CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Jan 1913, p. 11

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t PRIlAY, .TÂMTARY 10, 1913. ~Y~~t5fl~ M MXiu result*ag from bis at- OC«rsârIk sev to beg ar9gc muaIhav&regad. cr ~.J.w.n4 rop- êmon are toe iuclised tb ta&e the law .9"ha e have beeft aIowed too muuli fret- 1 ratio of ceut cf oductin puinfli-luthoh. h ichooi th1C , B1bq où ls:ý 'Are thWê studen te and 6thor emplcyers have go contended for North aber PeepiO Mr axiOualy awaiting ftnal settie- of the lecWic, walro$4>s entanglemments. Net until s~O U%46, can WaUk@or a rsuyher city exect permanent improvomenta macle by the. road. And, tmime, the. qulpment la becooing shcddy- and # 'dýangofs iehiei.matier of upke.p epie o-a- am .venevoe Made exceâuWho]eeabutoly ieceuary bIkre ti»e a" beov.rloked. Thezo aretee many officiais ,who mmst be paid, te warrant "lex- Wbule mi~re nthie heat cf educationai discussion in tbe uI Ad tern, wculdn't it b. w«U Lte cenider the. mat- gEItâan9 music properly li the. chéocs? Waukegan, WC ~othr cities, makes 1h ocmpukcory ýfor every totahmie vietier ahe bas an yabillty lain * lior tat. Oe would hardly expoct a =knqltrunfsf tto «e iInstructions i Lugliamh bstery ïodusful- ~It la sue te conclude that out of a hunaêed teachon in City t are ereall efw who bre quallflhd ta t*.cbmusc-yet th.ya1 obUged to. The. mus pMan *0 City âchools cf Iakgan la a farce. botter dévote a uàé-mgamtii»* aud money te this fea4ure cf mental, go- =IMd happineus develepment tiate spmnd go much ef- ou fn a&dansd fancies. mmuad rm ps»Ont.) àmeti ae by tise Gourley compaiy, ti sa tise cancellation o!,tise vils tise diy ould ttd 10 a monapoly aoflise coahtrade mut tiaducisi lutter" was tise o!1 Corporation Coasel "Manresnettion,'. wae tise bilid &$LM ta tise leiler t.y Mayor dng v - Ilijor Tompltina blas reconsmeDded tbal tise bMt7iffals purcise tIse ~lan4 po jtbgùverwslnt. and tises idi nt or lease ta visons tiey aid for as long a perlod as lisey deeta vise. isd o .1.11oity ta gbej miyi0t W orcorporation a 10 year' lease Vthe propoily. "Tise govorent »ôliais nor cty a longer loes esars. and tis e ase gtven .e govermnrneis always revois lf h eernryo! var," salit 64 caled upJIoJJI1 explain hie let- t et É War LDeparîment, NMr.IGour'- & ethat lie had heAn mistreat- clty officiais and that lis àb< j, tht harles Baristow b"motnrdt heclty a bons fide iM 11$ëcant jay tisaI reta,' t eà :04*1ey. "I *Iâis't sea bow tisaIshould In- teiNlt 70u,' exclatmed Mr. Batratow. - Th £vernmet la not concernod ïïly' 5i0 far as t0u oe that tise people mila eommuity are protected aid tisaI l oey existe," staled tiseras- tiequarreh 4etween Bairstow výjure as ropPed. betlier lhe city i cilI tend to _ je eje îmeit suit fied against t nhtise cout; court Io net klosaltisougis Il vas reportmd I,îtiatlise ciIy attorney isad beaU 4 t1ed10do Bo. '~suidprtoad thla GotlIy in- ~~.OvW4thse promis«s as boon 'éUd s- f tê calnov on '».adIisathe Inteids te erect ai .~6LÉrgr dock on laid ln oie of!OIe Who attended tise coi fsien ToMinm, MaY piauiieeAtteai bètnerer, Prank Wai 4, ÇaJ n._Dockc xwwy J. ).Bkene, abpratl0n Caunsel atow sisO represlI cipress. i't1h-t tise'enginmal beoungise landl. neit sIttiig aktg tisen t tmI lishe laid ta tise clty. 7 Major Tompisins stated tisat l i Dot kiow wisetiser tise tind would lie solO at publie auctîon or Dot. .WW tndtViduaha lie permltted ta hOd for tise laid?"' asked oie cf tise lien present. "Tisat question 1 cannot anawer." salO tise major. Tise eommufqloners propose la look Into tise mate?'aid may carry out thse recommefldatioiis o! tise repnrementa- lIves io! lie War Depertmoeft. <'Olintstioner Orvis did not attend tise