CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Dec 1912, p. 8

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VAIJIEAN»EN IN NEW LUISE!Rin OFFICERS 0F NEW COMPANY1 HAVE MADE APPLICATION FOR INCORPORATION ARTICLES. MANA6 OF COMPANY, ONE 0F ILLIMSrWEAL-TMieIt LUM- AND COAI. MEN. The, o*ierqîof Wauksgann'a ev lu- duatrY, "TheWaukegau 'Lumber & Coal C.- today made application Of ths eci-tetary of itate for. tncorpora. hepapers. The Stocbholdsrs. The stockhloders of the new coin- pany arm: W. . MclCtnuey. 0f piper Cty, 111. The. .McGay, of Chicago. Alex Whi Waukeglan. Dai Q. lHartWaukdgmn. JonD. Pope, Waultegan. 'W. 0. McKlnuey, of Piper Cty, Il., vho las sated for the office of prest- dent of tae nov $50,000 corporation, la one o! this state'B most expertsuced lujnbormen. He lia owned and oper- aici a lumber yard at Piper Cty for years. He ta one of the wealthlet mou of Southeru Ilinlois. He viii of- * filate as manager of the lumber de. petirtinent of the new coinpany. Thos. G. McGay, of Chicago, lis. osrved as a salesman for the Thiorn- tmýn.Canoy Lumber company, ot Ch]-. cago for years* Aloi Whau of Waukegau 'des man- aller of the, John Gourley Luxuber conmy for Yep[rs.He, ta proprietor et the Pundt cigar store on Noertb 010n11@e Sreet. David Q. Hart. the. fourtb tockMoler, vas formerty lu Ob" of he QiIl work departuicut Ci the John (ioliey Lamber company. goB la the Jucior incuber of ths union. tàk» fI ttuof Conrad à( Hart. Johnt 1). POM e if fitockholisr. la on. et Wgukngmmost gmnocaiul ato,- Lau8. prit4cProperty. »w .emevcmpM blide a five ycar 'Isso us the ffKir mnpety u thecor- mer etc sudi Md Claytoa shootas. It la 't" hie itua.ncft tc tocbhotd.rsta aanle-boaluso on January lut. IMMbon s he"s vinbc orctta Wl thetacoOurueo f a yssn thc ton* vO r~ntMmd ograte a coat MW~AT ZmO A»~ NhEAs UefYWAS Ti TMUUWOIE UNDAY. 4.ATII TE la SPOUND Tt ou MM0; A%«»«E INCIDENT tA co.ts-vtie suarci W"maie for Insus lbwY e ae ndy, sitermo vbn X î&. Csampofhia* EoCity. dia «leu« tbl* unsinesa am»d b= bu Io tot h a mdq a &« rot %wu ~rnTaof«Mac.le 1* a tfs 40 N bumu ,VQU 1: lm inam .t Sn luPm à" amiit lut As mmau tb lu&calpolo. ralvuS Ilie hUséoadm liai tIe bes. an be4 bu 1cm talus ley Praceedei lo et sw ftaM Ieffort t. su tint taé thbYes ilsemt eacce. veny et. DMluat é i 1117 yWva vannaiteule ou the lookot for tac nlg aud euh Wva funnibci vilh a gooi description ot bol taheornseand the. buggy: TIhe tpc. lice o! otien cilles atovers vsrued -e.ii chanccs are that If thc rlg ranI- ly bai been stolan thal' the the! vould D«t have got very far. This la not the tinet lime tant Joy- ritias have taken bornes iu ZIon. Il Vms only rsceutly tint tIras or four young mou ift0le a biorne and buggy aMi broughl it tb Waukegau. Tbey vor Étopped by the local police wbo &ai been asked t0 be on tihs tookout fur thon but bot-ause the description Of the atolen animal did Dlot taliy vifli tia ou. the. boy, were driving, they vers nltowed to go. Tht-y had tld -a alpoigt fory aboat living ln Northi Cblcag. A littie later the ' abandon. 44 ih. borne and returned to Zion on tha titrent car. Accldsntal aliooting caused the< dusth of "SînlAng Biiiyl' Gibbons formr policeman in charge of traffit- 'kt the Rush utreet bridge, Chicago, "ud fOnhenty 0f L5ku countY, accord- ing to tha erdIc ioMdny o! a cor- onara JuyY hklctvetilgated the ORAL LAI eVfhfil.i-q V-- WAUKAES!PUCE RECTOR 0F CHRIST OHIURCIE TEN. DER& RESIG#4ATION TO TAKE EFFECT »AY 1 NEXT. RECTOR 0F PROMINENF EPISCO PAL. CMURCH DECIDES TO MAKE CHANGE. 