Ji VOl.. XXI.-NO. 13, SixTEEm ?AGIO 'Er WAUKEAN WEKLY SUN LIBERTYVILLIC LAK COUNTY, IIJWW610 FRIDAY DECEMBER 20, 1912. ONE TO EIGHT CI 50 PER YEAR iN ADVANÇ$ ______ BIGAMMf "talty" 1vae the. lot or*# jury taafternon at 4 ~ s~M »U*4 d âblir» .aon a chargéofo 'Uttia muton for a u. t"ia. loneof the Most Beathing denunciations ever heard 14 j<àrq Court, Statela Attorney Dady this afternoon - "w t4 t hi Id dward A s on the charge of ýe defense, through John D. Pope, flnlshed about a nqonafter urgirîg tbç jury te acquit Ahrens bee*use the k May XDer, n Idiana,. Thie state bad been unable to Ji fln luChicago or elsewbere, and statute bearin th Sword' Publisbed hy authority of the State of Indiana." IW3a they found a statute book with thoee words on, it "ejmd have put in evidence, which it dcsired. However, r, Dady feit that lic lad suffiient evidence without that -in& he looked for a conviction. Mr'. Pope eontended that Alirens had been coerced into lis m-arriage to Mary Conroy, that his life had been threat- L.-ened and that she also had threatened to -kililici-seif alid that lie as irreaponsible becauise lie was a dope fiend, 'NlrDady urgcd thc jury to find him L-uiIt . HP pie- tured a moral pervert. "He stands here a self-confessed -, bigaxnist, a man who has no regard for hs faînily, his fath- or, bis sister, Miss Miller, nor for his God and tIc law. He la a dangerouis nman to ]et loose to do the saine thing over « gain, poupibIy. Mr. Pope has tried to work upon your -sympathies by pointing out the di-,rc on hUs father. H1e forgets the diWgace whieh A= Zn ~a brought upon the8e two young women who, until theyr met hlm were pure and innocent. Hie ruined their livea and he should ho punish- not because of the sufféring it brings hilm, but as à les- uon to others that they miust not violate the la*., "The penalty in a fine froin $1 to 81,000 and an indeter- -, miate senteèneof from onetofive'years. I ask youto find Th~deinstructed the jury aùd they retired at 2:45 Abia's Fau Ahrens' father at at hisi thand elutched a 1a m~suoyed -nor=owly ~. weus1tii. plismer, sat qui b2ut gaing on M i"a e mde Mr i Arp. neusstand Th'wsdy ~ght. ' I spent me n4Mat;.è Sdusnr 1I left the istttion. doo as IWà& depri t.ake ier hoeId.W n 'Tc've got to mary e. 1Iti god Permisson tô go back tô t , tes. Then mixe raised a bottlE klo,'that, is what she toi bpi her mouti." Âhrens could not rememi gamor inIndiana %ith Mary - Ail the tinie that AhrenE MWCQnroy paced about the er o yeas. e climsto ha uncle is asaistîng Attorney J That Attorney Pope inte Supexue court in case be 1pseq ii i he belief of the niajority I~heardthe evidence. 