CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Jan 1913, p. 8

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~v X~D NIENT, F~T -S a WauA.e~an ~etv~' %rbroidu b.. the Cocsnt. roa. -- I ~ WAIJKEOÂN NERCIANTS ROUND TOe4iRAND JURY MSA& LAZZARONI, TONY LAZZA- RONI At4D J. DRACOS I4ELD ON IQROP4Y CIARGE. NÉ ROUUmq& ON0FCIGARS » HVE Tvo fruit merciand pftetor ot a sho. situe parlor ver. mrnfetePrliy nighl irAait (&M t aPolice TbouiisTyrre it eud SSjcny Chamg, vihe Wiim levia. O"irei. prterat lie lix e mutTv~ni' aILo. oon!ued tuot ho *f iii Umm h. cimae vilcihb.bai MOm ble tr h le éam uring liee1la Umehaal Udr ArisaI. ed by tbe, policeq dem cigars, and I zaroniee and t10 the slloe 5111e Pa Temple," ssiiLewl When Laaxaront P. Salmnon vo mDi separate with ail, porchased from Le be aold three ho:, kama promiflent Thie Lazzaroni bI ed at 8 oclock PH attempted b opurs go upon their bo th. eider Lana blnk to do so. I. V. Orvis. nI commlaaloner. wez two fruit store p clated as tieir ma limlniry iearlngE Tic Greek vis parlor vwu unable Te buelassamou arrested uaon ialcii1 liemy ciaigair: ! ty lu. Lavis a . iodeg Lasri-flx-proprietor of cigare freelybut a trui itaoi.on Wahington atreet. Lazzoisvag ký ?eay Laaumrei-Propdete10 1--s thelta., rit store on lie corner of GeDeee lîîits safle ta sa: Mdn Wate r TeI t upvards of $4 JOB" Dr-oc-Prprie O f the coriiug ta an est Ubès ah sbosbne parlera. 1 saloon proprietonu !¶.tbs-eê -mauF--med above ver.1 Tva veeki ago leuMd over t10 the graud Jury undet wbo is lie punch bol" 0f 81.0fl each. suepiclous that lh A. E.Lusuen, proprietor of ai e- cigare.lie alva çel biad tailonlng chop on Souh 200o boxog 0f CIOs 0.,ý6esee Ireet, va artested and he liveu ago ho de ,cbfted viti bavlug purchaseil stolen purciase any mar :gaVitpotY. Tii.. egro canfeeied that iisposei af thase à» bili aold Luaciner an avercoat days laler 1he dis( leilcli le bai stolon from lie saoon. lie boxai bai dis on Wtneues imad. day tvo more hol purbli the croci-examlnation Sat- idvtsei Gilef Ty -p*y Wmonlag liehe o am that the negro vas an CbAtift Lauroni hai begged ia 10 Lewis bis made Mta bit cigare fram lie McDermott for many yeira. qhtb@W ~ saloon. 1er in ay of Il no lerlier saotli liaI"about vo and bai "lo d etou bo MMI1vent Imb ciarley'spuce privat. homes. ,r. «lie iui -e tir ilIcoui net gel him ~ tomlihe saloon. I1014l 1 U ot bUe l' ecoul l'ha .FAVORS Y My, i Huias. I1vwu votkiu lu tais elo nd he cuaetu tle back PORT SHERIDAI %M ras Mielme tu gel hlm somDe Of UN STAND Tý etut. 1 gave hlm elil tboxes o! OF TH-E 05e p 1 olMme $125 Ver box for. tbb dgt e aithle negroWashington, 3J E. Iurtier ceseseo bThom"i of the armY caft lvflti.hobu l oln&bout 150 legislation for R ý*fl e db» rt th5 e saline Ro. he icUited lIat **, Ïèeumtt, lite eMpblang vil- eue re moug x6s ,teeid ltIhle cigaastaloI..mandations of MI ý- qMo m O vr.valuai t ff«l- Wood, chil.!offea *aw* $M. port mde puble SueluM m Mempllicited. -hegreat Mt «Mltce i. airet !Lavis lit b en 0f lie rmy'," sa Imbled tint a large Porion Of the cuuelng teceat, XCoee<nim, arvuter and LiAnnoa cl- the opinion that &M lne sellaletlaWaukegan alores ver- o! the cateen # f frnt th.lcDermott saloon. sioa vauld tend <hIarles Lazzaroni admittel having disciplineand el $erciafed a dosen, or more 1101 01 cfeeon trongh dii cigare frou Levis and idmllîed bav- ani immorally. Msg sli cigare 10 othem- cigar me In. quantaila lie cty., Hfe saI Ihat he eloerai Wood 4M nDol kcv Lawis vis steallug the fleulty lu lrying Siaura froni the MeDermot saloon., cf lie flucluatic buit alibtitat ho vw uspoicions. deserlions tram ChieqffP'nl claims irtILazzAroni year the lesertl feu bil int ob. m ewais vwu Staal an lce eof!S 148 t nis-u froua " m1a001. oidng. lit la pi lb. *ovlfless atandi Lassaront idsii"laI many jim be ouli ot rememier haing maie year vIth au 011 ,ow aMaemic tevhici vas nq la vi«»asae te lt nday aIl- ernom ". ' wM yUl 1yo'" Mr. Ibin." aaîd lie negro vie confront- Independent si staf, in bis mnn,.ai U eyeaterday. &Jority of tic officers ja Genenal Wooi, dis- eeu question, "are of thie e-eelablisbment unien proper supervi.* t0 improve tie bealth, fficieucy- cf lb. aerv- rnlaslug intemperance I ooncur in Ibis opin- encounters an oid dit We salve th1e question on ln lb. uumber of iyear 10 year. Limt lana numbered 3,401; 97 over lb. yer pr.- eobable,' i. obew'ved Ing men enlitedlulta 3ectation of field serv- iol grantci." ads-reai. by 25,000. but boing his hest ta carry ont 1th, Were vindicated. on thal day, oath orbils offIe"1lIn the criticat public eyoà. Orvls aiked fan a change ofveae &fier Abert Lazzaroni bai heen bll ANDR!W THIOM DIES to avait lie action o! lie grand jury.- White the contention of Mn. McDer- Wolf Kuown Former ReIdent Whoe Ottlg IsIhof a! aformer City Wît. and Children LIve Home Pas»*s officiai, ilta inImilar 10 those made by Away. eOven @mmof 1the pneeut Cihy Officiais vie have diacusaed Mr. Onvi' pres- Word bas been received ber. oi -ence lu the criminal court vlth Laz- 11e ieath ou Dec. 19 , lu Amreillo, Tex., zaronia. One Officiai sali, "Here l8a iof Anirew Thom, formerly a rosideul case vhere It vould hg an easy mat- of Waukegan. ler- If Orviesee, tW use informa-;lHe leaves a vife and Ivo eblîdren lion vhichbc11eas commisaioner may vho resude vith their mother, Mrs. bave oblniei tram AtlerberY'e de- Hauxhurst of Hickory and Julian partmenl, to defend bbs cliente lu astsreels. Mrn*Tic.'. parqnts live at prooecution ln vhicb Aterb.ryla lu- Liberlyvîlle. Three broîbens also sur- lereto M police ciotf No, Il Ido« vive ai veli ai a aideor, lira! Osc ual strilte me jusl nlght toosee a Cihy Neikiri af Chicago. commiselouet iefeniing mon chirged Mr. Thom, vb.n living ln Wauke- vith such an offense." gan, variai aiscIlppiug dO n lutffe vire varia. Thia vag somte eight or Lake& bug veekly-.DMEPINDENT. ton yemrs aga- t t ~ÂX~MY ~O; 191$. WAUKEIAN CO~CDSIJIT. ARRIVES TM BIINS IlS EORT(IMlE JUILI POSOFRCBR CONGRIGATIONAL CHURCH FOR i.EO CANMANN SENT TO WAUKE- FIRST TIME IN VEARS 18 GAN mv GOVENMMINT TO SU- FREPROM DEST. PERVISE PIDIRAL 81O.00 ANNUAL MEETING HEL1. AT SUPERINTENDRO BUILDING 0F WHICH OFPICERS FOR VEAR CHICAGO POSTOFFICE; EX. WERE&ELECTED. PECTS INSTRUCTIONS <CON. The annuel meeting of th. Congre- 'Immediate corroboration of the gational churoh, was held on i"ldaY Sun'a exclusive story lu ait aurdaY ndght and. by fer the mont Important ulght Ihal 1the gvrm proposed event of the evenlng vaa the htuIng to aend bo Waukegan a superintendeul orf a 1500 mortgage