CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Dec 1912, p. 4

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r *I 4 ti. PoaIulIlet ILlbotYMlb,: 41.., esecond Clame Mal Naittai S Welty.Atertlstg lo rtodeatKnowi on Application.C PuPON PRiCE, .50 PEiR VEAlq 8RICTLY IN ADVANCE I t-I. HUSSARD........................................................... City Editor FRII)AY, DECEMBER 20, 1912. Ws& regrettable but true that'oftmimes a newspaper iuuhtnUonally lots something slip into bis paper ùM id offensive ta even hie but finonds, somethlng dM~ ho wouldn't have 'desfred to appear in print for a od deisa. alne oven a 10 par aid child handing over $20,00O au to astanmo ne whom ho had nover seen bier.. _Whitt .And tlen thlnk of Dr. Kirb', the baxiker, doingP Ivw'yth1ngt It doen't sound rig¶it. [t sounda 1k. wolt'e'Impossibles". Thi.exhuming oI the Mion woman Baturday, recalled'd ë grevuome aight li Long Grove cîmet.sry fifteen yearS 0 wh«enl. romains of Mmr. eGorge Krueg.r and mother ~ok dug up and the. ovidence procured wbi-ch reaulted ina rg.r b'.îng convlcted of manslaughter. 1ýhIcago womeni> by bringing iin np carloada of eg, ta people at a littie abçve cont, expect ta put tbemr ; t bout 20 cents ls per dosen than Iorchauts have fi uc dse.acyL exista.. Now, If the. wamer ~ykte i, st-o fruit, etc., they may help solio Uié ot oa living problem. - -sa t accdent oourTOd in the.county fOTWas the ane of thja vu-am a o o t9th ~ bis 4ropVoliva snid thait ho bellovod of te Aito a p ut da, hoe reipnybal t.heu - puanuts on-ieal.o-a- as b. usod to. lm't'àlwaysthe. diss t a mja, sbraimawhich counts, cof gri, 'matbeoeVirkkstii. bais an - ~ Im ofa a Ilra bcaieulatod. Th.reforo, a s~4~otgny-brIn-ma#e*, OOIL1) o0cot even glnluOf otuer atter viiere oray maftr wad ~htWaukegan aitnts in &mrn cases have the monetaY and a 1 nos. foi afno"la poed by thie aiet the folowlng Jottings ta tho Su by a local i*cor, and, it la noted, they'r. pretty fair: This is the season of " Sweet buy and buv. Armageddon loeated in the Balkans? « It 's no desirahi e place to stand, The Parcels Post, operativethe first of Janui- ary-no wonder the express compaîlies ur'ge: Send yoîîr parcels'carly. The ebunti' pav for shaves and baths for the jurors? Sure. w-e'can't think of a bewhiskered and au unbatlicd jury*. Imagine how they w'ould look in the jury box 1 Prisoners would feel as if the jury was composed of Dcîwieitcs if sucli a con- dition weî-e permitted. 'This is the tinte when one 's spir-it of gii'ing semnis to be teiîipted mor-e than ordinarily. It's well that the tîme arr-ives at least semni-occasion- ally for some pensons. Well, Alirens is guilty and the tw'o littie wo- men who helped ight hiîn have left tow'n. Won- der if they will ,Join forces now' sud, possibly miake their wav through life together, eaeh be - ing bis naine, the naine hie gave thein îînder fhe Iaw. Judgiîîg froîîî theiz' regard for each other and apparenît love ea-h lias for tht' chu]d of wife number two, thev rnav do this. speîiding their,' llveg thinking over the miscreant wtho betraved them. 1Coeaine fiends are flot "per-missable biga- -' masany more than anYbody else, Dope, as an excuse for bigamni, eol i ot be perniitted to etAiut' fr, uding irn the nuinbeî-of. fiends to Overséer VoIlva Sunday Il ionp 'lilpui i EIa 1W A