1 il a! ne mm i vbo offhi I usiga a tlke ibgl oal .a àahal b4 fifday «0 November are he ha paiS 164for blhet 0»e day smsios iy theb1ourd ef , pervlueo. Mel.mm wb *rai - .40*0 wMviii cosive M1. CoheU for *ffUp lre ig oet Iy onnly wIn'uI1 T RD PULTON, ARRESTUS FRIDAV FOLLOWINQ LOOSS0P $50 AT GRIENIdou$E. LATER ADIERD ~imiT WULL ICNOWN MAN IN SURIOU8 TROUBLE AFTER CLEVER DETECTIVE WORK. A marked.fIve dollar bibi proveS the a undoix-g of ES Pelton, a vuli kuavu Young min 0f Lubertyvîlle, vba, ITri- day evenlng, vas bound 10 lihe grand i Jur-y lu $500 bonds Seepite proteste ofo innocence. Hawver, ssýcording to lit-b er devîîaoPients, afler bis hearing,n PeltOn admitted hie guli la 'Marsial Limbes-iy bu front o! ivo vitnesses. t Thse affair cruatud a sensation lu UAbertYville and sbowed bsiw a thîef t caunot aiways tell vbetiser money Ile b tikes le inarked oualo.1 Pelton went 10 tii.. greenhoue o! hil Meredith Fio wer a .'.get&ali(. , whrc'r Ramonnd liartmaie leempiled lunlb.e c*aeacty ni ,ighî firunian. blnite office bang a pair ut truuser e tlunglng i lao Mr-. atîmes ln lb.pochets O! wIliche1t [vus $5 1 »w $5 billes whib bebâtIl drawa fi-ontuille LaisCouûty hauton i la "h ouoainalmg vhwen iclta odon1 the transeuss e touaS tic morjey bal dlss.pyaare. .Davtràg tLeCeolS by1 LerOY Ulsieberliin. another employa afi hi. Wgguos0&$itPelbln bad bm 1 bem MulI mer iue .ablIehImee i 6 t Ue Ws . wSm4 t" hy l il bavel tbu a OMeerd " i basabipIet the psaudâr bn"bI"s il adlma SItua t t. . artmsa à le ue aumbeas«vOt si. me Ils iiL Mbtb uluel i. tes vIrn bt mm&* vo.e.k i." ý ~u ther voffa inthe -dasm, VIW Iom I0bme 61al îikand t*àok it te the cryn ua mu. r i us,- ber mot.her elosely î se lg ment e -,l. ob" mreperb" thée mb.m" hte ia sud k on7vsl ber 'Ththé l i ttahe b tuacSu S.~ ui4e a&l during the plea. HiL. paît., - cftrmtae vith@bI whlch lie twisted nervoualy.ftacts and Ioistoo tiy liaob"b. mdtu» Sstoodin bis -ees. 105W55 wu5 u Seltuela& lily at biesaide, listening at- - Àarn iferent manner aSs ot exPilu b.thesonc 0e a* . ar0 J'à ata, i fe. cetc., wene min.tesim. me. prphsu 0 1n=wute lt sa rbmga Uut M *bb moh -bn1took it 7M Ilese OuttOar b.o Imdht ho SaV t-lr rhoum. Aber0rtarned 1 lbqrtyvlebutbofa Itohh I found Mary (Ionroy at the age. ______ é uusilsd te me, asklng mue to Igottfo her house, elhe said: FERRY FUNERAL MELD. old ber that 1 would but beg- Obnosmu 1 o! Who Met Deaah Ile the hospital for a fcw n-in- Auto Accident Sfsws Lai-g Numn. e o! iodine to her motix. 'Ilil bei- o! Mourners.1 Id me when 1 took the bottle Seldom bas a fumerai or a youug man bain beld iu Lake counly vbere, lie atteudînce wvaso elargo auS lie M'r having visitcd in Mihi- flovers oc beautiful as tisai visen Bd- ùonro.vas-S L. Ferry of Menton tovnshil, -.,~.flwv.a urled Frîday itternoan in Lakel ts was on the witness stand, Mound cemetcry, lu ttc Ferry fammly, rooni shaking her head. The loOftuntimes ohi residenîs, men via, had used cocaîne for a numn- bave lîveS in a community mont of ave given Up the habit at the tiseir ltves, are pald respect by ahug: do not resuit lu sucis turu-ouls as a Is side in the court rooîn. Ris rule. Hcwever, the big crawd vblcb' 'oh» D. Pope. lise ppulaîy of the y.ung man' ends to carry