CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Jan 1913, p. 14

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J ýNSÀTION ACT [m6WORKMgEN r^yION CF $TATE INDU STRIAI. tOfAIdIOON 18 URGED IN ILLINCIS. E FLAW IN PRESENT LAW ktlt MNER$ WOULD HAVE IVASMINCTON STATE PLAN AOOPTED IN STATE. .ltsrevicion oi the. Illinois enscompensationl law or the MIy substitution of a compensation ulmilar ta the one naw ln farce ln stUetofo!Washington probably viii gesnanded by Illinois foliowing the "a convention of the Btats organi- lm OCf minera st peora ln Febra Me g10X&~dkal change ta be de- d vii bs that the srbitzatlon "Me in vbicb emplo>yez mât *VId Wye r deat shall be the daty etf a îè commission appaited by the Muinor. ,such a commlissioni bas W appoiiited ln Washington ander ~ejIaio the Indutial Insuasce ortgaent. in consiste of three cala- g6Mers vho serve for six years amie rsponsile for the main- S tn te due Injured orkmen 01Sbiisa emplayes kuled at vaWOit. Thsy &IBO couduct nvesi- deslgned ta Insane proper *dtreatinent for ail injured entit'led ta henefit by the cool- iis c"te, the disposition oaIsnch là ist in tihe handesof tbre an iO. Que rspreseniing lie initiret a or is tamiW ln case of ses repreening the. tefendant llW sud the ubinti selected by in c"e lisy are unahie Io lapna a tird peris,. lis sp- MUt fMIs to theCircuit cour 0f Minty invbicb lie'!hlury occa-Ur *btu a decision lu lie casebus t*ubtd. lt:s.reported ta thu,.Cir- it for ap*jraL Cei declare they vaut the kM out oi the. courts altogether. wpaU*ttiiey argue,. henfta untier of4éendent ralier apon god for- là securing a board o! arbitra- tban Upan th- e nt oaitle s O.m- tant'£ Cc,îec.Witiii t eiOmtniiý- chose niuîels itley !nis'. id pas s rgiti examinatiaus ta de-' >e thelr fitneusaion thse Positions,. ai-g.' of suclucases. tbey believe uui!arinity and faines. casîld eçpreà. WeWauilitigtan at-t lrovitles iorna :ees oý '14,000 lnîxmilm ta tht' y af a wonkmnî,iliid at is or- tou or toaa uaiotall ydisabWcd âgb an ailident iii t11,B' onk Th,- maunm lu Illlitttj' .ii.4 li tt s$3500. i spruabI hit 1h, t i Vî iim «Itn - ltoi rkmten or emploers as u soalled, leadersInthue mnes luulatton dectare. Wonixnandcli ve pue ticsly no :1,1 ige froul t, e -ampengsiion tais - iy today. hites.'"'i.' i,'tta isiot' iey isart enîlîoyes accanding tcu ý. aeteuftheiiipsy rail antimate- 2 y f aeployer elects ta ope.- »lmatsde the compensation act, he rè6pnried ai bis o lteeuies, 1cat- LaSMet isI. He caut velI aBford ostayinlg out sud b.' pays a lot PoArimce if he comas la.-~ ertain Oid Sciwol Sooka,. gale laurd urges lii ai l ad »Ollab hatertlizeti andt eis u«X b. doue ta lie damage af *Mi*., but nt ta lhe booka. W. j t M hgt. it la beter ta 1t"lbyeisaalliy tisu liai e anr.d u intution as lie Mmh book and tavel OUI- I'eei Rde. iye. end the Sun'& Raya, mie our eyes legs tiasîsti hy tue tard sunset than just aiter sun- fs ths early morniuig sun ealy Ir lima il. later afternean suis ar ico ansver; ou. pism- , lie olier physicah. The eti- "us psogressiveiy mare souci- lhe dati. A audden Illumina. msi ete ur t'es. viiere. Maieabalute intensitY 0f MeUU1 bavs lea. effect lui the day- ,.I>huug t"e day the. oye be. l fad«Usy mre and more accus. ab1 te llgbt*: la ou.? yard, taoit Hovuer, the set. actnly»esi leuba risuu.]hewsas. ci LAKE COV~iTY J2iD~PEN»~NT. ~RTt~AY, JANUARY ~, 19J~. Ils i~ wÂUKEGAN LOOALS Miss Laura Stamberg af this cltY ,0 serioualy iii ln Chicago. ,Mse Harriet Kaaeland of Kenil' wrtb caled on local t&Msda 'today. Waakegan la surely gettlag enouglt