Ibis sum sla ulî colbmffd. , If su ondimeeolaipassi h tie cllî Com mission, here alio Quulion but wht &a66 par emanlredutig u rate. k? UIU IiU Mid*over the ratsoftae orda"cès esdet hqmeeting Ivo [pI~*US NhSOT O veu ago. IJP. IIORDINANCE FOR l ad~tu fIetotliulnVI attempl bu pâlsaan ordinance at It. ~ç~~' ~WOiNnaît meeting. 0EAT (?FbiaOWFD A WSEIC'8 ILL- ALTEAlIOS 18 0FPLEURAL PNeuMàO- f N1Aý SUfiAL ?OMOM8OW MÎDINCER CLAIMS RATES William Msterocid, 37 yeana oid, te IN EXCRIllé0F RATES livinrg at215 Maildialaremb, passedi ÇW4G0D LOEWI'IRE. avay ln the MeAlilter hospital ai1 - .1:30 o'cloci IbIoalesingof pleural1 punrneiiia vblcireaullai tram aacold leot upon thse part of the edîy oontractei about a veai aao. OiM o 1carry out lhe provisionsMri. MOal.sbnldb jbai livodi n Waul tg Odtng a vWbe4 t& kegs fe«about elM t ears and vas Wa mae l lmpoeublo for "0 e ttsabat popab andaie@ie.elit'- to h Impo a vbool taxi m ing O 10109mon lne C. i is bath comas as a sioci 10ise y friands.1 t4iê ordinance, siouli hava Mhondt on vurI aid i moser in ctievon daysalt9er it -vas omtesa ndbg oUrad1 -m àý %fl - .,. â.. 1-.. ster e urtmeedh bore ftmp.-1 4*lcda file fo UV r pfLN8U SU- >» flu te large »numbeof wt og i vti lie COMIS- 4"Oi éutbieauto and motor- il aisemsed, lie diaBOOns hiopItiherdinan Ce' iduomonJ. J. Blemeyer la of sbit bth itylicouneit <mati W-M w«dimsaCc nov 1ths1 <muId -vicel lax peable le the prea- cis, Ili., lest Sundor. Ther remainai vili bim untîî bis deatb. Mn. Metar- scisiit vwueorployed a as siat obljpplg clark ai lh, Cticago- Mari- votre Manfaclunlng campeur at Nortb Chicauo. Hie5 relatives haro orranged ta taie hie body tAi.ighome in Peoots te, mOtr n ornnlng ai 9 oCloci andI the funer-ai vill be helut le Ibat cIl? vllh the Maaous la charge. Arrangeents MWegi, dotonfile for dn- Iha.ve ben Inade tb ave hie.body aI ~ i f o n fil me orW3hé aron & Holluni undeiiaking fWÏ*0 ormee c otive. bo 0ms ntil lt I en avay. Hlm ' r iui o rMcofed effctive, friands vIli be permitted 10 view the or Mo.day ait litat rmistee .Svote br et rdiame i aeiireibetien '*as made jMalies itou step lively, busties you ~U14 Increases your energy; its Hollis- rlnla tbe o;,d or- ter' R. .M. Tea. %wffln tof .1Facts end Figures IpO#ur ot PPitt la, Hith ki.s Orown Vian Wek~s l hesDit 0 as liberal ln supportlng lte high ~iUt~ ooo saterm~lia 41-1B001lai nmenecle.. 7Tht. Maybe pw~~r ~up trourofaaoatru, lit Oxcaptional casse., but bis com- ~tb iI~. chol ollvhu eparImuonw»va" aaeon lte tenrates ln ~ 8~ iaI Snise e reoua towna. Tihe toutrate banlo j, "vMg Ie" e Of t ducatiàMXa8 ot md c..mjarlaonfor, smre diak- h lie. keJigae igh $am o u Ptthave mah large, psyig prolp- 'iia " )t a fovraaoor YM 80 eetia otIben a leproportion to lb tsaio e ~ pplation. Ustl iVital7 ii in- obrmoratere aresmre cties 0f ove. lamrgo opuation titan Wau- mmrlOOl~ ticie, co"ianed àboane,. lite iýot per bush achool Md Ilm. pUW tla fal]es ttan ln Wankegau. 