CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Jan 1913, p. 5

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPEDEINT, FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1913. s&ip b"etv.«;bho mehwO ProJames Smith w . peuhhrtyV Mllears'e t rbB qualieb va. p biso rneta. ohm hi.ia .weS~g whovas bd to gure kg I fort hea *l#oeup of Libet ile oedtibeta-oiparn Oe q i wb&kà II pt oTaheda t à Ina oc- matd oubleS hI yuvrelt e$pta"fl vii . aball d ie tof 8t2log. dqoiug te put thlrhjears? If 1 hltlDOi -oMd"Ub"l us oit dowu sud flitureYe t *igmgWf0youIl ~Tbedistaneebetw.en Ot'lt. Prof. la two iles S i ii givestbfee receptiofli eveiy 4'~~~~~~~~ gIatutrdd abrtvlles wOmuet udmcodet alrst lam malp uhc round trip four miles. dances during the vînter mnthe. A " tlly ty dytqlIr, the average speçlal cotillion party will be the festuOe aêmber of tripe imadoeueh vweek aud you 'for et Saturdayniigbt. imei a total of twenty miles. Thîs1 Sultlplle4bî ffty-hvo makes a total of piano@ tuned, ceaued and pollshed. 1040 mles, dis distance hoe wouid walk p-1 5-2 A. P. SMITH, (ir8YBlak@. III. Ioonear. Nov multipiy thîs oumbelr by ebirt andyou havé 31,2100iesNotice qlse ditanu e overed duriug the P.tTb@ elghtb lutallmeut of SPOcl thirtî 7m". Aeeament No. 1, the seventb Istail- os O flace of it, ik sounde pretty big,1 e ɧo iueial Aesmet No. 2, eud 1,t et u esllmeut aofipecial Ases- dasst k butwbe jonsetdavu~<>meunt1No. i, or» nov due eud payable et brai e cks. l's thire lu Plain figures, omy office ou the second floor of the Luce TaitUg Ile. fiuesfur fato.s bort7 bldgc-15-tf bas vaIbd a distace of -,ce&round A, R. &SCE2tAEBELm, Village Collector. th@ vorld Mad 6.200 mollee or equlvaleut to th@ idltasceflre. Nw York and a Piano Tuning rramwa, & ad back agala . Leste orders nt Rayas Furniture Store. gusgtiiig "Silrle'" tride ahttrSWork doue by 1Mr. Aldeu. c.9-tl Met. devinste perlod of tilrty' iesrs la ______ WMPlug the rouad& ta Llbertîvlle and bwa ho hmbas akes ",491.200 et"@î.66 jal e IIvwoMimmesurs 188.478,6W0 or For Rbeumatlam and (but. ~ 001 «8»20 lâches- Th-drer. inchi ______ Q T.;z brty tpepPd sous duro* 1Indepindent sd- esd by 25,0M. an. NI. Mt.. Ilile Ma iga& lw ma>. lme p cul [et ue at Win pu to tMat - e. Ilt teet r bo CAREY'S Buckwhe,at AT J, ELITRIGOS EImIPHONE 253 X. H. CORLT. G. A. FBEDEBICKR. CORLETT & FREDERICKS DernIrs la FANCY end STAPIE GROCERIES FRESII and SALT MEATS 0ysters in Season Phono 30. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL IOUR ASSORTMENT 0F FEED Is Complete ILibertgville Lumber Companyj Plhone 47-Res. 72 Dowvn by the Oid Depot ~_Li ,Por Pire and Lie Iùsuranc&ý- Charle De.Proctoeî AGEW*ITFOR~ Nçw apjiirFireInsurfiA dopn ~~ Cqay ILIBEBTYVILLE BRIEFS LOCAL AND PERSONAL. MENTION FOR THE WEEK Tonsriure publicailon in the 1 ndepen- The daneing ischool sud dance cou- dent, copy muet b.hIn the office nolstar ducted lu hti..ov hall lait Satnrday thbn Tuesday of *eh wesk. Advsr- ulght bY Prof. Jaa. nmith 0f Chicao«, tiser. ,specially. are asked ta taike wa@ a Pronounce4 incees. a god erowd particular notice to this elff et. turfling ont tu greet the Initial nlght. __________________________1j totber will b. givon this week Satur. W. grlsd suytime. LiBERTYVILLE day niglit. Luumm Ç. Mr, and Mis. Charlet Treptow sud Jame4 EB. Swan lW eufferlng frorn au Mis. Jolin Gleason leIt Monday for, the attack of lagrippe. southeru part of Texs were they wili C. BoSecou tcf t Mouday foras eeke spend the next three monthe. Mr. sud -- - . [-. Mr@. Treptow wii sto.p with their uîsstptponei1W. jdahtrlrefîtinrsdfîiy Giuy Ellis of Ida llrove. la., lW speudinu atBihp while Mrg. Gleason willspend a short time with relative@ aud frienda the tfino. with ber daughterseat McAllen, bers. Texam. F. 0.Bils of Forest Parti.