conference. CIIÇUIT COURT DONtS THIIS WEEK Aîthougis Michael Min«. Of Lakte Bluff, servmd six mantisa listise couny liastîle for sisooting Watnc Peterson, police marsissi of Lake Bluff, t would appear tisaI cDly a âmatI part o! tise punisisment due lin vas meted cut tai tise time o! tise 1shootlng. Today intise Circuit court. Watno Pet erson vas allowed damages In lise eum of $2,300 againit Mines. Petersoil brouglit suit for $6.000. claiminga ta he met Injuries tisaI voutd warrant the paymenl cf thnt sain hy tise man Who asqaulted huîn. r Tis case wenlte tiste jury ut 11: 45 iTuesd'ay morningan aut liree o'- cl*ck, tise foreuis o!fIthe Jury re- ported tisat a verdict issd been rewclie. 7 I tise minds cf tise jurors tisere was D o question but visat Peterson sisould Dlie rolrnbursed for Injuries received. tIte only argument tisat was raised lie- tiig tise amount o! damages ha shoutd receive. Boverat baltots vere laken belore a verdict was reached. tPetersan veil 10 tise Mines isome ta tiserve a writ a! restitution. Mines tifiad him admittance and tise con- stable liattered Oown a resT door. iues, It Is satd, raissd aiabhi, tua iand fired aI im a he was attempting 10 read tise wrît, Peterson vas re- rnoved ta a isospitaI wiiere ise spent ,nei'aide ohn Lukawskî, o! Norths Ciscalo, IeOr Bl- vho, on tise sixtis day 01 July liset. te ise fell into an open a<wer on Fourleentis company. straat, la auiii tise village o! Norths BHomegr VCbl.Mï for damages hn the sum of SBulisle, ;o.Ri case la tise next on trial entatives omît. a4sisuld go la tise jury sorne- the con- Urne 4ierday. n'a corPe Luisakl lroise hie rîguht arm visen a Perlaiit ho tell ikto tbe open dilcs. lNe vas aiotilifi aider a 4otprs cm for neai1y six * c el"0. 4wieo*sho- ho $6,00. - lie lu OiiBdJtlOIi rep o'unby-îAttomter, p- corne famnillar vIts the wnirk ofthtie cacheora snd he bélleved tisat If they do tlsat, wisen thse election Of bacs- e', emres up liefore tise board nert Fuie. eaoh memiser vould lie able to act intelligently opon thsesecilon of teacliers. Before action was talcen on tise re- luest 0f Supt. Thompson. Secretary Johm Regrdoa stated tisat Presideist W. B Siths Iss calied hlm on the tels- phone a few minuites before 12 o'clocit and asked hlm tu requestthse board not to take any action on any inatters conslâered 1)y tise board at lis meet- ig Saturday eveniii, until bis returu wic!iwill eie la ~wekor ]ii)dapa., tit lie bu called tise special meet- Ing, liad siiictioied aIl tsaItishe board 110d at tise eWial meeting. ai dedsir- eto 10le prement visen tise board took action on any ofrusnobmattes. County liidge Perry L. Persoasmov ed that action lie deferred until lise return cf Prcsjdeul Smiths. Hf@ Mo- tion carried. It la generaily undèretood. tiat Su- perintendent Tisomneon will dealit lus is attempt ta persbade the board to reconaider ls action, On. memnler of lise boardl ttod tisaI It wauld lie use- eous for Mr. Thompsan to mntagomslze tise bourd inembers isy sucis a roquent Judge Persisis furtiser stalsd that ho limd been Infùrmed liy County Su- perlatendent of Sebools T. Arthlur Simson, tisat four taachers la tise 0117 sciscols dld Dot hold certifIcates peT- mittlng tisentot teani, aa la requlred hy tis e scftOl lavre of tls atate; tise Dames wffl messlloned but thse re- portais péesent vere reqiteeted net ta Biaie us oftise naines, Tisq secretary of tise board wuIa natt'uclta to st tise teeherg proeure Oit'Itca fr011 thse cotl? sporltidSt, lSefore tlî q.