CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Dec 1912, p. 12

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I~ OT CHo.@@ 0ICALqu FACTORY VIMSLE '**Rem IN POETAOAINST imiIE LSCTRIC OOMPAISY EMPLOYES USOF WERO. PRIOCESSION 2 8LOCICS LONGl UT J~SBQUIET MERTI0.~ A ort of a holiday'feelink prevadedý at the meeting of the culy fathers last evenlug and there wua nothing put over that will go down In bis- tory. Tahe usual bis were ailowed and or dered pald, and the montlly report gf the chlef of poice resd Snd a oPt d. The saine was ordered placed on jfile. *AID TI4AT VOLIVA INTENDS TO The contraet wa, let for excavatlng REINFORCE THE BAND WI4ICM ujnder the Chicago & Norl.bwesteru MOLOS SERVICES. right of way at 17th street to carry ________the sewer and water pipe, whlch la to tbe laid to the plant of the Cyclone "ogentleman would use tobacco pepie. la in Ny The two pipes are to bce iaïïli the -ZonCty was establilsed for Zion laine trench, this beug Mais àsted pn People onei " by the officiais of the railroad com- met te r ia znset- IA pressmdon £ nember«U ot itie x-u a Someone presented the mémbers of parade or Zlontats two binette long onte unlwthabxogodcar Tue,%day. The p niaon anoved sud afer the adJourninent tbe rneM* - hroiag4athe streeta of MS Cit hy do bers and Mayor Sherwln speut sone tu the plant of thm Coo lectrical lime In a social way. The cigare company, whose employes have ln- were proncunCed excellent. curred flie wîalh of the overteor by The clty employeea ail recelved smoking cigarettes., their checks at evenlug. This la a *lI 'the fied opposite the plant tic- yearly art of the <ouncîl whieh leai>p Volvates started te Bing and pray. preclated. T49 uwhWfgci» ,f ~etoymrIId The fIFemmae ton peip hl ' tei~ arnt. pro rata, -aréangeiiintÏs lidvifi been' Merrtly hriatmfs,' shouted the er-n made wth the treasurer te have the b<loyee . .-'checks made out se the boye could "Repent ye, aud scoretbm noxîons ha8ve them before Xmai. weed," replled thm Zieujat. th~tmr ac e . le employes. The~ posteffice will he open tomor- »any of wborn are sald to have been row mornîng btweeu tbm houri of 9 amoing pipes. Seèveral disputes aremand Il oci)oek to, gîve patrons a .<1&1d toj-have arisen, but the employes chance. to t.eQve belated Xrna pack- paesed on and let the ZIWnsti Umath- age, ete,,_Tiéîs does not meap faom Ing thelr voicem agalait the factory 7 until noon, but 9 in Il. The buail- -bje 1~mt tiensbouases wili al close tomorrow, Uder Franik Rolinson who vas ail day. knloeled unconsclofls by Cook em- jlàyee a few weeks ago, was lu charge AN ENJOVABLE ENTERTAINMENT. of the loust' delnoutration. Ih le eWm~fued. that thbre vers over twç The Presbyterlan 8Suday scho Itiesreds t of fliva's folowers lu finue. sciolars, teacbers snd vkitini 'about ton tle the aumber that bld frlends held a very enjoyable enter- 1th4*idmly metings acrmsfrorn the taiimnt 1aI eveulng. Col plant According W reporte n'e chldreu vere there arly emi Voliva hoeve by augmeatinz bis forces pectauîly awaitiug the arrivai of <.10 prevet au attac belug made hy Santa OW a Oul emploies. This friend of the amaller childrem The anti-tobacco war lu Zion