WÀKE VOL. XXI.-,NO. 11. COUNT INDPENDEN WAUKEGAN- WEEKLY SUN TWRLE PGES LIBZRTYVELLB LAXE OCOUlm.YI L ts 0FRIDAY DECEMBER 6, 1912. ONE TO EIGHT $1 50 PER YEAK k1~ ADV. bg forl ý s For. RENOUNCES ALI LU t»A8SUIMT- SENSATION AT AuiOoe< AND go AND WIU. START OUT LIPE LAKtE ViLLA WHISt RUIA&. WITH A CI.EAN BLATE. CAIER le ARRUSÇ0. - W#. VAN PATTON OUr WESTIERN JobsieSeiomo ki cf WaulamWho PART 0OU OOUNTV AND bu jut ,bm4mted - p ~NA0*O. ofernor vues@, lea a livng .zMMW lat orthIi e im USimovm IPM M t th LakeVilla, 1N . &lA mucm i mwu crestei hemeyutrmy WhoieI eua Se urceSht lhmsÎUMM by t"e «esMe ot bat WfllaMMVan Paton, 414 amlilme au& traimiug le ruralmait icarrersa cmt» romnts Vidie lu hÉga - wheu seomali et Aulti, b ns ein mfl «,&n wqs sentenced tD serve a sentence of Wurrantfrein justice M. . Mlers fromm 1 ID 14 years on a Cham rge Cfou r e nî i. iirt bn a Uue ususiautlter, lie couid Saa but -5 aId te. afi bnl eeoe feu' uonda eof nliah, ie Couli Dot liaI tue ther marrantsbai beenïi.- _________ ______1Isued agoint 'JobU DoesmA" Richard - -. 'IRoe,".. e fendante beug <Chilcago Imen mie 100k an auto trip lu Vau Pst, tonfs auto lent Saturday. Tiie speclfit offense againet lthe tires men usa the, theil of iducka from tbe place of John Florbes 0f Laite xVilla, a saloon keeper. Wble the tmater et firtt ol lthe appeagine of a jcke, 1 aler t bas beeu become .erinijs whlen the Complaisant tlssted Ioninihn th caes.Onpromise of I Van Patton to settle for 1h stoleu A ucke. *le iret arrant vas droppeA liv Forbe, bt. on is (allure te, settie, ,Forbes aaeota nem marrant wviii teDw ath@ band ofa Constable. îraou>stton Cloas ithe iattt- jolie. lie a"a the. 150Cicageaus gave hi m $10 to late them Wto Fox Lake lest Salurday. that,as ticy "e,eam Forbes' place tbe ducks ver. bondir suad ti'ey just plcked up a half doses and4 threw lieum t the auto. ROI&- jtives of Forbes sav the set sud gave Chase.Four of th docks vers throun trou hie car and the men mii lliey tilougit liaI they bad tirown them al out. Thus. ubat seemed to be a joke ai irst lias been transform* luto a maot serions case. DEUD AT LAKE MME~ -JOHN W. FRYE, WRALTI4Y LAKtE JOHN SOSNOW&KI. FOREST RESIDENT, DIED A ho appeemd li 1115.@ver Seve iiets qPWh" ues wu. sosetenced te pi les . Ne bau Improved se, much n ffloutsa o. - vli euomlu' Ksso him. . 0444si h lcS mou Up evemu'li te theytýPagusiojwe aa y » dZa, , er çabimÈelIe trdse lseai sp~~lll, , -VIm* .AtterRe? CSere *» Us vh ldmd bi" Immab&-Psu ies outhe clam tie mminl X ila"sel Kumilc 10B tlm tbo 00M ~7 gOru'cfhiem Iea Item. Imellen F elt .aiitei 1hut lb reu l ak.d 'ia, suiles, but- ld Il wu " lia, lu tilufkeiib-1v.. AI the tine cftlietrialthe attorney fer gSsuoki clatiRai liaI lie leti meunti bicli lie vieti.eem qIrsi baci of the emliai heen deil hi abheur bottie. The proisecnhlon clau.d liaI lie vouni couui nt bave hbeen licLd ai viti a bottie, tial It muet bave Seenthie resul cf a k4c. Oesnouakl iheclares liaI atter Kruedvicx lihad struc i hmas thie forebeai ulhh i pair Of