CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Jan 1913, p. 7

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j'- iiI.wtt, ow ;e, f nift -11- -- .*r1 Nt . lb îtri wma"jenctIsit-g Re!ate Traésfer ', ' ý ; li~~~~onin'er the bankruptcy 11ws..--.--)11 ý l'1FR è.4%AstigU SUDOUE TO SER i4OHM -1The coftempt catese agalflst fDr. shedIurniti*1 Il 1 1 Il e . ,ýMRS. MARY J. bUpIKIN MAS FUR- Kirby an.d lhiwlfe were calied before LakeCtaunty Title & À î-u@Co. WISCONSIN LEGISLATOR TO "' .f . . TO REFORM SONOOL. NISHE OM~O OF.10,M0 IN Jusdge Landis sbortiy before Il o'clock ilAtatr BOTM THIE CASES. 1 Lundi& Cile fortDe Coverly. A tacls iTitis.. TitiesQOuzrae.ted TRODUCE H81,L FORL 1 't' 1xrir.SechODiu ioli A jalietiC case 'vas board ln CountY "WHOLF STORY"' A "PRAME-UP," t he charges againt the banker and L,- i J (r,rsa 4 1O,,sl -l + duckl.eb. dmU.LY . LuiEK, Phone orc oa 've&^rlsArbaI SYs JUOQE; 11411. IIRBY bis wife-,whîch arone groin thSe ailtîre WISCONSIN OFFICIALI EIAE .... J-I1 1 p o t m &Oe. the 13 ya ...l*b en C fharl ue tA braaAm ,TI iS O M .f the K irby BavIog e bank . W . A . R o sOg and ife et a l t Peter , T H E PLA N w U O 'V R ______21J2 _________________th_13________a 'AreAuust hear AsponERe8"Aeetheasked ents yeri' asklot es,,loI2,kb2,k ,RosingWObrotORhers M FR1ALK80aces n h1n f eeStreet, 'was broughti Ts orwocnutdthe court. subdiiasior, Round iLake . W.D. 250. ----1.gbohr WELL IN ALL COUNTtES,1:, of Warrenrybomofsi 1p 3p t&LEUISIS weela tOle.haufBe yb Te ou atone& ocodute ,"Tes,' replied Âîorfley Houliban. ; W T. Eton and I oîOie i Wsoninwfhaete o1' i ,omorn -i' p lst cur entIc o t e - roveme~u-tf 3.pri ilsii f Grangmle, ea fillaoi.. orn 1 basced thse court ta de~the deféneniithe Klrby bank case, "In Roger Uc Co ierIy here?' asked .llillng Co, lotsniWsoosin, biobae thei 1 O-17-t 3-4 Sale nouth f orangeHall. Ga "I'tornit Who 1face criminel xrOsecution fqr ua~lletecourt.COltIlt15boc27à " ý * - ,bu ild tle s, 'va ter, etc ., 65 a cre s. %L,,4 « C lo r e 0 b oy a d eli q u en t D e C n t o f e j ry ,1 " o" w te r ' as o e se f l !8, 00 0 .plan If the b ill t e be presen ted b 7 'fi - $ > I Uc Cib111-1Ufl alie.vod ne4 .. li adbeenîununing away from home, ntin. Dee u,.i o vel as a rîply o! o e $rb's u 11>rt e , Oto c dpt00hecnmiso I - to,,adteekrlýtrc. I aln ceuir e ae, p e1 1 pce"up thituis flot-belongiog ilAter lbe hail delivered on@o f the defense ln the vr a n tr u L oetunfiersit tut Miapa-Pae os ad s~îîrI. . Wieblyag nty, paes a.t IbIs6of' kolat00 ier,11. pl: o VII4 . . 264-lfty. s js2tndoî ene tin torneys evair iven by a onceaof $20,00 whch bail been pro- lot 243. *ke Forest Ded $a, );..sien o! thc legislature. Huribut intends 1 ------- opo@P-opo FO SLE-,New inodre mu-tu1-dà111 ad bail been with ansauft mince jKenosaw' ! Ladis yesterday "sM.O'onl er? h cut Lara B. Fowier and lse ibt rm i u ln i teo h 1 .iseb"Toonboruoin ~Boume, lot 5021800Lbeoia bitra.H. sald 1he vantaid an dr.cted DiUtrict 2uiL y Wilkerson lnquIred, "or did lie Intrust the briug-W .Vuekoî osScd9 iciieetiwpotlgfrti oms STTDTrilà1.WinUOeil OB un eea smc* qulr. education badly and aven aoked tis e tomake an l Unovs f othe at- ng o! De Coverly te one of coutîsel S, Laie Bluff. Deeàs $io»frOf,()t(). Wsensn.I ______._______________ vlew of starting grand jury action i%r. O'Donneil la eugaged .ua oehOhaead'ie~~ .