@eeit the. We gîiud anytime. LiIIH'îT% %ItLE vee end wîtb Mr. sud hMr@. Ray L. Lt iBLMoitCo. aubbard aud family. l Tueeday anothe.r excursion eondncted On Tuepday, Jan. 14. the W. C. T. U. by the Western Faims Co., of Chicago. viii meet at the home oi Mris.L arah tcf t that cit7 for the Lover Ria grand Le. Mfr@. Welch, dec. fVsllcy ofTenas. Ou thisexecursion from From tlils date on tha Houms Lumber this nighborhood vere '1 nce Berb Co. yl do cutorindalgMondai, Sanboru, W. E. Miller aud J. Eli Trggs Wedneedayi aud Saturdaji. from i Lbertyvllie, M. B. O'Bovle from Rair u n malt dlvred ai, City mailtHalf Day nud J. W. Cooper of [flamand munet bave a 2c stmp ou ta mesure Lake. The excursion train coniisted of quiet dcli very. tvo coaches. A. W. Lft-rFELD, Lîhertyille. Rer. J. B. Macouffin met wth a 1Very Tbe %rnet Worker Sunud" sehool pailul accîdeol Tueday mOrutng white Clses09ftbe M. E. cburcb vîli meet out vaig. Due ho the lcy condition rday aisernoon wth irs. F. E. 01 W atts, b. dljped end 1fýeu tlklu n-.-.luD 'ucb a manne, as o dialocate bis[ - s~~~houlder. Tb@ ljuzy ln very paluful sud 051 ifarua uuiO ir Trhe local lodge of Reekahi held g obsawne ewl rbbyxMmavsehl st ber home.1 iutÙatoa f clinra t toirbai letb.hoslow lu benllag. Lpt thls serve as a Ail the fribmen rehurnid àMonday,0 Prlday nlgbt. Dr. NebtlhofWankegan, varutng taothersta us inremei cars iepy sud tired, but resdy for vork. 1 officated asliahallng officer. fluibleBemeeter szamlnatlone wvi xi e rn t lIre. C A. va tafen a bbc alking on the lippery of tibs veek. Mr.C .Apies l knt h Water renie are due and payable on or Peai Hughes @pent ber vacation ah Preshytenlan huapital lu Chcago vbere hefore t@tbe l 01cfJanuary. &lie underweut au operation lat Frlday. E. B. COaLnir, Village Cert. Hickory, Ili. At lait reports ab@ le dolng nlcely.- Work on the equlpuent of tbe nev Emma Kelîl @pent h Critm unat Lake Mr. and Mis. J. A. Treptov moved the Lyrle retaurant la pragreesing ulcely Forest, lest aI the veet lota the Charleesud 1Mr. Robertsou etates lie expecte to Ruh crly spent ber vacation ah Treptow bo-e on Mlwaukee avenue, he able tu open for business sanie day Wllov Bill, 111. cosing their home ou Fiaot treet for tbe udt week. The Interioi of the building The skating bas not been ai god sas vintr. e bing horughy ic'w~tedandlu former yea'u, but it wai good snongb wintr. a bingthooughy rnývtedandfor evervooe tu enjoy dnrlng vacation. Lyte Andrews lait wcetnovcd bis iedt'coratedd lu a strlctly up-to-datel h rnil oi frnepto bousehold effecte fruni tb. James bonne niaUer HeavY Plate raitîng Willbef,,rpet chol on Mondac nrirîîing vasj st the corner of Broadway and Wrght entend around the entire wall . a nd f Wme i~ d yon get îur Xuians? Court luto the 8toushbouse on North along the iouth aide dirtctlv vinder Ariuidatt roime, furrerty a member