W) ci ci &e4 cm ATAIVOLIVITES meeings )ftnofhtr my.A B :t:e e ACR NSES UNDER SEARCILIOIIT it terrtibletSinauible for more thon A DB RDI A a mile, vas started smltaneOuBIs "UNELIVER" FLL N vLîve.wth the meeting and t attedto2 the uNTER9STINQ FUATURE Io THE -UNELEVES"FAL O VèIV tere inth ataced olva oie. DECIION TO dii1-KF O CR0W0,WMIL PRAVINO AT trrr n ig atcit oivarais TUY A E die 02PLANT. VEAR WAUKtGAN MCN >- tS60 SEARCM 5 IJISOSY TUtUPROF. PAGE 0F DEKALS ORALb "Acý laUSD y H* TO AID ORPtIANA6! GVE INSPURINQ ADORE$$ o __pffl« TO 9-IN APTERNOON. Of1 S UIR VlCT*ImS. Joy vSîî be brought te tue hearta Of . for DonCit~sfocioal an roe 6 et liait on. hundret ait thirtY 11221. The teachora'meeting heit Sttuiday30 Ma Cy-isfaciona warbroe éltiiliren this Chrtstiumu5a t h. reauli at the Licoln avenu, ischIl. . 20 el aiov Wetnestsl and WeneaaiOf the efforts belng made hy Mm. laid Pari. PrOvel to h. a most lnter- V&i asgbtea meeting 0f thge persistent Vl- Etvard Sprlng of Nort Gaes e4ettng. Instructive and generalli n 00l lys, cruadens et the gta of tige Coo>k treet, oeaof the most promunani joyahIe session aitdvwu att«edt ht eletrical plant wu asiacot hy a charlty vonkors of the. citY. aMe S@ about 150 toachers froni ail parts Orf'e stcme.fllhngg vfrewic ou orking on a plan vig.rehy $h. ex. 2he count>. i of the voroMgprs tell. et ooabet ieeë te Teotm leetearecrgth The outresk occure as the un hpet t0h.ake 2B lu. ehnaaci et12 theVioOfta eloch2 e hargetbu, coovrteit employez t the Coookplant h t i.ai a! rbagao!icvi0ftéacgsssec-h *r e vin ork. Tg oi o-Christmnas preaent thii, ear. toen neit year folov:. There icav foi-AlesaE. Smith, cbainnianGrays- ~ lovons ver. acrostige treet, lnging 'Ar. SprIng Intenta teacou on. w hyma in the darnueas but by ea h undred and ftfty men In the lty te laies. of a searchlight fronitighe factonyry malte the gifts. Each mai vili b Palrtax Tovniei, secretani, Win- se ver. market for the0 fusilade. asied to provide a littIe girt, sucig asthp aon No wort5 ver. exciagegot etveen a toi on pictune hock for one of tige Executive Oommttee: W. N. Mac- eh mii ubeleln voîcen an tgelittle orphais. kenzie, cf Hghland Park, and Emma b th Asbele if carkefu andrehee. TeNei okGlto u iiStudet, of Grayalake. 'Ia crasaters. A fcr lyrhagd TeNedeWr ul ftectýTige Mmrng session hegan-at 9:30 es the atorm of stones followedt 2h ig a fev tays ago sent one hundred a it h iemonsrttons o! classes of the aearchflgts glane which expose thtie fftî pairs cf stockings to the orph- s oo c Î lc W. C. Maenze la baid o! vorshippers. It al 200k only anage 80 that eacig cildt tiene il supernnientent. Consîterable Pr om- te a fev moments. have a pain o! stociags tb bang up inonce vas given to travîng. art, th Screaea Tell. of Pain, on Chitmas!ll've. Mina Jutscn. heat muaic and training as weli as actuel ti Witu oreanis o! pain vhtch tidof of the. S4tltution, each 7e? 506ks 2o scigool von In the tire. R's In tige re targets siruck tige electrical wonîmen bave a nev pain of tociinga for eah hignen classes. a lefI. The searchight vas as qulckyèii i hismstmebtmn In the afternnon Prof. E. C. Page in seugene, lehvlng tue VolSua badin dtnes t requtres qut. man effort. This cf DeKalb Normal gave a tali on tt daineas, terr ait confusion. year the local societi relieved hon of .randamentaîs ln tic Teaching of Hie- tt la the igier giareo f tue ligtt it tige>osbliyan h tuh tory.,," hait soon tueir leader. Eider FankIing 11221. note of tianis sait back 'rwo exceloent. papers op ""Local b( Sabinso. fall before a missile. Thge hy Ms Judaco more thon compensat- Gegrphy cf th Couaty,%avrh given p mm» iail acreanis on ail aides toIt e tige vomten for their efforts. hy Mn. ToVnflgy of WInthrop Harbor of otiet missiles tiat had flt missed. 