~te oant eemn'ite ---- fk# OU@@@ i -lareau duaton aitiIg fea.iter court," replied Attorney Jiamles MIr atlt esssi ision ý - sadBNokrl.1FOR BALE-ViveFrdterZ 1emgî, daeu>sîstl-oethi e equensata oodrHighwood. Q. C. $75. TiI preset couisty 1board ayate9u . 9 .. bdemae bu arlu oî ~ . luquire However, lhe has been itaying away iThe attorney& are Patrickt H. .on, eentered lu r cae tl lue rJ fmneradeRuopri ubesm,'dcardAeeby 1 - - a ' l~. d. Dou 1 c,puberbeiltu CAr in t,,bcItZlàcII. -7-t ftram School much of lts lime, ben OilceoasB. oeilrncs . lTenerd n maecaesntB.i cu ar J ofmate a y udlp i rancis, Jelae bebl- 1,ia. statement. dryrid -t- blMUse.11. 1Houliban and James Rée tial. Set ore."Van Helisen, 29 lots in Hartray & man liorîbut. "Tbere are 1tocm 1a ý ýý ý. i 1bi saemnt ldne Cïcie. 1Dr. William T. iCirby and bis %rife, I1"i, order 'viilbc entered today," Hoffman's Fourth Lakre subdivision. m.hesan Oouayc mmites -. -ý .-1 --1 ----------- 4 -l-I-1 .. .. . ++i4+ ++ + The. boy's mother ta, and the Margaret L. Kirby. 'vire .enlenced te said Judge Landis. "Telephone .4r. Decds. M5o. ebranto mnyc mtt. ; - INITIE, PrairiWo eT leew+ 1FO *"4+fatier explaifled ho did aBot 'isieh heserve an îudelermlnate sentence lba O'Donoeilîtocome hele at once" E. A. Cumminge and 'vifta W. H. ,There la scarcely one problem iaIhâ 1 1 . . UAEPaiie'II ]FR - 1boy sent away Ilflie couldbe made. ta 1 theoeuat uiflau til tliey tuîn over Court Degins Opinion. 1 Fiabry, lot 20, blackt 5. and tois 11, 12, cornes nu) iu a coun itatone or tw O %iélT-tP 6OS. +-17-fthtie eeiver, for tihe honefit of tie "In the motter before the court," 13, block 6, Waukegan Highlands. W. committees do rot investigate. 1u ý' - -- -FOR RENT-Tia. Rush taritof 175 thm.creditors and depositors of lhe defunct began the court in bis opinion, "1two D. $1 !couity boards bave rom 40 ta 60 menÏ 1 C*l ouead w5ts&m lucnit.@ l tUbet'tyviiie. Jd esn ad11 i 1h'iibanthIe $30,000 wNhthle court lie- rules 'vere entered againet Dr. wîî- Jal b lcmradhcadt . ý CI* Tbirdstrest' ceVU.loiIDEB. E.A. BDon,LUberty- IotEMIntihe boy to sehool and -thelad Iheves gril te h10 b. 11 eupossession. ihan T, Kirby and Mis wtt. Margaret E. J. Yeoman@. tract of land in Souh_- bers. TbLs te too expeusive a mis-L ! .vh ouotogs ood - , c-17-tI fiuaqy .admitted ho wish.d ta go home 1 Appeal la.Reat. i .L. ltirby, requiring lien ta tanuriver w'vtO ne-fourti section 28, Wauke- itom. Ilbemm sdwalk, m ç'mie.e oldatndatiul Attorneys for thse detense urne- 1te the receiver for the. eteliasof gan. W. D. $1. f"I amno nt sure as yeî 'vietier lier. %%%fi e pSO eiCl ZORandNT-SIz mou ha k bous.atuendg$chrc',diatety entered au apui on a wrlî e '$20,000 aod $10,000, respectvl.y 'vilci onA tii eKictrei c iudbetreo iemmes ' as5 d oe. aàomorr boue 14. IchMtoo trSbath, si.ctric Inaîtasud rguary b. t owolld nottota ny- i error, 1and Ibis vs. granted by Judge 1lte court bolà previousiy funditwas in Company, tract of land et Lakte Zur- : e vol lte orfvsi 't - B. ID. Huas, Agent. su. Appir Io J.L Puc c c-17-1 hing flot beolnglg te huM and thà Baker, presidîng jurist of thse United their possession. Icis. Deeds $1. bldvoeteir finime l ookiug alter- 1I ho would, on thse 27111 at 310 o clocit States circuit Court. oft Appeatse. Tise j "in order thoroughly to explain thîs Grace D. Pardridge 10 F E. Marians. i the affaire o! the couuiy. 