LAKE CouNrry INI.)EPENDENT _____WAUKGAN WEEKLY SUN4 VOL XXI.-No. 15. PART TWO. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL., JA'ýNIARY 10. 1913. EIGHT PAGES $1.50 PER YE AR IN ADWVANUI&P. 5W3TO ENDP IWi' CITY'S BUTINEi DOCKPROPERTY ýazRSNTIr*,lVE 0P WAR bs- .%TMN ADVISES CITY TO PURCHASE LAND. MÎRLEY AT TRE MEETING. SOIJRLEV, IT DEVELOPS, HAO W5171gEN DEPARTMENT ASIC- tiO INTERVENTION. "TOO MUCI! ONE MAN RULE IN SCIIOOL BD." ASSERTS CO* JUDGE PERRY PERSONS; AT MEETING! 0F BOARD County Judge Tells Thompson That he Did Not Belleve he Treated Mlis Adams FaIry- IhomDson Asks Board to Reconsider lIIGIIWOOD -SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUNDS IN 6001) CONDITION MAN ACQUAINTEO WITH FINAN- CIAL CONDITION 0F VILLAGE TO SOUTH WRITES SUN COMMUNICATION PRINTED AUDIT 0F MIOHWOOD FUNOS SHOWS SURPLUS 0F $1,115.06 O N MAY lot, 1911. The'De Kalb County Plan Facis of buleresi Regafflag Sol Developunent lai DeKiaIb Coumy-Lake Couuly FaTuners are New Commtue 'lagSmLai Step- Row Il Workeu ot1a alb Seciiise the Lake County Agricul- portunlty te do go. About 700 farm- tursi association and many farnurs1 erg took part ln raIslng lte fund. and progressive mon ef Lake county Thtis le most elgniftcant. 'Mhe mOst have iateiy been figuring extensiveiy enthusiastic optirnist wouid not hav.e on Isunc4iino the. 'Oeab cowity credlted one county of illinolsa, plan" of fertiliilng thé soli, of Lakce icas one county of any other state county throuh personai supervision ln the union, witki virluaiiy one-third given by an expert, this paper so te of ias fariners taking au active inter- print às eres cf articles explaining est ln guch a movement. Il shows as the DeKalb plan. SamueF Insuil, the nothing elge has dene the interest ltat new head of the Lake County Agri- 1le taken by the mnan behind the piow. "MANY TEARS 0F SCHRIST" IS REEZ, XMAS DAY GREETII .i BI I ,.sm O F N A ,IeifL*IC*l WAUKEGAN HOP40R JESUS' 9iRTH ON LA-FE DATER. EATS A GALATONI VISITOR AT HOME RECAtJ WITH DELICACIES 0F $£A,; SON; FEASTING CUSTOM. 'ho, bitd tted ber attesr a mindreetly e wb àcarrWa IL l- 'bis, the t laut à sbi' "ard the faut tuat for o trom, ber rai dovu imeighbor rnied the ru. Krist- a fre "Aa ixpreosed t flOt' tfr lhe expu. lived In %eî death ýr many L.ep Ed- rey. Kan- the New for horne ged wom. i at that for sev- Edwards f visiting na home &de o W 1. ln Wau. ho leaves Ire. Sa. aberg and 3luy id eomplet. Ulm*a iree of i mske qýui 00. lu& MIS tisla arepo t a scnes'MaIba bWa abO t thtictrains and >'on b11Mail botter keep ave>' trou thc wisiovu" The conduetor bld ttc P«0e«gors thett e liai teon boldtat à cm" 'man tati fireti at several or the. teals Dean the ltbhl tation. "»i police et tic Suinnerdele station le vices district ticeitoseblii station 10 stuatesireclveti ne report oethlie sgu-«.u mn' issactions. A »ÏbXMho<f Wcuiegan ersons versa.lte train anti.beedihng the vwmiet theiccondutar, vten tic>' yOsoi lOohilI, the>' matie il a point teO k cai frein tbe vladovs. TýWO NEIGIIBORS APPEAR IN COURT Nrs. Dounailtane ansi Mn Boa&- = mel appeares in Police court on Tummy isht 10 have as