the case to the tn nise orints ortory . Z s bis fight ini the Circuit Court Tie fueral vas lu charge of Riv, of the ottorucys who have Mr.Swreetlaud, patr oftbe Meio. by glvlug the prayer. Tie.pail be rer in cISe superv, or Hiram Fers-ysud John Ferrr, bro.i ifamrer carl P. Wselerflel4 Tidsy -of thle deoedeuî; Bar> Ferrn ~Louis, moeruinasud vili b. MMldont Satur- TéamOM. Wllllias 1. Lyon anS Ned day orWa. Te me w«r SU yeoman. day os-nna.The ou er. lloed 1Wh. floral Iribules wveoDot only tvo ar eapy. beautiful but seidom bave more been »M aen sy fanerialbold l inte caun- vae' igwallND«UMMZI)NT. th. 1serice Wvas very bupreslve Il5depoISS.tt ia're by 595.tîsiougioaut. f' N% 0D r4bMws Orftlhf INT URS! SNATIQI!RIm COUfiY uRGANIZe 11 iÇjROBS WAUKEGANITIE PLAN la PO a V lOUs CAMPS Tro MAS. WILLIAM CARMAN, 63 VEARS MUET WY ONE CAMPg'O JI OLD, MELD Up AND ROBBEO DP CINC5K VSuV MONTH. ORui F 84 SATURDAY NIGHT. IIi ALL MMkt ARE ENTMUSIAS- 1SCRULAMS AROUSE NEIOMBORS ME TIC ANS 041lEDlCT PLAN BUT TItIEF ESCAPEO; RESID- WILL DE A SUCCESS. ATTORNEY WHO HA$ BIEN As. UNTS ASK STREET LIGMT. FORMER LAKE COUNTV At a moeilieg beld in Waukegan on SI&TANT FOR FOUR VIARS Mns. William Carman, 63 years old, KILLED WHEN RBEVO.V% Wedxsmdsy. iembers of the varionsl4 t14Gad vne P"bl cams o Od rllos l Lae oun NO GES 91,00 ALAY. up and robbed of a handbag containing FALLS OUT 0F POCICET, ty, decidel ta brin an organisaton 85 whlle returining te ber home sbortly to be knlown aS the Lake CoOuty Odd before 9 o'clock on Saturday uigbî. lert.i.e go elwpad ; Jvb,4re Sherman Place intersects BOADSSESIOtheIS DvT*qrbbey ooaplcens of. pintRhRE NARLBETY byollet. vi a cmps oer on -fGrand aven. Despite the fact tlisf ty ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h toehtwtiacoe odo h as badly frightened and a vo. friendahip. SUPERVISORS AOJOURN THEIR main weiI along In years, 3fra. Carmin CHICAGO OFFICER HA^0 At tb. mhsgtlog It was decided that SESO A OTAT sbowed ber pluck by pursulug the man REAIS R-ONi4 montly matt~s yu be eld vblc core little distance, screamlng ai the wii ho attendésé, by as many members FOR TUBERCULAR POOR. top of ber voicu for blini t drap ber LIBERTYVILLE FARM. from ecd camp eh îpossible. For i. andbag. He provedl too fleet for ber, slace, the. ust geDerai meting wilil however, and made god bis escape. Waukegan people ver. muet le b. bold et Righiaut Park and thec or. Eugene Runyîrd bas been re.ap-' Oliver S. ThomPison, superintendent ested Ini the dcmlh Saturday c4b1 der, et Higbluda Park ylbho asit puinted as assistant states attorney of of the ê1ty schoolis, and others living Chicago of ..Bill, Gibbons, for yu for thes vprlog camps from ail partis Lake county by States Attorney [lady. in the ncighborbood. sttracted by the a policeman at Rush çtraist bpt of liaea4p ..thIis meeting It will The appointaient vas made Iritiay womans &ssaiîs, rusbud trom their M.r Gibbons vas a Lake coursîy X b. deciel