1 belbevu, W* hie. a 'noe modern OP t#a.IF RN-7veubnswt i ,pr t h uu * itl o'v eariog 'vIs set for tisAAprIl terni ot malter It la necessary liat the case lbe N. 9 li os 4,bt. 59. H!gh-. ic a _ ,b or cnmîa etoe@enve.d boums wth % sind* , mmeetou.odsre;iateabi rgesc ntema-court, and thse detendants were releas- gOesbte (rom tice cginning and te land Park. W . D . . at s better service 'viii be rendeml'!' ed on11m. dre cfc810h000nes citfurnssrcttecroloynlica" J. T. .Iudge sud wv.ite bL. C. Ames,' lr hl h ba 0 1W"5on D iiasîous Neaberry LthY"", lime Te youngoter made afnote Ob ed iy 5irý.Kirby's nOUW, Mrs. Mar'y I Judge Landis then began a reie' N. 150 feet, W. 43 fetedE. 431 fet, tN.leposec iernt, Î79U 1?r - l5L E Ri,, apec fppr no hee'vouid net ne- 'J. Durkiii. ofthie case groinithe Minig of lie pe-E ,Sc2.~aks w r oeqatr hr aasni ,______O__________p_____gect being bn court et that tume and,1 A warrant, clargbng perjury Wasa1 tition In bankruptcy against the Kirby $530., , ment tavoring a saiary o! tramn $1,00 c %à--AE-0purt f fine gucue WILL LEASE FOR CASH RENTAL- brushing away lie toars trom Ili s ieclb ielStte omsin Svng akaotOtr 1 Hghland PariLlldg-. Co. te G. H.'te $2,000 a year, depending upon J1z, Inathré,ID-20uie e Yesofic. er Foote for Roger De Côverly, who, 1 - Criffiths et ai. lot 4, tilt. 20, Hi'uh- ' hecourntles. lu other quartera 1Mr..-) rèu, . lqira ,i ffc. Fer 5 Or 10 Yearé 111brigIsI Party .ail to<k a nte ram Judge Personas-te togetier 'it ie s'vte, Pearl De tov- Sunday, November 3, ferlerai cificers landl Pari,.Q. . 1Huriut deciares that heo findsa snt-' M ý - -l" .o! uy land ln Laite Couaty consiating Falber Gavin by vilchit 'vas expeet- erly. 'ver, 'ituesses lu behaif cf Dr. teok possesion oethie KICrby SaN iînat'i Hgllanù ParktldIg Co. 1e p- E-nient in tavor cf îaving the commnil- RW, È Ptitr.'d Whlte Opugteu tor about 1100 acres, 500 acres blgity cd le wouid ic reioslalted u fsciool. ih Te odntd'eere Ille iacs i Jcarsd Çid tîî b aI mîrt aý.Nh1,)fi it n W1,wts cU,.»iiCUOI4. tiribys-fimproved witju modern bouses, barns ' buse ah 1710 South i )oixan aveu,'.detawoa rd i 1u ia~\al o~htcit".i~a1sd-sioners tron a iterdiem blasie, the and silos. Fnceil aud crss tenced.i ere lDr.Kirby sad -o eur t$20,0000tthoîisanda. of stock >lard orkers. 5k 59, Highland Park. Q.C. $1. srea ii evc o~siee ý j. Pone50R , ,ü1 (-3 an aies fncd ad cossfened 'tirough a wire tappîug s'viuîiir JîdgerýTise Tlaursd2y before, the banik pý .IL il. Varrailiand id 1< îI-. 1,.Pro-,'r, asciilsrvce______iisis ý - 1 !with Ivoven 'ire fencing. Aillad roIessNioiI Lards 1 wja o'! eclarpd tiret, in is opinion, , iîtan, Williamn T. Kirby, disalîpear - - - 1m9 Aiwoodrange;ia i ongai, coal 1asu befr rukfrig i te ahl ire tapplng sîory was a ed. Thedocter, utlaeveiopeai,!"ad bert,, acres adj l. 1:r'. o1 lerfi'ed. \V.' ý udodrSanelreUi olextension sutaie-o -uc-frmng!Al 'ramne up." talien 10 \Vînnetka, afiar ha viog 1,( -e'. tD .. VOLIVA TO FACE TRIALL ýýý , diabug mSblei.1 lcunehsid sw ol xpnive dairyin.g. A, F.MeKe0'o. n -i Judge'dls' aondenrnatbonoe! hie'adJuclgad nsaft. Receivers4il, -actioni - ,-ca-Cat- et ;i-u. Li. Jrýer -. lavsi - ~E. LC 1 471f iiLkeave., Chicago,.ILL. tt attdrn-vs n be case came - orîbefo-re f sas -takeuibefore Jîtdge L.aaiiao o __ea tlîý ýl _ 1 ý OJ4JDGE ARTHUR H.--OROST'OVER- ý .ý mace, s.w 1 t aeM RTNC.DCE rtact o land adi. Village of i)er, RLE OTO T UAI FOR. falToir. ni. . hou>1.'tnu fr-'-s-r1 lTTOaNI1-X7'.'VW ,Ire renderç,I its ~decision ln thse case.federai court. RULO *TI 1DCTET FOR mes... ..a.'