12 vas tlis letton front Miss Judsoli anise15Alice IL Smthuo! Ournee. i *fllei trod upc. on. anoiier rntc ex pining about' lie nov stockI1ulsa The nov commttto plana 20 pt forth I IF i thir effortsta 0rmeh tue faflai for eacb Chisttmas that gaveaMm a speciliefrt tige comlng year teai ûBesa. Sptng ber idma ibouit urniabing a bau.egtend aperai prepàýed for local f fev of th. tvontl present escapeli1521e Chrtmas premat for euhcb tor 0f Ithe count>'. and tige geof- Vîticut glacngasblovs fron thee t- chilI i otiterthat thir tender faith y e scmrhnier letrOckalut onlî four vee eto .lualy i S.Ni eren ethoa fces lathet.cootys manufactine.a bmrt. TbaiVetO: "I doa'i expect 20 bave auY trouble miunnu.atailtgrsi products. toustiera . l~r Plani loblnosoz.fore langeou6ng these 11221 pr«mtuiafor 1 itîtb teir isiiesand t.y aso haveE buIdooepl gaiai. tai kthatsay mm i& tiho viDlina te spacilPapens on civIc coudia& a lire.mHoner C. Klirk. trucInSido a ltil ie tOPOat U M 'VOM "boopapors VIIIh. compliel aidr %FA* et boal. ViO bave Ualtm'ch1tteck *tervorlpriatl -as beiletIna. MM u.M. E.LOs>'s. (rikoear te." lra, Sprint ssiI. "I bave 3051., The sffta brouàbt Inachesanad 2h li0 e but. - t tarlol ot lut lie. suporti labus«iW aijug orthe parunae association cf Biler 0. IL Robis, truci on mlvOIR COavInOsaMe130 aI aie secouas hlu PaMrk tel coUeail vat. beel. cf orlie c ondared ail Shr 'dmt , Von" ala AugaraI. rou a as i usammVIII le uiv eaY _«____ Unel or the atacvu ad oe te le." The funors of lmsAnnasM. Iqnde. 0e«uas1001%,saMdlh ali expree The N>ieiWScOeiial ofith.elide 5Muter 09 tige M4aIe Rau. f..traUç olM» edet«mbtimthe 10eon la binm M& or ciauti>. Tb cou L4"% Mrfa anusoer c or ers *asl5 me aselluaaM the Gsi plat. ThS>la maie et vomi. tro if tfersat OM Met ater cf et.Paul$ CatIclia tiesu b oév t» lI aaco saie- mahattflsA«aul oiau n v- lie ciele. lgiii. vas 1011 at 9 @alock SIl..s tm If abve te b ol aier- ail ha hm em bIng ta apOMM lU Tillai unt trou et. Getrude'£ Item liras fmg,,Ot MWte do se chritble vanbera 1t« sou. lime. 611=111%, ChicfgO. vith truet t Mcm t' Ç bit tlespoidU Dle cet Wbakega. Mi. la aurutved hi ber %M lattauith te .attc. Voiva hï Fli I , @&M"«. mmlta.BridgeS Lyndeo!f1523 bmo «ull? ahe fer prolaclou..' e-Wb"fha kiaietreoBel VsU %NUVOOI auet, Chical. a , rIn eSeN@M «Inwhfl UR It. 7« vue pit? Ube-,WoU. 3sWug t&Mu its. Lysde ubhem a sciociteach- juately i inte lmof I tré, but Sivan. te lad -et cfmoi! m'W Ilte,1I shahOrs la Chinai. for a number of jeara, The monteorao acasaldet aI tel soýit vas lie lit »M erMW, baagréotiy on tbe ptaf or teachars batlstinterltlbr. Viii itheVoliva raSsaO811. ait,1 ie 0MAguds hulldi 3191i& You propose to make, you seek an madis n"e tu gratifies the eye, a rea1 durability. a superia iabblitY to, .4particulat uaes and an efficiency "lwy* depmndale and exact you wil1 find these essenitiala i A ~~Electricai pline Ornamental lamps-they mnake 'emn jewel-like--for decoaa- w tion and utiity as welI, assessories for the toilet table, appliances that increase comrfort and convenience, machines that performn the heaviest household labor with intelligence -we show them ail in wide variety ai eut Display Rooma., j. ai veny attractive prices. Public Service, Company 0F NORTHERN ILLINOIS mm -7-:7 -wIt-a e MB on y, pMn pelual j #onul tang me IahboSt- idlke- se thea-tower mavghe, hiunuiaMd oiresatsd by the, Ç#lt#probIUO5 efin- - l~ OOIiIiflY,0f makbanon the________ »Y. arR mOCC t 7.,oabgoideUon « ai IOM y aG~T vidence obtWà<alnM, vw teJurY o. ieeteinitial .