changes la veather. Who would vaut a finer sprlng day than today? Tbe condition ai W. A. Strang who le 111 vitti typhoid fever et is homte on South Shieridan road romaine about tile sanie. This atternoan atten echool the local high schoal meet tbe Dserfieid igb scboal teata at basket bal ln the 10- cal gymnasiiim. The Woadmen snd the Royal Neigh- hors yull boid their Installation ai Qficera tnmorrav eveniug asthte Par loh Hanse. D. H. Rogers bas sald bis cab huaik ness ta Dunning and Metzler, retain- ing the express and maving business, as weii as is stand at the depot. A large namber of ladies attended the benetit card Party given by the C. W. L.. thisafaternoon lu the Kaights ai Columbus bail. Mna. iFrank Burke and daught.r, las Aice o the Miwaukee road spent Tussday wlth frleia snd rela' tives ln Lake Farest. Tiis eveniiig st 6:20 o'clock ln the oi Christ charch entertains the meni- bers ai the chir at a turkey aupper. The fu nal of the Ite John Dan- ing Wiilys heid Fiday aiternoon ai 2 0'clock frola the Baptit church. In- tergient to take place ln Unian ceme- tery. Tlhe ianerai af the' late lins. Juhn Llndquist viii he heid Thanaday ait- unnoon at 2 oclock fram the homne on McAlister avenue and t 2:30 oclaeit ironil'the Scedlmh Methodist churcb. Ths Lawrence six-piece orchestra oi Chicago vili funish the music aetths Ossesso girls' dance belt inî the Par Ish Hause, January 29 anti dancing la to start at 8:10 o'ciock. lins. A. J. Jevel etertained the Taesday Evening Seviug Club asat eveullux t ber home en Norths Cqaity street sud a very deightfal evening cas spent. Mrs. Sarahi Zfet of Larain, O., and Mr. sud Mns. Thomas Gerry of Bas- seit, la., are at dis home -of Samiuel Oerry on Washington street. caileti thon.' by the serions iliness o! Mns. S. lit rry. Mises Evelyn Niaxson snd Eva Eti- wairds entertained the membera a! the Social circle ai the Methodist charcli iRt îvening at the home o! ises Max- so,t on West street anti a very pleas- aii t ening vas reported hy ail. i- ýJunior leagas a! the.'Baptist î 11,li bcd a very enjoyabie bas ride t'..i vsening- ta tii. home o! John Mc- tltwýin Garnes. ebere ail oyster sup îîwi,ýa, served. Tht' evening cas ,i-11 tît il,(- pi ying of cames and oth ,i, ai si-ments. Fiît, -i ii ic tîîng people sert' gusts o[ i.lst- î%elyn Maxson aud Eva Ed- , tid da t tIsa Maxsan home lest eveic îlg'The guests luciadeil mostly dis iii ilihcrs ai tht' Social (indle ofthe St, t cadIst church. The event pro-eii i r>i piessani ans. - s tVanrad oa!iglband!Park, tîd5 -sid in the caanty î-eik'i office, ofi- i!the min vIsa ecovereti is t- Intl Chicago chen a yoang -,in cas arrested and cas foundt! t *ossesà 300 coats chlcbh.' bhat!stol- o'n tram retaurants, batela, etc. Con- rails cuat vas taken fnam a restau- mant. Perpiexities wbihtbhave anisen at tIse Elgiu postoffice gince the begin- nling o! lie pantela post vene oven- siatiOcet!totiay vbe$iPostafaSen l-arry D. Memmena neceiveti a ictten irani a coman astcing vhat lie rate coalt ha ta, ahip herseiftotaWashing- ton, D. C. The applicant cas lira. Mary PhIlIipa, wbo ia neariy 80 yeas This avening in the drill hall a! the' naval station (hi regalar nolen skat- ing party ciii be bell eut! a nuinher tractar la rushing the yarkn that tuis can ho dons. Thtsvii let tliemi ln tva days Inalde Of seven months tram the time they lafi their aid quan- tors. Mns. Elizabeth Miler of Gurnee la spendlng a isw daya at the home of ber bratiier, Samuel Gerry. Mrs. Emil Jobnson, South Park avenue, la very 111 vitb typhoid tev-- Champalgu (l.) rsjacted the com- mission tarin et gaverninent for the secand tume today by a vote of 874 againat 773. "Wets" cene activsly OP- posed. The Manufacturera association bolds a baniquet Frlday evening at 7 O'clociî In honar af Mr. Bosweli a1 the euve- lape tactary Ivho leaves soan fer bis new position in Springfield, Mass. The tuneral ai the late John Dan- ning wili be heid ll'lday at twa oilock tram1 thse aPtist churcis, banlal la Union csmetery, Spaulding's Corners. The death oi Ens. E. M. Gray, viiosa namne tormarly Wagner, occurreil in Chicago Tuesday and thse remaina cens iroaght ta Whuksgan taday an the 2:50 train and were buried lu Oak- woad cemetery. lire. John Recktenwsid entsrtalnsd fine ladies at a lanchean yeterday afteruoan ln honor ai ber irthday. The out-af-town guesta ver.: Mrs. James Blaidale ai ighland Park; lire. P. Lavrence and lira. J. Welch ai North Chicago, snd lMn. Robert Bin- ais sud daaghter, Laverns, of Ravens- woad. The Mion City anti'smuoking crusad- ers retired tram the court raam af Justice Cisltenson Tuesday ln dis- smoking vers dismuased. City Attor- ney naines vas anable ta console the crasade vitu esses. The cases vers againat Ottoanansd John'Ellera, employes ai the, iP. B. Cook Electnical Company. The village board ot Oak Park Wau passeti su ordinanoe ander vhlch a movlag pictare theater cen be tmxed1 85 tar eacb perforinane, vhich voalti iast the average moviug pcee ase1 (ram $30 to $40 per day. The abject1 of lie lav la ta keap out of tawn sev ali amusement enterprises liai are tnying ta ast permnits ta enter Oakt Parkt. Charles Whyte, Genesse street mer citent, vonilsred vby the vaten in is home woald not rn yesterilày. Hia vifs vas Inciineil ta thinit the' waier cas shat off aIl day. He determineil ta make su investigation andi reunovea the iaucett. There b.'bud titat a fl8h foar luches ini leutu had beconie caugbt lu the pipe and had r:ollle-te. iy shut off thse supply o! vater. Thisi is an expeience tIsat severel people here have' bail ailate. Thse appoltment ai a director toa take. active change sud broaden theaI Pecilpe a!the.' ont af the Naorth Shoret tîîivenIIe Pratective association la ta be considiered at a meeting of the or- ganîzat ion ta b.'boIt! eanly naît monlth iii Cmaity oase, Wilmette. Item-t bers plan '-o ta0uge t'e teachlag oai a seooyiith.enortb sonesichoole; I as a meassof curhiug the. social evil. That houaseives cannot be toc, cars, fnl af tIse cannad foodi they panchaso cas sitowc at thse meeting ai the Besa- me Club ou Tuesday atternoon viien " state pare food Inpecter dellvered a tait. One ai dia members ai the1 club exhhbitati a cm of high gradei French peas. A spnon chici hati heen aliaceil ta remain lu the pais aven night cas ~tickly covered vltii cop- per vbich hla set Inlupreservîng the peas. The Sun some veeks ago toid of P. L Saenger belug oua ai the pro- matersansd probable manager ai thea nec Federal Sagar Refliug com-pauy. It cas thii. ompauy vhlch Mr. Sceng- er alt! ho ukt h. able ta lacate la Waukegan providlug tipe coal rates canee not sa tiuirlmnating bers, Saenger vas a vîsitor ln Wlaukegau decîdet! ou the intter eo! afilcials, heada o! departments, etc., as yet 1 tram bers. cul attend. Thsomas Duffy-78 years aId, famfl- The fanerai of Bra. Mary Cuddiliarly kuovu ta Keissha people as cull be bita tomrrov morniog t 9 OldTom" anti one of the mntsiuni- O'ciocit irointIe Austrian chancit. la. que characters u in4aai ciy-dlsd sud- tenunenI ln St. Marya cesueteny. deuiiy main usant diaqase in tse Plata caf e ln Keioaa »onay afiernoan. Toeorroc eveuiuug in the ll'rst Bap- Born ln Cleveland., Chia in 1840, Mn. tiat charetu l be bell a banqune ta Daf y ca a driver on tue ait! White. caMMeonrate the. 154 anniversary oi caten canal îav pa& i until the. open. Robet Burn's bfrth. iug of thé Civil van. during vhlis ho Chitîna Palarti. 