LAKE COUNTY INI.)EPEND EN T WAUKE($AN WEEKLY SUN ___ LIBERTYVIILE, ILL., DECEMBER 20, 1912. SUES RAILROAD FOR DAME4iS IN SUR 0f $Il,*§ l1AS. L. SWAYER, ADMINISTRATOR ESTATE ANTON KUSIANSKI, DECEASED, SUES RAILROAD. FEEBL EYSÇRTCDINGi TELLS IIISAND 0F WifrE'S SAD PL16liT MR8. JAMES MURRAY 0F WAU- CONDA STRICKEN AS 814E WAS ABOUJT TO RETIRE. ,ON US DEFENDANTIHELPLESS EXCEPI FINGERSI Sept. B. 1. Boc& of Electtic Road Ptom- ise to Act Without Watting for Fran. çhlse Matter to 6e Stted; Electtic' LatC orXep 1oùi1n ton Street and Repais to kste are Most Important Impiovements Promised *WMAT SUPT. E. J. BOCK *PROMISES TH4E CITY. * Tricks, pavilnga, crossinge,* *et., ta be rsp8lFesdi mmedi- 40 aftly. Prfftlcady promise* *dome e WoutWashington «?mree- Wili ineuti Inew eler-O * tro belle et «Ch streei Cros&- * Isc. Ta repair bridge no tint c are case b.n n croeasoon.Q *TOO Minute achcledol for XmasQ * aflpes srting Saturdsy. *WUli run qspelal cru ta NavalQ * shbel for ro11Cr skaters.. * Ceear lghte noir bridge wlll H.J.i Bock. asperinendent of the Chîcago & Miliwaukee Electrie railroati >ield a conference wlth Mayor J. F. Bidinger ln Waukegan this morning and L reBuit the rlilroail officiai bas proxamed t1o0 make several lmn- provements that have been aaked by the citya chief executive. Foliowing are soine of the things he han promiced to do: 1. Will reWar the tracks whereverý it la found necesaary ln the etly; will bond rails where It la deemed advia- able; wliiI repair defective Joints and thus prevent much of the jaiting whlch la annoying flot only ta pas- sengera on the cars but to people living aiong the rlght of way who have <Lotlncei on Page plv.) I SPRIN@ COUPON RELs TRAININEI STATION 1ATIVES AND FRIENDS; TO THE WARSIIPS' MAÀRRY IN CRICA4iO CONQRSS MAS AUTHORIZED THE: MISS HILDA BROTHERS AND DEL- ENI.ISTMENT or FOUR 1 EVAN G. MALTSBY 0F WAUKE- TS4OUSAND MORE MEN, GAN ARE MARRIED. M ESHORT 0F RECRUITS ISHOP TOLL OFFICIATED 14SEN SENT PROM LOCAL StATION 1 GROOM 18 A FOREMAN AT THIE A:SBOON A& T54EY HAVE- PFANSTElHL ELECTRIC @£EN CLOTMED. PLANT, NORTH CHICAGO. Since Comnsa authoizedth ~'e en-1 -The Sun tocay receiveti a message Uistumto ,0 oemen . erut ifrom Chicazo announcing that a mar- of 4,iWeg moteIb n.rae Nax aln rage license had been Issueti today 10 Trabulng Station, have heurt sent te Delevan G. Maltby anti Misa I{ia the wshsips on the asts coast as Brothers, both of Waukegan. mm Sse they baye been elothPd. The bride la the tiaugter of Mr. "Tlh.enmon are sent eat asuc"on as anti Mrs. Wm. Henry Brothers o! tiey are lotheti anti la tolerably zoo Nortb avenue, anti a brother of Father -.UMPE" sald Captain F'ullam, cons- FYancla Brothers, 110w la charge o! audaa!t te station, a retret o! the EpiscOpal churcb Lt It %» reportedtIat nigitt that The groom la employeti as foremaLI Unew Sam u ncontemplating cloinug aI the Pfansteibl Company plant, tb. local station becana. o! a ehortage North Chicago, wbere he boîta a re- «t ileslits. "Ail rot," saîti Captain sponsi hie position. Woiaaaexuslg itnself for uing WMe tbe yaung people bave been Il'emcb."keepng Company for norne lime, Ibeir At lie presenî Urne thore are ha- riends a bai ot been as'aruo o! teir tgw 230 andi 300 men aI the station, Plans O! getng