à i.f t etllg Of tiahe oard. They DUhot tcelve alsy naiary until thcy 1,a.e îressîted tise requîrd,. t ui f1- este to 10tise ecretarr c a bqboard. Wlthd ew Mteis UkI Ftol'ovi g au mipefýaIimausilon of thse ~ster of tinifer, Ssîpt. Thomp-- mois w1tidrew bis roqluenîtishaItthe board trecoider ls action. John D. Pope stated tisat he vas largely reaponsîle for tise Iransfer et this tîme, that lie has sulg$stàd ta tise superlîteideit, thal; It irould lie bel- ter 1 t aise e t"sifet a the opelaung of scisool lut MoDday, ratiser tisai watt until February, ID order tist tise teaeher mlight familiarise iserbeif vils tise wors. Judge Person&lsacamoreIiorted tisaIlise isad dlscovered 'oniDnvestigaltion tisa tisere wertttmChers in tise emploi 01 pa n.asse0 tise antis- udWleeitamtnatios. "Two or Ibreis of tise teacisers In ou? sioots, recelved but 25 per cent In theîr aritlmette ex- amlnatloî." sald ho, -Do You iselloe tisat tise ien and vomen of Waukogas wbd bon eidcilîdren 10 Our BObooli If lita fact iecamne generaly kisivnt" aaked. Judge Parsons of tise memtbeli of tise board. Prof. Knoetk o! tiseigisscisool Te- portOd everytising worlng luisarmon) at blis chiool. Ho mlated that ti teaciters vere ail worktig tooti and tisat they were obtatiis4g £001 rw suite; tisaI lie bu absolutlrjà& .Oc#1- tîctsm 10 pues upois tise vôriof th(e teachers of hIs staff, aid tisI lie feti lie isd tise hest corps Ô! teacsejrs oi any hîgli col Icn Ilie state. LIt vas clearît Oemnsstrated at tis meeting Tueeday nigit th4t, the main- liera of tiseisoard are ditîdModn tlia mattera at Issue. Certale, member. feel tisat Sut.Toipeoii isd tihe au- (thorlty to transfer tea.dhers at wlI white otisers maintaîn tisat he ha« ieez iezefflng hie autisortty iD tis partt- cular. 1 Supt, Thompson *ltlnet request tisi tnext meeting ho ise ield upon thse re- turn of PrealOeDt Sith trom Ion- da. luIntise absence cf President W. M ? Smith,. Johin D. Pope wam elected ae ipreoldent pro temn. Tise bilts weri tread and atlowed. t igh SScI oTencher, Elmo Kreutzer vas elected a teacs- 1re In the igis seliol for tise reaade of tise year 10 fi!! thse vacancy causei 5i liste Musise of Miss Aima Blater. Si will feeive a aalary of $86 per moiti -Sise Wl! have charge ot the claa -of pisYmlcal culture for girls and ali [have charge of tise classes In mIen, 1gravisy and typewriting. Olie la an ex. jport tn both departiments. Saiary Was ftaised. The aalary o!Uliîan LAae as la creaaed from $26 to $306lier monti aMisslise lias taisen a six moiti Normal training and isas ad cb&WS Imore tsais bal! tise time of reent-Nt 1, (Mrs. Morey's roota) lstu hC ours e cisool buildipg. Supt. Thoumpeon ha arecormmend$t tisat ie Aieie egrain ed tise inCro*5e lt maary. Witt Eleet Principal. Tise malter cf! élection, of a prlisci Ipal for tise Dew McAlister scisooî(lis Uncoln achool) was dlspussed at nom 1tengtis. SuPt. TisompUIli stated tisa lie would 1rpcolimoid 10 tiseisoar tlliree, teachers whom*lie iselieved par fectIt competeit and capabl~e o!f11kv lng charge o! pl'Incipalsaip. Hie toc I nended Haut ellhs.g,5trude Su! L.ivan aid Alma Dietméyer. h Tis ~ mitter vas refetred to tbe au hperiteidezst and tise committes o teaisers to recommend to tise boak dthe namne 0f one teacher for tiseol tl tioi. It la nov belleved tise Nortbwest-19 liig land puteisae nortis of Kenll n la o' freIglif aid evit4h yards, so s -1t remnov is & i ldlacar4 end swltebbi TYÀFIRW fl he Secettd Coipdngof Chrit I of Sermon Delivrd by shal corne",'gay,$ the acripture. Sitit mlnenat ed le~bto quakes, fîTes, cyclones. f*itiOUg, f100a to née o oit thalt tieS"mi' epidemlcs, etc., neyer before squallsd lied Mmd bSM&lg ln thle history of the worid are oc- lise oeae. Curisg, War and runrs of war coi- We h tween caPital and tabor growlng deep- t u w«-'e. Pawm er andO lder. lnoutetjtj àAy OOuWa W Locomotive Signs. aid is#Gma e In thse day of bits ireparatton thse ltIe P= 09i Ve s41%* vd chariots shall rage in the ietreet tliey iioatig88g hardèa" nd aili jostle one sgainst the otiser ln stâtemisep Md aa s«ofl thse lrold ways; tbey &hall show like decidâd that thseirTk1ig torches; they uhail run like ligltnIng the e$ti faWngre Ir, ta -Nahisun 2-3-4. What a vision the bat, sisould puar tise prophet issd of the autoo. electrie carn, titi@ !