CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Nov 1912, p. 3

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14KEooU1~TYrtI IMT, T, Rf)Y.NOVEMBER 29, 1912. LmaMDsCOUHRM____________________ 'Ph Guu, W.C.T. . ud h r.Mnasd Mie. Dilihie sud Mdise Qiadye Doing an d Saàyings of, Grayslake Té oiIlu iiti est tas 1>4e on Vose, fSr,,I Po.i frleuds mt t theé ourusbail, Fiday home on.e efflifil lt wsek. ..DrcE to evenlng, Nov. 22. forsa banquet for thym I tir B.d Mms. Leu. Foulon are tho i Dow member. Corlg the een:fi proud par et.of a littie daugliter boirae Ordures Takeln for Job Work Advestislng Rt. On Application osemberohip content, tinteen riactive Nouxsmbér the 22nd. I1_________ sid six honore"r ummet. vre obitained lifiée Fiorenée Sage le spending severai en& theee vore guesté o1 honor at the veeke vltb frisotte-lua'.hicago. Mise BuseeWhitehead returned Mon- 'Th. maryl i flb. Epiecopal Miseion Praet% . M ry exetrupe 'Theh.Warren Cemetery Aseclation viii dey tram sa tva veuke visit vlth ber have heen cbaagefd bock ta the eveuiug thehoat. trMrs . ar viskeitdnit ment wleh IMm. Cors IcCullougli on 014t«-. .lr.Wiuon et Zenda. Wle.. service vhleh WvIS be. heMnext Snnday Th. proaclmistreu Mlis.Can tcafWedneeday forqnoon, Dec. 4th. 'Ph.etale af bousebaid goode at the evenin; et 7:80 p. nM. at the -unie place. Nneic-Auoa c................ ..........'Plié paitin, of the Cemetery lane oeurs t iren. Garvood letaiturda Ever.vhody cordisily invited. UsOose"lit tasW. 0. T. U. lienus ta tel, îg Improvetuent. was watt stfruded. Thu Myotie Workers viilhoId a mses .l"" ... ie. Helen liclue re . le lbuyaddulie e. re. L. Y. Sikes viii entértain theaifpracrrestive .ombre parties, Ca lie given RssPone-"'rhe New Recrulte ....... M ls lbr n ag rBr .lir............ M r jrc l,jf i »Pont Satunday lu Waukegsu. Womau's Cluboit Frlday evenulg. as ou thé tiret sud liarFiday eveniug ai seponne 'Our - si. -- e,. 050. semta Thé ise chauoo l@ gave &sotthi. le taulie a social evening the ecdimouli. Nit party to hé heid on Wepee'b hIitibbon iron ... progranh te day lieforé 'Phsgivinj g oveubv ba nvti. rder flook iese. 6tF it teirîdbaon *"* . Je.nie ;e.b Sain Millet died et hié home hore Mon- Mies Blanche Haugiton of Chcago, pvrzes v& tlie. i r od secone. itéOU$ne "A Look JinatCils Ushre . i .. day moralilât. peut SuDday eStaontim wllbt 8:34)esr. Eý3bd . ... .. ........ . . F. b hI l deoo F e uBt hd Jonmt r e :3 a.p linsie-"A$ Round Tile Wfelu The gibbon Mr. Bnd gr.Chas. Lamb ispent Son- LMessigs u d t Ku ieti an d hn Mm ee Ga nde ere Whte le Toined" BdY t Jmsiere. Lugaaugofan thir ivesvietedChicKO, rer flurts , d eue G eogf About esVeuty.-fire wveIliattendant% e LJncl heni ' 1i n 1 a e'ttfihe orn aMtr. and lMr@. Wilson at and areth uet a C ap aud a rîîat pleausut tiriie vais erjo)ed Th iclatn vas mold tant week Zenda, Sunday.McW.llupnTî.dywti by ail. ' a Chicagoparties.3. Metz, a tiret cla@e ladie's'udr gents' Mises Olive Cimutlaet on boy a e ox aid s rty. Mr. Bhan@toron Lak treetformerly Miss Cur4 White' oi Waukegan. @pet bYOndadgadatrtcycle. 