2745 West Maidi- cas the body servent o! Qeneral Phi] son street, Chiucago, tieti Taeaiay ati Sheridan, vhom b. accompaieti on ber hanc. Slahle ister ai John hsfmu i Wagner of Lewis avenue. The ne-_ mains vili b. boaght ta ltis city t.- f do!s ra w 1kg% morrav aftennoon for balýial lu Oakt i. D pe, :Z= ~is~of coot! cemetemy. li* bounty of nature.A 1 eeueo f Cunbnldge. Ena., ree0ttv rxaes Mla' A 00089>8tu »O Ut indicaUus s :h à =_rp-at-g-- ~ 1,net b.,Atut *sidoniibut t5ne Speelal Crop Blletins. The baouinet f&trming useéd ta ba among the Most difficuit of ail COin merdiai indtwtries. It uned ta be; but It snt nOW., although a good maii farinera stillmiii. it sa. The, one thing tuat made fariul miost dilIcuit vas the tact that eaCh faruier m"s aboolutely tiirovn uPOn bus ova rgeuro.;, h.bad a0917 b18 ovE exqperiarnes foin vbicb to PiOgt. Wbea my of las mont vark and buUl Only upan Our ovu exPerisnces.l.ttC a long, bard and doubtfui JourfleY 1 sacesoI But Oeadions bave cbanged.. Abd t Iis obange lias came abo4t Wtbii ?ery rfflut tme. TodaY th*. via formeeau lSariiexactly vhat ta de., and boy 10 do It by the .racticsl a- perWnOn of athers. For todaY th@ farmr bAsanot only the num*nseuS , pernment stations ta guide bui, bt alothé exact details of what Otk9r farinis are awomplisiug. a"A boy tbay reM msklnguese faitbsl faris. The. resultc of ever fariner lni e?.? tite, under every posible Oe& ditloian d viti .,ery ,arletY ot crois. la now v"alble ta the ambitions tai. nier.Tii. suonesces aud fatIurea 0 thausands of otiiers. aud the. rigd analysis of sn ocesceanmd f ail- ur4gs. frni the.basio upon vhlcb the faim., cm inov vorn. Tba ,agricutural publications bave been Iargeiy InstrumentalIin standard, izing fsrmmug. Thecemediamabha"e beeu the direct means oi traternaill- ing farming. bringing ail fariner ah ta an untinuati, haiptal contact vtil eacii ailer. OUSOTSENT TO VERA CRUZ; WAR yMAYE~UE Tho WbusI1sI Is OIe~1d SOES TO PflEVENT M MOENÇ Cansul Fours RebelAi aUck Which Might Compiicalo Relatiouns ne- lvween Mexico eund UnitedSiatesa, and Administration Aime ta Avent Anything of Thot Kind. But af aB lie interesting. Inatre- ma lys nmotter tig~t la nov available to col the farnssr, liens la probably naliing tii that bas bec ofaimore Inportance ln a fermninga honlie SpecisiCrqpp ililtins, seitetiandti iasd bhi Uice MidleW. est Soit Imprav.ussnt Cou, col plier lie direction of Professer t £Ei7G. Bell. iornserlj pvofes« Va Il anus sd manager of farms ;if Co teuniveralty of Main. lia Commit'- se ius a peclacrop bulletins tiet market Type of Patate- sia", phase ubli»snd Clearly explain lie praper Qtaality. Which Drings the. Hîgesot Ila iea cf the s 11 alIl&itdrainage, and rieait srtiliainansd boy cropes aoauti ba pounds per acre. Where a liberal ap ell rotatei ta prodace lie boit yleand plication ila nom, ut la DoanCommunW itiier essentila.s tut ifuture lie ligh-i' bng ta cee a yield ai 250 ta 400 buah, et productivenes aifthe sali. easof potatoas par acre. Ai Tbs opeclal crop bulletins are base! Haw to Aipily the F.rtliisr. pin niiolir upatu actuatexpariauces of eue-. es ie-uatr ilefr Cential farier.sud the resuits oi ex. Àtlattreqtreso h e parliment stations. N h isor tlzr ol odildi ihj si seiieraltzations