COUNT iNEUNDENT ________WAUKEGAN WEEKL.Y--SUN-. VOL4 XXI.-NO. 12. Sîx~zu, PGEa LIBERTYVILLE LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS FRIDAY DE('EMBEI? 13, 191-2. ONE TO EIGHT C1 -') PER YEAR iN AI)VANCE AUTO'WIRECKED; ONE MAN DEAD Edw. Ferry, Prominent DZon Man, Died ln IHospital Monday Night of Injurieès Recelved When Auto Struck Obstruction On man w»m killei, anothor mss Istally injureil andiltwo fIhers more painfuli>' hurt, whon th. automobile in whlch the>' mre rtuémnng l thoîr homes in ZVon City @truck un obstruc- tion In the rocnd just nocili of Ridge- land avenue o01Shetidea11111,d0& Vill accident oceurred et' 5:30 oclockl Monday evenlng. The four victime of' the accident are ai prominont ZMon City mon.1 THE DEAD: 1 EDWARD FERRV-Cemont contract-1 or; ftactured situli, InternatIinjur- ies; died it1 a. mn. ln the hospital. TUE INJURED. HENRY SINL-.Aucf.oneer; tractur- lsd skuli andIi nternai injuries; net expected te live. JAME4 FRRY-Raiimay mail' dent; distoated hp: body badiy bruied; Witt 40d0v0i. J. S. NEAL-Cement contrsctor; brised about the baud and hip; iii recoeo. Removeil 10 Heeptai. The Injureoilman ece removoil ta the iospitai ln th. Conai sud Hart ambulances, the caili iavixag beena set lu b>' George Powell. -lvaIMem IS i once liat Rivat Ferry aMdiHaet>' BieStacvr.sjuflte a act meolou>. xl, Whe= tlb.asuhilame.arriveil Ibe> ver.ofeamami lytsg tu e s .ter cft th remi vbere lie>' b" a bontirOns -b lie force or th. coiion vitm the ob- struction vhlch aua Invetgaton abon- ei te b an immense pile Of frOCOh fcortaut nhiclilii iDfront of Dr. Bouoa nzhonto, Il lu cWM- e tisaI Omar Sasmitrom wlo lias the contrat for themoronleflîhle omota>' inIg lu tie rnad about four teet tront lb. eurbiug vithot taking tho pro- caution to place a ced lSeau on iS. Mr. Neaiva nt obligedi La h.Plae" ID b.d athough bit Injurie aums hlm to Iliap painfOllY. Mr. Rivard Ferry died t t oýcocit, a tan banc, inlter. ithont bavîmag regalueil con- mceuinsim. Hi fansily nera nîl i hm to the lait. Neal Telle SMary'. M. Neai, vbo la a patiser Of Rd- van Ferry lu lie cealent eCtrtaclem borionS lan ZIceCKI>, 110.5>' nIat et tbeegliai 1.15the tar>' et t.* accdet te gLDS« reporers. nie Md iJam«eorc>' ver. mltimg OS 1hhe f ' aitaothe amachinc vble Mr. sine Mdai RiamiNery wve rS cli iMg on lie cear seat. They vers ce- -tur'atag ta them homes inaZMon, Mr. Ferry diing the car. Mr. Neslimrs>' il anetuoleianenomgh li 0lgt lie hociliglall on lie atauiume but eym that tliIgbItfronman anc lame neas- theobsteruction blinded lthm notisaI lb.>' cald flot mesa1IL Thora blin bai no thaumbt of danger. He noya the machinne as net gins more ta 10 or 16 miles an hour visen lise accident bappeneil. Juil baeaethe abockitha nenenmbrs of bracing is f cet andl thimmie hat poa- ibby thia preveutail hlm fcom laina as.seriausi>' Injurei asulie other Iliree men, The next moment the crash cameansd îhe badiles of the four men vaut hurtlng Ilrougli the air as Il tise>' bail beau abt tram a catapuit. Striklug the pavement causeil al ai Ibent ta lbe coecouanese. WIII ail passible speed the famIllesg andl relatives of the.inioreil men eere informed of the accideat Monday nigît andl theY'hasteneillate eiosPi. ta],thIe majorl>' of them les autama- hles. Offiiais ta