1voq~s li bai. itveve. fo r P»exueple. Qulndy, Ill, bai a pop- 10 Sda£ ePr*ouatatlv o 10 .1t4e.of 3.00. yet the ost of ltlgh to' Ob" *~furtier ftacts cbool lier. lisî year was but $27,- 06W e nb.oSt of blgliacbool104o vbojaa, . ernoiflent of tbc '"ff Md t14lrevom YSJ1 at y.' ar v a, 207 agnat a to- ~.Wtln iei Is veoligatlle taila lnte four lasies ot Waukegau dawinl etConclusilon»than Jof 375. ~ tie nov aupelnten- Ili,. itit 67,0M0Inhabtants, Iw ip tlçi ctoël. Ibad à bîgit achool extpanie lent year U wheq. l lltomeavenagthe f 165,M0, vith. a firat year closaeof àr85 sbo thé b rs fol *1i 384, or .10e more la the freshmen than ~' (Ibis h lii bock yoe Mr Wako a bd luitbe entire four ~8ptes> te alar ps PrnkClassa-and Waukegan's expense fer VU ate. o#y Uitpet'it- the.year vas $37,692.30. oeanais AVlNti CHARGE LE E AU WML AB THI As Regarda Tochers. WIOOML aMdgivieg more Urne ~ U .Pmhiilr titan tu the lu gvln the average salary palO l u icinclued. Hiai saWsy hl eb scltebcera la 193, .Mr. DOt PM ère th« i*SO7 lcoelk gave lte averageataI$95. le ounM hould be ciarg- Obtalnng lthe figure bho no doubt, ba ~e~lqtaltool.clabis8a wi hOle teactera, tbe onea 41m4uoed the fIg8efor vbo ive but part tlm. W the von.ý Sun vent fale and Inulry shows that ÈIve 0f the hîgit %Çd ji5ar figures for xlajeer scitool teacherp vito &ive part of thbor fribei*nng vitit1897 and tbey tima, get from $300 ta j600 a 787. muei of Inlereal, as folbows: 7h. ramaining leachers ver. pald No. Teachens. pupîls. Av. Satory. Gra*luates. Av. Cosl. 6 184 70 27 28.98 6 189 86 23 24.50 6 231 75 ai 22.51 7 244 72 3 3 1 24.39 7 246 92 .41 52 23.09 7 208 74.34 40 29.61 - 18 375 70 100.48 bc aI fit. i *.tit*ooot0 e doveip iA chamtt t0eToi ~ .1Wpu il. VIe olpI. au moso déee bOva figumItre1i8N $14.831, or- AN AVERAGE OP $114 a 01 eduatng Wau- month. uptts lR 1913 WAS A&INST $2.41IN EITORS NOTSý-The bon prînts Lrda for prenlous the abovo tacts and figurai oieraly thM'u@h a isaîro ta cdaherne liti- g upthefigres a r or nol Waukogan la payinq 10e teU YRofigua senmuoh fer its hie é cito~l tj fiÉe IrPi l th Wak B4 OiCodaîre la not 1e censure any ipi t Im atle- body, but woric wlh a,,i n anefor 311~ asOn gét C0ltO0 gltihexacOt 15015.Mr. Knoelk, M8 a Mentlaro9t- *6 unierolaqi, hm 0plan union wmy M a cn. araiy hahop0, te maie corin 00 la sholchanses ienhera,,and t, ci a M468, vth on en- t>' cary whilch vnlually nme yiae- gt te 4VERAGLr a. 141he urdin. il 'os boom the writ. NCI WAS BUT 08 5fînu ballotr ra lpmg lime thal th, is hool lea Mng hl ltpayven 100 muchI n 'ÇAukaIpan but wilr. mli- lthe nides 1921!lng ta ha "ah.,.' ltat mach la ol Ithe lWb au o5%nnoiies tent JWO" lie Oluita humai eut te~~~~~~~ 1 Slme rmIh oa cheol of astaandard of la blaitsebool, fttfa eftlcincy cgmmenouu-mlawith t-ho add, lufe than Iviceau ead Xpense ar, altit1hwasa a tot lu te bigh aItool, >'ems &g, thile Point couli net ha r cm@% gnosîopinion lil tutlhay afc.-niotb eta ol We0 liv"ta s Clpit.. f tl mao- a, ecMarlea wXvbile, tlèteih Ihoaoluume, froua edu-. ;atWui«oaa lu masiOciaa SDIT -AIà 1 5tseIýqp tb.1%Rsat a. Mt.a1Corsvgt b v ~~t veaos'men heai of a.ern04sigkt oopt b, ona u l sou 8,tu ,y Mtr.Coonsguions m e o t a brin; bocs a tramp~j06 . eapoeme fmer. ,.,, *ea .me% pé ractlae «lie methodîca! rMet at hù han, up" -,ad ila" e. asatl lie'drahu lm biland, ê3gq t, k An Illinois Faim Thot la Paylne-And pareutlly 40es not need'.