con- was Impersonated by Mr. Aribu thmau eou merrlly and, ~the fear la ex- Peters. *ý~esAd tbY orne that blondvilii le Mr. Petere ia a jolly fellovwth sev nWIWl~m before tbe affar finaliy cornes eraililttle fellows of ils own sud h toVan end. made s capital Sata Clans. ______________ ach chlld vas preseted wîth a hoi vm Iwo-ré item. 0,f csudy, nuts and oranges f ronslbg XtetblatIve. mne think of otber Sunday acbool sud the superintenden 0f alterlug yv My Mo. but made ach chlld a preseut of s in, day v" wohope te b ralo mI0Ul baul. »g ' ~lsaVy ce.." £or' oqi The sutertalumieut vas good sud mi DICATION NQTICE. rj'tc notice la Iersby iven thai tbe Subgcilen llxecutor o! Ibm it Wl» sand Testamnent Pt Elimsbetî aOlls demed vtwll attend the Couuty 09121 ~f *.05a51,ai a tors tlere- te le lelades ut tuo e OofBouse ~ i Waulwga, tu siti ODuIty. eu. tle r41l mondmy cf Nmm Uqit.1913. ihu a" Iwbe 4 SiAU U5hAvila Bxscutor. Waulefmu, IllinuoisD. c38,1912. -Wly . 0e flJas..-310 ADJUDiCATiOINOYT a. ~ pubile noice la b»eey given tuai the SubscrYoer Executor aofibthat lIII snd Teotaunt o! Mary W. Yoei 'dlbieted viii attend the Couuty Court of Lake coanty, at a terni thereof 10 be holden e1tIi eCourt House luiW- 'k in lusat!County, on the firet "kuday o! M4arl next. 1913, vbmu snd vhere ail persons avLng clairnl s4gairat nId mOstae are uotitled sud, -reaM"Ubd 40 peuesuthe samete sald Ceurt for adjudiemîlon. I,1t'ClPJN O.YOE. Executor. Waakcgau, Illtnois, De> 23. 1912. Wly. Dec. 27 Janu. 3-10 Ll en Ur W- ho y1 il- joyed by the young. Middle sged and old vho attaded. And lasi but not least, the Xmas tree ail ablaze viih tinsel and celoned ligbts. At ibm Hoiy liamly churrb temor- nov, the services are as tollows: Low Mass at 7:10 and 9:00 a. M. HigI Mass at 10:30 a. m. Speelal program of mugie under the digetlon of Miss Ireue Schuman viii le premseted. The MethodîsiHudsy aclol vtll render tbeir Xmas cantals tomorrv iveung. LOCAL BARBER NOT TO S AISI PRICE 0F HAIS CUT. At s meeting of tke larlera lu Wsu- legan a fev isys ago t vas dechdsd i raite the prieo! cutting baIn fnomn twenty-ftve cents te tbirty-flve cents to tale effeci tbe tirat o! isnnary. LUCly are the bld Ieadcd mon of Wulegan for once lu thehn lve, auy- boy. NO CHARGE ENTERED. The manx beîd yestsrday for assault aud hattery vas relased lu the atler- uoou as tie ivo Young men vI vere fouud lu a battercd condition by the police refased t enter a complait agaiust hlm. Tic tvo vere very lleni about tue affair and seemcd 10 le very villilg to accentthibsî eailu sud cal Itl Biais of IllinuoisCouty o! Lake, asqure hi the Circuit Court of Lke COUDi- ty. lu Cbaxcony. d Chastes 0. Barde vs. Rtier Biuie Th. North Chi.ago M. B. durcI ans NO. 455. hoîd their Christimas suntain- NotIce ia bereby iveu 10 Ibme aid met Weduemday vealug ai a o'cîock. îMine lIai tle ab>oie narndd Srs, hi. Lavrence sud Mns. J. WelrI t eetofore fled hie Bih vwers vîstore lu RvassWn yesterday. ni i nidCout onibm The contrsnt for layiug île vater aide tlereof and tuat a au- main fron 7th streot W tuhe Cyclone uwewepu i»ssuonot o ald plant vas let te Mr Rîglehali. vha Oum raoeuusItIch aboie isuned defeud- la basy vti a frre of men t fInIsh àjw, reaunushe ou thse firal day of the'imjl p naîry 'tps of tle circuit court 0f L.ake ,pmuy to le heid 5t1the Court HouBe1- in Waulssilui said Lake Couuty1 u"eimnug on tue lirat Moudsy o! unfocwtaiîeL ablqb A. D. 1913. as Io by 15w ne- Te gsersi Impressiloni lIaItue -'qare d ubvîblssuit la estîlIpeudlng. EngLihmmanslite la ratIer PnoaY la LEMg0. 