are ta hacfail in; viseat drill befare pianting. Ti ids th-me spaclal drap bulletius; only ae-, trthates the plant foodi thraagbout lis tual tacts baset! upon actual demon- soil viiere lie ttuy potita mots May i etrations, veill Ilutrated, sud la very mid It eanly lu uheir grovth. The tui 'eaahe inbers fbri n a msparatarmots viiicb Nov lie purpose of! li Middle cluster ander the plant vils the AI West Soli Impravement cammittee. ieeding roots .tretch off Inta the soi] fa anduit u blletins la ta belp the far-in- usanch oi availahie plant food.t!. I mer ln caning for hl@i]anI sd t ContraiT ta common helief, the genu- shov bum lu a very tangible vay bac, oral distriutionl ai iertiizer betvesu t to gst the langeai crop yielt! of bali envaa oate as ltt n i Qu91l1y svery ysar. ~The bulletins.,ta spnead tbe groving tubera, bat a wiiicii aie sent ta the farmnera vit tends ta prilvIde a better distribution auy &Pt viiuteven, coustatua no adver.0f foodi ior thu grovlag plants. C tialag aund malte no alteMrnaitai sllg The remalatiti quarter of lie fer- d auylig. These bulletins are Intend- tilizer applicatian shouiti ha appietig ad te »bav, ainong othlîtbinga. Ils.tbrovgh the fertiltzer happer attachait ýpma an sd profitable adysutage j ta lie poita planter. The belt mo!- ( of fertilisera. The bulletins coun cm ~f plantera are su constructad thtt verl valuahîs Information fan fea-thlisfertilizer dropped in thse nova je R un. Tiiey Ul varrant avenT enter- inlX5d vl lieésoli before liesced prisusi feriner i ndlng tam 8forsud 1piece faîls. This prOtecta the potata readiug lies. 1f rom aDY Wnu"ry utgi Coming la di- i The potata bulletin recentiy iasn.d1 rect contact viii lis fertiliser. la su excellent Illustration ai boy TU* iddle West, Soai Improvement vaiubîlse ulctosa. Comnutie.scetishe*e bulletins train Hors are var îions lirns rmte ubeir cilice, 916-917 Postal Telegrapiia pont ulei: etica ron ulding, Chiagoa Illinois,- Profeserr poina bllein:Bell iniormed lie Interviewer liaisa The pointea leàsMafsy Mak. simple roquent mntue fariner la Ml! Tshelb poit ta a stAple iO liai 1, necemaary. Tii. bulletins lien Amentcan diet. Ther, ver. enougb vill h. reguairii malet thle nquis'.i POtataes Consumeain lathe Utnitedor. States la 1911 tu a iov orne 8 oua.. poita a day tbroagbailite vbge, MOW TC 1I.NCREASE THE YiELD year for eacb man, vol and mud41.0F AY Truly. lie poit", 48 lie food oat FIl. poople! Tiié portion; et lis Aun.cssn prtDa usea maie p h 1h5 VUetble ala.i (a) Open U5 isurface drains5. amouuited tu unr 3dU01,f bus**s. (b) Sée liai tile drainiamare ab The. productions ar *b4 Impoilsutit g vegetable la beomlig m importflt (c) Cpen .ufIcltit nev drains by ,part 0' tbs bassins 'o! faras-s. 9""dier, plov. aW.d or dynamite. sud am"l. OcfdiormsO-ani1ati Wili snob au enioUs mtioua-p Su pette a a~elin sema e e (a> By plaving la second drap, sud go1 real wvulionsaduof lie. gi- by -applylai UI>srai aiu*auuts afbarn .mers of lie nMiddile veol sbauld, be _Uure. gro c ai IqutsILa tours=nsor Ibis Third-GoCntro tihe G rwth of Woods.1 . crp, *th odern Motlad@ lie PO' (a) Bring landtu tta u tvation once1 .tata lsa auoeî maxir for tbe tamier. la four, rive or six yeara.1 A couple ai sas abouti! produte ap- (b) By cattling sud burning peren-1 PrazlnatelY 600 buabelos-enougbfor sial eeds ai figwonhng tme. before .bis Clan une vili a fsv blmdied bush. cs atmet .1. t ael1 Fou.rth-Ilflreaae the FoitlIty. The. Type ta Oreal (a)By hylini land itatutilage . Tic type Of poita lh&tiiill eat- once l ire.w,'four, ive or six yeffs. 