CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Dec 1912, p. 13

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_______________LAKE COUSTY TNDEPENPENT, lMrD.AY, T>EEI3T, R",1912. _____ LRW14 P. MASION 0F WAUMIQAN LOORO OUT WHEN COURT NAMze CHIC»O JURIST. TAFT APPOINTS CUTTINO ORMOCRATt MAY OPPOSE TH4Ei APPOINTMENT ON THE MNATE le 11IPORT Pnom £^$T. lavis 1P. Mason ai Woukegan. con of former Senatar W. E, Mison, la flot la ho tbitcd Statos district jutige ln Chicago as menti belleveti vai the poit, .1191ty. Mr.Ma.a, vitbacsveral ail- or erOMcagoana, bai boen puilimIg t- sthiugs at Washingtan for soine lime and t aiwock s toiegram frtrmte capital said tIsat Mr. Miaonvas prac- ticOlly sur@ of the big position. But. ilati, Mr. Toit Montiay appointeti JIdie ('Utiing ta the poaition ta ho viciteil b>' Juisge Carpenier au tht' district bench, judie Cîttlng la Weil knovn lu W"eoign, Eaving spoken ai bar ban- ié , a anti l s' position of ecuià iJudge lut Chicago hovIng cone lu con- taîc t itb Laite cauri'attorneYs. Y.T. MraiNson la novr U. S. omissualn or ln Chicage. s position ho bai belti for smre yoars. Washington, D. C., Doc. 17.-Unlt StatesstrictJdgeCarpeter af vClât att nmilateti for promotion Prabate JdeCcttlag vatt nominal- cd fer hbIs uccotsuor on the Dstrict bondh by Presidoni Taft todaX. The oppoulmeula vors aent to the Sonate laite Iis afiomnoon. Wbther1 ihe nominantions vilii hocoufîrmotib;> the Sonate, howvv?. la daubîful. The Daeraiare tilspoetd ta preveni confirmation of an>' judictal or albe! Ile oppalutmenta lu order lIaI Prost- dent Wlson may bove the filIing of suob vacanelea vitb members cf is Party. Juil bofore te Pradeu± aseut in th( norninationsa the word vas pauaond aroUbditdhe Capital Ibat tho Sonate Deicrata have tiecîdodtetaholti up ai* appaintuents anti promotions ta Ile jobs vith the exceptioni of certain au- tomettle promotions lu lhe army sud1 Ce AND M. Es ROAD PROMISES MUCU IC-,mtniuoti f-ou Page 0O0.) eamplaice t îlt the larrlng breala- Mia m-alelsanti ihako, tusbes iran mblie,: viii repalr the paving or Pr»kulin ire«t. villio aplauk crase; lags vhmrenecossary. Thoso are 1It til.maltera that temayar bai askeL_ te bave doue for mane llttEe lime but th. company bas demurreti up ta thi preau l ime oni lbe grounti that lb.> "ereredte,1 do tis laiter the franchisi Mtt iatenl s.tld-taday Mayor Bld figer Infammet Mr. Bock lIi frair preven indilcations the franchise mat- ter Viti net h4 seti for Rmre lit Use Ime andtihîe ImprovemOmils art Eatiy noodd i rgbî avo>. NMr. Ba0c' ffincidet i vth the deaires af th, ayor anti aseortoi tIiot thse wva menlionedti ouit ho siarlti aIonce.' 2, Promisedti t cousider the' re * quoal of the maydr thot a littie dop' plactnd i atIse cuti afthe car lineoai West Wasinlgton street . The maya' pointeti out îlot it la vory lnconvein lent for patrons of tIse West Bide lin, t attiiinluthb.colti turing the vinte" li ir l. Bock sati the request vat & roasouable one anti e hoaugbl lu tory likel>' that the tiepot viii lx *&acd thore lu the very noer future. S. The matter ai protectiog Ihc tiseof i podstrians vho cross th( Main lin. c! the campan>' le heinî itiba up at the' prestent lIme anti P iutiallaiready bas been socumoti. Mm î ock alatedti îlothle eleciriclana a1 l b. moaàti ihlb.proseut lime are vark les ont a salisfactory plan ai elecîris Mgnai belle, Mr. Bock atimlltlng thai *e opreselli sysisu aif hello is not sait Wacooy. The special systemu1hat1If lelaX vonliet aut ls for the honefit ai Pkis dlly