t* ïa "é .te * i o i_î iMatMi - 1- --.. viad idtdrrcô ai s naM Wlr Cteviota J~ D~ E4IWr 'Y I~1 THE REXALL STORES Druce Drug Co. Grayslake, - Round Lake fln We arc now in our wit foià NEW i .STORE h nes We want you to corne in to see it, and quote you the following prices for this week. 6 to 10 yd Meavy Ten- nis FIanneI-Rernnants at 9c yard. Pillsbury Flour, per sack $1.30 Ewer and Basin, only 59C Henry Kuebkeir ORAYSLAKIE, ILLINOIS. PHONE 5. The bazeti thst was helu i the chai-ch last week waa a decid d uccemn. The lâdiei netted ùearly $60. They have iuet purchaaed tbroe memorial lampe tu tihe memory of Mm . treeley. The Ladiee' Aid boeiety mett in the church Tburmday afteruoon tht, week. lii. qnd Mrs. Wili i elvillehad a famlly gatherlng Ttianksgiving. Mr- and Mmi. H iver and sou <of Keomham&font Tbenkr.givinu wlth Mr. and râ. L.Siver. Ciera Eltinger Opent the day wlîbh er mater. Mia.E. P. âMer. Ilie Howa-d fendly entertalued frieudi st dinher on Thenkogîving. tir. Lewmn continues to Improve. A. C. Corri es mili very poorly. GURNUE_ _ Me. KIastey Hanse or Oconto ÎS Mfr. and MNi. A. Ik. Bai*n a spendlng Borne Urne witb relativus ter spent Thankumgiving wtb here. Lni Evanaton. Mrs. J. R. Bracher has goe to Monn. Leon Strang of Urbana Un1ly-'1tî tana where s he wlll sppnd part of the spent e week with the home fotwIý. wîinter witb Mrs. John Austin. %ra. J. A. Strang la getting '1~ Mrs. S. J. Young rerorned trorn Ne, nlcely ince her talt. iM York asHt wednesduy and ai rernaIn Ml,, Annie McCredie of Waukn'. here a few week..Bpent her vacation with the ho"e Mirs. %Villiam Patterson Of Chicago foika. visit1edahis ,i8l,-r, \irs.Thorn lasti Mr. and Mra.Ithomas FIMnl" ~ ehraa Mr. and Mrs. Gea FInley of LAke Poe, .Misa Ilird Ila Flood won the medal, Pst Ben Saturday and Sumday wWW at the U" (7. T. 1'.contest ar Spauld, relatives ln this vlcinity. H.nPg Hil C rner'ened îy en 1 M~rs.GuY Hughes and'Mrs. Wftralt AumanhailTbankigling nx lgbt aneu I 0,-11148 Vlg.Odere Tairon for Job Work Advertlîing1 Rates On Application r9pot a o" tme.len*,Winter and children @pont sun.- uwportagaodtlme. day *ith Mis. (io. Voue a et "b'm cor- ________________________ _____ Chau. lifson @pont thre week end wlth '... uibers. hu issmes LewIs mand Blanche Oliver oif Charlem Hook and famliy of Chicago Aletha Whte roturned Tuesday to Uaay of the. iiendi <of Joe Rosinîg were 1 Waukegan, &peut Thankigivlng ai W- J.peut Thanksglving wih the former', lber achoot in Madison. surprimed taher of hlm mariatte to Oliver@- parents, Mr. and Mra. Dan Hook. Mi-,. Miesa Edîtir Dartiy slienir ThankWgi- liaro lest<lIan uChilcago lait Ma&y, an- Robt. Hunter and wile of Rchmond, Charte, Haek and children are romain- lng and the week end t ber home in mounrcint of whlch w« Dot made un. were et J. B. Murray'@sfor Thaunkoglvlng.jing out tiIs weok. Wlmot, Wie. tiI recently. Ida Oliver has beau vliting in Waurk- The social eveulng of the Woman'a Mont Atten recontlyi took part in -M&r@. Jai 1Davis e h .ek et ber homne lu *en' clUb eai < he home of I_ Y. Sîkea, the Ben Hur play' at th,,- Colonial. Grant. E. 13. Faulkner and famiy and Spencer wa a aucceas In every way. The club MmJe hrilibudnga Crawford and famIly @peutThanugivirug and other lu-ends who weroe et M-.JaeTuwl bidngn Paut Vogt and famil