tIle nigl- 11 ifférence Ms.ted. Mmra Kil- -tugos thet Mr. Oppel d Mtvarions Places ansi soliciteti iuitY. saringsthe visbe ti.ilfor her. 3*b>" resson the tait Mrs. Oppeh bIblaeto court. l , pl expicineti thet il vas ail & ~theis led ibeu seict- for another fameti>'in- tieilbanes. Site protestei f*o riendsbtp for Mr@. Kfl- wTecs as diarnisses. idt 110.10 s tec tatlilwvascar- liai fttir. -'x ý*W ibat thero ila oinetblng le t* 04 w.k saiidf anylbing moev 00cf t tbe case viii nt lieset- S -m6o r. AssistntClie foPo- 1 b6Fý*h TMell ssciaesi. "te;; AT LAKE FOREST. ~q~,s.EaroisneOsU J'5lX& vas ciectedt 10tthe egialure on the: work. Ttc bouse wviiet as eccupieti Progresas'ee ticket. The folloing dis- bli a fanril>' b>' te naine of Smih. petch te'Plie Sun rot Spvingflelti ln- was locateti tdf a mile vest tof High- dcates liaI thora viii tie inu>'can- lati Park on Centrai avenue andi le> ditistes fer ttc position no that Mr. ber seen tlighlcnd Park anti Biotgettes Munro viii Dot dhave everyttiug ies Station. Tte blaze vas tiiecovereel et evt va>': 2::0 o'ctock Wetineetia> mornhng but Springfield, Ill., Jan. 8-Beventeen it vag foundti Iat thc Highland Park candidttaes for speaker of ttc Ilinois tire departenî dli not bave suffîcient bouse vere ln town at mitielgot anti hase 10 reset ttc place su t couilnet a fcv imore vere reportedtu t lie on lie saveti front destruction. te road---enougli for a minstrel Ttalt tce lire vas sterteti b>'an tu-' troupe or for tte maie chorus ln a centilar>' there la 001t te licet doulil comic opera. Andt iree parties rep- ln the mntis oethbie HighlIandi Park resenleti ln theasemly fumnisheet police departinent. The>' base titeix thé 17 canditates-tite Deusacrata bellef upon tvo facte-in ttc tiri bave seven; the Bull MoOsars, six; place tbe fanoîl>' vo resitiet ln lte and thue Republilcana tour, The 5001- itouse tiaiti beeaua>' for a couple Of liste viti tfour represcotathves, have ticYs anti ln bbe second place an effort net icI bean hearti fronbut te>'pro.i as matie to tiestro>' thc bouse t>' tire ahi>' viii have one or twe candidate about a vcek cgo but at thia Uise of thhor Ovu. reaidenîs ver0 aIthonne ant isscov- Mr. Munrti matie a splendid rmn ln eredth le tire betor.t lcdi gainai Làaine euot>' ptlhng up ttc thggest inucli pregree. Ottervise Uic>' mighaî vote accortied an>'ofethlie reprecenta- tave been hurnedti le tîtlue rate tives.. Hia piesing permoteht>' von lIn a Irap. Ttc>' succeeded inl puttins hlm tnientia vberever te vent ln tbcenutte tire tefore ltauti donc mucn county and lchati dthingsabcliet bus .dtamage.'Thistilime the>' ver. cvey own ay>. His friandis vilI vatch vili sud the building tvaiton tire trot ce- Internet his tigit for the sPeakMhalp 1clr tb allie before Il vas disO"ereti. ot te boumé. If tielis electe i will vIi in sestinaiedti tat 'ttc tiemage vili lie tbe firat tine 'irobab* inii tist*rY 'reach $1,000 aIt te ver>' lenst. ttst Lakne count>' tas beau nose tSor- Thc Highlandi Park police are muci asi. wrornght ttp Over the intest net o! the incendian>' vbo han beau terrortul NOTHING TO THE rsint omitthalnili orsrai