alano anti if founti ta ho os j#,tdfotory os Itlaleexpected t il li le. 9 @â mre ayatem wyul ho Inutailet ii ehma anti Racinc. At th. proseni e ie are ne ignal ble on Bel o:etitre t or G icu Floira avenue iug-bolh of thoete crosallbuare b. protecbeti. On Grand avenue Boibideme strool crnageauones- 1>' latg bitîl ill ho placod as - , t iese crossîngs that lb. greai dsnger lien bceause te troffir inlaoavier. Thene bellivii ring 6*ýàcr ia one thousondt et avîy, $q.llaiti or irafi c plontc1 lloebils,M. cklii, Mr l-k tf, ivll Cenothlie Company $400 aselà ta lu- eall. Kenoalha and Racno both bave peefed ordînancea ompelling gaies andi elng vatchuien but the ordin. mon. aeccrdiag to Mr. Bock, bave nSier bum em«fl odbcinie lte citiez rooalitatI l va Pléclag iho mnch o! a burden on the company W oak theui te malatain vatcilmen at euch ecrcaslnt. Mr. Bock sad ittai both af thèse citiez irt sallitidvltb th. promise of a nov eystom of bolls.Ho »M It vould bW toc mucb toasak the compmnY ta Inital galemon boe. The cMof cf lualling the bolle. be laid. la luit as groat sa lustaililug gâtea but the cSi Of mantonance ila s. 4. The matteor aptrias thse Genee. troot bridige la to h. takou up at once lu ordor that cars may, igoLiu b. run oser the. structure ai 5,M. Bock laid ho wai jnst os anxlous ta baire thius donc au la the City. To run cars oser the bridge nov, bo sait], voulti ho vory tiangerous as ho saya the condition cd tbe bridge an the north endi la vcry unsale anti be wouldn't dire take a chance on rtin- Dnmg a car over IL. This viii bo good novàiaua Waukegan people long lavP bOrnoaueti tho ttact t Ithe' cars dîi net crase thi- structure anti uerchants say tîteir business bas beet arflerteti b>' il. 6. Ou next Satuîrday. Monda>' sud Tuestia>'nighsatht' camusan> viii olantain a ten minute ervîce for t ht benefl oiholiday ebappera bath lu 1îh, city anti thoefroto <ho moitIs. ' 6. on tIse nlgbt that therear askatIng parties aI the Naval îchoali lbe street car coniuan>' viii m i Pe- cil cars bah ta anti fronitIshe Naval Station. At the pre4ent lime tht' cam' are very crovticd anti mauy cannot be accommoditei vben the crovds beave Waukegan or retumo trountbe rlnk. Belter service aI tbeae tirnOs ba boom requoesti for o long time. hM. Bock sa]Ps ho vîlI ho glati ta do tîls. 7. The cluster ai lights aI te sauth endi oi the Genesee stre4t bridtie, comrnencing vith laulght viii ho kept, burning esc,'> evening. This viii gise rmuch more lIgbI at this point. 8. For snime ime tIse eieclric car oaviug Rockefeler at 8:25 a. in. bas :eiî aI tht' sainielime as the oaa Ue train. Tbus people' vho came lnt !tockeflier on lime steamu tran vlth ho Intention ai catchlng the eletrir lam ta Waukegan. bave ceeu the car :JuIl out ut as tle train came tn. rite supervîsors hsv&. matie so-oral complinmteahaout the. mater asIlitaftt en baistieloyeti tho a vhole baur, %Ir. Bock annauneti that tartingt- maormov morning the eloctric car l not leave ustîl 8.30, tIns givlng rive minutes lime ta gel frarn the train ta île car. RIAYI4OVE INSANE FR0 MOR FARM (Conllanel frorn Page One.) ,vhicb bas heen atid otiaia varions limes as more roomu bai been reqîtIreti. "The main building, &bout flftY1 yeauid. bai tva floors anti a base- mont. The basement floor ba4 a din ig roomu for men. eue for wamen. s kitchen. liundry anti store moms. A groat man>' of theso rmorne are ver>' dark. "The firsi floor la nseetifer vamon. The bail roorna are arnal andi sameai tbeui are dark; thero ln no ventila- lion, exceptlIn romn