1ROCK Ay. iupported by ils staternt of a Louu LUWS O BR C lAY. douer vîovilshted at-Cay Center. Hi Vaukigan, Il., December 2C.erî1.1j saîudh uieer lad lasisi fred ollol en11. or strsvberry sbortumise, the Ive =P A I&ACKCSON, tbelug euno'vn 1tustheulinsry art lV COMPWsIRMn'o Attoneiys. bis ooutry-KansasCity Star. Wly. Dec. Se-3». 3-10171 SMAI 0:110pT 1 RÂW ýLL AND CARTSI IMPOSSIBLE TO CAR PY BIJHELS OVERPLOW#idO AIKITS SENIT TOI or PRESENTS WHIDH ARRIV- moto£*" 0W EVERY ý.lCrtIM ED AT ELEVENTM 4 OUR. FOR CHRISTMAS 01mT SOIE .tIIRED 'SMALL BOYS EEEENTEOTA1N8CRILDROIW POSTMASTER W^AOUS WAS Dil MIOUS OF HAVINO PRESENTS D-iSTRBUTEIà XMAS DAY, The number of Christmas presents arrlvlng lu Waukegau by mail thîs ymsr bmole al previous records and as a resait the mai carrIers werm obllged to vork mucIhbarder than tbey vould uuder ordiuary clrcam- stances. The supply of mail allottedl to eauh carrier was Bo large that It would have becu folly for hlm to have at- temptcd to carry lt lu his mail bag. Fer thîs reason ach carrier provtded bimsmlf wîth a large cart, oule 'of thern securnug emali boys to draw 'êhçm a au i& m ç Oinohese carts contiiued' io, tîrme or 7,f6éo bushels of Christmas preseuts. .Postmaster Charles G. Watrous tonu the stand that thousands of peoPle ail over the city,epeclally thm olîdren, would be seriousiy disappoico dIf tfleY did not recelveà theiç presenta ou Christmas Day sud for that reasont be gave Instructions to the carriers to tale out eîery piece of Christmas mail Iu the postoffice. If there were red on Christmas MOl'uIg h vmwu e- cause tbey lad not arniVeil lu the Of" fice belore the carriers taried out lu their long, bard tripe. nhe carriers bsd been warned ln advance 10 expert a heavy mail ou Chrstma Day because the Christ-a mail vas very late lu arrlvlug this yar. Plorewarued, they provlded them- t9elwm vitb the carts sud it vs, veil that thsy did! no for tbey vonld not have been aIle to band.e One-half of the mail If they 1usd not àoue go. Mauy people stopped tW vouder, wbethmr ih wss a mail carrier or reaiiy Sauta Clans vhieh bey sav vIen they saw a mail carrier approachlug. Witb a littie tretchlug of the ilai- atlon ibm wagon could have been cbanged 10 Santa's reludeer drsvu The losmaster sud tie carriers have the satisfaction of kuOvina, bowcver. that altlt<ugb il vas quite an inconveulence for tbcmthbat tbey madle rany leanz lagad by delivmrng ibm presenta on the day of ail days. Acrding to local mail carriers tue number of presents received by mail le lucreasîng ach year sud the num- ber tis year stabllsled a nov rec- Costtilet o! Apple Trema. Pnobally tle biglimt pries eer pald for au apple re vas $600 vblcl Daiid Junîlu of Lînu Couuty, Oregon, r«eoe tvo veels ago for a iS1-year-i old seedlUis which grova lu a fonce corner ou bis