11ev. Wmn. W. Imve. rector o4 Christ churcli for th psuonlve yeans.Thure. day evenlng tendermi bl& reetanaton' to the ve.try to effect May lut. next, which ls tie end of the coano liou year of the churtli. The vestry accepted the resignatton. tev. Love ha.beu ractor of christ churcli for a lilti ove, ove veu. havtg ore tothie local chaou follovlng tac rettrcuant of Mr. ol lOve yemargo let Augu.t. Mr. lova han been rector sud dean at tac es. thedral lu Daveuport, la., snd, lu grder te accepItash Waukegan clturch, vas changed Irmm the Davesport dices.. to the Chicago diocese.Hes vas cai- ed liera vleie was announoai that Mr. Toit liad been gtvan the. position of archdeacon of tbe Chicago diocese. a position hoa aceptedan sd % ihl lad up to liii election as suffragau bhsbop of the diocese, a place h. la novfllUIng. Mir. Lova establishai a good record forbInsaeif uhan, tIno ysars ago, ho startei outt b Ut lie cutire doit tDom the cburch property. a thtng wlilch vas accomplsabed at Easter. two yonrs ago. bas made msny trieuis durnug bis pastorate bore sud bas galusi a gaod place amngthe clergy of the nev diorce with vilch ho be. came aifiatei vhon he carne to this City. He bas fot annouaced bis plans for fIe futurseaveu thougb no doubt i bu bas alrosdy maie Uiem as bis ras. iguatca 5181., that ha han contemp- laW d ntrint froin the local charge fer @me tvo or tare. yeas. Mn. Mmd Mm .Love have tire. cli. re&Methcbert mmd lEtuabei, rennes- ùtAvcAy ata tgRaieduecollage sud KeUMpehall. Kenooba. aid nauda, a cic et e yenM 7%0 tumilybos many ftais" lntic clep' ho vii rret to bMos f thé& 1Plams te have WuksganMdnivin 1v" he* mu unmmaimcemsla thatr As ruoer Of Chriai chois. Wauke. motvalmable cburch xpohyla 1h. dUtXhlm.hosies thc buantio se chm hani olais lacc.grenudospue. smeII6t"aloo, .havbe a. bunitl ffrish bousIwvý vbI »tIaaMr chiwe hilg ltulth*R e s tenici t. MM -W edaW g tanm dances, e- Up t. a bilrsAndard. MMSRS.INOMIJq PIJCNMB A VALJPU4TAiU8H moi LJfHPFA tiet l eýtàaeW i - sablA wu ong. e .uM1 fttabta venturabecama» o U na Ovenu itathar company atsanisi t. luete iesplan St o leProlioty-. TIi deal tell ilrough sud tle land bas lad Ilt over sinca. It la one o! the. Most vmuable tracts of land lInlte cf ty. The fact liai ta. MNeas. Ingalia blave pilichasedIt shows that tliey bave nuch coufdunce ln the future o! Waukegan. "W. have nI decîdd as yet vhctb- er we will sulidivîde It or divîde it ln- to acre tracts," Robert Ingails naid today. I arn conviocad that lhe coin- Ing bore o!f te bg boat conlpany wiii bring other concern a ber. and there la sure 10 lie a reai estais boomn. Then too the tract o! land lie' lu the fnctory belt wiich sooner or tt,, wllt be ex. tended nortb trom Northi Chicago. To me the future o! Waukegan neyer iooked brigitter than at the pressai lime." Thte deal la one o! the blggest ltai bas been negotlatedbore lu sowe tinte and tic tact that It is surrounded iiy resîdence propenty s.ids to the Impor- tance o! Its purcitase as Mesora. ln. gails eau lie iepended upon nol te have Il lie Idie any longer. Independent adu--raad by 25,000. Hq sai M06 bsak lie $OAoo &s evi liOmo, or i~ vs" atahécasebaui1 ~O0uva o mmag $ .Héoe othle raceves' oma muei*ieltcthe«dcqe bW' o o~qired mai vua n'frmu mUP » Be sda number of vitamese ve le,44rfedi sd tiat tlIs gmeral attitude cf ti.