CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Jan 1913, p. 2

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Sta o "ssoie l1oesiuhtis d suclin di- pêciishcýd iality-iec «n streegt taeauiior Wg ssns. r oneactV*meai stami dio like - aUm gm fire-anai '~ué.rlcié4, .l lsa fe .metit5-' EISiMULSlON is the t ed liver Ca, Mad creauve od palatable vithont alco- êmg-rthe dotsctior' ~isdeB lialneu tnpte ~ cas nuderath dotor' ançtteud eciudren ai Sreltive haacouple h>hefoskelesCa., started iý" lia ught ti sade the. dnt Md eber a*hp, aud Thufrsday a Tîmm are le ovlrbu ~la~I cçfl ', las RMei ci av sanafor ,>imesbulit a home for ssla lertst.uug lber Puet iris uvaukqe. hknU tle Myrslii citi eaclKetp iisid hir wei#tr meeting ai chbau. a o 909m, Wsdue.dap altarnoon. Ssiéonda"dangbhebr, lits. kdbagean Huekito, sttpdod uk -Iaterm Sof" labd tii. agiteisar O1b515 M te sretured ber raeeugof Se Nma ugIw @is unuhce cou- A« t Lake lunch Tuse- Mosa. The..reporte airthe @sus show tiaItue cou- sa thuvtg condtion.AU me re-elactsd for the.en-, -~m.a. fliava: .HtiiBergioru. or, J. C. Wiitseir. e "j. J. Beraliar 5.sny Steil, Louis Erna- ~Vous, Peter W. Meyer, oms sud J. P. Holliater. borm of tha company ire aIgu tb thoiard af direetors 6 FomI . uro cea a. EAT C- Iowved lipa socil ai s. Mies leabel liedortadt cm, thee end gust of F. Biederetadt. Au ilustrated lecture un Yaffocetoqme National Park bp (J. F. Whols.h, **-i > giron lu tii. Prusliphelan ebivurbh Mon der eveniag. Jan. 20. Min Marie rien apnthe -put ceek wltli Mine Elizabeth Clark là Cblo. i Gertrude Knolli 4 Chiiga, cvu the ceek end gueet at MrsQ C. LUni. bain. lire L. Pettis entertaimed Thuseday ai ternoon to s nuinlier of bon lsdy inisade A very attractive'dine« ty * giron Satubupp.valsg lipMme.W.-A. Whtlug lu honoraif ber ilrâdaoi. The tale -w» daltly deSm.t*d ilu pini raasg, the. olor albm. ibobng arrlsd thraugiiout thei.boua.. Ater4delt- jni muas"alpropsu by p e. ader wh rmstaiftet.log cwu sptin le jp- hug .50. Arthur Eudor sudMs.J lUogvontiii fi,.S priman sd Mrs&L Pettit Msd Rugp.Eunduor theFi.d haUn prias. The. Jewel Club mot ait the bona ai Min Dorothy Supe latnrdspay tgr- Doon. Alvin Kaack ewu a gue.i of hie folk$1 Bundap. 9. A. Bols wu@ the gueet af M re. And- rewe of Rsvenowo6d 8unday. I is. Curtiz a ..he.geset 0f ber iatar ij hiceo for several dave. lire. John A. f&elebat is very 111 citii tii. grippe. lire. Crist Meintasi bas had a reapue suad tiers are no hbpee for lier rSoavery. Baturd" MriiNeiea iiad recovereil frcm is ement alarmlng iliaeee enongb 1ta b. able te viit thé doctor wbo oper- ated upon hlm la St. Anthonys hospitai i Chlcugo. - r-The. Preeldentad memblers oi the. De.rfieid Parent-Teacher Association re. cslved Invitation@ to surah witb the. Em Place Dilvielon of tlie igland Park P. T. A.. to