tarin. This Ire. lis as remarkalle as ihs pries for ihck It 'vas soud. It yimids ripe apPlss eveni moetIfroin May 10 November. and tb. fruit la icI lui quallîy as veil as prodious lu quamilîr. Dnniug the pe& riod nammd ils tre. lears ripe fruit green fruit, hland blommunsail ai tbe smre lime ust as Ibm orange re. lu Flnida dos. The purclaser o! Ibis ire, bas stlpulated that fil sal ne- maie wlere lis, but t tpi e sal ne- ceive ail lis fruit for len years. He. le dreassIng of an orchard of "ever, bearlug" spple ireez. Afrîcan Clay Raterm. lu île colouy of Uppen enegal s"d Niger, lu Af nlca. ka a splace ameul O1.luuy. *esta au edibie clai'. o1 vhlal tle natIve. are yenfond- Itlàl fniud iu a layer btveep suSas 9ol ilmetoue, Sud a galery lis been drtli.' eu lato the mrihlfor tue extractioni of tle subesce. Il la Dot cull est es ou the spot, lut, broIeà 1Db plaese sfev Isohls cre.,la 9014 te tue lubabîleuits of tb. surnouding couuni7. ovenor ha M0fsmre lé mlle.. Itlai.@sad by Vresol explonens thIaInmrenatives odusue séverai pouvils oa i he age fond mien dur. A simdilr custom la foui lui the ou da» and ln oier partiof Afrima. WILSON TO KEEP PROMISE WIiiSpaaku Deors Chicago Conimer. cil iClub Jan. il Next.' Chicago, fier. 54.-Presldent-Elect Woodrow Wilson vîli be Ibm gueat of Ibe Commercial club et Chicago ai uts 228t1 reguls. meeting, ou tle aven- ing of Jan. Il. and vîli delier the ad- dress o! the evcnlug. lu s rereut letter ho Presidmt Clyd' M. Carr or Ibm commercial club, lh' presldeut-mlect tated that h. voul, male oniy Ivo speecites before th, date of the InaugUration. Thes fln speech vas delivered la Nov Tork. F0FOiOR REPÇ(LWCtIOw SEIN IN ATioN 0;F iUf4l#NhU PIC- PLI IN SPRIADIN0 CHES. Beiebin4ut danisEbert o! the aufal iefhnq_ iudtvidtmIly sud, bis cop 'a ostiu tbhroial thlm, »uabnoulW enviable 'reco"ýd Cbnle»%.Iqýg v1go051i'm dStm for 'am bose met lob" i'7 tbui tàaIMt4 a ireit0fetthe Mur Cllftlwue ev as bas bemabis prat- tire for a umuler of years, Mr. Ebert lad bevfteeehuie boys mand girls, Chiurles vol Camne from familles which . miglut not have suitable Christ- man. At bls home on Joli-n er-Lt.Ati 7 o'clocI le servedl tbern a sumptulu feasi sud It vas servedl lu ail the. style of a regular bote] banquet vîtI ail the woien m . rthe lîttie folke, Tien. after the feast. the ChTedleu went to the'parloi- vbere a llgbtcd c hrisimas tl'ee laden vîti preamuts ia shape of toy, etc.. held tbern lu auaemo t for a Uîme. Tbcy t)uen playod OUM sand, afier rmcelilg tbeir gifla. lett for home, seventceiu iie beanta #iu uma"e glad llrough tbis aood -man> geeeroslty sud cou- Beuldm. leaq seveutemu, Mr. Ebert sont tbasots or toyp- ad gogdie to. tbrme otb lturue ehldren wbo vere unable t0 be a51bilshome. What fteflery Dld. And. boesilabowvthbm mgar rcfinery Cpmpsiiy remembel'cd that it vas Chnismas anud oughi to make It as happy as possible for the. familles ofi mn bo. iot tbeir lives lu the ex- ploclon or o! those who were lu- Jured: Christmas mornlîg a Christmas tree vas ereetm in the yard St McAister bosutl vhwethe remalulng cîglut reflery victime vere belug rared fr -tva eof Oe tes bil left for home Tubedsy mprmipg. Aout tbm tree