- densc b"ibéeauon of "lthonua for datons., but mnt ouae00sf for restitution." mec demand- ed to kaov vby the KIrby cuiron hâad't been,placcd ou tbe stand. cuti polilo a bcfoamlow aliep to p smtjgo lugréat varvt.ty invite F;urettmlouatour Lampe, cookhsg ut«nsils, arti$e or h.ebiot tah1e apucke that ad d to couert--any one Ms ac- ceptab. as a BIG SHOOT SLINDAV. Seidout las a bigger lunch of crack $boIts atcnded a shoot lu Wauleaa titan turnyu out aetash shoot hei at the. Wnukegan clabs grounds Bon* day. Ainong the. shootsns o! national fanie tbaro vere: 1eathratone, Jesse Young, Freais ils ad Pst, Bd aMi Tom rabun. George McDrmot nais thc daya ,a highesî average ami td iadvta Pl% b the D L WI Graham for first place. Tom Ga ln 1. Ii. and Jesse Yaung lied for sécoud vIlle 3OIOY Uý . Miil D. A. Hulton. Rob MCDrMqI uda 300 Bafleti lied for ibiid .-iasia îoeolaîfsUsssfas. Despite the vini. the .hSotln as 'Bu -g.. Otsiaauroleu landl umSa on blgbsr ibun ihe aveage snd tace1001ooo ra* od o'altac club felt mout plaasei ovcr fh. .10v. ." T ' Iug as veil as the aiteniane. .L>&UV For Rboomatigm anidoul. Iw ,. Nota lot, et tmep. a iat'a- nd WTTE aIJIEINTLI RÏ'ON -*PERJURY AND PftAUEup CHARGES SATRDA?. Dr. andmd r.Willim Klrby, of Chit. Cago aile novai tlé bomc of tudr uOher. lins. Mary Damai, or o Waum ga vire the$y expqe oT.: Mata u ul Mte 2liii. niM tluâdm tbey mm et asint. thc aierai comr tu Chicago t. lear the décision of Judge Landis A4,10 bat h. propose t. do la the couicupt mater vbita bas hua argusi bcfors hlm for MsW veu. Dtr. Mmm in.Krhy caec Wauke. g9" Saluidag aveuiug mi' bave nou bt seaclstthe tifs ouniry home Of ticir mouiier, tins Jotnimg tier oili. -»u vho bave heu uet the Durkln home for soin. vsqa liat during the trial lu Chicago. 5frs.. rby lituaturally very inucl carr as a nenult of lier trylug es. Perteuce ln Chicago andilook. Roy. thing but 1k. the.beautiful yýounIlvo- ins sIc as a feu montheaïao. Dr. Klnby also tooku badly and. It la 5.16, he la lu roai serions conditilon physi- caliy. lu fact it la sai by relatives tant llrby»s condittion 15a snb that tliey vould nut b. greatty surprised tn case ha vasunuablete to hoPreent at the heaing on the. lita. éome relatives sud MeInde go so fer s»1 to inale tint Ktrhy la n uuch mrlou. condi- tion tint death mss' overtake hlm evon bef ore thc Icartsg ta reueecd. ParJury and "Frm.Upr? Charges of perlury and "Iraaucup" ctorsi lt thetac loing arguments e counsol la tae coatempt Cam .pouding ln Judgc Tauis, court agausi Dr. Klnby sud vifs. vho have been vtto t. show causa vby th.y shoota not Imnoduce$M.000 of thceiianWefouie volhan are uI"ig. Dr. amd M%. Ki*g v'ere lunican vheu Uic argument ce to a irans- tic cloue. PAtek o ODoaol, itiy for thé. Klbys u e lostngsalithe 1Klnby ebili u li oi beau 'W"d a vttnmasbccaommeIl vnsmtmoos «Anothercrnosnla thsti b ave sMx cf thorn mysslf et home,» ho aidd. OINN"ol fitsufesCharges la .paovutmg thc hargos c9 aller- n-Ys 1Wrtac reov e tia stoi fDR. Kirby.lavIng tut thc baIs fouisom «Lwci GergM la a «viretac colon. vs perlea aa'rm O» Mr. <Da n ai '*i. lty oticred ta PauPenis harsU oiftmal. op hh usa nMI&otes os. nesgave thc noot ovcr l« hmai ami ber Jcvoiny. h stands 10gom %bt.lM fa bome t ~helag a Mry -ff'bas Rever beau eioued-tbai Dr. KinY nemsled the. $M000, boqause leé 6amiAs 1h ami uayu holaog0 ila a symiBdum wM& 1h 'bam mV viec bvdl à- .1 CIIRMSMAS PRESENT Prices the Lowest. PLJBUC StRMIE COMPANY 0?F oKTII)4 tINO -......................................... W âgWbtwlusov, Oqt .... . . ..................... .. *aPeiEa mll...... . ............. .........1.75 854e!s.siu i.2 l u. ........... ................ . . .6 *IBmoUo , lu .n'.-........................ ......c ~~uirnu ,Pu ................ .......... ............... .80 So SwOuL. . ..... .................................0 amuioe*@osPoi.l10qt .......................... - ............70 BosàsU sigraaha ohl., 12 qt.................................. ..... '0 qt .....................qt , . .................................5M. Enamffli ml.Sollar, 8 qi .. .. ........... . ................... ... 0 (ron-coi vw..........................................................1.50 -1 Packà@ae. sarw luval ................................................. .25 ChiIet Baile toberbed ................... - - - Ofor St..! Swlvlu fon Wtite&..................... ....... -................. lt' tilt Biaca-- ........................ ............................ 5.16 Jenuiug's Pattern Dit................................................ .15 10-16 Jouafog's Pattern Bit ........... ................................ .15 12 cup fieu Peu, XX lin------------------------------............. ....... 30 Sov Bock .......................... ....................................... .80 Bug RItngs. Brownu',.........................«..........I................... Rog Singera. .......r...o.»v....................................... Whte Enomed Cuspidores........ ................................. 6 Parrier's Bamnmer, Madofs.......................u Ail Steel Bai trou Raudfe ...... r ....................... 1 Canyons Set ..................................................... l ....... .75 i Carvers &et ...........................*....... ................ ........... 4 Spýing se ................................................................ .15 Ots of Double Treee and Neck Yoe ...........e......................... 225 - Thus 18 not 419. Thçre are a lot of smail queptIt$ prlced rlght. Ask for what you don't soée. The. White Eiiameld Ware llsted above lau -il UsIk, Crystal WIts and Paragon, Inq ot4 waVe, éli firets. W hat wé have, ln' ecortd4a »kI CIM~P. "<Ç*EFECE BU LOCAL A-TYOIuNEY PURCHASU gAVI'ORY BiDN REPOIRtU* SALE WAS MAOK tro A contrait ot sala rcccndl ed osi et the «msit bouga le of murs thon or- diuny ilaèesftinAufacc çfIeteas dtuesOnasqtint a seond fisâenocou. Pany uaghi le .tartei la tie presan *b$at ot> Ieo cyclone Pemcs ouMaurý atler thia7 M orstathe uav location in The noes ho* tint Cornett J Lane. ovmge of thebuilding vhlch lIe fonce oum»ny nov occuples, hut modle na Mtor 806 liteAttorney AIex Ucaubienfor $15.000for the builing. Wlr. Deahien tg attoney for the Cycelone Fonce cousa, he. the oncta4lon dravu by Wanikegs people la ual lie vaasing uRfor the feue coanay in gtttug tig wcontract of gesl Md fIat tbe Cyclone onmpany either piaus ualng the. building evea Inter vben tliey reumove In tbeusv plant or,lIiat tbey plan 10 Itolditluani prevent £ f# tei UOtbu j69 lu ther. 