eisn i. G ip former r3up. aclatendeut o! Chicago Public mhoole. spask un the vonational training 01 ponte aud thi eedW for trade chooli lu 1111»ob, Tiurudmp evening. Tii. liap.ofiS. D. N@emq's room Wiii crasastsotie Beconavte 3oiosed suhool la Audavuban hallStnday cenlg, Duanier liu. Nora» 1teutuer sud ,Jane. Luard o! Lake Villa, vilU ilug e.nd Iwassiand CariSeasraa ofChicago. ï caremtuocu varu go populanstI 5h bssiptartaismsut, Win appear, s&Woa qqartst> #dogirom auRa,ÉfDV. Tii. Woo fuel bfo forllb adlt5mI15 oScadrn IW ý . an 15 f25 ouate« Miss Ruth Reichéât cwu thoeetoa UWminleestevois af Lare Bluil, Thuru. dui. De"i.Dnlfp vau tii.gret of Tho&. Tii. C. R, ai tiiePreebterian churcli. bgld s meweting st M r. Rosebro's reently. itbe Ladies litsauary socletv of the. Pr-hjyteriso eiorcb, met ThuM&da si lin.. Fra"k Petersonea. The. subjec dlecmssd e.."Ne China". Lake& is .huwc$My-NDEP ED M. pII-~s Cuaà'.d at tUeuse. No renai olututt or euppoe* ltarp,.nouhiagu oihgant staul Ax,uo*aell yhemine rmedp freefailopisiatuo I n ld eLudle'sMie Globule, h a Ruiste Capsule ta lia taheu tree or four timéé s dep. It toubce .spot and pou go$ ruIla qulck and certain. ltehlng, bieedlna. blind or pertrudîng pilee Win 7114 t tua istreamment. Bend today for a 50e box af Globules aontmlnlpg on e et' treatiment. Tour money refun ded if flot peilfUp ty afed. 1. C. BRAILEY Mfg. Piiermaclet CHICAGO l2iitT1, mL. THE1C CUfZENS' BANK< ROCK!P!LLERe IL, uui place to depost your funds. which can be Èz et wlli. or pased en to others by check.,one' SAlai busimes helps ol modem frnes.: 1T11E CO$T TO YOIJ IS NOTIIING. 8 per oent Intesat on savingu and CorUllcates IL I.F. RouéaeIving £.Payne, pi. ~VIGO Preeldaent. Csir csfite te <mthsbt himrate for ibis Yeuond t* a w.r ie.t ci l IÊM u. toaiub I4 qomdla Uva*,u vite rlMinu (kaO.- Ur. wl t Hi. nurasOs. Mnv. Corandliapeca et1w 4dmp. liei wemk vite iMonde lu Chicago. ie. flreace arbosw cm.sahou. over Sandw a* va. asoumasl li tmotteld wpwwe" ls~Ber dd"tw 1 lInsort enPmUd tmlly of uberIfs viakal Sandow weuh Egna.pSeau.. lir. sBd Umm. Thoe.. umai utstl Isot undap lirs. Knox sud lainly.-e! [asl.s orse m»d Mr. sud Mr@.. Huehacl trocs wees of toen. Lut SeturdapEL a. Biahin took l4 tiret degres aofsiaoury at tiie lodge room t Lb.rt7ville. Next Sundulr mornlng Mite Ville. Vil. cor, a returcsd mlalonary, will epent st tiie Oongremtonalchunci, serie s liegluntag ail -o'clocir. la the. veéisor Rev. Cari yul take am tii. suhjet for igi discourse "Selahazan'o teae".! Luet Wedind ievnlgjohn Rouge Rave a partiat'h orne for the. pupils ln bit. room i ai bool. No one wae eltiier absent or tarly'and thep alil e- celved exceptionally blgh mark@ la blii arity sud ga.tronomy. Fariner liatn tla a bu.pua thiI week hsrvlug ias ouLake Eara. ne bus lueteoinpieted su tee