fdl R EPO R Et) S l ars wQrth or dsmEale. The>' have bteau REP RTE SA E uabl tebitupen an>' possible Cause for ailt tetires. ln prectliIl>'evor>' A report vas current totici liaI cage the rire bas bieon of a freak nl&- Saouoel fioevartasi"purotaa e i.turc. No ttenept sanneste oi biatief fraeebu"ilngu gon South onioae ta tiestro>' v.kIthY reance.. The itreet ooilnplidb>' Durke & Wrght m rltof!i rires have taken Place la anti It'u'd Peinre, ovnesiby Onsuê barona, Ica bouses, box Cars. vans- 9Sm111, Theoreportvas Ibat the e slioumb adsianlreMeionc..TleY tati beeu entinelelol .ac ,inciosite, thlak tiet vis th* InqItry *uhovsthat ten*la notbUg 1cuprlt Mtla ahl' ufobtunt a ho ii 10 l, e navtatlieevo bainaJusn jrove tu b. ibfag*ieSf on EeesscfE~Snyaiu. Who bs*t M e* W. Perce of Chticago, president of the seciet', "are tosuffîclent, obsoiete anti arc causlng a terrible deplation ofthIe fiteries of bthe tete. Ilihnois has been a great fiat proicing ste, tut b>' incifichencies of te 1cm thIitiustry iB graduali>' fallîng avay anti le li- coming a seriotia inatter.' MAES 0F CHARGES ON GAS IN CITIES 0f WISCONSIN INTERESTING DATA OBTASNED SIIOWING WHAT OTHER CITiE8 ARE PAVINO. The folovlng le a liht ofthIe medil- um sizet i Wsconsin cities, eitoetng tte 'population, accerdin.g te ttc 1910 cen- oui andthtt net prîces as aftcr ttc 10 dais' tiiscounts are tieduoteti. Tite Mlliliez comisinîon ot Wisconsin receinnodaud clce in tan>'cames a consideratlc, variation In the net price of Sua acordina 1telite quantit>' usesi Per neonîli. ' price of Maint Waukegau Ia $1 per tlouzand. Wisconsin. Cil>' Population Rate Net Rae. Appleton .r. $0 1.12 te $1.00 Auhuond ... 15,600 1.60 te 1.25 Deoit ....15,125 1.26 te 1.00 Eu air .... .18.NO, 1.30 le .90 l'on de Lac. ..21:500 1.36 te .96 GneDay ... 25,236 1.30 te 1,00 ,lasesvllo .... 14,000 1.30' te 1.00 FI Crosse... .30,000 1.00 te b ...0t,ht te11I .90 - ..45M,00 US th ,'....,8l00,., ~to JL"",fn >q aseociateti îit h hm vere Dr. J. H. C-ok, president oflte Northero liii. note Biate Normal scitool anti-George Gurler, for yecrs itientifled vith thte Iltlinois Farinera' lnstitîiteanti eadhng farinera ttrotigbotit tthetntire count>'. This in brhcf le a part o! the gaine as playeti hy Heniry H. Parke of Genou. Growlh <of the Ide&. Dsiring lte viter of 1910-19111 the wrîher athenteictnstitutes in Detalb count>', iîniàtlng at Genoui. Notbing woulti do bînt te mut spendtihIe next tic> with Dillon S. Breon f Genou, te go over a numbor of farina. That nbgtt Brovn voulti taik of nothilug but havhng Besmat n epio'ed lu lte count>' as an agicuturai ativiser. The Ides, seetid gooti, but veuid fartera talre an Intercatto miake sncb a plan vorkatie? Duringte vînter of 1911-1912.lte mark took final fort ln organiatng do- litîtel>' a soili Inprovernent association andi fînail>'IncorPorallng smre.' Ttree vorking commitîcas vere tormaS. ene ofthe b ankers ofrltse count>', on. of tie prai andi eue etflthe farneer. 