«0"-, 'teck PlaoI-I Â aVilles, 24 para 014. vifs e maai tukhn011%I bu.Q oV f fSouth Park a&Venue, en.eoftw o0 uw«om ée UvUIoI in lb. Jane MoALitel bosultal '«Weii u~,tiU fn ia h attbeted to the shock the ra- tergal throfhuAat t'o «"»- M dVI.. the vlewed 2h. romains Ingsttlngllid of the staroil " ws [ a Ivpr ofieryvictime tlu au «0flnltheUnitedl UUi mnbtêr fUtl, 4O iilliy thge ody f b re ona ,1~14 .he q nlt Of.sMu Inset e . b oil v ~ Daàus*lo, vhom the hadt bou so iIe daelnpat ui 4lVv WU, sono to bahe become a WIulnd Mdoiroé thdamie.sudIlt& « r u tht, critical conditionm iU n in b an.uiv _____________ oib « seelng tlïb.ýoetlhly mali ianomn i.shiuine Ock Iraq car@ m tg now einé watlo d OntaeUI ae - 1a:.: are bodies vuton priaes.paiylUtiedoaes, coiulu dit fot scaf2 isi VIdO"n tUUèW la inl»s. Speet Point Bay lv ...........................5 . '(SlneYI P. ANOLD. Pmn. Iw T" D uk ............... . ................................5 mVatusllves quit. near th. rafe- «A. P. CONAAD. a bei......................................................... ........90, .4 ad e h ls 0kpaeeeTNKO. MEYER. B31111in iptt ...-.- ........... 10 -0 one of the tiret to reacl h.h «RI UUCK. Bon"ll B.................................... &....... J..... .... .20 .Io h. itenew that ber Coudew»«WLLAMWAROs. lyed la the deatroYeit plnut and "WILLIAM WTROUS." Wlr ....tch* ..................-.............................. 5 9" wantel td' finit out wbether he hat Thge six Waukean men, SMPan.lled Itr rd ,i'&h............... .......................94 0 kfl oneet2he victime por vhether hy hy Coroner John L. Taylor. te inquIra .Oidti,1 oc.......... . . possible chance h. mlght 'bave loto the cause of thge doath of fourteen ISakeS Dcvi, <UIoua................................................. .50 8 men killed ai thge Corn Prodacts Il» Butcher KUII., 6 Inchb.- ................................................... .85 .20 Viewedthe Boies. lnung Oompany plant on Novemigor tige. Uusmel Dipper, 2 quart@a1.......................................o.........0-2 Vsdti.Odstwenty4ttt, returned au "oxien ver* ColH<>d Fouad 16 ic .................................. ..........80 .0 the evenlng ihe'mode OYOIY et- dlct'l Sanjiy at noon. ...~ . . . .~ pt te tind If ho had been oin.of "e>.big corporation vas flot exoner- o B od Puanl. .............. ...E. .........'X victinme hut ber efforts were tu. atet of blame, ant vak nfot heidTre- Whltêauui ie 0mbpan .. . ......................................... .85 Then, against 2he atlce of ber sponsthle for thge teath of thge fou r elkiTrowel. Digton....................................................... .90 Uves and f niendi who warnad ber teenmon. Bprnig Punch ... . ......................................................... .25 .15 îst St. the went 20 the andertak- Acting on tige advIce of John Fita90 0 rooms viiere the bodies of th.vevicresmeins. a deputy state factory gno-I Angr, 2 lochI.......................................... ............... .0 ibad heen laid out Sha boped spector, tige jury recommended tu@ Auget, 2% inch i............................................ -............1.25 7 tSf ber cousin bhai beenubiitied installation of a vacuum liceaing 5#y& [oa e.................. . .................................. .......... 100 -W aabdita. lhtietlyb tu tho' plant 20 nid the vorkln* Ride Cleaner. U. S. Fild................................................ . 75 yand pit an eudt thét awful suszooms of starch duat. The jury alto FiNsr.................... 