are rthe gu"Pts et the '(artbrope homoprscitaddition to heu- home iiîî lake Street. of F. E. Fendermon thi. week. b ave Mrs. Sikes ta thank for a very Mes Glnnanddenbtr Ar,,fionu Frd M 6ui1eand tile ofChicago, jpleasant ovening. irs. Muru-le Bruce îof i liirago epeut Buruudale. Ili., were Ulctuti àii M Cbai.,Crawford and famîl>' of Weuke. Eay Brand8tetter orf Chicago spent the week end wiih hi r irler Frank Flair on Thankogîving. gan were Roseerene4 vipiiore Sunday. Thankagtvlug et bomne. Mr. Moore enter;riitt b lis brothe-r Mdinute and Nellie Barret froin L.a. Tom Edwardoi and faîuîly aie Tbauk -i(.'lement \Vhtrore and teonarit fromt Chicago over Sîîîîlrîî-ý Frantk II are îîn theter ctn .u rvuir turkey wlithteborn ome1<k, et; look. who atteuded schoolInb Chicazo We have julitrecehr.-] ,a lrand uow Frak Ie>-ib late eJrcîng itussoît. j are home for severà] days liso ,eek. n ifl c id avIiî ancr meke bier future borne bore. ineo motdtii n iner Mis C.N. uehandetii ca vsitti as. Straîre nariererned fhum Da.- riiev rire enjo> iûig ibeir Tbanksi igSets. The oui>- latesti ri Pr.ian Ivory Mr.C .Bs n bHý ii@ ota. whîer. hesireut thesaummer, t'ring. vcto.ailatinAtstiOigoi wiîb relatives et Kenoeha recetitly. jloîg bis cou.ln Jués Berner with h i. vction. and Iepesulnu te arowispta y Artui- g i t od Beetrice Wilmingtou unil..nworîî aun- <r. ouh ersnin h r o o ipa iiluivt o portio etSt.Ehshet iîispteiant isNOTCE Searchliit" magazine, vwas marricîl toa cai oo em tiiiiil'rîîre Lrug doing nicel>-. i We wiii grnot every Wiednesda *y ati I 'TharilsgIing uigbt. He bas renied VCO. tibae iosing returned ftrn topben Saint iaianid more daya if deruard je-theO Proctor cottage on the west Bide lIedtea fShtýýBo ýtprv Tuesîav eeening eccompanied ku>-'ber quirersuntil firturer nonee. of the laite and wil iake bis home, ,1.,Il.inthea <if eri . Iîs t.r v- brothi er Jrge wbhbasWuenvioiing re. Hovi li Ltlesanlà). oirLnnonrursa'rILE iore for the prèsent. iiintr onohr liiii tm> leties ton or afew e>-. i -il-t iW o wilt have brick ite ceai ou NlioElluaeb"h Kialkr-tent several baud esri Saturda>- and Buiay. Bet tda ' v of lait week t 4i rbrtie,, attention siven toa peciai orders. The' Henry Kuekn R xLt JIStore--Druce Drug Co. hB. J.Loinselanortîrtirîgrattie. G, P. Renehen and wife ieft for, 0t1P. aru-on rturir I Irîti ijago u S l -ur iaWednesday wbere tbcv nilI-l, .ia ferprii -%irraI dae * n o n e m -- l 0o Bc Prri ,t Goge'Plirn fie 3oong findwo' I . X ite gie Gpoge trag ad eore Rnehn ie-r a surprise part>- li-t r 'ueuuri% ____________________________________________________________wtueses lu the Risinger rapi Nir,, lien> Lirtus iiInimbrrar XX okertan Mndait. nîr'îditig a fetv tai in . .îviiti-rg * Ve wiah to announce a change intdf ibone od n itîFý, rei- et E Iannis i1rrebrn nSi'ce'arut a îib- Tout îMogg antiMai . I .4,. nttenlded *ownership of the 'Home Lumber Coin- Lrocintl3 rnoved lis fumily 4here. t1le Fat Stock Show 1,i_ la v jobo Adiams, forrenian fitt!iii ' î ît ick L hartisr.ri I i i frii tub- *pany, effective vvednesaay, November * ii, t;fariory left nionday for a monte s abîmna Tbeanksiviig un ni, li S pernd. *20, 1912. Edgar F. Swan, wishing ta nuio -bs ini iiNwYrk ah- dy oe o . Jesse l.onntlraugh andl wife, aceoni Everyrîne wlro atteirii i..i tiisv *rtire, ,necestates the cleaning up of *panieti br Leser tijanks and ti ime. TiIir uext dan" oa lui ,- heid Nýe, &U ail d accountà. The business w ooe e haoSnia.'n~oe *b. continued under the marne manage. Acta tirectiy andl surl' on the CIII A I ment under the. firm namne of Home boes.aulgeuirnd omi 0>LmbrCo pnyo U.