'l!lIemnue> vas raieletias foil&vs* 'l'h. hnks of the cont>' euh- scribeS $2,000 per year fer thee years, eset liait alving $100 per >'eai. Ttc iosrd <of supervisons aive $2,000 per eer adtihle balance ef Uic 110,000 vas raisesi b>' subacniptIon. Thc ape- cIlJBot as bireti anti vork tegun on June 1, 19113. The $6,000 le te ralsati b>' aeitcrlp- Ilote vasallottot ecihi alloe c 19 townsbip1 ntaabout $300 te te e - curaib>' outit tovuatup. Ma 4«h tWUbI# orI&Ing s a -O- 'oaltsoavet ffumonad lanbIies etWh 'm it lsos te sobecnib an op- stereopticon at citurches, halls anti scitoûlt ouses, thc different prollcin to te solveti andtihie praclicai eolu- thon. Wiien the growlng crop he antier vît'yte probicins met wvIi e lte 'e- suit of bavlng neglecteti sonne facn or of croit production. O1ievioe t ELECTRIC SALEi CONFIRMED Bt Ci vork ileclf is ver>' velS donc. Ttc art Attornecys for ttche M iio.i eonuinittee oethle Cbicago& ulUi of agriculture la far un ativance of ttcle" ciectrciroed expet10 ftls science of agriculture. On mOdt Of lte appeau Ibis rnorning for e revissA farina visiteti the vork vas donc veli ttcetiecIshon o e 1'terai .ludge LU enougit for 80 bushieha or more cern i hi ithettcscie <of the po<et' an are.Thelliitig fctos ote te railroati compani vae an cre Tt ilnitng ados otenanti a ue sale orsieresi visible are InBeel Injuries or plant dis- -The case vii ll e ko et on"eD csse, fore the Unitedi States Circuitop of Ajepeais. The forti ef deoree1 tiecitiet upon yeaterdaY ansi tho ca .... .... .... setting asie te cscie viieho ouladç< * * Itlha expecteti, Iode>'. * MARRIAGE LICENSES6 le. Jutige Landîs made kflodn 1b» * *tention o! orderlng another sale *cctaraoteriZedttheltrObaf Oft Artur KIrk, Litertyvilie...... )5b>'ttc reorganization contaittis, Otive Editit Irene Booliîer. Higbiand 8cteme 10 suppn'csm bise. Park ............... s A motion matibe ounse fr conmmittce permitting lb.che U _______________ a P>'Mrm. MaieisaMoses.t jecting bontitolder, $1,360, as & 1 Elecîrlo iights are heineg inetalicti vas ticuieti b>'thc court. 3 In lte circuit cierk's anti coutl> cierî's offices et bbe court lieuse, Bathc offices, are are being remodeicti. Cir- N A F cuit -Clark L. O. Brooliva>, ant i bs ANN LLOW LO deput>'. Mies AneaBotord viii haveBA 1 T their Office in te MIl root. te flI t, BA QU T A tu, lhe loftetfte CounI>'sîrcet au- _________1_-Ttc annual feliowIVbl PREFER "MOVIES" TO CHURCM. ttc Ita Presbytcrlsn c served Inhithe cburch ptdgc Des Moines, Jan. 7.-Movtng piclure o'Giock this eveelat. Anu Ïo - tbealei's un titis cIl>' muet ramain talion te, evar>' moeb' cftb Cioeed unttlineon cxc ia odai. Orilera gatlon bas tee. suit mil ,tu that effeot voie Issued, b> J. W. i ý LJene>',chie, f < f p lIoda. le aisi tor. ttsveral sivmo4qf bit action vas tie ioeit of luolt@M»'-l ho made b>' froni local neiniters wv ie asilte ceurcb,-L "mves ept obilitron ava>' trem theoW Sonsi5y Ssioe.,' WAUXMEOÂN, Illinois, January 7.