crackerjacit. City, defled the [Ait CounltY coroner, 01"'ilyý 14 u.ddctors, go attend the. state's attoraieT and otite, public and de ourI~- fttywark, yon bell. oumcials la prisecute hittefor.talleri% O 1-*s 4 Iairfor satd wiU ta permit doctors 10 attend Mwl. Cat, i et1Wf4uMtioe, rin. Mole andt Arthur Reai t 1*0ZIi No-1me Maif* s a conscience could ites who dbed iut getagoniy wlthout lb. a does.. Titey-re bhwaâr Mb- medical sttendance and at whoso in. ibers, scondr*b >»d unfit lo*b. refos- quest 1h15 week the autii<*ltbas hope XIzud by Wen Ipcle. ta ix Iblame for theideatit on ZMon "Do*tors WMtluWear ta snythins If relîglous heads. yen Put down tte dougit for thoîr ser- Calling the authorîties Ihievea, and viell. scoundrels. etc., andt darîng them toa' Saye Doptors Murdei'. testify, h. decbared h. ba ready' to fighi "Tell me b*w many people the dce. them ta the finish, wInding up hisre- tort lof, W8i*egan kllled laut year. marks by declarlng: "Tiiey eau &Il Tell Coroner Taylor to mate Laite &a t hell." Ceuaty doctora explain the deaths fer licorne Cqunty Authorilies. wblcb tlter ai' respopsible, cases He deciared eh didn'l cars a snap where they bave murdered patients. for what any Lake, county, oflcerg say. "1', camint the scratch well pro- He called ail doctors murderers. es. pareq 10 hack up what i say. 'If ter. pecbally Lake. County physîcins and tir OnefmaIlt ite country wbo doemn'l picturing them wlth their hands drbp. care wbat peolei say about hlm, 1 am ping ln blond and dared themn ta prose-. tba Mm., )»wle was always vicIe'- cute him, addlng'. «I sait uo quarter: tous and so 1 wil be., Dowie spent andilt iîîgve none." - 1166 days of one rear, 1895, ln court)lu Ho called doctors highway robuera Chicago an.d 1 understanIl lhe Chicago andt crtditeit three doctors wth mur- doctors raiseit$30,000 ta have hilm der;ng lie cvn father andt brother, ad-' ialed or murdered. ding that one was a cocalue lend, th,,! 'Tiey finslly tried t egieglt 1 ohra drunkard tnd thé otier au aganst Dowle but he won out. i.noramus." I:e sait! almoBt eyery i'.What fan lon expeet of a medica. al.enist would teet'fy as people wsh,!coroncr-but persecution? The prescut ;f palil for their work. IPer-isàeugÇpp l a cousplracy and 1 a= Voliva urged Coroner Taylor ta lookineutlur*et but that l wae hate~ed unti tasése here Waueàau ocor4fl11e11iùcman masoulc temple. J'12ý hae murdered victime," but baae'gcon ta Éave detertive3 at work tai ratfed c uncd. H rdced fiud out uhoqt t. iosuel notlum. e pwicweu "Ton per eent o! the itactors of the ct came-, would Bpeli the *downfýIl of United t Sates are dope flends. accord- the tuodîcal profession, whiih he terra. Iug ta a dOCtor Ot hlgh standing. Dac. ed the "black art." t ors of Waukegan and druggists have Rapt the hMenant. $murdered huadteds of persons-yet He said h. was't surte but the pées- theY go unpuished. eut I>rosecutions was hatchedituheoi'I know of cme coroner wio gaI a Masonic temple at Waukegau. lRej S.300 iamond eor perBecuting ZMon. ilieteit staitis tat show that Zieu's "u twelve mioiitii, Mareh 1, 1911, tq . eati rate la 4 per cent lems titan tho Miarch 1. 