LAKE COVNTY MWEPENDENT, FRIDAY. JA'NUARY 24, 1913. PUBLIC MUJST ACT TO PROTECT ITSELF FROMBFRE MENACE ELGIN CIIEF ASSERTS INDIVID- UAL CO-OPERATION ONLV WILL REDU.CE RATES. BLAMES THE INSIJRANCE MENj SAY& AGENTS ACCEPT POOR RI8K1 N ANXI ETY TO SECLIRE BUSINESS.1 SNATOR KNUTE NELSON Minnesota Legiclature Ro. turne Hlm to Senate. ORVIS EPLAINS $350 VERDICT 'IYEKR~E VISEPAN IS RETURNEWD YEKRGE JUST 110W METI3S :rttr a deiieratn of in. TO STATE MEETING Y W ILL BE REPAIRED1 afteriioori retirned pt'\terd aIt of $,It OF 11E WOODMEN TgainsI W. .Grigxg r- ,ot,î etor 0 the 15Ltri- theater. Itv as a suit for FROML SEVERAL EXPRESSIONS comuiitision brougitt by A. C. Howen- WAUKEGAN DELEGATE TO ILLI HEARO THE PLAN WILL MEET Amto for a ne%'lriailias b.'en WITH MUCH APPROVAL, made. Thte verdict cas foîr tih,»-qItîrej NOiS WOODMEN ASSEMBLY aifloîut asked by ltoweir. GOES TO SPRINGFIELD ____________ 13'weîciaimeil the oîtt .iufor WILL SAVE SOM£ EXPENSE, Gigs o* afaru , î, ( * IIT fl ff fw Ka ORV:SS AYS IT ALSO WILL GIVE g,0 CiTY A SETTER RECORD OF DEFEÇTIVE METERS. t -iidgiag front continentl hat ta hc-; " Titat the oea Idea, î-xpu'înded b ghýrJfoisvrldf'rn e o the Il liittre' Pre venitioli aBgoct:~I:h ail <o-,îeî1rlf Croturo cinenuicver dosny cty good uniese1,sth.iir rsloui C nentlion Ihofatcr tbey are adopted and îlliowed by i.. 1 ,et,-cà oinle city are lepi lit reliait dividuai ruierty owners. waa stated 90 tattey wiii regiser ,orrectiy. tAule morning hy Plne Mardhai Willali isTead of 100 fast or î,o slow, temiq Haibie, of Elgini , thqiil rîîegenera. aîîîrovaî. This, aise was te 10e of hi aie r -l i aie never becrr able ta gel aI whlkthivas read telon' he lItlinIote bots 1.y American pres A,ocinrtîa.1 orrcT regImtratlon fron N iris ." FrMr i l aeoeitIaii tt (iawa, s>5 i n i iliaritsaiti, and t-eare' malyi lb.' Eluîn Neytes i h .Kmute Nelson le Re-Elected. unisalieu icouiidl nt t '-a pliili Deparlimen Dees ISt.haPu.l], Mi Jan , ?2-t Kîiiltuli rýiiar Il îî'tîî 1 Ialirteýiltheri' kt ite ire di'îariméitnila ioliig ail Nelson. hi volttrîti .t hi us ý4of t,- torut- ullai 18 ililis ipower ta -itidown tie NtIlti, uuata t, g.saaiiri-, cas r, r-rni-d ittir lniiisi.-iors have beîli louktîigi lire ton",'sad the- tilef. ' It lip 1teîteIîle t;Ii,tidStmiis. riri th ot - niiotrer îreîty trisotoigtîy,'ir, the indiviliat iruterir uwner ta r,- hou.eS Loi .11i)iTi * ýii . ni. e.z:d. "and lh-y etlire taI duice tire însîirliîe rate., of this cd'y til-c iaie 11 iiCI., - t -i h-- ril narc aut, last 4o) mers in the' ')y peventng Mrî; thougi tiliaiceii-h are asax,iioff, rigist,'riig anîd prîip'-r const rucion lo ifew bu ildaitiaî rt, i ,7 s- i tissa.' ****:;;i), ila atiîpîeulbi, e ialie.d ilei' Ciief laibti- ret,îated in efeorcitai MI K P UUUCIERS .itic-tie îet.iion,' anîi)lave amked the, lie sauted! n bis ipaieritfore the I tr,- rît <t- ota realrithe seats on .hel, mens association ii)part sé foiiows ANNIUIAL MEEUNG1 twar lnet-rs in Ortler itaithiev .a. 