- Action-No Definite Action Taken. The communication print ed ,here-- cultural Society, teck the office »sily Yet lucre are oatber exemples' , Jut Many years of Chrlt"-NOT '«A b 70=19 t aleter rot te JhnWlth wae sent te'Plie Sun by gîl>- through a desîre te heip deveiop the ie marked. A noumae. ,Iyear. ao merry 4Christmaa," waa what the GIisk Ru rDons f0 Seter fom te Jon ociberwho la acquainted wîth tefrsan amlg terests of the the wrl4er land charge or one of the regiceteof Waukegan vote sayu, 00,111,14 & -Co.. aiking the govrn- firanciai condition of the rIty (if 11ghb it t-te usafr Ment to Interveris. and restrain the WA1I'KEGAN Ililinoia, January 7- tes of raîefcr gabouli dbc talionnui> wood. Iilsreport proves concisiîvely Colintand he believes that la one cf sub-exiierianint stationta for te Ili- t.e ccosdlu19 Wanbepn city oafficiais front dispos- A number of startîing revelations by te board. that the asseesment itinds of biat rity the chief duties of the soclety. it la 11o14 exiierinient sttiîon at UaleBburg, 1 la their caiendar, Christmaawuvas * Judge Perryell. Pershenstatatedoihthearendinrgoodsehcoe. ut dhr toudrthatuhderfavorittt hi favoriithe Aemeeting. t meetingeit the aeler-'s 'rueadayuef thor t wee . and an t no s.sla ter etthirtiie o tccol Vredicisedattie anut' m .t FIRST-He .beiievcd tbat Superin- ,lite communication read1. as toi plan. tised wlih the able aissistance Of ix E. daya ego as generaiiy ceiebrated .dm*ek illaerty. Major John 1'ornpklno. Ing o! thc Board of Edutcationt, vioc tendent Thompson hadl not actedl fair- laois: n~SSt t in L iut. Co . G .A . Zin ,of Oliver 8. T omp on, superintendent ly in the tatter f the tran fer of %ises In oir issue of the 4th I rt. re-1 E aimling the plan in Deialb, W. M'allaite. manager of the " e Fari, In many parts of la be couàty t" " Scorps oet engineers, UII. War i) 0 f achoal-4, stated taI ie did net lic- Adame from the CentralIo the cSouth garallng 1he deficit of $32,Ï)X4 :2 In 1G. Eckhat'dt, the soit expert cf that W ho ai a pr etloutinie was connectei j Christmnas grectinga vere eebau tr -Ileve thc boards action waz juet in a' hool. Iiiglîland iPark specili a xesmeIîtJcounty, in a recent issue ef the Prairie w tiltneweî,aier work. Sîxteeu farmprs in aa many longues aa are %lied ho il. parissenat. calui. leWaukegan îoday deprlvlng lut of tie .right to trafar SP('ONI)-Tlai lie bcileved ail mat -,funds dl closed by the' 1( ear audit Former gave a clear cutline cf the carne liuattend tIra meeting. 'taS il worshlp of Qed, according 1to te i and bed a conference vith the lv c heietevlmeh awfltod ers of transfèe sshouid lie talien up b>' ret'enariv conieoieted fiKoxv the C.îîotthelirle Auch whm a Or*"@ai, cnal dock Ovucre, ceai deal- se. lie statcd that il was a preroga- Uie board. dît comîanay of Chicago, the' remark plan whlch wili prove lnteriutîng read bcuetefreeo oxCtttveco t re hrh hc U or a aweoy. fti..cofeenetive exerchsed liy every superintendent THIItfl--Tiiat lhe belicved ail menu- vas made titat nnicsg geeral otherr mig o, 0fermera whc desire te Improve caredtitle about beîter agricultuire? clinga tote col Julien ciendar. un a" atireys. 