boum tiat loolt bg enugh to iold a dupply for a 1eount. sud lie eipecte te Bîlth b to th moot. W. reekon lu don't cale' late to drink sayp ancre vrar pop nuit sommer bp eek! LDÂMoR;D LAKEJI Mis. Pesais lao! ofTacoma, Wach.. vialted aid friands lie.mat sh. TWb. Cemoterp WyelstpheMut Dmtl.ti« != qalte ciiitteuded eaedriug te I c er. t 1 -', Mr. sud Ere. T. O. To*ms ta tisi opeh fnaseaiw vielt ta ii.Eniahomnme t DOW"& Rarvp Mitchel, 0f Daundup, liomhiss,t ,Iultd rlvatie udf iedo lu thaleviol-1 nitr r«teeil.i Gardon and Pearl Ray eut.rtMlueda1 nundiler of friendo at aa l.iglilugpartp Tuésdap .veulng.9 lire. Mari, Johnson *pent Tburodap ut the. honteaoflier paren ts. Lori Kanoe ertalaed sororal friande at hie blion. aturdap evening. An ex- eeptloalip gaod turne wirail dby ail. Tom Cooper lbas lisa quit. uich tthe pet vrek. Ernie Butterfteld là tsklng his place sailMr. Cooper in la Tex&&. Work ou thi le cmneneed thile cea. Ens. inman le &bii. to liaout glter lier ruent binesi. li raOk and HeW»en o .Wauhga ,Wbm uThUMdaw 1 - Min Maih Petuichl eaon the.un eko [ aChkl gor the Aret of thei.. -Mt.r. ad Mr@..Brained, cha have lins quite sandy 1ID a," report& a&iHOMi botter. idre. Win. Vlcery' spent Tue.dap wlth relatives ai Lake liluif. Theru cas a varp large rovl aitii. Epulle -Wriera lIntallation sud ail report aûs i . - M àis.Avis PupnDova.aisbahom tur. dby and Suaday. Mme. Oroha Harding sud da ugâtar Darotup, af Sioux Cipy, lacs, are epuudiugs ome turne vîi tii. iormer'g garente. 1Heursy Luebbe h I Nantis Roiiand. ela dnilling a ccll for P. 8.. Dalph sud Rudaîjai Dorfie have beau on tbeesiek liet tbe pautveei. GIJARDIANS SALE.,. stahe of Iltsi, countp of, Lake,ne. lu the Coath Court af Lake Cous- ty, Jsuuary Tenu. A&-'D. 1918. la the uatterofithie peittono f Sn- ruet 1aulsa Rap, Guardian ai Robent Clifford Parise, a mînan, ta sel! real eshate. By vitue aofa. lecrotal acr. msd»e and entered af recard lu tiec £i0Y, etitled casei la said Court ou -tue, s«Oenth day ai JMausny.A. D. l1,I abs» ou Tues4ay, thé flevetb dam' .of N1sbray, A. D. 1919, at tih mofo 0n. aclqck t hc, tecilrucon of saW îduayaheticEast Dowot etiCout Last Th 4r ilt a algwe o~ Véry e t ntoeU*tIm s aee ag a goa obs04 cm ébépraprim of ate PlesasYla p!s> 15asse teSbig e lètrong0atIf aur local ledé~e& itadmisé me m m 0a00e0 enaSesla af, bnmey loadluga c4a4a e u 0araipapfp mulitacce amidhnÀplua boue hho bhed lat a s cgos ùlýimst bise oop uppul up t4 a Wrlwund thatheon. têlud a a sif,*u-eust lot MorUe'. lus hou".. TloeMr pougM«dèd eIt mtai oilni supper -stlahabos Iutsds i ht. Wnea hhap Mt doe" -Ét t. table *à* 64- tmntive 'elles «oulis he ader ta the. kitchon "Ico aleC.!'Mid ih 100k hail a* bour ta caul.ilisu em at nothhlngper- »Qais1 as iueeded.' 