4 0 iuedicfl y perfect tlamediately appropri- ~tibts it to evcry ry tjsue-feeding. 0.4 restoring them ta i JWULSION is flot s bdlue, but is natur'$ ýnest wth curative, _loeie and withaut or chol. It con- SCod liver il, the lies ai lime and soda J, snd is sa delicately >it it enters the systemn oeuiime effort-buil&5 wp whoopiflg cougis, *uerchild ailmonia gt mlu h restorirsg heath. appt or pueumonia it emgth and Ijeath. and sigbs, ore,tilgt.chests it troubles ?!1I" lire. Idallier uofIfutheriand, IOW16 an suie Aima Ray of Peabody. Ksae., @eut t ire fin !the week wvlhtb t1 &snt, lire. Harrison Brown, mipplugi of herm on their rai ta KaIu-"-th midi. Inadition to oter PreiiiW, Kirnil &Trlggs won aitishe poultrY show ID Raine Ist veek a éiver cup for but dmgplan sd two rlbbous trousRe Club of America, for shape sud ,oit. A very goal iboving consederiflg 5te leogih o1 Urne ibey have' heen faloiWtheib professlof. Mir? and lire. ForcîtgI. liarah of Chicago. vbo are the orners ar ihe orattan Stock farni eouth of Libertyvîlle, bavepurehamel the reeldeuce o! risk . Pardrilige at 840 Prospect Avenue, Highland Park. We :re nov preparel ta gend rt suy. time, any mky. IUEERTYVILI.z Lumataf CJO. c1 Ta givé aur resders an idea sf ibth Lamount pf watsr coeumed la Lib.rtv- ville, permîlta ta ils bat 'hring tbm 1itquarter of 1912. 2,291,000 galions vers noneumed accordling ta figures gissue f rom aetoal realinge. Wouid f ou bave thongisilit? Pol yo' th in gi ~ ~ " - exiWeueday a seroon, Jeu. go*t, ~asu usmaui. ej.s t-e immalies of ail ot its. chool puleà ara requetel ta muteetm ber% lu b 0 oeeen -_ tés amembly retof otheibe hbceool ai M~' - four o'ciack, tb. purp~ofo!thse meetisgp _____ b.lng ta forte a liother'. Club for the botteraient o! the ehldtsf,p!etstand *9th tIwa cemeucy o! iles1 isesé vomen met rith &Mr. tecers.. 09». Tbursdaî aitersoas fr IBeavlck's Photo Studio viii h. apen , 017Meeting of the Wome's .for Iuinees next Mondai sud Tueeday, eieay o! the Prssby'tsrisu January 27 sud 28 sud every secoud oklo»k S.gavoe a laterectLpg lionday i asd'l'Uealater thue-~ Iafgmdcanc - -aDollr-MIt- - C. A. SzewlCL. *Usmae o!a[Ibm Chine.. Wednesaly a matilneeParty conslting w»va the ubjeci o! mie o!Mesdames Js.R. BSvan, Bo.# F. Xmodma' paur and lira.Wrlgbt, Frontk J. Wright, E. A. Crase. . à.,eal am.tlceettedlien. A. Treptov sud Ray L. Hubbard sMal Opportuty.;' A iook le -Our 7ivre" ai the Court llp t" Mre. Chrsa vas ibeaire. Chicago. iM e.S.P. BuicbleOn. ei. W. L. Whipple will preacb ai Ë :, bu vil in bha t Irvilp'Park Methodisi cbureb nex t Sun- &0100 he sIN Ohrle ai moribg lu ibm place o! ibm Re ç. A. ihp"W tie tufloa of a. Rasins. paltarhowh l abeau hI for' -ehom teibe cltY olosime. lir. Whipple viii reuru.for B ible serIoal lu tbe mternoan sull vii I itvas the gust aif ibm pulpit hors lu ibm eveins. o glmugd Park, lire <IraceButterfield. vife cf Dr. sud Sst*rd&s. Fri, Butterfial4 cf Belvidare lied lu s basa.p«07 01 