'Hovever, Attorney Beaublan icule. that ans' sncb plans are under vsy. Hie sayn tint liepurcliassi ilh u. Ing as a Spoculatlfn aud daciarai that a cli .tormgs plant ny le instali tIorelIier. Na sald that tb. Cyclone compauy ia al througti ith thé butld- lng nov,ion, lbadiliey des[ir& they persoually couti have purchascithe building. -lin. BeaunuuPMlidovo *500on the deai ani gava a mort- gage hock f9r the reinainien. lin. une 'iv«et aiCleveland.. *He vas one et lbe original Ws*xmm fonce cobupsa,nyouandi ter eold the businoesami ieaed the bulding te lissrs. AM=, Résbume ami Bloner, Who l4udai iithe pressai; compsfly. STAIE'S TV&L RPOCT 3. ain aMt'eiew tvih i gen reporter. lin. Daiy bdllevsouIathe Dem.. crat oisVIIPMseaav ermltibs ebt o r nouai, ws$çWWaou, bouts.. bW nRUI Bsobk a mms»aaur d ipw y tha 'hoa." hbu Ilim Mpermittcl fana teatosSfr the nsoen cf Ccuwo 'Bbidos. est urso»,bu te holu me. Dsiy 6119, iw M Ib «I 1 i tic apx"riadn - tien la cont&md là a lait« »repevil puys of miIWabééc..the.Causoeawbthi vqa.- war4cd thé cenauut -for Mng 'to VOlt . 4iottW erne lit~agop te a raquent train tii. sus for more détails. Accordlug ta Dresai plans. arond viii b. brokeu about Maehlet. the. daue bing ajtghtly lndoubt OvIug te tie lt that 'it la difftent-te, tit *obat tes. vuatier yl b. at that tune. I& ose the 'veaher la prpliloosIt *11t bu pasuIblo to break grouleV-' butor. tht. ho bett vurtbUig cm-' stasou, the von séhoifdb. uati ot XtAyr lIm.the. date i.t. Ti.stirct spoclils thaf. the vomlt muai e complesiby Avril 1. 191t. s mitl. me ne ýYoy hom the lial. the 'an t. la lted t10 at. TIi. bomtroer t lu &U bablt, vil atm tou "ae i b u*»# - ucm wlosi on delayu .uf gkt hvopvital voeu mal. h lmpuslbl* ta -comelète the volc on the roguirai data. The. vorit vitle rushai 4urlug tiid sphng mi udsommer eo that thé. build- ýtag vîll b. unier cover by tbe Urne cold veathercornesea g o that At viii bçpossible te finisé heMaier dacoratiens durtug the, orng uluter, la wuspoiie t. a question trpm the lion Compay aoutete that tlmey *11! be glad te cousider bide f rou locali contractora fer the sub.coutract. To. cal conltrcter*U Vil have an advant. aue in t'htielUne tbrough belng on thie 1ground already aud siiould b. able 1ùï îaudenbl& Borne cf tbe out 0f tovu con. tractera. local contraetors have been woudoeiug whether or uot.tiiel wuld be givren as oppcetunity te bld On the sub-contract vonk,,auj tht. natter le nov mettled dactutvely. . or s long Urne Waukegau people bave been voiertng vb.n the. actual vol. or construction voutà 'ta"ion thei.« ndvJedratbuildiag sud ltbas beau sncb a long turne stuc. the origl- inal approiwIettn vas moie liai the matter bas beau more ort.l.uet IL jokeA or the lat ce or Ivo vanna iny people lauglgy cfhrin ug-a ers that thc actuel vore outi ldot mian for flve or tienYOMS. A, fev 4da» ago tbe.9m 0--lveed tic «Cichsive news te li rendorstha" tac itivaso. ornier. ad beau avarffl ta.eomtract for mbtng ibu volt am ioder lu la able to tailt th esatrseg pries ani atbor ttustini tcs ffllchshow liai Uiceaà~.l vei vmi mmarula an tlle ur- er tAUMO& ft4m ibls ilatitauF.Wt? çbsAM Watruua vèe.i uoatai .lu g tsng ic ork unl« way Mach O.rthan veu la ve lues tai cas. othamwl.e by gettmg tas MOcLI buIBMn t Dolautu tilt fiurag ta pi L. FMoeraie or yombg gIrls. flacEt100 ýbrsacet fheaW. C. T. U3. bus .