CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Jan 1913, p. 16

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T. A VU~ (VliTTWPV TbTTWP rb.wtv 1P~Tfl A V i A MTT Â1~V 'lÀ -tom .t*.~aI.J t,..~ t, ~. a. J. .8..cN ...,aa4. ~ . .., a. . a CBIBLE .RfY1SED; TO IEIN FEW YRS. itENTAL WORI< TO BE FIN. CW IUN 1918 APTER TEN VUARS$ RESEARCH'. AFTER POPE Plus MANUSCRIPTS fPHOTO-1 UEO AT MONASTERIES UNM EUROPE.1 il Ja". 21-After Oive year' 0ln=eement la malle by Pope bwii revisieon commission the' ý,à»ther live years, the Çatb- Wefh may hope ta have its re- ihir. ýverson wil lie bacied upion moast MM»aerison of the present text dil exiting iblical manuscripts , wevioua b thie onprisoni iubmtted ta the mot exactiug oef modern criticismtiand ce- *. The uew bible. or Vulgate, Io Inown In the Catbolic churcli pe:ct a le tire most perfeC laio of the scrptires ln ex'Iý ,qad It la also exi>cted thliai ipralu -as oue of the greates' r unrlertaken under the pontiti- Ot Pope Pins X sa glaatlc work. lln 907 Poi sppoizted the commission an~d Oy sit once delegated the açtual 91t makiug tire rvision ta the Pcthuiemouks. The sork la be- ag uIntheir mnonasteriea lun ail Nu"s Do Mucir Werk. Samunt of tire work bas jOa delexated ta nuna sud these ~.isrs are busily et werk il, Wu çf Engiand, Belgium an ppossible comparison witi isauncripte. pirotograPlilOf > »qSgtt&e n luvariona Il- Maldrid, Paris, Londau, St. Rlonme, Amiens sud Zu- 'pecial camera cas cpu- 0),t&ke the photograpli tram lioript intg. There are over pme volume ut these photo- iR' file. wumi-pte Plotographod. BOAT CASE ON4 IN COUNTY COURT In Couty court today was beina heard the case of Diefenbackier ,va. Scott Durand of Lake Bluff , suit for 1200 for alleged damages done to the Durand praperty by cuttlng down the trees lu front of hi, place. The case of E. W. Erb va . . I. Brown was heard this marinug and went to the jury at 2 ociack. This la a case wliere Erli sues for $148 -for painting Brown's boat, the Mokahl. a boat, 12x3O feet. TestimOrny was put on by the defense, that t was an over charge, the dlaim being that it should have been palnted lnside of 17 heurs at least. The detdilse insisted the charge was aiuioet as; mucli as the boat wa'r wortli. DESSIE STROWS MARRIFO IN EAST GRANDDAUGUTER 0F MR.-MRS> N. A. GRIFFIN MARRIES A ROCHESTER MAN. Waukegan people are intereeted lu the announcement of the marriage af .1ilas9 ,-sale Strows, darglter ot M.ý aud lIrs. Wilis Strows. former resi- dents of Waukegau. lMr. Strows for- merl>' was a member ufthtle f aniture irai of Griffin & Straws. lilas Strowawas, marriesi Tteeday ai 10 oclock ta Harry Finit of Rochester, .. the weilding faklng place at the home of ber parents et Burdette, N. Y. MIr. sud lirs. Pink acut dieectly ta their home lu Rochiester, N. Y., wlicli lad been fitted out for them. Mrs. Pinik is the granddaugiier of MNr. sud lira. N. A. Grlff an ut Genesee street, Waukegan and la weli kuave in Waukegan wbere she tililias mai> frieuda. She revided bere util sUant six years &go. Her father was au un- dertaker as well as a fui ultume dealer hete for yenas ter Forece ad the weddiug proyed a very pretty borne afftr. Misa Fier- suce in now a trained nurse lu Chi- osgo. Mr. Finks bruý' er stod Up wltli hlm. Mr: Finit la employed by a whole- MEXICAN VOLCANO tirense photographe en- ",oxënoe the brAflnt CO A IS ACTIVE a.tvataga. fit made possi- JLIR U>RUhl g ractically