1912, there were 535 deatha reaI et Lakte county and clalmeitlit li'In Lakte county otaide et Ziou sud 62 leus titan any other city lu America of luaZMon. That's tour or fit'.par cent its site. b elter showin! for Lake County than He, sald liat Arthur Rleeaitheii man the otiier part' cf the. ceuuty. And we who 'diad ftreinblond olsonlng last have no dOctoISrs éis W ! ,8I iitbcue obdai.t-"And, wviti.we're at IL. Jolbey lasno ne# ly smoking cigairettes and living Iproper "me ferla jacter. aw iud4anyail sdlitéamnd! hapubhli "I hope titismovament against ZMon reprimmndedad i' blterfoha- hâ5 lIed a ligature about the ioitd arm. The brother la an ardent vobîva- lIa. One man vho ysliod "you are a fais. prophet"l was tirown out t the tabernacle by gmenti on Vollva's or- dars. Voliva sald tiaI Preasdants Par- field, McKnley anit other big men were murdered by docte,,., adidng: "But, liant 00d. *REtoseveit read enougi of Zion'a Leaves of Heaing ta proiîht doctors probing hlm wounita. Ending up he sait te dedanrs: "Yeu are a lowr-down packt of lises, thieves. bloodlblrsly scoundrelsaid brutes." Vlva's aitdrese teemed vltsensa- tionalism, iei reference-to the press, especially te lie Waukegan Deily Sug v-as "sacating" as he hait promi sei. His referopee to docters was ail liat ha couid have made il itespîte the tact that h. sait h. lackeit tords to tully express bis feelings. "lDevil on à Prunk."1 Referrin,' te 'the neceul agitation plas for tb4 ltaui ttiacfle par'. cela pont oen.j,,au, I st fil t.ban&. and wltb the badglujng1o t»seew Yeur the. lostiffleawlfl baoe a ce=- petitor of tha express coippanlitl the. baadlin of na ma iciiebndla. Postofi boaotficbalsearae spr.sig »oie.approeuoson lemsthei pestfon or the --zone systein" or rueas ocir cea causa *soma Confusion niitilbthe. publc la .ducatod to the usages of the. ewom.mon carior. Estahlitn«e. by drawbng cii- les 'or difféeat diamnters. wth Oiub postoffice as a conter, wouid meaut en lmpracljcable monu t 0fifgur fum. la- Bteud of using tovushlps and ouitios an nuits or sterling points. il w5ad.- eidmi te dîvide the v*bole'country lmt liloclus or nuits, euch block balng balf tension Lund haIt a degffl et longitude eut1 and west. Thoreamar 3,500 of these nuits ln the country. Ilow tew F1116onse. An exemple cf how 10 get the. tiret &Oue la as follows:. Finit ehe canter of the unit Iu whleh tour poslettice la localeit. Draw a ci- le or fit ty milen radius arounit that ce*l"er. Uv.ry unit Îvhich les wholly wlthls lihaI £,role or more titan bait! of which le within that circle, ln lu- cludeit lu the fint zone from any ponl office. and thle postage rate ba 5 cents f or th, iretn pound and 3 centa fer Baci adiftloual ponnd. Thte second zoue la determîiait by drawlng wlhh the »Me acsntar a circle of M 0miles radios. Every unit whlch lies within it, but outaida à(tfl 'fn zonse, la l te second mon.ea=d the miae le 6 cents for the. tirst lionnd andt 4 cents for c acitsiitional Poud. Thte metitoü ay witicb tie second monele dietersuned la Usad for ail othfri sons«; their radi its an rate of Putl- ame for lthe ftiet eudadditlonal Pouda nmeeatiTely bbig sa. follovo: TitIrd ote, Seo Mlas, 7 emts, 5 ents. i'ourh -'me, 800 mles, 8 cents, 6 cen. l th zone, 1,091 mle, ns, 1%44 74et ëOliiget 8&25 today, WUl si* et P 7et t ffoawm ami at #80. x1.Men hase làtm* tiat the P14ce «i brd cmal la advancing in ~'ay Cty la lllltinýs. aiams Ibat the* Johu obion os'aiFt'ai I.d aelthe oba t4fr bara mibaud lu Orcam sd sIP Il to Chicago at lme reffl.lieetaoi'art uaIt AtBtlu Waiikoa a dlfd t fe e >&ad In cOi uiro e. wglsd H ce t K aiad thllYed oaid flu Léais. aomtk oor rfS8 oplay 6f pleasat ;j'rsa lb itaW tuélwas ield at Corrice. will continue te lte end. Al I fear1-------- -- ",m-, -.' h tat l ,Il ollpse tît'stbe'î17 conte. Sixti ous, 1,400 mdiles, 10 drop their agitcastioensn.vatimue1,0 allas, il cents, 10 conta. Uigitit»cie "And, il liaIne dont'lexpect anyj Jury. Volva and iii. 