of avenue, plateiraits u bcay plaie .las .hmr ore clama se1918 @oent ber vacation uh TheDaly armis'Prteciv Asn tar bentu talied vlth coat boots ut home and rîsatedl the the bîgli echoat the wili hold a meeting sud eWecion <ut itersection of1e'1' panel. Aong the se day bDeor NoacatIon bohela o olilCele a% the tavu hall daturdaY utght, noith aide vîib.ha alunch counter. the atnigteabNra eol Jan.11. li mmbes ured t ý;balance ol tbefiloor opame of the frontv Lyman Gurrey spent a part 0f blé present. omta ho occuplsd bî tables. A large hbeiohliHghan¶Prk comdoébtldeslu the.rear bam The. Fni loeCrsmstehq Abot frtyflr cupl atendd 110ben equlpped witx the latoet furiture muia numbers. à leur Id Sebolffi dunes given on Nev Yeara Ere ah the sud kiteben utenls and îhrongbouh hthe and some outaIders attended. Among tvu hallbvtlb.Cit&en' Bad. Avry noom viii b. equipped la a matissemt tiieoutsiers vas Nia Aubin Clby. pliat dîme vas enjoyed by al vba modern and upto-date. W. prediet for MalnZoksutNv ea'da athided.the Lyric restaurant thi enviable înceawltb fr inakehForait. Mfr. sud Mise. Boyachon are the irand attalued by the theaire of the vmre mà parents of a ins baby boy boira Thursl-, Dame under the able management of 1Mr. Vonus fti ett hiaols day, Jan. 2. Tùe yaunoter bai th' Roberteon. Upon the opeuliig of the Tedy ali distinction uf being tbe tiret arrivai of restaurant Mi. )tobertson viii surreuder The eopbomoics received therrig th mngeen o te ylcthate ~Monday. Notiurttetepig p it themangemnt l te Lriethetretethe seniors., even lu the matter of Mi. aud Mis. Worden Y. Wells sud bis brother, John Robertson of Moroceo. jewelry. litIle sou Chapuisu, rturnAl ta their tud., and devate bis every energy ta the Jsp ee aeabonn rpt home linEElgin Friday after haring spent interest of the ucir enteiprise.MJoseapoliseucinnmade usinessactipta s couple of veeka vith Mr. Wel@' parente, 1Mr. sud Mis. E. H. Wells, LEAH THE FORSAKEN bo,,ettlaBauboin epeut Cbitmaâinl Th@ Myotic Wrkers o! the World yull Three Resi Drama, împ. ihcuo italit fficeis ut thelr net regutar Staiting with M.onday ulgbtýa enter-, Lois Austin @peuit Chrltmai day lu meeting on t'uesday cveulug. Jan. 14. talament ire put on an eotirely change Chicago. Atl ineuihers uiged ta be present. Music, of progrsrn lu motion picture..1%e have' Mariorie and Marion Taylor vent to and refieebrnento wîl b. indntged lu. catacted witb the. Mutual Pleture Co. Chicago durlug vacation. Rtobet Wright and fiiend Lloyd for their lateot prograné coaslttug of Mise Cater @pont ber vacation ut borne Shears. vbo @pent several d"seof is the beut maliesnluding the Amerilan, wbîch le the bet place alter aIl. holiday vacation witti Robert ut hi,§ Nestor, Thanhauseir, Soaa, Kas lie,I Mr. Solomon, sitor of Sheldon Pie«. homje bherîetuîncd lait Thuie'day ta (The original 1011 Bisn); Gaumont, bai moved ta Lîhert.yvilie snd we are Betoit. Wis%., to resurne their studio@ at Majestic, Brourbho, Keystoue, Reliance, giad tu isceive Um Erms sud Maiter Belot coîlege. Cornet. and man.v otherswhleh vie thint tMartin Lota oui echnoo. The American Stars of Eqnity tait Bmate up bbehet piagiani abtaînable. Mi. Burrije snd family paised bbe vee moed hoî )oge ffete rou W. are doing Ibis for- y7 ~beuif6h op vacation at latteville, W i., bis lorme the