thre original ta thre vartousa mania%- couvents her. the work Tbousaoeds f 108 Ooadly Sa$; S00coptes of tire preserit and Showor of Sand. prlntedl. two-tlirds of escli jIi8 eft bleui for correctionv « Ure ext bains pinted witti- GuadalRaara. ez.. Jlan. 22-Tire s l9t* ettera, punctuation.' or volcano of Colma lias broken ino t54a5LThe ravisera are sil,- violent eruPtlon. Thousande ot per- t th exstin tet bynotn,4suis are fleeing trom tire villages and ws tieb estin t byntin ranches tu tire vlinity. itlais lelieved chici tre oigial mnu-tisat tisere lian been soume lans of litet ý%àçbOr necessary, merely hb- ilire remter settlements. irproofreadiuig marks.ilunidreds of retingees arrlveil lu, liio RPsIfevlmolan plaiRe a tria st> uni a trslrs composed of box l ~ uaitn ias recelved rivec cars ciricir liad been picked up un a Smes Cifttiîs rvadwr.Tw mdn tsua-by village. $vwk, chic la is lredY t-nd.-r Tirp fleeing peuple irad taîend it *0*5e. l isima iutertetatsg. Thi-. aecesary ta shovelasesoi ar quatity or volranie sand iefore.tirey were abl4 ~swugup Of ailVaiai.nces Uc té mave tise rars, sud for mauiy miles Ïb se promet Csthlei La.u bibi- aloug thlisp ay here the train bdit to ýUwor4ginl manuscripts. A bIt be stopped frequtntly ta clear lire _bas beanprepared. 01u cdi. tmsck uf deirris. rare forts ruied colitrins an.J Ver 1111e lava vies elected tran Scouin nla devoted ta une ut thth ie crater, whicir, iowever. emluted ,a manuscc!lls isile on thi sant quantities ut smoire sud saon& la a column i- fu~- r ile 1. -t ebile sufosatlug gases tormed an un- W-e lresrt ves: naWhbn Vie*1ssîsl eature of tire eruiption. Iatison bac beris madesin a e, A gale was bluwlng troin tihe prti. ri, ona8ery iii rs"U il, West, sud tlus probalry aaved mauy , moaate~, Ie r-Sik *~~ritc tireInirabitauts ut tire surrauudlig le. nd sr~Ln i-mùrl.'. - --'districts. as, ut aused rtheflyin nantii yage wili chu' aet.a îiani-e à-- sud deadly gazes ta panssuver tireir trenues. beads. aune of the o-. iî.l nitart of The acivlty ofthtie vnls-sniras de. esrirptF ns"d t-i lifi -1 o' i,« .~rres;ed but culrasuis-dusl la nue set- Pierront Moi,,. n £be. are ý,r- !,tlirg on th-e hourse roufs aud the lbe Golden G, scK isia t-n in - a1treets outhlie <il. date back i) ieai -i cejnr' Thre raiîroad station agent at Za. pcttl abandoned hie pont, aud re Parts;tirat vuic:uic ssntd cuveraitireé Have B&mse Superitioln. tracks lu places tua Rdeptir ut seversi W,êIQtd not give a rap for tlie reet. -W-vi la citirout &il supersu. Tir e lst violent eupian out Collin 4Ve vuId a litte bit prfs' tire accurreud lu 1903. Imupertttionm are pesai- ________ - bli unce ho la su exceed- » teroe a t hiuk uere la ne POINT FOR DARROW DEFENSE W ie.n favor nor dstavor lui tbsia maY iappen or in auy 81a8 Auelmet Labos. Unlceulam Wili t"uinaY urrounid OurBar Afly Juror. LAs Angeles, Cal.. jar. 22.-A ruling irsnded down by Jndge Coniey lu tire no Y n a ppiflime. Darrow trial cas cnnsldered s point Saineteeutcentistha of tire *alied iry tire defense. Fm VMiliever bave, rau clii Tire court bied that o talesman TI 'lsindepeuidenie tht holding acy basa against lairor uiai. lp nwbenhmworkia emisuor against Darrue uirneslt for Lhi tbat ie basmainnout of cunnection wlirh labor rases migirt aiti itO the quiet arber oaI lutire case. eceni tlrnugh conrocs-d ur aur. baor--et in peai. sudlii billtY ln gie rire deteudans. an- impartial trisl. #Imm ommm&MARRIAGE LICENSES. .el m tsiotba aitisat FM WM «M erbaves, yen cl EFdward Hart, Mlwaukee .........24 *M0 baieP*MdeaeIltiriElls Deck, saute---------------.20 - vin hlm conli.over. 10 ba am uot ai rvan Johnson, Chicago ..........62 go tM ibior- ýanada Pearson, samte..........271 "**Uoom t.ML Valentine Hess, Deerfield ...g ij.tld e.