marrleai bouce the 04 buadret i vlI ha sent 10 var chipa announcoment cornes an asurprise ta gg thaeaust ooast the tIret o! next ail. *oek. Married b>' Siehop TofH. Bine. Septemben but !ew reclruits Inqury by the Sun-sehows thal the bà,!e bea eceivei et the local station marriage, 100k place at 4 o'clock this la9 oouie*i1aoSitb those recelve idur- aferu<>flaiLt. LLuke's ohurch, Evans- t9g &a aMuser monha. CapI, PNllam tonBipbop W . . olI Offildatlng ln belieesIbt the. boys are vorklng tu lbe presence o! relatives o! the couple lbeb sr'st fiha @anti that lbey viiiouy Ml$< au soon as they bave spent the Following a short weddlng trip Mr. Moneî oentla the vbeat fields, anti Mr@.Maltby viii ratura 10 Wau- *The rucruits ai the. local station wili kegan, anti, until the rstunn o! thé bu givis~ an opportennty to go home hide'd ulster, Misa Ada, ino la on s *W rirstmas, They caii proure avit ln Englanti, they viiloecupytheo tes. daY ev.o! absence upon re- Brothers home on Northe avenue. qu«. A number o! the petty offiers _________ St lhe station wli go Cent for Christ- _______ MILK TAKESA SUDDEN DROP ç Uveu omfort bas been atiordodth le .. f ,~s .theb explosion t tlo. ugar Milk to0k a sutdon draP today, but b? tshe Ii.Compny@s offloissandi as o -Waukeau n bueife vin cW,-k'ê< argeon, Dr. r, L 4equitprofit. ÀamDlii anoneee itu e- ~4Wiihean. Onu tan WhoietotiUn Oison, tlt apart at the o'oft! ýàWj» a b. jplant véa gveMk se»V Wasliion andi West shotu WOdnss Molsii«iebiug andi aseso.. day acon. aniMs-MM'6i içdu e aiok vai s iehaIgsd trouli- IS- atcresu versiiel os fl imiet b t. lii. tront *1eis egtthe éwàu CLAIMS RAILROAD VIOLATED WAUKEGAN SPEED ORDINANCE -KILLEP A YEAR AGO. James L Swayer, administrator of the estate of Antoti Kusianki, deceas- cd. who met death on the 18th day of Decembgr, 1911, bas brought sUit In the Circuit court againct W. 0. John- son, receiver, of the Chicago & 1111- waukee Electrie railroad, for damiages ln the sura 0f $10000. Kuuianki wag truck and criticali> lnjured by an ciectric car near the Ninth street crogasng on the 18th day of liecember, 1911. He dled at thel Jane McAliter hosiital of injuries sustalned.1 The attorney for the adminitratori of the estate wili endeavor to prove that the eletrIrcar, was runnln.g Lt a, rate of apeed In excesof the speed odinance of the city of Waukegan. Dly ordinance electrlc cara are prohibe ted from running over eight miles an hour. The attorneys for the admin- itrator of the etate claIms the car that struck Kusianki was runnlng 40, miles an hour when it struck hlm The attorney alco contends that lu direct violation of the cily ordinance the electrlc car was not sbowlng ai hear llght. Me Waso aims the motor.1 man ln charge o! the car failed to sounti a warning, ether by blowlng aL whlstle or seundîng a bell. The case was fiieti for trial wlth Circuit Cierk La. O. Brockway. Wednes- day afternoon, Chicago attorneys rep. resent the adminstrator of tbq estate. Itusakl wras snrvived by a mother and two sisters, who are parties to the suit* PLAN MAKIN4i FOX RIVER NA VIOBLE TO EL4IIN FROM FOIIX LAKE llredging of tbe Foi river to malta It navigable front Elgin tb Foi 1Lake willI bc one of the prmary objecta o! the Elgin Motor club. By amendlng the constitution