.sbouge won.'1,.! iceOp.ltt t.Eectric Stailit,!Attrrnev.e i.antrv and Hosîihan 'vere NMrs. Kirby andîlier ,chIIî'ren camF feld hiD $ H NICMNS . FOR 8ALE-'20 tenu extra &oud illet,ý; i triee. Lbert>sville. luquieof ý.l. cii Phone848 Îlies. lPhone 13(SO15 especiatis the objects of lhe stinginj; Xtdukcga:t .te imal(e thtir isme slth Janit, Il Fr.. Sinitir and ir.' ,o XVý 20 luemralixer! hai. Addrpss h asuy 1N rvsurgs . tryçle-13-t1i demnncati<n. The case lbe termed as' itra. NMary J. Durkia Xrs KlrLrY's T. sindanr, lot 18. , ck l9, "righti's Wiliir Glenn Voliva, overseeç o! 1,La lieus, Praii Vew 11.IlF 1) i 3be P-, NI). CWAG LLNIIS jthe "Par exceilenee' ln trarud The, hall, amcaîuîlng te $iO,0(îca sas piaerei Atior te 1i i>rtyviiie. MV D. $1,-Zion Cils. mu4ie stand trial hefore a ,.------iAi-2 FOR RENT-Tîte JaonCs'fld fmlierreof'v ýitutesses 'erre scered as partira te by Mrs. Durkln. iJury en a perjury aud a copspicy. ---280 actres, cartemile wes t 41MitolitisDR. GOLDING jthe m2Ita rrii'ce of perliiy." Hi' 1<'bargles oe Perjury sud -gramcie ' ailrg, 'l' GvWAOTE-Laie lattu.$809rare. loquie ofDNTSciarauteried the la'vyers as partîci- entered ilinb the ciosing aru,inentsin A. .1, Austin and wlfr te E S. Kretî-s . lun<irruit-court Yriday, Judgi Ar-- ataI, toocci()sirta.'I 4 . L.lJÀusiEi,. Iaraît'iake, 111. DNTn jranti ln a farce boraQf Ilice sîrl 1r- thc bankruptcy action. Kîrhîy sud hi, 2à acre, northwest et village cf Llb- ýthur H. Front, overruied lie motion 1@Iioh. W n41u 5.E A. NiilItiýts. ,i, rl . c .-hI fl urs M w 12 sm -I Io t5 p . , jury. 1 vie 'ere cte il te s ien cause W y f('lys e. W . ). .8,0 0). . 1 te quasis the t'o indicti en s roturg-7 'J 'T'.Bnidlg Scores Insanity Prtceedinige. lbi's shoîîld net preduce $2c,icîai c!f lie -- . ed against Voliva by a special grand FO SLEA eebe hî p-141-34 44 4 vii rJ.i2syB-lan'id"Siorig the iiuanly proceedlngs he- baik's fnsnue er osslng. Rxýc.ur o: A. C. Froýt, te e.ver ly nte alo 191c1. i t:c Il +lee.'el ri, ut,'aîia, W'A1TED + îles. Phone 1092 ',"JIudge Owvensvs u* isl v & iseliseeargument cardte tesadramalle fret icts 21nii2,ftrria 'i'earrr aantWlus lnt one. 1 6 ,f1 .. .. ... ... iibertvblip. llirolo .number cf persons wbo bildengaged '1clse belone Judge Landis. Patrick el Voixra. overyeor: Alison A. Walk. : 'ý 1 ý otop+ lop+por+p T T rb- an ats + T T + lu a ,o.spracy te have Dr. K(by id- l(iDouiiell, attorne y for the Kîrbys i .lu ip,ýad ietoWlia o i' tdygiiard: W. lisrd tsa- WA NTDiar a mn'ait DR. E H. SMITH, Judged Insane. Thii.goes to show i lIosiiLag bu arguîment, confessed that .' ers ur vf< 0 Viia m e: in',ayor; Jobn Priend, peraonsl,1 '. FORSAE-t*,itIotonsiâotse alame banswk l di r -u1 tow any Judgp can bc miead by the chilîdren boit net been usel as Krir et a, lot, 18, 19 sud 20, block 1frienil 10 Vollva., F n o usALE-andby.*'tîto eni is oogl ipi irdil ENTIST. lieboneal people tirougb perjury an]; witnesseaa because il wasn't iieces- 2. Hammonda' addition and lots 7 to Certain caruinsofthie <onsprscy r- 1 WtLlIaM BPEsu1,sa.Liberty ville iin og ad le ii p~I . t A&.CVTYbTOALBN raund Ihave tile machifte gay about . eary. .f4 lot A, xn2rî subdilvisieon village diclmeu 'vers quashed by the court;1, . ,I-;e lydb .C oe i.16:Outil P 1avs LAKk ce-rT a .o.adteI 5p.AiLiJilge'Qweua, bowever, it such a !raud Dr. Kirby raid lthe ourti rtial le ho s .D.I.,06 et Raiph J. Dedy, tlate's attorney, lu, -mpioyed by W. 8 ou s, onaukfA.Cis ~î t ,P S 'alperpetrabed upon. this courtand liai t lst the bauka .funda On 'Luky cAes-. .