~neOf o!Germaià montorcycles, whieh fill our streets to ý8nd t, uý iOUidiI h 'a.loved hlm. stisson ts Pnuol&1 a et the dread di- ela e»W u4WS9>1air dîzesesad fol iSta fmjN deues e! t asr eo*llly r à lêaUiIt SR colO weatlier l. d e sostise h umn ay s- tem sisould hée denled good, f res air. ItememWb 1 openig Up thse doors or windows fot tWro or tliree minutes eacli iogilfg to '"air out" iseflot suf- fIclent t0hbeep thse air Ini any home dlean. If there le Do ventilatlng sys- tamin l te hoMe or office. throw open thse doors or vl!140v0 Otteis for a ev inoutes &bd4 lottS GbOO pure air; one or tise hest medtcines Z b ave and a"s thse cheapeut. ontthlnl< yoti are wasting coal liy thsmethod. This.fuel for healtis le more important. ierrnating in tise Very vort habit wvo c aifll into. as It will masite a pisysical wreck of tise strongeet consttutioD In a very short time. MIAN OPÈRATES ON HIMSELF Minneapolis, MIMi., Jan. -rvn to desperatioa bY pain sud b1dmlits- iity 1 et a syrgeon who could te- Ileve blm,. Dr. W. H. Beck or Clark- field, Minh., stoid iefore a mîrrer ln nix office, made an incision lielow hle left 1mw. eut aWay thse flesh f roe thse point of tise c" almont tiste lert ear, craped this boue and tisen aewed up thse wouni. Nle operation, howeyer, falied tu relle*e hlm of the *rowth whicis threattened to destrroy thse Jaw lione. Hxe le IDow ln a Milnneapolis isostital wisere another opération bias been perfornmed Indordff fer the Cabinet. Muscatîne. Il.. Jan. S&-Charles H. Huttilaof Ut. UnliS, Prosident of tbe Amorecait ai-ss mocaton, Vi" iciloes.d bpc 41tise kiquet of thse JusAISi%*,U fter ecretary of tise Fire RamI sowbSimasorm. ou a iià tiseCenatury isull& là& ;7-me - tu "Bnel, thse Eglofi and tis eStazebury lezi, Nearly boit a block burno. A butffnîng nowslotm raged. Nom* c Tftm bf or *ueil55st. St. Louis. lié. Jan. 8. - Thee huai. ness o! tise 50ogiser, Porce and Gond- bar Mat compaby bas iseen Plaeed lb tise bande ot trUIsme Il becane bnovin her. WIU. FIGHt PÀ*tCELS POST Well-Forge Plane Couatrywldm Com* petîtve- War. Sai Francisco, Ja". 5.-tirect dom- petition, national le seope. lietwcen the Welle.Fargo iese compapy end tise teder0I-parcelg ponl y1l1fgo Into offset as moon as planesvisici tise corn- pa" bsa heen suailiti for tis et four pears aumi 8M ~allI. Suc it astis e stbint made here isy C. 1. Grahamu. traBo mansager o! tise eompan>', ai a iealahefre tise stat. ralroad eosnieqe. Stallan ltr lâ Pive. Rome, Jan. .-RioIing arîalng eut, et a local phileansse e»t et e!big patient a r*siîled in Ove tovashIsp peo. pIe being killed aui forty others vounded by tise troopa et tise towi or Rooca5cl' e. Suujadooc in Ooed Roneds111I. Wa*in#ton. ian. S. - Pederal ap. proionleiosf $25000000 to' aid tise states foi good ronda te pruposed hl abIlh by Senator Swansen. Ulvrelîty Wý&L4.its.1 Decatur, lit., Jan. 9. - Abert fi.. sa 'yIor, preeqliCit .. James liullten ustvsrsity, bas rte&d Superlon. Win., Jjis. 7--Chief Ptasa- fits, a Chippewa lhuais, laid 10 have iseen 116 years old. viso-ba been oie of tise Interestlng e'hiietfflof Solon Springs for tise lat 0 years, ied yesterday aftqflloon at hie home Iliere. nt Our AnnualJaay Linen & Wln e Goods Sale is Now On Speca iValuen bhd at d-dss", in Whftt Goods ofaU4q, Linens, Bed Spreadst Sheets, PMlow Css Wide Set~N Corne and we will glady show irou the gd and