and by-laws Monday nlght. members voted to Include ln thefir organisation motor boat ownersansd will take up the ProJect wbicb tbe river devotees have championed for years. The dredging o!f ;ox river between Elgin and McHenry ham long been ad- vocated by reidents of the two cities and intermediate points. The motor boat ownerc, in thenuslveo, have nev. er been weli enough organlzed or ctrong enough ln numbers ta acoom- plieh a great deal &long tbis line. They welcome thle action of the motor club. Gond roads ln and near Elgin le the slogan o! the new club. A ôanupeign already la beiag napped out-to accom- pllab this purpome. STATE SCHOOL INSPECTOR HERE 'tat; Scbool Inspecton HoIfman o! Sprngied, laismaking bis annuai inSpectIon o! the publW s choole o! Lake cauoty. Ili company wtb T. Athur 'Sîmpeoncounty cuperintend- et o!fachool., Mr. Hoffman left Wau- kegan Wedneaday mroning fer Fox Lake vbere ho willl nspeet lbe achoola o! the tos'nshlp. He vIii spenti tbe balance o! the week ln LaIt. coun. ty. A Senaation vas cauaed ln Renosha yestertiay wben Jutige Peien ln lie Circuit court granteti a divorce tu Mns. Alvina A. Pittn trom ber huabanti, John . Pitîs. The tietendmnt la a prominont business mmi andi Mm. Pitla, baî been verY Promnuitla club itfe. Tie divorce action cam*s a g"eat erals, the papersa elSg tileti onlY a couple of bouis befoý0> de- Cre vaS <natui. Mr. and xMiePilla ver. masnfle tvety-five yeu' ago, WOMAN FELL AT BOTTOM 0F STAIRS, CALLEO HUSBAND 8V SCRATCHING CARPET. Apopiexy, lnIniosmot vital form, ctruck Mrc. Mary Murray. wife of James Murray, prominient reaidenta ofý Wauconda Friday evening iaat, for. thewomnan, wbile Lpparmitly ail right wbpn ber husbafld startld nîjtairs to retire, was strieken beford che could juin hlm after having remained be-hind long enouan ta lix the fîre for the nîgbt' Had Il flot been that the huaband has gond bcaring, and was thus able to hear ber feebly ecratchlng with her finger nails on the hnall arpet where she had fallen, ehle Might have re. mained unattended for soute time- As it was, afler cho f lxed the fire and started tu join hi mup ctlrs, sbel won stricken just a s he reached tup stairs, and, faiiing to the fluor. was helpiess entireiy ln voice and i 1mb, wltb tbe exception o! one or two flng- ers of ber right hand. She couiti fot utter a Bound; she coulti make - 1 noise. go, lying there ln that state. che feebiy rau ber finger naila over tbe carpet and finally ber huebanti. bearlng the scratching nois8e. went lonto the bal, liatened cloeely and then deacended the Mlaire to*fInd his wlfe lyîng helplesan the floor. Noer Regalned Sonne@. He removeti ber b o ofcbandi dal- cd help but bis wife waa unconsccous anti neyer regained ber senses before ber death Tuesday t midnlgbt. Two cblldren of the couple were calied at once after sbo was strIcisen, a con. Fr'ank., burrying from Tulso, Okîs.. anti a dangbter, Nettio, a teacher ln <'hi- cago. Tbey remained at ber bedaide but che neyer waa able to recognlM tbem. .lrg. Mrray waa 65 years aid andi ber maiden fiLme wasiMater. Her huaband was a ret lred farmer ad for years the !amily had been one of the mont prominent in Ithe village anti vlelnlty. Their borne han heen there- aIbouts enost o! their