At. Afler slriting the mortan pile the machine careeneil la ana aide andi rat ful>' 75 feet. coring te an abrupt paumee nail trucit a ceieft bors block,. One of the nieels n'as crusIS ed ansd liefront axai of lie can nai --bratemn sud hant. Commnlaiomers Atterber>' and Orvit btiteed te the scene of the acciden a onasulie>' lid leen iformes thet the accident van due lergel>' o elte tact thott lmee, ai baucfno ra izenaon tie obstruction. Il in ce of the building of the nen hou se. vho la Ilium case was Cotractor Oscar Sanatrom.- Anil thon, the latter. I ho wnhes, muet lookito John Delleune, nho bad a platerîng contract andl ltI the material lu question In the raai nay. Thun, Itlils ten1ha1 much litige. lion wnul ensue frona this accident, nea malter hov il terminales . Tihe fet limat liera nas no hîglt on lime amalî pile of plaster andl that lime auto si lil nol have an>'lglit hursa- Ing, for il nas jut damai, about 5:30, makes lie situation rather complex. The autoimta declared aflervarda thal Il 'diln't saemfdarit enougim for lamnpe and their conclusion waeIlIkel>' due ta h tact that fao>' vere 4ght lu town, under thIlealctrie lIghta. Poslly the contractor dii flot tliluitthe pilaeatt plaalerlng nes ut- 1ciantly large 10 ueed a light or Ibat Il miglt cause an>' trouble. Andl, 10 loait et ion. vould reacli about the manaconcluion---hat il vs, hardly portail that they plan totakie action. Te ""goreto re a il'an be. Mon Are PromnInent. onner nilil itai>' make lime defense The four vlctims are al pro mineent timat the auto dii not have iglita burs- rýesîdeialaof ZIon City. Edn'ard Fer- Ing: lime auto peophe nilI tikeîy con- ry, ho dedand ame FerYnho tend Ibat Ibera nas 1no ighl au the ry, bo dail udJams Fery, ple of piaater sud Iliat, ln turnlng out sustalueil s ilalocateil bip aned ather îo paisa avan as Ibey ili, tbey couid laieimtm arýbob s"m of Hiram Fer- Dat baye igvaided hitting the pile, ry, gr., one of Ilie oldeaît pioneer reai- aven timugli the auto hîglits nere dents of Ilentofi township, andl are hurning. hrotbera ot Supervisar Hiram Ferry, John. of Utah, n'lo lias been sum- CYCLONE CO. FORMER moneil home ansdlIra. Bihimeyer. nife of Dr. Billmeyer. Rd live luli Zioma E1PLOYE ÀRRESTED an'd James lives with bia parents. He ls employai s, mail clark lu the gov- J. P. ARTHUR 0 YLN EC Mr. sine in e Veil knon aucîlan-, CO. SWEARS OUT WARRANT eac. having conducted a nunis)er ofj AGAINST FORMER EMPLOVE faim auctiona lunlima county, ezpeciai- i iv in Banton townships. 'iNeal hasICASE CONTINUED__8ATURDAV BE. e'ven his arm if lie lad hd pe ' y 'j- ra1 j * 7I N. attention» Dr. Foley said.* ~ UIJ J 1 1 11 U IV L I aWe ln t end ta Investigatet -oe A FO T I G C'ry thoroughly,' Assistant StatesAt torney Runyard said. "I blieve thgl tif Dr Iatsc rtse waa g h peLIFE SENTENCE ane thD. at sucli pr ulclc or thd mect which lie hîmself adm t,1hpe_________ that hé nulli e punîalied If any punlah- ment can lie admlnlstered. 1 certaloly CORONERS '1fY UNABLE TO will do al nithin my power ta sift After Testifying Lie Changed. 