0 ckea r-frein Boston te San Francisco. and bers o! the board shouid ho familier tioril shore citiez vere very careful coditions In Lake ccunty" Me snid: No, th farmere of Knox eounaty iad A week froin Tuesday viii ho N*- ti bSmsinr ofWuenpo that no superintendent with sny bock- wlth ail that oct'urred in te schools. tOcs' would gel Into te sanie kînd of' Owing ta numerous Inquirîe regard- ritl farine, and luttle did they beileve Year's day. according to this a UM Po«teàk bel amt tl tnbeewould stand for actiopf# of %at FOU RTH-Thit I Presideni W. B. trouble. The coniy repiy we have aong h saiîhnn fthe De Kalli ha, an3thlng couldi be donc to make'Of reckening. The propor for. el- 1e.t siLnl c kiwi thentoad fduato. e'sew.l u brsofteeordrass ro igredathngeihordlgth stblsmetaf;newsarsgretn mene ai théi psoporyt hb.Y novr hold under a n b n bado1eicain Haslîiad nmer atssrcfiasfrm ihen ak' eglbrtiteir farine richer. Five yearg later,> Ov yn eiadt that the board reconsider and stould lie aud vere, responsibie 10 the on the' nortb, va'E., Highvood, and ttey Court ifBelImprosemeut aecctomore naw >'eai's.- "TYser litan. nolnerne<s grant hlm the priviiege ot transferrlng îaxpeyera and the cîtizenof thc clly rcili ttention 10 the audit of their ace- 1shall attempt te set forth tecenral after meetings nearly ever>' year, aver "Eve body gea ail, eely Cb1 -b o nn tn logrnesMiesa Georgia Adamns fron thIe Cen- for the condîtet of the gehoole cotel performed In May, 1911i. ehicit facte upon wlila hi hu organization was 8> amr îeddafbdmeinmcmrig'eiîIeiae the lM e lu qeotiou. and the engineer-, risho heSutao;ald -nlae htieewsa httm one n t îe0 oki ety indiate tht tere as t ta 1The fariners hcd learned that thero local Gveek. "Some et - , i» Inaco,. ii rcoernnd 0 ?A itba the c 'me be donc at the tacet- There le no use in beating erou nd la I pru !Sil5Caatbl lar ga amrî oe ndaoe rdot OtO t330ee. .o tu t a O e ar jete s igned Sept. srlso vlal 7r11. ion that novhelsu tt ied the bush,' salit.iudge Persona, 'there and aoetcamutnctary n oscmplit oî icscrd Te io hees dzn tthin, M a m r&@Mbw athe cty of Wcuke- Jîtdge Persona aaked Supericten- tas been teo muct one-mnan mideo retire al oultcndlng epecîi axee There are men 1n every communlty eredta eracif rut-fbvflt orto I~O OI ocktaident Thompsen If te bellevcd that tli oadgne eben a nm m nent bonde and voucherfs.duc- f gala la eau. such a recoammendation list ii or ic aebe m tbnsadvuhr.%ahaeade rpwro iin "6*v of your dlitrict," sciti Major Ing bar on the telephone in Chicago 1 propose te stand itack of Superin- W. A. Benson of Waukegan and D. A.hnIerflo en eKlicu-land If land values arc to lbe maîntain- mtuet go and cl on everyhody lýMPUB& whivble she vas lapon ber vacation and tendent Titompson and i believe cvery Husteti,.disclesetl i rIor detîcitla Inlv lias beco mont fortunate In tcving ecdl.Theia,,instances ont>' serve at howitaeeMY candi And 90go lahWlet t h e nD5e* d-glving lber but 48 tours' notice Of ber member of ttc board vishtoi bdotce sertil of tlaifna, but on the' vtoie. I er tîtil]elare of thbese. and thelrhol- thlat lte fariner le ready for bed rock cryviere 1 go 1 mut tot pRu@W Mrs Gott r lti.engners dte-proposeti trensfer. viten the malter of, gaine, la oîery matter tiret is jugî anti tas entirel>' satisfaclory. Followlng tillnccelae fa be seen hn esery part o nor maîlone ea--m Pêntusu