livea. DIED AT HOME ON BEACH ROAD Ândrow Larson, 52 years olti, a reaident of the Beach Road for the lait twenty yeara, passei away Wed- aesday morning at 8 o'clock of dia. betes of wbicb he bad been 111 the lat year. Me wac a cernent contractor and was weli known tbroughout thie Part o! Lake county. Beaides a wife he leavezsicx chil dren. A brother resîdea near the Wl,, cousin state lune. WEDDED 45 YEARS A4iO; LIVED BERE ALL TIIEIR LIVES Mr. anti Mm Gleasen H. Stafford To- day Reaciod a MlOtone ln 1h51,. LIvea. Fomly-flve yearc ago today et Liber- tyvîlle, Glescon H. Stafford anti Mary McClure were uniteti ln mamiage anti lh. well knOwn couple panet their anniversary Lt their home on Grand avenue, Waukegan, wtbout Loy cle- bratîon exceptlng ta sit down anti glance hack over tbe years o! reel- dence la ILake, caunty. Mm. anti Mrs. Stafford are amang the county's vol> known people. Tbey s'ere bath bora ln Warren township and matie that their home for many years. They bave livetiln Waukogan twenty years. Beutes four chîltiran, they have fourteen grantichiltiren. Mr. Stafford enjoys gooti health whiii.Mrs. Stafford la now consider- gbly btter than ch. vas a Urne hack, BIGHT PAGES I - Z&. $1,50 PER YEkR IN~ ADVANOFL IANY SOCIETIES i Recommendatiop to This affect N"d IIOOS INSUANCE State Charities Commission Who A Immediate Attention; Say Patients IN NEAR FUTURE 6e Cated for, in Better Shape; AIso SIX HUNDRED WALIKEGANITES clate County Jail Should 6e Reo I TO PAV INCREASEO RATES to Corrsect Lighting and Ventilation. SOON. Tihe second annua1i report af the. lii c4ge.Bars extendilng tfi flt% TO BECOME EFFECIIVE SOON nais state Chariîles Commision, justr of the cella, admît liht anti air 10 1h ________publilheti, co7taîns much af Interest cage. ta the people of WauIega and of~ i "nora are placed ln a doarte FIRST 0F VEAR MARKS CHANGES Lake county. No fàult le fu withj outh o! the niain jal. Th ie Ue IFRATERNAL CIRCLES AS RE- te Sherîffa managuement aofithe caun- dark, amaîl and ill-venlilated. SULT 0F RADICAL REVISION. > ty jail. The jail, however, thec cm- " me are placed' la I lla.1w h - mIssion suggests shouidibe remodelled ibose for minora. ta Improve lhe ventilation and lîght "The cella were dlean an1d fre. ftî1 There are more than 600 Waukegan îng, bath of which are declarsd té beý vermin et the time of Inspection N people whe, are members of bene!ic- fuî.Terpr alw:.....,11 rsnr n hygtI$ iary soclelies who wilil be iliterestefut.Th ot los .. ..18, 1911. isnrsatb pet in a raise In rates of jeatht benefitg Lake Caunty Juil. h rcn alcudh Ui the firet of lte year. "The Lake Co'înty JalI la located e"h rsn alcudb u eIled at little ost, so that ventltj The staying of the new rates o! the near the court house in Wnukegan. andi iight wouiti ha adequatè.' Mlodern Waadmoen by a court injune. The jaIl 1i~ a ihree story brick bud-I The Poor Farm lion affectet 1,200 persona, neariy ail Ing. 0fteIk onyAmnlotè Of whom are working People, who are "The tiret floor bas an Iron cage Ubfrtyvhe, te commissimao r 4 dependent foi Protection 0f their with ten cella, arrangeti on cithez l ryIltecmiso wives ad ciiren, in case of death, aide of a tiark central corridor. The Mendes that the insaine patients 111 on the payment