o! OU~Chilcago> hoeitl, tolioillian opera- t im serwtml tienon o Mondai isorinlg, Januai713, ' bs*l5ticMdehaîte at 1913 agel 67 yici.. Mrs. Butterfild mehi** vus formel ieseGrecs Wells et oftePlss glass bW& 1 imbaving spent ber girihood %ébelit 1* 66 m uanneadmlayaers.. of 10 aflmT a som m.e «tthe peope vs. poat 4à, yy'mi tW"leiMr. iaisbi»eta guls"yniihI8wmc ukelMM ~rs'lsth.tis*Ù>e Marfte," osue ut mbeatUi hln over the bel vIii gel."O biUi'De" asclub «âneavun laJnsties Weli» o? <J ,'Ncvui n ,nSu iurmiai. Au aiicêbla ajust- mo I vsMaMl"* ânotise e«a v».dis- viu&% Mis lm, sobalo ue&us The alegred ensuit grer out vu.vehi sl iwm o f as hors. t«S"e elI:prew ati Ts« oâlectolrs v111 ba on tse jois cib.é ieS<ia. agaiji vithîn s fer laya. The extra Wàà .vaa union oas. betpt thse once, or Cousu Clark a~ ~ .1*Héndee bas enabled hlm ta gai the ýý W f tibell- s ilêlda bociçaout earller ibsu usual iis rbar 44' swrlIs wstOg ad bey vil-h. sr.ady for deivery te - - -Ë -I thi colleceorsnesmuoan atheir havel -tu, favor beof nd d5aâgplacesCvii Servce Examination s tw he gues t W. A. PostoaIce s' An examinatlos for clerk .ii1 b. b.id ý*%.ifgabv a etsttrmeilv at ta i pnte a e styc ,on ieiwYar "Woad by ibtu 1rd. ,ý1918. vm puJrei* decorwin lu Aga ilmit, 18 tu 45years, uos ils.date I boo" audeS vogmas Iasoi b. admitisi tenIA»dma lequlie Mai t tuibme aarnltion. This prohbihton, ~mgla erer.hovever, dose soi appliyta o ues wbo hM hoe aggirls ara Melai vliare divorceS or abois bo are sp&rsml * trouibt buemband&en suupport tbern-a L -1. Cd &issItm utof bari- selvee. bultbel artesilible for spps'lnt- ,iemi a oflMr. ea"lire . L m n 017 Mel.1 Appicablte muai be pbyelcely sou, E. Myerha. a.. ~ ,~a"u maie applifflte muet b. sut im l %Iith e grippe for suerai boule or dboes, nad veigh ns lesm tiena1 125 pousSde vitboni overooai or b" . I. CJ IL bell s meeting ai Mie& For appllesllos blaake &M lforIDf51 dig, Thutsey slgbi latorinsltosrelative ta iba exaulnaiion. dlipet*tie lii vltb tb. qumlication. dotées, salariee. vmcatlone, MM. promnoiove,%ýsddmif5Ue*p4l. IL A. sudId. W. . Wii bal Sertary, Board of Civil Servie OM&tsion sud social lime ét Mlamîners. et' huadi Eeiege o Poet-offlce, Lib.rtyviiic, 111. sth stomacis, howes sasd kldseys; regu- laies. trengihans, puriies; besttsealth oaelstaml-read by à5,000. inaurance. Pearceo Drugstmore. flTI- ilrIZIENSO BANK< ÇDCKEI'ILr.R. ILL.e 'I Ê ,oi ýbu i M Moeu Gos To., A& «epremaos oiten mats by people without a Checking Aucotnisa a Ba%. A <heckiug Accoant ai ihis Bank vwili furmai you vih a Reoord of ail money iransas- v-ow iii Rmosptu for ail pymnts made by cJheck, ',4 »sans heeby hmkg amapbe tppad, snd, maay urne. àS)ireui saee lame", luypu. iprl f0pa r erlsa ne A Their obeilve .pole 1%taek.ceouvIiw .prlae.60 tiar ei ln sh pu eyVFi. wbere Mr. Bou s efonretY Vu stand mend va are haret.ta 9196Owocatsd là buIness. Money when You wst lopsy ,Up. Lawtit Fr54 vgl gtai beir homeO ____________________Mr. sud Mes. 1, uu netle J. L. Roder ma"e s businesstrip t10nuniber 01 reIhiq0 sd'fries sud scia on liouday of tis eek. oberveda i blieih suulvete*l709 Lucille LAuquisud ber bipiber ilelr marrim&e lltbïal.offCObicago, @pent Sunda staiQuIte s numbrer h twr are Planning the borne o!J. EH. Wells. lu attend jtia ,rekspiioa' the its *. A. Ray wv.mcslied toa rk Libe*rtyile L 0.0. 