pliera liaI lie grahbed up s beer hotu. by lie necit and lammed tbua portion agaimsî lie besi et hle auhagout tiereby Inflinmg lhe vouni mblcli resuited in bis i0atli. Soon aller be vent ho Prison Iii enlerfil lie nigit scio i vhb b.si- lended for seven yeans. He usci the prison Ilrsry -eeenalvelY sud road hlahoru' of aIlthli nattons of lic globe it vas the tiret Urnehe ever bai rend lb. hisloni 0f lits omu çountrY. Ho sais lio basual touched as. i of liquor stuc, bis con*lctien and ueV er iteuis tle agate- Iu tact h. lam bteler mu a - ueveru' respect. 'H. lis securci a gobdoipetio la Clilcag am andBYshl mliista savebits mOle asgatI Laubusinessfor tilmseif. 11 limt W t as' i IMy orerfrlcu. ;A- wui.-Im",m bu John W. Trye. a weai yreadent et 14k. Fovest. roppeldM" ntbils bome lale Friiay atternoon. Et&a ieslh casae vîthOul maning. NEU U1feles bel>' mos feemi'taoo f the mecins 0f i iqies hi bis eliPel sen. 0f laie leolias omplaiudse et hiit 0b *luits ppSe of theb. o m sse 4tbis deali vas dîreetlu' due ho heent tallure. . r» lsSm~'Lae oreal hie »me efer lhe gelS Ihirty u"ms. r« »b. pM lt»n peurs le bas owed and on. ceni f lie target purbbsg sheps la t»li tY.' Villay, M. pet a portion of lie day im la boli. Au heur lefome is dealli -lé steul on on af lie main street 1cmr - s taikina vitb business asoci- He vas eueetflte best ituovu rasi- lentseofthle clty, andi baves sauti kmad four eblimen ho monmu his deumi»e IlT vas eporei last aitt lat ho tell rflombils magonan sd brokhie bsnecit t Aother report baditil laI bis horse m ru ausu' tirovlng him tram lic Bat on lie,' wagon. Mr. Wembamm. pro- prieor o! 1h undertaklig parlons In ILait, Forest,. daims tial Mr. Pni' IL iroppei icadai ahis home. IL Dr. John LI Taylor, coroner, of Lit- il ertu'vtiie. iii presîde at lb. Inqilest àmici viii bc heid aI 4 ocbocit Salul- e day atternoon. Walter Nanîz of Wau- kegan vas ernpioyed as a pinniber iy e M. Frye. ae WAUKEGAN MASONS8 ELECT. e. Waukegan Lodge. No. 78, A. P. & A M., bebi Ils regular antual huainesi meeting lash igit and elftted ofih.ir pV for the cnsimg year. V- The folloilng offîcers vere élect a ed: %@ W. M.-Hcnry W. Pritchard: o, 8. W.-Tbeoiore DeMeure. 37 J. W.-Wlllam & A . . - le Teurer-Lem A. Rende,. - la Secreay-J. U Brewster. t . Dn-USual . Teew«;i is J. li-ÀriintjOrsin.' AR RES oAP-T«R FLEEINQ TMIEVU AV RONSOUT. trouy a large parn of the Urne. ne afflthat the trailug ho recelved la j la tb. beut thlng that couIl ba hve haufened 10 hlm UatLM eola a btter than iehouImd bave -. ble iemalsmed tu Waukegs. labt 84 yMats aId at th Preo entti Urnsd bu a farly aood educà, I<r. ma e utlào Sewbo aUpc.oý 1H4 NOT- ceno m Seu gbis perie mau 0. I WHO d«Y he04 1ma bu ww mîsbtp si ,tM ael bad eme eow uphg tbet lie 0H0 audMo; hae beevet «eub a refS- uaAwttb big o0»u egue ilv Elw iocited up ln the county Jain. Ail gave their mes as nîneteeli. p émoion&Bmd so- bing ~ e bi tset*ony. Dr. the falire of 'thej k la a £és5#ft ëb vif., frot a prison tempt oc o"u ptumg to elm bis utbout 10 4 h MOIS by the defeuse. Me the stand br Attorney eli 4t le conclu- s~n 1 4h>eeagainat its.Kinby. iMs Am,. atteoon b4 wumme ie elit~W@WUbehaif. g' innocent 0f>Pl=*." lhe cree. dldn't get as ingle ceai Ce thi, ffl. h. oày tooli tbe Mimertethe Blackmtae botlta" gave Itât me. it wv a, $ 1.000 de a -im 1 Ihad sîred aditon 110=61=1 thé baixi Myseif. i haM U&«»0*la a satchel viien 1 loft the boletW.