vere preseuts of varions hinul for 4Ie patiente and tihe oompany lad also sent cigare. csudy, 1%e, lophtllattendants vere ulgo gueffettt mire. vlib the roflumry peopei pahned tIersesMd aise recelveld1 gifts of varions hinda. game te IHomes. But, hmeel1% clat the company did for the homes of tic victime: Tley sent boxes Wo every home of a man burt or lllled ln tue accident. These boxes continmd food eugh 10 lest tvo veeke, tbey cootaiued lothiug, toys for Ibm ohidren and delicacies for tue older ones. Wberc ibm victime verescingle, Ibm compsuy amui tobaul- co, cigare sud igaretts. Tbmy ie te ovelool noue and the bclîcf le thal noie vie vers entitliid to thie alten- ion vers u" »dm. RanI home 'vas given s ducI 'or Christmas dînner. tih% oompany dld for ils men and their familles, the. Sun desires te ssk: What ther cor.poration did you evir hoav of aduli v ent go fer te IreSt It. employe. with a saabklnd conoîdsrsllon nt o lime 11km Ibis? 'Yeu mmy have hoard of Ibem, w. have not. Thore- for#, wsumoleve the oommunity ebould fesl deep gratitude towards ibis Coi- panly and bstie-ve Ihat its pou'tion sbouîd fnot peou unnoticeul. SOme pe*pom sy; "Weil, hhey caght 10 do se.- Saab sapptelation la flot broad;, ALL CORPORATIONS SHOULO met Sllinisfiey,. lut 0O THEY? They D0 MOT, tiierofoe, the Coru Produoti oempafly ha* endesred 11.05 t0 Wau. ksgan "eî l~'its aotion nttil lire. la face of mach s terrible socul sont could nol bave aated more mani> kisd nd d mniderate 0f tîle. ffeated And Mr. lImaIs kindaoteslpool obildrenIslasayeariy exampi e 10Wou k«Aftpeopîdofwvh.t TRIPE KIND NESS AND CMASITY meani. burbanu Spold à Oood OsmQ. PuhIig brogh tle lacborri &%ttdb onte ill. a thoUMaud Priol lImnis vers trèebsul out le bld Y7 lack. At eisi!y @tep a viry bramnbi wogn« lissif muzound yomr aile0 grappled vomir elbow. Bruie f ore omsldn't .xtrie5l Pm. A sort c pbrsical dip4lOgSc. 'h adroit teran sud twinUt, gt m sm# lhid of athiet ellIlthat la rtip&hed of a lalf-baî on a ru ù> 'a flk«enfieId--4bat Vi the saig e pwad 10 pi*y lu orert beat Nitmu Wr .ck e ar~tg. sancie eallKY v.*i114 Ubthe popphàu purpie barries as Ils prise. Anid ne Luther Burbull bai go"e ad spoihi IL "1Ater ici Yeuzet vork." Ii 5*5, 'I lbave prodaced s tlorube blaolbegu." Are You,Going t Vour Bank'AccQpt Our business Io conducted upon the strictest and malt conserva- tivxe Unes and em2braces ail the departrocats of a modern progressive institution. CHECKING ACCOUNTS- *.We have every facillty for batid- ling your account. Wé issue a mnonthly statement ta customers ba- ing checklng accounts on which check charged ta their account, and every deposit made lu llsted. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. THREE PER CENT ...linterest paid on savings accounts of ONE DOLLAR and tspvards. CERTIFICATES 0F DEPOSIT-.