vitb . the nedt general moruing, Decembey 13th. Theu ap- homes and did their tent10 catch tbe anàhi a eatvsI aàe meeting @hallho b hd. poulmesilmet vith Uic sanction cf Ibief but be hait disappeared tefore Hdabarmn3 ltsMvcadc i.Lu Wauk At these metigs tbe plan iseliot the board of supervisers. tbcy arrived on the accus. The poilice Gibbons, Dve on Souith Wei, 5m te provide a5y Spcial entertainmeul A resolution fixing tbesaary of the were notIfied and scoured the wbole1 Hia brother James lives vitii» but the Ides la for ai lb.h members Of assistant etates attorney ai $1,200, nelghhorbood but could find no trace' euts, anather brother Foi,. lyoR the varions camps tr0 gel logether and vas passed at a supervisors' meeting Of hlm. West Wishiun sue ias becoine scquiuesd with each otiier. Friday afternoon. I "3wi5 returning borne about 9 areý Mns. David ui 25 ClXr There may bç. 'mem simple forinto!fceu-1 teraismet, olove tya mokr NS r. Ruuyard lsaonc of the youngXesb O'clotk." Mrs. Carman said Ili telluz suait, Mrs. Charios Hoffnj-wIê tetimnfioe yamecerand rmembers of thc bar association. He ~ber story lb a rcprescntative of l. thce sdN-s rulGp refresshents. l a native of Antiacb, 11., andlson Sun, "«when a man sbeppeï out frozi lbortyvilîs. The0« %Ilws a asecetrater0f the countY's bost kuovu youna heblnd a truc sud grabhed my bu 1ThanS-hm .Wi'1fr wc than a fraftenl uocicty sud for tis men. bag. He appuared so*uuddenly and 1î am Be. r ibbon hmevas for"ý rauion ths e tnisation viu not per- Rue ba ein successf nI Suring biz vas asimast frigbtened la deaîb but il t fect witb a limate, figtlng any rate practie b ib is clty, and for ths past didn't kecp me from screaming. He ~Elsun ho alwâ" bha a increase su an abas beau the casec tre. yeiurs bas been asasting ates neyer sîS aaword ta me but 1ook ta pfllepâtit.ui b", with th. Woelmsn. Atorney Dady. -bis bhess iti me &fier m. bu ahlM h NiMbo es atheb. 045 elods bave Under lbe present plan, Mr. Run. "He. darted up an aiiey neir tic ,ggui« Ènrw" biS the. pdbla mini for s001 .ineyard sueraly secured whit the sates John Hotan home and rau Ibrougli Gibsbon,éoola4l > a" an areste ft ii.opnion thait f iliiatorney vished tu psy for is$@or- their hpclc yard,isappearlin In ril- pol. Of thea~s p~ ho VMsinle. of maeh g5d- Thisviçes. Nov b.le under the*I M slayton's yard. 1 ispf star him,socream. ., p<qt vas laSi«MÉMet the. meeting boa' b"ul. Under the lnovstalle liv, lMr. lmsas Y ventUnutil 1 ciMe tbà inira , ber. n 04»0""sda. SB» et the oiy nov recelves $S,00&a ear. of- tonne sud lad tbstop.Thnpeople ,,î1 ý te*IqtW4US 5 epljIslUg ?!,'~e ~ »er , tau fhe iualgborl am ou up sud trigié p1igne ai, ~ lsa OIrWa.