'Part of the lianie fîr tiii' greari osp -- , t heuta run, but i have hemitati-i of ihis cty and ivert ciiy cari Le laid The -Mils Protut rs' associattin turogîvSe 50h permission Isciaruei te the Insuran, e agentsalto, eager ta place a îotiy. ai (ppt rieks atitout ILake iorilty c illhold is reannulil ,~, i"iriîî-s a bad çrecedcn tiret oîattog , oper tnierîlon, Pi'o vention st lAbertyvill" toAn hait onr Tues' geais are pt ou n0 thalt te île bodtng tire Insurançe grow cari'- Saturdai, al ]:.",0 oclock and Indi,,a ct'Y may know î,osittveiy tiraI lthe ies. Aleriti îiily bldir hs atie iouarelitI nany farmerli s' l atlani-i- has net been tamPered w it. Ilt an Insurance a jirser, ta adeertise is tend. Tiis talai'hemeeting vbr', dita flotii eai'tuiitanotmopet are .ompany c-lit male' a lilîrat adirist redtors ta thei'district assoc-atioîî olf iiitetle-tsei sn o, ia mmn tus lucreasliigte total tire- nslk îrducers arie electt'd Il miiitlie gal; and l eetrie ilgbî coîipanies te beld in riite Sheorman liotîse, r li, -i(do, tait aiesinrîly vtslîta talke lre <'bief lisible tated ibaT Elgin nous: go. eLrriary3. cautionts lu order tal aîîy aio ighi exeriises as; mrth offiiai îreaîtii 'c nati resiii'oi lîu Itililrelro ied freidIir nie. for prevention of ires as ny 'it' in!Paddock secretar f thîe Lake tlt The aire-traineil froni dlugbc £0 the tate organilalluil. ii'liraIfo îittng listai ai e donc "Thie greai troule c it tjrou)e -t- viiunhi'forl] otr inseclrm. 10 îîîa ucners" ite chier sald. lé, le theIl îud0oi aermlr m ia 1ut' n iruly bIatr. art-foîînd ta ho regi4ierlnig Incorrect uant biner Insurance raies tîut lite rmtn îruhy ilisoy are trot cîilng to foîioc out Our inl, A man wbo prefers coorpeny wireu ly ctt hi' reliaired. Titer in cases' struLliotIs as ta i--taing ut' te' !ir îdInkîgr scilen te cats, la more'c-hi-r,-the- Ieteru. gui ouI or cord er tn buidigsor eroringcnlsii prtiadmra liaite man wvilaprefers ! tieti'fuir,.Il-e people rnved lsimîîtiy buidins o ienovng ertlu artons10 t stor drink &aon@. But treating & a at:eau i, toun te teleptionegird Iý whlî-h nake a ire bazai-ilandl raise, a ustom ciene.rales loto oslentatious 1 il-iisec-taT teiipectortals andi lietr iasrrance raiec* he couuinti'd. viagarity and causes a giest deai Of I reîîars lii- nteir.Th iti' rll-tiBav' Departînent Anxtous lic Co-Operate. întemperance and tinanclal intorn mnr<ýIniot ins way b'-ui.epeople ail Ttec citif fîrter siatef idtai Elgin venience A deal of fua bas eez u o l]ti ae -e s n and al tiré deparimelîts -oliiI hi'gisîl pokeil aitbthe s-calIed Ilulcir treat' îmc or 1it iBe v aer îuleî tiseîi lu, work ciflu' a ,onrurlliee frontrth lu- lais country. but If the cuatomn of vmater tisera ' i ai tttehcts Commercial <i,îhtro ire-aie I ltiliu- se 14 paylng for oneas own drliiks were uni tiiet' cliilint havîe tir Stanrd tire e-- timntrIagaintîurtire- hazarde Hlieeiiîî versailte per capla ,cinnuniplon of 'leiii5o' iiiiiitia î,ii'îber 1tu chair thlie r-anI iltding dt-lsrrmeiiis al cotolil e eerages couid ite muchit iir iiter.Il ais,, vili iite u- ty bee. etieavoingles@ tau It le, andl teeci liaof drinky tee' eiieasrintr<îstiltae smut-i in w eouid be greatly dîmiotttîcd Ttc îî icresi for >Pars wc-tilt irritvm' litai, litsing ls s0 nuecrlte rule tat Il btirs W L 'W L E sire q-ýitiiis eaged ta raie sas bospltaiity, Iti WIL rLiEàA mer. cantonal.Tiietlitetie of titi bat rouamiraes il virt-iaiiy utIgaTor 'I', return lhe treut i al, obligationn iti- E O E O H S AYS RkTES MAI(E 1 taelaio lthe o-' f t-lacut-,pit nn,ýe. ,, avld, TeI816 SUM SPENT? B1~ CIlES BIG ER ad n i tslui a gioîdIe.I if eiglrI9 IIY BIG ITIE DIG ER9 deaditeata, Lut tiîat 18 itls teili ,î t coniele n -ho al, r lct' t-kc Tii,- -t rtiorutiuT uti)MilstItld foiL SMALLONIMALLtK 0 be liiistuperatelu 10 ;uk At enu- tttatrîclttrdirng t Itrfaîppro- titOES MA LE ýan ti'ey salit ti or t u Laie - xuîîai't .Iiiui Plaira for riev ixct~~uge htrk lii,'nltTbepn fiiiY cutitteteil, tt a iiotig ot itr thist hex rui Ili n. 