CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 Dec 1912, p. 5

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LÀ"E COLJNTy INDEPENplffT, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1:3,1912. WALTI3P AREV'S Fresh Ground -i Triggs' Ilome-Made Sausage., J, ELI TRIGOCS PHONE 25-3 Xmas is Less Than 2 Weeks'011 llad You Thought That it Was so Near? W ant to tai ynur attention a:t is tîîn e to the <St thât we have in touk a very complete andl up-to-tht-minute ine of NECKTIES COMINATION SETS IlOSÉ GARTERS ARM-3ANDS IIANDKI!RCIIrS 1 MUrI'I'RS SUSPIENDERS GLOVES MITTENS And in fact mont anthlig in Our line the menu ap- preciate and doute for Xmas Presients, and the boauty of it in thst overy article la Useful and appropriat.. W. invite the Ladies an wptl as the Mcii tu oeil and look over our stock. Our priees are right and satin- faction guaranteed. EVERYTHING FOR MEN JO BO morse 8& Go, PHONE 14ý LWBERTY VUILE - - -ILN ]f)ONT you think St. Nioholas lias about the riglit I des of uneful as well as ornarnental Christmas prebents? Perbaps these suggestions corne in lust the niok of Urne, savlng you a lot of worry, and perbaps from an unwise seleotion. You will find many other suggestions here, and you are cordially invited to inspect them. ýt-REPTOW & TJAYLOF Lt1 B ER T Y V1L LE Hverybody Trying to find corne solution t0 tht' lard Coal,-hortage and somne- v hing ta taie ils place. Comnprossed Egg Coal -,li the bot thing we know of for Stove and Hot mater 'planta' 'Soot1eoe, Aohiess, Clinkenloce and a good slow buring fuel. it. Sold anly by SLibertgviolle ILumber Company 7i-es? Don tiy the OId £0PO4 ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ MRS. LEVERNE GI LIBERTYVILLE EIRIEFS Succumbea :t Mer Home ni Avenue After tilineàsa'o Four Days OALANo PERSONAL MENTION tFom T14 WEEK Early Monday morng, Dec el t ber bomne on Appley avens _____________________________________________________. tty accurred the detth of Mrs Glbert after an ilunes. of but f To lisura publcation in the 1indetten- BatP Bail of bleffo. WAa a bueîne the cause of death hetng attr dqnt, copy muet ho tn the office no later visitor hore Tuendar. uraemic poisouing. titan TUeedeY of .ach week. Advi ot aitavei (avî& L),@n's Jeuni Brown iras boruon tisers, eepectaity. ard asked to fte hefore buyiug your Xmeà preah ite. Bri amoe fGg. puliulv otie tothi affct.2t the 28th day ot January, 188C partcu4 notce o tt, efec. ~ ,~ ~<~ ~ ~ re he On December 7, 19"0 eh@ w M?._andMr@._0._C._________arethe n arriage to Leverne Olîheri ~. . Asti trneatedhuenee luproud parente of a baby irl, boru Corner and ince that time1 àï'j usi rncce usns nThnreday, Dee5. ber hbrelu Libertyvilte.D lCWMKo Fridav. - he ecdeucoe he nMre. (Gilbert ha ,ButâGus ba tlsmoe 91bi pak Te'Earne.t Workers" me-t FridaY, mair warui and'lastlnig trii eta & Clan . e2.oe tg iepa Dec. l3th, with Imi..Overâ,,u.Ev.'ry nuits with the bereaved famil.y aI ECKR kBoa'8.2-t member piesse ho preetent. ing ber untlmly denîiffe P. 0 Boea t Chcag, s@ný be.eekShe waa a mem ber of Exceliq . ates Mri@Ch ay . epn u b.weei Work on the egeavation,,for F. H.No. 387, R. N. A., and th.e b eudwit ti. nfimir. Ry . HlibrdJut'o new garage ea von ubder way. Anieritan Star ofEquity. Boi and femlîy. CatBumbstecurr. tiesatteudeti the Muierai iu a Uhe Tils Cater o the Westminster R oyal Neiglhore hauving c'lai otJohn Walrond returuéd Iii.t week service@ ut the grave. (luid, wili hoiti their neat reglar meet- Turoday to hie home ut Bristol, Mrs. Gilbert leates so mourn lug at the hume of iles Beste Bond Eniand, ater having slpent a -upIe of hesides a targe circle of friends, Tuesday evening the 17th, wefks et the home of hie monm William, lineband, an aged mother,twu here. Jfaumes ut Libertyville andE tire, Mary Brown spent test week RudLkadOeooes Mr.A