*a limierAumesi Vbirnao *opqg a atop te ft tu tii. Cis pulic hamser ait- eo Ute matoq., tb6ti b'vop b"'8 mù««*B belu j.' î.oq~ 'Si ,.58 OI*~ ja Elpsar Point Bar es c ........................ .........0 .85 V c 't» s i-urt ............ .................. ........ 1.2 WlM res S r ................ .................... . ....0 Steoi Gre léi, 12 ic ...l ........o c h 40' .. -..* -........... 4 Yankee BowI. CntetIrou.............*»** '*"**.. - ....... 50 butcher Kaif., 6 o ch.... ..... .......................... 85 LEnaruet D lpper. 2 quart ............................... o2 (bat sud Funcel, 1e lo................................. 80 Coal Bod Fucuel, galvauaed ....................... ...... .85 sprins Punch ........................................... .2r, Auger, 2 lnch ......... ..............................90 Auger, 2% lo k.......................................... 1ý2 EilaéCW ma er, U.à. Field ...... .............................. .4 pish Spoo ......................-...........-....... ....... 1.00 Fl. Tiue MeaureBook ....................................5 norme Bruh ... ..... .................................. .25 Wlre Doit A ...............................o .... ...... 50 i odgor'e Boit Punch..................................... 76 1 oUi Bandhse, 5 su..... ...................................... '20 8 Long Shovol Ramidie ............ .................. .... .... .25 Long Shovol Haudie, doubl, b o nd.......................... 30 IvsanAdjusable Drain k» ............. ........ %........1.25 4Ivan abott Drain Spade, 10 I l ............h............. ý5 '* IanOCt Avsy Drain éSpado. 18 lo c h . ......... ..............10 t rs. Pont a "l.Dimg r ................................... 1.15 liComuoeS ode Dlgr....... ............7 5 ................ tLong Hafadis Ibovel .......................................... ...75 0 .............................................................. .75 Mo~s o..m uitshané:.... .......................................... .75 Moiag ..aivanlasi. .............. ................ .....- .60 k pdtâ M aul...............,..............1.........7 .... ..........5 LOar Loch., pair ................................................. ..... 25 ............................ ....... ................. ..... 1.30 1 UM& .. . ............................ ...................................0 Plb" ImhL ........................ ............................ 1.25 ... ..... ........................................................ 1.50 BroSad .....................................--......................25 Ratier Chais, Oit . 8..... - ........................ ... ......80 Oslvac l eShovel.......................................15 White £*a" WmhAslOs.............................. ................. 40 il Smmel Dlanor Ps4..........................................................50 10.1. Jobi Cake Tin......................................................Oé; Ma1.lJm.p Cak ii ..... . ............ . .......... . ..................... 0 i.& a a.- .......... ........ ....... ................. 0 2.t aOdaniudmi s N ........nan........................................ .25 yM & . .. . ............ . . .... ................ . .........40 e e e e e e e e e e s s e e e .1 mu R q ta 100 .90 t 1.10 .10 .20 16 undn»bd a" sonom ........ . ........ . ....................... . .............. . ......... AM

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