where tht'vin- iiovs arc ralseti. Bureons, stands. carpels, rockers anti coitaircaiet in villte, maire the vomens mroome loit homolike. "Men sleop an the' second fluor, ln racie'lire those for vomen Bave that 110>' are more boire. "A nover building la useti for in- sn. patients. Menon actue the first anti vomen the second floor. Tht' roomo lhave Iran douo anti Iran bar- ovor tle vindave. Several potion' s are locket inlu hoîr roomus day.anti lght. An encloieti porcb ls provitiet for île use of insane inniates. "Marty oi tle Insano are ohronîc patientu. A maie inniate tends tIse insane mon; a hirod girl tends the voue» turing te day anti tomai. lu- mates aie"p au the yard vlth Insane wouen at night. "«There are fifty-tvo lomatea, tvelve of whoui are insanie; eight. criplieoti soveuteon, very aid; one', epileeptlc: neveu, ieeble-mlntiod; anti on. blinti. The cauit> hirea threo girls anti ane man to do île cooklng, tond the farrn oi one hundreti anti fift t acres anti tare for thb. lumatosl. -Thme superntendentlaisan officient keoper. The rmm@nsarec dean anti vel kept. "'The insane oboulti ho immetiloteiY remosoti, os rany o! the 511h>' Pe- tIents con not ho properly coreti for. ,,The roof neetis ropoiring, as Il 'slu naievel'al places; the fiacre anti wa)iswviii ho repainlet inl a short timo. "A vol! cooketi dinner vas hina serveti. ai the ime of Inspection (Nov. 9, 1912. The table lookoti attractive, te tootipleutlf fl."' euLAIS WIFE IS À DRUt*KARD; ÀSKS DIVORCE 0F COURT CHARLES O.- BINNIE, OF LAKE FOREST, PILESI SUIT MIRE FOR A DIVORCE. ARE WELL KNOWN COUPLE PLAINTIFF AND DEFENDANT HAVE MADE THEIR HOMES IN LAKE FOR EST FOR 7 VEARS. Clalming that bis wtfe, Estber Bm.- nie, la a habituai drîukarti. and an un- fit persan ta have tbt' custotiy cf their chîltiren, 'harles G. linnle,, a iveit known resideittof Lake Foret-t, bas rotarteti suit in the' Circuit court for a divorce. Hd- edaims that MRliii.visbegan ta drink lnktoxlcaîing liquorus ln the' autumnofa!144P7. andi that hbe ha-t been utiaiiceastîi in attempte ta intact' ber la ieave tht' tuif atone. lp also ather uien He ache that ho, bt granieti a Iii- vorce decret' andi that ht--Wti given the' cîieiody oi the' chiltiren. Crawl on AiE Peurs tp Oct Toit. A man's organu anti thae oa is bOfee vblob are nat aubjectedti t pressure grov cantlniuàuly untl ho la fésty rears aid; that la ta aay. ULe heurt aboulti bocomo stronger. the cg. pOMtY af the linugsIncroso, andt he brain shouiti dovelop aleadiy untlilthe fourtit decado of lics. Also on. should vwear a larger hat ai the ugeoai t-rty-, th"n at thlmty. ÀAmin u saca togrov liai hovever, at the beglnng of lte third deccii..because ater that Urne the dovuvard prossure exertei b>' the velght of lte bodiywvIle lu 1he orect Position Compresses the vrtobrae, or omalboucs lu the opinute dises of Cartilage beivoon thoni. the pelvis anti the thig bones, anti this pressure oscreo ehonaturel elasticty ai the disco andthîe grtuvth of thome boucs. Hovosor, a Britishl scientfielcontands thal wero a mon a quadrupoi anti therefore frocti tram the covnard pressure poduccti by bis volghi upon his spinal columu, he voulti continue ta grow lu helght for ton years langer thon he doea ai present, since It lbas been fomuti that boues ont subjecteti to compression Increaue up taUheo iourth decide. Lopplng Off thet Endis. Robert Henri, the noteiti artisi, vis talklng et a dînner ln Nov York. about thc over-gfinheti anti banal voit of paînters of the Bouguereau type.'1 "lelghtan, tUeoEnglihBougureau. mot Whistler," saîti Mr. Heurt, "anc day la Piccatilit>. The Ivo in sauntoroti throngh the Btulingtan Ar- cade tilking art. "But. my doar Whistler,' laid Leigh. tan, 'you loase your vork no rough. sa aketcby' lly dear Whiitlor, vby do you nover finish?" "Whistler acreved his glas» lat.o hie *ye anti gave a ficndtsh laugh. "'My deuar Lelghton,' ho sait. 