flplmitls Circies Agitatsd byl Ltait Osvelopmmnts. A" of Bcking of Triple lta. mtLe.cutntry Gaa Sucy -Paa~CechenceNet te *çst VU# ti onday. Il-Tho B shh~ itu- Mt" uaIgeilitoanxiety acf ts rebm4pm vill b. aul tgWMt heti eAsraniServia getting furtiior avay froni ter Utheactiement of their utimia Net Ceaciliutor. S7tneltlier Servis nor Austria ~iteagi ~concilatory -att4i- 6 eviqce of! 5rvla'ea tUt. ., eyske'rtcb. the principa pècplenptentiri,ou- te Lendion. icclarod ln an Inter- votia aParlas Temps correapon- ~Las4 orjaesciis b.- t 1ent l egrtedituc at kwvasmade loua tsa adaèr tii Servian ielegteoh eÇ the TirhWi P>l- î astelà" .bcen 1.14 1414"Q t làaituti mon- Ot la c oase PfINÉ LUIIPOLD polced Muth wl.. Mtlici.'DaCra.De. 12. - Princes Lgtpcld aif Ëâvjrlàý ho bas been lii for more tins. bas bc0ome vorme. ah- corilng te an offici bulletninlsucid by tha court Phymciaus. Ramatabis P rorus KaOs.la Impetoh#beiit Trial. a«" tm 4130DeAhi.teFinti Nexi Wookhlitle sfor Holiday Ajouramat WMWuistoi. Dec. 12.-RenuiArkble it.elrnlut."le lmMai~eQt ti in lb.the anats, Pr b, ~5II1~U. 4 ~ s~ti~sea ere Isard andi«a9 t et fconfrencsm 0 Ing tecx-' p tlg s cs.eItvaspreçiotedijusi te à a"[ l Pn- i .11nt adjaiunel -ti"the110M lSmu.,..5 ~ rnaaus for Uashemoua.voh .a Ad pO atpgmrior tuâ e oàbcu ticie lttat h i Va1,5k if t.mcxi véek âte Permit PAUAU ~aeat7 aJçurm4meti for etheaoi-* *0 eiy imai W.Aoba,- . firai vit*U V" W. P. 1Roand, 4vý tico VA& cos. o ciqiod pvel nalhlaag a!lun- De&. 1L.- pr.iidetii Pttaueo divr I .LaQuis of New M c. ti terb.afhSp oi*tee0.piadeut of hisDlavare, la8 &aaaanei. H14 L.élla.*eflanamiWestern, tel o! et- ch boreTlur dcy , * 19.44i -leteunPrornlse uP suts betwva lçv ellt, rd ic BoWlea ttim amdi sramia-cda. ~fn S t ê'i The Iut vitnoii of the day Vas il. raiuai~ Avhtu 1161émi aoeattet for, the Louis' té àri laéetlt" iMIl vle M, [bluehla ulrcai. J14.t leMc & Poosé 00»tflesDrues aPPOpftd, La the hUnited tati I Sta*c bmm w iu u . theiccourt oai cmemes as thc attorney fer ,,MM U MvIi ass e DÉe. bb rahla-oIR u hat bas «a"pte h. :WeaOtga. viire 40 Viiho b. Im $va i iisNov Orîeas sund ment1-M lise. ai. . goma-y aail cases. Met. estimony IE Tat.M . ami Mas. C. P. Tat. vu i a -o ftuefrqa-tpi 9111 vit- ri D. miles. sécetrsista te Uic nempes o prcw ins té lapat ih btetMajor Thainus T. Rbaais. lid relation to an entirely nnva-- Y i ry aide. ani Làeietuit ticil e Ia mpeachment presentei l'y Jol 3m W Tîmmina. naval thc bouse. Tiie article eltrgnu Judge 01 b.s MOM ofhe i.Pary. Arclbaliwith liavling pernittd a' IM attorney. vho lad sppeared Ini. a u U hRSUSPECTS SULLEN bciarethe-com ee courtita mke ______suggestionm ta lm couceering thé f 11110100SScUthrs and Davafipomi >AW& ase whC ite he was grepaaing an opin- 12 0111lalsy Examination. ion. è~.N. J. Dec. IL-Sulien and 1 WEBSER "F1095" AGAIN Oêflara-emieti auDove. N, j.. Gambier "oSqinIt aStatemeni thal witti 'rtting ta-cti restimony Was Foies. la- ààdr".. Wilson are-lockd up a&8- riienrs bere,<ýawaltlnî pie- Nev5York. D)ec, 12.