vhIch nov places, of construction vithin & very 1ev tbe oburch entirely out of debt for tbe days to take Charge of the supervision tiret lime lu many >eare. A "Bolt De- of Waukegan's propoeed new Federal niar plan vas declded upon recently building, carne this moruing witb lbe as tie boat mige to re.Iae the. ed arrivaIlun1the city of Leo Caurnanu, .40$500. AIl the memlléensof the CM,1 «ô a hmnan n0Ah-t- A gregational ach=higi-esi b deny tfiemeolve br a motiaid give lbe aey 10 lb.e hnrch. A Self Denhs. aoclalvas ien i.ld eaI vielirelotu e tie progreta de voie gtve. The resltva mire th» gi'tlfyhiagfor initad o! the bite $500 peedl 1 eael i e ludebleites, il vas founi liaI 4560 iii been raisel. liaay repaffel liat liey bai de- ale4 tiemselveenev bats, uev glovea, necitise, @e. Others bai toreego the plemaurea of svestmeata, some even bai given np iriing col.. man lu fiel almool auyti ng tiat ou. mlght cansiier a luxuty vas given up tôtr.. U"lh. A deit b«s heen banging over tb. -n nu SOs JOC apUoiUI.WaJ UJtheSgoy erument t0 0fuibtis important pooitiont 0f construction viii stirt," lir. Can- mean declarel lhiii.oraing, vbeî le- leefld y a ropmesetatiq o! the SUR. "ilf the construction compa visbeate begla lie voit ef excavatlng, at once.1I iii 01fer no objections. 1 bave not bien intormed juet vhat tbeir plansamareln Ibis reipect but 1 purpose 10 ses thom i vlliu a fev laya. I bave not yet been given fui] details of tbe malter aI1vag sim- Ply virai hy the govetument tw corne ho Wiukegan vith 1the staternent that a lelter vith mr njstructions vouli follov. Chiet. "I did eteal ESRSWIKUNVIIIÂE FIIL 1sold 'em to de Zar- VNIA SOFC L de Greek liaI runea COIISSIONER ON POSITION IN CLEVER VERSE a'lor lu de Masonic ias i X-ALDERMAN 1S NOV COMPLI. UNKNOWN AUTHOR SUUMITS A " aadi bis store to0 MENTARY IN TRIBUTES TO POEM IN WMICH HE INmS omtie ago hae iid not COMMIUIONER -ORVIS. ABOUT COMMISSIONERS. Scgare liaI he bai t ,eis. Only recentiy REPORTED ir 1 T Aw RaouLiLTOF DEOLA#IES TjifAT ALTHOUGH mestoosne of Wau- 'LAZAfRONIS' ARREST, FAM. *LAM4D FOR MANY THINOS t lgar store ovnera. ILY 1S RIUNITED. TIEY COME OUT ON TOP. broiera ver. arreet, ýrld&y evening. Eclb tuais their fatier W, Albert Lazzaroni and hile brother, 80,,ere ln Wankegan tigre la an auonsnoua poet who praa= ,nv code for $1,000. but Tony. have been iold to lbe grand jury er9th tetsn.but ~n ii rori refusai poin- on a lirceay ehaâme uaier b*undi of *ty la ratier mirkai. fHe lbu subsut. $500 *ci. led to Tie Sun a simple ef i 50.1. vw aerving saia City The Lazzaroni hrothers are <carg ryM The Bus dose Dot inov the au- nt the bail for the. vihi at'ing purchased Cigare vilcithora name but ho= teu etIle ,dt. roprletors. fHe oce wer.e solon from a saloon by a oo- tY la flot bal! ba4, lie e printel anel durlng tliPedpo- p~aa. ]ah admit haVlng pmrcia- hiewIvth: 80ttuday mort iig. ai lie c'gars, but argue liaI tiey dld IMvé MOn .1004 Srti 10 Public viev 1) guelha bondemeA flot knov liat the negS bidstolen The focua ci ilI eyee ýe oge a ondmastieni from the MeDermott brothera' AndIone vas short and one vag fuIl n ate oeIl ie oU- saloon. *And the Test vere of average aise. imilel5taJig »hO Tht Greek sIlo. adîne proprietor The multitude sanned Ibeni erltically, L esite tiat