îîlit mreY Why. thon tionajap" f otbiter« Ct « f - Ona day Ivo CbcSgoatsi. Mr. C. B. Con$dolp, a inember et the board of trade, soi, Mr. W. K. Bartlett, proml, , nenitly ldontified wlit the arpln trade '~ * ~7 100k a plomsuri tu Dès' .plains. ~ ,,~ about 20 salles west of Chieso. "Ils Ioo ba!ltAtvaluablo bland ile ttisO. vlthla »Chia absort dlotançe 0f ÇW go huli héAalmnal ie." Mr. CoUpraiarked as he surveryed te viaI sewtcecof uneultivated uollbe- PRelt the great possihîlt a sof tIbis land, Il vaa flot long before Ibm? puiegd about 600 acres. Thona cars-,J f ii snd cautonsly thiey besac ne 10 couvert lte laid lin aProductive soit trom, vblch profitable reltrit Wers a expocted lreteit CAbthe* drainage; 11111car, loade of tii on 200 acres accomPlimh- md thita atlsfactorlly. Mr. CongJon, l who tob active management Ofthle. tarm, sdopted an apparently simleaKfi ut'St rpfitvmgii sant, of rotation. Corn,. potalees Ove, 24 Ton$ Par Aoe. Tis W and muarbeets werm tollowed vîith Flou Reelv4d O00 Poqeda PoPar Bmail grain seeded ta doryer and tiisa- Aore et- ôFortlter-CGongli otity. le allovai hia bai to stand for donBartiett Faim. K two yea..r.The siras: year'ac«OP vas ICI largely cdorer, furelshlng Ivo culI- or lileJlai". ltlte rassoit of m 118.; wvile lie second year's tiret lii. draleago allova the land te ha St#" ng as tlmoliy of. sne qelleet vorkai Ivo veeks or a somni arlerw qnallty. The second crop vicit vas than farinaeliaI Ignora tIls liottait largely cdorer vW" ploye a edunrt tem. Mr. <ongdon valuse, a go&.ro- e the fail. ilaion of crupe. aia cloveg muid lmTe Mr'. Consion made a very careful011Y cropa net hlm a géod Pled aid lu atudi and application of fertiliser.. alma preparea istelaid for succodng 64 là order to gat ettrogen trom lie air.' cropa ci clover vau grovu. Upon ltae noot. po- The large crope aid licir ezoolbon tatoes and corn orpa complote fr unîty "l uatfy 1Mr. Congda"'s H tilier.la usai, liertfore. tl ieroy i=on bello!tulafertUilrm and otie. ara benefkted. b? lie plant l fooa et tsken up iii lie corn. pots- 140W TO OUT TH* $ST RRSULTS tonua and boots. FR029 FERTILIZÉR& . t lmmodlatmly upon sur Indication of ' di .Onrneu a sliberal application of lime- 101rt ite laed. tr atone la made on lt.heeds!b.d. Pur 9-PIopano lithe "ed b tSmogby. cc Patate«, Mr. Congion unes 800 Poundi& 3-Apply lie fertiliser corroodAi. par acMeof a fetiliser supplylng 2 par 4-1150 a auflciaont amont. t ceaI.ammoula. 8 par cent. phosphorln 5'-Buy a fertiliser auites! ta your hb asIi ani 6 por cent. potaahi. Th. 10 molisud 10 70u rmope.W acre. of potaloas ver. put invli a Drainage. 