$ 1e. confident that hlevii procure a co'- - oa ietrteo t'aue v.tiI LAIL!, tise franil 'as expesed Iinother court George" (s racing herne) tb a 'vire FranklinuAmes and a;i!h le Jane -vîetion tu each case.1,, FOBUSALE ORE XCHANGE-)dtchiglfl or write LAwitEM'vY. Rl BELL, Partultassda sfor L4te cmucy pruprirtÏ. p17-t flibertyvIE,, f lit.,4. liere 'vould have ieezný,B investiga- lapLier echerne. Tisastory 'va' iranil- A Neuily, veit 80 acres north'vest one 1f The court apent1 Ove day. d'arias tb* 1 lu. '. ted nd lrrtnpr)ve-d LrtliI. ________.________ ________________ lion as te thie erjury afflmbtted." ed as a "tramne op" by tise attorneytoriscin7,N prtowbpeum rmohaerngsunntt 1"ota usc re.., b- sci'ttý"gcs',flrlà_jît E I odgr frg. 1"Tise Kirby Saving sap pver 'vas for lhe recelvers. .. quai t1a1e idchuiesta agalialitVolive, ' #15 b$* peaw. soue hiuriug [ a quie -odgil ar 'È liboe-PUBLIC AUCTIONEERING ahnr'1ecOlaud Mwç a me Mr. O'Donnell tien maide ths W. D. $1,500. -.-~ and theoChers. n, er, ietvig I1a-e 1Ea. L UI 'veut. leol. c16tg toseut attention pai]to.'armJBItaru contfidee games.'Neyer esince Ift iret statemeut: "Mam. Klrby offereil 0 Jan. 13--C. A. BeckwIth te Knickt- Voliva and tise lires 4Iber zatnd ' 16m IE»,Ll . île.c-U f suctiou sais@ and ba-g eut e bàlnbondil- opened lis doua-o bau If heen nythiug fpauperize herseiftahBruite up her bus- erbeckter Ice compsany, tranit of landuen are charged 'vti iavlbg conspir- ý 1 ANE--Uodgilfo enra on.i mne more thon a fraita. Such ls the la'v o! bonde@ fases. She gave the roof over a ae uih.Qoc 1 dta1 cause or procure certain u»- BAl-Mbs eIa mad 200 AiWANTEDf-Oood wgon, ad Ilioiota ermtiser aI bouse-tik br badatd voerate oquatihetpiig il. A. W. tbt aie la Dotwblbioldiog J.E. Hoicomb ta10A. L. Drtier, 15Ivtcrleoea h.pi cm. baticy F F. Mc(Cup', Liberty ville. e-5t arceaufur si or enchauge et aIl rimes. te exist. t esnta lel e ih I u lcinbl aMnCt nIU Poeà6L c16-2 ..t "For Instance, 10 show tic ritale o!f the banks gulis. fit 'as ocys de- acres adJoiuing village of Rocktefeller.l Voliva ' Court irben Judp l'W"," ýHENRY SINE par excellence lie proilucion of testb.- nied that Dr. KirbY reccived the $I20,- W. D $3.000. 1Fr'ost clted Mis decigion. The ded- J, .FOR SALE Paru., aise4tisoe s8, rjiolcCIiY;aILLimouy bal reaciscd lu tts counmunity, 000 because ho saye haliabe, oif n onGifihsdqet oeh tnwscle of thue touglet andY abo, u ua..51151orwo~dhuegtî' Cicgo ntery e geange for latimn show lie 'voritinge e! a 'ire tappîng James Rosetial, attorney for tise ONeill and Frankt Hibbard, tract 0f!i and covered 30 full shooeaof! Upeiit~-', mad vs bz16 6'yîl .li a I l ycanwtlob W soif or ezebauige Teleottoue 143-M ais etter ».epared titan machinue, 'vicis 'as supsosed ta, have Kirbys, cdaims bis clients cannotre, land north and adjoiniug Lake Forent, hon meausrtl. .- . c 1e13tl calilor write sond giçeus ful particulire. MY CVOti5. ever te du leur '.ork. been uaed lu fleeclng Dr, Kirby. If tumtushe mneey because lsey didu't W. D. $10. Dady. 1h bslad, 'vilii sbt tiat Ti. 1 - i octOXAcas & Mct'iUza, 40 N. Dirioia n cousel ibs case hailastienne o! bave Il. __________ lva sud the other tire. ZIon Cty i FOR SALE. OHEAI'--h rount 'ouse 'St., Uicge, 111., 1 ý- J.