1I REACM CT; ONE HELD tis matter tu the very bottom.' OUT F~IACINO.BLAME thven thougli Reed rnight have said Plea to one of OuiIty and Threw, ta ewas aatlafied nîithprayer, h ni, gîven no outalde Influence lu' in iself -on the M ercy ~~~~hInstance lie mlglit have changed'o h Q r ÀUTB IU«"im NVETIGTIN-l'wlsmin,',Depuly Coroner Conrad ONLY R O "In my opinion Dr. Laflose made a , FZO LESbig mîstake, Coroner Taylor sald.1________ GIVE TÔBAV MANILL0F When Ilie average physicien Bees *LOO ~OSONNG. that tIbM bis patient la dying lietelle LATEST: 3:45 p. m.-Judge Whit- roomer, Mise Graves, nas occupyl»e, hlm thaý lie la hiable ta die lna order e calied the witness to a position the samne room wilh ber. sesaio asoca~oedinZinthat lie may change doctors If lie no .Hoard Sounld of Taling. A snsaionwonoccýioed n Zondesires or in any other way detires to n" front of the bar and it was plain to There bail been snome trouble INS 'lty Ibis t he coroner'i have his treatment changedi. As 1îun- ses that it was only with the greatest vieen Danforîli snd Miss Weaver, ab« Jury whlch lied been vaornin iatuaZn. erta.d it, Dr. LaRose did nat teli dltffcuity that the court withheid the salod, and Dsn!aorthliedai gone away. Oà, vestigate the tacU h, lIhi recedeil th Reed ^ta i was dylng and the young tsars as he senlcnced Danforth to im-'the morning lia question she aald m811. death lu astu ala Y nigal of Arthur man was kept ln Ignorance of lls con- prisonment for life. was awakened tram lier sieelp by liai litjon.1 Had lie knawn tliat lie nas s0 sound of some one walking don" Reed, 22 yeas bld, of blç,od polonlhg had >tiere in every resson ta thioli that lnn mposlng sentence, lie laid: stairs Slie says this was Nliss Nean and gangrene nbkli iad resulteil from l1P would have heen asked ta lie tat- '41 will sentence you to ife imnpriscri- er. a wounil Inflietedin lu is arm on Nov en ta a liospitailian order Iliat every ment 11% the pententlary, whech. ini A tew moments later she sayms he 7 nhen lie Inflicted a jaldi gali tling possîie mîglit have heen done ta flY i> d, la s far greater punishmerftt1 eard a voice whicb she recoguiza* M tram a Piece of lraken kindow glasa.gave bha lire. There la flot the liglit- than death. it s my duty ta arder Ihat helonglng to Danfortli demanil: disareeL FVe f thrn erefor est reason ln the worid why Reed yau lia r4manded ta the counly jail 1 '«Are von golng 10 lis e *ith nme?" dIsgred 11b' u tienwe e -for r ulh5'. e dled tram hIs noud. -and Jter b. ccnveyed <"0 the eltte 1Theen therewnmre more t5li turning a i>eslct ihat the victim had; Te.Ioaia authorities are mach ex. Prison at Jouiet. lit is My duty ta sen-, niîcb alie coald nfot undertani died deapite the pra, rs that h baue erciaed over the conditon of affaira tence you ta one day of solitary con.l* nasfooedhesh. hlBg offereil hlm, bt t:1, slxth man, J. A. ansuaav y w ev n tn nfinement and lard labor sacli year. oailied abyraia onu ml î beuë tecrnn on tracctng huai- FORE JUSTICE WEISS UNTIL Pernal 0of Waukegan. wlio hail1 been tt Dns for nmrnime, beîng a Paîer TUESDAV, DEC. 17. taken te Zioma b>' heput>' Coroner Ed- t ci Rivard Ferry. yard Conradl, leld out for a verdict'p4 Mfr. Rd Ferry s4 survlved b>' hlm nue On caiplant of J. P. Arthur, preti- racormnrniing that Dr. LaRose nlio sq Sud euee on, ageil tan. Mr%. F6rY dent of the Cyclone Pence compan>', iai beexa caliai Itulie hld on e charge! w vs. tormerl>' Grace Curtiz. isughter WilliamJ. Wiyta, until recenîl>' Chiot of beiiag