o! the. ainount of their celle are ventilatd by means o! bar moveti immediately. Tbe uDea l! Policies. The nae of rates In thie doore, bars about two feet wide In tbe dent le comneended for enobli, societY was of such magnitude that backs, and openînga lot the air manner lu whicb he condwtotille 4 il caileti a storm, fltot 0ly o! protent ahate. As the celia are dark the a t1tutlon. The report !oll@wn:,,1Lý but 0f Opposition that 100k the form eberiff allows the prisoners free ac- "The Lakte Qunty -Mmabous. Is5 of a lega] proteat. cae to the outer corridor, wbicb je cateet IlÀberîyville. The bui1bt Focesters' Rates Up. faIly ligbt and well ventîlateti. an olti, two-story brick , traol$,M The plan of the other socieleaWbo "Tbe second iloor i llke the firaI. bocateti rates wss of a more conserva- "The thîrd floor bas -"afle* tii fl OoMtnled ce' ?ag i "ffl JOU >1 * tj .ilê ~ r 15 80 .10 .20 *75 1*5 1.0o 50' 50 50 50 .40. sok LOCAL EXPRESSIEN .WILL BE PROTECTED SEl3INi TO FR CAUSE 0f LAI BY AN ORDINANCE CASES 0f TYPU COMMISSION PREPARING ORDIN. CITY PHYSICIAN FOLIY MARI ANCE WHICH WILL LICENSE INVESTIGATION IN CAISz ALL EXPRESSMEN. ROEMER CMILOREN. WILL BAR THIE OUTSIDERSIDAIRY IS INVETiCiS&1t LOCAL MEN COMPLAIN TIIAT OUT 0F TOWN MEN GET MUCM SUSINWtSS ROM THEM. The expresemen o! tbe clty are ta be protectedti rorn out of lawn coin- petition anti accortiing ta members o! the commission, an ordînanoe le beingi drawn and ln ail prahability wlll be preRenteet thIe next regular meeting o! lte council wbicb will provitie titat any expreasman who doses any work bere muat be provideti witit a lirenq"; sncbase local expreasmen wlll lic re- quiredtietotalte ouI. Andti he lnteresting tblng about It1Io that thte expressmen titemeelvPs wore the one ta sîîggest tbat tbey he lîcenBet. The officiaIs hadn't tbougbt mucb about the malter untîl lto ex. Preasmen carne te ltent witb the re-1 quet ltaI an ordinance be passeti providing for a licence for aIl express- men.1 Thte officiais alrnost tell off theil chairs St finet for It seerneti trange1 titat te men ehoulti ask te ha licengedi But afler the plan bat been explaînei tbey acre flot se muchBsurpriseti. The expressmen wcot on ta explain that exPrecemen anti moving van own- crs from Chicago anti other cities are' getting much o! the business that the loal men tblnk ehouiti e-na tatem. They suggeet that in case the ou. o! town men wish te brlng loatis o! furol- titre, etc., bere. that tbcy tirst seceire a ely licence andti tey are tender the Impression that tbis woulti have a tentiency te discourage tbe uctîe INVESTIGATION CONDUCT= VI TO PRESENT HlIMOICE¶ FEVER EPIDRUjO. e Acting upon Instructionsfes J. C. Foley. City phlysiclali, Heulth m 1spector AIez Cramoiid liqoelt i determine what causodthi b Idren a! Dr. anti Mn. . . X soma become il] o! typholti foyer. Uns*, interest la helng rnanifestsd ila th.W cases because tbey are lth. qM develop sînce Nov. lot. -The anpq on file In the office o! the City - clan shows that the eb1ldre« w drinking lake water, but hêcaube le supposati tah e pure asa - = ~ te hypochlorite of lime U-UMQ10411 la flot thought that this vas tb.e 0" The dalry from wbieb thi.e o familly purchaies muA vals PM vestigatei andti Iis inspection MWs yet beem completeti. The. b.skh spector soasthat ao1fmr a h bis able ta findthelb. spply of reIA e *1 dtiary ta pure. The dairy la qussi bas beau under survsiiiano for l1tt1e time as Baverai couoplalntmm fContlnued on Page sVive.