0 5 *recommended that tige complliy 20ke FI1ne on.N teRBook ................................................. .75 ..%0 li sight shegritneetwlasa n- Immetiate stepa te, substitute trou atimes verse thon the bac! ex- dumping carte ln thge Pla~e Of Ltse Horse Brosb ......... ......... ...........-........ ... ......25 .1.5 - Lod aMdshe closed ber oYes lu vooden trays nov ased to nemove thge Bras. rrj Counb....... .... .................... ..................... .25 .165 ror aid teeled hack wheaI the aw- ,tarch doat from thge ilnsto tige bol). Wlr. s Bit ....a...... . . ............................... .... 50 -0 itght var nifolded 20 ber gao». Para.igr~sDoit Punch .................... .... ..... .... .75 .25 Contilon UeoOfeas erlotile. The jury foant that tige men met.1 be vs. asgateil20 o e honteand desth hy an explosion aid a réanîtins Fork HBadi, SI so .............................................20 .0 one befal t0 show signe of tige fire. Supt. Ebert's theory abat the . e La8bove Handie.......................................... 26 s .15 Ml orbe..1she had bean tbrougb. pîlcin asel »by a sark. o a.Lamg bovol Handit, double bon ......... ......................... 30 .20 rcoadillas becme vous rpidlY knoWa origlu. ie0e 0f tig e iOYrs IveaAdluutabls Dr ain s .............. *'**........****.....1.25 .7e ont Ttesisi event lng aatph. as or elevatom .The sPani carrylng thge ][won ikelouD"1.Spude, 2 lochb............................... 2.: 1.125 oVel ta thcJe e liis rbon- Oama luo t he large ts vigerthe ,4 Aéod. 18nh ... ...... ........... ......... .0 1( i Doogite aul t4at .onld h.dons starch dt _-*,tore&. coa Usi lfe zz ý be i vVl m asdeplosion that laid vaste the build- lysaPl 1 H is, .............. . ......................... . .1 .7 ây tIls-moeulsgla&. £oreonSOUHS.. ......... 1 ....................................... .75 .50 rrnésgw te to umrai bava Tbe-jjury met at 10 oloc SMOndaiLou aM ...................................................... .75 .50 t yot b"qmofeutw lat 1 la moruhng and ILt w90a aarly 1 o'clock . .... ..............> ..... ........-... 75 .50 4 fflt tali V ble Béa ot Mones. e th.î raporteldia4 -thty bl otle wd k...................................7 .5 II aet i omd é1'LIsA5 bm'b. B&. reashel aa .lli L nwVerdict.S go : olieiek..... .. . . . 5 5 [m* bebm »ea ladies a child lms.prigte verhatim bhett. MW 4 evanh .........ol... P ................. 60 .40 m a Yçïr au .sept. Chars moert and Chem 1 Ipboi IL . -........................................... 75 .50 sesmvilk tbe engaevbo vss Thieo.,BIler Ver. the caW rap mnta- 0.0 Loeko, pabr..-.................................... . J5 .15 rond la t eam M lIasula *P bu* tivoq Of the. big corporaStO ion oee0M. ..................... . ..................15 0 bd& sont teobeon tige rto aSetti. <IoulaI &h 11estaihment. . ... .. . 80 .15 e9vry.10sbw wve ,serionsbu vigai th. y«tiqt Vu tuoa. cosEk.............. la thousbt tiott heyi niot, prove A copy 0f thi e rdictbuaabéenfor. Pmalia fMit............. - . .........................................1.5 .90 i.L Xee G nevledge that bar varlol te Chiofato«rY I»nspctW. 81" 'LWb& .-.. .......»......................... .......... 1.50 140 an vas la the. bospital va. Doi Davis.What acUtio ti.stage vIffIs aa . ....... ....... ...................................25 .10 0011% t und i abock tMrs..Vaileta ai.ii b.nAtte1-11 la nelo n At alte a b a, 8It . .................................................... .30 .20 à Mufere&. Ibis Uime. ~,.Shovel....... 1.5 .10 DGE TO PUOTECT . tHIDMOt4t IN WINDOW wbi îeeBiid UBd .............. ................. 