ceepanabie for the vicllm'm of former Superviser William Curtiz of acier dock cof the plant, vwu arresteil datm. Bouton township. They ver. marrIla lait Sataraay aftermmon b>' Sheciff This atternoon the body ns, f slavon yeaca ago. Thaîr home la anGre.Tears okpaetMr outteW kguan plcdn Eliaeth avenue. Zion City'. Oee.TeanamtotpaeSMrbagillWueanmdpaciar Fuserai mrrangmrnte are flt yet Whyle's home ou Goesse streel and the Cnrai & liant undertaklng roorn iI Mado but interment nilIl bcLu Santon the charge asamail, b>'Mr. Arthur la ernion litIlmight lae vIlnesseil i offto rpaatra ieFir'hm aagaif t Iaformer employe as am r- bY à cen conomers-aJury whîch la taehifi lia JmaasVotrry, vitia bis dlelocatai bieeiauVthe âc Pecifle tbtagzs avam IiL.Aller feing vo*ei by te ahoufler boboing hia mach, la up elmlnei b>' Athur te have been lait e o jury lie body nilI ho ratua"teit] anda roun but 1laou0aervuohaCa- b>' Whyte white employei t the toc- ZiOn City' a"xaahurlai »rmla mo& ti Dot slop. tory' acluding records, tles, lttera, sub= , the ifçIà[m ofteloon Twe mem Tek". Home. etc.~uiu lecoo- Mc. Nel Vus ai"etO ho te, 10 ven*st ieface Justice William it 'hot ia'ga io nBt bIS home about 7 o'Cbock Menday Vr. Wiaa. before nham lie ltOSplIRIt aria>' it*e en&Ibe Coroner vas.zeti- a igit sadi Jaaes Forc>' wuIlait- te wvs. igmod an& tIlroagli bis attoney' , lie o.iMfrmed Ur. Conrad te10Pm b is home about lice. houre tatar. Carence Divan, Obtanai A continu- aide and the latter maie*Aime trip te à Their Injuriee vhie painful are Dot autounil lb. 17h ai 9 oclock, 1Mr. ZIu.S aaiay mornifag. l teckMU. mrions sud bth vilI recover la lbe Arthur asui lb.. tate agreetng vli C""ibat a tew momenta 10 500 liat 0 cons-», of a fev veeokS. lth O&e d "on lte CoDi5IuDan. tierse, e ag methblug rogng ome- i Jas. Ferr's 111oiry. Te bonds vere Sixed at $2,000 sud vhor.L He heari omerf tie tentu. I lien heai cav.rls-rove f pl *~et in Iebroter Clianin. andi bis uuy ai lieu adjournai the inquest' th ris-nd, à wa bs, s thiS li bctiaer-ln-lav, laWr«ee Dollîlle. MuVl i iamaruiiag et 10 o'clock, Heo pavouent, but i muet have lIt oeai- si immolbem. Attheb.contiuance saliDiaitle Coroner ofthle tactesaud c ceauna. Whou Inogalae0011d100101W lad boom grusmed, Whte vwumliiitd helatter. acconmeied b>' Mr. Con-t neee1 iw ev ighlm gghhe barna1fora taisent lbut referai Inquli- rad, I, M. Ruayaci, &etmantl taies dovn on me. Il asuit cunning viii. litP stoppai vthna a tevfeel Of tno at lm ata his attornuey.Satorney' and Dr. J. C.Vole>'. City pli, the men lunlte beivsy." whie man>' vagua reports bai eecn ai"anoftWauitegsu, veut te Zion te Loove for Nomne. cîrculated ccgardtag Ilium case for cmiote lthe nork et taking tasnu- jas. Ferry wvs.talinke l10ha hme ta1 Zion Citîtle10o'clock b>'lmn. o-mrneveaka past, tlis la the firat le-mun.' M.., is Cousina, gel stop takus iIIli e malter i ow Dr. taRose vas callildupion lime SuauInfornmeRela«tve t li la15in the courtse onenatee- stand anil bld of belng caleoilin an Relative of th talurai men nere lug ileveoapmenls are expected. Mr- He sai that toma Yearu go luformed ai th aciant by lSon re- Artimura charge la tht WhYte vllO bc vouli have usad iebis iOviaige of1 porters. On. relative calai ý ta-thle SUD cffie vez t - ai, &v u f"lpî nmIyd asi 