-Three per cent. pald--on certificates of deposit ifl-.f for six months or longer. ALL OVER THE WORLD-..drafts issued ar d Postal Remit- tances made ta aill parts cf the world. Lak5 VI1 Tr»t an .avings Bai LAKE VILLA', ILL. THOMAS D. SiXTON. Pacaldemi CEBRATD lBER IWEATIER ON 'XMA'S STRICKEN Wli1Lý' 1S14TH BIRTIDÀY WAS ALMOST LIuE YISITINQ PÂUN ON COIRI.STAS DAY AÀ SEPTEMBER DAY MRS.FLLO!SNE MSS. ELLEN .IENKINSON, OLDEST WAS THE WARMEST CHRISTMAS POPULAS WAUEI*N YOJ* WOMAN IN COUNTY, PASSES WAUKEGAN MAS £NJOVED IN I MAN $SN4OE WIC"o ANOTHES MILESTON E. A GREAT MANY VEA RS. PENDICITIS IN OLINTON. IA. S IN DEST OF HEALTH'MANY WERE OUT WALKING CAME TO WAUICIGAN OVES SIX- ABSENCE 0F SAW WIND AND TV Y EARS AGO AND MAS SE- SNOW ON THE GROUND, MtADE SIDED 14EIRE IVIR $INCE. THE DAY VERY UNUSUAL PASSEO AWAY GON HUSUANO SUIIMONED TO .# BEDSIDE 5V MIOSIIINT TEU GRAM Pnom RELATIVES. C'hristmas Day was one or more Ho far as weather conditios go. Word bas been recesîveboe than ordluuary Importance teo-%ira El- Waukegau probably neyer huui a ouL jbtl4 1 leu Jeukinson 'of North Butrîck Christmas liku thili Yens. The sky l ynto f t 24 y earsoi. fll05 h sireet, Watikegau, for Il marked ber vas clear as a summer dey. Thi 'mue. Waukmgao. Mrs. ffliows 1041h birtbday. She la by far thr- nId- mèeury muag about 40 or 50 ail day- gone t0 ('uinton to &pend a fsW« est resîdeat 0f Waulsegau and 1 In lumauy wvas h as very sîmîlar iii withu her parents, -Mr. a"d lis. couuty and one of the ideat resideots imut ycar only h vwas nu nu- more- but luteuded to returu lu lImet Chbristmas witUu busbeiid lu WU of tihetUited States. lira. Jeukînson balmy and more pleasant. g an. 1M rspent the day quaLlty altiiougi she ix Tire' day seeumd just dire a Septen. lirs. Fellows lefi for th. 1oUýýM always pleaned when she can record ber or October day. tie nue asillua ber parents ou lasI veel Wedim another mlestone lu ber life. ail day sud dlffusiug a wsrmtî quite sud apparently nover fait b~te Despite ber adivanced age. su age unusual for Chîr.stmai. The streets Ilife, On fridai' lght sMa w« attalued by vry few People., Mýrs. werm througed wyul peope a large partiuddênly wlth appeaiicti P Jenknson la l wha mig t be termi removd ho s ho pttsl lu. , Jeuînsn l l wbt mabiletcr- fo!the day and thucre vere scores I vire murgeons annouammithd . -ed ibm best of bealil. Shiesmt@sber Itý mesis regularly, subeaitg moetly ou'crf automobile parti&». '['bre va mdit operMa.loa Vis a egg sud milk. Bbc la qulte active auil mtoenogb puai b irt at Te l o ld oui any ll when the veather Je clemeut. dellghts moohu oive del'.ght. Tbousands but aunouucmd et the Ssut t10lW ho pay celas her nearby nelghiunra. o! people veresceeu out valkiug Sud condition vas y.., criticg fsud albag iebs o ec ow ow utead of betug bundled ap with fura that wbile au operall.o miatid lu several ycara. audecoat collars tarocd ap. as la Ibm lave ber lite that SIlvastc HIOle lwas bppyundconen-d rtom on Christmias,. mats were thiug wici could. Sitela lwas hppy nd ontntp open, fa rs wefem hsuig lIoi-ly and A telmgram vasâ disaualoih Suad spands a large part of ber time ln evu" eysce eeiol. bmisadvohfseai0 i : inglug sougs that she learumd lu Ire- eunusudsi ele fo brlstnagunte wsa ndry 51la orîl c I r land, ber uative country, ncariy a cen- nsa ete o hita dr. wr onr tNrhM u tury ago. Sic says that tîmy are thc Witi ibe possible exception of ]si orrng hlm of bis vlfe'a h est songeansd sire docaui rcare a rap yesr il la man) yerseluice Witnkegau aud urgIng llm in comm ou