1I-"* uudOetamd hat a number of "o cni. yM.Mrs rylk el Th~Nkdgivlg i it ber parente, Mr. id Wba ~ b nee o Idhnducedtatostatu. a msn bave le&rna4 ta StOke cli9a. I vermachî need of a goad tallor and wviii1tirs. And rev White. Prîtereuce. Cbabeliog asked whleb'hbo' "B the frivolous ohsr. r'l1d0oft be giad ta have thie@bop reopened. Mir. Mise Edith Gant spept 'l'liikegiving 'Would prefer ta bave a li ger boy' bellev. it." repfed Ma. neta ~~ ezhta hp hcg u tUiagad~tne h edn tel. ftm lie ansvered: 'leans klnd. of c'tigre a etWbsDi eléutuCicgoadbgy nobad ttnedth edin tnit the boy took." oed ~*cames velu rscomniended. lier brother. HanrryHonliido ai Chicago, viéited TblieGrayaiakeCsmetery sýuîiety meetsî nalits maCler. tire.0. P. Barron aven with tirs. Fred Xuehkier. Tliuraday, 1 Slturday. Dec. 5th for dinner. 'hcplir i as been ,,âflâsRoekrus, a w i f osanenote, clianged tram ic 5eta 2iie; childrea nne 2 '~' vio lia heén oame work an the ten yeare 15c. Visitrs wel,iiîe. à ghC" for Win. Ellis the pait tir. and Mis. PaCIAvery ai Lake Villa, v iaweeke bas retnrrned ta ber horne 1lu versguesta 0t 94 Kapîtir andi tamily A nOn e e tt E.IrýSnnday. : .xaitr.. John, a&e @pont Ttank.e-riving atjane.. W. wVA& to announce a change* * Mr. sud Miro. Henry Kuebken il viii le- *entertained oun'Phanksgiviug in hanor ai Jeeu Longahaugli trousacted bsns ownerhip off thie Honme Lsunb«olien. 1their lufth suniveriary. lu Chicago Wednesdsy. pmny, effective Wednetiday, Nova"«b01')ieolive ColemniofaiEvanuton, le Mr. Dnlukvlne sud tanilly ruoved loto : opendina sev dais vitli frienda hore. th Lizzle Leyr boume Chis week. 2 0 , 9 1 2 E d a a' F . w a n W I Jii g0 T h é W a u k egn T ractio n CW . a ve M is s al e e é a e d a e, w h aî a i b en relit.i, nocmuutt the cleaning qup off * eisnwed the anime oi thoir aev rosi! ta stOPPing for uonu. lime at thé F. C. 0 Mr. Orvie reports thBt thé 0ev roasd le eek. Ille con 'miM under ftii ane mmage : esewing fiueiy sud inereaiiug lu Atty. J. K. Orvis of Waaîkegîsa. ran- go- usinees. sacteribueinees bers W..dnuday. Lmnboilrorp yof bry li the- firm name off Home Fred Sberman aud vile ut Wilmot, .fHenry Kuebker baid the nisfortune ta Lumbe Compny ofLib«tvâW AW la .vers gueste af tir. aud bdre. J. P. @Pratou hiehie quite hsdly Tuesday contnumce ff yut ~~ageSherman, Sandowy. sud le nov Welansd to his hou. solictod. DR. L.1M. COULSON Rexali1 Remedies Home Lumbc-r Company e VETERIMARIAN, FOR YOUR EL. ID icat GardinielfHotql Rexail Toilet Aide ofhono 53R. 0FOR OUR BEAUTY. of Libetyville PRBE.For ome vcek. à beantUfu 0*~@O@ e~@@ê~oOo~*.GRAYSLAKE ILLINOIS silverPlated Teaspoci withevy ARE YOU SICK? ~ For Poison Blood Purn o Bood Cemacathe Liver, ..... ...., Sil«Wghmm the Nerves, lloreile imHumer.Ulcems, Pdm d, 0 ÎI4 m ogOlod Cman cause. FrChE s& lever dtO Chle* ýl~Mahmie md Ague M'Itell-7 I.m)h*i'Wiortd's g>et summie id h&mInlss ta am s ittdries thieopoisoan OUk*1@dOIloMeyum l3daym. AMild F*mily Laxative M« sJas,.msjiseiu Sw . mou$&* .41 i. rnfty Cent pucilaeeoaithe KepaJies and Toilet Aid. By buying iciai Reanedies you receive Double Value for Vaut maney. THE REXALL STORES Druce Drug Co. Grayààak, - Round Lake We art now in our NEW 4STORE We want you to corne in to sce it, and 'quote you the following prices for this week. 20 pounds Sugar $1.0OO 3 packages None Sucli Corn Flakes 16c Henry Kuebker GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. PFIONE 5 r- - 1 Wni. Thaom caiied oun Mburn finde lait week. Wand Bain of Racine, Wie., transacted business hère lait vepek. MAiss@fllen Bus e rtunned talien homne la itocestér, Iis., thé lait ai thé weék. MisFlorence Anderson of Lake Forset, @peut llunday vitI lier aunt, tire. W. B. Stewart. Mr@. Richard Edmiond@sentertaiaed lier mathe and lier brother Bnd taniuin ot Wauke«an, Saturday and Sunday. Lloyd White ai Waukegaa. and Andrew White af