¶YIO.A*habits; maires you reguiar. Hoiistersa (1itmsgla We said it filur. ,l. M. Tes. PearcesDrng Store. Si-y and trio tiraSi-t tor ses-r.anu liwat ocontinuance of your valued patronage f ____________ un yoD liai ChiImas meu-ni,,gimi solicited.ire' unch Rit ut iii Sl *DR. L. IH. COU ISON 'you aur Cnietesas glîn. W, ce i olot iith po4eents fe)r rveryhody andi VÊTERINappreciate your patronage ver>- H om L mb r C mp ny Oýmuch . &iWonied emips.clly appi-eiete ;~~ffc Home Lu ber . ompHot.>VETRNAR!Aduringthehouridayo. a p ~ ffie a Garinir Htel Thts Yer webave n X mas Prenos ifor < ~ > ~ or LiDertyl e. Phone 53R agooti aeo<f lexeli Remedie and Soatir dis aide we will givi you a coupon gonor GRAYLAKE ILLM )ISe free chance ta get an Elotrie Chafing 0*@~~lO @O0 @@@ @@* @@@ *O RAYLAK ILINsra.if>wh ValDesiet $15. Ir coet you _______ othitg. On Chriptrniie ove 8e e u blintifoldeti wiii 1maw the @tub of the coupon frin a bat and the numnber cor7epodiug withi h aili be the winner. You1rhance tla as good as an>- one8 and reumember ih cosis yriu uothing. Mn. Pearson new bouse le neani>- i-eil>- for the pamteners TAYLOft GROVE. Mur. andtirMs. Dickei-,ou bave moveti onto the Holtanil farnu. Mir. Lou Narrtz sud farnily spent the iassiof ihe aveek bere Mes. flerbert Shea suent several tiays lut week with relatives ln IVau. kegazu. Mes. ltheluy us viiîing ber tiaughter bore. eOorgo Le.swin rraosacted business Racine isi Thursda-. The friends hou-o o!Mi-. and Mes. 111 Davis fornerly of Wautmegan, but> 3w residenis of Mîsesouri, avili be glad hoar they have a little deughter. John Greeiy apeni Thanksglviug bt bis bu-other here. WV. H. Breaver la visiting bis home 01l lk lu Wisconsin. He accompanied fui 8mother home. Itin H. C. Ames bas bougbt <he home Caiî ace where be uoav lices, ans D. MI. Young bau erecieti a new M. George Barluett bas mot edti mbÏb w borne. 0 Irs. Mary Taylor la soon to louve Piorida Du Irs. Charles Casbmore surJut Sun- 0 yai home. bheotiare Vanderwait- anti famiiy rut Frida- oveninu- witl reroatives ai North Prairie. Bitihiecome school avas cioseti on Tbursday anti Fritay. liret Liabte anti Miss Hazei Bennett o! Rosecraus aere marrioti at the home of the bride', parents Wetinos- day, Nov. 22. Their mnauy frienîs ex. tend congratulations. Both are avili kîroan, baving iveti bere for Banme tume.Me. Liabie 18 a cernent con- tractor. Albuert Pinel aud Mise Nettie Welch tiere nuarreet in Waukegan aS 6:30 Wednesday morniug, Nov. 20. They left at noon for Coorado wheu-e fey ailI airentithele boueymoon. Misa Welch waBs veil kuown bore as was aiso Mir. Pinel. Congratultitons are extendeil. Personal Notice Notiue l@ henohv aivenu tir jlun Gunuilrmou 16253 N. Wasl,rpeauu Ave. Chicago, Ill., thet ou the 1 li a dr>-of Decenaben A. D. 1912. eit li:30 e. m. DeProlt & Herbents oh Fr.x Lls. tuke Count>, Ill., witl il a t publitc anction ta tihe hiueet bîider for cash et the Lekeelde Ratel et Fox Lake, III., o.e cabîn gasnine launch "Narwey" for the recoven>- of unp&eld ane anti accruing Costaiof sate. Dateti et Fox Lake ti l2th bey cil Nov. A. D. 1912. C8.4 DzPnovT & HEsaKaTZ. 