& Ataxiab i th a man 1 did not knoW. 'We ffde 10 lthe Iepublican Ruber conmoanion Mcigan avenue snd vent ta liii reur of tbe bulilng. i gave part of tb. money to tb. man mii. aCeeMpanied mee and then put &mo0f l ln my ovn pocitet. My w-t 4S iA.'t , i,-..n noof my transac*P congregate in my house. Tbey are of the tuer cîrcie and 1 arn necessarily more confidentia with hem. Il was long a friend of Dowie. 1 proelt am uprlslng will corne betore long that wullI ouslt the usurper, Voiva, from ZMon Cty, and the descendents of Dowle vili carry lhe great cause forvard." SAY THE SAVIOR WILL DE PROCLAIMED SOON BIG BUNoIS ON CHRISTIAS TEACEERS TO NUIT aT NISlANIPAR ENRLMEETING 0F TRACH- EtRS 10 SeMISat 1Mc4154 LANS PARK SATURtDAY. IThon. uSîl b. a genrai meeting e DERIR TMREE MORE VIOTIMUS CUMe TO) INJUSY AI H4OSPITAL. BERNER! TO - Il.~ ~ ~ ~~~~h . UNTEASJN A-b.public schcol teaekbq 99iLa»e oNEIAL AAUM M. . DRNTTEANDJON TY.couaty ettheLb. Ucoina&venue âshoboO WILI. RMu> NAVumi LOR INS8T IPROPHECY WILL lighlad Par%4 on Sîaturday, Dsec. 7. The Lncoln ive nue i a o tAU. DO1NUS DE FULFILLED. the. mont modern mMd UP-to-date scbools lu northern Illinois. Tii. future of lb. u10r41u5session Th. ee~e he2 'ie Mesa" la nOW On effrtb.1hld- vili be, &--aIs demouslratefmin lu.u-th J 8feI 5 den aïway somewbere la Zion City, si, art and manual training. çà thd efft lsi 4t f... .accordlng to H. L Buruette. Teaciera tros ail parus of Lake bîsleu 9 nt5p; Tie ruU Burett dimstob. on county viii attend ths ua eson. vshebavedis fese Surntteclame t be"ontietjln-1 Duriug lie afternoon session. Pi-eL *"' aide," as h. propbeae e lesecond: IL C. Pageo e i.Departueul of is- TONY WOTOWKIO eomlng of Christ tire. years ago and tory, De Kath Normai sehool, vili 151k -sU Sfty aftereMe bu bas been maklng elaborate Iprepara'0U local bltory sud Ias application to FRANK TROPTZ-4111011 S tlon.s for Il ever ine. - . chool von. hou.- Ibis mer*#*&g Theannuncmen crpt ut bi Spt. MOKentie or the Highland JSEPN KOWLOW S%14- Tie unonceentcret oI abItPark achool vIii lte as bi& subjecl 551ly heur 1hIS Menieru prematurely, Burnette ailmitted yen- Current Pedagoglcs. There viilb. Ti-Obits Wvas5ai5lUl w terday, as the Mesab dd flnot Itenil severai papere on geograpby snd bie bave. a& vit@ sud th-e. eb I b reveai hle presence until Chrstmas tory of Leke couuîy. reslde on Caroiue Plage. 1M day. The Bison Art coupanT of Chicago 0f the étherVo viectanit & Nev York, bas loaneil SupI. MoKen- beeql secured. Their «9~ Burnelte le nov engaged In select- nie an exhibit ubIch vili b. exhbi. bei vey serions fltro men. Sverything e18e ls ready. even thus b. permIllad to ultumas oh. of *ere verY Bile.. '7me ithe" h ue t cover lcion f ehubtlomlu semre ut tceèmitto sud Mýý Magistrube Walter Taylor ibismorti- Albffb faiiing to expLaIntheie .