'niac fiaid dîrimtoatorv ratc,l 5. xlandci tii,'couuttritio b-,t te Carnregiet m'hih mkis**bi ciire; bigerand Eery now andl agalirBoone Individ- stnil -I otatitiif a îîew coal dock at sanait ,t iMes amaler,- are î-iartei a 1alirises 10 bell taWit y 'e Are, the i plti-i tta 0cosl $40,000. a eoir'iiainT 0f te ltua stute birarl -and Whsb We Are. andi How We i Aniiruuuott,r r iprovereislte liii- ot raitrouil î.i î01cit"ud itiî Know Wlry We Are. andi Horm;e Are îrîîs Sîîui-e oniaoc v-ii aitortly'begin itlith e t- at'oiniîiie,c,,onisiaon.What We Know. andl What\V'e Would i-argnoî'ufo-ttiTOoitîl ruhiditaa-i~Iipr a iteairax liefure - Beif We Wren't. snd %\>bat, Pri'cise- htgn \e foeiilt olag i irrrsst-iit ii ai-, A. Prutin iily. Areness 1l, alma 'Nerenesi.and , tes andtishteet batrs. Titis vmil] i-st C'hicago. Whi Ve Arent Wt Weal 'I'igitnt 'sru : tfiiiitirie ,e ir ?'i Iuti iihi.,t't ttr ri ra, ~ H-ave Becu if \'i Vi'V.erea't, andrthoier i-.cration sp5tllabout Sititiit esa simpleiiL iland entranclug taris. Suci t iiltn i i4iLTiti' tic,.!aîitai tiliii lu nUittawoo-rai t- e -ti te i iird of 1 an individuel la caileil a phiiioloptiir !anîth ie projesiled f'anadiin plant arill i sts ui.ut rt. gi. g Buî.. Sidney. îîot i' i ,ded îît thle aboie estitoiaie. Titie ,-tit.- t-i tie aind tiriffs of Wesleriî raiirxîads uperaiing fronri ii land low a ptinltstail poits vest et- cepi Pacili,,iiaT poitIs, atectingF tite shipmeit ofu Nsiry coinmodiTy - ire a tar lied a-i-tiiti -i.t itula c til -,rn n'a sonaitie, and ii itlIt u ti itiîtti 'e r f re o il one on te Captain. A wOman v-tuwasa about 10 starl ou a trip t le sotît ieru part of te worid was adri-edt lub.'sure 10 look for te equator- on buard te vessel, site approactei tire captuilo and toit! him&site içould hi, greatîy obllged If h. would point onItlite equator 10 ber. Aller a wblie lie toid lber (bey vers drawIng uesr, aud gave lber telise o bis tèlesxcolie. i'uliig a bain oui of bis itead, t lietlil intofront ofthlie tlIescolte and sldt i 0Ier 'Tiere l18 thbe equalor. Calir tîttiee IL?' "Oh, i ifes. ye." sali sue. exciediy, 'a 1, - there's a carnet un Ir H--farpersa Weekly. Froxen Fîih Revlvmd Aller MontAis lnleresting experîmentsairnte posaI- btily of suspendeil lite for a deflotei '.peniod are bcbg carriled ot by Prof. Roaul Pctet aI Geneva. In one case b. rose Ilitegolilfiit bI e loa ateu-ý perature of ine degrees Fahrenheit aunWmr, d, lItemenîhs a ier graduilLy îmeted lhe.tee and brought théSaolis back to Iber natural IlIte ae. nie Awbe kepI a'dogtfrosen for an bout Ut a tuquqflatsre of 110 degmes. beaw mo**o 'iolat vitho tsAm lu Iii tiot~ 'Noodmen assi'mitty (titi" 'rhoug~t Hlm Duty £U4~ a-- ot otsbattg titie 10cr, as.- , Titi' Duc de :Reaum 1Ilii. k ii saies for Sî,ritn'fel ,!Ioý te Conntese BogfU of his conetion 'vith thI qN ; t d t :%,'I. T t ti i't t g fo ll o a s ' W h e n t e : 0B * 4 t tii î,. ~ .~ Ail for France.'Isevdwitth asin; when hi' said, 'France "d fi-ri - onigrî "lonai i 0.