-"BDrldgie' Web- él' eanaination on liondmy. ber. one of the tour Informera ln thé et ftitm are ba-ters, Peter Itosemthal murder case, quetéi asi 01h 3aOOb Duan. twcnY-4our and repudlmting i testInony Atithe trial -'*m>M eraa- ad reapectively. The aofIBeckier andi the four gui. me. by Seeley DaveuPor, frtylvwo eaylng tual there wmx na pieu ta alsy poCtora Who mamie thé araest District Attorney Whitmian g ayiag ý* fl âbis ha-aIea- Jacob 91 that the ttatemenie attrihulci ta hlm oane the wrting. vere **abaiutely aise.", 'Any Urne vou wwah me au make se saglcont t oso I..Wbe !Wcen fléaroes anti (aieam- Der,.'Charl-s Dilirnandi Hena- bualihaprobibitei under .a Schneider pleaded guilty. andi (alyin ~tim tal-oucei y iepé-Snow. veatby piano dîeaer o! Doi- îWda4n.lerrat of Gergia. phot. pleatrd flot guilt, jln a big 6lot M 1imier caled u bigmachine scandai aprobe. liere, lptaic he oue. tienounced I., ~a niarriage tIn(Chicago "Otis." BOY' Writer, D.sd. Y vêlement speech declareti Portland, Nie. Dec.2-Jante. Ot, ab etoitcrn girl woulti commit Kaler, WldelY known as the atthor of tlier thés, b mra-id ta a books for boys, didbere ait the age of sixty four. Undêr the nam, a1 ~~~Youtha. James Ott£," hé waote 145 ik o en èý«tsYouths. boys. lk o Moc., Der .12 -<razed erra vemian. Bluc C )d.l-Gruce Sue l!fe r Divorce. yean aIld, shot and f Atlanta, (,,a. Dec 1,2 -Itugene Gruce ~il Meea.aae nneîenflitisuit in Ncwmnan for ditorca. ;lgevogid Duffy= S"e. Sha-Iymteaqutl f holg twn y -tbreu. Ii on. kil i d în 3l e l rî. t i i . ra a l e Dit11ih PhiladtiPhl.a for i- bi.. ka ebhCll Worer.valn Party Ubmit dos aiu conoecgl eétl~f 1 V! gr aêlwOU ù $tlfl . 4iseir- via Tl~ug t à rbbs ~JD~AEM4A 1T aé 1 Popgtes I.- b 00 *$FMI cvry atate te,%1 "i.. :!,lied a l lkîe. W- 2ii~cLa fortefia- rc aelvllicu 0!thé. Party. Q u ife d lrdec liea ftor te ta le u r u t e pu Ipis fprdu Iv candidtefor govornou' of Ohio, ru then ïemoeii gchairman. Tii. iRý 'i-O N T 1 Up t i f d o i n e . t re a t o m t t e e c r t & a d o m M W 1 1 A « T lttspeech ai thc confercce Strctures ýt Dmte. vu. rad by Omar D. MundleY of Irain*ýam. Ahl. Ua oui astate tIc Ropenlcanadi Les.WMllnotait $1,oo0, but go )OMMMo amnachin«e bave verbal par a t o No Llvea i Mud la battU&Saluat thc P~Ies. MOt vema* Mr. urndIlé al id. "W* bave ,we Ii.oqner eqgora' i9 eV r misie. ]ne et thotn ffveopt soit i hjo4cat Olanail. lc.1.Pr ltaa de speech defendtiug lwmçr. '04 oooa sep, M . to a.aole M-P r'Ti.,Prçsresmive party lu coing to «» lathe bsccrnernof a agev ad4k 1 3inma. lisbâto utia ffl pe. *mte tia WMIOO osé W b rhornasJefforuo sai: "Kecp t*lic Ipornt biëelg latue ,eltY. a - upowtvo gaver- as umer the peopfle taf jog tat»'hé 1teandla<ll>- a' ppeble' 1 den't car.If b. vasua iugbuatasqaat rucbires oîlrpated at a'I ffom ra t ' ao.Pfolireamîvopriai-mn diautsm . 