quote du that can flot bc beaten anywhere ln Arnerca. f. Le P. Er4htile 124 North, Qn"« uep W Si .1*~' Ministerof First Baptist Ch urch Dellvers Very Interesting Sermon Upon the Subject, It Being one of a Serles That he Has Been De- livering of Late. An ahridgemuent of tise sermon on "' "Tise Second Coniîig of Chriet" de- Ecleslastloal signe. Ilvered by Risv. George Nicainslso! Jerusaen s hal l e trodden Ocam tise Pirat Baptist cdurcis follows: o! tise Gentiles unil tise lImes oit tise Turnlng Point of Ag*&. iGentilete lifulllea-Luke 21-24. Thse birlis cf Christ vas tise turnlnq Tise Gentle grtp on Jerissale1 point o! tise ages, the event In wlitch loosemlng. Of tise 100,000 popula.tion ail lime contersaadO aresind vhIsch ail 1.lise sacred city of tise Orliet today eternity revoives. It was tiseoie 7,îiiof! Im are jewi. great occurance tovard visicli liseDiabelloal signe. atreams of ancient history were ted- Nevor wag a tîme vwhen snob dis- lng.' criimesare rommitted. Ail Tise second coming o! Christ tIo s' iril ielq opposed 10 Christ are one incident toward vhichIs at iv gsîîsîîctu confederate aid willI lise heen turntng s1àce lite birlis. Jiî.z:îIy up andOcenterhIn oie Tise second coting lIiientiotied Ji grJI oinhiratioIl, led on lii ant.l- limes In tise Bible. Paul refers a i? J'irit. the man of!sin. 60 ttmes. Christ expreeely %tatffl that 11ii, greai army of unrîgisteonisees lie witt returD agistn. ?ilny tglji:, a' ':Il 1,Vprtlirown hy tise bligisnes mentloned wvicîs ould indiva?. lii'.' if '. 1gWien tisestisînq nearapproacis of day. 1 i i o page, look î9, lift ap Educational Signe. :'"tdb IJJJ 3uur redeziption r*- Knowledge ve are 1010, shaH t,.' In- !i 1gli. creased. Neyer was a lime wlien vangelical SIgnas. colleges, universitîes,' '1tehold tise huldegt'om cornets." lic ichoots, summer assembhies. etc .Cc rry ratsed today InDailipulpitu vero s0 ptenti!ul ase a preselat. Tiselwliich thave been toucisOd wit tiste publtc press la constamitty turnlng out1 tire from off Godes altar. a neyer bisding tream o!flterature. Tisat cry was never so vIde irpread Calamital signs. as itlei today. ,,In tise lat aOys perlions tlmea Tieseaecprid Cumtng of Chila IM-j Ulm? Native Beef Pot Roaet......1 am pRosat....... llin Steak. Native Beef Pot Rosat ... Fancy Native Steer Rib Rosa Club Steak ........... Short Ouit Porter Bouse Steaà eof Show.............. Ramburger Steak, 3 Ibo .. Round Steak ........... Corn Beef.............. Beef Tongue ........... 8140KED MMAS SugarCured lisa......... Sugar Oured Plcnie Hamns Prankfurts ........... Polish Bansage....... Liver Sausage........ Imjrted Sunimer Sausage. lugar Curod Breakfast Bacon. Imnptrted Salami ËaiùÈj... Blood bausage.,: Chlckens, Hbme Dressed .. Little Pige. 40 te 0lo PORE AhL ctuced. thfl y bgongtst forht 1crouis o! gerx»mmuy d e ia brow balsd hlma awore eteoial fealty hothO, wrn su b.rigsto mien vafiqauld ansd visaIm traI fIgure o!Il & ai Jd!W king of l=$iand o. "Ai P411 *0sePover o "And trovi hlm Lord GI i Prank Joies ot -thise yid tunled today front rsst vlsere lie vas eahled to1l0 bedalde. ?The latter, 5ose monia, le somewhat imptove Wliat la taken to b. atml ttiatr nrveather Wleas g » here !ta SM tisîsaàtbo *-l tise edtp. lley, bl, .I5 b atttà,, it ff teM 10o and 6o SprtIbm b o$ut,lb ...... ...12i~c Prk ............... î&dgo ?rk Plôai 1O P rk ld ........... k1214o. PorkTq4slol............. ......60 Sweet PIek P'e 1c ILanmy .10Fore .9c to fg Klyrsat-fl .......ryolButo n.... .............. .......i CL...... SW id h~ ........... 4 i ai LUS e.,, e n 1fl1f That NCW&"I ~siiFarIcy Sugar Crc 't me oui- wpUAa b...- 4 -s I.Uu~ ttv~ = norncem~f1. 1-1 ,h2-

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