1est favor on lis MAXiit la on. liai se Conaiderabie teniilitY applied ta lie 1regular ln shape, vbo» e. i.a tra. croisgravE on t lanud vIliromain matés 8ttachesilenlgth, ste 2%ý for the by ciop. luiches ln vidli sud vbio iegiis (b) ÂPPly aasprlng dressing or suit- ftram6 ta 9 uncea. Tis » etate cbduld @ahis fertiliser as oon a ti grmoa ba b. uval la shape and aboa pso.a begun ho grav. Stace lhe' h" Crop ta sin0tb . a 41SietextureThe coa00t4 thle U#O, PMsud co- siiould b letheai57 hlov~ ntnO: thle fertli- .yed potatowo acasiog p101171YtJUas;amd I1OÎ un pr-ephrula o JmaIpWll.PPic6Iol RL6 wpT*e assumai cf -bdd s-B»uld b; app" d d aiMy AUSASSADORS -MEET TOOAY Future of Adrianaple May Bm Leit ln Handa af Powera. Landau, Jan. 22.-The ambassatiors ai the pavera meet today te discuta the. Balktan situation, but there ls na chance that the. Turklsh reply ta the note ai the diplomatie represeutstives at Constanitinople viii b. available. The opintbn l a intainet! that the tendency nov prevaitina lu high of- fitial qartens lu Constantinaple la- vons ieavuag thse fture o! Adrianople as vell as the Aegesn Taies Iu the bande oi the pavera. Big Fine ln New London, C. Nec Londlon, 0., Jan. 22. - Tva large business blocks cere reilace! ta asies sud tva othera pnactlcaily destroyed, weUh a lacis o! apwards ai $100,000. by a fine wcht badIl s onigin, lu lie tiaseniant ai Day Brotbers' 5 anti 10-cent store. imuI PnIde. hof le4A CAMP, ita titrons griimbing away. Ithr was Calke o' Norfolk, for Instance. whO lu bie youager days visited the. "b«94 ey', towu sud caime aval a pg<Wrg .~ And reeebered the, tact 58M bis lfe.. He never ,sced 4spii. nd mûre. He even refused ta look Math*i plac, of hie lait hapea. Wheneve cecossity drave bis chaise acrOSS th* beatlà ke pulled down tbe blnds, M4 coacbed bis son ta take liii. prella* tlons. "Tom, my boy," ha would My~. *"remember wbeu you pess o 0,r eI.- miarket.never içok aetthe P la«.» Nevertheless, Néwnarket t dl sur- vives.--LoiidoflChranicle. a i~.~eîand sraumifts, nï a:tiorailoisu occssoned by de 1P a ter of great lIWPor- t.Wben cooked. the' poitea .;bould b. dry, mealy, fine lu tex-ture mLd sweet In flavor. fto0wto Propane the oeil for Potatoue. Tb*. potato graver aboutaont 9V58t the. cipp on soli ta vblii barnl Mi' miure, lime or aube. EUve bean PPplted. itl i., truethat bhrn manrs and amsa suppiy plant Iaod Constituent*s vibii are made use aifiiy the ptato. but bath, as weilias lime, produce su auka- Uins reactian la the soail, vbIcb ta»» the. growth ai poitao cab. Wii.n PO, tatau folio* ciover, vblch bas boss turned under, tiiere is a aliglit 0W reaction lu the soli which goca a long Way In preventlng the mIgea disease. Thle seed bed Mbould ho vorked down ipellow by cantinued diaking and bar- rowiag. If tbe ground lu too compact. the growing tubera find diMeiulty tu pugbing out inta the. moil, and as à consequence vill b. misahapen. The Fsvtiilzp. The. plant food of the potato tn Mont profitably suppied by txining under green manare, auppismented lir fer. tilisers. Tii. poita t kea hp à a h'Y large amoant ai'ntrogen, a gond slip- piy of pbosphortc acid and a large aupply of ptasii; bence a fertiliser suppiying 2 to 6 per cent. aminua. 