irbv nèèOsyiiu e Thomson and mlire. William lihtme undflrt strvetrelltives et Dundee Grayalakse. Mire. Guy Hook lit. an wih oherreiuve aiDunenvalpeecent under the skltiil treatmeut La,, kMrs. Sidney Barnetebin aud Elgini. returning home Tuesdav. of physician@ and a tralned iiiira', Mien Jeemie Brown of Lake Villa, c Geo. Morris, formeriy of Dundee, li, Ladd, of Waucouda. mre ,Win. VanPatten nf Atîo( mdie tighme iein New Mexico. laet NI re Il. W. Stafford, irli, lai leen ,dieti aboîut twu .teare ago. wiiek. tMr. Morris ije well kuowu in thie riiting her daugliter Mia. tB .% Pior- Flio liueraiI vas beld etat deri ot Kânsgas City. Mo., for itie jîa.t Wedrieday afternion ai 1: part of the@e,,unty and has many friend four weeks. returned bomielu .d.. W. L % hippIe of the First Il. A resldent of Libertyvîlle who Thureday morning for New I rk where I tIntrînent was ruade ini the laims lie bas flot heard a bumanlie- they vili ft aPasage on0il,. .i.iiiiihip aU(rayslake. tar vîceii tO yarsva cui-tuenic othe White Star liw fir SCIIOO)L NOTI poenooti as a juror In the' Danfortli hoidayo with relative@,.___ murder case. Yeu, be recelves $3.10. Frank Eger lias heen retailr,-, o erve The lerr of the Lakf Mr* and Mie Tios. Corlett nîtetideti oi the special Vrand jury in tii4-J'intrliatndeti a tei.'lerm meet!ig the thîirty-nin th mnnual banq1uet of the merder case nov bing triel i ii%%auke.- Inin i ,hîol ut Hîgrîlanti Site 0 hua t fii Gaîul 'arli hoelgaut.Eger wam thc iast .if il. tam-Irie aturday 'hie iiiirnftg watt Sono f Moa utt4 Grnd facit, h er] uaceejîtemi.the ciiirp b. iiîg <iileted giving crIes.denion$tratiaoi Chicago, Tueoday ev'ciîimg tIer tirer, late Saturday aflerrooti. afternooli Mir. Page oif be. bundreil vere ruflnt and a iost "Cap' Bose* bain been am iiin the miteraI other lpcople spolié. enjoyable time was hlad, poition ,of irpecief, muîr.ii',of doge lurltatiotie are out fmor ti Lt'le fH.Pitorris ha@ been adiittedti ) anti chef of police duriàg tii, h.fl rît ay tu i giv e ai tic leucnis Limberry, irbo baa@ emi. ervin ridavnnDrme the har. ha' irg fsiei-m~5f1lly paseti. th i14. cpacity aq deputy vi, iff nt icproeeds are 1v go to the Ifond state exinruiîation et Ot. Vernon last recent tarm of rourt at Waukem-au. up tie chîoul grounds. w,,k"t lelos e%-nattendine the, iglit Dr. and elra. B. A. Pomirita, 3117 Tiec fresimtan hati wek. Bo te iastiCcu n a n etnBuearKna oday lest week and tiey deî sesionof he~ett Cllee t Lir u Btion oulvar. ans' Ut. othemr colore which are mi Cheago for the pansthtres yearg. ir. anuounce the birth Decemh.-- 2, 1912,1Wie Morris bs liaoîeei an oltl in luthe ,fifichir danghiter. Jewel Vi, rra. Mr.ile Pootiman Oves fornveriy hMi-e Jewcl V. Solouton Dawrson a, enter Proctor bloc. itiord, daughter of Mr. anîd Pirs R. bere. Be came from Lake Foi fF. H. Jnot test veet tradeti to Charles W. Stafford of Llirtyvilie The seniors hied their j Rrmoni pin#o othe property Firat annual meeting and s moker tfmaroofi anmd golt fyinir îverq thepait sop n hu.. ,,îc leylest week tiutt recetly acquired uit D. A. Younug. in the Dairy FarrneW; Proteimîrve Associa.-uiuree tsourk it duwn. hceit il goturu for the escavaion fo he louviib. liviti ai the Libprtynilie vas Iý,.t Up au long a- the .01 raulding theecavti on therele.