Md. W. W. bail abave tihe Dcker à do" fallto i ray *hoeePro-hme Bond Drug store ta the M. W. A. hall lu rm @P@l)e r ellsevstrfrIlni 01 We bave aise arrauged for a specisl Ujnirersity vluited aur achool maot before tbc .lnst building, wherc they wiilhold program evëry Tneoday sud triday vacation. Ele sSemed ta thiuk we vers their meetings in the future. night@ ac oTtinrmday night each weet getting auto tue rlgbt way uf doin The Pieohyterian Snnday echool bainvely. RIlenber every anigbtilea ig adopted a new aud novel plan encouiag. lght but these aie sycciai tira and 1 Weare glad alter tiro veeti vacaztionl iug uev and cnthueiug aId mrner brahs e el featurce. tea blei.ta open up achool wlth al with a spirit of regulai attendance. Beginuinu with lait Sunday each rember in good standing vas gIron s miembrsbtp pIn. At the end of the tiret three montha each ernb.r of the ichool irbo has been a regulai attendant la given an hanarary pin, surrenderlng tiihUEeuI~ ot tbe r.A pingivn at the edg ii.g Jna r oftebear.ipgpin iet aIthe ennntg second quarter if the member baisual mised a Sunday he le given an,ther pin REMARKAB LE BAAJIP4 OFF aud so on until the end aI bbc year vhen._________ ___ if a member bai been a regffar attend- ____ ant, lis la presented witb a golld gold rembrsbip pin witb ;he came of!heNOTbST R Ruuday choot eugraved uiou 1h.i. Special value in Laces, per yard ............. 5c aud SC pla cntiua 0,r peio aItbee Special value in Embroidery, pur yard.. 5c, 200 and 25e yeaii vith different pins sud embleuse given ut regutar lterals symbolesof! pecial value in Dreses Gouda, per yard .....25e and 50e perfect attendance. The plan la a aod Onu Dollar qnslity Flannelette Gwous ..........68c nue aud ehauld voit for the btterment SOf tb. echool in erery respect. Shoes - LIFIE INSURANCE if tbey &oldl disIiswoe&, many ricà .m s-Sated, vmîid not lait. s utfor tluis famlles. Do you se. the - CiCelmag-Liu. lumesiceC.MPai ('1111I>REN'S SII(>ES, flot aIl sizes, but motregoo(l sizes at just anc.balf usual pria.... LAD)IES, SIIOES at anc haîf usual pioep. A mexali lot of Mben'@ Shoes at one-haîf usual 1rice. REMNANTS OF DRESS 00005S, FLANNELETTES, G1KG. HAMS AND PERCALES AT (>NE.IIALF PRICE. PIIONE 2-L veli sud healthy. Noue seem ta sbov any contagions isymptams. MIr. Wells, aur lanîtor. succeeded in giviug the intire sehool boues thorougb cieaning duîîng our abeence. HIe ouled evcry floor lu the building. Matons matait Monday utght Charte. Wigbhtman officated st an open Installation of officers at the Maiouic hall bers. About 160 vere preeut at thececremony, the capacious bail being crowded ta the utmont. A mals quartette tram Chcago, rendered several selectiaus vhich ver. grestiy enjoyed. eacb numb,-r beiug grseted wtbh rounds of applanse. Aler the ins§ta)lation reficdhmcuts conastingof ice erear n ad cake irie served. The ofilcere installed were: Paul Mori-. W. M. Earl Corlett, S. W. WIII Wels, J. W. C. F. 8mai., Jr., secy. John Austin. Treai. 