1F. l»dume la tagiVe Vlew daturdsyai ternoon b b hIM îU i or Ilisfrienda maltor.*e a mbèe 01o!tie il ber maison, Irem Kneler. Robekabi lolge mat lioslm eveanig. Mjeslrem cuuslsbamlof'W nkeUaS. Upitutbsuim&e#tg tfta Pres ev isdSonder viib lire. A. J. King. hadeimtsdOO O tO nts tils WiIIli eliy uoved hie fassly lait . etek e a bav oInc o trouam esto a pla b. bmastken s st11beahm .sr.cmpro. weet of lbert5vllls. fge sifle rotitsins %i9eBard party Thiredaievenlng vms bie position WUlth e Sheldon achool. .quise WOal te.m um.m 9.vers @mo John Aibrlgbt rsturnéd tb. latter pari vers do1s"s-o1 m, T - e' ladIea prime of lait wa.k frosu Mlnueeta' vher b. vent tu Jeusie ULW, Mrs. Jobs B. hm beau ou business, goereparte mor»In ne d M5i . I J. 5. ro pisiand ibm sryavmre vinter vesiber lu iboem neel u Cla»M a lgus, 8. J. Cropley Perts. and Glm aisa uge, fte 0s1i meeting 1 0-- P... .fR. .f- aofthe clubli iiibslS onsJan. go. lunerai of the laie John Woolrldge of A large number came out Sunde.7 Llbertyvllle, who was burted ai Ivanhoe. mornlng tuo hat MlséW to sek Ivanboe Ledge No. 101, M. W. WWîîiil ier talk wvaS hly lntereeting and ber give a grand hall at the Mf. W. A. bhail, maetery of ith.e ubleçt beppoke close [vanhoe, on Wedneeday night. Jan. 29.asocation snd deep atudy. 5h. had 3ond munec. Ticket@ 75c. You ar with ber and sbowed a nuruber ýof iavited: toattend. - jnterestlng articles çouuected witii tbe L. A. Bartholomew bas leased Atii bie home lite. L. C. Baillhous. tecentlY vacated by. Wil I Reiily and leaInuvisg his houseboîri NOT~ICE apode lu. 1 wili grlnd every day ai my teed mii Arthur Nehrlich aud Miss Neil Leddy at Ro.,kefliler util furser notice. came out ftram blcago for the card F. 8. DoLs',, Rockefeller, 111. party lest Thnrsday evsulug. 0-17-4 IVANHORton court, died lu ti;e Jaise MeAilter hOSPitSl Ilirimingbt %bout U!. o'clock lleorge S.Braluard lidlasi Tisure. 10, l,«-.t.roy ih-sslsm- 5h. rag .yj slght sud lb. fuserai vas hel Si g yeats cf ag. Up ta lait Suudiay se home Sondai siteruocu. Ail s'tend rt. scemel to ba getting alonalgolsS artrelt cympathi ta tbe, bereeved ibape but aos tb&isatla she 1111- a re- nily. Obituary tna cother column. lapseSid sank raPWdY. ONbalitbecs J. L. Obamberiais vas a Chlcago vi$-uil. et-aithe buapitei foc ye Ove voe. Be- oFriday. ' -_ellies a husba".l obmiemlaee two chii- Win. Vlckery @peut tbonds? iu Wauke. dreis, s boy A*lA g irl. lIer parepis C". snd a blthber aS sistur, reaitle l Quito s nomber of yong peopleWiOs,15 sisrd tom sba.ot lMise 14amiea M&M. au eport le,tmal. Ug Lcus otre spent ianday lo home. Sevor rm obesatteuled tieasec bt o" Laie Satnrlay uigbt.S lvambo. Lodge No. 101, M. W. W. vl gvea graa hall at te M;.W. A. ba" tisubas, OliWeduesi yniaht, Jan. 29. J 1àà col molle. Tickets 75c. 