Charles Who Wii arreated on a similar charge AsBoii!y the mulitude Ca- h. instignator of 1the aat.. 4eld to VIte grp<i ry ît For vitetiJer tll, or belýveen ay hatciarevaledW84 Sbovn at the prellmlnary heanlng. eucione vai a publie man. »0 y r th t gralued tht the Greeka partner ln business A min frorn lie tbrong at lait stood 400 ~ Bc ve.aoen A ai purcbased the stolon goods and forth tirnate by one of the 1.11.1 11 had loft Waukegan sucn afler Anid unlo the reet 1he spake: . buying the cigare ln arien to partici- "Loot, look ye veli at yander men o, Robert Mcflermutl pale in the Turkey-Bulgarlan var iAnd gVleve at ont miatake.* aiing agent. becarne Erp.Awratfrbsare a "W. vofl themi into a publie trust e ego asatalng been aued and vill be served lu And nov vhat have tbey doue? Lys kept frorn 100 tcaeofhe0rtr t tI t. Tbey hv qanee ur vealti vith casroebilrnurs1tockecît.bavesqinire oIad lu Sto bu t o The neruporter, vho freely admit& vantom band; ,re igar untl ho b aving tolon the cigare,. daims 1he vas !TheY have blundered, ery ...!» 'e cigeunlistoc. bai not Pnomiaed an immunity bath but jThen t11e min vbo vas short and 11e thoen lu stegtoco. T a Bya ho 'vuli i.oîtiîai dta, ieath- Who vas tait covpeared.Thîte îhî 0 if the fruit rercints vere sent ta Ando those of average size ýsppeared. The nextH the penteutiary to keep hîm Company. Staod boidl! hefore the accusing yel vef mis ]send e Charlea Lazzaroni, alias Abert Laz- throng- ,restai and confessed. zaroul, -a stalnding t the door eteps The facus of ail eyes. e Wakega bishomeleading juta the cOnnty jlu ven bis Sali tbeY, "if a champion Ye have. Waukan ls brnefaîher appeaed and promlsed to aigu Pi-oduce hlm; If y. dore He bai actai as pan- hie him and every and oaçi of us one piorterwor0 for cty Tony Lazzarni aimitsaI 11e b lu InJustice our menite compare." mn. prter ark oat epoken tu bis father, is mother, Aud mc 1the multitude chose a man bis alstera cor bis brother for two Who vai lionghlt to 11e .best. yeirs, bit t laisgeuenally understood Andihb, and the lOve accused Cnes 'Il! CANTErrN that lb. dove of peace enlered th@ Wote placedlin a vicier cheet. SLazzaroni bomeelead Salurdiy night The cbeet vas ebaken fast and bard, MN IN INTEREST'D and liat tie Laxairfonla have "maie As corn ladei, 1 pop, rAlEN DV MEAD U.". For lbe multitude sai, "thebotter U. S. ARMY. 'lItbher ingular. i ahoni azY." sai man Pete r McDe-mtt, "liaI filmer V. Or- Will suroly etiy 0on top.", Viis hould reprenent thee efli m 'The uiuig procedel frontearly morn ra. S. -Retoratlot imals vesi b. bai DrOmjUed tw îevote 'TUI derineus forei a stop, teen andenactueut 0f bis enties lime tw lie intereiti anidBut nooone could say vhlcb of tb. six the eîîmltnaîîau from velfare of lb. people of Waukegan. WUe Oftmg5t On top. eairmy of unflt 0Ce- Tbey tell me liat hoeaven t go fer 80 the.