- erved wlth obedleeuce; bUt IWl fr i-' î t t. 'r ,ofthtlî-I ald, 'l'without France, i tkt ouii ii i' Ietii-ai ap a' ho, k 1A 1 ceIty of separatiflg frocs iN tat-ti i î-td i . îv Ioî l'ut rto, ,ff,'ît T T h scae AvrangeiManhur 1 , tiir tii a s-Inbtîtî 'io vsterinary when hie petcdo getsiO Knights of Pythias to Instati- but hi' ta vilii o reiy on alma# kini of "dope' when bha mut 'iuà gyatîtîi u I,.- iit,,1 stat, 1< well it self, arisas, andl purcliaslAt ii i ti - ùk of P a, , -u, t,\i x ft -u, )0ods, Yrîi'N .Fîie iiiat evi tîg o irixtil oui, 'r5of ti'i- "Comparattve. 'tie frit Kalîssu t,, ai i , ti Ile DECISION 0F HEAD CAMP OFFI- tirîlge ii l t,- roOtlI l tti' I ti t n-' Ithink ltmurt be awful to b«%U CERS NOT TO ENFORCE THE îiiaaitt45 ofiostt8io ue ia ge irogtugi4 NEW RATE HAS EFFECT Ilalts areieinîg irai, for a i,gfilleî every tUrne site gets a cba Acqulr.d Information. 'The Royai Neitiiors aind \Vood auarch of toose change," mi4 "In case you're asked, aaid lte intîr hold a joint itnstatlatiotn T1ii,, iughby. "Oh, that', only a -» adge. "taire At froinnime that the let lu, evenin tiraitieIlarth iloîts- ,,iff tottcon>' saidliarrown. t' lIe oflit alhabt i zak e ail -it \ ,î Ii, -itt i u,tgii gthiat güi-s tirougit your wholeli leter f te aphaet a 'ý' *T e itfivtTioîrs are tthalilT vill t on ha es ynrui ,,î,i-tu lIarnt somethlng today," retr'arksd aid toi ro t ra Ioi*tiiîi., CT t iîtht ithe- bigrPst tintes the lli-at io g, e rs Tl ha elsmy nri. theprtioer grteuil. r, as ,Iel-at, rotiii ii, district- ti ae ha in layears. "Go ta Nomns Tomorrow and Buy a Suit"p * We decided to make a QuickI Clearance of about 200 of our Ladies' and Misses Winter and Spring Suits. This is just the weather for them too. We took and hung j them on a big rack right in the front of the store where there is plenty of room and plenty of light for you to inspect them carefully WE PUT A BIG. SIGN ON THAT READS ta off which means in other words 1 Off the Markod Price The original tags are ail on. You just deduct j and that's ali you have to pay for anyone of then'. There are some beauties too. THAVS'S OT ALL EIHER Every Custorner Who Boys a Suit SETS FREE A Good Serviceable Mercerized Black< Petilcoat-Renierber FREE SERVICE Tht's Wsrdh a Atexieii~Lot to Yod Boside a&l This YOU GEY Filleena years buying and selling coals and sais ineans somelbing. You gel <lie bemfit of Mr. Helu's exparlence and fls service too, Il you buy one o1! <lie uslis. BO per- soually secs 10 il <bat you gel whl I s righi. GOOD COAT ai Clearane S 8.00 to $10.00 COATS OU8 15.00 to 20.00 COATS 79 20.00 to 35.00'COATS 15.00 Corne ai Once- You Cannot Af tord to wat Belote They are T*km'- "TUE PROGRESIVE STORE" WHERE SERVICE SS KINGI Page 1% ma ari lay- homne e note tiantly lgne sel> grOUP r ans- BeT- t, but Due or ai er terme or 'm tir 1 have moved my offices to Room 207, second floor of Schwartz Building, corner of Genesee and Washington Sts. over Security Titie and Trust Co. 1 will engage in the general practice of law and give special attention to examination of Abstracts and Real Estate Tities and to the business of Exec- utors, Administators and Guardians. CONIE HERE TOO IF YOU WANT A sale prices. Every coat la thse store ls doosned. Coul anmd values have been lgnored lu maknq <berne prices. We won'l carry ainy over 10 next season. 1