901<10 planter. icis simullaueloualy Pammcr0». vil!mot £row Leaiad- P!auted the poaât.. ciddiatubtda& wavter. Tii.a s emneoMain l ltae fertiisera. Wlsen lise potto.. ýonier tua glto. *4 bactreolet O v«e o p about 4inlinea thoy va,. lte sumon 10.muqtbave 0 ,sta Ileimi arayeul vIttbordeaux mixture to kiltvater in ii. soit .uoi'.li plan the tae blgIs. This spraylug vwuil stau ilt otheti a droveing tasa,. doue 'about tour limes. about a veek Standing vater koopa lie laid off or ton dys aport. ýauraly, lia aid onu. crep wva clUrslud 10 boep clovn lia Seedbed Préparation. mes& ansd to presmrve the mouâture. No Iuni of mnure. ettlier anima 31[r. Coetgon Col 242 bua, offtn lu as eicrement or fertille.,Ow14 taie the potitoeo par acre. Tieae hi mold for place ot good. liors"s t Ilasto.. Plov atarly $1.00 par bus. Th. approxîthe laid at lie rIigt the. aid the matg cent of the crop vuau a follovs:i rigit deptit; titan von Il dovn toas Acre. mellov seedbod vith diii sani rouler. PIOWI ................ 1 112-S ad harnov. Prop~ngsee................. 0 1 £00 ertîîier Appllcaosto ianunt oles........ 1.10 The.es remuto are alvays golten Ce 6 u.ed( bu..) ..... ....... 181.0 g c ut 4irytng(4 fle)..... 1 .00 by mlxlng lb, formIier as tboraugh- nf o itvtons and hoctng-.1 1tO ~ p<5 Cca .t.....tler au poodssible vth tie .aadibed. Coul u ....... .............. 1 1.01 A Suffioeet Oepply. inerçol on moner tnveted l ll int epc uc eut land............. ........... ».00 ,f luthfouicatepei mucof esulîs0 Total cor ar aS~c......... Pounsâa par=aceof aven a biaigrade Myret a alow &arsago rice of!liec fertilizer. A Cocci cro9 of corn. vheat, par busite ctotal laceane ouli ha, csti aid poiatons lake off lie folloir $13100; cool ut production. $5110; net Ing amousnt of food elementa: proflt par acre. $62.20. .Pedàud ar enAcre "Why ahould vo. here In Chicago., .: ottro. n. buy potatoes trous Scolani aid Issa*1101 r aruPolau....... li, vian msnob oxcelijot cropo oma K PA P. coin........-111 4la v leO Whoat .........Sa a 91 le Oae.......... 1 74 1 12 Potate........ e i l l gurbeti,tou. il; l Sa lo Wti lieue fact& before us, il tg platn liaI vo inuit use aven 200, pomsis par acre tu ospedt much la cresiai ratura A SuialoFrertîhîzer. la choossing a fertilliser, It lisvel th Y' haveoin minci thecaracter ofthetsolliv t vici Ilto ha appliei. Tie 0 plaut fond aupply 0f tha commun types of soU la founi about au follovi: i Food Supply In Typical sillla. 9 = .(urnu .....................Mediurs .......r............::...eium 362 bu.....par....... 1...... SeM.sclin n0gea la........ * e.Moab"~ cropa ar"F.Cmii sasi.th% C*@W skotl ,ta8t!W Metvn o lite fa m er qS l 'u aerim, W S. 4l1k"IL d dore vas f osoogoat gâalls In *b 8bilev haproed t f bor aais, In O S a - 1 th" o roi.W Il'gaea trevi coregoo s oil tha e via npWT. e rM ýOfflikslIgés1W ' 0 8B- ceran Méy80 o uah jeMtàiser- aa f U *à Ioaolà tâc a ow*Pî t i NY INDICATRe b MR*. Mfty DUNCIN mAàil piRidmSE, ON FSUSIILERT CHIECK rESTI#MQNv TAKEN MONDAY ON CF#IcAqO tr'càî4wiOTiow WITH 1(81111Y CASE. A nov lnrta1mant of toilîmoni la ithe IrinirSavlage bank facanial. a de- tbncI private Institution, Wvas bitod louday bofore MunIcIpa Judge Court- Bey la a suit foir 112,00&, inslituted yj Josephl P. Triais. oan attorneandO bndu of'lie Blario-Amenicaa bami, The suitvas filai against lire. Mary J. Dunit etf Waniagan. moter-la. orw of Dr. William T. Klrby, beai cf the detunct bonk. Il won lIed for lhe punpoie of necoverbng f810,000, a suua Dr. birby obtained ftonm the Blaic-1 Itoonîcan boni on ai allegod trrodu- et chueck,. Trîiatteatîiâeod ~re. <lurklapro.»