* AM . Grabsramer bbey 'ould net liate broùgil bu Ou tise wtness stand lîrs. Kirby , men appent- for tbililnaMarell, hy .'AE,.borlyva AUCTION EE R fiettestioey. "check klting"--declaruiag. MARRIAGE LICENSES 1IIAkaCag iVne by C . AOE, v lle ions m106L.. WANTED-To buy gnod tîbiity osiatls "Delâierate Framae-lJp." is o'vever, filat ail thse mOney aelledrew' - Wllahossàgh bange raicsVenu& ou lUul2àpuudo. N.E.0A'izERT, 144 EiuwsdAv., W5uLS5a, lubis itwon as adelîberate n-sue-up. Thi ut ofthte batik Ivan drawn out by ier Adam Scrocki, North Chcago.....2<,nOw sasit for a change o! venuesro ,' Lieitaville. c-i 1-tf - Se me. bedorec rnung youv date ,atire sIen' le a lie and someiody ber. on' orders frain her busbaiud and fibale ,asvaKoto'skaue. 1l.Ake county 1tasiother couaty, clali , 1FOR SALE-Herr'pe for ail purggoses; 3-i Peiapetrated tiat trame-up, lb 'vas libe ln ho, handeil tie meney ever t ho hnaKrlkosislie.. 91lin ha Lke ctuuuhy people Iam pS-',ý- aise î'vo scond baud bugatrai and seune WANTED-4Ucaod girl for general boume- -expoctiog 100 muci cf Iisecourt. Il tlrby alter she isaridravn t eut et John Brautord, Chicago........... :Jtidiced and the Course 'vil hob. hainesé. Làrot's Ltvv. yLbrtyville, 'voit. Apî Lakee cauty Noticni DR]o, e-rwu@I. ' a sIca-y concercd hy lawyers anidltise bais. NMary Ijtarbunsan. saunie........ ..8. lepe-tho fafbabshcÊ~Ž ý ,11. ~~ ~c1 t-tf ,Banki, Lte-rt-yvilie. qoIî.îf R, ' F- ' I 'vD 1 aut Ititnawo tial thse court 'vas oet '«I onlh3did as m unybsani told me William A. Cisaudier. Gurnele... 21 (eut Iacantenion. 'The court 'viii tààuw 11V'KTERINARY SURGUIM. decelveil." le de*' 'sas tise teartul plea of the Edna A. Sisty, Waukegau . ...19 , have ta ruIs as toa'vietiuer lie la 094c . ý- - -- ~~~~~~The court deciareri niat lie .,tions.1Waukegan 'veman. 'I didn't get a Andrew luelstman, Jolie .«IT«AEVCIRXMI.t.........31'ttled Io a change 1ta »Ciler ooly Avothe hOaeap andisg Con Bakirrg Idrainage purposes tiritise year A. 1 uUD. IAUYU5iA8A. o! Attorneys Hortilhan andl Lanfjry 1 cent for un>self. for 1 gave lb ail te Joeephine Helstunu, Hoope'aen .. 31.î po"i1012, spoatsolndu iyiug vithin the UbertyvIlle. Illinois. atiounted ho "notlsng more tian suis-iblu," elle aildes. i Haens Nelson, North Cape,. Wis.. - 2q1The 'vont e! cuting ie at Armurlii S Bmv.y ilougli Drainagte Distict le thé, _________________ornation of petjury.' I-naiamo Waerod,\ls 2 ice bouses ln Laite couasy bas boguL1 Tise eiaP baillshiw ruw bi ave but Cutricy of Luat&Wssil tateoet lilinolu and 1 -"Tise districh attoruey leta ho rvbw mat " te Ihîoîf , Len o ~~ ail boWakega..d ........21 Te.5fltl fiatliu fm~al l 'One e leiiatiin tisec.iiIainly ire tb iusanemuit b. pold t h o ttder. DI. C. R. GAIJO'VAY. th.e ehre PrOOeedings bu thIs court,"lnis i 'vfLk, s a Sul Wuea .......2 Ort bectase thse toc i.Jet« uif4ca - .1,apaciuaer penty oh pcwder fui hue signe! FranklinuB. Kota, treaAurer of lbe said. "Attention i. calisil tae 1ieInletieco(unty Court o! Lake Coun- Mary Hutaia, samne-------------...261eavy as la deaircd. Tii. thicbpeeu t1seC'Uy. but it'o Dol ail babiug Isuder; esil, districtet ahil, office iralIhs Lake OIFOUS O valeLOVELL'às issuSTREs. testlnouy sud lie conduct o! al par- f ty, Febriiary Terun,A, D. 1913. In-voiles troun six uches h tanutImis. , ý ite ulu lamals et ,fciespi, àawlertal.OourtatI aloJ lBanak. i.ibertyviiie a.'tIcs, And i wlei te add t10sillet 1 thse mariter of liee sae e! J. Ar- htînt uvu noan ev"niuig pcwer. Tb.eIlinouis, oan or butors, tiselOth day 0o .ouma-Prom 1 ho 8 aud O ta S p. m.sabd tis morningtat à hcense 1 hr tloneeeae 'iole Marc&O c e ade li Di -ls ii aicb, A. D. 1918, and ln detauît of .Libertyrulle. Illinois. practice Ia'v uoes net entilie such per- t rauMoulton, ase Moltn, 1 . Cz, ,»," "ttbey 'viilot mc pofn i mvr a etsc ad sons ho s iceuse te cause petjury or TeFrn olnAesMutj siw .kcitlhhI. wholesontiio. 