9 dpic. The. apeistive power aliauld i 1hc e Wala oommunieated to the ae kept . la th li i. 1k" UnionTrantbiii iatheiocernerci p Pr"".. fér Fuataoeq SUles. iolettiand welaastreéts latg ib Tiic.cWUteela oa.gcrnsplanas*nom >ioû Md £At"ai sof hlim ar strepelgtalninthe.5arty orsnizt- hulling*va Uivmaéonod. on thbeugiout 4è > conntr u!' miPro- goe»X »knva %re basbeaun c- aigfor the eongveison Md an109- lmof ' amteupalia et1914 as' ue 'ruer.WUa anu- Le.the ti.Gbfqa reqlaihi d mmmu et 1r9lot. sue- ituqgiiu». g t00ii.ena- gatsbm oiittui ai he ut. e m fr.afeIf lii bd acted "onesbefort tIc commit. - = 1 -kti'~' w Onishes lné ork. mou t, et ii a »u ta inrnaim eré ii a ie 'o gqauc relat, te orgstion and bia l ured. Tlc pricipal itns. lto e b ideffslig LIC E44qbahment, Of permanent hesu- Pri -e .of oductio. and pbhiflY. RUlaHre>tBlNom BTtrePatc gtdïmlaalù ea. ury-e ChIikMi. Dcc«. 1L-.,Tlicaparties-à Uatatmhncn p ugiglaive reo- i Oth r.ie t»LISradicaleandl a Oum A bQIU'UwaiSg bar"". th le àabe-m pIm, a pcfetobela Scigotteagi leqjsI la be pWlu .pma15tihtufptar PttM %W ijlu .01ol - etIthtg p afflc1a00 t 4unt . mcco-4akl à elCtomol i W'ashinuton snd Nqv Yéh Icsn o. colonot Rarme, chpetbpu .ras fuafultra viiuoabur ba ln nabne la mpcakifls f4 ZbuManm ,*oesntional capital. viii a braud ch e Èopsivs a(*d 1iaocrm 1era. . giesaceUl'. ta aî,repitw q It~ ~ ~~i upop4 qe~p Ill b. ou liot publiélut~rt. Mt t1le tmo natt ~s lu c 5 Inite é be. q laimeff ei0emii "gel lénaer oeéi M.~tzo b lali 1 o gothSu '" rncc4ooob* t1RuileipWl. wt ian Meýàcaî asMt S4 ikth lie.Doffçtc Party, ebalrnan.vaiting te, me'W Xa *W' The plan for csrrytn eut, thn pria- cigi!esad ipledges ef the Paogresaivo bty. Wb"eli*AA amuqbtail-te tc «mer6w* sby Jasç AUnD9.PN&b,,o R s IV~l b. .4opi*i. Thb i plua pov4d L9 ls I l for the oatabuisbnmeiiof six burea»f.- imcludlit eocation sud PUbuity. le* iJ" Terk, D«-c.46-ibta ofna lai lirefea-en cislt mai indu- ,t dam for galle o WÔ#Oofai tria jiec. eo.ati. ci *f"let Ityp- y or Îcu14abw aét the lut ani corporation contr a-anaid ODU- L ou Nationasm simp * Baséteail lai t'iiiiiéit. c!ub frolbWY ii ha' laca ien ntlét Engin* und Tbree Ceach« J.UMP hrI ies ccid prior tô a ment raek Neur lo ve ltuta.d. li the il flq lrcta - - mm-a.Helona Il.btèïbi, princtl)ai Terre autol. in. .12.-4oevcuevuigeofettijilb. beame pffsed iesngr d tb ic .08104ev voit olÏh, ~I bca ahaiac thrm Ooo*m u aa 1 Meftqrtia , frotTM agatveate t. 140* .ot > pn v a Éa h1 htfS af Ibo tasoieaian .»"c qvhtÇb qs > Vent loto the ditcb. nCq ~ u~ a pture Thei. 14 Vç4 bbrediht lt. tA~ tbony*s liospital bevs. Ti:vasu T clarod nose wvld dia.,Î Igov York. Dee. tg idaw achoe [os .Tiak*#ff Co t 1 .. Chanc litlutis. >< t - 1 :,' Rhodp cilssl s ftWk Pi théeéUl R Ae Ffi »O Win Net Iftertam tg cnouml te - Priectîc Accoeding te Close FrienU. DLI U.