t r. setfothIe 0eteactera' course tall iteen unnier reassonable, but 1 do liellevetat iia the gist O!flte page I h eprliomainrte h. elt-son te o Wi Y c<nsderico fo methe th meber ofth lis board a a body relating10 the apeclal asseesment te ot..Saine years ago a collage, The services of ttheBel i provement of fine meat te hi aeon ou * 1% amonoapol>' of teco ueitnetThompbon rp d hud lbth0 ewho aoli aofaundsandaccounte: gaut n ece na atr soito r ret n omro ol n ab n h tnupertn fhe u n h dasfiîurly'of o--'aters- wranti I gatlaîcnd tecitr i anera assoctontvar free teantfererd cFiWand le obaidl h be of hm icaceon titeAderna alriy. f mosî nattlrg'atiospcl ltmroent Tri.'Begaetuhcp .infig r..,a-owner. 'Te men vite featered thetadey. Thero lan«e~aalg Y. Judget eiî0iîas tsi~Persona then repiied tat Jrdge Persona urgedth t e intera obighaion ote ndng .....$47129 ta.crer eu dt the city Officielstb"meuntforte.e,1478129 lestal.âtareor, rfluhenboard ttcviarinemovehare shlbc-. uove arsebititatghutoiWoseara disononte aoe d t. m lu t heles bt Toh all trs dd eteMes thams.o h oadt îi tcetoa i-Againet t whb there vas snd get bey. Sînce ten te -tas pur-cmoesiaido0e iulvmai t i o nOt 1 b'imbtw w mt esivisord hi=m t,>utin sr lit the naftsr andt laI avalavie ither In cash on citasedth ie torneateati. Prom lv. car, h epe Tete us etn n Nowv Tlarday.' d tue rancelvOn bas h(Persona) telievedt hât aIl nmat- <Continued on Page Three.) bond or hn uncollhedos- lottc people Tite tenant juabouttthutg ta drive hune tue. ~~sesaments net yet due .... 15,896,35 lai fcale hehvsaot ttc' d prolially nectisàthe hellpmore Wîfe *ShowsmHolidayliere. the. cily officials veto Surplus avaiiatlc over andi capacity o et icfart when bc started,.1titan tbc tan vie ovnàa alarge tract ta drive bi treuilchose tte amount needed ts fatan oda>' la supplylng feed for cf land. Ait th10 oincttoe, ai AIIN10retire ail outatandilng 170 hecel. 14>' nans of ltesl e u- ppië orint L.ereb. vha î- ~ -"eit thie lty offccies M ETEI S MIJ1M1(I FIIILmDUU aiA Npepiat assesgmen oit- 111.0 ng alfalfa, o!fviticith etas 40 cres ati l vasadifficutit te ecitie just hov frm bhere o f hillastofe à"kt hhol~~~.. Il 1g,115sn.a0o6th ieacOîiitsed. iluereds trango vends li. ebeî r. *4 orAF.ATmIIIGHL&Nfan.It la topeti ttal lite specici aesessa present. ant yi > ncreaseti production îcilokicg over the fited o it et ofthe turned and tti e1 0611119u W...ftvBe i staovJhnOurey I C N ID TE FR.T IO LA D AR ment funde and accounats of otter i of the cultivateti arca. ttc capacît>' of pas It vrais evitiest tit. thueoagrucul- 'Tou are 10 iu.veiiet Wv o cme . . on lu e ltter aloi- twsaon h o t hre an ithefr asduidandtgIn ot-Crsms"sl h otw Johfl atean dbn b iien thoîas be' tin sgoorbel- t ai v.agi uriat abould spetid bis tUrne upon lte Wethe vite retunuot i abs b.a woei h ao Ud IW bave thc e r Tter shape titan those of Higitv)od e.Hwacryigntpate hefmoteeo SVhig h go- ryenvrdwt a» tM àowt satIf>' luin of the eutiN'ty lTAHE gtvn s blngb mt a god o be le.