* f DaN.ta ctèbidlàbut b. b" i .apU by .... .. oumuw te hb. stmlle SaWi1101.0 1W uîa~*rI aué6 7'a ttv t IBLhW& Wb" bit U bj iii5ath«!t>Ék, bthle the coutbottea fer 00051>' mriyur i * 0I*$ ilt .1 e, tXP«e % ITN80d% IotNU TRAIN., kuu.aý strsred 10 otii. bonlilaCO lt*5tkà NM go , h 1 N*lAY ait OMi" 10O cottae . sb s *- bdeéwbi,» à b" fo- Pr . $- ILOMM, mml ANSWER OUESIOfl Te Havoelttable Ugi. ioSS 0sléetltIlete.bosu ~ ~ I - ~~~~-1 vial theboard asibu aM b elU 1JI),taI b. és ahatiaitgot '10I tW. fs~a OUff»N ARISES D90 H0OUtE- ~t uilglt ts W 08MMr W 1 h.w*0 î Ilea ul idkqÎa~ PReMATE BO%%US 0F A sa»M Coul Heâdsaadlia: ."fbe gi4bat" tmate lmkai 01400K Sv AN AUJTO. lienmomncr" tht Il gam xup'Asud he pele. ety the description te ue - ova: t-#k it a siibita Md su SUai 055 rthitthewy bave emaU bopos of l'su a borne. ijwels±es la value bavele loe& 1%0bosltst k gvcmutbeatIgthe filet.people itsig la by retenu of s onitonof prostire- tg 0» s.n nom mp»b" h.aShobo thte r.hbby,, 1* be j' ti or voluntiry or lavoguatury flac- Rleedt building noutl.. with 1 poilli 'tie vouai, am. servous as a <l.gw tWml, sncb as beiug frileaed by at se owiI 0 letif yl lsetilo-halls l irecit of the ,hodup suS a y a. Pub 0lat a le, I l e qo catlI et thl. eem er.le s acel lIEa l atI" théIly of"@ am psi Who y iareps-ents WlRsuH. ti.,' MyItM tiena lrougbout the. a ligIt tiei-,. Thy aMW ou.tbansteea 4MltoW i e le B. ~rumfusz or Cook conauty, Wvoia 15 anIiam mamieS for a long (lue - a rlf tmatWh sunth Arnold Sebuishl, a Baim n AUdIlli Ceintret Lot. d*ugtfe or .0 - ga vhrb' J11111a% PtHENRY SINE, INJURES WNaNJAs. Cig, la W vU pt ~g.~vh luia1hajgni.1the 151g- bing autos fer the dsbsz. II0C FE Y W , inTO - ; Ký _111,11 asS ~sgutia ofios~ mut ea * 1). aijm fat N popats. DÇBRit TAKEN HOMIL vtiba, 1, a IÀ" ier ay., ' ut, ftealmbi u a ospeha leei.bejngngté rt Sbi-wu as. T ffleusSea 51 lin bcaPeit~ae 4Isut0ph <AO57Mni gbD. hveIlon-CIth 15 altiobueb. pei ,tum reto auel a r lie ple0fma o le ~.&'l b.titihi ~M rsluln col lic orm:ei, <en i Ota liashulerva venhe, nShe1ma110fbi bot.s Evsd a ori n ove he lliaIt aGue uhSered theruitiy lnlurAeu. HIe j lnofs condItion fursaiit> iveZ- gri.ï~ iit~i~I'* t t' t4~m a, Ijur h bolsundlb. con- sou-s anud fa 3 lsy simIliî, lng li b put 1v aiMere.flue14gtI *stb tende that the leundepreclatcd ln Maich uéâed t be h eh remaved tsi big ad l v so 0 e5 3 8 value by reason of the fright tbey re- - hame and relatives, aud lis re. serveS bi. vty yar onth celved, . Tho.. M. Clarke, chairman of the quest wss gauîed by the family physi' and vws entill tu Whis enl: Elven nov, Krummfusz claimes tbc board o!fsupervisors,'vis uninimous- clau. v'sony 46 yeare 014. teamal iscsared' of an auto. iy eleted as a committe O!anc flc 1 At 3 oclock bc vas placed lu Cou- &Fu.er'ai Tuesday morulng ut He aski damnages iu the Oum Of day te, look aller Lake countys lu-,irad & Harts ambulance and tîken to 517. $15,000. Thc case was continucd until digent soldiers and emlaors. bis bomne. ý Wednesday, '-, order o! tbe court lu pRit years the poormasters o! thc1 One man, Edward Ferry, dicd as the KarI Aubylornseu o!f r oIN Tuesday nighl, because Tuesday had ditterent townships have assumcd this'1 