8anie oi the inemb#rna ciour canine go- Pulahto. sqem ta lie ttini no alfirid atietocrat b e po ual aiofed iritiithe iaîbing natpre provide-st leutt lat i seenla ta i 5 niy expiaga- tUPu tbo iedmoer .tli.t oaeladî'a doge have bei nPunimigg bundîn front in front oi tii. iamndr.y gifce. W. fait. a package thers,. sanie time o &0agdit. dimpparmee' wva anapterp until thla discoveri Ns. madie and Dow,. cule t Mai b. uncbanlie. Vw. are campInog s brick ia eitiqr paket fat insiste usa an the li-t dog ce e. cearlng aone ai our lioiied échute. NOTICE I wil l nd even doy' t mi food Mill at Roohefelier outl igrsber notice., F. ÊS. atmun. IRockefeller , 11. linua., lu2ta ClIr etWaukega. lu tua Çouuqtp f .« A4a ute tat i 1- »iý. ,afer for -smle ç& pubillovendu bu the hlihest *Md4 >at *h.ddsfor cau oarl0fthe &uu %lead*u«tar af thé abovir a m ,la, e.Mdite muaiâmetâetlme Pmathsuci ou- hout 8UhdI;vIa>o. a Sectimo Shtoma la Tavublphrpvà-dfv*Nrtý 0f -ange Tcelv* Umt athie ThirdPrincita1 Munudi$àà, chick inle asrbad as ol loac ourmescing et a point lu inte est lino fau" mtfe »WnovShort- dus Raad)elgiti ft .nnth a ii. norh in, aitiiuauht our sud osa- a Iracres oai ld lot, sud rienin tine. eut an a lins parsill viSh MM north lin,, four bundnad tnet; linc ai sal BIaIsralet (nov Shot- tnenofaliaute treaecti twSerai dan Roadi. one lundr edsu tia feaf4 mare or leus, ta hie-so..Slin. ef sald lot elgit; tienne *vat on mald sautii lin$ora sai ljet elgbt, four hua- dred féet ta the seat lUns «fState. i.t4uOvbeidu 0dan~e) amw'sald. ithee ntI dugth stUn of said Shah. Street (»vec Ugda Ral>, ou. hutidvel a4. tie. Suet, nmer nleus, to the puace cfbogu- aun; thei nortu ilin.ofiMsalmfou nmamal ca i ai nid« lo t lg b- img paralle], cti iie woUtilne et MUl ILoh DataI th15 Ninti day ar Jatusry. A. D. '1913. HAIRINP LomasE RAT, Cuardisu ar Robert Clifford Perise, a nisr. Wly Jan. 10, 17, 24, $1. A DANQEROUS ITK Lbertyvvill Mohans 3Sid Net Neglect Kidsuoy Wuslcnosa in Children "yapclildren have ceai iidnes. Au early carnbid be ed-cettlug. Of bu foliac.d liîlankatoe, eaduche, 'Ia mistaketobnegiet lie.,troubles. To hlaie tii. ciiud for iteowndlatrsss so. ta cieeci tii. cuse. Bave tie child fi-arn dangains iiduep, Doana Kidney Pilla are eWiaoIllpfor weak blduuYs. Libert"Ivl.parete knoc thei- corth. Xm. Wegener. Orcbard and Secod BiLbertpvillla, ili., smpl "Douie K ydu elle.ame splendid sud *I a pleasure ta reeomi»ud lieu. oua or tai ebidren lsd M bad feling lu the bock sad so. Th e kldusps ver* thu. ente. of Il. Doa'. KidnoyP ille cmaIe n Ompte. al maue»nt cer." - Ud oalip ldemeera. Piis5Pent. ftsethul qnu Ca 'Bufe o. w Toiu UMbtmir tua name-DoNm*a'--aod Sake Do o*ie.'19 Sal" "shving st thie Lnsanviu iu nCa.. Libereprilie. .