-sanliatla short and he vho tif.r penrinal 'ardai 10 croOBee-mine Tb@iiii Tyrril, la lait. .jo (lneal eonrithe aisant chief of police.,vie vas And tie Othe"e of average ie, WAUKESAN WOMaI rAGIO WOMAN WHO WAS "ÇAi ING ON CHROTMA 0, 08AMI DROTHER WHO MAO SEIEN VliITI ING HER LEPT FOR NOS NOMS FRIDAY MORNINC. Mm. Mellea Wiiliamson Who. bled 511e lived, would bave celebrtl barh 73rd hirtbday bell Monisy, pasaci away. Ibis morning aI i a borne o her daugbter, Mm. James HMMIhILî 136 North St. James atreet. attera several year, inoe afront8.111mB. lier deatb. il ta eaid, viasindlreetly Causai by sbock mad expoeure VIb ahe astaiued ou laut Christmas aigit Whou the Hammîll bouse caugbli * and th1e aed voman bai 10 be carffl' bodily fro. the burnlng bling. lir. Wlllamam iii b... -I uPPer room of tie boue isec the a rt atarted. fBer daugitlr, li". Ram., ii, vas In the husment visa t" 9 ire started and il vu ozdy afiir à 1 ernie fiait for lite ad at lait a t ia tirougi the iame. la vill ae tmuBotai p.Lintul bhuna, thaf sie' - Caped death and via able tb aUMuto th. lire deparimu. The ated Wonsan bai board lhe commotion and despite tltt li she bad been an lnvalld for ov% thr.. yeara, the etruggled from ber bed and trled te make ber vay dowu ataira. About thia Urne a nelghbor rusbed up the staira and carried the r old lady te the born etofMrs. Kriat- ian, a next door neigbbor. 1 Her condition prier te the fOre bAa bmen serlous and fear, vas expreesed at the Urne that tbe migbt notý t- -,ver frern the effects of tb.e epu,. sur and sbock. She bai lived In Waukegau many years and ber death cornes as a sbock to ber mîny friends. Beother Loft PrÀdày. NIrs. Wiijjamson's brother Lep Ed- wards and his vife. otf lpivey. Kan- as, who had been spendlng th. New Years witb 1the voman, left for borne ton Priday rnorning. The aged wom. an's condition whlle serions at that time, seerned no orse than for sev- eral days past. Mr. and Mm. Edwards announced their intention of visiting ather points before returnlng bomne and an effort nov la helng made to Io. cite tbem by vire. t Mrs. Willlamson resldej ln Wau. rkegîn for over 20 years. Sb@ leave tthe following daughters: lire. Sa. uel Bradbury, IMrs. R. E. Jernherg and Mrs.J.C. Harnmill, ail of*Waukegaa. Y OMAN'S Io the Best That Money Can Buy Our examinaltono are Ihorouît, and complet. l. sent YWallby Lompelcul refractàoniats fre.e cAwis.. vs gind UiO Iu , lmaUnd ake is 0» tramIs ta 8t eset, pitilcalr esa. louis J. Yeoman MANUIRACTURINU OPTICAN WAUKEGAN.. ILLU141S ~oqe*@qIo ei@*@*****eii@e*e*@o e**e*o*o*o*~êq..., *oqq~,q.qq.qgqm*pe ~ 247 Vanri.eties 0f Meredlith Flower Ô4 inOur Seed, -'Dep't ~ Vegetable Co., JE. MElkDITH, President Greenhouseson Flrst Street, near the old depot - - w ' ~WW 'W~ 'vwv W"V' t.. II~ W) lai GOmri W"u vo» As 111e 1 ue' lb.ii la tb 19 im cent <l i r I l q * I I n'iaI Conogational churcb for, nome"At lhe present tigue I amn ouman little fie, due principally ta exten- for iuitable office omrn lth1e cily ad elve repaira tbat recentîy ver. maie asaiconti a 1fini lhern viii have my on 1the strueture. There vais qute, a Oce furniture shipped ber. i iii cheer aid clapplug of bauds on Fri then malJin R n office ber. until dîy eveulng vhen the aid mortgage atter the building bas been conaîruc- vas deatroyed. Led. MY borne la lu Ravenwoad, vbicb 'rae foloviug church officers for viii Permit nme to returu there dal. the eusuiug year ver. elected: lY. 1 illii 1e able ta give out mare Board of Trusteeâa-Frnk Moady, detaile oun111e malter ln a few day.. L. J. Wilrnot and Walter Bedgwick. "AI auy rate Ibere la no longer any Board of Deicona-iarnes Trestrail. doubt about th1e fact that voon ouhle