'vhy do y'on ever begi?" Thece TEimes. Bz.Gcvernor Pounypacker. disce- eing tho divorco cvii lu Philatilphi. said! vit aa ouie: "Iu thesme@ oi nc nover, aunlte layluggosums, kuov vhere ane lua et An acquaintanceocf mine extonte iehî bond ta uimeIetc -Historicil saetel> the ether day and crlod: 'Congrotulato me! I1san the hap- pleut M.,aive 0 "I lcoked at hum doubttuilly. "'Engaaged, mammidor tilvorcet 1 ambot." SEEKINi TO FIND CAUSE 0F LATEST CASES 0f TYPIIOID ffContlnued fruni Pige Ont') Il have been latigeti with tht' city physicien. Nover bas there been a tume in the istory of the clty pn.en sncb pains hsave beau taken ta tamp ont typholti as at the present, 'Tue epidemlc ai the fover vhich grippeti the clty for the iast tva or tbree years, causîng sev- oral .deaths, aeems ta have beaun cheeketi eifecttialty anti tht' chiarine treiatment of the vator bas heen gîven Practicaliy ail the credif. But this le not ail that ts belng done. Acting untier suggesttons ironi thp Isealtb depar-tment ai the state, ever# case ai the diseuse that tievelapa la Inveetigateti vtry carefuliy anti a corn. plate record mati,. This record muut shovwbat kinti of vator vas usoti, vbore the uiuik vas porchasoti, vboib. or the. patient lad hati contact vit.b auy eue smefering vitit typhoi, etc- GEA L SICKLES1 L. F. COALETO Al stt»fyaburg Mr FOL LOW LEAD 0F a En MaWESTERN RESERVEt MORE DETAILS 0F CHANGE RF- CENTLY ANNOUNCED EN THE SUN, HAVE SREN MADE,. MEN AND WOMEN SEPARATE - THIS WILL NOT *E DONE ALL9 AT ONCE BUT RATHER ORAD-1 -- UALLY FOR A TIME. 1 Seinee utIle time. aga the Sun an-t nouncedth ie declBion aiflte facîîity ai [net' wiii be gUad fOr bath parties, andl viii leati tae Ven bette? conditions ln t ho 11 fe ai the calioge as a vhole. The W AUIIEJAN KM«YI students vha are ta o bo reduring lte M-TTVI AU M caming coloege year viii have the op. lUji AIL V HAM portunity toa male blatory' by crootlng the machinery for the nov organisa- A E I P Ouigin of. an Engliab Custom.' Kenoshe Couple Marrieti Here LM Porliament'a Custom of assemblitug prlng ta Have Anather Caverne, for a nov session on Tueday instoati Paiforitiet. 0f on th. firat vorking day af the ____ vocit arigInatetiln tbe religions acru. ieRhl ila5tat a.i pies of legilatars ai a century aga. -Ms teWilasnt hvtm Iu 1809 l vas proposeti that %londay distinction ai helng twlce marrUdeS» shouiti be matie the day ai meeting, Ibe a- man wlt'in a year an« b1 but Mr. Williamn Wllberiorce, M. p., fore.she vas 1ý7 years of age as C"u for the County ai York, poînteti oui Cierk Jones bas issueti a lcosuati g that for bimscif anti rany ather ment-. the' marriage of the young vorun't bers this would Invalve Suntiay Irav'harles Miortensen, also of Kne eling-a thtng ho abhorred. Sa tIse Tt Xeaite-rde0a8ien M day vaa cbaniqed ta Tuesday, andti e s r, thrmthrapu Sabbatarian ocr7uple bas ruicti the acseeny'r-btbe ohrap dion ai parilament ta an era wbh with ber in tht' cierk's office anti swà osees mare niotar cars an Suntiay thon eia emtfoth'lsa.o!he Lake Forent colloge ta abandon the Choile. eo-education plan and divide the men _______ andi vomens io t tvcollegea as nlear- iv separate