eabout the lresent day songs. lier han enjoyed sncb an open Christmnas. Tic message vam ry fved lae > voie le sîhl quille strong aud retalus It scemmd ilat evryone lu tbm c'ty niglut. Mir.. ellovs lent aw i a quality o! eveetnesi' that laîriuly re- wbo owned au automobile was oui forI boardlug a train and arrived jý- .1 markable lu one o! ber extreme age. a spin. ton teitm nexldy, ti n Ilmue hae ben a marelogly Tiere vas net even a ra, vlud cIble vas donc te sai» the eveet voire whcu site vas a Yoang blovIug and ibm fact tbat there vas no Ilfe but ohe iuasaed av.y au 0 -Man. suov on the ground tcudcd te make ylbrhsadier Mrs. Jenkinson la fery proud of ber the day ibm more unumual. The ronds Mrs. Pe'llowe lsd lis»à tu ,t age, -but takes littie'o! tbe credit of lu the rlty are good sud this causcdgaabuti.mrs d it hesef. bcsay se l nthti majorlty of motorists to renualu friends vlo are de.1ply wré la a! r5.d o! deatb sud la wllling to die lu tovu aithough scores btol a chance mddeu deatb. Some of, >- when Ged vills. Life ha stilîl aveet t0 witb the coutry roade.goetClfiu10a*dté s bier, hoeeer, and aee etten expresss, uInmsuy past ye5 ai CînîChrstmasa vîlcI 'as held there Ibis d- tbm hope thai sihe may le epared a tine it bas been so coid that oue could 2:130 o'rloclu. , few ycars longer. net bundie on onOugh clothes to îeep '['e Iusband of the, 7ouu. i. Nirs Jeulineon rame to Waukegan v.mbtthsya luirnvh thin la almosi dlslracted. Uc ; )r 60O years ago vîmu duhe place vas uitile notion dresses on vmre seen plaYing l lniguo *rtribqg U- more than a wildernes. hie wcnt by the streets -sud tley soemmd b 'l'e to aieud Chrîimas vàithi la a >rail froun Brooklyn Wu Chirago sud pcrfectly comfortable. message tslliuig 1i 0f>or tben te Waukegan by boat as there ________________ ess ueêly caumed bint b vena uo trains runing bore at thal - mlnd. Mns, Tellows baves Uime. tuves bers, praotlioshyal < b * 'VU TTsU Lib ng lu Clinton.. vlgi ie vb* I4# ry Bluce that trne smebeas sema i te ly rallroad biult, bas semi the lterurbai n Ues constructed, bas geen automno. _________ A thisg ff sr* k Or eral use sud lu fart bas emu ail[I.the t-Ptwu clm, as VOM * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a bIls"ud smpons oreoneen of oders that 60 years ave brugt Me intei cg3e. ia s forth. III aao"Zeode i ___________ WILi. LEASE FOR CASH RENTAL- Ingtotu Ilmnld il HoFurpleo. o 5 or 10 yeara 40 nlght part>' ail as Probably sltefrIvsiIisofIhe 01-.o my lanud in Lake Coaty oouslsting to haPPin- 7i~ M .îer have, ffou vIl 0f about 1100 acres. 500 acres highly Peeta'y et tIc ScttM à get et bomn.Tide..10 11010001e0 laIAIlproved vîtI modem bouses, banis «H"Us yul î ik ig OMes le a min vIObl Sk teo5T. snd silos. Fesuced '«d cross feioed (Mog.) eoosuable e M and 1101f5511l* limaI eu15rais5onIt< t i voici vIre, turIng. Ail tilied ho luiova tàq" ss le toum lâtO th. quiet 15111or o ~* ome vbre e aa ret tui Peso.s »sd imitable for truck taruing. Ail 09d of »a ,»vith 'a ugly, la elIlbg « expensive dairylulg. A. 1' McKmovf.wn Sg I 4711 Lake ave., Chicago, 111. Wluy If yub"» 01 Gto. A. WITCUMLL. C-4"9« Ji 0 t ti

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