-il-tf «Y uapliSomtel Johna rwWshc eidunta 4 I'qrnisl » ithaHv. IraIPeuSoland ut. Mud 1mm,,-3 s. r tnusta *au-. dulllng bgtab emiatae teSfur a %lue. '!admth* 1PUR lema «te. buote. huv. d 1lgSaJudge radd.."Via lett.?" pul dthe ThIIua, lacrat cvu Ont. vit. jofte a4mltad tbattap lis alippqdo estu Vai". a'MWcdapi Égo, Uauisg th*e-oermmapy peifarmed mitW cuitiiaýy= came uktath* Judas home o oâ6u veuse chers -thiy bave, bus ainc, vit but a ftw 5et tSain >mmnit iflonda hiiof ai l »Mpt ar onei btocs la tha cips. MM ue. t*gafmuierl Uvel on es Plora avenue sud hmaavide acqU9tu- tancena IItue City. SMr. Juiçe la vwell'imoin 4u th*eCity Mud caunty and for pears bai heen esuaaed in the resl,"Miae buain-s iera. fonteni befng a memnler of tihe Bri or Judbe & Parker. RULIS FOR WIYIS MILWAUKEE PROBIATiON OPPICER1 URGES CARIÉ' N DEALINO WITi-I MOTrHW*-IN-LAW Mlwaukee, Jan, 12-Theadore PuIs. chief probaton affiner, bas premnig- atod'tbe follovlna $aven ruis. for ail cires. culai be maya cl proinote do- meitle liappineas: Love, lianor and oboy Yonr liuaband. Get breakfast for yeur ineband andose. tiat laisproPerly cioti- cd before lh o e ta wark. B. prompt cti meaîmsud ex- peat htnàtaulie prampt. Koep aour homté, your cuil- dren andi yanruolf neat and cieuzi. Don'h teli lÈm ail yaus Ptti' bousebold troubles; meet hlm at the door cîtii a kes ansd a ùflli1. Don't contlnuafly scalhlm for pait miasteve. Cultivate the habit o! forgotUag disagreealle thiuas Apprasci the uothar-ln-law question carefuli-i dangerous. KseP ons uoodtenus -qrftii btb i, olera4s-a, but dontteal pour o0a trublesa tae@"Wa. NeV- 0or al oqSUlm m- iotier ta ne- Piro"nh our biiahei.. Mn. Pua eleatve. uhat solde iran drink uoSbe-n-lsv are the cause af mot trou ils «Avile sliould alloc lber huaad ta Mt hie acu breakéast ai atensea.h. alloca ber ta attend the. turnamee' ta1d4 Mr. Pule. The MAN iIIIND flý' i»LW.' 4 farinrpeua aBank mocaunt haro clth $200. ut nov bée 'ia Baik aveu', 1,000, sund la the mmeeastinehe wiisdrew spough t ay forafSgod hone to tmethi place of duo chat died. If 7om shold lao, a bone, have yon the monay ta rfiWaca i 'Y"ou'mmmo$u 'tà. Aucouat haem for SI. '-You ftéidoltin pereos or My mail, W. psy 8 P êa ciisteveat inuruisvinge Depant- meftt. wbilsacmof a your money heiair dur Résourcea or St08,6S0. 80, ->Msy ve have yau au ITil! IRSI NATIOfAL BANK, Mal. au botiet macs te D<DUPU* I ____________________________________________________________ loiS" THRl UONAPPOINT» ASST. PlIUANt SUPRItVisOit AT BELLINO4A&% WASS._ VOIJNG WOMAN WHO WA5 TE ACH-, KR AT 5OIJTN ICMOOL 0015 WIEST -THie WEEK Honsor and recognition ha. odine ta s former WaUkegau eboal toucher on. Who for sororal yeare hsbt mU pîlmany gupervlsor la the. Booth ehool -Misen ethel BrociSlàthe. Young cern- an, cho until lait Juse lid tauaht at thé local scitoal. but clu loft here ati bat time ta toik. a OMMna la the. ichool af education lu 'Chicëaa University char, ahblas