as practicabie. The' fol- Set Style ln Prosente. lowlng anflounenient that bas been An eitierly lady, berseiU an artist i ~ made to the atutients of this college andi a great lover of tilidren. set the S expiiu the' plan lei more detaili: ashion ln Munich ai msking doilà litre living chiltiren. Shte voulti watch -The' trustees have deieldt tamovetheuicpoauantetat came ta Munich f ront gradualiv train the' present co-educa- the provinces on Bundays and copy tional systent toward a coaordinate sys- thec ostumes sas fel as the façesa o teni af educatton for men andi wamen. the ebiltiren. The lfeilke figures et- - f., ~ The' purpose te ta develo1î eventualiy tracteti the attention ai the emprees dItictcll1fri nt ofds iGermauy three years Oaoand aeh. Siene l Dise lelE Sik.. it,t returna. isa ct lge fonmen ad i mteCrbta reet $-mt te b. Nw York t*(si et'"»sry htwetutilnct college for wamen, spmewbat~t h ae "Cllriatmas teserolhesebo. W . ud M-, OeNi i1 s y rtropriated tifterylbueod t,.tii N~ Yrkmon t emals~n.ter the plan af Adelbert calleip antic t$. noir ail over Ils. vorld eag- 'I whch he la chtirrià -.,rh meniher the Coilege for Women ai Western *r17 avrait nov modielsaifpoasant lie* ~r 911 .. 1eI CSPOSble. Reserve universtty. The tirât stop vîli 1 Md res. tram 1the studio lut Munlch. ' iii. .,91 5 of h'.rn.y General -ao ftelreyrqIe 1 A, .- Monîtr o_ 0.oassinde be the divionatelrgyretei- not s-. e euh th t uorn.D accoreI. freabmnan course ino sections for men Not Worrled In the. Ltll Tht' put thpeti-Itr n r uponto rnerai BitcLs FIThpseed ger., -alatiey tr.ou- and for vomnen as the callege gruve. a «I @« ouro son la building ma> 1 bisa ure sro..tng spo-.similar division wyul boc arried lp. «Te. Ho basilit noarly fin. _____throUgh ln Other courses anti ln thebelhed.- ÂItIIt you artd to ha"e but e abratory perîods. «xparlaient ivlth such a thingr 'Oh,4 Unecla Pennywlso Baya: no; flot .1 aIl. I ovorhoord hlm pmn- Wo houti il tud th i.ere . "t vill also be possible Immediate-, lie to lot your boy try the uit filgiti oui gt mn gould vay la y th a g ofi yta croate separate clanssorganiza-! wlth 1." oon u nvoetlgotLng comiittep, lions for men anti vomon ln the four, - - college classes, andt to studenta couo.! cIls, ta represent the general Interests ý ook Annoyeo Min, MeHnti Worlc. tf the men and the vomen- W. be-! "Oih. p«a» do avoy vitit that, Doctti-i munt forbîi ail brait; lieve tbis arrangement yl be more! baokl" wviithe "rkat 0& amen ta vork. Poet-May I uat vrlto soute'wholesome anti more effective than 1 the bcndt, vheu th.eavoVIOUOIbook vers«e? Dotor-Oh, crainy.-{hrie. tewesu» ephtth nieednt rIioduced t tashow that li »hW dan lutellîgence. Iorganization ai the mon anti the wo-1liout n ceose. iAst MS.rch Mies Wiliam. o Mortensen elopeti anti ver. maieS, Waukttgan. Shortly alter the tcti' tht' case vert' announceti an action 4 lthe annîilment ai the marriage *; Ibrought andi Jutige Rantiailcid14, ,ket'ptng wiib the ticnsknds cf t! hcompiajot. Storteusen follovlng tâ ncourt action reneve isi suit fer' tà bond ai the Young lady anti lluallym >fcureti the' consent ai herm mothot. tht' union.-Kenosha Neya. imple S caUw SaUve.ý vi al.a i " of uet1~ 1le a" t. nUimas OS Eammoo ateneesvblk mm, ftmauu.-1 hm baveoer. M# adg tau laoamararbee"~I galle, buLt 1bave 51.05 laMe maes of gemuluebucter vtb gv aeuttudrevaeo. 1 un Dma me virpalBUOIrd P4rge-Ho a ua areul at hast tbb evaningi Ditto-My wWlta a lied bu@ oetU bati omg»anyme A" naIe a ody .Hov about ymuatau *1 kvWf1eMA&. tac; *0 t ,ga Ite . * m pany andi tbe tida't ooue.