- wmiiignake hie appearafice. the mîidle veut. muaO any lime. ing aud gave illerr names as foicus: som for l, Klrby declareil the accounits Prcpheey "Moaes GoodY Peupt. T. Arthur Simption of Lakte The finerai Of Wolovsp ItalerHr.,onPuir Jh au-i tl.U ious noms ot "Mrs. N. B. Tire. years mgo Buriette gainei county echools wyl presidéet awI lie iihfl ien oovvw Waaa~e l. ster Olanmd VMnceLtgb" &W -miss IL Walsh," w ub vide notice hu ho belied a déposition meeting- nw= w w Roas."ust lmoliy sievesibai been lu a Circuit court of ach état* sel- ae s*o o Ii pesi guitY tuthe crebM M ie &»dy = % mtaege' vife,.bad bieon tlug ;rth that lie Meeaà uouid T L ~ No~ voe boumi over ho he grand jury ani"us ie I cotnmid. maie bis second appearance on eartmss. bIond f $1000 each. Tbey vere re- Whou aaked uhetier. ater-being la 1913. Yeaîerday the propbe el-J P. 0. Air WA I% G M .lî ~ m msudei b lite countu' lato avait lb.he 4 1ed insane, bo iaugbed about Ciared talia e .hadl "Made go. action of thc=rsd jury uhlch vent tt1e lltdcediligs on the. train en route Mesai even cannu iea4i of tie lime «ECAUSE DIXQI b MAS SIENSVU4ueNI5ast bu m boulasê into session toisu' t. the asylum. he aaserted he couli $et. SERVICE.. SEUSYSO D'WAUKU' diéýet et hw eAkltê~* simot e. On furtlier question- Burnette dld not mal ie isan- CAM SHOPI.O AVE 11T. pctpouei et th" tifflix~ Detectel by BuIgine Plclets. ighoremerhenlh. vua alad lhe nounicement public. ge wu& lndiX.ý -- av nov iman. î- Accerdlug te Mr. Cousu.-ho ubo Ava a member ef tic famons "Maket nsut uhen h.e learned that neumpaper- Wtien Wauk$Mln M W- Mmev fedesaliii hein detailed to larréhe t té-e 5«auetgang, oftàlouansd crooki. men bail il. He merely vblspered Il building la W er.d llate mu' Défelais-e uho have been breaklng luto Carsfor Tht a savien lbe vos 14 yer nid, Îo bis follouers at "privaIs informa- lia la esO Wsakegsn peuple are> soe intu tWliaitiO the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h 1mIuero v~sduebdleasserted. lin," lu revsrd for Ibeir falit. Il 1lncliued, luisI 11.7mayiSe *able 10 lu- ainlh cllie been uorklng on the case for tl ut Anvering tirough iebiscounsel the vus a a eptical folover uho iet the nos ee l.ngvertissent .te lkmaihe 0f. Workers et lie W00914, six veecis.the Young men earlY Buul> demand ot Féderal Judge Lanis that etory leaok trou tIi. circle. fice open dey sud USgbl. Au arr-hat aniastim ou bed hi W day morning broke lmb a freiglil sur lie urn over 10, the recelver $10.000 of No amateur sootisayer la Bumette. thosee lh i te tla*Mst business e the western ais mompa in tie St. Paul yards at Rondlout & l* luie odsof lie detunct immt blie mutuied vide experience lirough suy lime lurbtmgel. mlbt U bmAi le M 4 e 0oSniltnW. bM bruité open prectically every box0t manllneil bo iii not have tie uoneY long association viti Domie. He bas