0 i aysOu wlche EdTinsta"sta-mrasi.Z-ta Impodlieh due admnstrationi o!John H, aor, om . anrai<e U srove I baves Try ecuail reo . gso b. . esol o accerilg o mt : DR. A . L HURCHILL jsie'p m)FdrîDorris 2uoulon, Mary A. Meuibon, 1 1 tuigaetboetomcittk fo et ot ahsPhsysicinadren CHICAGO-(3:45 p .-F riChsarles Moulton, Hattîs M. Poweas, .dimoes eattoro W aedçedatua tr aib akeaor ico ut as Ildos, t11. . fie vrDeeABns Su tr ule Cnsw Mulî. LrdsEdith Shuster, George Moultou, Char- your patronage. Te tetft we musbave your lit a nutmd"Ill umt akugPovle. ieefr. ateF t aud 5 d dey of J aurer iA.rsD.itsk . u I. 'Lundi.&M.doeS. W.malete tillowIg tateenta tswftlaa 8.njIgîi. raies U» sait@ or bicuit meaytfounolofr.«.sud1Mis.OWilciam bIte GoyeAltedNelile StoredhLorduz fstanDr.nandfMmbWillim loteenGo0eute, oea a Wearafe wbuo yo. ýumeb"lu power. hereoreln F&NKLiç S Kzitc. reaiurer BOUS tu10 KyM. 1s9, Suie sud T .tos TKirby guliiy of cotenipt of Court stHningaoton, Clan Par- e lougésu, the actusi trst te the cou- _____________attetitRie, er.Not »dT a d acntenccd thoe oJal amhli the HmaltnCe. lo ery alr a r- ulo, . bellove lun tiillestatemeut». - ýý muittr of Ilbe beap puaw em le more thoan - LASSES PROPERLY FITTEO mlng 0000 la produced. Mm1ais. a er n apÜMutn fbw la n nàcottr ilre ie tise breaseun,otimes bleacheil Notice in ieisby girvn tetamli pesona Librtiolle. - - - - llinos Orkin ef North Shordan rod, Wu- said deceaseil. uoIfin' u nciu . theus eo hssanfrntwudb.CapakgperKiyleaagtrofM MryJ anlMille, to sop eugis h c Iii. v lylngnemc»weton eas etpiund, e and acil, som.aimeoYeliow adalaikcgsrpel httetre ntlaen fiain, 1.Yeu are hcreby notifleil Ibat on Mon- aud ..thosevnbave ui e!it unw biasa is aeba o .11 obsud dfteu pupisalisThes' are terteisasoeuessnt las oo'due for Drainag R ! V M TIBoti 'vere lu court 'vie Judge Lan- 1about Reliait Orderliee, s'eu 'ouîd haiesmihvebu oed1 1 01noh u ttn s gtb and quaiibi. = "foi ie year A. D. 113, aptitids ordersd threur. rekiraho hie couin-, î.libethdyotFbssAa.~s enetiusiantic about recomamenil SWhy not boy ls perfet-I.,'vhoiaiep leyiug 'ilitu Draiuag" Distrit'î GENERAL PRACTICE by Jaif. The 'vouen trrnediite sud 11913 at the beur of Ten ocloci lu the ing them as we are. They tuai@ just Make Us Prove This 1 bmakieg ucidr lite Caluiciet, tIsaI im ah nunaber1wo ofothtie to'vu ot Vernon, esiezeil hem huaband's band. He pat- terenoon et said day, tbe uodersigned. lite rssdy. Tises' aci se eseiiy anil1 lime moilerale s 10 noplesantlîs'tiat lis takittn ttiu W d e0 h i l aeOur tins"m merrae in pilceandl ore Couuty of Lake ad tate of Ilnos andI dours 8Io 10 arM. 2510 4ansd 7 tu » 8 >' T a-cme iluelber Executrix cf lhe Lest Wil andTesta- ilus pleasure. 