@tir. towm hall, Saturday imght. iDer-14 it waflot ututroveti a. thel bulig ob retdontears d-Prof, W. L. GaIne. of the I iîversity . i.f ,tseipaedtht1 Bntmm ln surit, soidthe building tolifiuoié, ii elver te i, a d o îeeptp odthnoi.uv Norman Ledtfur tue couel.eration ut (ifth"evceî.ing. C f0. Suta]l 0t rari etause ut the disorder litc 5J.iÇr [ilt mi nvethesat 1 Vicir, direetor of te MiUt Producere aiso ou ac--ouat of the damai *5.M.Ld il oete»eAseiocitlost; m A. Bishop of t e Ltherty. bltahdoctteciin th ic. ele1of id livery .table and couvert ville tumber Co.. andi otiers viienleo l oh o@ oteclig if, loto an Offce. speals. Pienty o!smoke sud au itereet- Georgiaé and Stella Lougwoi At he egnar eetng f te M Urne Ileaseureti Alilintereeted lu d chool here frnt Evaneton. At the rguler meting 01 the .h movremet are urgently requesitedti lire. Braen visitedth le oit] W. No. 131. Tuesday crottlig th'attend. lent veek..ta folio ving afficers ver eciecteti: Frank Smih Darneron gave aun Mo yer. worthy prefet; Edith Wheeler, Episcopal Services faits nrateof the grade chl uM monitor; Charlotte Protias. secret&"; Drîm iteEpeoa huc vr Wedanseday atternoon lu the. b W. C. ervie.Snas fotlohe: ieplrc seve race»m. ln the eveing ho Nelile Meade, mareboi; W -T l uda soos hrc evcse nt.resting eutertairiment m hanker; tire. Overeo, varder; Frank 10:30 a. nm. and Bunday echool et 11:30. appreciateti ver, mueli hy Young. sentinel; Edward Boyee, super. Att are cordialty invite tot attend, prenosn. HeRave inteîectingd visor, Dr.Churthill, Tasior and Gllo-n. ev. White, Itector. tions uf pottery makiug ,av way, physiciens. ereehimeutatwereuornter of ierlaing tue serveti ater électioni. camPoeeigs @re moral lesons lu somt Tucaday evening Cliarles Proctor Itegilar meeting Decc 2. 1912. CIcr.. Although ail the seale lu the perpetrateti a pleasant surprise ution l The minutes of tic lest regular meet. thoee that vers vacant wer vite, the occasion being the aliversar'y ing ver. reand and approveti on motion The sales for the tickets fo of ber birth. But tireivi' gueuste ere lu- of Boyes and ariggs wviîr carrieti. entertainutent of the Lycet litedi, ailof wvitout reepondeti Mre. Tb@ treasurer'e anti tlerk'e report. veeoa.flloir.: Highecool Protorwaatherecpi t O Maty iftvere read andi audii l by the finance andi eighth grade 28. ssvcnth comiise and on their favorable report grade 1, tifth grade Sandtfour including ueeful aud ornamnitai articles. vers acm teid on motion of Dolieumaier We adipreciate very mucli the Thue evenlng vas etpent lu piaylng crids aud Faulfner vich rarrieti ail voting the publie bave given goeilust andi soctelI ntercourse entil a* late bour "il tainvientes and we hope we e The following bille acre rend andi 0. ticket@ for the nezt en certaint when a substantiel répert va s Preadi K'd liy the finance committee andti lii ho given ln Februai to irbich ifi neetilees t s*y ail did ample alioveti on motion of Dolleumaier and entrtaumet are certaiuiy justice. The guente departed the ibevo Ellswrorth h ich carriet al votiug Ayn: Morley. emst bonne for their respective homne aeC. Pnbliebiug & Prîutiug A h etmeigo h e tevciug their booleu wmiee.formesypublie sn%.@ý-j.....$40 95 Xnms. vacation iras decidec lebte.. 169 21' take place Dec. 20t h tu Jan. happy returus of ths dey. Edmard Doyest, street work ... 7 00 irceks. Most of the teachere Monday cventng the Libertylville tes A. godcbua, »irer mort..... là 45 vacation ont of tomn. Ca.hed tei anma metig sd lbon tet mork . 50 50 Xmas programi are ieing1 Co. eld heirannul metingendPittsbum Ïer Co., Imdcc.'ý.- 10 50 the. igli ichiol andi ailthe lection o: oSacers, the iolioviug beiug B. A. Boae, street work...... 4 00 the atornoon ofl Fridiaji, ùec. elsteti fqr thce euiug Ysesr: Gea.. A. (,as. Petereon.... ........... 29 25 wouiti lîke to bavé son comte ptonj, preelent; E. A. Bishop. vice J. Suidam ' .'.... 61 25 Ata t e Lathes Bythé ' . -.....107 0 tOO ttie préeident; Stanley Eaton. @eretary sud Gos. Trigge...... 45 25 Théine are tisys irbent tresanrpr; AI Kiiehutan. manager. They Joe, Bond -.... 103 75 movtug at the bigi.-eciooi.'C utndecîsreut a omali dividenti. The LîbertyviIle Lumiier Ci)., mde. 107 01 ia arrauglng to enter the di W.(;h . Wcrîgg.. mdse.. .......... ... 39 (10 teet@ with a vies, ta repre@ organisation andi maintenance 01 t eiersy tig. Co., metccc....... 