conuodated. This voffl ibu antentire- Picmi<p 0flie hefle4 merchandise lu th. car. The contente mmd vouid makp madquae explanatioli taken Demies place, lho daims, ln iy ne;r depart" efor Wamhesand ueek the, Sugiai Tzb* of mautof lb. boxes ver. rnai, for lb. reamon mien questioned. preparlng lie uorid for the Mlilam ouli le greatiy appreeWaedhi Ithou- frot pSue article sefteSb carlrlig em ma cre« abottiime na. Four restraining orders vers imued riait. anda of patrons la th. City. J, Bures etbetelve iarridean mlc i ey aout he Itua-.1 #IF lhe court invoiviig ltihe sae o! "ThieDevil" fltrvIeWed. Thot the evernmoitcouid bie lu- talned elther bu' 15e ý pocketa. htiey ld ne listeth,* 0fhe bmmk.upt bmuli: InJunction agalut 'Tie Meslai mouli bave apperei duced te do 1ois la lated by the 0l~ d pokesthy idner hesttti r e Travelens' lusurance coMpau, ie- einiy Nov. il. Burnete asserte, -hadl ftýaell, Macise Ofet 131053.alIL, aller i>bWIS1 i th Ciag Mlaue E«ripiuslWalu sy attemmto le uI Dr- pet lbe devîl epped ln and comhatei fvlral -o deatq by vu evldemlyl ntenilus wat0MI tW* ibyws lite luur4eapoMly aidwerieLord" in is -ssuftlon of the elgt Sl.t8 45's-oimmnaidit - could Beui a ride back 10 lilimake.retraliug lMr&. Klry ront dlsposlng mmnubo are -tu fom bils rcepion peoatfice, wtb. outlw-Wmseelqe ostemeýt o »nageovran er bsb..,,MJR*, » w tgwbl!. se 5*inisme, du u wani oiS 0ý.0 y e §W be mo *Bd eues, l m Yff '"tu ilm te lftla qfrm t& sUt'- eucé Ilhmbasbes ialeeearu' 10dollar fltm~ vent 0 a earb greeru'stor 10 ~jup ani it B 84tç 06 lien Oauihelt.erévlation unIel about Chnita ie.rev1-~i~P*,e~itI1U% chuase a quautlty et cheeme Mai ucru;ùm* Wo M.wq 09 co m .yD- M ets The detecttitee s Inmprt;onp thelis K Iot~ue yl,"i* ;;.àbu tint City et lie ~ 1niondtellgo okOso ier s ig oue aw4smmiu949 To keci the Meslai qfflpW. IPu'SOn1B ilee hIrIaiOil 4bPJ. USIs 1hd1 h.blgntgdt o I U 100 gtvmn li.!by lie defonaI hWbis n ua fi . w ýw4uThe - bàrhe ise t4 socure 1h15s pvjce.W, wbp1*l 1 Young mon arousié their osPieo ansd su order' mgait lie Olocitmen' amre cf Busimlau, art eoccUMl4ag th -eo 0 Chasel fer a Mle. trenng kWu1lfllasuI5 9 Trustamd Salgs hank etsilgzIoa Cir,'Wbin&place il u, .14- t Tieu' gave dbase andi hl e MW fý actionontnM e sole ieby ira. iKir- oc4riug1 B ette. lp Thu eJ Wt li jgml-ditl buw look to bis beels. Niaeo eu ah. .Ibrothers carne rou New York loft to~aobmï tm do iwe.aitli me. qsqu na sau lhe fficers and aiso niaMIL ~Weinedai'. Buruqeelited themin l bais. ahOlibu estit4itelothe same ~lep~lha t break 10 geltuai. A numiier c 01 QosMItsOZiomi Thureday adsud ms sovn90U celu'sevi *voeefirei atler lieu but tiS eielt -"Um"e- gsimgat« fevery description that "fo mataithle service liere uoulo v. aq Iodles S fr! tu spuir tii..on te mn even ~aar KILLING A SOLDIIER uere lalie usai to clotie, the "savbor" not require any greal cchange as postl reported flomri a i U beiu 1At lent atter a chs. of more thh5ta - men bie maima shi apperance. employée« are kept lu lie office aIl burled ou lie «rdmer amile