1 k luthe TaUff- crmer>' ani modicisme t.e sus W lia Mmd ». loI eftho &sIiet. lne biB'W a onvars - aU" pe- lieho- MMbut limaI»V ho leovéealu «" te f. osiai.longag te l&0eCompan>' m-d "tat b.e efl o f pra>jer.lis admitai Woti5 ofl -ep atre. vheu chargieil ith takimg lie-nt tho aai applei talion and ncton A imamber ut vomeit resldlxg onw1 eS*elian fRamifollovai the amubumeasCoouplai of wveois "oo le smmitîs it I l 011 ta 1h. vouai. tu lb oopitai. Tb.y asisîsdin haeb.aaid ceurni lient ta the feuma.con- D ter uMO unit an mach au posible. One Wau- pny.Wh>te, il lu sai, ai Insistai A brollier of 1he "MW gma vs. kusa socleyl>'leder summone cela' that lhe papoe ho.lok oit ee iéev. aleila lie staniad eoU17 Msatai ling- e thelb.ospital b>' the tel.- ,et. boiebai a riglil te.' 151 il ne. ia helit liaIbis b 1he Ti ui#eltin IWndom. throug bohvns irannthe-. Il la "'1,smaeta te arma ot Jeans." t Teminutes aller h. aScithaP- fmrthac tatai limaI Whyte mand bis ?ietimnouy vii put on Ithe etand t panai,. a largebulletin vas, placed lu comuel nl daim ts, .4ecelug ho l'o- show IhattwIo Zion eders eve. ith lie sua nlsidow. The bulletin tbld of .1 t me gaident mand gave s Completsl ' stued ,ver>'tlmng nhich the fone thervictlmn eacb day andi @pont boucs of lieé jwd:tuBe mpama>'clamai blonguil te theam ;aprmyiimg avec hlm. Gloeaditteil9 liqetAdjeuta. Ilat Ilie charge of embMaglOnst c»ýeatimon>' prayers abh& fedi 'lh. inquest avec tbe boi>' of Md- uallie maie te stick, Oit. oman nho mii ah.@bi as vard Ferry wvsclleil for 3 uclocit _____r.______t______u th lu t bIs afleancpbut aI once edjourneil iîiD. aOel aigu l u rth, plan b%ftng la black thlu1- ~-QTOwvs jurai arm tealîfleil 151 young Racil tquis-y util iavelopmeats ln thle con- FrESeil IIMtae oparfetlyd>'atiafled ithil tditions of the other victime vere IN CIRCUIT COIURT thetresment lie vas given. ileclarIng W Sten 3rther Hiriam ln Town. 1 - _hoe al, that le bail pîaced is falth 9 A ingtar thng la that aûeisnv ALLEGED BIGAMIST, EDWARD GUVI in Gai. oHiram Ferry, Jr., ns, lu Wauitegan AHRENS, ON TRIAL IN GiR- A nomnan n'bo livei lnl the aeîglhor- ln is auto et tise sane lime villi bis ICUIT COURT TOOAY. 1brotheru andl lefI for -home about 151 - bail testitieed that vhau she bail seen a minutes blfotaetheill-faleil machinea1 The case of the Peuple vs. Rivari h on' serionsthe Yaung mans condition tleit. He arrîveil home aI 5:45 vhile Guy Abrens, a Youug man,. n lia a ssite bad suggested thal bis Brunhbc their accident omcurred about 5:30. ludicteil on a bigamy charge, vns Colt r mptaled n an effort te save bis lite The brolliers san' each ollies-nied for trial ln circuit Court Tuesa>'but il wa5slated laI lier adlice wa Waukegan jual liefare leaving for moruing. home andl taîkeil for same ime. Hiram Seateil on one slle of the table la 1dlar-etareled becaueag t came tram onee e9 evidanti>' had Jut iultedI hao bis yard Edward Guy Abreus, scronsatbe table, ontieefaivolivas taltb, therwlae Ih e vien the other niachine met ls ac- eva Youeng nomen. one airn'lom hlls iwudne rtbengVn ycient, a seveia mentheolad liabe ilulber arma, wîl lthaibe ie James' auto n'as an Overlani andl, occuîpy seats ai the ide ot Slate's Ait-r Docton Coai-lave Saved. the strange part of il la that the car Iaresey Dady, andil@isessstant, Eugan