Grayelake, calîed on 'relatives liens Saturda y. Mn,. Emmia Strang vasi eniouely hart vheu lien borerau away and tlirè lion ont ofthtle buggy at Autiocli lait 'Plure- day. She va, hntùaglt home on a cet. fAt presont tein lequitt- eonuortahl. tirs. J. A. Strang vleited -Nirs. Ed M'ells, Wedrieeday and Tliareday and .attended the supper given l'y the cemetery eoclety andi was retarniog hume win u t. A. Et. Stewart ieft 'Satunday foc Lily Lake vhére hé atIl visit his dauglilèr antil after 'Plaukegiving. NIr. and Nire. Thamai Grittuin o g rukegan. @pont eseral d.iye vîtl relatives and friend@ in thés virînîty. 11ev. A. W. Safio4d viii dellZer a Tliankegiving sermon Saaday, iYec. 1. Speciai sang service in the evening. Mc,. Harold Ilinta and dauglitens left Satardagta tovisit lien parente Bt Union *reve, W!@., and attonded the vedding tof lier hnather. EBarold viii @pend Tliaukogiving t.iere. 'Pli Ladies' Aid vii liahld ther négulan moathly meeting in the clarcli, 'Plure. day. Dec. 5. Dinnen vilil ée ervéd. A aumben ai the yonng people sur- prised Ray E. Dawson ou li. irthday i'Pueeday eveniug. CLING TO OLO DESIGNATIONC. Sportin. Language Thet Wu Used Ir the Middle Agis la Stili Gond Porm Toay. Mach cf thé language uesed lu viii Oum sports 1fa a ncer!tnnce tram th. meiddle agés. Différent kinda af beausi vhéo lu campanles vere distiuguished by tbe ovu particulier epithet. *hicb vas supposéd ta b. lu nousme ues descriPtive Of thé habite af the and sah. To nu.the vrong f&é r the"e vardas ubjected Ch. vroli-be sport» mnu aridicule. Many aof thef. terme have paused! avay, bu ot eof theux are utli ne tained. ThisisCt ram thé middle ages lu stili gond uage today. A "pride 1 f lions." a "lape" cf leoPards, a "bord" Of hartsanda 4cf ail sorts af deer; e "le"Of moes, a 'alotb" of biais, e "silnguar" of boars, a "saunder" ai vlld uvine, a "route" of valves, e "bagrra" of boisés, a "ray" of! colts a "stud" af mare, a pace" oa(asez a "barren" or maies, a ",team," of oxen, " "draine" a! ki., a "dack", of sheep, e" "tits" of goats, a "ukulk" o! taxée, a "dovnoa aes. a "uext" o! rab. bits, s "cicyder" o! cate, a "abrevd. ne-s" of apesuad g "labor" a! moles Also of animale vhén théy retired to raC, a hart vie nild ta b. "bar bonsd." a roehack "«bedded." s bar, "forme&d" s rabhit "set." Tva grer. hounds viresald a "braoé." but tvc harrieis vére cîiied a "couple.", Thon v&a uo a "mate" of hoandu for e flamber, a "kenaci" ot cachés, a "«lt tOn" Of wvlps and a "covardice" ai This klnd af descriptive phnasoogy vas Dot confined ta bindi and beans but va. extendod ta the human spe Clés sud the varions, propéusite, nDB tares sud callIngs. Claver Fat mel.C it la !requently averréd that fatl a 1 ueaaenlng ta thé heain, and cons.. quently a toe ta i'itellectual"actlvlty. Bat la hie so? Sanie of thé gréateet mnen the vorid bas éver knovn aéré piump ovein to oiécity. Napoléon vas decldediy embonpoint. Dr. Johnson vas fieb evén ta flalihi- nee. Sa vas hie hlographîcal shari- nin, Bcseeu. Balzac, thé great IF'nnc novellut, vas 110 stout hat t va. a day's ezercdl o ta vak around him, aud lievas enclrcied vlCh bandages as if hé veré a haîabead. Rosuini, the caniposér, vas a regulai Jumbo, ince ton six yéans lié never s8v bis hues. Jules Janin. thé prgce of critice. brake evéry- sofa hi ever est dovo upon. Labiauclie, thé gneat singer. vas charged hietares 'rIen hé trav- éIéd. Dumae père vas atout, snd Sante-B3euve cacried thé stomach