'voriltorîhus. h'e'vutyou tonn luvhPehe b.tilaie uIPru? Calumtet is tbe saune mutei s aidte 10the utder. ;Om ce ver Rsî7nrsiîtue Store. eyes. ment otfJ Arhur Moillon, deceaseai, E hîaro îeReai OC5ea. us rrove il, sane o s'eu. aI'vasthe sae,tsep@ indeinileilysud sgeidtia'aurer etsali Drainage istrict lt'ECIÂL ATTrENTION TO THE ER "Thsis »ee hoSea plain case 0vnetlrn ir 1 abs cookthle least trouble. Re et lit@ om fice ln the Frt Natitsnal i"Bk , f L ILNOS coslrc, i mi tiur t v l present itelise Hum. P. Persona, [les; sa you tno. tisaf, if saieria- Buy a box of RexalilOrderlie. at &4i ntotA'vaiis: Worid's Pure tei Liberl.vville, Lake Coutty, iîîîîoo, ___________________la subornation of perjtary," sabllic heJudge o! lie Couniy Court cf Laitk e t>e nuiîte ithei ' whlis ol, box. Tiets, if yot amar Curage. . te grourt. noui sor. hit* s etendr,'i seut FoodlExpositions. Chcag, 114Pari@ on or beot'e tihe ls a f Marais, A. i). 1 tI.ICouauîy,Ilîlinois.liser final report anil tact hbottgi. saLasteil'stcus , xpo.Sulou, France. Mach, 1912. 1018, and ila deault ofo cii payaient D.1 .TYO i uledntneibcbw !iîalactn tbrat u en *4~~.%eIIe ibu iiaieyuu sein tise several tracts eh landl upen 'vilcb ritOE .EI TW002LG Illinois. He deciaresi Ihal Dr. Kbniy's - -,qmmm n O e ilviuntemny, NoMe, la berebY giventu0»AIl peTrOsns olil aceordiog te law lia pay tieausourist sou:-T te 10 a. n. 2 to 4 sud6Su "fooleil"MhIm. He reterrei tc the pro- apprcved, le Se disciargeil andute l e lep ciiglooti, disel blus d 'upst u orhm ntemeutd tht au Iiulali'ert Oetel pai ofsuioealttsd oust e.iitil P. M. ceedîngs before County Judge John have tise esîsie oetsli deceaseil de- # o ui sp y is pen uattu aiae itRtl disi roule, rieasstutsand trsughieta- Crderics are aIiicial worlby oftriInsi? ý ý- ~~ Su eaas e'ctiet t.@aiDow dut' fa rNotice le urther given tial useculis e deL.< 'su Broàdwa. ,opposite Part E. Owens, 'viord Dr. Klby 'vas ad-.clareil ettied andl losed; at wiich lun u one nt effeet uonn lie bowes-Ties psnt il prove outi bath in tiien? ,-diefflag pup ose sr te tar A. Il.assomessnt fer icuelils againet tllaisd@.,sosrrsvileInoIs. luilgetInsn lun sucb a way tietli art l r.Ies'tusi tsi os' Imu oîcudlne 191 >1 ad yfi;W 'vthilulbthet o otai ditict heesn divides into _________________left no question ln the MInns of bils time 5anplace yen mail be preseDt If fre5e thlei"tomt-sasd kpiii e n n anytoerite surecosfidhoceua aane ahe beiarersthiatlhoieslieveil tbe entire Yenuasec fit se le do. t at uualiy retult roun isvewahar W. particulariy reeosmt'td Roua O# IIp&* sd Stalstf Ilîineic-,. 1i ltend(1inactive ledueans paabl Sý m 'BBI 'itusdtetiil under(tut ntI heis2nil day et January, ot esci year fi PAUL MAC GUFfIN. prodoeediugs esta nafuadie Datedibits 27ti day of Deceunher, R-îl o bs aiti aerifr. RestthlOrderies aed sasme h a t i iuesg e areafferi. 1atal of saisi iutaiinents 1 psrJury and subornation o! pcrjiry. i eA. B. 1932,o Or qiety, agderluesfoi ciReairderats onstd ý 1 '.*UIo &.Sesil, tieasurc'r of @sa iesierluterlat th, rate of six (6'.) pet- ATTORNEY AT LAW. He gave lb. cottnty maire a cdean bil, A 'v112ithoginu orcsais ume, Sexnnes.12tbei, boct 3mise ", I ditie etieuofficeln thie Laite CoanutYcent per cSunt ater Noveuularr fhalhl hi rcedn.i ML . .tO. ugn o xesielotbe he oe. 2tht,1c;3 alei,' -Lierlyviiie. lilinocis, ""A 9D 112. mari'. patit. Dis tirs rut t.bertyvIlle, Illnoiso olh bs iprocctuîng. ENiIIandH MO'LTthe caure 25,oré4) eusive Inose.e's. Tiey td l cfMnt-cli A. Du ", 1Baies Klnhy5s Plot, 1Execitrix o! lie Lest Will andi 'f . euruneieeu 2v ittbli.50., or, e is.e Ot y . . - ..pîopeîhy ouilAFebîuarr let, AI) 1913,. --"-'«Dr. Kirby on tic wituess stand., Tesiamnrtof J. Arthsur 'Moulîcri, de CAUTIION: Piessset'beu minai Ihât Reai Orderlies are tnt " yo qlu' i una. -q

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