'aouors ivi.ld toaitenl. DIMOY4D LAKE_ alos im lai vek viti Idre..<lic. Mitchell. L ies ga ol ome lait foesdai fer s vwo veekâo visit ls 'bbmeao. Mre John Hodge epoent MnYan d ol. (>O o Teeely as.lie bouâe 01fIre. B. Tft. Fwlu i ak RIlge loti K&8m vlbslted i Bituasmeel2 "s~laut vagi., Urlts A bet mother o! Chiego - sent l"a v.sk viii ber. Me iHgouse Mdllmre.Jobs Bolu aiilew0latien mAid as MMe.Bal%, Mur. "dMr&SlH. W"ehr.g vieid MM Si. Gerber houes od5y.Bl f et U. and Mms.0. lMItboU&éll eudIrSa moal Seudbla la lugo. Wbfle tora ljosy "fttolad splay gins bs by m 0&l S bWlhmsllsaool vbe ieé Lueila la s mlor. C A ifoille Jobnun laIsverysisck vltb bCtA cilieasaihibIarieithoue. Mise Liars Rali, ho lmbeau ei ey ak ici vii rysipla liovil lmprovluw, veie viits letSves lu Waukegas. Mure. srseY Amas. and IL D. Cook trsamted bouslâsss at Barrgtosa alis Bulda layer f rom Lais Zoribh opesi ihe latter part a at mvkst aiber, boue bore. Mdies Ulî*lebwarm an et sr. d"and sud ""ndstaiborne Mes Barbara Aman» eçes a feir laye vii reroatives sud f isaIs mutb of lboarinie. lir@. Daruy A-nmnspeni'Tnesdaj vitis relatives ai Fort HIAL IMsas. MUuL.. mni pubdcj0udcao ii oa. umentmla herebi stase lme IM80 t~.... . ... 51..4L,.4. mirasin,..us 4 n -m à=qe of Cit iMa onCD fi.si and woi5LL5mmDUlUaI ai tu u s ues Ii de D'smnle t ldhe l ea - i Si I a fi n I s I I :KmeZAOuuruer 'cm m-MI ."- P- huiuy, ja. 17.-ath hOmeun pr. Erht 5dlsard vas hotslà coo»mmo1 .ffon »Ç bm é»# *"t isg itues for ~,gUWWetulemid dteland of a ldesil8sdwli tamlonlal lea.ry of 1.1. asivèsis, vies tbé ingos * ou btêMiwhQelluvva 14ie tué ar obhI gaeralonad lbu atiied Mmauett"M USIS seoealon. d,agbea barstu là Z4>bar -1819, mars %bon slutetbea. persmg. lu lm4 ha came viii odom s09 bie fmlly t10Ilinois., ipaIne up. h.fond = a w b " h b . b o sn l a s e m dl ' l a mm Md be livel 11so t fepismhsr t^ey voul bava .alsbra*s< ibae lfletb maiverssy. Four eblidren vers bors tu eie union,. tbrwé of wbom survive To the. publie, à1w. Riaerd vme nome irbai mresed, a. géal emVeesaiosa net, alirmyse sioX4ua eslghborli ehat, yet Vary ratiomt refu inse deepai nie vas onigitel bsesa boy theugb hérnade uo publie sanfedson of fafttb; but hie family Msd MsW rlsids 1me hlm ta b. & tBm ballever ln ibhe<loI ni rlghtnoums. Ri' slnoere eMiisu bille! ehowed lu bis dsil litsîrallier ibau la a«y cstforme »s4 obeervmmuss e.' wua. mon cfedocatlonansd vide readlng, ail biieIlle bèbau maistalued a ifiai interest la ail thai Veutuon bround hlm eltbough durlng bhm later years ho vas sbut ont frous ative participation la mnsny iînge by lndrmity. For several yeasrmh. bas been aimoet totali, blind and partiallv dent, yet no 015 bus ever besrd trom m ite . vuwrt of repimsiug or Yrert. Nàtnraiiy cheerful and witb a kien mena. ot bumor.