placeit on triai some nev church fond andtmn»s ibai a tse coloreit mlt hadt hearit or seen ne time aga ln Juitge Keratena court, but sts'ang Iepetus viii h given the ea Intrudera, the police concludeti that a jury vhich vas itearieg te evi- laehviez a key ta tbe apartment es' prejudicial tastimony ta tte de- cbucb laneraliM. Tà f ISt t ad rohieriva citt e et ty ofednt ailciagdyltejîg f- lit, Saesn't stop: M*4se e ovela dohitiig hber jevelry. Thte mytery w8% ing ta prove that thte iteendant hait Useir vork ln doulae-quick Ulme; I neyer saiveit an far as the police oritered severai operations perfornred keesayau vali. Pear"ea Drng Stars.itnov. upon bis vite. Page T~ee~ TERRIJJLE SCEN AT IIêSPIT,# VIERE WViTIS LE PRUNE MEN BANDAGED FROM HEAD TO FOOT LIE HELPLESS IN CARE 0F THE NURSES. SIGHT NE'ER TO FORCET ,I ALL MEN ARE KEPT IN AN UN- CNCOSSTATE TO ALLE- ViATE THEIR PAIN. Robert ReltEýr, Niliwiukt>(. Elizabeth OK'f-ee, Ntiwalikice Ralph Smith, M.ilwaukee Sadie Hampe], Miliwaukee Earnest 0. Otinnerson. %lilwajke- Niae Kathryn Curtis. \tiankee, Arthur \tanasse, Nliaukee. Adeir BFrg, Nliiwatikee. George Knud4on. Racine.. Tiiiie Krause. Racine, .... tovard tseback of bie head. Fingenals ODrop Off. Anotter thlng vblcb aboved the ttg. , u rible condition le vblch thte victime iay ln the haspital vas ibat. In practi. cally every case. the fingernails drap. poil off their banda, so terribiy bad tbey tee burnod. P.racticaily every vlctim wyul sventusiiy bs albUn fin- gernails. Mont of the. boapitai vidtima vers unconsolousas graniter part af-Use re-c and thionse bo vers nat uncaamclona vers, vithout any exceptioi. givon bypodermîce ta alieviate thelr Ulu. Little Violence Shows. Perhapa never bas there teen an ac- cident lenlias state vbsre an many men bave been terrii>Iy hnrned aY i' iit'emltil that tbe haspîtal vbsre thai vwers csred for vltnesaod inch an absence of violence aud noise. TMe patienta dld flot rai"s anjy dîstarbancs as ons would suppose vauid be the case vbsn go many vers vs'itblng le pale but the. explanation la ibat tbey vere nter- rhbly injured that they luit cauld rt exert ubemaêîvyes sufficlt'ntly ta yell. RyesoAit losid. in the. case of a greater part of the Vîcetima, il je nov sataed hai ubîr eyes are dlosai as a resuli ai belng avollen &hut. ibraugli tire. siarcli. etc. bea aiecteds it lnfot kuovu but h t t fSared that. mi«ter ssibogie to Im- provo and Use avsilnU "O0BdOve, aM ai h. fanai tgbave lost their sigbt entireli. One victites lipes eem affecteS more tban the. aibera. The mare solIsa until his jeesiimatsd ubey vould mon- as'e an Inch andt abalfin lthiick- Anathes' victim. hie legs tram the knees itove. bas no circulation etai Il bis Ilmba belez entirely hlacki. Took Nursea' Biankets. Maaday nigbt Ih looked for a time as If tus nurses vito lve le uts nurses* home. vest ar the haspîtal. vauld bave te sloop vithout bianitets for, vheli the victime vera tak-on ta the ospital, every blanket lante boapîtal sud the nurseas home vas needed ta co#er the men.t floweves'. neigbbors, eard of lte nurses' aacrlflcieg titeir ovn e biccv. erings andi ibey at oacs brought bianiteta toetehome for une 0f the yaueg vomon vben tbey came ta re- tire. sent Some Home. When tus rush oftheibeurneit victîie ta the hoapitai started Msonday afier- noon. Bupi. Heu] ai once ordereit four patients homo vho vere le sucb a con- ditioa that tbey couid give vay ta the more aeriously inJureit victime of the s'sfinery. The tact la ibai the taspital van tu,, ta capacity befars ithe 27 refinery victime vere carrled tbsre Born e taIs'. and %Mra. George V. Wortht on Novembes' 26. a dangites. j Io t the sysiom vhai aIl la ta a ma-, 1chine: you eeed îîto keep gig-Moi. llstes"s R. M. Ton. Pearce's Drng Store. GEORGE THlOMAS MADE CHARGE ter ofut si t b a .-.rvf'd t o 1 Ni. AQAINOT PARCAK TOKSIAN,' Newcomrb la the same man who formý ONE 0F MIS COUINTRYMEN. erly was ons of Doweis lieutenantsý linZVon City, nov of ibertyville. 1 People generaily in the ity hsve no ides vitat an awtui catastrophe the reflnery explosion vas, The one place of ail where thte awtuInese of the attair impreses lteif la the Mc- Alisier hospitai where the injured men are lylez on cota and beits ln al vacant places in the hospitai. There these pour men, bandagedin le ucli a way that one cati bareiy see their noses andt lips. le helpless, depending on te good nurses whoa're attend. lez them. The ans danger viticb ail fate le the condition af thaîr kldneys andt In each case Tueaday and today it vas necea sary ta exeri extreme care la this re- - gard. The arma, beacanadain nany ta.ý.- the bodies of thes men are wrapped In bandages ao clley reily resemble tise. bandaged mummiseona sees plctured le hlatory. Eysbella Tursd About. Ie the case afHyland. the man su terrlbly burned and vbo vas ,aitavn every attention atj$ir. ospital. h de- veioped ihat bis bindnensvas due to the tact that bis syabalis vere com- pletely turned aboli le bla head, ture- DIES AS A RESULT 0F HURT RECEIVED OVER A YEAR AGiO GEORGE WV LOOD 0 ED TUESDAY N IGHrt; IjUfRED IN WISCON. SIN A YVEAR AGO. NEVER REGAINED HEALTH 0 ti Liy v miumm&n IZP£4.

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