& s ane ...........56ý PUPLS513 B elnNetlewaa oWilm:tte. They -~ ( T14 ('-II 'A if ENCiE BAKE~ KILLED BY I3LECTRICtracted Bertnma attention ani thinkI I II fJ . i T WIN T A eaort oq trin seei papt DR. MAGEMAN APPOINTED a As the bond Issue was defeatêd st ail been farnily squapbii ta e st %truick uNi bfore lie could heed the As COUNTY PHYSICIAN. the poils gaturday It la very probable Lied. WINNETKA BOY CRUSHES TO warniug 0a" of those au the platform. Dr. phS, V Hgan ftist, haï;merlYtirat a central sehool willibe eu as- The Irolice station i a very Quiet DEATH WHILE ENRouTE HOME The biody was carried on thre fender appomted ceunty pliysican for Bent sured tact. place at presut wlth tire monotonY AFrE R SCHOOL. for feet 'aud then mangIedl beneatir connty, ('oloradu. wliere lie but re- This will reileve thre congestion ln vsri.ed by the daily line up of tramps the wlieels. Motorruan L. Oluger foie. cently opend a practice. te'otis thepoiceh.apile te raks 1 t Thre doctor lias sent for his h,lae NorhI hool, whlch i a present la who steh shelter tram thre weatber. thePolce o aplid te bake bu 1hold effects and will sottie at Lu 1 & very serions handicap tu the striool IL la not usuiaj tofilnd a clty of thre the distance was LOO short. j Animas, Bent county, ( Cola. dîrectors and iuutrutors iu carrylugsize of Northr Chicago aud wlti as WAS WAITING AT STATION "I saw-Araold ou thie tracks ln front 1Afier some monthas pent lu differ- for the ehllqrpn. many saloons In operatiori se free Of my train and sounded a waridng," Oft parts of' Colorado and ('alifornia 1the doctor decided t0 'acate W.thtie 1 The central sehool lias for soute tram vice aud dfhrder. BERTRAM ARNOLD GOES OUT O'adOUtr but lie sither dld'Dot, ter place and Mrs. Hageman aud eli-tmebetledfasteetsos 'lh'spa eUorb5ctine- TRACKS .AND FAILS TO OEE hear or waa thiuicing the noise came dren jolned hlm therecHomle time a80-o lion 0f the lresent need aud will beine-Oral and for the police department. OR HEAR THE TRAIN. fromx anather direction. Betore lie1 it a large numiier ot familles living lui CaUl4 get ont of the way he wass truck. BOND ISSUE FAl LS TO CARRY. the central portioin oft îwn. 1 did everythlng ta stop my train, but The sîrecIi election called ln scliool didu't have time." district No- . on Saturdsy for tre ]Pur* - XPOMnIVO PolitermCs. Scirool lu o fi n e s w TB erra m Ar- B ertra m w as l i fir s tr tyear at t le pose of Iss u i g bo nds t a t le a ou r N ORtC H C*OA*OD R L os d t Wom C s nu. I sh o $d t h e scoli iuta a eta r ciool aud was tire son ut Harry B. of $18,000 faîîed tu earry by .large IT that If 1 warm yuu. my dear." sd nold, a companion, rui down aud kilI- Arnold, 812 Oakwood aveul. ie.w- majority. 