- of klndIy diapoîilon and muet vsgid bouemty. age seemed eimply to sachance and neliol* hie cbaracteriâtiCs, those Who uCame vîthiîn the spDere o! bis influence 1.1 c hlm strsngtbeaed and encan raged by t he contraet. The faserai services were held aitbth residence on Sunday snd Iierment vas made in the iahue eetery. -A bill ta compel the. publication of wedding bànus vam lntro<iuced Thur- day ln thse Nabreaha bouse. h pro- 1vidas tisai permons deafrfta marrm -muet tirougis the PrObate Court. g&i ail. nemauay isiormation. miatiltica and hiateau. 0of boti parties. whiel la et -b. p«bImhMdln a paper of gen- Çaai olTCUtfiO5 ut4daybafoveihE Wieuse ean bha -.d A BUTW AO G ACCOUNT. A short âmIss Mgo u terprisiug roman mades $ioo.o«'front melissg baiS sd aegp. last.ad of ieeP4 u he h.homseiold stoîe, cita pect inl eur Basi it a avînge Aeooist.-,vhcre It emes her SS s yaar., 8h. basaddad ta 15 sud. tisé Interet hm. itiuusist up. Tpday sha bhm in Bank .$9qf. l. Yom meuopemn » eounthbeafor SIl. You osan brlsg ih or mail il, May va help you "ava mdney. gIRST NATIOAL BANK. i PALA1.~!,.,..,.. menagar t saMutuli'Lite InsursCOaOMPsnY of-Nev York for nled aiber boue l amsrgon, SouW liai tuY bas imd, bh ield411 xteul- dav evmniug, Ja. 12. lin Charlee L7ile ed W lucIle ibIs couty, succeedlnx of beut, faliomren uerai vashll at 0. A. Thomsas of Waukeana lu tbe lat-. ber homeJas. 155h. 2ev. bloi5o ter place. lir. Thomma ljeta m&etau apea- officiatlng vit brlal in te lamliYlot t iel-aTagent, covarisis larger cerritory Palatia., but lnclndlng laie couuîy. Ift. m. Vogt le under the docior's cars. Born, ta lUr. and i r. T. A. Bennett, a Moe aud liciter nevs ln INDEPEN- daugistr reScntiy. DENT iban any otiser veakly. lims T. Kîmbali le ou ibe eli lI. ___________ The treusrer o! the W. PL.C.bas been b@mlW b 1 as »a ree ti of ' beL IB E R T Y V IC IE mmnyraieing contet vhfcb loe r. AIRTOWCABINET WORKS MANUFACTUREtRor ÂLL INDS 0# Marbie and Granite1 Monumenis New Furniture MADE TO ORDER cemetery Wutrk of Even i D«criptlo MIRRORS RELS1LVERED. DescrptionAll Work Guaranteod. Correpondence olicitef L B ERTY V1 LL E CABINET WORKS b i 16 Geflesee Si Iarry Hick, Prop. »L eWankegau Plîpae176-R ,LIBEMTVILLLIL ~\ Il't T SAL-E! ind after. Ian. 27th we wiII giyve a Pm, CENT D-SCOUNT ur cash customers on the foflowing ar rticles: O)utfitst Cap, Woolen Socks, Sweater Coats, n14Bane sud #Sheep' Lined Coats, Horse n fact ou'alIWinter Goods, until furter niotice. W1IAT TiIIS MANS TO YQU ,me PRIC! EXAMLE CASH PRICE 14.25B~ots - se43.82 &3-.00 Pour Buscktç Overshoes ,$2.70 "O00nhe Buckie, Overighoes- $1 080 ~1 .5 Qu~Èickleý Overshoes $1 .57 12.00Pair 0-fIMorse Blankets$108 ~7>O0Sheep Lined Coots * 46,40 5 PR CENT ,DISCOýUNT ON SIIOES. j i~ This sems the on y way 'we cari give our cash customers any advatag, andi pp àltedb-hem,we hope to make it ermanente, Remember!M.uWe Sil (iv redit at the O0W Prce..Remember! A-nA ROC ILILNC SI r. G A 'atiarn of MoRsury. Dl., 1 m