-Pfoai4mt Toit v~ot~kt Clabiiatland practice lav viien h. leuvec lia White Hause. btas hu*grée" te accepitapa-ofessor- vfte i t' v mi" atbicauteli by a clos, frimai ut Pechti Tait vim sio »Mvas u mqumnted vitl the pa-amdetlt'aplans. It Ir"s atatedti tiPresldppi Ta4, utit eccpi the 1:04 ja-iàmshl5 ot lsw, wialci b "-o11a014d.alu :aiom"th « i . hei in uhhc 'pua espot&Wsidte li pe iqoea-lat ,rn 68.. i mtà"iuhbe 'Tch roe sombpcorers ilecturng la boti constitutlonai and Inirmatlou- eaWudemt Taft TMW pi sHwflf<.Rý au i-oihmu ic qi 40a1 s"e1i o. tlee b- 41 v41h iea Pwat o Aerbieji Must Pay Penalty for olu f, Fiand. P!e d uge Umpeis l(iaid Irat- acifer "lm la Priero. Pouing App.al. 'aukiah Ment laI5fIL.ee* ofer Armlmt iequp Jie a1 - Coafereno. lonion. D ec. Il. - Vionn;a étuI ema wiï *glk e oL. t t e i - AI , utth 4», étaelm1in.mmho luth a çapital ubat it vwu the.belllger- mi attitude of the. tue m and er com î4nt iomnai t at ismrqwtIrsate Servia ttoJtidtS. Whoe'.vIhop ignel N 'phl #q et eparti, areqMci ew 0~uélIia. Tctim m are iùfte Iie beço, tutitior uioted by thi eunoent of thc ieccsaful fiotatiola of thé Soq.O a ta Auutria undervrltien by 4orMu bunkersfor it vaa unfior- qff thae it vau maieq e ~ toausur- Race tla there vasno llkelibood of t uropean Ver.' Babs en Ppeetm et01War. ontior' lamôsno uaiirva-ters ar bnt au n oruious anévat or bit- "ae euv.lns riais bhi vr'baiveon 4M ansd Austeix OU Propsl'L la thé' WIld tirentwcren tIhe vielani ho- voAM the ivo coutisc, s»0 XJOY48 la tuibl4W 4iisorert ibeiu,on the pros- Ti.genoral bolief lin St Petors, talri In vél i nfiqerusicia-cie. net gvay. i lie. lal af Varrenong thii. Peple.é menate, b. thathe riis la aest ami I ia. thert ta, var on the part ct Aumiia lu.humb.llévahlc 'ne Tribu» etf Rau& pajuta vIai Prfeapes tea u«ela4m 'tefea lp là$ efopi t ti". liaw 40Agiguttim 1RvnWy. vit> a vl.v te nafquarding hc4ulocnqiae09. 41 ua.llvg Ideodclare thé ne =>tIy of th countr'. Theiý govs-ninentm of Auitrla and nir propte, acamitho powell i40 grieatqta l.mtruiti and k la bé- icved thattho Propoai viilimainë VI h thetr ssnciqn. Sao*c" $é 0411Afflilte. Felisi MWb TUttilalzk tnpqojtairo fft coaitabtintiplcamditutei.stai *ïL Censtantinople tbAt Ga-eceéMay Igu tb. armniutie nest Pridar. tic 1befor.th. ldibt uMectiaS.ltua r- eaSac conferance ounSaWequlifoeting wMit ob ii.cbrmenbi o et tBlan etae pu. _ Ml4 , , 4 ! 