- led on Oct. 30, on, condition 1ha1 ha would nol boîte attlacieet proceqi. tsgs againatt b4 propanIy of Dn. 151h?, bhat aber voulut make tho810.000 fou flood by ban perionsl note for tifs lonar' The fuxtures of lb, defunct haait wena sobi at onction by ordon of Peai- rai Juige Corpenter during lb. day. Tb. paraphernana, anbici includea tva aofas, broffght $32,. Jacob Ledgeren, 644 West Madison streel, vas tie suc- censful bIdder. aeferrnn tlatIbmcasa, the Record- HeraO siildoday: Mn,. Mary J. MunIe, motber-in. Ivw of Dr. WJilim T. Kîrbi. va, pic-- tred le lie Municipal Court yester- dai le the noiseot "Sien" for ber son- I-iav's oibaged confidenceg gaent.t unnedîlon vlth the nov defmnet Kir- ry Sarîngi boni. Trisiate otIid tal Mrn. Dunilu prornisai 10give hlm ben Peràonal note for 813,00fifeh roubi no1 begin altachemont praceed- 1<5s agaluat Dr. Klrb. ~14,UPURCBASE MARIS At4OIIER 6OLlP CLUB 1* GK'O. NORTH SH4ORE GOLF CLUBS. The article bolow telle of an- other golf club for lthe n6rth shore. This makeï tlé luid rmal big golf club for Lakte coun- ty, as toilows: Onventoin, Lake Forest. Lîmoor, llghiaiid Park. «ln% Fort Sheridan. And thon, right et th. Cook- taie counly fln in t h. new Me-- bre, golf club, et Broouidessta- lion, and, just bae, but a leur milea and in Waukegan, lte Country club, mainln .&ai, six fine clubs botwosn Woukofaa and Glonoft andbut a 10w mIlea frein the comnly lin,la $si*, of-e, Ut Blanco. golf club. Thi ila ene tat&.si c onty, by 1he. miI- tien of 1he. 5usd golf elub4 wI tare more itthi directad 10- wàrdsil sae a golf playlng con- Bank proaldents, dustlnsuibhed loy- 'ors and -"captains of induslry" ln gaerslare includai lne b tier of licagos neyait club. The organîzattqn la to a b. mayaas the Eltuclub and la 10 b. devctoi 10o It l iii estniltha s«Iotas" apair. Wamen vill nul b. s4untteil ta mmm- 'anslti». but nie b.o »ovod opa. iste groulaei masîatans on, ipecialscs- Thé lIaI cf obprtar aèrnbens includg Lama, ltbAaço "e oeà1viiiCIl- agc.é l4nO .caum'a el ansd pro- PretOrty vabuo4 eai S140QOO bas.lbeu acqure4. on tt o pont a an sd or- doeer* av hom on Ueitàt "m000 bIlaU bu n o obiscM l lA gOu'"-t; ofth iefneit OOW In!4 i13 Amenitça. tIo WuMperty Ib 140 Vaço e a flt 8 -ani vms&.ofltaeialonutuuut rOBa stalion c on mi r oni, Port Obeut- dan. The. pouli alopo *atly îioet rv, ovsecoklig tbp.~4l~0i flfÎ01lq vsiwz, Part of L4bqvalley laOs bclud lo-tbe love, haît. ofUtheol trct, incbbgu aa momdéni oscelé lnt for short Iýh,à'i ae, tytpuJ.. a'. gali n iuI*lIný Mi b ëAdnibby aà= ' for iatini biu i an.Dgty o i ofltue o M~ e .oiIolOIte sali 11t fromn e4aacta. 'curiti Savlegs iStil hou lii eua) meetnlnd soi r etu ,Ail worimen are lntslllng clectrlid îaloa floa ie' lahtIs la tb. counu Clark'@off ice tm l ie stobe - fi L î Kahb«Eryn, iugbter cf Mr. ond Mrm. Tihte dtocrs re-Mefltai .00.o JosephIt Dunkin of North Street te ver-y rel.::.. 1 lit vlth pneumonie. IThodoe U. D t-pwe.ue., C. 13. Esop. uipropristar of tbe Es4u-1~ ton bfndoI Stacit fam at Dooeii. and The a b bIs niace. lMmr. Mabel MiaouibSiafen.