el Tiere la nu(iuestian in my iiîd -la net damageil reasl> deaie he l. act Ramaard. Bth yonng women cdaim!libut Ibat the yoceîug Man wonld irai thal Itheusenm met such terrbe Injur- the young mon as Iheir busband, B tplituet ha e lie bd a l111e surgirai a, ies. Ollier thon a lient axel aso i a aim that neither ituen af tle otReite iin"CrnrJ.L alrdc broluen n'heel, Itla.but alighly 'dam- uetllAlrena n'usarrestilted. -,est, oe r J. .big Talor desix *ageil. jTh Yoeung nomea bave urnei tetid edna i îapn i a In vien' of the terrible auto acci- statels evidence, sud vill do ahilu t. ooter and the wunud In ItseIt stîoîld vt dent of Monda>' eveuluet. thle lfret their powner, Il la sai. to Pend the haie beau trivial. This la tle tIraI cas,' quesetion tle average tierson bas aok- yaiag man to prison nbere lie n'oul a hslil hiba rnche aoe ed 12: "Who la hlalle for the acci. bave lime ta refleet. o ht3kh htbsbe aldt u lent? Wlnase fout n'as l?' on. Young voman la a ceaidlent of attention but les my opinion there are, S Tbe Sun. accordingly, made Inquin>' Republc, Pa., the other of Jemestoivn., many cases for medîcal attention andl finda these tae îlte tacts: in Nen Yok. niere tle prOcedemna bac the 5Ire place thbo Cial>'isalle for The jury bas nol been selecteil, ah- heen the semae. Whst medical atten lae accident. Tal Id, relatives aiflthe tioueh lons or twve eMon were ex- tdecedeuls and tle Iiurai men the'n- amned dnriimg tise moruaing. Abrena tion vas gven Reed vas harmtui andl Id aelves, maet iraI lookte 10 limetv for n'es srrgisted lnI Mntane Jal>' 51 tesat.,lhamiglit lave live l bid ilnet been A damages. Honever, the Cilty rnamu et e as arresteil an a charge Of tbig- r for the medical trealmeut glven hlm.' ldIten looktetathe an'nec ofthîe building, Cnt>'prefecreil b>' hâ,tiret vte. At.J 'Tecaesvrvtynfyo D)r. W. C. Boutan. Hee ln tari, muaI tonne>' John D. Pope roemýents "ethanc tes yoeung mnlversu o- lookite1the contraclar vho liai charge Ahseua. o aigteyugmnslf n urneil to learu ail the details of the "I hope that the une day cf àoitarY~ she knacked louldly'on lthe wml case. They aay that If they flnd It confinement wiIi enabie you te reflect srating ber apartments from tz possibile that the ridîculous practîce ot on the harror of your crime. I hope forth fiat, et the saine tinteC seeking to cure sîckness ad heat you wii underatand 1 amn ittinq hotu out, "'Miss Weaver," in a Inuiï wounds wlth prayers alone, lie stop- as the humble servent of the 1mw and She repeated thme caîl three tinte,, ed. that you will hear with you a kind nien thers asuer abe - Sei4eral peaple vlewsil tie body ot recoilection of the court and te te- Io th. telepimone and called t4i Reed as It lay In the undertaklng salve tht you wiil mette yout ps5ci has~ et akai et rooms this afternoon. Tt presented a with yaur Maker and ho a goed citi- colis for h.Ip ln a teunli. truly pitiful condin The arm that zen bahind prison baie."1 Again lire Johnsoan ent te tie. had been InJured waa nearly rotted off As ho flnhed the tours tan down pboume axad .511.1 the police. aÇ ' front the gangrene mind lloodDolUOU. th. couttre fae. IDg thea ta burrY. As aieI The average laymsa cun ose et 0mot DANFORTIt STORY WEAK. th4 e jever mli. boardmtiet that Ibere le