4 ta a per cent. phoipharic acid. ad 6 ta 10 per cent. potasb. mcordina ta the type of sali. has been iound monit profitable. In applying the fertiliser. It bas beén found tbot quantities oif rom 1,000 ta 2,000 pounda par acre have givon bout paying recuits. on ans Illinois tarin 800 poundi of 'a higb grade te pie fertiliser were used vltii get uoeai. In the otite ai Mains.,viiere alincet 25,000,000 bu e are produced annuallY, the appiI- cation of fertiliser on the gaod soi1 Of tl&, variestram 1,000 ta 2,400 T.ach Australien BOYa te PermL Autraila bas eeinblisiied a train lng achool for boys cho vighIo eb. comm expert farmer@. but vb lIad lis meaisata obtain proper imoirue tuas /st uf the' deiartmeat ai états the tîuat Wlîsellng was direeted ta îî-î-cd lu Vers Cruz on the sasi îi't of MiexIci, Aiarnîing reports uîn Consul Canjada at Vena Cria: re rei<fabefur lthe' trdcns dis- Lciing tut' wiieeliig tu thai City. Buth tile'coulland sa nmer of iriican citize-is at Vera (Cruz lear -n- iB a stror.g probabiity of an- îcýr uiit taof r'voiiîlionary dialun)-1 ci-s laIr, the.Icinity ai Vera <'ruz. o Ainutricaxi wasaiit, bas beeuî et era C'nuz vince (tic cruii-r îles iîîeg icit tiiert- a f.w seepks arter it allap'.e of tii'- i-'ix lits:revoit àOctt. ber. WI-estinq Leavec tram T&mPa. The' lweiug wss csught bY dis- ticbes ftrnt the'Davy deiarfiment st ausithe sas sbu talu ItavTant a. She imunediaiely set out for Vera 'ruz. The instructions sent Commander ltchîson uft he Wheetiuîg are very eneral atid leave It tu bini to cicr- Ie bis discretion iln the' case ot snY mengency arisiig s-bile b.'Il~ ai Vers us wlicit may îcdnnger th,'-)Ife aud roperty of Amenicans. 7he' action fthe' state departmeai la sending a hip ta Vers Crus in ativance ai sny mnrketi distanhance ai that City la la onuectIan citil the' detî-rminaliou ai se Tait administratian ta do aIl cliii nIts pjower ta prevent any uccar- ace of such n characlen as ta lirovs eriously emhsrrassitig ta tither that utry or the U'nited Stutes. Il la e Intention oi Presidi'at Tait ait Ibis Ime ta tara lthe iexIcan situation ter ta bis sîîccesson clith juct au Sec implicatIons ais possible. Rovoiiaiionisla More Active. Dispatches to #the sitate department ndîcate an Iucreame or revolutiouany :iittieî In tihe'Souith ofai eic. Reb- s1 are reported ta have apnuoached ithin ilîteen miles o!lexico ('itY. A ranch and milis owned by an merican utamed J. %1. Gleason wen.' ttaclted twa days ago and severai cm, oyez cere kiiled. T1i' Amerii an manager snd bis family escapî-d sfely. Olxly Robels Kiiied ln Battie. El Patio, Te.,- Jan, 22Confirma- on cas made bers of a rebel defe-at &I Abamada, eigbty ailes below Janez. Six handred reitela attacked bhumada, defended by '-,D federal lni- l.ntry, says the' report. luit as the fght cas ut lis beigbt thse entire Tweniy-Thlrd battallon arrived front th state capital. A bis shlP's can- on csrried on the train cas turued gainst tbe rebels,' mutina tbem. On the fielid slxty hodies were caaunted. ln- clading that of Antonio Rejas, a rebel geteraI. COLDHNITS FLOOD SUiFERERS lesidents of Chio alley Oeriousiy Af.cted-Waters Are Recoding. Evansville. -ad., Jan. 22.-Althaugb the Ohio river la gradually suhsiding. the cold wave han caused more suifer- ng among the dionc victime than ai '.ny tuas during the bigla vater. The river sboced a faîl oi thrss-tenths o! a loot. Alan aet Sbavneetocn, Ill. seveuxty-five miles beloc bere, bas sait elàed, bat the inhabitants itili are pre pareti ta fie a smoment'a notice. Water la gradualîr ovenfiocIrtg s large farrming district sud mach of th( country, bath nontb sud saatb ai Caira. Ill., le a vaut laite. It la re ported that the vater la hacking ut oven Lake coanty, Tennessee. Thi la the district thai cas Boded las, Tear- George Triggs, losiab Butler, John Patterson, William DymontiliR. H. French, lDaniel Harvey, Caleb Wright. Huîbent Swan, Eu