0#y 1ý4,ard Ors w, li» hou". et ýsmIns fl. aiçi the .ambssadoril çpnfoaeae. whlch viigooùat theti ýAfftir" elus the pesac omfea-one viii le IW"rml la ils namure 34,1041 east et a nQn<Domnittl discuagloil 04 tbe part of the diplomats ttta >i#t:, u éaneehage ci views between the varoum povors. T-AFIT 10. tTÊI UU bd DcaaLc. sa-SeIain 11h" te viceatlaado aet(iaiacàf c f thocodai- ta-y aeclvei as Iittering figures On fa gýaving vînter vheai crap lia Ibis Country as uhose fashai advrtil via-eu farn WahilgtOlî iurnudlaely aflér the closeet tradsingShou-. Thé report gives the average con- dition af the groving ca-at ai 93.2. ceinparcd wlth 86.6 aut hua d4tr lait ter efop fagiven mu 32,f@7.000. CoMi ipred vîti 31;2111,t0 aamaa y9a lOLICE. RÈMIhE -M M IFIÉE Avoue. #i»Murs umFlape AttCka SaiU.c u Dllet, IM. Doc,.1. ie. ,a, -TbUtUliyes veço evoibi' IplcealOfi*,Pr 40 i ,4.,ie lia-e l9 tUap Cqjîliey é~$ Mi< fc le cstructutre wil uioXf, týetent t îe occupants vlthas. 1êp$iiiem aw my A. la tit xW*0tihen &_ at ait fOs tii. gait aeu.atm . a. the IPlat@4 q . 4ha itom giiwr uae Omînha. 11.1.. be:_é- ebchck toi lO0valiSed fa-tm the union FSe chiébgaq~ é. dbers te C"mbtaiu "IV ~ ty sud Istoiao. 4 À Wel bhiien lomal tgauuiewiie Inakes fréquent tripe toiastheInusetht of theC ity, dUores timat thé qCiycorn of thé. preat pgfUmim~ b. that .the suppi fdlhnae Urne. erra oé4aoI T Oe tai fl#*fioV%froý river. "But the iiteh ilaflot Ilgo tab or deep enouab, ho mois, "and the vo. suit te tIUst *wet thci 114 bo up am4 toes»w lrMsc utà4 0 on, the flala..TM m su CW @&MT.an outiet te thé lake andI k so rapom tbgt the. Course 0( tuts outiét lise ir- astie tbeqgb.pu1s of $i flM ~ s, tbf. of thc dum»P ailé. Deuma botêe and animal.e ofall hinds have bhc de, poojte4 ijiére ln addition te. tth et4 iaried natur. "This fitb la piohai ut b> the atment of wabor and le carrlid dovaf and dopouitedi n the. lako., Accoia ta nty mOtion 111m la 9" ecpa- pal tins tbAt poilaeis.lCwc<p ply of 4rlnhMag uster at th. jgOOMO tilme. Nov ait tbht'veule d WtW dou. ta pre ovqqt of& cecltilaite~W Ib. for the. City to Bond saf.v flua tiera, onlbrze the PrésMaq44b a9104 tho ewer tg the lqkg m04 al l e waf.ç Couid bodriced &*syi 1ntiamners and it would net bave to baek u t la thé liais." Thuis smniman iccluis. lW 11 eiîy garboge wifosa are nov du»pMI tloir loade nortbi of the 'mil clakt4*, 1by the. E4gin, JoUtt &Keaerp #Rdl road eAndfor liisâtreamou ka docm qa 9thinkc thora la aay danger of the. r"il road. cismpbi dovu on itce it Yat th# Préuent tdîne. 'I "i NOUSE SIILDINS f» NORqTm , *OO. Tne.borné bulieri " -e h 104 ~ vuili the factorybuuldioepta t>Rô M imanumvan co iàtb4 îiwO) fitylsor architecture anà ài~âO ment of plans o!iffarcnt ie*lgn», Um eb domai. af éi vrogia ohamèe &Mac "gni ut by loceal' r-ià estata nIn. There ia a cboic. ai any #IY1eor iu of mboas. fa-ou thc modeat. collaS te the. da@nslre b"u4l.