'people bas asla théPhiippnes antd Islandtpos vwie Tg" p dy svenlng, January AlKstructlens fieai a p. m. te much show bêta,,. a jury li ttii coun- . n,1 et it t'BVlat ty as a gaaollue'dog would have when pursu4ng aun abestDs rat lu bell. .' '.I dont ueed and don't wont Tay, oras adylce nor Couri's. ,1 _1 'lltisWhy Rsed Diod. 0 m Asta Arthur Reei's death. He hait liveit a notorlous lite; ho was a cigar. et neouito1 the worst degree: addicted -t the use of intoxicants, Immoral aid suffering Irom disease. Ris owu broth- er wilil estbfy ta tuis- farhe touai cigareta lu bis clties and aaw hl* smoking lu a Wankegan place.' Man Thrown OuI. Just then a man of maturlty lu the, rear of the hall yelleit: "you're a taise prophet." whereupon Voliva oritered hlm lhrown out and thle gitaridlêM m t'oiivu Iben coulInueit that Reed't ajelnst is methodeIns uZbon, Volîvu; deaîb was lie judgment cf God for lils deciareit that ail l t mouults tola: hyporitica1 lite. "Te devil le on oe of bis perlodicail Hesit thal aime doctors advocats drunits andt he thlnk's ben' golng 10 a law makbng It a crimînal offense-to do somechIng Yede uL.oPrt. for appenicitte 'aid l wa e"What de 1 cane what Coroner Tray- herstt ethe referred tut doctors mur, ler or ils asslistant, Courait, says or derlng ex-presldeuts. does?" ho cantInueit. "What do iý He challenged Lake county doctor care ,what Staces Attorney Dady or ta repudiate that the modical prf~ titi aisistantl',%r. Barnvard (rouI naine Ion originateit lu healienism. Ruuyard> says or doesl ' v.e erd 1i say ta tie wiole bunci of their ort et rot for llfteen years aud clas who were np bore Eaturda> la1 never found thtit what ther ait abotigbtM. Mole's death: "Go tâ people lrusting lun(lad'. hoaling pw-heU: yen are a bunci of hioodttibrsty, ers amounled tot anything. 10w itown -infeellng brutes. "'rie Sun says i's about tîme tbeie 1 l.saw NMrs. Mole and Ruait before. things were looked over they dled aud i'd like ta b. called as "As toA i being Idiots as te Sun de- a wltness ut theae inquests. clores, why l'Il compare my brama' Tench Hatrei tle Çhildren. withthase o! the edilor of lie Sun I "waulta -lý each the chîlitren et any day. il would laie a bai! gallon Zio to ta ae dactars ike <.hell. te be, meneure ta boit my brame while liose, 1ev. that tbey'rethleves ani murder- af the Editor of the Sun could be puti ers. luto a peanul sheil unit thon they'dI "Dr. LaRose and tndtrtaker Scrle rattle. -1cr bath acteit ln tii.. deatits atter "If w. iton't bow itown ta hhose pee- th. tacts were car.fuily censtdere't pIe we're Idiots are we? ' ram a legal standpolnt, goe'lotIhem ."Ive don, more wlth my 11111e lInger came ou aler us If tbey dare,. chas most oa! lie.wio are rauing *"l've been lu a lown vhs,'. thora, agalust Zion ceulit do. wth ail thein wer, ton',itoctors andt ail ver. drunko ingera. arts. Medicine ioft te^devll, "If 1 hait tîme Vit