evar>' gnsou t0 iele Donfatlashop* ta mae t oppeur Thla Ïe MMsal9site ecumiiei fi .11.1 the Young mews lite -_ obaly that he wus mer"taI>'dorenged when of Defrtà immadg coteil have bee aiseT" ei the arum *à aAho committed thse deed wuedlvdi A» y«51demd-4t aIOUY0 DM IN4 bag bis amm coelà zhve ; after Deuwertis fladteu~ d.Nie *tory Ti itdl~é 57 »ve ad lafile assed If tho IJUt7 slowed pioy Niai ho mws eo$ntua*t»W« b>' "00t 0"-' ai boaum ive ron estias ttfotio cf oemy stop ho Mliai taita. T4 MoaieaP NHSUJrr d %là$ @cuM r. e t waueanloyiei u im o h. ld vs. pruefl>thé emne ho lut* theDUitnfl eh "fi'u aMnry. Th a imajsarj vasthtîe tn lod iffier thse éds, m mmý»& dOOd body of MesW «.1 wea mrsîphe u a lias lafr --ed At 8-.15 0,a"tal his efleraaouath&se m0tW'bar.of wlis ho slimpot thgh a uaar 6" *tokinge 1leatlmOy in thse DOafeah l~bar s.t hà am sot trouh a eary vincase camne ta a oic0e, mait ftiseii. ide boabot t" lie~ss ii>. dow. Thme bliren sglus intlfl a nu hvedba r Iman- sing trossa & 00 vosm gash ip iathe toresrm. Under ordnry f0,th hil a the lee , ftnm a Blt wu CIge e« ieib> clrcumitamceu lheim nlarywould not ta take'tise etnd. Immediatel>' eter"eF'Welelifor th.e 41»"îut'- bave heen a 5erlous onO le ohai tbeon pet tirough eag0011ing teetlmSm>'remaledi uabea, Otomseoxaminatien b>' etesn Attorney W.dWrd Conad Teetffled, KILLED IN RIJNAWAY. Dsdy, the seoutes 'cumsol, Attease> Dep5ty Coroner Uivmi Coaa J. G. Weloh, requeted the court te the tiraI vItnusatae opiaçie FRANK CATE, VOUNO DRIVER OF declaro à recase las crder thst ho.sanda. Ho told of bavlugtso' TRAM, TNAOWN IN UNDER miglit have à few moi-dm mith hi&sthetoqinet and preafl ei i MEAVY WAGON WHEELS. client. vhicli ho mai h.liad extracted That thia nas done lu order that limahe*o thle.deaéo uasom . HORUES HAN MADLY DOWN THE Mr. Welch mîglit Induce hlm client tu, Dr. Foie>' TO5tfIOU. ROAD DEOPITE GATES' RF- chasmge hls vIsa trom that cf "Dotl*'Dr. J. C. Ve' Doit toOla the FORT TO STOP TfrIM. gpmliy" to that et 'giit," as omia e& t1114ai la lamuiasa Untwaminute. Daafotli. entes>. un ieu""e > Rusell, Déc. I.-(Special 10 the bh heibouet fOrvsnd 8sllglil11ly Md hsbis vli"obli ies l~a.?k auu).-4Vramk Gatos, aged 27, met In- stop rather umcertan, r,.onlered toi~ the iee4 qàaa's et stansat slathis momnng hen a tesm court room nt id asaouucod ta Judge siirieébie bio.Ot* lie woa driving rean aa, tirowlng Whitney tlimaholielshodinta recouai p»Tuât cord. 080081108 ist»aft di hlm enmier tho wagon vhicli rau avec or lis plea 0of "Dot galty" sind pliad @flW0 tilk;*lDoc liai the him. cruehlu bis hea 0o ho wu dsadt gtally tai the charge of murdier. . hicb entered 'the o 0015?of blie vben f rienie reaoled hlm, paseooua4 have imead a pin drop ID vouldi Im Gale bat been dclvIug a eaam b.- the court roorn vhena Deaftrh tood CoronerVyie louging to Mr. Dlckeu.eon and Ir"waaefore lthe bar mid announced hlm ln- Coroner J. U. Taylor ne a t 1t blilng grave] tram ltha pit on lbe tdatiou of chenginsg bis plea. Tt liai stand aum toli t ms ecl0êl George DaFodest farrn vhon thae legs»e fa tit q;eeraly Ihat 'he nomlil caP> f the o*mi"c leel b"cme.fnlgbtesed sud rau anay. Gstoemie thts change »n bis pies, as other- the Inqiet tram bis depoy*',3w. being iragged for some distance. visetlie evIdence againat