been give a scialar- slip luthe deparinut af aeugrapiy., Teaciuer ln NormalOSooul. Mise Brown leaves tus wcel or i Belllngliam. stata 0f Washington, cura shitel ta tiake a position ai es- sihant pnimary aupervisor at a calary 0f about $1,300 a Ysar. This normai sehool ls on, af the larjint snd moin Important tn tic ýWse"t apd the pel- tion. tiieïefore. la a mnet Important one for the. Yonga caa. Mien Brown plans epending nextl aemmer in Alaeka ln reseerdlicars vic ll lie credlted ta lier lunlier uuifveraity work. Bellagisan lien about 100 mils le- Yond Seattie snd 1h ia beeaseof lier pmrtlty ta Alaska tuat pie liac de- clded ta go heta neat, ummer ta ca- hIue ber Uiversity coeik. B your chilI d iiii.'tiare proie- àbly lg à roeau nfor 1. tiXver toraut pare are galng ta trf ta flud cl tA mutfina of the. Parents sud Teizb ers' association ciiili. hid tolliit sud the tapie under discussionu cli h.: "Why Are 'Cbldt'en NanabtiM" Lake'. ig w»lyI--MVEPMDZWT. Xifl bmE RJ»» l CAB mNfT WORKS AULKINmIS OU WUENITUE EEAEn=G. New Furniture MADE TO CODE MIRtRORS RE.SlMVERED. AUU Woik Guaraateed iiBERTY V1LLE" CABINIFT WORKS llary ichau, P"o. P» losI6.R UUMTYILLL ILL f. BAU RSTOW Mau'ble and, Granite Cemetery Work of Eve-y Description« .-Correpordence 5oIlicted 116 Genese St Waukegale RjibeCltigFor THtIS 15 NOT A MRE POSMIITY, IT 15 A FACT, AS A GLANCE AT ont prices viii show. -W. dlo not daimmsay oigicality in adopting the euhs asssystusamotrdo Ive wish t. conv.y dus impedmonthat Our apotive. a» J'ecalY charitable kas, a matter of sound business"eUsm It shwpy tous outtandlng acecounta à"toworiging capital andi "«sesvyUBansCtion' mmure.h itasowisich saul e .figure on certainties tisa it la on posslnuities. that we 'aa ie ta rne oui business vith lm ua sapnuad give you the. bondit of tii.roduetion. HOamai some more new pices that are soins to cave unoney foi you, andins the end make moie for us. Heavy Fleeced Linod Undercear, 40- Oc perarmetit, par oit... Wool Union Suite. 2 5,S'2 OC an.....d...$1 .75~ Overihaee, one huckle aulSi.50,' snd four buekie e ah ......$2M5 Stor mOvens ~12 Fat. and Overs, mostly 7s and 8R, $ chai thene ire go St.. Boyle FeIts and Overm et .. .. .. .. .. .. ..$ 1 40 Cape of ail kinds, aud &Il the way from ............. ......i, Dressu Sbjrts, including valusnp t"Q anc dollar ........... o Diss Shirts you pay SI 25 or mare elseahere........ $1 .00 lleavy Work Shoes, a $2.50 va lue at. ......................... 20 Fins Siippere, values $ 2. 00 aud sc- btter ....................... Ie> Add Iast weWk' liat ansd figure out how anuch you can gave on youî tnunh'clothius g hthon co«ý ns.hiand cavait. J-Ë'IB. MOR6E? P H &CO.ÉÛ o 1.11 et~r ~ lie PHONE 14 Illnois av Ai bon rob t.e ad TOI UTC N 71 -i -S r 1

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