> FARMERS MUSTI'. TIE THEIR MORMM Thos. Tyrrell, assistant cnet se. tlice, Ibreatens to arreat, Md j 1* ta tie their, borsns wbile arn anti voulti give thora mucb more busi- goodsataIthb dOo ntown starqu ness. seek a beanu belonglX4 ta q The city officiais gay that tbe plea man ran SwSY. ORÇ vtiMau.* la a Juat one anti they are tnvesttgat- eacaped beinga trampied 10 d Ing ta fînti just wbat kinti o! an orti- neatb the hanses' feel.1 "e Ituance coulti ho drawn up maklng the nol bled by tie ovuot. Ut restrictionsaseketi for. They are does nflotpIOPPO10stoMvo more than gladta 10pasesuch an ordin- lbe owneof o! boia bighM suce ae it means another source of tesal Who Mta b>e revenue. 15M L-NO. I.. PART TWO. tIVe nature andi the raiese-maode in @&ehb instance wau but sinaîl. Itlel saId that the largest number affecteti by any one society In Waukegan in that of the Cathollc Oriler of Foreaters, Accordlng 10 Adoif Fischer, a eaLe organizer, the rates 10 be put Inmb ef- fect are baseti on actuaries figures anti are the same regarding the ansount due from each inember as those adopted hy the Modern Wood- men, excepting tat eacb man laa sa secceei according 10 bic age aitlite tume that ho becaune a member of the cocietY, lnatead o! bis present age. "The raise la amall,' said Mr. Flach- or thia morning, "anti there Io every evitience that ail 0f the members are satiafiet i wtb il. There may hoaa hardchip bore and there ln meeting the dIfee, but thene will he cared for by local pe'ople ln many cases." The Increase was ordereti St the na- tional convention 0f the society lant apring. The Increase will average about 45 cents per montb to every $1.000. ýOld- er inernhars wjli ho affected more tban Young mo-n. Some will psy as higb a 70 cents per month more per $1,000 titan under the olti rate. Opposition to the Increase wan ctrong until the past few weekc when the co-calieti "Insurgenta' dropped thoir fight ad natif led the head of- fices o!. the aociety thal they would psy the n' rates. Most of the men- bers were agreeable ta the Increase as l ha-I heen explained 10 them that it mnuet corne sooner or later. Mystlc Workers Adivancedi. MyBtic Workeris willi ncreace their rates tb, tiret o! the year. Mach mem- ber wllI pay 10 cents more on every $1.000. The member who nos' pays I1 for $1,000 wlll pay 81.10. 'The mesa- ber who pays 60 cents for $1.000 will pay 60 cents. There lis alsn o 10 hon Incroase in the rates o! the F'raternal Union, witb a amaîl membersbip ln Waukegan. Berne o! the satLes have passe-i ILw8 Prohbiting tb. societies who do not charge the establlsbed rate from doing business. DENTISTS STAND BY DR. RISINGER The Chicaga Dental soclety yeter- day adopteti resolutions of confidence ln Dr. Harry R. Rîinger, who war recentiy aubjectedti t a grand jury In- qulry in Waukpgan in conneclion wtb the drowolog o! his vife. ' We pub. licly procilm aur çontiemnation o! the molletons andi baseleus gocaip which bas causeti incalculable Injury tuanai In- 1100001 man," say tbe resolutions. RUSH liEN FRON