'Fred Blklcy, 9. D. Geolrge Sturm, J. D7. Lysil Morris, S. S. Warren Gummltt J. S. Julius Treptov, Tyler. -il SCIIO1LNou!s Marxeiy Price.of the junior CIa@@ @peut s wekuof ber vacstion at Jackson Part,1 Chcaga. Several of the people of the higb scbool ipnauenjoyableursnlng et the Newr Y.ear'opartygiron Tu.eday eveulug lu banor of Robert M. Wrght s former student of aur blgb @Choof. Harvey Mou tiausacted busines lu Bouhon Barboi, Michgan, during the Xmas vacation. Penny Wanbnret of Chicago, @pont a feu days with bis relatives, tii, Omaiea. Kate Carrait spent s fev daya et the home of ber brother lu Chicago aud The senior dance gitan the Fîiday before X mai@iras a decided socesa. Il vai veti atended sud thoîoughly enioyed by &IL. A X ma@ Ire. dance irai a fentuie ai the evenlng. Mies Helen Mou,. intructor of the geventh grade @peut ber vacation et Beividere, and Whea'ton, 111. Eaul Kaiser bail a happy time this vacation at Mcocawa, Wis. Miss McGew, anc ai the teachers oI the igh sebool vent home for the houidan ah Evanstan, vhlle there eh. atteuded the veddlng of ber cousin. [turing ber vacation ab@ contracted a h ad cotd whlcb a. peut tii. reet of ber ,vacation 'înylng ta gel id ai." îOtto Boehm, a studeut at Wisconsin University, a 1911 graduate of oui necual vas hmi for the holidays. Editth maI. sud Forest Smitb former editars of the secool notes have reolgned sud Madalyn Zook sud Rate Vaçroiliae nov performing the dutî. Luella Attrldge, ciasi of 1912 vas a blgh schooi rialtor Friday aiternoon beloe Xenaeohsa. Ibsproiîfaarglra by the blgh sci. i GO TO LumberCo. For the followlng MILL FEED. Prices Rfght Bedger Dairg feed. International Suw r!ew. Quaker Suglar Feed. Rice Meal, 12 pgr cent rat Cotton Saed MeaL. Red Dog. !Iour PMidfings. N4o Grit Globe hCbkem Verni Beef Scrap and CberOeà. home Lun ptons50. *L Andrew Carnegie Says:M 'It ia not capital that mon require, It la the~ man who bas provod that ho bas the buohts habite wbich,éreate capital." Tho greatest proof of business habitse la1the HABIT 0F 8AVIN(4. Whon yon sthrt an acoounVj with us you slmply proose the BUTON 0F POPRT Why notV eaU and talk it o7er with us; NOW1 Lake County National BankÇ LIBERTYVILL!.ILL. ICapital, Surplus and Uravidod Profits& $90,j» PLA$TgRINGCONTRACTOR ALL KINDS OF PLASTEING WORK PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL Estimatos Pnrnlah.d cmReoqueut 1 employ the blggst, force of platomin Let me figure on your work John M. Detiene Waukegau 10Waahiagton Streel plie 3214 arance Sale PERED AT BOTI- OUR STORES SOUTHI STORE 1iig lot Embroidorieis, edge sud insertions, [Oc aud Io values, special clearance at. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Mon'@ Shirts, mrny styles ini the lob, values ta $1.00, 0 Outing Flannels, pretty stripte, bath liglit and dark, regdu tOc qnality, this sale ........ ...................... Alil Flaune!ettes aud Kimona Flanls at rcduced pTice.. Groceries Fancy Layer Raisi s, Soc packages for. .... Post Toastie, C ýrn F lakes, per package .... .... Jap style Rice, clean, wbole kernel, lb. 7c, 3 Ibo. for ... . Nice white Hloney, welI filcd, per cake ......... . W. W. Carroll & Sons Co. à" Episcopiî Services Services ah the Episcopat chnntb eveey Suuday vasfllova: Chuecreb rvicesah 1030 a. M. sud snnday oecool ah 11:30. Ail are cardiaillY nvlted to attend. Rer. Wbie, Rctar.1 1'. Piano Work AIden's Piano $hop St Wanhsgan1s the placeto ayaveour piao esuý for repaire, refiouhlng, nov action, e. l'bey gaiI Ibm touinger piano sud Sehula pIano. 114 North Sheridan oad. Wauhega. il 1 c 1 b 1 Overnon. 1 1

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