result o! thse injuries reeelved. lven a Indisterminea uentence tes tecu set for naturalisaton lhearlngs. work, but thei 1mw nov makes il com- iesffrda clue kuladsaIe pcnltenliszy iy Iodge ClI Naturiîiization hearingis were cDfl puisory for the toard o! supurvisors the night o! the accident It vas report- itu'bîny for tiec ui-et0forlC4 ducled throughoultich day by a dis- la vnume one min te Iook afler ttc ed that teclîad su!tered Internai Injur. Anderson. Hl# conni, el, orme I* trict ttorney. Forty-seecn aliens rîoor soldiers and salaors. les. It developed thal bis only inlîîry succoeded lu gettlug tbhelarge oh were exaxincd. o! tisaI number f aîlIy Wea mvlut~su d froin inurder tin auaugt 75 pr cnt eregraned alirs. The funerai o! thc laise Henry '>v ' it wil te wuekg betoru 3fr. SinflaîAsbyjaruscu pleaded suilly. A.sbO I ment vas held at Lake Villa clîurchl CELEBRATE ON 12-12-12. Tusday mînriiug. Nr. Dymeîît buitahibletereune hi. vort luZion 0îty. sen vwi. Is am ho lb. thenfflj - beun a sîi!lercr !rom cancer for nîan tut he Intent. tb direct thse vont of iioug viti Lemon Daufos-h léWi-: *A. L. Rendue, former couuty clerk, niontha and eniereil St. Marys hosrf-ihis mnn rom hi. bcd ai bis borne. sentenceS for Ile. Aubyjornwà IF -her a rather unique experience Thurs- tiiel nJune 10 ilait ad there he pas -__i_________________glo dgy wheu h. celebrated ual only bis ed asway Dec. 7, 1912 aI the age o! 5,2 '%rIad l. lreflrikofPr itin lu ope at M.i.ld W" veirs. The deceasut wac. tore ai n ca lreDrrc !Pr Wth v eiu r lI 66th birthday, but tiea bis 36tb ved- WaLiconda, Jan. 23, 1860 mut vas weli aveniue, celctratud Ibuir 121h vedding tissue ta set as bis counel. su4?l ding sunivecsacy, and il cbmnccd that known In thc victnuî3 of Lake Vila i vesiayhvn afwfinsI iilda papetil Ob lie date for*the firi sund last tlî n lund Sand Lakte aitbougb their honie e dînner Thursday mud the evcut waspiroleS. The Sun erraS ThàiodW3 hitry oudbewite 11-2-2" bas becu in Chicagofobcpetev. bisory cold . ilîan 12-2.1." ycars. I-ewvs' numbered among the rather unique tecause o! tb. passibîl. uya ebdpcddglt't Falloving ber usuil custam, Mrs. charter finembers of the Laite Villa jity o! usiug th. number 13. h is a der, Fisule bil repreL àlare akeoncamp, M.W.A, ioining vheis Ibat Ibeir l2tb vcdding anulvereary, on lie the op o wieb apeardlte follaw- camp vas organlzed Mlarcis 26, 1890. 2hdyo h oto h 2hO ryl» lng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H incito 17"ad3u eo laisurvived b3' his vite sud tires 2hdyoei mui fie11ofA. T kWhi"te 0buGiayuhsie in Igeitin 17S 'au us blw tbhlîdren, Mrs. Iaude Nelson, Claude monlb o! tise year 1912. o akgn a aope 1i24-111. Mr-. snd ir. Rondes al- and Messie. d pdcy fr thuervioth vsyu observe their vedding annivurs. __________ - Mare sud botter news lu INDEPEN- d wavublp fo b.r'U. as-y 8L stmia»'. Indep.naenî ssla-read by 25,000. DENT tissu suy ather vichy. Hry Plvarde le n