lie otticoesprovei theuselves he Elgln Man Gven indelermîflate Sent- murnet. dld not 1.11 Just mien tie nigit, sorting mail sud getting lseuil,'reUI. upt. lemS sii*I i, b. the boter runnnh and rAmi th. boys tence SRetore Judge Wlndes Satur- Christ ariei nar dd lhe say miat for rnrnng dellvery. To have lie uggetios. tI le eari. lMr. Coman say hla conw- day. plan bi been ailoPted la prevent the vlmdovs of 1h. office open no that lots Anotuer report *asths [Vincoi liat on. of lieu bai a 1 61 01v- -devil from interfering in tie prepara- patrons couli be eryci vould mot bo sîely afier tihe omio&, e m rbut thnks lbe muaI bave lirsWnIl Chcago, Nov. 0.-lsaac Etuyre. 35 ions for lb. unveling. muni addionai mon sund lu manu' oue or lbg'lime e cci Lt avay ville the chs. vas going ou. years old, wbo vas found guiltY of Unheilevere Scoff. cames wouli be a groat convenlence. employed l in tarct" > He says liaI thu mailes elevOn car munsgiterby ajury In Juilge Wini- Rotous sccnes greeted tle. ra n-There are many limes mien It vonti j estroyed la crier 10 e~iV i hiieves Ibal bave been arrested by des' court a tew days ago, a given nouncemelit ot Chritsa arrivai, lile b. very coiivenieiil for people If thie number of iead. Mir.. e irnsell and bis assistants during Iber an liletermînale sentence 10 the peu- madel il 10a gnoup offtoilowers ln ai office ver, open durtua lh, nigil as th,£ report t utlpb»&4&ai last feu montis. lvntlary îoday. Tbe crime of whtcli smail room aI 741 La Salle avenue. many imes tien. le business tlalbe th liaI o! demi a n r4~ b- Will Employ More Watchmen. Etuyre was canvlctei la punlslialielChicago. The unbleievers are de- hmnsacted ubîihcanneQ very veit' cbeckei e» sbmctteli correct. &t "The Chicago, Miwaukee & St.. îy impisonmient for one year lu lite. 1 Iared t0 bave broken îîp lb. meeting malt untl thie nexl day. Patrons cf iss1trprt r uru l. Paul road blas a large number .of mcletnyr a ovce fmeîi i ý y urniug out lie liglits and etioulIthe local office douilles, viii assor n ielnt rotem i arhie uluB . engageil in sceking Iliese car lileves lits wife, Mrs. Ions Etnyre, on Oct. 14,1,tlg. Ibeir dlaims vien tic new building la hie auchmmli mun )y and if Il proves liaItihenumber fis 1911. Sue bai 'instilulcil as-îarate Burneihe edîls a isape'- called the compieted. ter ee xp il lin oeau" flot aufficient more mou iii b. em-1 maintenance proceedinga againsl ber Lttle White Dove, ln witch lie prinle j harcler îavîng causeilSe bo pioyed," Mr. Cowan said. "The roud hîîsband, and tuis lie stale clinrged, lite prophectes sud lcachilugs. lie lias FORMER LAKE COUNTV LeSAN. explosion nîne years-ago. xr.1 la delermlued tb break up lie lieflu mas tbc motve for lhe crIrnel He con- a acheme for uIbe reunlltng ut Ilieatirki and lies. Young men mie-bave been în~ bth a aîb iewt mleIîe f ~ t ~î- Lake counîy îpeope are interese dn esIi.nalugiI i* I.l i aI fheaitm asm'ledembract Co o red Barlu isw. Id wle Utrbopl llna o lb. hedaib notice beic troun a Chicago meoly bils Ieory,.lhe belik5W A.lnte aito beaig nelcrsma heebrc o CrorlBalwa'leI tpi.paper as l refera tu a former member plosion came trorn tfrctioiea& las ust as wmc lfntl il ont nov auas oler tram Fort Sheridan. BarlowV Of the comlng ',easlab Bîîrnetle o!sielt iiosIfnr.le Aecneo asdasatl ré olier ime. ienled t, contendlng Ibat ho bail gone said Sunday: 'I ar nfot a tunutin. 