ÀH va ccryig m prctive lite tamnng <if lite ony dront the gprv- t aevreos vli naklasud YlAItK~~~flIY ii LUNAT ~~~~aybe aller cili, hvot ila not the Information taI the experitent lits- ao.Bleistrtlt xel il vross.teas la*osoi b>' 1evon tihe commission- _____jolie ve ailithoaglit it te te. tiens tati worked ouImt.ttosedlt ra aisue naih u to anie~ us e liI vuisipermt ___________ oncscaaon. The visItor ssloctied thun 10 ssume sncb action. HIGHLAND PARK LEGIBLATOR IN POLICE ARE COMPLETELY UAF- Sebng lte rosslblite to hies fellov >' donc ttc vork Ibaitcoudld on reminhacent cf Prench oroan NS>SW Tompkins vas sent tu Watu- BULL MOOSE RANKS lB SEEK- FLED AND ARE GROPING IN N T E IEmon if scomething roulai bc donc that frein an office b>' vrltlng bllietins, cir- "That le calleti gel Mo bossa, ansi h. brougt Mr. Gourlcys ING MIGH HONORa. DARK FOR A CLEW. P A O E I Ewould place titis information In titeir cabanas or articles for the pres saildithet,I Thoa t4. lu> letton vth ln. ____ ____bTTE IH L W ande. thie mani vas untlring In givlng Conseqtncnthy, during tite annter 1il the b.bostIthl i en. ' 'le etonva radatUi cnfn-hie turne ta tte farmers' Inatitute. He vent clver anan>' ferma, usuehi>' tUe or veliviti thttcmasticha andsi vu. eau. tody. Mayor Bidinger andt he. aie aiea lb hogou he e a.Teetistte aelwdb we r aec coUMtIsonMoeblecledto th le state- RAS MUCH COMPETITION HOUSE BURNED TO GROUNO AI a eonferettcecbetveen efficere orfte orgntYIatecstfotsoui au tthre e ay. Theere r.A-matelveb'a sstdycaecl <Coitlued on Page Tbree.) the Ilinois FIith Conservation sochet>' aceondeti by mnen, vito, hike hanseif, nounlcement vas matie ly lettare anti "Ton muet et &Il of Il on Ilvi ______T____________THEREanti offleers of the Illinois hlelh Coin- bdseitctennosgpbtcnIrai t 4ppr ftccut~bcd mck for us ah.' naid thee boa ATndPRISENThe ME THEREuAREp ATTween PTED TO tURN4 pTliers missien titiyahe iiotebcStermeneTues SEVNTEN ANDDATS GC-TTMDTIOWPRVES da inCticg, pan fe reigng Wtc eletti cotiîhos ativitlCasicagobcarlplansht asftotc erv bcs.Thre asteheB-fo TRAINS FIRED ON FOR THE MONOR. TO BE SUCCESSFUL tireent tinta laws of lte state vere Possible- As muce assix yecrs Un Ice of lte farinors anti landi ownerg vtoie tra>' vas cileesti of disenasetiandtenatîve plans ofa bill te confidet InluW. W. Coultail. cetnnty o e oiait ceunI>',andti Ibe auisvoulIfe iote ol cari'>' t bock 10 BY CRAZY MAN tlie presentedte thett cominc session euperhtendenî of ectoole, that 014s lie fillîctIin ttecaorder recciveti. SBoen Lak contybasa eprmenatie Ocemore te fre-lig aglasmade O teinof iseiapreentlae vgasnlroblein ultimatel> muet lie solveti hy mttme vas taken for 60 tcysabeati. "14 ot, atvnt te sare you." saisi he ilarnekIng an active titi for the tis appearance in HîglilantiPark sud matie. itssing a specialiltdevote lita time tn Ttc viole-r viii hoespeut going fretms a eaductor on a Chicgo & North- speakorsihp ot the bouse. He lat'a>'- lte compile destruction of a resi- filave wofIlîlinola, salai E. tite vork in tite count>'. lotintately place fa place, shoving b>' use of aW IiU I!fA i iLIt usuten reuiroati miturbatu train on. elle S. Mun"ro f Highland Park vite denci, a t e rsait ,of hi, ne"Ta.fisi 1 1 1 194 , . -Élrm ý