666 Fou- Rbeumatham and Goni. ECONO Y-the'mone thlng you are Ioaking for in thesa &;ys J biga living coat-Calumet minoes e wonder- dsaving it> yonr baking. Bet it dos more. sures wbqhesmefued.tait- ood-t*Usioelyrais.d mcd umnet il mmd. rlght4en meIl igbî...t iak. rigbt A* ni ée aüjibuns oni vmen who use it-or ask yoar r oan. R£Eur, fIuES? AJWAMD wè. ppe F ÈU.».hb. Cils. U Ssc. apii.aFese. aai. iBle ,yj dsu m'ieu M- w mb -.b - 55Sor i- 5' i ,Friday and Saturday.l SPECIALU" 19 Ibo. of Sugar .... ...$1.00 Round Steak, per lb ...........16Ç Park Chopa, per lb............ .18 Don' t lorget that we are headquar- ters for OVER$MtOES AND RUBBERS C. H. BARNSTABLE Gurnee, Illnois -ARE YOU SICK? For Poison Blood Punis ii. fIeo, ae swathe Uver, Oins d. Skb,&reu the d.Nerves, *9mu à pm.ius.Ver Catrrh, Serofule, UneOm u oaI, 9Uleers, HUOuaisMd Plaid.. enthe. puce, Consfi ,dn, Headache. P".id à* B«14Dquà4dllood disemsm any cause. ýForCbà&ee sudieCilGil Malaria enid Ague "'CHIL.LAX4 as the. world's gau-t- Aboutely sure,.smfe and harmless to t person.takini it, yet so extremely fatal tle mdmlnh inn. ds ut in mot cases it drives the poison The New Discovery oV 1tHRUMATISM nd GOUT, deep. UWsddsppssn~jhopeloss cases, any b peciaists in Jsqufter oftht oe. Plesant to take Dwot Ws«IBemudao ese sud liniments 7r Idny.BWa4den sd Urbnsry isesses, wblsl, l gIted often lb.de to Brght'm lie...KIDNRYWFLUSH lea usai., speedy ".d sssty rernied for long standing KIDDYetobI, p..uIn swond menseptiepoe LUcu ii j*t1 iJ 9 Jafleu.ft.41 AC: à.a920 en lm Mr à» MA& 8. Nm nom urrieaud mbe-las"W nîre vsîted fru-ends and relatîie t t A. Il. Corns, 1R. (;. Muri ul so at week. 'liesiremt tie suminer iitil Kenosha, Wls,.lest week. Crtterîtien aere Kenosha visItuirisun fali wlth hb isati-r thrb. C iss Lora Glbert of Round *O Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James (Camp!',.il, c'hi- sprt'ivra as lh e mt Miss Louiie MeKinzio duel at ber cagosuent part of last week ivîtt mu anil saLOer the past weok. borne lun'Aadsa-uith (n on lndny evoning, tîves bore.Me ii0Seal o Grn- Nov. 25. Site lad teen lu pouorliroltii, .Is izeSeat o unt for soetiie. Ifrs. Hatord sud daugbser .1INfo, IentTlantrsgivlng wllh ber brotlUr- Sundaý scboirh was wr-il îtteuded ast kegan spent Thursday with relitt,ý.- and siterr, W A. andi-Miss Banner. 11 Sunde>- andi ns uttuai ot-rytne assitrd Severai of our young men attend,-îl Elmër Cannon la visitiug retative faihiuily andi eniiiu.iarrticlliy sud utible dance at Eiectrlc pare, Waukegan, lu Nebraka, uow eamîtciiltcvîev Ahrnost hr ynight. M lisasodrtuntibu the. entrroconîmuuînty oiii iîlireir atteund I Tbuirsday turtrd hom ut courme there ije euerattache]îr ee was no s~~<cholunthe primar, IFr1 day frorn Wheaton, l11. gatherings irrciudusg rehatr.randi eiroomaset Prîiday. ilotb the toachers A. H-. Stewart retornet borne Satin.. hople the parîsh wîilr-.spîud riobi>- as, % slted their bornes. lac, having spent Tbrinksgiving wlth tb>- have hien bding. The Gurnee W. C. T. U. wiii meet at bis daughter, Icone Taylor, atiMUY Ouir gunerai sitores qare dîîinr anaiver-e ;e. lohe Shopardsa, %Vle4usday, Lake l>uuiness, hnndling everytliig îiîat tbeY Dec 11, at 10 a. mu. Piente dinners. 