1 couuly regiment ln ubici 50 mmmy lo. slarch wtb the subséquient 4 "A numier ofthle roblieries akes to ganytuls bone t10 meet bis ttnanrce, bave reveaieil lu the Jews more than cal men touglit. Mn. Thain wu* an Mr.Ehetsy foptI -y t. place vill e 1,carsore 1la lite yards Miss flie. Bouin-,0f Elgin. tiey bave founi outtln 1,800 years o! unce cf Mrs. George Hardie and Missn.arîsysiflent aI Rndot. oi-Ibi t~aeeIbm. a ueîsi techîga.Lulu Tiain of Waiukegsu: have beell ut thc plat, bt et________________eid Jwih eabige Richard S. Thatu, sali ho bave been dld net kmowIvl as leb as,, ditionai malchimen aret tlie qrnployed Isaac fînyre, w u bol ansd kill.d 'Iitno thie Savlor viii appear 0O, theoldest advertieing ma n 10Chicago. The ouly tlvn'stig&tOm b. ho look afler the cempernys Intrsts bo vite lna &fil. cf Jeatons rage ln earth tb mdin lucsrrylng outI practicad<ied at bis residence, $10 IHou. ave- ec there. We are going I o mir on the October, 1911 wo fOd guilty of socialisai and reunie thIe ve nue, Oak Park, Tbuaiay iluomina. B cn ed asat'm. %aaaigter on Weducsday by a jury liai been lu active aiverlîsîng vork - Asked about the rpet> case outil aven> tlft15SOP l n Juige. Winiee court id Chicago. nteso sroIlu Cimcago for 40 îearsi. Hewma S hem lai fulminaâ t* Tbe peuaihi leasuan ielermnate sen- -1"have apoken ln al lie great ce-tion a sailing Vesoul on Laite Michigan, in touhina off garry lcdof OSWpfeu bn, as ent tnue of frorf me emr te lite Impris-,les ot lic Unted Plates and o le une 14, 1845. AItiheage ot 17 te ou-> as~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~o %e pIaese ia m riecmnUmredisb a l ol 1eo hcg aeao Ultimi ofa lrurnmeg, by nd sere.dfl O5Rrltho oW.oè lebéè 60 i oe i tuy i.e-cament . arme ef Corporal Barlowm1500toîbemers me cclim e 1îdui thlieem civil ver, He mas thpe reP«1rt. vitfe in th .101 br viie'. eli kuovu as a uniter on sdverttslumg bi ~ ~ wlau*, . hon .lier. are cloeer frieId mie SUIet outi.deO POKRTO WURE blN Or OItaCTINe SUSPICION TO T148 riva YOUNG 1M9N. ÀSe, eing chased tee oV*r a edlIý a thc afenilade of revoam lverm wsre fred at I,l, ive yoang MUR. aui giglilvaukimeas tlielt mIdrema, gere aBIrest Ucêdout Suuday ait- ern»on oua charge of havlug brok«m Into a freiglit car, damaintii.th ou. tente to.thecextent 0fov ier a thousanid dollars. The.arrensa ve. îaoleby John W. Cousu. gmueral lnhsPeétor of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul rairond, and Thomas MorrIson. local yard vatchman Lt Rondout. The YOuni mon wer. brought tu Waukegan a WONDERFUL trEORniATio go IN .JOHN sosNOW"s MA S 1%amEURPAROC WiiLLTIUE ING' ut of 14c 90 ..mc la lm ONE TO BIGHT s,ý,5o PER YEAR iN ADVj