89 64 echool et l.Jbaaa during cou enterpnieille a long fet vaut 'lu National Meter Co., repaire .... 6 98 eet luth. inaconteet Lei Lihortyvilie, euabliug reideute to Waukegan 011 Co, gacoline ..... 50 a islping baud sud me if wec procure otrictly pure ie at a rlght figure H. B. Ege r1! ater main .......... 9 90 soute ane to gain the position aud jut asttc time needeti. Dring the Ju. .C ag, vater pipe... ....... 4 30 8 lot of gnnd matéiriel and y( Hneluthor Co., Imdue.......... 3 63 uitile encouragement goea a 1, pasnt year they bave etjoyeti libéral E. Il. Corltt. expres............ 3 94 in accOmpliehîng enceS.@ patronsge andtIit le to lie hopeti they Paul Ray, fnmigating........ .... 2 <0 l'ans anti arrengernentart ho accordeti more libéral patronage J. P. Davl,, draying.............. 4 00 for iutprovlng our echool W. otigyar B 80 ', eurveying.........5900 oon as the veather wmli gtemng Bar.yes police............... 4 00 hope tie elereuts mli accou il ______________a___ . W. Smth, ealairy.......... .. 65 00 lu aVlowing the werk to b.e t jD. tàmberry, ealary ............. 65 00 fait. LIE IS R N E Fireace salary ............... ..... 20 00 The change lu tii, weathei LIE ISU A C M. W. Plukerton, vaît rebate.. 48 001 tie pulse of ourr auitor asi A Mas dent maik Smo blecks f0 sr. John Kxeli., malt rebtS.. ... 7 20 are going to havl slorm m a dollar, fh cintti.m dla C. 0. Flagg, t'aIt rebatS ....... 12 00 the sehool. *dl ihcute h as W. 9. milier wu@ preeent sud a.ked to hali the distance. 1 bavegravel anti tii. on the extension of Couut.v SupI. Si. sou mu Backland road. The village to furnieliTvluit to our ochool onday. U C V the sice anti gravel anti be tu do the E__E_6___A_ on , s ter a di@cusion it vas.tit to Corne in to the littit the. street commisse@ for action. S ~B i~iY ivet by floyes aend Faulkner to Store and ste our new A~adjoun.CarrEt. H. Coif,ETT, Cerk. Ch it a ( District ManagerC rit as Oid Cotoay LUfe lasatrance Company Lake's big weesly-INDEPENDENT. oms 9auo ii Independent ade-read by 25,000. A large assortmenti ________________________Monte_____ l kinds and pi * CHINA DOLI For Fire and I ife Insurance TEDDY BE.R D ', EEÇF- 1LARGE KID) BOD-1 RFDT i k WE INVITE YOU To join the large number of individuals, lirms end corporations who [or maibg qears have [ound titeir banking rela- tions with thls bank to be both agree- able ani profitable. Lake County National Bank Capial, LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. CaiaSurplus and Undivided Profits, $90,000.00 PRACTICAL Chris tmas Presents Perheps no gilt is more trule appreciated than the one thet is of eal use. The Iollowing ist mayj suggest soamethiq. Gloveu. Mittens. Hosiery. Handkorchief&s Noktiei. Âprons. Tablelinen. ToWels. Pillow Cases ehoea. Blippers. Ribbons.L Nmeokear. Dreu'4Ooods Stamped Fancy Wori. Umbrellas. Crib Elsukéta. Naterla for limns. Easf ade Waists Bat pin&. Fanoy Combe. Bamrttes. la our Grocéry Depertmeat at thre Soui Store ou wII Dnd a lRue fne of Chrisimas Condies. Nat& end !rult. Phae 3 1. NORTH STORE PHIONE 29 W. W. CARROLLI -ýSONS Co. ways carried. CORLET& FREDRICS- - Phone 30 IJBERTYVILLE, MLINOIS. MI, eý Have Y( inEl What Do You Dor't take any or of having an art ? by people you den' I arn here to m .-rny success deptt tation 1 have ntal] MAKE YOUR1 Mystcko VERWARE and. in style axîd right1 YOU AR2 SUR[ Au eLIBERTYVILLE ou Confidence ,verybody? jKnow About Jewelry? iy chances of being overcharged ticle misrepreseuted to you- a't know. tiake good on everythiqg I sel nds on maintaining the repu- blished in this cornmunity. X-MAS SELECTIONS NOW. 1WATCHES, CLOCKS, SIL- [EW]ELRY of ail kinds la right in price. RE OF A SQUARE DEAL HERE. HUSS JEWELER - ~iLLIois SUDSCIISB TOM!> $1.511 Il J

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