ofa! Pistaif. Eagene SeHanld uch aven. alan ta lis, graving corpuiency hat lié draak vînégan ta kep It do, and yét lie,wraté "Thé Wauderlng 1ev." A mn la ns ot noceseariliy at-wltted hécansé hé bas a boandîes stomacb. Nati A Washlgtan ea ied iipoU a charmlug but bameiy vaman, vbo lad Dat long bétons had bar portrait paint. id. Thé irtiet lad doné hie voirk eli. from a friendly point af viev, and the lady vas corroupondingli pleased. Oh* vas Dot, liovever. no bUlud asneta ta se. hatCthe tartrait vas4, s ie mlgît aay, a triS. "idoallod." 1 As site exhbtted It talier caUer aslip' esifi: Wbat do yoa tliink of Il! HNU wlt thé artiet vaCher f atteelmer 'Phe visItai baRil Betthe 0pcw%' tes t the lady, sud vlth =a. ola. uigb aswisid:"Ah, uy loir lady. boy couà a gainer ait la y=urmmn Puansd fot fltter tour» l 1 GAGEPSLA The Moedal content at the rhîîrrh last Thureday evenîng wag verY wel attend. ed. Mi@e Marjr rie Flood of Gurnee, won the medal. Mis. Tho@. Mogg ie on the sick liqt. Georgs.cieveland wae a Chicagoî viîîit. or Idonday. There vas a large crowd present ut the Ladies Aid eociety last Thureday. W. would like to me as maay out every time. The next meeting wîil be held ut home of Mre. Frank Ahigrin Thursdity, Dec. 12. Martin Jackus pent Thankegiving with hie parente Bt Ora nd Rapidg, Wie. Mr. and Mre. Josephi Litwiller of Lib- ertyville, calI.d on friende here Thure- day. Mr. and Mre. Ueo. KappýP vere Wau. kegan vieitore Thureday. Mir. Lethen, Mr, Sears private secre. tary, and Warren an& Wesley Sears of Osk P-~k. @Peut Satnrday ut the dears tarin. Mise LeAlah Webb of Libertyvilid, and Mrie. .',.mesand eon (bidon of Antioch, were visitore nt the Amog home Sunday. C. C. A nes was a Wankegan vi,4itor Tueédav lîriQging home a fine deer that hi@ son Harold shot while on hie trip aorth. O'Neil & Cleveland shipped a carload of catI le Tuesday night. tiro Anieo and eon Harold returned home Saturday f rîîî Birchwood, Wje., where they have heen visiting relatives for the, paet ten days. The basket social at.the etel ou ane vas well sttended. Tii.proceeda, vhich are ta lie used for the tenefit of the ehool vsr»o48f. - - Mr. sud Mr@. George Cleveland and daugiter Marjories pent Thankugiving vlth friende ut 19 aukegan. Mrs. Howard Converse left Mondéry for Waterloo, Iow, viiere ah@ vills@pend rt ew weeks visiting ber parents. Mrs. Chas. Pageait and cidren of 1.s&rmng-, vimftpd ber parents, tir. aud birs. Db. V. Waite, tant vsek. Thle social ut Lusk Bron. lant Frl4ey eveuing for the boettit -th. Fort BRill ehurcli vas Basucces.bath soSwlly snd fiDialy. Witt AmBon and littie son lanSuosrBe opsndiug B fév Jayauat Baruey Amonn'. osear Glmer. Mr@. Fred Converse le having a fine nev modern pouitry bouse hut, Ila 14z72 feet with an simoat enCire gise. front. SJoe Bauer of Wsucouda, le spending s few days with bis oncle V. Dutzier sud famliy. Msrrled, ut the Fremant Centre chcrcli Tueedey, November the 26, Witt i sbolb and Mieé Cors Obenauf. Um Obensufd is the daughter of fGeorge Obenauf sud bath parties have iived lu Ibis vielInit ai tbeinivee. Aitée a short vsddieg trip they yulli e ut home with the groom'@ parentesut Freinant Centre. Thle conimunity olfers beet wishee. (bled, st the home ofaieislec, Mre. Grainger ot ie Lake, Mr. Crabtise Bt the age of ninety-four years. lie vaà huried ut Grant Cemetêry, Sonday siter. noon, Noveniber 24. 