Il. down bere on "Ihopte tiey'll roturn a MLU. asainst titis plat!orm and laugh untîl sun- me sud.etherstu tliiijersecuttoltf«. dowu aver wbat che. Sun bas domanit- v. mlgittas veii hava k onIttISis oit shoulit b. itne. . once and for ail, ilm prapared te tO "(ledla laughlng now andt more wili theo uit andt eau spenit aimucti&AU Iaugh lu Lake connty before I gel L.aie eounty. doue. "My daughter e! thItrteen washoN "Voliva wîlI he preeehiug i ZMon viitput a itochor Mnd nover ksi taslq4ý anit Zion vili ha lbrivbng wben thons.'medicn,, My vIf. uni the "OUigtf* docters wio are rantlng, are rettbng of a doctor. ln tbeir graves, "In Lake ceunIr I find Ihat, lattb "This fman Barnyarit says be-Il go year 1InbvestIgtad. 1U3 babies ds to the hettam o! Ibis case; wby, the. 42 between 1 and 5 yem;re; tpwe place vitere ie vil go viten b,'e]5 nd 26 Boides te doûto s*i Wilii1Spenit Much Mcney, calas, "I yl i pent mit as muci mony "rm goiug ta centrol Zbon City aie Lake .Ceunîy eau peuit fIgiling luteby andIt 'm going to liold - 3.04 these cases and l'Il have-C. P. Barnes vote& right lu lhete palm ot )my band. Life Il M I I isûrance in the 'iddle West. Trhe Old MIichigan Mutual Life Ineurance Company 'r business is o a much better bsis than m*nY of the other Ilte inaurance concerne. and it la doubtfnut if any compuiiy ie botter able to moet- ery obligation to its ptuicy holdire. -For noarlyhaif a century It base etood in the front rank of the prominent Institutions of tbe Middle Weat. Ita huitory IR not clouded in any dogree by acte uf diebonor, nor bas, it ever been truth-' fully charged Witt the violation of the obligation oi a contract. Thisex<iilpany was coflCOi7ed before the day@ wben mon made for- tunes in promoting life indurauce companies. -In tbc- organization of thie company there were n0o i1y-tongued promotere, wbo, Whou their objecta were complete, loft the local citizene to hold the bag. It -*a@ formed upon-strict busineas principles, miodeat it id true, but which have eluce weathered the storme. The names of mon mtively asoiated with tuis institution have lîeeunnas of national distinction. Thte Preaident, Mr. 0. R. Looher, baisuccoessfully filhed lte office for lhe lait; nincteen years. Mr. Looker's tise tu lte important office of President wvss the reauit cf euergy, plirsaverance and intelligent application. Itl hanuebject lesson ta yoong mon who oftenlima imagine tat influence rether Ihan merit daminatas bu malter. of personal advaincement. Mr, Locher begmu hl&* dutiei with thea companiy lu a oopaiy et a humble yenng cierk, with -a very meager âalary. 1lis indomitable viii and devotlou *Io hie dulies soon came te the notice cf the men vbo own te company, and ho vas savanced step by stepuntil h. became assistant sucretary, Inter sacre- * îry, then manager, aiid finilly s a crawnîng tribut. le hie endeavor he wda chosen preaident. Fit ty year's progreas and exporl4ee with ail the featurea connected wlth l11e Inanrance havye shoWn the. non-particlpatitg basis to be the only sensible pollcy. The pi-eMlms ane baeud on the actual coet of the itisurance., "!Y OTRER BUSINESS CA14 AFFOÈD TO WAIT. WRITE TO YOUR MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE AGENT TODAY. 'Zours truly, JOH - OQZ Plione 264L1 pISnTrC NAE

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