* id'l ," qçare eçonstrnctd te suit huua ln- div[duiiela,.'ieusr Lots sa-s rapldly il.maisng lu valus aIl over the. city ani nome of the raoe valuable onew can handl.W hebuW> may prie. Witb the. rsnewcvdedonf4 ie vomitive dcvelopmcent o!f Ii. ltY, tii are rtiy of tbs cii rou is t*o lowv atuingilinu te butw*. fî4 th kuev thIt "*a* thé céôtsniy tftaMsa Ing numbeor ' lpsSatvUS eaýa «, orloa addd tIi 1l t fi0 timme taunitbu s9ani ~ - i;anie tfli e pot h'e ta I W r.@nt for lt i 1ltu bave neye iait cutfac¶t 1 t i r a- m o n o r ml n or li c h i c , r i A numrber of thé newly &aarled cj esle are ais, busl lookIaagý4'dvca-,p viuh thé Mi i cfleldtnl i l te Neit aptinr tt u1iéïcaetit. ntclwatliii a ' . ý of ; - boa-s&ia*ndiaun-for b.14s natttrallyb. the'Ieialît ui àtbe àoL- býildln.g operallafla bavebéci'89W~ with that ln nv C The yen!' 19138 sisý PIlle biue bird astlthe Chat aigu et 1% North Chicago la op týo m"P. ?Ar. Deçhsr vas a Chilco vluo nesteidar. Thaec kiaiglits aithe rm la-raosta the pollus lat )uimt nmt. . T14 bmd 0oquç,at"ai 0s0», étai the0 aoriIsséor a Pb"oap 1ia becaIled upon toatutsndblim. a- Mr. xmrnasy equi l lik laecp iequdw s ctomcae it Itombea- of dayse - -a',4 1W0 noticoi thé »W eleatet emtsi inmelt lath le 411 &, M., m.I"lot 14- *Mer las -flwof'Faée . -scpset 1m nop.ea aet- ['otniforai oale u~ 4u" Ul Blddin, MicI.. Dcc. 10 - (). M. Lcmiacb of Chicago, a Princeton UNWiqte; vas sentencei 10 lit* lu- p'liiais.iit tuithe Jackson pooi. entiai, for' théeniurder oraisaemplici, or,. Hamr W. Fisher. former Chieago Drom~te 71.1r vg as i wbtlm huntlns wku Auenbaeh. sud tbe deondn,4 as- se.w talai lthe kiillng Wva edentoi. huenbab iec Mre al b. vras cotei deni of bclmg granted a nov trial. Judgs Witbey, lu eem=Uitins Auer- badil Io Jeisa. "ad: "14 lauvW" a-cgaet sud m~evis liai 1 WOUounce sentence. Put if tbc legul .Unt, of tiieevidence la Bu- %etéjýt, tken the verdict lu a mnte b., ie Drpi, TIbis vill b dtmine ,At the Mia-eh term of the suproino court. "I1 baio doue soaaehhuagta tua caes that 1 navér hpvcdoue befor.. la vitia a parmonal lette,' te tic pia' eovn am" king hum teovowmo every conifert conststent viii bis duir pending the miaPromo court h160- TAUIFF1U115$ ON 5W0N Domocrutm on lthe Wuys and UMau emndlts. Willi Hutten W.a-k. Washington. Dec. a6. - Democratit ntémhcrs of theé camatlee an vays 1mai moets aga-ee4 ta begin bouari tic fia-at veek ln Jancary on the prom posed révision af the tari«. Chairnian lindervood outiluidhli iewsasmeta eliat el1ould bchot*np~ iveen nov andiMar;e!'4 amd mpbq,* ted plana for hearings and for pro- liminaMy wark 011 th@ revit*hwb interee savueted, by tarif ciasga yul have the apportunity te aplacat bit île pisl-pg Viii sot b. ettended go a. te Istorfeowlth éaaly prepars. tien of bille. *)NTER'WNEAT BUMPE«RCROI Rtepotî show* aie CluinOver Fieuret of Lest YVaiutThis Paa-aed. 1