11ev. C. A. Miller of Grayelake, offlciating. James Therla, tran River, blicl:, say of Foley'u Uoney and'Tan Compound: ThPie vinter bath my children sud I wero troubed vith bard couglis. We nsed Foicyes Boney and Tar Compqund "nd ls pnomptiy cured ne. 1 cen recoin- mend it s. a good eoagli and caid cure.' Contaîns no optâtes. For »ie by Bul Druggies. KILL POIS Far BMa.4?~d. For résulta, une .o"r calumue. Friday and Saturday- SPECIAL- 19 lb, off Sugar .... ...$1.0 Round Steak, per lb........... .16 Pork Chop a, per lb............ .18 Don't forget that we are headquar- ters for OVERWUOES AND RUBBERS.., C. H. BARNSTrABLV1,m 0",e% ihnoe Thle hazaar vai beld on 'Pusday s~~ ing lu the churcli basinment. Mm. E. A. Reeve. sud Mis A. DIEé vers Waokegau vitltore Monay. Dir. Lewin ls imptoving lovly. tir. and tim. 1. L Siver ves ois b'" vieltare Saturday. David Murrie and Mm. L à oM *, ieft lait Satarday for a vieil vlth tbiW. cousin. Wni. ticCakeli 'Pbey yuli 'F. A. Marrie sud tamils iu Freuý~ Nehraaka, before they teital. Antoan sd tatilB Johnso l N.',a day rnarning ion visit tothe oIdSoualtr ' Word hai heen recs-ived main the Chaos' fanaily thst tliey arrired lua ote4 OIregon. 'Pheir car bad pneeeded *eUm". twa days. Mir. J. Sioeum anad Mn,. R. G. Murrhb t returneri from their visît on uanday 4 i nîarning.. .i Peter Nelsoîn lmt building a nev hanse' an the aid Mullîgan lan. Mis. Gi. A. ilebor anad sieten, Isp ' Formanisd Ntrs. W. K. Willby speatÈ lait Wedneeday witl itsc. J. R. ComMi. HICKORY Mis. Pickles vas uylled to ChicagO Saturday evening liy the deatli of Aib«ft, Gniffil. Mns. Griffu iwili hrenibered me Anna Esndiey. tirs. John Siocuse sud ber âaghtss' tir. Grant Murrie of Rueei, have re- tunned tram their twa veek'e vlsît vtb L. J. Siacani of Necedah, Wis. Hickory echool viliih. claeed Thuro@- day sud Frlday sud ai this veek$ tor thé tlisukuglving vacation. Neit Bnnday evenlug, Der- lot, Dr, Leesman, thé ditrict supamltesdost, ~ viiipren B&t Rckorycbaich. Ssteio" begluning Bt 7:30 1). m. lmuel1oy~ foliovlag élection of ofle@ze Oviii bhui 'for aIl churcli offilers. Piolssaof0 11* Ladies Aid and Sonday oecool junb [tondent are requested te h. pissen.' Sliven Ainofai Pkevini., bl movel 0010 thé Daniel Webb farti. Lait Thonday B. U. C. eoeieey bll luétinsud thé ioloving offliasa. e#WO elected: prMedot Ir, Mrp, labelýA vice prssideat, Abbile HoIImbeek,.i' tary, Myrti. Savame, ù--« 0.-" Kanudy. As a toksp of appfflihMoua [President Gnimi pronsaeid lier @m" tante vii hdalnty'souen. Ur. snd'Mm .Mlles Carney, etg," reuted Chir atare taChas.; vai MOTOve aAutoch. ts WOEDS THON Ho» Sistemente Tnnt Mal ushm oeegt~ Testimony of Liboertyvili.le~ ii Wh.n a Lîhértyflisaimos eonuw te théefront, tsliffl Idahi ond nelghboof i M.ex«psnl..tY« Mey oun hi elssrity. The oi people re.dlng in far avoq- do neC cammaad yodr Home sadorsezeent la the kWa bocks Doan'e Klduey PlUs. timouy lae onvlncimq ale,~ I~ Pr"ves ittrue. Beipia aanoogf a! a Libetyvilie rednL. No "of Prouofariet cas ibe bad. raiiroad, Libertyvllui,Um Du sud slionid hé oued lun.iB emïàg trouble. Fortitres orbfos' very lied hack sud aithoflbl oereraI remedis, nothi.g boa~ts severe pains i my hbatk Ats ail klude of medicilut v t oi t, usd Dean. Xldne.y Pilla. Ths.y h nie aionce sud ,severaibox e, complets relief." For" ual.laideehM p"»oS#eto Rémember the 8eoDm'-a~~ take neo tlier. 1- Acte dlrectiy snd sqr#oy 0* the bavels, caaslug rigolI*r!.Md. lns*» hbhts; maltés Yae ,ltiolus" R. M. Tes. Poire.', qMfetçîj

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