4 2 RENNML vicirous ~~~~~lenamoik Blaser Pol....................... ..................................50 JO lrVICTI S t 0for Totee ii Ww lOin Jolli Cake Tic .............. ................................ .. .06 .08 - 8- o onwdUne la DhPfep eTin .. . ................ . ..................... ............ 0 0 JO" PER"- LI. PUB#NSjWU 80#1111--< . s........................................................» ....... . 04 n20 -gré ïwimiir TuCco".8xamlotlo is- Jmsordon 0 Iqi.Coslalssd îbàd e.............................................. .25 .1 WII EZVEMNY tLiefpolW.erier uLoo*..... .. ..... ... . . . ........ . ...... . .. ....... ... . .. . 40 25 "Vu '0110141111 gemW. ueuelan eel lbsmtll ot....b....................................... . . ........ . .-....... "M Perci lags.mut.ale,' sea, sitine augapWbl Ma10Bo,.50. * smi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~~Nq euIa .eOUveisrvU p Jjlass bo$O 0u rE.oies............. ... ......15 Ù4 Pu" I& PHa 9U. .D. .i....... ....... ........ ...... .5 6 j do ne.. ................ .... ......... . . .. La ll h.u ont tlk ' hitté i 'lait. 1 ive*U m1& l ,UO ............mm.. . . ........ ..... .............15 1 imo. te ou oueev laSs té,mon......................... VO. IR0 e G ilo>c asnh osPo.1 ~ ........... ............... 0 .4 ow u 011111110ba a Ugogm gu m a40 = 190e mpt tibi I s to st P e e. ... ..... .... -............................... . . 80 65 -1 tis lpon a iges a onéthu e fpl ya frontç mIt .ad-UTram lol ier............................................ . ..........50 , O fut lllu U Sf0ifon a11ba cf01012,' ~ $cran e ro t 3e . ........ . . . ... .........................................1:00 rtu vin boetT e *IiI monIteli ta.. eekbatA aort 0 R vet . ............................................ .7 0. em tkesoin urtii ShOW dam. . hm,,an»eM uerhsd fr.9 qpi teBo, 84"Ys14 tle te8490. SUI vlàl for cai 12........... .....I......................... . .80$ Ver a l te,, T esête of-bu M h ket Mimeb- BillrB 2oc....................................................5... abreseot lietba IL m CofI2M.Bogor, 8 qt ......t. ...Patter..Bi....... ......... .. . ........... ... 15..60 e eut bai nult S eine f lm Ytaofî br ot e.0.16 ntnSPattern.........Bit...........................................5 1.0 lise About the nov oimeation $ilRng. rowfl'.......... : . . ................................ ..25106O- 40,ail fo th n o su o liy iaglilo chisBo di.eaBrbond....... : ...................................... 8 for ual tiey irII hav lbsgnsLitst...at.as....................C.................. »..................... 5 .i «bso t ne ys fila orath o sta rt.m-Bil t ae .................on.........n ................................... -.4 5 ,80 esg boreheemerIs5Ofthe BA 1- Carv eainPtt..... t......................................... .......1.75 12 Ale be icthe ibave cIl er-0.16e!moiet...... it......... - ...................... 1............ .15 1 Air ta taIcausa on a tiltPaipet centin ............a........ ...... ..................................0 15 6 maS orte oreo vcim. Sets u ble ......ree.......a............................................. 225.. 1o.20" "t .ey, .* baa t IntittsyuitasThieIs namidCiot ., T........are...a..lot...... ................i...t. vra thondai DiorthlL e et nt, B11Y r tc' H erd lh..........for...... hat..... ou ....o... 't........ 85 aie ofevct ime »s4 o ua Meurs,O30e barge. V.e .................. o.... ....................d...m.....e .... .4 b".teî avenfe. over er'Dannsud 1p. nwnUe ........ac................The........................ed22bo1-75 "b plaJin Justicel L1sk, CystmothIt au Prthe 19 O ç nca*t wa rail f iuti. WjAt orw.hatvoudln tâ a dia s ei, t ta -I Par' kte -f -TU