3Mr. sud Mrs. John Bonuer teft Bat- kirow 18 needoti for the coinlori andi cor. venieuceo rf the peorple and tlii' are ien i j rinnt %Our thimbie-aewiug for tle ni-day fou- Peoria. Ill., te attend tire h pIrasaîît abrout'. iiease patruruize honteirie O"ilitiige. neral of! Mrs. Bonner's uepbow, Roy rnîiortry) It avil puy ou i tire long,* Badge. rn i. eviii aniu nr.srlHCKORY B. Stophene <f Wauk-egan' spent. oin arcîurit tif tire seasrrri of tbe yt' i.rre Xlrs. Austin Seaaz andi daughter Takgvn tbbsprns wil. Ilireonraile tir hi- ot fe onr ue ii. I relie s;îeor Tii'antsgiving at flebron. Sucer Bîrur , itarted i rnieling iE. IH. Mi.riK 4Sourth Su-iet tire week enduti iG G Shiîte linrue thîs week. Tire>y wil, ire 1 nio ririluve. GAGiSI.A .KE.a mil set tied ru tir r ire iv bruwe t ratirer i la'id ii lilru irroeierr n tire hUr>- LisT tb-anl algne Thankarniviirg lac r4an'a beautihîrii nul ri le iri ii uiegaiu aur irdrlirite falririt grirrIî rt rri En aards. tbe trille. cuirýe', abredting crn wih JO)We cuti ne firnniilc ars hlîrrîri rlci iii rîrg ab3 John Kalîr f rame uti inti tilIo , uIenske'm gshnre anti hi, engue. grandi iilhrta-enti two rlu alh. set rurkey v. tir bho lrnte tihke. %V ante>- retnnud tri bis heim Wh_ bore fin] lraenurriet. rra ig- Mn. antid Il1 Webub are visiting Cqmteýr. Wig., Tueedey. irrrsirur r larr4euTir anuai elec- their laughton in Chricago. Mr@.Baur of Weukpsgau. spent ekv. ticr itlsa'e let is enidays with her leughten, Mrs@. vs~e rîrci; 3r, .je Ilrv ite-, vie raclse- Mrs. Stuaritiof (irmeereturneul irhome i ~S rjiirrna Mnrepaet orache; tirs.H. Sitturda>- after a tinef visit ai the hornerirMus Taylrrr o! Taylon', Guove, *W iF. Sîver, recrrir; tIrs, Wrn Melville, ai ber daugb'ter. Il r. Am@@e wbo receniiv ipeningeafew deys attire C. C. AésK.ý reciver; lira GI A. Siver, munersein; moved to the Webbh farm. home SOie ex peets e o ave lor i ",'et Jorh. Bnci- I Msi-et ntsrMnt;lr. tr, anti Mre. Chas. Taylor of Genos. nahotie< pnithwlt Joinu Poie>-, Jeus-. 1)611 <e<* speni Thenkogiving with lMr. Pulon anti George Clevplend ant i ViO"Nolus rnanges.cther olti time finonde. Chieago visitoro Tuemday. _ Misas Minnie Neluson wasl a Kpnosha Mn#. Fi. A. Naule was a calter at the The Ladies Si Soclut> wilibw vieiuor Trcsla>-. homne or O. !ý. Bolleawek Initia>- Nis. F'rank Allîirrime. Thnstiv. DI las,.t0. Dol;uw tirf Ple-aanniPrairie,, Ct Il o'clock. Viito,. elcnue. wa, a vtorItiere Trsîda-. Jafmes Therio, ti-oui River, Ilich., sae-. Mr%. C7evilaîud ant dangbtiteir W -la. . c .. ir perit iwo weeka (il Foiy's Home>- and Ter Compounti: and Mra. Baur pet Sundy wih=1 rtie orhwtwasliruiefur hek-T1his wintur bath my ilîdren and I et Round Lae. 01 givrnorirtîinier. limnle Iteeves Vas homewu- roubled i wth bar! coughe. We C.' C. Ainesha@ necnti-limae W frou Normal schoot. ose! FoV's Bons>- and Tar Compount ea-sst.Isaldlabsbts anti t prampti>- cnred ue. I e u-seconu- Jaue Rosse ud abe. dle ig iho" .0M E. H. Schultz hnoughi home two nire mend itane agond congh a«d cold cure." ,Jueo on ae i h beer tram hl uisunting trip. Contrainen o ptetes. For slb>-ait Lester Munry'ie s, ueat market te Drugghete. Firuts »m obl boing e gond business. W@ wtsh hlbina __________________________î_____ succe4p. - - - raolne 11 1 WARU"