>un uii u ouiba sfio of Eberfeld. leave on Fnldsy of Tb*. defflo O and alNi dtâè hita voelq foroaItiremonlia' trip Ysr Ier d a ly ' , ' le Calîtornea. Hcslth and pleasure in The bonk declareut a iviiemi e41, announned asthe r-caanton lbthetr-ip.,ltg 1912 esu-ini, aid plewi g4ae@ Couptîpatlan, indigesion, amcourandi U rlssam t o ltt = pr-ook. one ternibly. MoUser'i IR. od« ortrooslh o 1M. Tesa dearsthe bovels, negulalea don ft hDyur .iteortai ho oui- the alteacit. fer a good busines s r mmd ie 80- Circuit Clerk L 'O..flrocivayp 0of- îiclaed Waukeffs ape 'haro fp. j ne » i 000ycui 1 h;u laNi e- yean 1, e0"vlai"" nd Ing, reapvate& Tb&. oak partiionsae112o rn .idr bes greoveaisadiseveral ev steci filas wti b b itabbied. Tira. arpeu-! Impure btooi maousan apOC tena a" etaI on Iodai. A nutuben ut biais, naety çoï»Ouallq-4fl thie dlers la tie otipa vers giron a R. M& Te« daff the bb»O4 a,~ on-day vacation. flaipunhJiea..-s William 9. Smith. President of lie Boold'of Uuesion, loft Waukega 0- dpiW fr Plo4a*boiea o it.pomi Ion dais or î*è *e60a. Bld lut r.-1 Elioat bofaè lbooqîlatigiea onft vos Ihat lie bueait.*Oego rotrain. rmm lau,, uns final bibi la snob mottera cf lrn- '::,r l iV i'e4 ,cuaid 10 u t - Ibu nov additien 10 lie MioIlater achool la 8.51105 completîlon, sandlte seit in Ib it fdv Tei o S « e . 86Spt. Thotepson bai col recoti- mended "aY one porsop for lie po- aLtiq^ , bu4t;ba, givei savaral ,yc-g lolalettors Ptf keocàfflwlà4tlon, I iqAutOlPated liat the Bard vilit ar4ýY eavMo »and sItar blils tonighî. Assefft i 011futnltesa$liedf hem 24ev Vsq, i, 7. - TII4W rliam nItoet$ofloifr viom tie Iluà eom- aittèib, beauImm I$sg. jeet th. Ho- tel Nasaàm, Nadéals, abama. va tureai bare sM he builof outhorlly. Information te tuis affisct vas borna kont b#y disItolceitearam Miami, vhich Zqlitba$UsroA rrilies thons trou a . raai i oportei selegMr. noeoiefojt t fhoéiotol. 1fr.UOOoMtm, aebring 10 Plant. a advieos, ildOWhoum flaml on the steseor YMm Ien luat Tinrday. Ho ba" reoia Mimi lieisame dey. onulma frère Palm Beac un Ibm tar eit4 iwgesîdenI of 1bs Eaatrost Ajueriée, Hatifor Renaam, ]Pt. Wortt4 'gos.,Jeu. 7. - Robert -MeCi4.J. birtiyeYmm li. mon ef a vooltiy Pt Worh citlie. vas cap. tuW ed i815.000 i. <cli atolon by *0 1f4qlàp rels, via raied the "aP e t te Iode (ld Minîns Com- puysLnte salo0f Durango. %MC- Csrt il e bldfor nanoom. l4yde TrIil Mat ienday. KéaaClty, Mo.. Jan. 7.-Tii. ln tela of Dr. B. Clarke Hyde. cbae i ia hemfnier of Colapge 119b~ IL -.111ops, vas met tonrnuit Moniay la hMa City. Onu May 16,.191f, Dr. Hyde vas found gullly OUd sez. teucei 10 lits impnisanmoal. 9. M. Nebochar Die. Covingon.flid.. Jan. 7-Enoî IH. N*beer, vbo vas Incsuner of lie UiIteilStatea roder Preaident MarrI- so.4ý14 &t bis honte boan t lthe aie 'un povoar Rat mlii siloS il tai OIRELC'TQM FLO CA&. SANh "a R"-LECVES' ANS ?bfl bU-ý KLEOT Sume OFPIORu YEAR RAS AEE19 SUCff PRELSIDENT PREDIOT& ouol'. ou$ TSAN) 10m0neAmIS » TitI euàpLUS. sa iya.n 1* 'M*So5tt~tbewm4t ybu sa>, b:tu4iéj f . ter %eajM' 4,~ i I I ci