hlm n aa tid. He as o ld é f eeeuvug Thme DeForeat pil la a mlle sand s haIt vecy dsmaging sud il noulil have ballot. trom Russeh;. Several pertons nil- been dîfficuît for the jury to have Attorney Welch objectai eteb bu- neaseil tbe accident as there nere s brouglit in any verdict alliai than let Introduced ln evIdeume asa no)t oA number of leams haulng gravaI ai ltme liaIof hangîng. ing been proporl>' ldentiftei sti oiE'.. samne lime. Efforts of trienda ta stop -let nhich h bissea 'taken from MW the frlgbtened hormes proveil unavail- The Lemon Daifarîlimunder case ln Weaver's beai. Mr. Conad thika Û« log, for liy the lIme they bail been whilh Daittorîli, s regra porter, la the stand agal~A and staffil ia tt checleed. Gale was dead. chargod with Ithe mirder af isa ('a er removlag thé ballet ho bail cage A verdict of accidentaI dealli was mn auw wte, Lita Weaver, oiî,nd tuliy sealed lt up no that Ibere ecelf retureeily a coroners jury at Ili 1- n ctlir-it court thîs mOrnlng at 10tel leo question about lis bel .ng thse, Sdil NiondaNv night lia the ciiseeoto, l'h ( court rooni was îîacked same ballet. Frantk Gaîe. wIteÇbas kiiied Nltiiiiav', tii'1 doora,' Som@ of thase lieing Danfortli Sooms Unconcernei. mninng. fitwiis foutid that hist'îim rienla nt th, prinicipals t-at the ia- Danfartb sesmeil tu lebe t oast nu-' of liorye ran away whie le masIo il joiîîitý eing there oit utfnîorbid i tr -cancerned person fls the couirt roam. iii gr"a ici initoa swvagaoe etiiii oi, ofI las it I riehpr Johnson, wirt. of a Sitting lin luis chair, bis baiads grlp- fif t. ,vv wagon whee'is rit oier i iii locai negro chiroi)oeliit, vas the' statea plng tbe two armns, bis smail eyesavaat- ca, dvrjvere'd i Inoair wî Iiet . (i lit w rosai the ioraittg ses- Iv closed. lie doea fot nmisa ingle mat!(3e,ý nYmii t t ' sron. detll. Ho natches e%.ery atwM ,- "Car-. h, toiwecIilie lests of ior'-ee s~n ing i îl ie i i f hprond l aiiîýi i ] Mrs. Johnson's Slary. fuîhiy asie f liedoe'. tot <are ta Ms, a, tle (itanece awa y. itli io rwiert il rJolisois told of ocrtî îsiieg atle single word. Edmrd onrd pesicd i ýic aýfiait fiatluofsa double bouse oie Pros- OccaslaeeatylIe ho iistena bis hp.- queeit. ____________ie'rr Prive vehite, tauforth and-Nlse buil this la the oeeiy aigu of foe*ts. Intitutle. a worhd-teieoiis lerclîe'eolia ve'er ocilîilied thie rear portion. For Doe-a Otherwise hol i; ssfold as au atallion, which n'as ihamîtion of t i week afier Daestortb first broieglelt Idian andl seemi flot at Il ahi tctZ> OIt tepîsolhorse show, recentty field nile Nîls Weave ta the bouse ahe said she bY the dansageliet teallmany preflt Londan, andl won honora lna the inter-, hellevedi tat they were man and w ife liv the tate. natloeal horse tair, was hauglit yesler-because theIr actions indlcaled this. Tom Tyrreil Teetifles. day hy SameliInsteli, ,îîresldent ot 0ieAt Ile o f the tiraI n'eek. owboa utr a o h Commonwealthi Edision camhany. '%r. ever, she aya Miss Weaver adni dvaile ee oeexto In su l sa i l lie T ru m an stock fa n n, of t ol b er th at h ey w ere lot m arr îd n e s n Iie T and. assi Buain-ell, III, $10,000 for the aninIa. On the niglit of the slioatiiag, : arc'i Wliee Thos. Tirraîl, e l 1fam a Lberyvle. 'was awnay rm home snd tha a (Co ntl on t Fi i. 1;