1MI lrcmDrox. "IL shows 51 once liat ed liy a special train on tire Chicago mette. secrtary of B. 1-edit & ronm- There were 110 votes caat agaluet i)espite the tact tirat the clty 0i pouS are nt t CUi05d te emploi & Miwaukee Electrlc rallroad yes Panty, leal tobacco dealers at 21g thie proposition aud 41 for thie boudlngi North Chicago ha, borme 20 saloons Iluveid "nt terdsy atternoan. Tire accident lai NorthliM t avenue, Chicago. lie waq! Of îthe district for the purPose of build-1 operation, and ail oft tiem located lu i)ele eie aauber0fpuil wre14 years old and was a favorite among iung su addition to the preseut school 1 the nrhedu onti Locusta *linded Avator. ,Aiigat the Winnetka avenue s'.a- the ,tùdentb. The bady wstae t bulin.A ierltiou la 00w lu wth a ..n.l dito eai li li tian for home ward bouud trains. udrahn om uEaso. large number of signera for the with-i ratv1 el roul MS uata. lIe waoldyiug thaiwa ermi CuhdBeneath Whecls. -dna rmts hiddcrc sfr60 teet Wbhouire rau lato thre swar Crushed tijifteenth Stree-t nortir anid tro-m <'oui TIie- iole have not ruade au arrest whicli so blinded hlw tiraI ir esbt u liertram arrlved aSthIle station sAdvertise your wauts in the fI- i.uoliwealth avenue i),elutise ishejeasalsol for cume timne and tige tew cases 1hat trol of tires u«niale. littie in advauce of hils choolmales.' ]y padependent. Illat a central school dan heb lit. have becu tried in the local court have - - _ A Merciless' Slaughter 111 The Prices, of Nen's Overcoats andSuits Prices have«.Fdilen with a. Loud and Sudden Crash Resltn in a Sale That l'uts to Fil ht Our Best Past Records for Money Savn' $9.99 is the figure at which you will find on sale here a large collection of overcoats and suits-garments that have brought $15, $16.50 and $18. The Story. of thîs Great Cut in Price Is Brief - --'We neyer ,commence a new season with garments that have been on our racks during previous months. Consequently it is absolutely imperative that we dlean up our present stock of fall and winter overcoats and suits now, as - January is the month for bargains. However, we have neyer sunk the knife qufte as deeply into prices as at this sale, but the unusually large size of our stock has madle it advisable. There are Sizes for ail Builds and Mater - ils and Colorrn'sfor Every Taste Aiso bear in mmmd that these garments are the Globe's regular stock of $ 15.00, $ 16.50 and $ 18.00 values. Vour choice Neckwear Men 's four-in-hand tics that regularly seil for 50c, choice patterns and color- ings, 23c, men'u Caps Made of novelty materi- -is in gray, tan and brown, f ur innerlied, commonly bring 50c, now Clearance of Me ns Shees In order to -acéomplish a quick elear- ance in our shoe departmùent we have made extrermely radical price reductions. At $,2,69 we offer nien's $3.50 and $4.00 shoes iblack, tan 94 ZAn p"tent leathers, ailsies M fY the lot, though not a i she ___ ini any one style, pair.. . Flannel Shirts Men's gray, brown and blue flannel shirts of good quality, former price $1.00, this sale 79c- Dresa Shirts We of fer you your choice of any $1.50 Dress Shirt in stock for 98c. A*ty $1.00 dress shirt in stock for 6WC- ~M~tJ TOI I.LI INTE~U TYV 1'C Save on Underwear At 69c-Men's flat or ribbed wool under- wear, in natural cl;$0(sthte f regular'7 price, titis sale, garment. . . %09C At $1.35-Men's ex- At $1.55 - Men'a tra quaity -wool superior 4vdbl shirts shirts and drawems and drawers, $2.00. $1.50 value,1 35 quty, ý garment. ...s per ga oInt *es Uberl w-eu dmelgaci maide s grresmive broson nrie ol local i asire lis em enoine lit wrogine aells or &l ofl Wse Mt wi ent fia -Aller wers " A. c. cretar'! Lspoke li deplol* thre dai remeds imuilk de orti O-F TRIO b""i facti1 *ad '

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