Dean, James Linti. P. Q3. EcGuire, J. H. komten, (lace Hatch, Lecis R .Puonnlman, E. H1. Ma- son, E. Tlugley, Emiiy C. -Sprague. The Uninavu -Membars of theTunin- carparateti Society of thse Ladi« of tIse Cburch Nameti sud Styled and Commonly IKjuau s eULdies ioln hOurch Aid Society andtihei Unknovu Partuens af the Ca-Partuensbip Dolng Business Unden theFIMrin Naine anti Style o! Andes'sau Linti & Conipani, Deossast Detendunts. the original subscnibero an Ssockiioldera o! tiie LIbentyvilie Chueub Association, Thot the above nameti Campiant Iseretofone, an the 18àh day af Novein- ber, A. D. l9l2, IBled hlm Bill cl: Co. [plaint in the BaId Cou th ipias cery suds thereof ud' tat min-r mniosthereupon lIsustioui tW iti Court agaînat the above niuu1De- fendants returnebla on the. lai gay a! tIse tenu of tue Circuit C<70ut, Lake Couuty. belti at the Coartiioma lu tIse City o! Waakega in tue. Mad <'ounty af Lake on the tinst ly o! December , A. D. 1912, as is a-S ireqaineil. endl hidu suit la stlqd ing. IMIW18 O.,»Pw *raziiis., ,ewei Weighe 249 Peufdik Jewel experte tbroaghaut the wOsd bave been tbrawn into a st.t of ascite- .ent b' the a»piana ai a beiYl ilmat velghs 243.1 pounda sud. LaI mcii.. blgb, sud tram 1IS inuchu.tO 16.6 Dushes la vidtb. This Io ils largesi bery] ever tound,' and la re- portedti tabave bçea soid b;ylis"nr for nearly U65,000. The b4rYl vAS plcked up by a Turk lautth. atMeeet Minai Geratis. lirliIs color s a greeilishb iji ansdil in.absolutele ire from linpuiilts. Iti l .itmate*t tt tuis ona crysial '.il luranish aI. >eaa 100.000) carais of jecels of va-tou mis Verele sOk" a cimouoln on Scala1vU& a 0»n Youb# boem viota. 4 lIe tg: "eu UlIama" ie « bffa ma suiste 5U! mb usD0 lll tuead'«t& bnem a«Man »6»mUr aepuri hue ne sla ft,~'sts. OthèeisvuIMr le lup,,are kW»v ano 0AW cl" a a iavu'i dm ft~Na are oeld'ei atsal. y ftbe maa aielceD.d "Magnlbahs. Alwaya These À N6ew York tbm.tricsl mmsulb a& seMting fan the. moat beeatIful va *u ln the. orîti, as If sverr musial show press agent didn't claim th"t c0 vas la the front row of tii. cheru.- Detroit Fres Pm.. Fri.ndehlp ln AdversltY, priendabip, ai itacil a baly tii. kl ade mars macred iiy advermty-Di'p gui) coa Ali th No. Vl Pat Pa. Cri gel Cie Pr£ aif hl Stite of Illinois. t'aunty of ULe m . j i t'e ('ircuit 4court 0f iake Count- ty. E. V. Parkburst. tndividuaily 1 and ams ,urviv.ii.g Trumtes of the. Lib- ertyviiie ('bar-b Association, etc., ('onîî,ainaîit'vs. G IH. ilchanck. et ai.,Def.-niunts. Bill aof('omplaint Nu. 6016. The î-ré-îuisite affidaNti of the non- resd ut i cofertain defendantâ, and reliativ.e to, tht îr.known heins at law aîit(]iiet'udof lin of certain decetsad ]DeteiidAnts, hiîng been properiy Biled in the' abo',e exititied cause, theretore. in ace.ordancp wih the stattiIn 8such case imadeiet dprovided, notice Io hpeby given to Roabert Ray and Mijia P. llubhsrd. non-reaident detea- d.,nts, and te , i'ujknouvn heirs at law and next of kmn of Elihu lubbard. W. G;.Fariner. Mary Messer, W. P. Parnham, i'hiiiip i"arnham. John Price, George Lawrencee, il. C. Wheer, Wil- liam Price, S. Il. Strattan, Rai ph Blkiey, E. S. E. Cpey, Henry Citer, y Henry Osborn. A. B. Cook, Geonk. H. Lee, John L.ocke, J. 8. Wheeler, M. H. Seavey, A. Nt. Iltchinson, Oeniuei 9. ailoway. Jewel, G. W. lm ck. E. W. <oiby, Ilartiey Merrick . it ewett. William Merrick, Usner 'd errick, John Austin, Wilam 'Mlls iL. S, W'ison, Edwin Wilson, John Hulcomt,, Joshua Jewell, J. P. Norton, .5 -3 -l 1- 1 ' 1 ti

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