*-Du ton Traiutomt Dn DelayP k1 0 hopin About Your CIIEO LIlas ,hPM But corne To-morrow and take advantage of the wonderful. Holiay offer- ings we are niaking. We are the leaders of Waulcegan fof anl Holdy lies at the lowest possible prices. For Your Wife-..-Bed Room Stippers Ladies Bcd Room Slip- pers-corne in tan, red, blue, gray and blaek, sorne trirnred with a eorresponding shade of .- fia suitable gift at . 1.5 , .7 n~d.. 2 ,0 0 ','j v Children's Sllppers -1I Made on thé Indian moccasin style. Corne in rosi anly. Stampesi design on the ta. pretty fringed edige. lric.d trot» 65c up l ta ...--.. ........ 12 CHILDRE-N'S OLIPPERS - Matie of extra heavy Tedtiy Beom cîctIs. mot thet' lig for evenings, prîce t pair $1.00 anti...... 1.25 8LIPPERS-Made cf goati dur', ahie cltI. cmie lu blue a&Bd reti, ueally packeti ln bih boxes, speclal aI UL ler pair .... ....... .00V If otîart indoibtabot le iteof lovs vmî, jui teertmit us ta suggeet certificats mode ont in In bou re n dveusteboutge setfioes n, redealany sînount, redeemable in any deparlrnent, and ut 007 in hre nd aveus ive ou glve ertficae, edernale ime. They're exîremel>' sensible. A sure monsosfa pro- at amy tinte for their full lace value. venting gift duplication andsitis attendant embarument GAME Wehav tht trainof ilta Brdle's fin-sj~ D L L Ful jonteddol; i stnds erynea 2 fethghnt.f au. line of gaines of all kinds and priced frain 10o ,ta-. 3,50 ight or dark sewed n igas sld farmerly at $2, priced st .... e Wauloegaups Te -mM Xinas Store mofl Pleasing and Appropriate Gifts from the Main Floor NOVELTIEEB-Such as jewel boxes, pin cushlons, luit stands, mirrors. etc., made of non-tar- nishable metaLl. n etber golti or ilIver; ail reducedti ta ALF PR ICE. d PERFUME-Put up in ounce botties, ail odors, packed ln han- dy lutIle cases, said iarmeriy at 15.priced tory soec- lai ai, oanly ............. UMEBRELLAS-Covered i ttb an exceptlanally good grade ai ma- terial, madte strong and dura- hie, handameiantiles, a big as- -j sartinetît te choose tram at anly............ *EAD PURSCS-Warked ln green, bIne andi gait coloreti beade, fringet i atbottoni. aur regutar $4.50 values at $2.75, aidor$3.50 sellersa.5 SHE'LL APPRECIATE SOMETHING TO WEAR CREPE KIMONAS-Slade ai an extra goand 1 u1a, auu -h-- -uuei,- WAISTS-Made ai protty stripeti chiffons, qualfty ai serpîentine crepe. colora are lav MNI T GOWN-Slipover style, trim- messaline anti charmeuse allâ, couic la endier and whitc, lhuit anti white, anti plnait meti with neat linon ciuny lace. riu> navy, black, taupe anti white, nca±ly pèclr- ani white, empire effect, pretty_ un b1.on drawn, pretîs ombraidereti de- et inbboily boxes, priceti satin trimnied, a gaod gift at.. a . Igsue warked on the front., fron 3.75 ta ................... 4 W gapeciallyiy dfor haiidays a.. CHALLIE )KIMONAS-Come in very desira- FANCY APRONS-You kuow ai voîl as vo hie colora, tritomed ti vi. urrcspondIing BKIRT8-.Nade af ail wool serge, the' do tiiat a protty tea, apron vili satisfy ,mont shads o saine a ift .;iitlle or our shades art' blue anti black; yaur wile would wmn owybatt hnyucnýe shads c satnea gî t . iîbIefor aurcertainiy lie pleasedtu tarecelve one. îaîîor- vmn owyhstt hnyucs o motber or sister. priceti ten ()8C etIindtut' iiest fashion, si) 1 ly 4o ne aifttee'pretty whiteapron AO ejieciai for tomaorraw St o011....V priced for Christmas at oanlys... 4,9 taiOui)..............49

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