WVilliam Strnandm George Kiehie. uew building la ta atart -on," Pont- ('hurch Clent-A. A. MurrIe. mater Watnotîa declanci. Church Treasurer-Wllliam Taylor. Mr. Cananu, ibo bas th1e distInc- There are about ten societies con- lion of baving been th1e aupernuendent nected with t1e cburch and each pt-e- of lbe flue federal building ln Chicago. aeuled itB annual report. These re- when iAked is la whelber or nat iî porte ail shaved progrese durlng the would t,. possible for lhe actual volt peut yean and expressed aptimism fan of construction ta lIant en 111e local th1e year that bas just begun. Taken building before t1e final or0f arci, as a vhole. tbe meeting vas probabîy neplied that t i dependeg eutirely upon taie mant Important 1the Cougnegation- 1the veathen. Tht' goverornenl vii ai ciurch bai beld lb yeare. , uat l aiow ay concrete or brick vank The meeting started aI 7 oclock durng fneezlng weatiien, but 11e gays vbon a supper vas aenved by t11e La- thatlin cse of ciernent weather lt dies' Aid Society. . The chut-ch vas rnay be passible toarat vont sooner Weil tillai ani the gtealeet enthu- Ibsu la nov expected. He thougbl il aîaim vas expreased. IPossible, boveven, thil 1the construc- tion company migbt do 111e excavaI- WINS GOILD MIEDAL Ing et once m- tisaIthe vork of liylng brick cen start Irnmediîîely upcn 1the SUSECT 0F MER IRCE WAS -LI. arrivaI of suitable qqegtien. CEN8ID TO TELL1, OR LIT- TLE SLbSSOM"» BIG DEAL IN WAUJKIGAN The Womanas Oristian Temperance Union held a ilîven and gold medal DEAL US ONE 0F THE MOST le conte« lu lie Temperance Temple on PORTANT TH-AT MAS SEN New Yean'e eve. The vInner ofth1e' MADE IN 190ME TIME. goli medal vas Miss Ruth Melulyne oof the Bapliel cburch Sunday school. An important neal estate lnansac. Th. aubjeet 0f. her piece vas 'Licens- tinto lcînPiawe ed ta' Tell," onr'"Little Blono." into lc nFjî,ve The ohier contestants in lie gold Messrs. Charnes and Robert Ingalla medal content ver. 'Miss Myrtle Mac- Purchaied the Searles Block of is. Donald. Miss Jennie Hrsris, Mise Mar- P'anny Searles Gradlie. The location la i. leason, Miss Bernard Decien and ne of thee Ouest lun111e city. The con- Jay MoClaky.> iealnwsntmdpui. The viineu- of 1the silver medal vasiselirto a1otmi ulc Aroos Anoofavedian of th1e Cougrega-, Mesrs. Ingalle occupy a portion of tiouai chunch Suniay achoal. Hen sub. 111e finat l on, the other part being c- lec vag tue 'Temperanoe Flaa" lcupled by lhe Watrouq Hardware The' otber costettants were Mlis Majorle Reynolds, Lymn West, Carl- stare. Itl is underetood Ibat îhey have land, Lighîfoot and Mie Jeunle Millet-. beld an option on lb. property forý The Juiges ver, lMm. Wallen Sedg- nmem time and on F'nldaY decidel w vîck, Mra. M. O. Pensons, 1ev. M. close the det. The purcissera aev- Dlckey aui Misa Elizabeth West Dunu the ptagramn Master Min- endl Urnes bave ehovu Ibat tbey have rics O'Hîre eang tva solos. much confidence ln tb. futur, of Wau' Edwvin R. Gobrecht, general secte- veia, tary of the Y. M, C. A. maie a fev se- _______ marka, A lange number ef clkuncb Lukes big veeily-INDEPEN>ENT. ieople attendig ttbe content. *êBêO~*êOOê4O4O46éaéaAae*A**aAd Tu» beft bal 1be va i lo b ý - v t - ýw_- 'w -

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